HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2018-0007; VALLEY VIEW; CULTURAL RESOURCE REPORT UPDATE; 2020-08-08/GIALLE<;os & Associates Letter Report for the Valley View Project ID: GPA 2018-0001 2908 Via Pepita Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone/Fai: 760.919.0055 Gallcgos@aol.com Cultural Resource Report Update Requested by: City of Carlsbad Planner -Cliff Jones Prepared by: Dennis Gallegos, Gallegos & Associates Date: August 18, 2020 As per the City of Carlsbad's (Cliff Jones) request for additional information, the following letter report has been prepared for the Valley View project (previously referred to as Cliff Hanger project). The letter report includes the results of a site visit, and an update as to site condition and recommendations for the Cliff Hanger Cultural Resource report prepared in 2008. In summary, no new archaeological sites were located within the project area; and, the project area was for the most part as previously described in the original report. Previous Work and Record Search The Valley View site (6.34 acres) is undeveloped and situated adjacent and east of Palmer Way, with approximately 10-15% of the property (adjacent to Palmer Way) somewhat level and disturbed. Disturbance includes past removal of native vegetation, dumping of cement and introduction of non-native plants. The lower eastern portion of the project area appears to be in undisturbed native vegetation. Previous work by Gallegos & Associates was completed in 2008 by Monica Guerrero RP A and Dennis Gallegos, with the field survey completed by Nick Doose and Brian Spelts. This study included: a literature review; record search; field survey; and correspondence with the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and Native Americans identified by the NAHC to be contacted. Native Americans contacted did not identify sacred lands or Traditional Cultural Properties (TCP) within or adjacent to the proposed Valley View project area. Record Search The record search identified: one previous survey (Seeman 1982); and, no cultural resource sites previously recorded within the Valley View project area. Historic maps were also reviewed and no historical resources were identified within the Valley View project area. Site Visit to Assess Present Condition The 6.34 acre parcel was visited on July 26, 2020 and found to be in the same condition as reported in 2008, with no major grading or disturbance since previously surveyed. It should be noted that the vegetation had been cleared and the visibility was excellent for the western 15% of the project area (area most likely for cultural resources). Soil color was light orange to brown. The remaining project area is steep slopes with native ( !GIALLEGOS & Associates vegetation. No artifacts were located as a result of the swvey 1908 Via Pepita Carlsbad, CA 92:009 Phone/Fu.: 760.929.0055 Ga1!egos@1ol.co111 and the soil was visible showing high rodent disturbance and no evidence of a subsurface midden. Recommendation Given the absence of previously recorded cultural resources, previous grading of area to be developed, excellent ground visibility, no reported Native American sacred lands or TCPs, and negative field survey results -No further cultural resource work is recommended. Summary In summary, the previous record search, Native American contact via letters, and recent site visit identified no prehistoric or historic cultural resource within or immediately adjacent to the Valley View project area. The Valley View project area was generally as pre"fi:l.,.usly reported by Guerrero and Gallegos 20008, except for the removal of surface vegetation, allowing for excellent visibility of the western portion of the project area. Given that no cultural resources were identified and no reporting by Native American of sacred lands or Traditional Cultural Properties within or adjacent to the proposed Valley View project area, no further cultural resource work is recommended. Bibliography Monica Guerrero and Dennis R. Gallegos 2008 Cultural Resource Survey for the Cliff Hanger Project, Carlsbad, California. Report on file, South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University, San Diego, California. Seeman, Larry 1982 Draft Environmental Impact Report, Revised Parks and Recreation Element, Carlsbad, California Report on file, South Coastal Infonnation Center, San Diego State University, San Diego, California. If you have questions, comments or need additional information, please contact me. Best regards, Dennis R. Gallegos, Project Manager Gallegos & Associates 2908 Via Pepita Carlsbad, CA 92009 760.929.0055 office phone/fax 760.845.9362 cell email: Gallegos@aol.com