HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2018-0007; VALLEY VIEW; LEVEL 1 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS; 2021-12-01------------------- ------- - - - - Valley View level 1 Traffic Impact Analysis RECEIVED DEC I 8 2021 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION GPA 2018,0001 zc 2018-0001 SDP 2018-0007 HDP 2018-0004 HMP 2018-0004 MS 2018-0007 Prepared for: Land Development LLC PO Box 12409 El Cajon, CA 92022 Prepared by: Marc Mizuta, PE, TE, PTOE 5694 Mission Center Road, #602-l21 San Diego, CA 92108 December 2021 • INTRODUCTION LI ,fl:tOJECT DESCRIPTI0:-.1 .. 1.2 .STUDY AREA .. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 ANALYSIS APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY ........... . 2.1 METHODOLOGY ..... 1.1.1 Street Typology ... _ 2.1.2 Transit MMLOS .. . 3 PROJECT TRAFFIC .......... . 3.1 PROJECT TRIP GE:'.\!ERATION 3.2 PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBL'T!ON AND ASSIGNMENT. 4 NON-AUTOANALYSIS 4.1 MM LOS RESULTS .. 5 SITE ACCESS .................. . SJ VEHICULARACCESS .. 5.2 PEDESTRIAN ACCESS .. 6 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............. . Figure 1-l Regional Vicinity Map .. Figure 1-2 Project Area Map ... Figure 1-3 Site Plan .. LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1 Project Trip Distribution and Assignment .. LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Street Typology and Accommodated Modes .. Table 2, 2 MM LOS Thresholds .. Table 3-1 Project Trip Generation .. Table 4-l MMLOS Summary .. Table 5-1 Queueing Summary .. APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix 8 AppendixC Appendix D \'alley View Lenl I T!A Scoping Agreement Excerpts from City of Carlsbad TIA Guidelines MMLOS Worksheets&: Supporting Data Queuing Worksheet!'. ····•••••••···· l ••••••••••••••••• l ••••••••••••••••• l . .... 5 . .............. S .. , .. , ............... ) . ..... , .... , .. ,., .. , .. ,.5 ················7 ........... 7 ················7 .9 . .............. 9 .IO . ............. IO . .... , .. , ..................... 10 ·······························ll . ........... 2 . ....... 3 . ....... .4 .... . .... 8 ·················5 ·················6 . ............ 7 . .. . ..... 9 ... .. .IO M=ZUTA l■Hild4/Uii1HI@ - - • - • - • - - • - • - - - - --- ----- - - - --- - ----- -- ------------ -- -- -- I INTRODUCTION This Le\'el l traffic impact analysis (TIA) evaluates the traffic conditions associated with the proposed project (herein referred to as "the Project") located along Palmer Way in the City of Carlsbad Figure 1-l shows the location of the project within the San Diego region and Figure l-2 shows the project area. Appendix A contains the scoping agreement that was developed for this report and agreed upon by City staff. I.I Project Description The proposed Project consists of an 11,404 square foot ( sf) industrial office building to be constructed on a portion of an existing 6 34 acre parcel (APN 209-040-43-00) located on the north side of Palmer Way between Cougar Drive and Impala DriYe. As part of the project, the parcel will be split into two lots. Lot l will be 4.93 acres and remain as open space. Lot 2 will be 1.41 acres and the project's building footprint \\'ill cover 22.9 percent of the lot. Access to the Project will be provided by two driveways off of Palmet \Vay. The Project is providing 46 parking spaces on/site. The Project is estimated to be constructed in 2022. Figure l~ 3 illustrates the Project site plan. 1.2 Study Area The project study area is determined by the requirements contained in the City of Carlsbad Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines, April2UJ8. Based on Table 1 of the TIA Guiddincs, a Level 11 analysis would typically be required for a project generating less than 500 daily trips and for the land use not conforming to the General Plan or Zoning. The existing zoning for the site is industrial (M ·Q) and the proposed office building is a permitted use. As part of the project, the site will be .split into t\vo zones resulting in an industrial (M ·Q) and open space (OS) zones. The OS zone would be associated for the steep hills contained on the site. The OS zone designation would result in 4.93 acres that would never be developed. As a result, a Level I analy.,;is would be appropriate for the project since the proposed zone change would decrease the intensity of development on the project site since a large portion of the existing site would not be deYelopable. The following roadway segment is evaluated in this report: Roadway Segment Palmer \Vay between Cougar Drive and Impala Drive \·alley View L~vd 1 TIA MaZUTA lliH#lli1P@ilHilll 2 A NALYSIS APPROACH AND M ETHODOLOGY This section summarizes the analysis approach and methodology used to evaluate the study area associated with the Project. 2.1 Methodology 2.1.1 St:reet Typology As part of the City's Mobility Element, streets were classified into typologies and the typology of the roadway determines which modes of travel are subjected to the LOS D standard. The intent is to provide a balanced mobility system that emphasizes primary users as opposed to always providing ideal level of service fo r all modes on every facility. Table 2-I summarizes the street typologies and the respective modes that need to be evaluated. Table 2-1 Street Typology and Accommodated Modes '>lllll 1,11,,lt1•~\ I \ 111 tl I I'< d, ,, I 1111 I I; I< \ l I' I I I 111,Jl Freeway • • Arterial Streets • • Identity Streets • • Village Streets • • Arterial Connector Streets • • • Neighborhood Connect or Streets • • Employment/Transit Connector Streets • • • Coastal Streets • • School Streets • • Industrial Streets • • Local/Neighborhood Streets • • Source: C11y of Carlsbad Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines. April 2018 The Palmer W ay segment between Cougar Drive and Impala Drive is considered an industrial street. With a Level I analy is, the auto evaluation is not required. As a result, only transit MM LOS will be evaluated for the Palmer Way segment. 2.1.2 Tran sit MMLOS The Transit MMLOS criteria evaluates the quality of the transit vehicle right-of-way (e.g., dedicated or shared, signal priority), hours and frequency of service (e.g., weekday/weekend hours, peak period highway), performance (e.g., on-time or late), amenities and safety (e.g., lighting, covered stop, bench, on- board bike/surfboard storage), and connectivity (e.g., to other transit routes, employment areas, schools, visitor attractions, and other major destinations). Table 2-2 summarizes the M MLOS thresholds for each non-auto travel mode. Valley View Level I TIA s M~ZUTA IWMM1Di•■■,11 ------------- --- - • -------- - --- 6 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following list provides a summary of the key findings for the Project: • The Project proposes to con,;;truct an ll,404 sf industrial office building located on the north side of Palmer Way between Cougar Drive and Impala Drive. • The Project is forecasted to generate 229 daily trips (ADT) with 33 trips (30 inbound, 3 outbound) during the AM peak hour and 30 trips (6 inbound, 24 outbound) in the PM peak-hour. • The Project does not add more than 11 peak hour directional trips to any exempt segment and is not subject to implementing TSM and TOM measures per Policy 3P.IL • Only a transit MM LOS analysis is required with a Level I study and the fronting roadway of Palmer Way falling under the street typology of Industrial Street. • The transit MMLOS resulted in LOS D conditions • No queuing is-;ues are expected at both project driveways along Palmer Way. The Project is also responsible for implementing the various TDM measures contained in the Tier I TDM Plan. \ .d!ey \'1cw Lc1·d l TIA II M~ZUTA ll:fi#Ml1►1IIIHIIII .. -- Appendix A -Scoping Agreement - - - - - -- - -.. --- ------- - (_ City of -~T~•~A~N~s•~o~•~T~A~T~IO~N~l~M~P~A~CT~A~N~A~LY~S~IS~G~U~l~D~EL~IN=ES~ ______________ Carlshad Apri/2018 D. Study Intersections: {NOTE: SubjeLI to revision after other projects, trip generation and distribution are determined, or comments) n/a 1 2. 3 4. 5. _______________ _ ,. _______________ _ ,. _____________ _ '------------- E. Study Roadway Segments: (NOTE: Subject to revision after other projects, trip generation and di~tribution are determined, or comments) n/a 1 2 3. 4. F. Other Jurisdictional Impacts s. _______________ _ '·---------------- 7. _______________ _ '--------------- Is this project within any other Agency's Sphere of Influence or one-mile radius of boundaries? D Yes Ix) No If so, name of Jurisdiction _____________________________ _ G. Site Plan (Attach a legiblP ll'X17' copy) See Figure 1 H. Specific issues to be adressed in the Study (in addition to the standard analysis described in the Guidelines) (To be filled out by Engineering oe~,sion) Complete level 1 TIA Recommended by: Consultant's Representative Date Scoping Agreement Submitted on Date Scoping Agre<'ment Resubmitted on Date Approved Scoping Agreement: City of Carlsbad Date Traffic Engineering Division 36 I Page - - - - - • - - - - --- ◄ - --- - --- - • AppendixB Excerpts from City of Carlsbad TIA Guidelines • • • • {City of __ T_RA_N_S_P_O_R_TA_T_IO_N_IM_PA_CT_A_N_A_LY_S_IS_G_U_I_D_El_lN_E_S ______________ Carlsbad d I I f n ri ,t STREET TYPOLOGY AND ACCOMMODATED MODES ACCOMMODATED MODES Freeway• -i:;;iiiiiiliiii lA't•rlal Struts l Identity Struts - April 2018 SUBJECT I STREET TYPOLOGY DESCRIPTION AND PREFERRED ATTRIBUTES TOMMUlS STANDAJID (YIN) I y y y r High-speed facilities designed to accommodate vehldes and buses moving through the dty and region Blcychu and pedestrians are prohibited • These are the primary vehide routes through the city for both local and regional whide trips. • Designed to safely move 111 modes of travel while efficiently moving vehkles and buses throughout the city. N • Traffic signals shall be coordinated to optimize vehicle movemenu • Bicycle lanes shall be provided and can be further enhanced or complememed by other facilities or off-street pathways • Pedestrian facilities to be provided consistent with ADA requirements N • Mid-block crossings should not be provided y N y • On-street parking should be prohibited along these corridors • Vertical traffic calming techniques ($uch as speed tables, humps, etl:.) should not be considered • Special considerations can be consfdered on arterials within proximity to schools to enhance Safe Routes to Schools for pedestrians and bicyclists. • These streetl provide the primary 1cxeu to and from the hNrt of th• city • the Village • Designed to safely move all modes of travel while enhancing mobility for pedestrians and bicydists • Vehicle speeds should be managed to promote safe pedestr1an and bicycle movement • No pedestrian shall crot11 more than five vehicular travel and/or turn lanes • In addition to ADA compliant ramps and sidewalks, sid-allcs should support the edj.11• cent land uses 1s foflgws: -Adjacent to retail uses, modified/new sidewalks should generally be a minimum af 10 feet (12 feet preferred) In width where feHible and taking into consideretlon the traffic volumes of the adjacent roadway, and allow for th• land use to utlliM the sidewalk with outdoor seating end other activities -Adjacent to residential uses, modified/new sldewelk:s should be a mfnimum af six fNt In width Elsewhere, modlftedmew sldewallcs should be• minimum of ~ght f@et In width y • Where feuible, bicycle lanes should be provided N • Vehide speeds should complement the adjacent land uses • Bicycle parking should be provided rn mall areas • Bike racks should be readily provided within the public right-of-way and encouraged on private property • Traffic calming devices. such as curb utensions (bulbouts) or enhanced pedestrian crossings should be considered and evaluated for implementation • Street furniture shall be oriented toward the businesses • Mid-block pedestrian crossings could be provided at appropriate locations (e.g. where sight dist.nee Is adequate and sp9eds are appropriate) • On-street vehicle parking should be provided. In are.as with high parking demand, in- novative parking management techniques should be implemented/ comidered • Pedestrians should typkally be "buffered" from vehlde traffic using landscaping or parked vehicles 25 I Page I (City of __ T_RA_N_S_P_O_R_TA_T_IO_N_IM_P_A_CT_A_N_A_l Y_S_IS_G_U_I_DE_l_lN_E_S ______________ Carlsbad CJ 1 f o,,, I" STREET TYPOlOGY ANO ACCOMMODATED MODES ACCOMMODATED SUlllfCT STIIEET TYPOLOGY DESCRIPTION AND PREFERRED ATTRIBUTES MODES TO MMLOS STANDARD (YIN) VIiiage Streets -N ~ y ~ y ~ N Artartal Connector StrNts y y '( N N.ighborhood Connector SlnHrt .. ij y y N Aprll 2018 • Primary purpose is to move people throughout the Village; providing access to busi- nesses, residences, transit and recreation within the Village area. • Designed to safely move all modes of mivel while enhMdng mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists. • Vehicle speeds should be managed to promote ssfe pedestrian and bicycle movement • Promote pedestrian and bicycle connectivity through short block lengths • Bicycle lanes should be provided • Bkyde boulevards can b9 considered • Pedestrlans should be accommodated on sidewalks adjacent to the travel way (mini- mum 5' wide sidewalk) • Mid-block pedestrian crossings and traffic cal ming devices should be considered, but only at locations with high pedestrian activity levels or majOf' destinations/attractions • On-street parking may be provided • Primary purpoM is to connect people to diff'ef'ent areas and land usa of the city by con- necting totfrom arterial streeu • Dfligned to safely move all modes of travel whlle enhancing mobility for pedestrl.ns and bicydisU and effkiently moving whicln between arterial strNts. • Bicycle lanes should be provided • Pedestrians should be accommodated on sidewalks adjacent to the travel way (mini- mum 5' wide sidewalk) • Mid-block pedestrian crossings and traffic c.alming devices should be CX>nsidered. but only at locations with high pedestrian activity levels or major destinations/attractions • On-street parking m.y be prOYlded • Primary pul'J)OMI rs to connect people to different neighborhoods and land uses of the dty • Oe,signed to safely move all modes of travel while enhancing mobility for pedestrians and blcydists. • Vehicle speeds should be managed to promote safe pedestrian and bicycle movement • Bicycle lanes should be provided • Bicycle bouleY■rds c.n be considered • Pedestrians should be accommodated on sidewalks adjecent to the travel way (mini- mum 5' wide sidewalk) • Mid-block pedestrian crossings and trafflc calm Ing devices should be considered, but only at locations with high pedestrian activity levels or m1j0f' destinations/attractions • On-,treet parking may be provided 26 I Page (City of TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS GUIDELINES Carlsbad _______________ :........:.--------'--'--------------------{ a 11 f o, n , STRfET TYPOLOGY AND ACCOMMODATED MODES ACCOMMODATED MODES SUBJECT STREET TYPOLOGY DESCRIPTION AND PREFERRED ATTRIBUTES TOMMLOS STANDARD (Y/NJ Employment/Trans!t Connector Streets • Primary purpose is to CDnnect people to and from the employment areas of the city, as well as important destinations and major transit f.cllities. y y y I Coattal Streets -N y y N • Designed to safely move all modes of travel while enhancing mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists and efficiently moving buses to employment. transit stations and ma/or destinations. • Vehide speeds should be man•~ to promote safe pedestrian and blcyde mOYement • Direct connections to bus stops should be provided • Enhancad bus stops should be considered that lndude shelters, benches, and lighting I •: Bicycle lanes and ildewalks should be provided Pedestrian croHing distances should be minimized On-street parttlng may be provided • Primary purpose It to move people along the city's ooean waterfront and connect people to the beach, recreation, bt.lsinaaes and residences in dose proxlmity to the waterfront. The street serves as a destination for people who Mek to drive, walk and bicycle along the oc:ean waterfront. • Designed to safely m0111 all modei of travel while enhancing mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists. I •• Vehicle spNds shall be managed to support uses along the coast Enhanced bicycle and pedestrian crossings should be provided, including: -High visibility C/'055Wllks -Enh•nced pedmrlan notifk1tions (e.g. responsive push-button device$) -Enhanced bicycle detection -Bicycle lines shill be provided ind can be further enh1nced or complemented by other facilities {Juch as bicycle tine buffer$ or off-street ~w-vs) • Pedestrian fadlltlel should be a minimum of five feet and shall strive for six to eight feet In width and shall conform to ADA requirements • ~estrlan crouing distances should be minimized • Trail iacllltles should be encouraged • Opportunities for mid-block pedestrian cronings should be investigated • On-street perking should be provided • Transit facility and operation Improvements should be encouraged I I ..... April 2018 27 I Page L (City of __ T_RA_N_S_P_O_R_TA_T_IO_N_IM_P_A_CT_A_N_A_LY_S_IS_G_U_I_D_EL_IN_E_S ______________ Carlsbad C l I II'-" , 11 I .t mm TYPOLOGY AND ACCOMMODATtO MODES ACCOMMODATED SUBJECT MODES TO MMLOS STANDARD (YIN) SChool Streett N y ., -.. Industrial Streets -y ~ N ~ .t N ;.;;a y l.oall/Nelghborhood StNet y y N April 2018 I STREfT TYPOLOGY DESCRIPTION AND PREFERRED ATTRIBUTES --• Primuy purpose ls to connect people to schooh from nurby resicle:ntMI neighbor· hood5. • Designed to safely move all modes of travel with an emphasis on providing sefe pedes- trian and bicycle acceu for students traveling to and from nearby schools. • Vehicle 1peeduhall be managed to support Khool u1es (typically 25 MPH) • Enhanced bicycle and pedestrian crouings should be provided, including: -High visibility crouwalks -Enhanced pedestrian notiflcatfons (e.g. responsive push-button devices) -Enhanced bicycle detection -Blcycle lanes shall be provided "ld can be further enhanced or complemented by other fadllties or off•street pathways • Pedestrian facilities should be a minimum af six feet and shall strive for eight fitet In width and shall conform to AJJA requirements • Pedestrian aossing distanceJ should be minimized • Opportunities for mid-block pedestrian crossings should be Investigated • Traffic calming devices that improve wrvice 1 ..... 1s and safety for pedestrians and bicy• clistuhould be considered • Primary purpose i1 to connect people to bulinesses within the city's Industrial parks. • Designed to safely move ■II modes of travel while efficiently moving vehicles and buse, from arterial streets and employment/transit connector streets to businesses. • Traffic calmlng devices are generally di10>uraged given the prop■nslty for larger trucks and heavy vehicles ln tnis are■ • On-street parking may be provided as long as It does not interfere with the turning radii of he1vy 11.tiicles. • Primary purpose is to connect people to end through residential neighborhoods 111nd loc111I ..-eas of the city. • Designed to safely move all modes of travel while enhancing mobility for pedestrians and bicydists. • Vehicle speeds should ti. managed to promote 11fe pedertri■n ind bicycle mC111ement • Pedestrians should be ar.commodated on a sidewalk or soft surface trall (wch as de-- composed granite) unless those facilities are lncorulstent with the existing desirable neighborhood character • Bicycles can be aa:ommodated with a bkycle lane or route lf vehicle volumes and/or 'f)C!eds necessitate; otherwise bicycles an share the stree1 • Bkycle boulevards can be considered • Traffic calming measures should be considered when supported by the neighborhood or when warranted for Jafety reasons • on-street perking should be considered 28 I Page Appendix C MMLOS Worksheets & Supporting Data Project: Valley View Segment: Palmer Way From Cougar Dr To Impala Dr Scenario:..:E:c.xc:is..:.ti_n"'g _________________________________________ _ By· MTC '11..,r.Y•~l:lr,EJ:s1,r.11111::,111•Jli'ill't'l: ·-l:.Jtlf': lfilJ ~ ~ 'l:ml':n.'I ---:, .. ~T• , __ -,,,, ,,.,, :·1.11.:0..t Transit Stop Located Within 1/2 Mile Walk from Subject Site or Roadway Segment so (rail/bus) 0 0 No greater than 1/4 mile walk to the nearest transit stop 30 (bus) 30 (rail/bus) 20 20 No greater than 1/2 mile walk to the nearest transit stop 20 (bus) Access No greater than 1 mile bicycle ride to the nearest transit stop 5 5 5 ADA compliant sidewalk or path to transit stops in both 1S 0 0 directions Multiple transit routes stop on segment 10 0 0 Route provides a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility 1S 1S 15 Connectivity hub Route provides for a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub 5 0 0 Transit priority Dedicated right of way 5 0 0 Transit priority during peak hours 5 0 0 Headways of-15 minutes between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm 15 0 0 on weekdays Headways of 30 minutes between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays 5 5 5 Service Headways of 1 hour between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on 2 0 0 weekdavs Commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods 10 0 0 No more than 1 hour headways between 9 am and 5 pm on weekends 5 5 5 Covered bus stops 5 5 0 Bench 10 10 10 Amenities Well-lit stop that provides a sense of security s 0 5 Trash cans 2 2 2 Bus stop located within a block of commercial services s 0 0 Bicycle Bike parking available at the bus stop s 0 0 Accommodations Bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop 5 0 0 No Transit Stop Located Within 1/2 M lle Walk from Subject Site or Roadway Segment Area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will 60 0 0 Available Mobility promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes Services On demand rideshare services available 60 0 0 Segment within FLEX service area 60 0 0 Total Score: 67 67 Transit LOS: D D Day: Tuesday Date: 10/1/2019 DAILY TOTALS AM Period NB SB 00:00 0 0 00:15 0 0 00:30 0 0 00:45 0 0 01:00 0 0 01:15 1 0 01:30 0 0 01:45 0 1 0 02:00 0 0 02:15 1 0 02:30 0 0 02:45 0 1 0 03:00 0 0 03:15 0 0 03:30 1 0 03:45 2 3 0 04:00 1 0 04:15 0 0 04:30 0 0 04:45 5 6 0 05:00 2 1 05:15 14 0 05:30 27 0 05:45 16 59 3 4 06:00 5 1 06:15 5 15 06:30 8 20 06:45 6 24 4 40 07:00 2 3 07:15 7 2 07:30 6 2 07:45 4 19 2 9 08:00 10 2 08:15 10 4 08:30 8 3 08:45 20 48 1 10 09:00 16 3 09:15 15 2 09:30 3 3 09:45 14 48 2 10 10:00 10 5 10:15 4 1 10:30 s 0 10:45 9 28 4 10 11:00 13 0 11:15 10 1 11:30 15 3 11:45 11 49 2 6 TOTALS 286 89 SPLIT" 76.3% 23.7% DAILY TOTALS AM Peak Hour 05:15 06:15 AM Pk Volume 62 42 Pk Hr Factor 0.574 0.525 7 .9 Volume 67 19 7 • 9 Peak Hour 08:00 07:45 7 • 9 Pk Volume 48 11 Pk Hr Factor 0.600 0.688 EB PreparN by National Oata & Survey!"g Service, VOLUME Palmer Way Bet. Cougar Dr & Impala Dr WB TOTAL PM Period NB 0 12:00 10 0 12:15 6 0 12:30 17 0 12:45 8 41 0 13:00 10 1 13:15 14 0 13:30 12 0 1 13:45 13 49 0 14:00 17 1 14:15 16 0 14:30 19 0 1 14:45 24 76 0 15:00 16 0 15:15 9 1 15:30 23 2 3 15:45 36 84 1 16:00 31 0 16:15 26 0 16:30 41 s 6 16:45 43 141 3 17:00 39 14 17:15 19 27 17:30 22 19 63 17:45 19 99 6 18:00 13 20 18:15 15 28 18:30 5 10 64 18:45 3 36 5 19:00 5 9 19:15 5 8 19:30 3 6 28 19:45 4 17 12 20:00 2 14 20:15 1 11 20:30 2 21 S8 20:45 1 6 19 21:00 2 17 21:15 1 6 21:30 2 16 58 21:45 1 6 15 22:00 1 5 22:15 0 5 22:30 0 13 38 22:45 0 1 13 23:00 0 11 23:15 0 18 23:30 0 13 55 23:45 0 375 TOTALS 556 33.3" SPLIT% 74.0% OS:45 PM Peak Hour 16:15 73 PM Pk Volume 149 0.652 Pk Hr Factor 0.866 86 4. &Volume 240 08:00 4 • 6 Peak Hour 16:15 58 4 -6 Pk Volume 149 0,690 Pk Hr Factor 0,866 SB 1 3 4 4 3 2 1 4 5 3 34 8 4 0 4 2 11 2 18 16 24 10 3 2 1 5 13 1 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 City: Carlsbad Project#: CA19_ 437S_OOl EB WB 12 10 so 10 47 39 20 1 5 1 195 26.0% 16:30 68 0.708 86 16:30 68 0.708 ~ TOTAL 11 9 21 12 53 13 16 13 17 59 22 19 53 32 126 20 9 27 38 94 42 28 59 59 188 63 29 25 21 138 14 20 18 4 56 5 5 3 5 18 7 1 2 1 11 2 1 2 1 6 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 751 66.7% ~ 16'30 210 0.Bll 326 16:30 210 0.833 3 09 I Oceanside to Encinitas via El Camino Real Oceanside a Encinitas via El Camino Real See pg. 6 for Holiday schedules/Ver pag. 254 para obtener los horarios de dies festivos Monday • Friday Southbound to Encinitas Lunes a Viernes • Oirecci6n hacia el sur a Encinitas San Luis Douglas Or. Mission Ave. El Camino Plaza El Camino College Bl. El Camino El Camino Rey Transit & & El Camino Real (omioo Real & & Real & Real & Encinitas Center Vandegrift Bl. Real Stotion Real Cannon Rd. Connon Rd. Gateway Rd. Leucadia Bl. Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4:08 -4:19 4:26 4:35 4:44 -4:53 5:03 5:17a 4:37 -4:48 4:56 5:05 5: 14 -5:24 5:34 5:48 5:06 -5:17 5:26 5:35 5:44 -5:54 6:04 6: 18 5:30 -5:42 5:51 6:00 6:09 -6: 19 6:30 6:47 5:59 -6: 12 6:21 6:30 6:41 -6:52 7:05 7:25 6:29 -6:42 6:51 7:00 7: 11 -7:24 7:38 8:00 6:57 7: 12 7:2 1 7:32 7:43 -7:56 8: 10 8:32 7:27 7:42 7:51 8:02 8: 13 -8:26 8:41 9:03 7:57 -8:12 8:21 8:32 8:43 -8:54 9:09 9:29 8:27 -8:42 8:51 9:02 9:13 -9:24 9:38 9:58 8:54 8:58 9:08 9:21 9:33 9:44 -9:53 10:07 10:27 9:27 -9:42 9:51 10:03 10: 14 -10:23 10:37 10:57 9:57 -10: 12 10:2 1 10:33 10:44 -10:53 11 :07 11 :27 10:27 -10:42 10:51 11 :04 11: 15 -11 :24 11 :38 11 :58 10:54 10:58 11 :08 11 :21 11 :34 11 :45 -11 :54 12:09 12:30p 11 :25 -11 :41 11 :51 12:04 12:15 -12:24 12:39 1:00 11 :55 -12: 11 12:21 12:34 12:46 -12:55 1: 10 1 :31 12:25 -12:41 12:51 1:04 1 :16 -1 :25 1:40 2:01 12:55 -1:11 1 :21 1:34 1:46 -1:55 2:10 2:31 1:24 1 :28 1:38 1 :51 2:04 2:16 -2:25 2:40 3:01 ------*2:45 *2:54 •3:09 •3:30 1:55 -2:11 2:21 2:34 2:46 -2:55 3:10 3:31 2:25 -2:41 2:51 3:05 3:17 -3:26 3:41 4:02 --- - --.. 3:44 .. 3:54 .. 4:09 ·•4:30 2:55 -3:11 3:21 3:35 3:47 -3:56 4:11 4:32 3:24 -3:40 3:51 4:04 4:16 -4:25 4:40 5:01 3:54 -4:10 4:21 4:34 4:46 -4:55 5:10 5:31 4:24 -4:40 4:51 5:04 5:16 -5:25 5:40 6:01 4:54 -5:10 5:21 5:34 5:46 -5:55 6:08 6:29 • Operates Wednesdays only. Opera solamente los Miercoles. •• Operates Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Opera Lunes, Martes, Jueves y Viernes. Trip oily operates wlien Sage Crffk High School is ape■ for i■·person learning and is s■l,ied to change based on bell times. NCTD wiU update trip planning applcations and GoNCTD.com whe■ this service returns. El servicio solo funciona mientras Sage Creek High School se encuentre abierta para closes presenciales y esto sujeto a cambios en funcion de los hororias de entrada y solido. El NCTD ocluolizoro los oplicociones de plonilicacion de vioje y GoNCTO.cam cuondo el servicio se reonude. Gu10 de Poso1eros del NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT I VALIDA desde el 24 de octubre de/ 2021 137 309 I Oceanside to Encinitas via El Camino Real Oceanside a Encinitas via El Camino Real See pg. 6 for Holiday schedules/Ver pag. 254 para obtener los hororios de dios festivos Monday -Friday Southbound to Encinitas Lunes o Viernes • Direcci6n hocio el sur a Encinitas Son Luis Douglas Or. Mission Ave. El (amino Plaza El Camino College 81. El Camino El Camino Rey Transit 8. 8. El Camino Real Camino Real 8. 8. Real & Real & Encinitas Center Vandegrift 81. Reol Station Real Connon Rd. Connon Rd Gotewuy Rd. Leucadia 81. Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5:25 -5:41 5:51 6:03 6:15 -6:24 6:37 6:54 6:28 -6:42 6:51 7:02 7:14 -7:22 7:35 7:52 7:28 -7:42 7:51 8:02 8:12 -8:20 8:31 8:47 8:29 -8:42 8:51 9:01 9:11 -9:19 9:29 9:44 138 NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT Riders Guide I EFFECTIVE October 24, 2021 3 09 I Oceanside to Encinitas via El Camino Real Oceanside o Encinitas via El Camino Real See pg. 6 for Holiday schedules/Ver pag. 254 para obtener los horarios de dfas festivos Mondad -Friday Northboun to Oceanside Lunes a Viernes • Direccion hacia el norte a Oceanside El Comino El (omino College Bl. El Camilo P1ozo El Camino Mission Ave. Douglas Or. Son Lu~ Encinitas Real & Real & & Real & Camino Reol & El Camino & Rey Transit Station LeucoalO Bl. Gateway Rd. Connon Rd. Cannon Rd. Real Station Reol Vandegrift Bl. Center 10 9 8 7 6 s 4 3 2 1 5:45 5:56 6:06 -6: 15 6:25 6:36 6:47 -7:030 6: 10 6:22 6:32 -6:45 6:55 7:06 7:17 -7:33 6:35 6:48 7:00 -7: 13 7:25 7:36 7:47 -8:03 7:06 7:19 7:31 -7:43 7:55 8:06 8: 17 -8:33 -7:45 7:58 8:10 - - - --- 7:32 7:47 8:00 -8: 11 8:23 8:36 8:47 -9:03 8:02 8: 17 8:30 -8:41 8:53 9:06 9:1 7 -9:33 8:34 8:49 9:01 -9:12 9:23 9:36 9:49 9:59 10:05 9:04 9: 19 9:31 -9:42 9:53 10:06 10:17 -10:34 9:34 9:49 10:01 -10: 12 10:23 10:36 10:47 -11 :04 10:03 10: 19 10:3 1 -10:42 10:53 11 :06 11: 17 -11 :36 10:32 10:48 11 :00 -1 1 : 11 11 :22 11 :36 11 :47 -12:06p 11 :02 11 : 18 11 :30 -11 :41 11 :52 12:06 12:19 12:29 12:35 11 :30 11 :46 11 :58 -12:10 12:22 12:36 12:47 -1:06 12:00 12:16 12:28 -12:40 12:52 1:06 1 :17 -1:36 12:30 12:46 12:58 -1 :10 1:22 1:36 1:47 -2:08 12:57 1: 13 1:25 -1 :38 1:50 2:06 2:17 -2:38 1:25 1:42 1:55 -2:08 2:20 2:36 2:48 -3:09 1:54 2:11 2:24 -2:38 2:50 3:06 3:19 -3:40 2:18 2:36 2:51 -3:05 3:20 3:36 3:49 -4:10 2:47 3:05 3:20 -3:35 3:50 4:06 4:21 -4:42 3:16 3:35 3:50 -4:05 4:20 4:36 4:51 -5:12 3:46 4:05 4:20 -4:35 4:50 5:06 5:21 -5:42 4:17 4:35 4:50 -5:07 5:20 5:36 5:51 -6:11 4:47 5:05 5:20 -5:37 5:50 6:06 6:21 -6:41 5:18 5:37 5:51 -6:06 6:19 6:35 6:47 -7:06 5:52 6:09 6:23 -6:37 6:50 7:06 7:18 -7:37 6:25 6:41 6:54 -7:07 7:20 7:36 7:47 -8:05 7:37 7:51 8:03 -8:13 8:23 8:36 8:47 -9:04 8:41 8:53 9:04 -9:13 9:23 9:36 9:47 -10:03 9:43 9:55 10:06 -10:15 10:25 10:36 10:47 -11:02 Please ■ote, BREEZE "school tripper" bus service oaly 111■s whle Sage Creek High School is ia session for in-person learning and are subjed to change based on bell tunes. NOD wil ,pdate trip plan■i■g apprications aad GoNCTD.co11 whe■ thi.s service retur■s. Tengo en cuenta que el servicio de autobus "school tripper" de BREEZE solo funciona mientras Sage Creek High School se encuentre abierta para closes presencioles y esta sujeto a cambios en funcion de las hororios de entrada y solida. El NCTD actualizaro las aplicacianes de plan~icocion de viaje y GaNCTD.com cuando el servicio se reanude. Guio de Poso1eros del NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT I VALIDA desde el 24 de octubre de/ 202 I 139 309 I Oceanside to Encinitas via El Camino Real Oceanside a Encinitas via El Camino Real See pg. 6 for Holiday schedules/Ver pag. 254 para obtener los horarios de dfas festivos Saturday Southbound to Encinitas Sabado • Oireccion hacia el sur a Encinitas Son Luis Rey Mission Ave. El Camino Plozo El Camino El Camino El Camino Transit & El Camino Real Camino Real & Real & Real 8. Encinitas Center Real Station Real Connon Rd. Gateway Rd. Leucadia 81. Slation 1 3 4 s 6 8 9 10 4:58 5: 11 5:21 5:38 5:49 5:57 6:09 6:24a 5:58 6: 11 6:21 6:38 6:49 6:58 7:10 7:28 6:57 7: 11 7:21 7:38 7:49 7:58 8:10 8:28 7:57 8: 11 8:21 8:38 8:49 8:58 9:10 9:28 8:56 9: 11 9:21 9:38 9:49 9:58 10: 10 10:28 9:26 9 :41 9:51 10:08 10: 19 10:28 10:40 10:58 9:56 10: 11 10:21 10:38 10:49 10:58 11 : 10 11 :29 10:25 10:41 10:51 11 :08 11: 19 11 :28 11 :40 11 :59 10:55 l 1 : 11 11 :21 11 :38 11 :49 11 :58 12:10 12:29p 11 :25 11 :41 11 :51 12:08 12:19 12:28 12:40 12:59 11 :55 12: 11 12:21 12:38 12:49 12:58 1:10 1:29 12:24 12:41 12:51 1:08 1: 19 1:28 1:40 1:59 12:54 1 :11 1 :21 1:38 1:49 1:58 2:10 2:29 1:24 1 :41 1:51 2:08 2:19 2:28 2:40 2:59 1:55 2:11 2:21 2:38 2:49 2:58 3:10 3:29 2:25 2:41 2:51 3:08 3:18 3:27 3:39 3:58 2:55 3: 11 3:21 3:38 3:48 3:57 4:09 4:27 3:25 3:41 3:51 4:08 4:18 4:27 4:39 4:57 3:54 4:10 4:21 4:38 4:48 4:57 5:09 5:27 4:24 4:40 4:51 5:08 5:18 5:27 5:39 5:56 4:55 5:10 5:21 5:38 5:48 5:57 6:09 6:24 5:25 5:40 5:51 6:08 6:18 6:27 6:39 6:54 5:55 6:10 6:21 6:38 6:48 6:57 7:09 7:23 6:56 7:10 7:21 7:38 7:48 7:57 8:09 8:23 7:56 8:10 8:21 8:38 8:48 8:57 9:09 9:23 8:57 9:1 0 9:21 9:38 9:47 9:54 10:05 10:17 10:05 10:16 10:26 10:43 10:52 10:59 11 :09 11 :21 140 NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT Rider's Guide I EFFECT1VE October 24, 2021 3 09 I Oceanside to Encinitas via El Camino Real Oceanside a Encinitas via El Camino Real See pg. 6 for Holiday schedules/Ver pag. 254 poro obtener los hororios de dios festivos Saturday Northbound to Oceanside Sabado • Direcci6n hacia el norte a Oceanside El Comino El Camino El Camino Plazo El Comino Mission Ave. Son Luis Rey Encinitas Reol & Real & Real & Camino Real & El Camino Tmnsit Station Leucadia Bl. Gateway Rd. Connon Rd. Real Station Real Center 10 9 8 6 s 4 3 1 5: 15 5:26 5:35 5:44 5:55 6:06 6:17 6:300 6 :15 6:26 6:35 6:44 6:55 7:06 7:17 7:30 7 :13 7:25 7:35 7:44 7:55 8:06 8:17 8:32 8:10 8:23 8 :34 8:43 8:54 9:06 9:19 9:34 8:39 8:53 9:04 9: 13 9:24 9:36 9:49 10:04 9:08 9:22 9:33 9:43 9 :54 10:06 10: 19 10:34 9:37 9:52 10:03 10: 13 10:24 10:36 10:49 11 :04 10:07 10:22 10:33 10:43 10:54 11 :06 11 : 19 11 :34 10:36 10:52 11 :03 1 1 : 13 11 :24 11 :36 11 :49 12:06p 11 :06 11 :22 11 :33 11 :43 11 :54 12:06 12:19 12:36 11 :37 11 :53 12:03 12:13 12:24 12:36 12:49 1 :06 12:07 12:23 12:33 12:43 12:54 1:06 1 :19 1:36 12:37 12:53 1:03 1: 13 1:24 1:36 1:49 2:06 1 :06 1:22 1:32 1 :42 1:54 2:06 2:19 2:36 1:35 1:51 2:01 2: 11 2:24 2:36 2:49 3:06 2:03 2:19 2:29 2:39 2:52 3:06 3:19 3:36 2:32 2:48 2:59 3:09 3:22 3:36 3:49 4:06 3:02 3:18 3:29 3:39 3:52 4:06 4:1 9 4:36 3:32 3:48 3:59 4:09 4:22 4:36 4:49 5:06 4:02 4:18 4:29 4:39 4:52 5:06 5:1 9 5:36 4:32 4:48 4:59 5:09 5:22 5:36 5:49 6:06 5:04 5:20 5:31 5:41 5:52 6:06 6:19 6:36 5:34 5:50 6:01 6:11 6:22 6:36 6:49 7:06 6:05 6:20 6:31 6:41 6:52 7:06 7:19 7:35 7:12 7:26 7:37 7:46 7:57 8:11 8:23 8:37 8:30 8:44 8:54 9:03 9:14 9:26 9:38 9:52 10:22 10:34 10:44 10:53 11:04 11 :16 11 :27 11 :41 Guio de Poso1eros de! NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT I VALIDA desde el 24 de o<tubre de/ 2021 14 1 3 09 I Oceanside to Encinitas via El Camino Real Oceanside a Encinitas via El Camino Real See pg. 6 for Holiday schedules/Ver p6g. 254 para obtener los horarios de dias festivos Sunday Southbound to Encinitas Domingo • Oirecci6n hacia el sur a Encinitas Son Luis Rey Mission Ave. El Camino Plaza El Camino El Camino El Camino Transit 8. El Camino Real Camino Real 8. Real 8. Real 8. Encinitas Center Real Station Real Connon Rd. Gateway Rd. Leucadia Bl. Station 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 4:58 5: 11 5:21 5:38 5:49 5:57 6:09 6:240 5:58 6: 11 6:21 6:38 6:49 6:58 7:10 7:28 6:57 7: 11 7:21 7:38 7:49 7:58 8:10 8:28 7:57 8: 11 8:21 8:38 8:49 8:58 9:10 9:28 8:56 9: 11 9:21 9:38 9:49 9:58 10: l 0 10:28 9:56 1 0: 11 10:2 1 10:38 10:49 10:58 11: 10 11 :29 10:55 1 l : l l 11 :2 1 11 :38 11 :49 11 :58 12:10 12:29p 11 :55 12: 11 12:21 12:38 12:49 12:58 1: 10 1:29 12:54 1 :11 1 :21 1 :38 1:49 1 :58 2:10 2:29 1:55 2:11 2:21 2:38 2:49 2:58 3:10 3:29 2:55 3:11 3:21 3:38 3:48 3:57 4:09 4:27 3:54 4:10 4:21 4:38 4:48 4:57 5:09 5:27 4:55 5:10 5:21 5:38 5:48 5:57 6:09 6:24 5:55 6:10 6:21 6:38 6:48 6:57 7:09 7:23 6:56 7:10 7:21 7:38 7:48 7:57 8:09 8:23 7:56 8:10 8:21 8:38 8:48 8:57 9:09 9:23 8:57 9:10 9:21 9:38 9:47 9:54 10:05 10:17 10:05 10:16 10:26 10:43 10:52 10:59 11 :09 11 :21 142 NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT Riders Guide EFFECflVE October 24, 2021 309 I Oceanside to Encinitas via El Camino Real Oceanside a Encinitas via El Camino Real See pg. 6 for Holiday schedules/Ver p6g. 254 para obtener los horarios de dias festivos Sunday Northbound to Oceanside Domingo • Direcci6n hacia el norte a Oceanside El Camino El Camino El Camino Plaza El Camino Mission Ave. Son Luis Rey Encinitas Real & Real & Real & Camino Real & El Camino Transit Station Leucodio 81. Gateway Rd. Connon Rd. Reol Station Real Center 10 9 8 6 s 4 3 1 5:15 5:26 5:35 5:44 5:55 6:06 6:17 6:30a 6:15 6:26 6:35 6:44 6 :55 7:06 7:17 7:30 7:13 7:25 7:35 7:44 7 :55 8:06 8:17 8:32 8: l 0 8:23 8 :34 8:43 8:54 9:06 9:19 9:34 9:08 9:22 9:33 9:43 9 :54 l 0:06 10: 19 10:34 10:07 10:22 10:33 10:43 l 0:54 11 :06 11 : 19 11 :34 11 :06 11 :22 11 :33 11 :43 11 :54 12:06 12:19 12:36p 12:07 12:23 12:33 12:43 12:54 1:06 1 :19 1 :36 1:06 1:22 1:32 1 :42 1:54 2:06 2:19 2:36 2:03 2:19 2:29 2:39 2:52 3:06 3:19 3:36 3:02 3:18 3:29 3:39 3:52 4:06 4:19 4:36 4:02 4:18 4:29 4:39 4:52 5:06 5:19 5:36 5:04 5:20 5:31 5:41 5:52 6:06 6:19 6:36 6:05 6:20 6:31 6:41 6:52 7:06 7:19 7:35 7:12 7:26 7:37 7:46 7:57 8:11 8:23 8:37 8:30 8:44 8:54 9:03 9:14 9:26 9:38 9:52 10:22 10:34 10:44 10:53 11:04 11 : 16 11 :27 11 :41 Gu,o de Posa1eros del NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT I VALIDA desde el 24 de octubre de/ 202 I 143 AppendixD Queuing Worksheets