HomeMy WebLinkAbout2525 EL CAMINO REAL; 157; AS040036; Permit1/22/25, 9:41 AM AS040036 Permit Data
City of Carlsbad
Sprinkler Permit
Job Address:
Permit Type: SPRINK
Parcel No: 1563020900
Lot#: 0
Reference No.:
Permit No: AS040036
Status: ISSUED
Applied 3/22/2004
Approved: 4/6/2004
Issued: 4/6/2004
PC#: Inspector:
Applicant: Owner:
Add'I Fees ($)
The Most Compact,
Attractive and· Easily
Installed Sprinkler
Ever Designed.
1. 1 ½" Total adjustment provided by
adjustable inlet versions.
2. ½" Total adjustment provided by
economical standard inlet version.
3. Adjustable inlet version available with
either 1" NPT male or female threads
eliminating costly reducing coupling.
4. Small diameter escutcheon.
5. Available in brass, chrome or white finish.
6. Multiple orifice sizes for design flexibility.
7. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories
Inc. & Underwriters' Laboratories of
Canada. Approved by Factory Mutual
Research Corp. & Loss Prevention
Council, NYC BS&A No. 587-75-SA.
Today's modern buildings demand that a sprinkler not
only provide the best fire protection but also achieve an
attractive appearance. Reliable's Model G Recessed
Sprinkl.er meets both criteria. It combines the fire fighting
capab1l1ty of?-proven sprinkler with the smallest practi-
cable recessing unit. Its small profile does not disrupt the
overhead. aesthetics, and yet one vertical glance upward
gives a visual assurance of the finest in fire protection
an automatic sprinkler system. '
A6o4oo?>'1 Bulletin 111 M
Model G
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The Model G Recessed Sprinkler's threaded two-piece
construction make.s initial field installation a very easy
task. It allows ceilings panels to be removed without
shutting down the fire protection thus facilitating mainte-
nance of above ceiling services. The adjustable one inch
NPT inlet versions have one and one half inches of
adjustment which eliminates both the normally required
reducing coupling and the need to accurately cut drop
nipples. This sprinkler can be adjusted after the ceiling
1s. 1n. place and. even while the system is pressurized
el1m1nat1ng the final corrections to pipe hangers or ceil-
ings that might otherwise be required.
The Reliable Model G Automatic Sprinkler is the heart
of the Recessed Sprinkler. This sprinkler utilizes the
center strut solder in compression principle of construc-
tion. The fusible alloy, captured in the cylinder of a small
solder capsule by astainles:'i steel ball, acts as the trigger
of the sprinkler. When the fusible alloy melts, the sprin-
klers operating parts spring free from the sprinkler clear-
ing the waterway and allowing the deflector to distribute
the discharging water.
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New York10552
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Sprinkler Maximum Celling
Classification Rating Temperature
OF oc OF oc
Ordinary 135 57 100 38
~rdinary 165 74 100 38
Intermediate 212 100 150 66
Standard Finishes'
Sprinkler Escutcheon
Bronze lilrass
Bronze White Painted
Chrome Bright Chrome Bright
Chrome Bright Chrome Satin
Chrome Bright • White Painted
Bright Brass Plated 111 Bright Brass Plated 1f Black Plated .+ Black Plated
White Painted <21 Polyester Coated
Polyester Coated 121
"Special Finishes upon request 111 Only frame, deflector and cap are plated.· 121 Only frame and deflector are painted or coated, operating parts
are chrome plated. UL Listed and MEA Approved only.
Total K Factor Approval
Sprinkler Inlet • Adjustment• Nominal Orifice U.S. Metric Thread Organizations
Non-Adjustable 1/2" W(15mm) 5.62 81.0 W NPT (R1/2) 1,2,3,4,5
Non-Adjustable 1/2'' 7/15" (1) 4.24 61.0 1/2'' NPT (R1/2) 1,3.4
Non-Adjustable 1/2'' 3/s' (1) 2.82 40.6 1/2'' NPT (R1/2) 1,3,4
Non-Adjustable 1/2" 17/32" 111 7.96 114.7 WNPT(R1/2) 1,3
Adjustable 11/2" 1/2' 5.53 79.7 1" NPT Male or Female 1,2,3,4
Adjustable 1112· 7 /16" Pl 4.24 61.0 1' NPT Male or Female 1,3.4
Adjustable 11/2' 3/s' '" 2.75 39.2 1' NPT Male or Female 1,3.4
Adjustable 11/2' 15mm 5.53 79.7 R1 Male or Female 5
'Sprinkler escutcheon provides½' of the total adjustment Adjustable inlets, when used. provide 1" of the total adjustment
( 1) Identified by pint le extending above the deflector
NPT Threads per ANSI B2.1
R1 Threads per ISO 7/1-1982 (BS 21:1973)
Ordering Information
1. Temperature Rating
2, Nominal Orifice
3. Sprinkler Finish
4. Escutcheon Finish
5. Sprinkler Type: Either
Non-Adjustable Inlet (Fig .1)
1" Male Adjustable Inlet (Fig.2)
1" Female Adjustable Inlet (Fig.3) ~---------------,
0/1,/(NS/OIIS IN PAR£Nrn£.S/S "" "'11.L/Um,IS
Approval Organizations
1.Underwriters Laboratories lnc.
2. Factory Mutual Research Corp.
• Light Hazard Occupancies-No Limitations
• Ordinary Hazard Occupancies-Groups 1 &2, Wet Systems Only
3. Undenwriters Laboratories of Canada
4. NYC BS & A No. 587-75-SA
5, Loss Prevention Council
• XLH, OHI and OHII Occupancies Only
6. NYC MEA 258-93-E
Note: Unless otherwise indicated, ordinary hazard approvals are
without limitations. 7/16" & 3/8" orifice sprinklers are limited to light
hazard occupancies.
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1/i' NPT Non-Adjustable Inlet
Figure 1
1" NPT Male-Adjustable Inlet
Figure 2
1" NPT Female-Adjustable Inlet
Figure 3
Product Description and Installation
The Reliable Model G Recessed Sprinkler has been
designed with ease of installation in mind. A choice of
three inlets with up to one inch adjustment coupled with
the ½" escutcheon adjustment enables most system to
be installed using pre-cut drop nipples. The adjustment
can be accomplished after the ceiling installation and
while the system is pressurized thereby providing sprin-
kler protection before construction is completed.
The Non-Adjustable inlet version (Figure 1) consists of
the Reliable Model G Sprinkler with an attached cup
recessed in the ceiling. A ceiling hole of 2 ¼" diameter
is recommended. •
The Adjustable inlet version uses the same sprinkler as
the Non-Adjustable inlet type except that 1" of additional
adjustment is provided by a telescoping sprinkler inlet
section that threads in or out of a stationary Coupling
Reducer ( either 1" male or 1" female) as shown in figures
2 or 3. The Sprinkler-Cup assembly comes attached to
the inlet Coupling Reducer and is retained from separa-
tion past its maximum adjustment length by a snap ring.
This combination is simply installed after the system drop
nipple, elbow or tee has been "roughed in" to the
dimensions shown in figures 2 or 3. Wrenching means
are provided by hex flats on the coupling reducer as
depicted in the figures-do not wrench on any other part
of the sprinkler. After the ceiling tiles have been cut and
installed in place (a 2¼" diameter hole is recommended),
the sprinkler can be adjusted using the RC-1 Concealed
Figure 4
When using the wrench in this application, however, do
not over-torque beyond the adjustment stops.
Figure 4 shows a ½ " NPT non-adjustable inlet sprin-
kler, with the attached sprinkler cup combination in-
serted into the special Reliable Model RC-1 Installation
Wrench. This wrench must be used. The wrenching pads
of the sprinkler easily slip into the rectangular cut-outs of
the wrench as the outside diameter locates the threaded
cup. A ½" drive ratchet can then be used for installation
and tightening.
Figure 5 shows the removal of the wrench. Care should
be taken during this procedure to avoid hitting the de-
flector with the wrench. The wrench should be lowered
until it clears the threaded cup, and then moved horizon-
tally to clear the sprinkler. The installation is completed
by threading the escutcheon on until it contacts the
ceiling. To avoid leaving smudge marks on the ceiling,
the Reliable Model FEA Flush Sprinkler Escutcheon
Wrench should be used. See Bulletin 205 for details.
1. Use hex wrench flats on Coupling Reducer to tighten
Adjustable Sprinkler into fittings. Do not use RC-1
Wrench for this purpose.
2. Do not install the Model G Recessed Sprinkler in
ceilings which have positive pressure in the space
Figure 5
Reliable ... For Complete Prote~tion
Reliable offers a wide selection of sprinkler components. Following are some of the many
precision-made Reliable products that guard life and property from fire around the clock.
• Automatic sprinklers • Deluge valves
• Flush automatic sprinklers-• Detector check valves
• Recessed automatic sprinklers • Check valves
• Concealed automatic sprinklers • Supertrol electrical system
• Adjustable automatic sprinklers • Sprinkler emergency cabinets
• Dry automatic sprinklers • Sprinkler Wrenches
• Intermediate level sprinklers • Sprinkler escutcheons and guards
• Open sprinklers • Inspectors test connections
• Spray nozzles • Sight drains
• Alarm valves • Ball drips and drum drips
• Retarding chambers • Control valve seals
• Dry pipe valves • Air maintenance devices
• Accelerators for dry pipe valves • Air compressors
• Mechanical sprinkler alarms • Pressure gauges
• Electrical sprinkler alarm switches • Identification signs
• Water flow detectors • Fire department connection
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest pertinent Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual Research
Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable.
Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 70 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified and
reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
Manufactured by
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc.
Reliable (800) 431-1588 Sales Offices
(800) 848-6051 Sales Fax
(914) 668-3470 Corporate Offices
http://www.reliablesprinkler.com Internet Address
@Rt1cycled Paper
Revision lines indicate updated or new data.
E.G. Printed in U.S.A. 3/99 P/N 9999970006
Bulletin 121G
Reliabld Model G4
The Concealer®
A Concealed Sprinkler
With ½" or 1 ½" Adjustment
1. ½" Total adjustment provided by economical
standard inlet version.
2. 1½" Total adjustment provided by adjustable
inlet versions.
3. Adjustable inlet version available with either
1" NPT male or female threads eliminating
costly reducing coupling.
4. Simple sturdy cover attachment.
5. Smooth aesthetic ceiling profile.
6. As heat sensitive as an exposed sprinkler.
7. Available in white or other color painted or
brass, chrome, or black plated finishes.
8. Ordinary and intermediate temperature
9. Multiple orifices for design flexibility.
10. Threaded cover does not require clips or
11. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and
Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada.
N.Y.C. BS&A No. 587-75-SA.
12. U.S. Patent No. 4,880,063.
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The Reliable Model G4
Concealer is the most versatile
concealed sprinkler available.
It provides the best form of fire
protection while offering an at-
tractive appearance and ½
inch of cover adjustment for
ease of installation. The ad-'------------
justable 1" NPT inlet versions have one and _one half
inches of total adjustment and they also eliminate the
need for a reducing coupling. The small diamete_r cover
plate is easily and positively attached and blends into the
ceiling, concealing the most dependable fire protection
available, an automatic sprinkler system.
The Concealer® is designed for use where aesthetic
appearance is important. Offices, nbspitals, motels and
restaurants are but a few of the applications where 11 can
be used. It is available in different orifice sizes allowing
the designer to optimize system performance, thereby
achieving a most efficient installation.
The Concealer® can eliminate the need for precise
cutting of drop nipples. The threaded cover plate as-
sembly can be adjusted without tools so it mates accu-
rately with the ceiling. The fire protection system need
not be shut down to adjust or remove the cover plate as-
Product Description
The Reliable Model G4 Concealer uses the proven
Model G fusible element in a standard style sprinkler
frame with a drop-down deflector. This assembly is re-
cessed into the ceiling and concealed by a flat cover
plate. The cover plate and_,sprinkler cup assemblies are
attached using a strong threaded oogagement. This
threaded engagement provides ½" of cover adjust-
ment. The cover plate is attached to the skirt using an or-
dinary temperature classification solder. This results in a
strong cover plate assembly with an ordinary tempera-
ture rating, and an intermediate temperature sprinkler
which can be installed in 150°F environments. When the
temperature at the ceiling rises, the solder holding the
cover plate fuses, allowing the release of this part and
thus exposing the sprinkler inside to the rising ambient
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New York 10552
The subsequent fusing of the sprinkler element opens the
waterway and causes the deflector to drop into position to
distribute the discharging water. Any secure engagement of
the threads between the cover plate and cup will assure that
the drop-down deflector is properly located below the ceil-
ing when a sprinkler operates.
Do not install The Concealer® in ceilings which have
positive pressure in the space above.
After a 2% inch diameter hole is cut in the ceiling, the
sprinkler is to be installed with the Model GA Wrench. The
wrench has drive tangs which insert into cup slots. When
installing a sprinkler the wrench is first positioned into the
sprinkler/cup assembly until the wrench tangs engage
drive slots in the top of the cup (there are two sets of mat-
ing drive slots in the cup). The sprinkler is then tightened
into the pipe fitting. When inserting or removing the
Standard Temperatures
Classlllcatlon Sprinkler Cover Plate Max. Celling
Ordinary 135"F/57°C 135°F/57'C 100'F/38°C
¾()Ordinary 165'F/74'C 135'F/57°C 100'F/38'C
rdinary 165°F/74°C 165'F/74'C 100'F/38°C
Intermediate 212'F/100°C 165°F/74°C 150'F/66'C
Installation Data
"K" Factor
wrench from the sprinkler/cup as~embly care should
be taken to prevent damage tothe sprinkler. DO NOT
The adjustable inlet versions are similar to the stan-
dard Model G4 except that an additional 1" of adjust-
ment is provided by means of a telescoping inlet
section that threads in or out of a stationary coupling
reducer (either 1" male or 1" female) as shown in Fig-
ures 2 or 3. These sprinklers must be installed before
the ceiling is in place, by wrenching on only the cou-
pling reducer hex flats. After the ceiling has been in-
stalled with holes for the sprinkler, each telescoping
inlet section is to be adjusted with the G4 Wrench. Fi-
nal adjustment of each cover is made by hand turning
the cover in the clockwise direction until it is tight
against the ceiling.
Ordering Information
1. Sprinkler Model
2. Temperature Rating
3. Nominal Orifice
4. Cover Plate Finish
5. Inlet Type
Note: Unless otherwise
specified, the 165'F
sprinkler will be provided
with the 165°F cover.
Approval Organizations
1. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
2. N.Y.C. BS&A No. 587-75-SA
3. Underwriters' Laboratories of
Total Nominal Sprinkler Inlet Adjustment Orifice Thread Approvals
Note: Approvals are light and
ordinary hazard, except for small
orifice sprinklers which are limited
to light hazard occupancies. The
cup and skirt are fabricated from
plated steel and are intended for
interior non corrosive applications. us
Non-Adjustable ½" ½" (15mm) 5.62
Non-Adjustable ½" ¾e" 4.24
Non-Adjustable ½" ¾" 2.82
Adjustable 1½'' ½" 5.53
Adjustable 1½" ¼e" 4.24
Adjustable 1½" ,..,.,
" 2.72
81 0 ½"NPT
61.0 ½" NPT
40.6 ½" NPT
79.7 1" NPT Male or Female
61.0 1" NPT Male or Female
39.2 1" NPT Male or Female
Installation Wrench
Model G4 Sprin kier Wrench
Cover Plate Finishes
• Bronze
, Bright Brass Plated
, Chrome Plated
• Black Plated * White
Other colors and finishes
are available, consult
factory for details
Note: Paint or any other
coatings applied over the
factory Ii nish will void all
approvals and warranties.
½" NPT Non-Adjustable Inlet
Figure 1
1" NPT Male-Adjustable Inlet
Figure 2
1" NPT Female-Adjustable Inlet
Figure 3
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordii.ncewith the latest pertinent Standar?s of the National Fire Pr?tection Association, Factory Mutual Research
Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable.
Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 70-years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified and
reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
Manufactured by
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc.
Reliabld (800) 431-1588 Sales Offices
(BOO) 848-6051 Sales Fax
(914) 668-34 70 Corporate Offices Revision lines indicate updated or new data.
www.reliab!esprinkler.com Internet Address .E.G. Printed in U.S.A. 4/99 P/N 9999970014
The Most Complete Line of
Sidewall Sprinklers Available
1. Model G Vertical Sidewall-Upright
2. Model G Vertical Sidewall-Pendent
3. Model G Horizontal Sidewall-HSW1
4. Model G/F1 /HSW1 Recessed Horizontal
Sidewall-HSW1 Deflector
5. Model G Extended Coverage Horizontal
Sidewall-EC4 Deflector
6. Model G/F1/EC4 Recessed Extended
Coverage Horizontal Sidewall-EC4 Deflector
7. Variety of finishes
B. Multiple orifice sizes
9. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. &
Underwriters Laboratories of Canada.
Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corp.
& The LPCB. NYC BS&A No. 587-75-SA.
Product Description
All Reliable Model G Automatic Sidewall Sprinklers uti-
lize the center strut in compression principle of con-
struction. The fusible alloy, retained in the cylinder of a
small solder capsule by a stainless steel ball, acts as
the trigger of.the sprinkler. When the fusible alloy melts,
the sprinklers operating parts spring free from the sprin-
kler, clearing the waterway and allowing the sprinkler to
distribute the discharging water.
Sidewall Sprinkler Types:
Model G Vertical Sidewall Sprinkler
The Model G Vertical Sidewall Sprinkler is designed for
use in light hazard situations where standard sprinklers
are deemed impractical because of decorative or
structural conditions. It discharges approximately 15%
of the water on the wall behind it with the remaining 85%
discharged in front of the sprinkler. This sprinkler may
be installed in either the Upright or the Pendent posi-
Model G Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler-
HSW1 Deflector
This deflector configuration is designed and listed for
use in either light or ordinar hazard occu ancies. The
use of the Model G or1zon a I ewa prin er 1n ordi-
nary h,azard occupancies will provide installation sim-
plicities and economies in many circumstances.
Bulletin 112T
Model G·Sidewall
Model G/F1 Recessed
Sidewall Sprinklers
Model G
Vertical Upright
Model G/F1 /EC4
Recessed Horizontal
Extended Coverage -EC4
.!/f' Model G Horizontal-HSW1
Model G Horizontal
Extended Coverage-EC4
Model G/F1/HSW1
SP: 5
Model G/F1/HSW1 Recessed Horizontal Sidewall
Sprinkler-HSW1 Deflector
The combination of the Model F1 Recessed Escutch-
eon and the Model G Horizontal Sidewall Sprin-
kler-HSW1 Deflector provides a very attractive
recessed sprinkler for use in light hazard occupancies.
Model G Extended Coverage Horizontal Sidewall
Sprinkler-EC4 Deflector
The Model G Extended Coverage Sprinkler is listed for
the protection of larger than normal areas in light haz-
ard occupancies.
Model G/F1/EC4 Recessed Extended Coverage
Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler-EC4 Deflector
The combination of the Model F1 Recessed Escutch-
eon and the 17/32" orifice x 3/4" NPT Model G Horizon-
tal S'1dewall Sprinkler-EC4 Deflector provides a very
attractive recessed sprinkler for use in larger than nor-
mal areas in light hazard occupancies.
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New York, 10552
Model G Extended Coverage Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler -EC4 Deflector
Coverage Area
Nominal Thread
Orifice Size
(in) (In NPT)
½ ½
½ ½
1½2 ¾
1½2 ¾
1½2 ¾
11/32 ¾
Technical Data
31/,s" -½" Orifice Sprinkler
31½,' -11/,2" Orifice Sprinkler
Rating: 135°F (57°C)
Max. Ceiling Temp. 100°F (38°C)
K Factor Enclosure
Flow Area
Rate Pressure WxH us Metric (gpm) (psi) (fl)
5.62 81.0 30 28.5 16 X 18
5.62 81.0 38 45.7 16 X 20
8.20 118.2 30 13.4 16 X 18
8.20 118.2 32 15.2 16 X 20
8.20 118.2 37 20.0 16 X 22
8.20 118.2 39 22.6 16 X 24
Model G/F1 /EC4 Extended Coverage Horizontal
Sidewall Sprinkler -EC4 Deflector
Coverage Area
Flow Enclosure Area Deflector to
Rate Pressure Width X Length Ceilln~ Dimension
(gpm) (psi) (ft) (ft) Min (In -Max (in)
Technical Data
Nominal Orifice: %2 "
Thread Size: ¾" NPT
K Factor: 8.20 US ( 118.2 Metric)
Length: 31½2"
Rating: 135°F (57°C)
Max. Ceiling Temp.: 100°F (38°C)
13.4 16
15.2 16
20.0 16
Model G/F1/EC4
X 18
X 20
X 22
Model G/F1/HSW1
Recessed Sidewall Sprinkler
6 -12
6 -12
6 -12
Approval Type: ,
Extended Coverage-Light Hazard
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
NYC BS&A No 587-75-SA
Underwriters' Laboratories of
Installation Wrench:
Model D Sprinkler Wrench.
Available Finishes:
Bronze, Chrome Plated
Color Identification:
Black Paint (Bronze Finish Only).
Ceiling to Deflector Distance:
6 to 12 inches.
Approval Type:
Extended Coverage-Light Hazard
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
NYC BS&A No 587-75-SA
Underwriters' Laboratories of
Installation Wrench:
Model GFR1 Sprinkler Wrench.
Available Finishes:
Bronze, Chrome Plated.
Color Identification:
Black Paint (Bronze Finish Only).
Model G/F1/HSW1 Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler -HSW1 Deflector
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
NYC BS&A No. 587-75-SA Nominal
Orifice K Factor Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada
l-----"'"'----l-==-'.L-1----'u"'.s"---_-"M""e"'tr-"'ic'---I Installation Wrench:
5.62 s1.o Model GFR1 Sprinkler Wrench
'c--__LlO-_L_'-'--__J-24 ·=24"--...L-6"-1'-"· 0'--J Available Finishes:
(11 Identified by pinUe extending beyond deflector. Bronze, and Chrome Plated.
Rating: 135°F (57°C)
Max. Ceiling Temp.: 100°F (38°C)
Length: 31/.s"
Approval Type: Light Hazard Occupancy
Color Identification:
Black Paint (Bronze Finish only).
Ceiling to Deflector Distance:
4 to 6 inches.
T ---" 1ATA
Nominal Thread
Orifice Size
tin\ !in NPTI U.S.
~½ ½ 5.62
1/,6'1) ½ 4.24
%(1) ½ 2.82
1½2 ¾ 8.20
17/4.,(1) ½ 7.96
(1lldentified by pintie extending beyond deflector.
Installation Wrench:
Model D Sprinkler Wrench.
Ceiling to deflector distance:
4 to 6 Inches
Nominal Thread K Factor
Orifice Size
(in) (In NPT) U.S.
½ (15mm/3I ½ 5.62 ¾s (1) ½ 4.24 ¾ (11 ½ 2.82
1½2 ¾ 8.20 1½Pl ½ 7.96
(1) Identified by pintle extending above deflector.
(2) Includes pintle length.
(3) U.L.I. Listed tor use with G/F1 Escutcheon in pendent position, 135°
or 165°F only. Wan to deflector distance 4 to 6 inches. A recessed
sprinker installed directly into a tee reduces the adjustment of the
Installation Wrench:
Model D Sprinkler Wrench
Installation Position:
Approval Type:
Light Hazard Occupancy
Wall to Deflector Distance:
4 to 6 inches
K Factor Sprinkler
L~rrl\th Metric
81 .0 3%
61.0 3%
40.6 3%
118.2 3%
114.7 3¾6
A""roval Oraanizations
Light Ordinary
Hazard Hazard
1.2,3.5 1,3,5
1,3,5 -
1.3.5 -
1.3,5 -
1 3 5 -
Installation Wrench:
Model D Sprinkler Wrench
Installation Position:
Upright or Pendent
Approval Type:
Light Hazard Occupancy
Ceiling to Deflector Distance:
4 to 6 inches
Temperature ratings and finishes for Model G Horizontal Sidewall-
HSW1 Deflector and Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers
Sorinkler Temnarature Frame* OF oc 'F 'C Color
135 57 100 38 Black
65 74 100 38 Uncolored
212 100 150 66 White
286 141 225 107 Blue
* Frame color does not apply to plated or painted sprinklers.
Approval Organizations:
1. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
2. Factory Mutual Research Corp.
3. Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada
5. NYC BS&A No. 587-75-SA
6. NYC MEA 258-93-E
Ordering Information:
1. Model
G or G/F1
2. Recessed
(Only G/F1)
3. Deflector
•Vertical Sidewall Deflector
•Horizontal Sidewall -HSW1 Deflector
•Horizontal Sidewall -EC4 Deflector
4. Nominal Orifice
5. Inlet Thread
6. Temperature Rating
7. Sprinkler Finish
8. Escutcheon Finish
NOTE: Sprinkler and Escutcheon are packaged
Chrome Plated
Lead Plated
Wax Coated
Wax Coated Over
Lead Plated
-All Temp. Ratings
-All Temp. Ratings
-165'F, 212'F & 286°F Ratings
-165'F Clear Wax, 212'F Brown Wax
-165'F Clear Wax, 212'F Brown Wax
Other finishes are available on special order, consult factory
for details
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest published Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual
Research Corporation, or other similar organizatbns and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable.
Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting !ite and property for over 70 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified and
reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
Manufactured by
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc.
Reliabl~ (914) 668-3470 Corporate Offices
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