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November 14, 2019
Kevin Conlee
Thankful Texans, LLC
8916 Calera Drive
Austin, Texas 78735
Tom Norman
Beach City Builders, Inc.
6241 Yarrow Drive, Suite D
Carlsbad, California 92011
RE: Archaeological and Paleontological Monitoring Report for the Thankful Texans/Martin
Residence Project, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California (Project No. HMP 15~01 [DEV
15005]; CCC Application No. 6-17-0635)
Dear Mr. Conlee and Mr. Norman:
The following letter report describes the results of the cultural resources monitoring program
conducted by Brian F. Smith and Associates, Inc. (BFSA) for the Thankful Texans/Martin
Residence Project in Carlsbad, California. This letter report was prepared for submission to the
City of Carlsbad as documentation of the completion of the monitoring program conditioned as
part of the development approval process by the City of Carlsbad.
Introduction and Site Location: The 0.46-acre project is located southeast of the intersection of
Highland Drive and Adams Street in the city of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
(Assessor's Parcel Number 206-200-03). The project is located in an unsectioned portion of the
former Agua Hedionda Land Grant, USGS 7 .5-minute San Luis Rey, California topographic
map, Township 12 South, Range 4 West (Figures 1 and 2, attached). The Area of Potential
Effect includes the entire 0.46-acre project. The project plans to develop an approximately
4,935-square foot, two-story single-family residence with a pool as well as associated
infrastructure and landscaping (Figure 3, attached). Elevations at the project range from
approximately sea level at Agua Hedionda Lagoon to 63 feet above mean sea level at Adams
14010 Pow.;~ Koad, Su~eA f\""3.!!, CA 920o4. Pl,on,, (856) 679-8218 or (9)1) _~1-99)0, rax (856) 679-989~, www l>fsa-c,,.c.om
l'>us,~O/f,c,.e 146, 8 16.exCourt, San D,e!f', CA 91.129 Phone \858) +M-0915.1 ~x ,8'58) +M-05'~
This phase of development was approved by the City of Carlsbad and the California Coastal
Commission with a condition of approval to provide archaeological, paleontological, and Native
American monitoring during grading. The results of the monitoring program are provided
Archaeological Monitoring Program: The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for
the project was implemented in accordance with City of Carlsbad archaeological guidelines and
in compliance with the mitigation monitoring requirements for this project. These requirements
included the attendance of the archaeological consultant and Native American representatives at
the preconstruction meeting, and subsequently, an archaeologist and Native American monitor
on-site during all soil disturbance to identify any cultural artifacts, features, or deposits that
might be exposed by grading equipment. Mr. Tracy A. Stropes of BFSA and Banning Taylor, a
Native American Luisefio representative from Saving Sacred Sites, attended the preconstruction
meeting for this project on January I I, 2019.
During the monitoring program, careful attention was paid to the excavation process and the
excavated soils. The monitoring program did not result in the discovery of any new prehistoric
or historic resources anywhere within the property. Construction monitoring for the project was
conducted from January 25 to May 2, 2019 by BFSA staff in cooperation with Native American
representatives from Saving Sacred Sites.
Pa/eontologica/ Monitoring: Geologically, the project site overlies a thin cover of modern
lagoonal deposits and soils that, in turn, overlie the Middle Eocene (-44-million-year-old)
Santiago Formation (area labeled ·'Tsa" in Figure 4, after Kennedy and Tan 2005). The estuarine
marine and continental sediments of the Santiago Formation are often richly fossiliferous and
have yielded important assemblages of estuarine marine invertebrate fossils, as well as aquatic
and terrestrial vertebrates, and are accorded a "high paleontological resource sensitivity"
(Demere and Walsh 1993; Stephenson et al. 2009).
Paleontological monitoring of the project site was conducted intermittently, as needed, between
January 25 to May 2, 2019. Monitoring consisted of closely observing trenching, borehole
drilling, slope cutting, and excavation activities for the new residential structures being
constructed on the site. No fossils derived from fom1ational sedimentary rocks of any sort were
observed during paleontological monitoring of the excavation and drilling work, nor were any
observed in the cut slopes, temporary spoil, or stock piles generated during these activities.
This letter report has been provided to document the completion of the mitigation monitoring
program for the Thankful Texans/Martin Residence Project. No discoveries were made during
the monitoring of grading, and therefore. no curation of cultural materials or fossils will be
required. Submittal of this letter to the City of Carlsbad will complete the mitigation monitoring
program for the project. If you have any questions regarding this monitoring program, please
contact our office.
y A. Stropes, MA, RP A.
Principal Investigator
Todd A. Wirths, M.S., P.G. 7588
Senior Paleontologist, Calif Prof. Geo!O<!J>l"'-,-._
!\ott,AL O.e-o .,-.:;..--.,,;:,: ~o
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Attachments: References, General Location Map, Project Location Map, Project Dev I~ ilR.l?i~A. WUtTKS :
. No.7588 Map, and Geologic Map 3 .. ,, :c----: ._,..~
~,.~ OF C'1,~\'t'-Y.
Demere, T.A., and Walsh, S.L. 1993. Paleontological resources, County of San Diego.
Unpublished report prepared for the San Diego County Department of Public Works, San
Diego, by the Department of Paleontology, San Diego Natural History Museum. San
Diego. Pp. i-iii + 1-68, figs. 1-3, 8 maps.
Kennedy, M.P, and Tan, S.S. 2005. Geologic map of the Oceanside 30' x 60' quadrangle,
California: A digital database: California Geological Survey, Preliminary Geologic Maps,
scale I: I 00,000.
Stephenson, R.A., Giffen, J.H., and Gibson, E.E. 2009. County of San Diego guidelines for
detennining significance [for] paleontological resources. Unpublished report (2007,
revised in 2009) prepared for internal use by the San Diego County Land Use and
Environment Group, Department of Planning and Land Use and Department of Public
Works, San Diego. Pp. i-vi + 1-47, figs. 1-10, table 1.
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Figure 1
General Location Map
The Thankful Texans/Martin Residence Project
DeLorme (1 :250,000)
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Figure 2
Project Location Map
The Thankful Texans/Martin Residence Project
USGS San Luis Rey Quadrangle (7.5 minute series)
CJ Project Boundary
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Figure 3
Project Development Map
The Thankful Texans/Martin Residence Project
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Figure 4
Geologic Map
The Thankful Tex.ans/Martin Residence Project
Geology after Kennedy and Tan (2005)