GPA 2018-0001, ZC 2018-0001, SDP 2018-0007, HDP 2018-0004,
HMP 2018-0004, MS 2018-0007, (DEV2018-0099)
APN 209-040-43
Carlsbad, California
Prepared for
Land Development, LLC
P.O, Box 12409
El Cajon, CA 92022
(619) 482-0363
Prepared by
Vincent N. Scheidt
Certified Biological Consultant
3158 Occidental Street
San Diego, CA 92122
(858) 457-3873
Second Revision October 2019
Revised December 2018
August 2018
Vincent N. Scheidt, MA
Certified Biological Consultant
City of Carlsbad
DEC 2 6 1019
Planning Division
The Valley View Project (GPA 2018-0001, ZC 201&.0001, SDP 2018-0007, HDP 2018-0004, HMP
2018-0004, MS 2018-0007, (DEV2018-0099) proposes the construction of an 11,404 square foot
industrial office building with associated improvements, including landscaping, parking areas, etc.
on an existing, 6.34-acre parcel of vacant land (APN 209-040-43) located north and east of Palmer
Way between Impala Drive and Cougar Drive in the City of Carlsbad. Per the request of the City of
Carlsbad, an updated biological resources field survey and updated California Gnatcatcher
presence/absence survey of the property has been completed. The purpose of the study was to
update habitats and sensitive species assessments, evaluate project-related direct and indirect
impacts, and develop an approach to mitigating any impacts to a level that is "less than significant"
as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). A second purpose is to ensure
project compliance with the requirements of the City's MHCP Subarea Plan (HMP). In order to
examine site resources, the property was surveyed on 28 July, and 4 and 11 August, 2017. The
entire site was walked, where accusable, all habitats were defined and delineated, and all species
encountered were identified and inventoried in situ. The primary habitat-type found onsite is Diegan
Coastal Sage Scrub (5.38 acres). Also present onsite is a small amount of Disturbed Habitat (0.75
acre) and Southern Willow Scrub (0.21 acre). Three sensitive species were identified on the
property; California Adolphia, California Gnatcatcher, and Orange-throated Whiptail. The project
as designed will impact 0.68 acre of Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub and 0.75 acre of Disturbed Habitat.
No impacts to Southern Willow Scrub are anticipated. All impacts to Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub
must be mitigated at a 2:1 ratio, which may be accomplished onsite. Impacts to Disturbed Habitat
must be mitigated for by paying an applicable mitigation fee to the City of Carlsbad.
Project Location
The Valley View project site is located immediately north and east of Palmer Way between
Impala Drive and Cougar Drive in the City of Carlsbad, California (Figures 1 & 2).
Project and Site Description
The Valley View Project, GPA 2018-0001, ZC 2018-0001, SDP 2018-0007, HDP
20180004, HMP 2018-0004, MS 2018-0007, (DEV2018-0099), proposes the construction
of an 11,404 square foot industrial office building with associated improvements, including
landscaping, parking areas, etc. on an existing, 6.34-acre parcel of vacant land (APN
209040-43). The project application (DEV2018-0099) includes: (1) a General Plan
Amendment (GPA 2018-0001), (2) Zone Change (ZC 2018-0001), (3) Minor Subdivision
(MS 20180007), (4) Site Development Plan (SDP 2018-0007), (5) Hillside Development
Permit (HDP 2018-0004), and (6) Habitat Management Plan (HMP 2018-0004) Permit.
Access to the property would be from the southwest off Palmer Way. Development as
proposed, including Fire Suppression Zones, would impact approximately 23% of the
subject property, with the balance (approximately 77%) being avoided by design and
placed into an open space parcel.
The proposed industrial office building will be a 31-foot, two-story structure with 46 parking
spaces, an outdoor eating area and a common patio area. Development will be mostly
restricted to the flat portion of the property, although proposed Fire Suppression Zones will
extend down the steep slopes and into the native vegetation.
The Valley View project site is irregular in shape, with extremely steep slopes to the north
and east below a flat area fronting Palmer Way. Some of the slopes are nearly vertical,
forming an escarpment that faces northeast. The flat area is the primary development
portion of the site. Elevations on the property range between approximately 280 feet MSL
at Palmer Way, and 120 feet MSL at the site's northern comer. The onsite soils are mapped
as Terrace Escarpments (TeF). This soil-type is not known to support significant
populations of narrow endemics or other very rare plants or animals. Native sage scrub
vegetation covers most of the property. A drainage is present in the southern portion of the
site and flowing north. This area supports dense willow-dominated vegetation which is fed
by urban runoff originating from the hardscape on adjoining development.
Methods and Limitations
literature that was reviewed prior to initiation of the site surveys included the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) mapping for the project
area, a database query of potential on-site sensitive species based on a determination of
the site's physical characteristics (e.g., location, elevation, soils/substrate, and
topography), documentation of California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)
California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) records for the project vicinity; the City of
Carlsbad's Subarea NCCP Plan, and previous biology reports prepared for the project area,
including reports prepared by the author.
Prior biology studies of the project site, including a protocol presence/absence California
Gnatcatcher (Polioptila califomica), were completed by Planning Systems and the author
in 2006-2007. Updated field surveys of the property were completed the mornings of 28
July, and 4 and 11 August, 2017 between the hours of approximately 07:30 and 11 :30.
Investigators included the author (VS), and Brandon Myers (BM), Associate Biologist.
Weather conditions during the period were conducive to field surveying, with overcast to
clear skies, temps in the mid 600s to high 700s, and no appreciable wind.
All plants, animals and habitats encountered during the survey were noted in the field. All
accessible areas were inspected, either directly or with binoculars in the case of extremely
steep slopes or areas with very dense brush. The limits of each habitat-type were mapped
utilizing a recent aerial photograph of the property (Figures 3, 4). All plants and animals
identified in association with the property are listed in Table 2. Plants were identified in situ,
or based on characteristic floral parts collected and later examined in detail. Floral
nomenclature used in this report follows Hickman (1993) and others. Plant communities,
as designated by numerical code, follow Holland (1996, as amended).
Wildlife observations were made opportunistically. All wildlife species detected, either
directly or via characteristic signs, were noted. Animal nomenclature used in this report is
taken from Stebbins (2003) for reptiles and amphibians, American Ornithologist's Union
(1983, as updated) for birds, and Jones, et. al (1992) for mammals.
Results (Quantification of Existing Conditions)
The Valley View project site currently consists of entirely vacant land. The upper portions
of the project site support weedy vegetation with the balance supporting native scrubs.
The property has been fenced along Palmer Way due to dumping of trash and rubble, which
was common in the past. Remnants of this old dumping are still present on the flat portion
of the site.
The Valley View project site is located at the edge of a developed part of the City of
Carlsbad. Land uses on surrounding parcels include commercial and light industrial
development properties to the west and south, and older homes to the northeast below the
eastern escarpment. All adjoining lands are under private ownership. No preserved lands
or other public lands adjoin or are contiguous with the project site, although there are three
Standards Areas parcels adjacent to the preserve to the north (Figure 9).
Habitat TypesNegetatlon Communities
The Valley View project site supports the following habitat-types/vegetation communities:
Dieqan Coastal Sage Scrub (Holland Code 32500)
Approximately 5.38 acres of high-value Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS) vegetation is
found onsite. This habitat-type is dominated by California Sagebrush (Arlemisia
ca/ffomica), Black Sage (Salvia mellifera), Laurel Sumac (Mafosma faurina), and numerous
other CSS species. The onsite CSS extends down the east and north facing slope and also
extends up the west facing slope a short distance just east of the onside drainage. The
biological resource value of the CSS on this site is high.
Southern Willow Scrub (Holland Code 63320)
Approximately 0.21 acre of Southern Willow Scrub (SWS) vegetation is found onsite in
alignment with the onsite drainage on the southern portion of the property. This habitat is
dominated by a mature stand of Arroyo Willows (Sa/ix lasio/epis). Two mature Coast Live
Oaks (Quercus agrifolia) are found below the willows adjacent to the drainage. The
biological resource value of the SWS on this site is high.
Disturbed Habitat (Holland Code 11300)
Approximately 0.75 acre of Disturbed Habitat (DH) is found on the western edge of the
subject property. This area consists of what appears to be a previously graded area
supporting weedy vegetation such as Wild Anise (Foeniculum vu/gare), Wild Lettuce
(Lactuca serriola), Black Mustard (Brassica nigra), and numerous other urban weeds. The
area also supports remnants of old illegal dumping activity, although the installation of a
temporary fence along Palmer Way has mostly blocked this activity. The biological
resource value of the DH is low.
Sixty-four species of vascular plants were detected on the property. The plant species
observed typify the diversity normally found in CSS and on disturbed/developed habitat
areas in this part of Carlsbad. A complete list of the plants detected, listed alphabetically,
can be found in Table 2, attached. This list would be expected to represent at least BO
percent of the naturalized plants occurring on this site. The balance would be seasonal
annuals or other ephemeral species, or species on the very steep slopes.
Thirty-eight species of vertebrate animals were observed using the project site. These are
mostly common species, abundant in the site's general vicinity. Animals observed onsite
are listed in Table 2, attached. This list is generally representative of the native fauna that
resides onsite, although many additional species are anticipated. In particular, the
invertebrate fauna of this site is anticipated to consist of dozens of additional species, all
common to the area.
Sensitive Plant Species
One sensitive plant species (California Adolphia) was observed on the Valley View property
during the field surveys (Figures 4, 6). Sensitive plants are those listed as "Rare",
"Endangered", "Threatened~, "of Special Concern", or otherwise considered noteworthy by
the City of Carlsbad, the CDFW, the USFWS, the CNPS, or other conservation agencies
and organizations.
California Adolphia (Adolphia califomica)
Listing: CRPR List 28.1
State Rank: S2: Imperiled
Global Rank: G3: Vulnerable
Distribution: From San Diego County south into Baja California, Mexico, primarily
along the coast.
Habitat(s): This species occurs in coastal scrub and chaparral habitats, particularly
within clayey soils.
Status on Site: California Adolphia is represented onsite by six mature
specimens, all occurring in the development area (Figures 4, 6). Because
of the growth form of this shrub, it is difficult to estimate numbers, and it is
likely that additional specimens occur on the very steep slope areas within
the CSS.
Sensitive Animal Species
Two sensitive animal species (California Gnatcatcher and Orange-throated Whiptail) were
observed on the project site during the field surveys {Figures 4, 6). Sensitive animals are
those listed as "Rare", "Endangered", "Threatened", "of Special Concern" or otherwise
considered noteworthy by the City of Carlsbad, the CDFW, the USFWS, the National
Audubon Society, or other conservation agencies and organizations.
California Gnatcatcher (Po/ioptila callfornica) Listing:
Carlsbad MHCP Subarea Plan "Covered Species"
State status: "Species of Special Concern" {CDFW, 2008)
Federal status: Threatened Species (USFWS, 1993)
Distribution: From Ventura County south to northern Baja California
Habitat(s): Resident in coastal scrubs and chaparral scrub habitats
Status on Site: One female California Gnatcatcher was observed foraging
on and at the edge of the steep slope just east of the disturbed area within
the central portion of the site.
Orange-throated Whiptall ( Cnemldophorus hyperythrus beldlngi)
Listing: Carlsbad MHCP Subarea Plan "Covered Species"
State status: "Species of Special Concern" (CDFW, 2008)
Federal status: Former Federal ESA Candidate, C2 (USFWS, 1996)
Distribution: Restricted to extreme southwestern California, where it ranges from
Orange and Riverside Counties south into northern Baja
Habitat(s): Inhabits coastal sage scrub, chaparral and areas of open brush
with loose soils. May also be found in open, dry riparian areas. Status on
Site: One specimen was observed onsite in association with the southern-
most limits of the disturbed habitat. Additional specimens occurring in the
flatter areas of the site are anticipated.
California Gnatcatcher Presence/Absence Survey
Because the Valley View project site supports Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS), the property was
surveyed for the presence or absence of California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica), a
federally-listed Threatened Species, which is known to inhabit this habitat type. The project
site had been previously surveyed for the presence of California Gnatcatcher in 2007, with
negative survey results.
All field surveys were completed by slowly walking random transects through accessible
areas of habitat. Specimens were visually searched for at all times, and playback calls of
this species were broadcast to assist with the detection of specimens. Surveys were
completed the mornings of 28 July, and 4 and 11 August, 2017. Weather conditions were
conducive to California Gnatcatcher field surveying on each of the selected dates.
Particular attention was paid to areas that had the highest probability of supporting this
species, based on the experience of the surveyors. Binoculars were used to aid in
observations, and all avifauna detected were noted (Table 2).
California Gnatcatcher was detected foraging on the Valley View project site during the
protocol field surveys. The property is thus considered "occupied" by this species.
Gnatcatcher field survey data are generally considered valid for one year from the end of
the final survey. The results of this study suggest that California Gnatcatcher is likely
resident on the Valley View project site within the CSS.
Wetlands/Jurisdictional Waters
The Valley View project site supports one area of jurisdictional wetlands or "waters" in the
form of an onsite drainage near the site's southern edge. The drainage likely qualifies as
"waters of the state" (WOS) and "waters of the United States~ (WOUS) as defined by the
CDFW, the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (WOCB), and the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (USAGE), respectively (hereafter: Regulatory Agencies). No
improvements in this area are proposed in association with the Valley View Project.
However, any discharge into the drainage requiring improvements, including construction
access, and any footings or supports placed within the drainage, would be likely be
considered impacts to WOS/WOUS and would require Regulatory Agency clearances prior
to construction.
Habitat Connectivity and Wildlife Corridors
The Valley View project site does not support any local or regional wildlife corridors. The
nearest area containing a wildlife corridor is located to the northwest at Agua Hedionda
Creek. This area is about 200 feet down slope from the northwest property edge. This area
is part of MHCP Core Area #5, which borders the property along its northeastern edge.
Applicable Regulations
Development of the Valley View project site as proposed is subject to discretionary
environmental review in compliance with the City's Subarea HMP, CEQA, the FESA,
CESA, and other applicable environmental regulations. The purpose of this review is to
ensure that the project will not result in significant, adverse, unmitigated impacts to the
environment. In this case, it applies specifically to endangered species, protected habitats,
wetlands, and other sensitive biological resources.
Anticipated impacts to habitats were calculated by determining the acreage of each habitat
type affected by the site development, including grading, construction, landscaping, any
required fire suppression zone clearing, and other improvements. These are summarized
below in Table 1.
Measurable impacts would result from the development of the property. Direct impacts
result from the removal of habitat, plants, and animals from the site through grading and
brushing, clearing, or thinning for fire protection purposes, etc. These direct impacts are
considered permanent because they result in a conversion of habitats to landscaped areas,
structures, roads, etc. Indirect impacts also affect plants, animals, and habitats that occur
on or near a project site. These are not the direct result of grading or development, but are
the result of changes in land use as a by-product of adjacency. Examples of indirect
impacts include the introduction of exotic species, human or pet intrusions into natural
areas, lighting, traffic, and noise. Indirect impacts are often called "edge effects". Direct
and indirect impacts to breeding birds associated with clearing and construction activities
could occur if activities were to take place during the avian breeding season. Site brushing,
grading, and/or the removal of native vegetation within 300 feet of any potential migratory
songbird nesting location should not take place during the spring/summer songbird
breeding season, defined as from February 15-August 31 of each year. This is required
in order to ensure compliance with the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and
Sections 3503, 3503.5 and 3513 of the California Fish and Game Code (CFGC), which
prevents the "take" of eggs, nests, feathers, or other parts of most native bird species, and
the federal Endangered Species Act. The no work buffer should be 500 feet from the nest
of any raptor or state/federally-listed bird species; the buffer for nests of other breeding
birds will be determined on a case by case basis by a qualified biologist.
Habitat Impacts
The project as designed will impact two of the three habitat types found onsite. This
includes 0.68 acre of CSS and 0.75 acre of DH. No impacts to SWS are anticipated at this
time. A summary of habitat impacts and mitigation can be found on Table 1 below.
Habitat impacts are considered significant but mitigable.
Table 1. Habitat Impacts
Existing Impacted Mitigation Minimum Preserved Mitigation Habitat-type Acreage Acreage Ratio Required Acreage
css 5.38 ac 0.68 ac 2:1 1.36 ac 4.70 ac
DH 0.75 ac 0.75 ac n/a Mitigation none fee1
sws 0.21 ac none 3:1 none 0.21 ac
Total 6.34 ac 1.43 ac -1.36 ac 4.91 ac
Species Impacts
Three sensitive species were detected on the project site. All resident sensitive species, as
well as non-sensitive species, would be directly and indirectly impacted within the project
footprint. This includes six specimens of California Adolphia, an undermined number of
Orange-throated Whiptails, and one pair of California Gnatcatchers (if habitat removal
activities occur during the breeding season). As mentioned, direct impacts result from the
actual removal of plants and animals from the site as a product of the removal of their
habitat. Indirect impacts would primarily consist of edge effects impacting natural areas
onsite and adjoining offsite areas that are utilized by the resident plant and animal species.
Species impacts are considered significant but mitigable.
Impacts to Wildlife Corridors, Linkages and Nursery Sites
The project will have no significant adverse impacts to wildlife corridors, linkages, or
nursery sites. As described above, the property does not propose any impacts within any
local or regional wildlife corridors/linkages. MHCP Core Area #5, which borders the
property along its northeastern edge, will not be significantly impacted by the project as
designed. The site also does not support any nursery sites.
1 This habitat requires a per acre in-lreu mitigation j"ee in an amoullf to be determined by the City Council
Habitat Management Plan Adjacency Standards
Due to proximity to the HMP, the project must comply with the Adjacency Standards
contained in Section F.3 of the City's Habitat Management Plan. In particular, fire
management, erosion control, landscaping restrictions, fencing, signs, and lighting, and
predator and exotic species control must not adversely affect the HMP. To that end, the
following recommendations are provided to reduce potentially significant indirect impacts
to the HMP:
Fire Management
Fire management must accomplish two potentially different objectives: (1) achievement of
biological resources goals, and (2) hazard reduction for humans and their property.
Biological resources goals recognize that fire is a natural process in ecosystems. Many
vegetation communities depend on a regular cycle of burning for maintaining a balance of
species, seed viability, and reproduction. The natural fire cycle is affected by human
activities, both by increasing fire frequency in some locations and decreasing it in others
through fire prevention measures. Fire management for human safety is one of the City's
highest priorities. With proper planning, this can be accomplished in a manner that is
compatible with conservation of biological resources. Fire management for human hazard
reduction involves providing adequate setbacks for new development from conserved
habitat areas, educating the public regarding effective fire prevention methods, reducing
fuel loads in areas where fire may threaten human safety or existing development,
suppressing fires once they have started, and providing access of fire suppression
equipment and personnel.
• With respect to the subject project, design incorporates the use of fire suppression
zones that will impact approximately 23 percent of the total property. This includes
three fire suppression zones of varying degree brush removal or thinning to
accomplish adequate fire prevention while preserving high-value habitat (Figure 8).
These fuel modification zones are included in the impact acreage in Table 1.
Erosion Control
Erosion results from a combination of erodible soils, steep slopes, soils with low water-
holding capacity, sparse to no vegetation, and hydrologic condition of the soils. Erosion
can be aggravated by human disturbance and fire-control activities. Erosion hazards to
biological resources include pollution and sedimentation of important water sources and
the loss of vegetative cover from landslides.
• The subject project has been designed to comply with current stormwater
regulations that are intended to preclude any hardscape runoff issues, such as
erosion or siltation. To that end, best management practices will be utilized onsite
to avoid, reduce, contain, and clean up toxic chemicals and polluted storm water
run-off and prevent them from contaminating groundwater and off•site wetlands
and non•wetland waters. Stormwater will be diverted into sedimentation basins,
landscaped areas/bio• swales, or other City•approved devices.
Landscaping Restrictions
Landscaping (i.e., the introduction of native or nonnative plant species around developed
areas) is often in direct conflict with biological objectives. Of particular concern are (1) the
introduction of nonnative, invasive plant species that can displace native species in natural
communities; (2) horticultural regimes (irrigation, fertilization, pest control, and pruning) that
can alter site conditions in natural areas, thereby promoting shifts in species composition
from a native to a nonnative flora; and (3) genetic contamination from the introduction of
native cultivars not collected onsite or in proximity to the site.
• The subject project has been designed to prevent the use of prohibited species per
Table 12 of the Carlsbad HMP. None shall be utilized anywhere onsite and no
potentially invasive plant species shall be planted in or within 100 feet of the HMP.
Fencing, Signs and Lighting
Fencing plays an important role in the use of the landscape by humans, domestic animals,
and wildlife. Fencing can control human access, particularly off•highway vehicles. Fencing
can direct wildlife to road under crossings and prevent road kills. However, fencing also
can restrict normal wildlife movement, restrict access to food and water, and guide wildlife
onto roads. Signs educate, provide direction, and promote the sensitive use and enjoyment
of natural areas, but they can also inadvertently invite vandalism and other destructive
behaviors. Signs that explain the rules of the preserve (campfires, firearms usage,
camping, etc.) are most effective at public entrance points. Signs for educational nature
trails and on roads near wildlife corridors (to reduce road kills) also should be posted at
appropriate locations. Artificial lighting adversely impacts habitat value of the preserve,
particularly for nocturnal species. Therefore, lighting should not be permitted in the
preserve except where essential for roadways, facility use, and safety. Along preserve
edges, major highway lighting should be limited to low pressure sodium sources directed
away from preserve areas.
• The subject project provides no access or public entrance points leading into the
HMP from the proposed development. Cut•off shields shall be used on all lighting
structures adjacent to the HMP preserve, and lighting shall meet the minimum
lumen requirements for commercial parking areas. The lighting will also be
controlled by a dusk-to-dawn sensor to ensure the parking area is not being lit
during unnecessary hours. Therefore, significant lighting impacts are not
• To avoid disruption from vehicular headlights, parking stalls adjacent to the
sensitive habitat will be screened by a 3' high solid concrete screen wall.
Predator and Exotic Species Control
Native species are at a disadvantage after exotic species or nonnative predators are
introduced, so special management measures to control exotic species and nonnative
predators are recommended. Nonnative plant and animal species have few natural
predators or other ecological controls on their population sizes, and they sometimes thrive
under conditions created by humans. These species may aggressively outcompete native
species or otherwise harm sensitive species. When top predators are absent, intermediate
predators multiply and increase predation on native bird species and their nests. Feral and
domestic animals also prey on small native wildlife species. Agricultural areas, livestock
holding areas, and golf courses provide resources for increased populations of parasitic
cowbirds, which adversely affect native songbird populations. Litter and food waste from
migrant worker camps and picnickers can contribute to an increase in Argentinean ant
populations which outcompete native ants, the primary food resource of San Diego horned
• The subject project as proposed is a commercial development. Therefore, no
domestic or exotic animals will be introduced onto the site by project development.
All invasive plants are regulated by the Landscape Restrictions as described
Mitigation Measures/Design Considerations for Habitat Impacts
Mitigation for impacts to 0.68 acre of CSS requires mitigation at a 2:1 mitigation ratio.
Mitigation may be provided through the onsite preservation of 4.70 acres of Coastal Sage
Scrub habitat. Mitigation for impacts to 0.75 acre of DH will be provided by paying a per
acre in-lieu mitigation fee. Note that a final, current mitigation fee will be determined by the
Carlsbad City Council. No impacts to SWS are anticipated at this time. Therefore, no
mitigation is required.
Onsite preservation shall consist of the following actions: (1) conservation easement will
be established over the open space areas, (2) long-term management plan and Property
Analysis Record (PAR) or acceptable alternative will be submitted to and approved by the
city, (3) a non-wasting endowment to fund long-term management will be established at a
qualified third party financial institution, and (4) a management agreement with a qualified
preserve manager will be submitted to the city for approval.
Mitigation Measures/Design Considerations for Special Status Species Impacts
Impacts to Special Status Species are mitigated for through the preservation of onsite
habitats that support these same species elsewhere in Carlsbad. Cumulative impacts, from
a regional perspective, could be significant in the absence of cumulatively-adequate
mitigation. However, the project provides cumulatively-adequate mitigation by participating
in the City of Carlsbad's Mitigation Fee program which allocates funds to other preserve
programs and a significant amount of onsite habitat preservation.
Impacts to California Adolphia are mitigated through the dedication of onsite open space.
California Adelphia is not federal or state listed and is not covered under the City's HMP.
Therefore, impacts to the species are not considered significant and species-specific
mitigation for California Adelphia is not required.
Because the project site is known to support sensitive avifauna, including California
Gnatcatchers, no habitat removal will be permitted during the period of February 15 -
August 31. that if vegetation clearing or construction cannot be avoided during the breeding
season, then pre-construction nest clearance surveys will be conducted no more than 3
days prior to the start of activities. If a nest is found, a 500' no-work buffer zone will be
established around the nest until the young have fledged, as determined by a qualified
biologist. For other species, the width of the buffer zone would be determined by a qualified
biologist based on the species, and this width would be approved by the city.
Impacts to migratory birds and the destruction of active migratory bird nests and/or eggs
will be prevented by the implementation of the same seasonal restrictions on the removal
of potential nesting areas (including bare ground and all areas of vegetation) in conjunction
with site build-out.
As presented in Table 1, site development will result in the following project-related losses:
1. 0.68 acre of CSS
2. 0.75 acre of DH
3. California Adelphia -6 mature specimens
4. California Gnatcatcher -likely one pair if impacts occur during breeding season
5. Orange-throated Whiptail -small but undermined number of resident specimens
Mitigation for project impacts shall consist of the following:
1. Impacts to 0.68 acre of CSS will be mitigated by preserving and providing long-
term management for 4.70 acres of CSS onsite in an open space easement parcel.
2. Impacts to 0.75 acre of DH will be mitigated for by a paying a per-acre in-lieu
Mitigation Fee, the exact amount to be determined by the City of Carlsbad.
3. Impacts to California Adelphia, California Gnatcatcher, and Orange-throated
Whiptail will be mitigated for by conserving the aforementioned 4.70 acres of
CSS onsite in an open space lot with long-term management. The direct "take" of
California Gnatcatchers will be avoided by implementing seasonal restrictions on
clearing. If clearing activity must occur in the breeding season, the preconstruction
nest clearance survey and no-work buffers would protect any active nests.
4. Impacts to the adjacent HMP preserve areas are not anticipated and shall be
avoided through the HMP Adjacency Standards.
5. Seasonal restrictions on grading, clearing, modification, and noise-generating
construction activities to avoid general avian breeding impacts in compliance with
the MBTAand the CFGC include the following: No habitat removal will be permitted
during the period of February 15 -August 31. that if vegetation clearing or
construction cannot be avoided during the breeding season, then preconstruction
nest clearance surveys will be conducted no more than 3 days prior to the start of
activities. If a nest is found, a no-work buffer zone will be established around the
nest until the young have fledged, as determined by a qualified biologist. The width
of the buffer zone would be determined by a qualified biologist based on the
species, and this width would be approved by the city
Burt, W.H. and R.P. Grossenheider. A field guide to the mammals. Houghton-Mifflin Company,
1966. 289p.
California Department of Fish and Game. 1990. Designated endangered or rare plants.
Summary list from Section 1904, Fish and Game Code, State of California
Resources Agency, Sacramento.
California Department of Fish and Game. 1990. Endangered, rare or threatened animals of
California. Summary list from Section 1904, Fish and Game Code, State of
California Resources Agency, Sacramento.
City of Carlsbad, 1999. Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of
Carlsbad .D-73p, F-16 through 24.
Holland, R.F. 1996. Preliminary descriptions of the terrestrial natural communities of California.
State of California, Nongame-Heritage Program. 156p (amended).
Jameson, E.W., and H.J. Peeters. 1988. California Mammals. California Natural History
Guides: 52. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley, CA.
Munz, P.A. 1974. A flora of Southern California. University of California Press. Berkeley. 1086p.
Peterson, RT. 1966, A field guide to western birds. Houghton-Mifflin Company, 1966. 366p.
Raven, P.H., Thompson, H.J., and BA Prigge. 1986. Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains,
California. Southern California Botanists, Special Publication No. 2., Los Angeles.
San Diego Herpetological Society. 1988. Survey and status of endangered and threatened
species of reptiles natively occurring in San Diego County. San Diego County Fish
and Wildlife Committee (Unpublished) 24p.
Smith, J.P. and K. Berg. 1988. Inventory of rare and endangered vascular plants of California.
California Native Plant Society, Sacramento. 168p.
Scheidt, V. 1980. Status of the amphibians of San Diego County. San Diego County Fish and
Wildlife Committee (Unpublished). 36p.
Stebbins, RC. 1985. A field guide to western reptiles and amphibians. Houghton Mifflin
Company, Boston. 336p
Vincent Scheidt, MA
Certified Biological Consultant
Brandon D. Myers
Associate Biologist
Figure 1. Regional Location -Valley View Project
Location 1,
""' \
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No Scale
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Figure 2. Project site with respect to HMP boundaries -Valley View Project
-W,-Undercrm .. ng
-MHCP L,nkogo """''
Melrose Drive
Rancho Santa Fe Road
Basemap Legend
c::J ecyorCMsbad
~ WpRoacl
........... 11-
~ Lake
Figure 3. Recent Aerial Photo -Valley View Project
Figure 4. Biological Resources on Recent Aerial Photo -Valley View Project
□ 0
= Property Boundary = Orange-throated Whiptail ,, "' .,-.... • ,~ £\
= Coastal Sage Scrub • = California Gnatcatcher
., ,_
\)' "' .... .,
□ :,,
= Disturbed Habitat 0 = California Adolphia ,.
• = Southern Willow Scrub
; No Scale ' = Drainage ' ;
Figure 5. Site Plan -Valley View Project
(~ _l2 ~~4!\~
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Figure 6. Biological Resources and Limits of Impact/Work on Site Plan -Valley View Project
= Property Boundary
= Coastal Sage Scrub
= Disturbed Habitat
= Southern WiUow Scrub
t = Drainage ... ,,
0 = Orange-throated Whiptail
• = Calrfom,a Gnatcatcher :t;
• = California Adolphia
OVERALL SITE PLAN ° ,u cq ...:s;._,;..,;=,.;aa.....,;=~~=--,;;....;;;;;;;...= _____________ • ._
Figure 7. Surrounding Preserve Lands -Valley View Project
Figure 8. Fire Suppression Zones -Valley View Project
Figure 9. Surrounding HMP Lands -Valley View Project
HMP Current Conditions:
-Existing Hardline
-Proposed Hardline
Standards Area
HMP Lands in Vicinity of Valley View Project
Table 2. Flora and Fauna Detected -Valley View Project
Scientific Name
Acacia sp •
Adolph/a californlca
Amsinckia intermedia
Anagal/is arvensis *
Aptenia cordifofia "
Artemisia ca/ifornica
Atripfex semibaccata *
Avena fatua "
Baccharis pi/ularis
Brass/ca nfgra *
Brassica tournefortii •
Bromus diandrus *
Bromus rubens •
Carduus pycnocephalus •
Centaurea melitensis "
Cynara cardunculus *
Cynodon dactylon •
Chenopodium sp.
Conyza canadensis
Deinandra fasciculata
Echium candicans •
Emex spinosa *
Encelia californica
Erodium sp.
Eucalyptus camaldulensis •
Eucalyptus polyanthemos •
Eucalyptus sideroxylon •
Eucrypta chrysanthemifo/ia
Euphorbia maculata •
Foeniculum vu/gare *
Hazardia squarrosa
Heteromeles arbutifo/ia
Heterotheca grandiflora
Hirschfeld/a incana •
lsocoma menziesii
Lactuca serriola *
Lonicera subspicata
Ma/acothamnus fasciculatus
Malosma laurina
Marah macrocarpus
Medicago po/ymorpha "
Meli/otus sp. *
Nicotiana g/auca •
Opuntia sp. •
Pennisetum setaceum *
Picris echioides *
Portulaca oleracea
Pseudognaphalium biolettii
Pseudognaphalium califomicum
Common Name
California Adolphla
Scarlet Pimpernel
Red Apple lceplant
California Sagebrush
Australian Saltbush
Wild Oat
Coyote Brush
Black Mustard
Saharan Mustard
Ripgut Brome
Foxtail Brome
Italian Thistle
Wild Artichoke
Bermuda Grass
Common Horseweed
Common Tarplant
Pride of Madeira
Spiny Emex
California Encelia
Murray Red Gum
Silver Dollar Gum
Red lronbark Eucalyptus
Common Eucrypta
Spotted Spurge
Wild Anise
Telegraph Weed
Perennial Mustard
Coastal Goldenbush
Wild Lettuce
Wild Honeysuckle
Laurel Sumac
Man Root
Bur Clover
Sweet Clover
Tree Tobacco
Prickly Pear
African Fountain Grass
Bristly Ox-tongue
Common Purslane
Bicolor Cudweed
California Cudweed
Table 2. Flora and Fauna Detected -Valley View Project
Scientific Name
Quercus agrifolia
Quercus xacutidens
Rhus integrifo/ia
Ribes speciosum
Salix lasiolepis
Sa/so/a pestffer •
Salvia meflifera
Sambucus mexicanus
Schismus barbatus •
So/anum xanti
Stephanomeria sp.
Stipa lepida
Stipa tenuissima ~
Toxicodendron diversilobum
Yucca schidigera
Aphelocoma coeru/escens
Archilochus anna
Buteo jamaicensis
Ca/lipepfa californica
Carduelis psaltria
Carpodacus mexicanus
Chamaea fasciata
Corvus brachyrhynchos
Corvus corax
Geothlypis tolmiei
Hirundo pyrrhonota
lcterus bul/ockii
Lonchura punctulata •
Mefanerpes formicivorus
Mefospiza melodia
Mimus polyglottos
Molothrus ater
Myiarchus cinerascens
Pipilo crissalis
Pipifo macufatus
Polioptila callfomica
Psaltriparus minimus
Sayomis nigricans
Stumus vulgaris •
Thryomanes bewickii
Turdus migratorius
Tyrannus verticafis
Vermivora celata
Wilsonia pusil/a
Zenaida macroura
Common Name
Coast Live Oak
Torrey's Scrub Oak
Fuchsia-flowering Gooseberry
Arroyo Willow
Russian Thistle
Black Sage
Chaparral Nightshade
Foothill Stipa
Mexican Feather Grass
Poison Oak
Mojave Yucca
Scrub Jay
Anna's Hummingbird
Red-tailed Hawk
California Quail
Lesser Goldfinch
Common Crow
Common Raven
MacGiJlivray's Warbler
Cliff Swallow
Bullock's Oriole
Scaly-breasted Munia
Acorn Woodpecker
Song Sparrow
Brown-headed Cowbird
Ash-throated Flycatcher
California Towhee
Spotted Towhee
California Gnatcatcher
Black Phoebe
Bewick's Wren
American Robin
Western Kingbird
Orange-crowned Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
Mourning Dove
Table 2. Flora and Fauna Detected -Valley View Project
Scientific Name
Canis latrans
Neotoma sp.
Sylvilagus audubonii
Thomomys bottae
Cnemldophorus hyperythrus beldingi
Crotalus viridis
Masticophis /ateralis
Sceloporus occidentalis
* = non-native species
BOLD = Sensitive Species
Common Name
Desert Cottontail Rabbit
Valley Pocket Gopher
Orange-throated Whiptall
Western Rattlesnake
Striped Racer
Western Fence Lizard
Mail to.
California Natural Diversity Database
Department of Fish and Gema Source Code ________ _
18-07 1:ih Stroot. Suite 202
For Office Use Only
Quad Code
Sacramento. CA 95814 Elm Code 0cc N Fax: (916) 324-0475 email: CNODB@dfg.ca.gov • O. ---------
lt.:D::•le:_:o::_f.:_F•::·•:/d:_:l<'::o''.'.k'..."./m'.:m'.'./'.:d::d~/yyy!!.;''.'.j'..:, :::0:c:'•=•'='/=20=1=7===.JI \.'.E:O::lnd:•:'~N:o'...:=======~M:•:p~l~nde=•~N:o~. ======)
California Native Species Field Survey Form -Fann
Scientific Name: Adolphia californica
Common Name: California Adolphia
Species Found? 0 D Reporter: Vince Scheidt
v .. No If not why? Address: 3 158 Occidenlal Street
Total No, Individuals ' Subsequent Visit? Dyes li1I no SanDi..:~oCA92122
Is this an existing NDDB occurrence? 1i11no Dunk. vincc.schcidt(<:fgmail.com Yes. 0cc II E-mail Address:
Collection? If yes: Phone: 1858)457•3873
Number Museum I He<bal'M.lm
Plant Information Animal Information
~% Phenology: ___ % ___ % II adults II JUVeml"'5 # la,-.,ae #ewmasses #unknown veg&tab\le flowenng fruiting
□ D D □ □ □
breeding w,ntenng burrow s,te =""> nesbng other
Location Description (please attach map AND/OR fill out your choice of coordinates, below)
County: San Diego Landowner/ Mgr.: Private
Ouad Name: Elevalion:
T __ R __ Seo __ . __ ¼of ___ ¼, Meridian: HO MD SO Source of Coordinates (GPS, topo. map& type): gou~:k i:arth
T __ R __ Soc--· __ ¼of ___ ¼, Meridian: H□ M□ SO GPS Make & Model
DATUM, NAD270 NAOB30 WGS840 Horizontal Accuracy meters/feet
Coordinate System: UTM Zone 100 UTM Zone 110 OR Geographic (Latitude & Longitude) 0
Coordinates: 3:F08'27.6"N l l 7°16'22.2"W
Habitat Description (plant communities. dominants. assoeiates, substrateSlsoils, aspeclslslopa):
F.dge ofa nat ari:a supporting mostly dislurbed ·..-egetation on APN 209.040-43. Adjal·cnt vegetation on stc:cp slope;; lo the north and cast
support Dicgan Coastal Sage Scrub. dominated by California Sagebrush, Black Sage. and Laurel Sumac.
Other rare taxa seen at THIS site on THIS date.
(separate fonn preferred)
Site Information Overall site/occurrence quality/viability (site + population): 0 Excellent □Good □Fair 0Poor
Immediate AND surrounding land use:
Visible disturbances· M,'15-t spcc1ml-ns growing next to graded pad area with dense weed~.
Threats; Site proposed for commen.:ml development. Some plant'> would be lost 10 g.rndmg. and the res1 impa('ted hy fire clearing
Determination: /c/Jech Orl<i or""'"'· and fill in b/an~s) Photographs: (chech one or m<JreJ $lode Print O~tal
l<l Keyed (cite reference) kn>1.m Planl / animal □ □
□ Compared with specimen housed at· Habitat □ □ 0
D Compared with photo I drawing in: Diagnostic feature □ □ 0
□ By anottier person (name):
□ Other: May we obtain duplicates at our expense? yesl!:I ""□
-1111/HC -.11117/M
Mail to. For Office Use Only
Quad Code Source Code ________ _
California Natural Diversity Database
Department of Fish and Game
18071:f' Street, Suite 202
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: (916) 324--0475 email: CNDDB@dfg.ca.gov Elm Code 0cc. No. ________ _
j Date of Field Work (mm/dd/yyyy): 08/1112017 E0 Index No. ________ _ Map Index No. ______ _
C l"f a1 ornia N f a 1ve s pec1es F" Id S 1e urvey F orm SendFonn
Scientific Name: Polioptila californica
Common Name: California Gnatcatcher
Species Found? li1 □ Reporter: Vince Scheidt
"' No II not, why'> Address: 3158 Occidental Street
Total No. Individuals ' Subsequent Visit? □yes li'.]no San Diego CA 92122
Is this an existing NDDB occurrence? E2!no 0 unk. \'incc.scheidt@gmail.com Yes. 0cc. # E-mail Address:
Collection? If yes: Phone: (858) 457-3873
NL1rnber MuseLlrn I Herbariurn
Plant Information Animal Information
I Phenology: ---' ---' ---' # adults # jLiveniles # l;nv3e #egg masses # L1nknown vagetahve .,_,,,, fruittng □ □ □ □ □ □ breeding wjntenng bLlrTOW $1!B roollery =•"' o1her
Location Description (please attach map AND/OR fill out your choice of coordinates, below)
County: San Dieco Landowner/ Mgr.: Private
Quad Name: Elevation:
T __ R __ Soc __ , __ ¼of ___ ¼, Meridian: H□ MD SO Source of Coordinates (GP$, topo. map & type): S:OO,S;le earth
T __ R __ Sec __ , __ ¼of ___ ¼, Meridian: HO MO SD GPS Make & Model
DATUM: NAD27O NAD83O WGS84O Horizontal Accuracy meters/feet
Coordinate System: UTM Zone 100 UTM Zone11O OR Geographic (Latitude & Longitude) 1!21
Coordinates: 33°08'24.9"N I I7°I6'20.R"W
Habitat Description (plant communities. dominants, associates, subslrataslsoils, aspects/slope).
Edge of a fiat area supporting mostly disturbed vegetation on APN 20':l-040-43. Adjacent vegclation on steep slopes to the north and east
suppo11 Dicgan Coastal Sage Scrub, dominated by California Sagchrush. Black Sage. and Laurel Sumac.
Other rare taxa seen at THIS site on THIS date:
(separate form preferred)
Site Information Overall site/occurrence quahty/viability (site+ population): D Excellent □Good □Fair It:! Poor
Immediate AND surrounding land use:
Visible disturbances: Mature female specimens foraging in wastal sage ~crub on ~lore~ beneath old graded pad area with dense weeds.
Threats: Site proposed for commercial development.
Comments: Mo~, of the ~crub would fl<.' con,cr,cd. although the area where th<! hird 1',US ,ibser,cd would b,: unpactt'd by grading and fire dcarmg
Detftf'minatlon: (ch11ck one or mQrll. 1100 fill in blanks) Photographs: (chf/cll one or m<Jffl/ Slide Print D~ta! 0 Keyed {cite reference): kpson P1ant I animal □ □ D Compared with specimen housed at: Habitat □ □ 0 D Compared with photo I drawing in: Diagnostic feature □ □ 0 D By another person (name)·
D Other: May we obtain duplicates at our expense? ,..~ noD
Dl'GIBD1ll"!1'1 Ro• 11M1JOI
Mail to: For Office Use Only
Quad Code Source Code ________ _
California Natural Diversity Database
Department of F1sll and Game
18071:t' Street. Suite 202
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: (916) 324--0475 email.CNDDB@dfg.ca.gov Elm Code 0cc. No. ________ _
\ Date of Field Work (mmldd/yyyy): 08,'1112017 EO Index. No, --------Map Index. No. ______ _
Reset California Native Species Field Survey Form Sendfonn
Scientific Name: Cnemidophorus hype1ythr11s beldingi
Common Name: Orange-throated Whiptail
Species Found? 0 D Reporter: Vince Schcid1
'" No 11 not. why? Address: 3158 Occidcnlal Street
Total No. Individuals I Subsequent Visit? Dyes 2]no San Diego CA 92 I 22
Is this an existing NDOB occurrence? l,!loo Dunk. vince.schcidt~i;gmai!.com Yes. 0cc # E-mail Address:
Collection? If yes: Phone: (858) 457-387]
Number Museum I Hertianum
Plant Information An;mal Information
Phenology: ---• ___ % ---· #adults # Juveniles # larv;,,e # egg masses # unknown vege1a1,ve Aowenog fruiting
□ □ D □ □ □ breed,ng wintenng burrow s,le rookef',' nesting other
Location Description (please attach map AND/OR fill out your choice of coordinates, below)
County: San Dicl!o Landowner/ Mgr.: Private
Quad Name: Elevation:
T __ R __ Sec __ , __ ¼of ___ ¼, Meridian: H□ MO SO Source of Coordinates (GPS, topo. map & type): googk earth
T __ R __ Sec __ , __ ¼of ___ ¼, Meridian: HD MD SD GPS Make & Model
DATUM: NAD270 NAD830 WGS840 Horizontal Accuracy meters/feet
Coordinate System: UTM Zone 10 D UTM Zone110 OR Geographic (Latitude & longitude) 0
Coordinates: 13008,27_1,":,.; 1170 16•22.2 .. w
Habitat Description (p/a,i/ communities. dominants, associates. subs/raleslsoils. aspects/slope}.
Edge ofa flat area suppor1ing mostly disturbed \'cgctation on APN 209-040-43. Adjacent ,-cgetation on steep slopes to the nonh and cast
support Dil·gan Coastal Sage Scrub, dominated b)' California Sagebrush, Bh1ck Sage. and Lauri:! Sumac
Other rare tax.a seen at THIS site on THIS date:
(separate fonn preferred)
Site Information Overall site/occurrence quality/viability (site + population): □Excellent □Good □Fair li2I Poor
Immediate AND surrounding land use:
Visible disturbances: Specimen, ob~crYcrl nc'\t to gradcrl pad area "'ith dense "'c..:d,
Threats: Site proplls,,:rl fi.,r 1.."<1mnwr1..·1a! ili.-vclopmcnt. Oll~llc populatJnn would hkcl) he lo~\ to grading.
Determination: /checJ< one or moro, and m1 in bl,.nks/ Photographs: fchecJ< one or mo.eJ Slide Pnnt 0'1Jtal 111 Keyed (cite reference). Jcn,,con Plant/ animal □ □
D Compared w,th specimen housed at Habitat □ □ 111 □ Compared with photo I drawing in. Oiagnost,c feature □ □ 111 □ By another person (name):
□ Other: May we obtain duplicates at our expense? yes0 ooO
DFG111D61'1•1 -'1'171111