HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2018-0007; VALLEY VIEW; PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCE SURVEY; 2019-11-04PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCE SURVEY REPORT VALLEY VIEW PROJECT PREPARED FOR: SOLOMON LEVY LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC P.O. BOX 12409 EL CAJON. CALIFORNIA 92022 PREPARED BY: RED TAIL ENVIRONMENTAL. INC. 2627 ARIANE DRIVE SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92117 ~ity of Carlsbad DEC 2 6 2019 ~anning Division N. SCOTT RUGH. M.S .. PALEONTOLOGICAL PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR JENNIFER M. DICENZO. B.S .. PALEONTOLOGICAL FIELD MANAGER NOVEMBER 4, 2019 Table of Contents MANAGEMENT SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION................................................... . ................... 2 Project Description ........................................ . . .................... 3 Project Personnel ........................................................................................................................................ 3 REGULATORY CONTEXT .................................................................................................................................... 3 California Environmental Quality Act Of 1970 ............................................................................................. 3 Public Resources Code........................................ . ............. 3 City of Carlsbad General Plan ........................... . Definition and Significance of Paleontological Resources .. Paleontological Resources Sensitivity Criteria ................... . RESEARCH METHODS ...................................... . Museum Record Search .......................... . ··············4 .4 ..5 . .............................. 6 ································6 Literature and Geological Map Review ........................................................................................................ 6 Field Survey .................................................................................................................................................. 6 RESULTS. . ................... 7 Geologic Setting .................. . . ................... 7 Stratigraphy ............................... . . ...... 7 Point Loma Formation ................. . . ....... 7 Lusardi Formation ............................................................. . ·································7 Museum Record Search and literature Results ................... . . .................................... 8 Field Survey Results ...................................................................................................................................... 8 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................................... 9 REFERENCES CITED ................... . . .......................... 10 TABLES AND FIGURES .............. . . .................... 11 Table 1. Valley View Survey Information Table ......................................................................................... 11 Figure 1. Project Location................................................................................................................ . ..... 12 Figure 2. Project Area................................................................................................. . ...... 13 Figure 3. Geology of Project Area .............................................................................................................. 14 Figure 4. North section of survey area, looking south ............................................................................... lS Figure 5. South section of the survey area, looking north ......................................................................... 15 APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................................................... 16 1 MANAGEMENT SUMMARY The purpose of this study was to determine the potential effects on paleontological resources of the proposed Valley View Project (project). This study was performed in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). A summary of the assessment is summarized in Table 1. The project involves construction of an approximately 11,977 square foot industrial office building on a portion of an existing 6.34-acre parcel located on the north side of Palmer Way between Cougar Drive and Impala Drive. The property is presently vacant and on the shoulder of an existing, fully improved industrial public street. Development of the proposed office building will impact an estimated 25 percent of the site, with the remaining 75 percent of the site to be preserved as natural open space. The steep slope areas will be preserved in their natural state, except for fire suppression thinning, which is a requirement of the City of Carlsbad. The paleontologically sensitive rock units underlying the project area in the vicinity of Palmer Way are mapped as Late Cretaceous Point Loma Formation underlain by Upper Cretaceous Lusardi Formation. The field survey conducted by Red Tail paleontologists confirmed that the site has been previously graded and only previously disturbed dirt can be observed at the surface. Per the requirements stated in the Tribal, Cultural and Paleontological Guidelines (City of Carlsbad, 2017), the record search and survey results have been reviewed by a qualified paleontologist knowledgeable about local geology and paleontology with specific expertise in the type of fossils being evaluated. Any proposed excavation activity that extends deep enough to encounter previously undisturbed deposits have the potential to adversely impact nonrenewable paleontological resources. Due to the high paleontological sensitivity of the Point Loma Formation and the moderate paleontological sensitivity of the Lusardi Formation in San Diego County (Demere and Walsh, 1993), in addition to the numerous previously documented fossil collection localities near the project site, implementation of a complete paleontological resource mitigation program during subsurface excavation activity is recommended. In addition, it is recommended that the plan require the adoption of a standard unanticipated discovery measure that instructs construction personnel to immediately halt ground-disturbing activity at the location of a suspected paleontological exposure plus a SO-foot radius buffer around the discovery, per City of Carlsbad guidelines, and work shall be halted within the buffer until the City can consult with a qualified paleontologist on the identification and evaluation of the find. INTRODUCTION This document summarizes the results of the paleontological assessment survey conducted by Red Tail Environmental (Red Tail) for Land Development LLC, in preparation of anticipated excavation activities associated with construction of the project. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential effects on paleontological resources of the proposed project. This study was performed in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 2 Project Description The project involves construction of an approximately 11,977 square foot industrial office building on a portion of an existing 6.34-acre parcel located on the north side of Palmer Way between Cougar Drive and Impala Drive in the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California (Figures 1 and 2). The property is presently vacant and on the shoulder of an existing, fully improved industrial public street. Development of the proposed office building will impact an estimated 25 percent of the site, with the remaining 75 percent of the site being preserved as natural open space. The steep slope areas will be preserved in their natural state, except for fire suppression thinning, which is a requirement of the City of Carlsbad. The two~ story building includes an office floor over a parking floor that provides a total of 46 parking spaces. The plan also includes an outdoor employee eating area as well as a common patio area on the northern side of the building. All of the necessary utilities to accommodate the proposed development will also be installed as part of construction. Project Personnel N. Scott Rugh served as Principal Investigator for this survey and Jennifer M. OiCenzo served as the Project Manager. The survey was performed by N. Scott Rugh and Jennifer M. DiCenzo. Spencer G. Bietz and Jennifer M. DiCenzo completed the GIS report maps. This report was prepared by N. Scott Rugh and Jennifer M. OiCenzo. REGULATORY CONTEXT The following is a discussion of applicable laws that protect all vertebrate fossils and any unique paleontological locality. California Environmental Quality Act Of 1970 CEOA clearly defines the state's policy to "take all action necessary to provide the people of this state with ... historic environmental qualities." CEOA further states that public or private projects financed or approved by the state are subject to environmental review. All such projects, unless entitled to an exemption, may proceed only after this requirement has been satisfied. CEOA requires detailed studies to analyze the environmental effects of any proposed project. In the event that a project is determined to have a potentially significant environmental effect, the act requires that alternative plans and mitigation measures be considered. If paleontological resources are identified as being within the proposed project area, the sponsoring agency must take those resources into consideration when evaluating project effects. State guidelines require that all private and public activities not specifically exempted be evaluated for the potential to adversely impact the environment, which includes impacts to paleontological resources. Public Resources Code Paleontological resources are limited, nonrenewable resources of scientific and educational value, which are afforded protection under state laws and regulations. This study satisfies requirements of Public Resources Code Section 5097.5, in accordance with state guidelines which state that no person shall knowingly and willfully excavate upon, or remove, destroy, injure or deface any historic or prehistoric ruins, burial grounds, archaeological or vertebrate paleontological site, including fossilized footprints, inscriptions made by human agency, or any other archaeological, paleontological or historical feature, 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • • • - • situated on public lands, except with the express permission of the public agency having jurisdiction over said lands. Violation of this section is a misdemeanor. This analysis also complies with guidelines and significance criteria specified by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (2010). City of Carlsbad General Plan The City's Draft General Plan Update (2014) specifies policies to reduce impacts to paleontological resources. The Proposed Arts, History, Culture and Education Element of the Draft General Plan Update (2014) statement regarding paleontological (and archaeological) resources is summarized as follows: Implement the City of Carlsbad Cultural Resources Guidelines to avoid or substantially reduce impacts to paleontological (and archaeological) resources; During construction of specific development projects, require monitoring of grading, ground- disturbing, and other major earth-moving activities in previously undisturbed areas or in areas with known paleontological (or archaeological) resources by a qualified professional, (as well as tribal monitor, if applicable). A qualified professional (and tribal monitor, if applicable) shall observe grading, ground-disturbing, and other earth-moving activities (City of Carlsbad, 2014). Definition and Significance of Paleontological Resources Paleontological resources, or fossils, are the buried remains and traces of once-living organisms preserved in the geological formations within which they were originally buried. These include bones, teeth, shells, wood, leaf impressions, footprints, burrows and microscopic remains. Fossils are typically older than 10,000 years but remains of early Holocene age can also be considered to represent fossils because they represent a record of life in the past. Additionally, the localities of the fossil collections and the geological formations containing those localities are also considered paleontological resources. Fossils are considered non-renewable resources because typically the organisms they represent no longer exist, and once destroyed can never be replaced. Fossils are important scientifically and educationally because they are evidence of prehistoric life on Earth. Paleontologists use fossils remains to better understand aspects of paleoenvironments and paleoclimates, to study patterns and processes of evolution and extinction, and to determine relationships between extinct and extant organisms. Fossil resources vary widely in their relative abundance and distribution and not all are regarded as significant. Preserved vertebrate fossils remains or track ways are classed as significant by most state and federal agencies and professional groups (and are specifically protected under the California Public Resources Code). In many cases, fossils of plants or invertebrate animals are also considered significant and can provide important information about ancient local environments. Paleontological resources that may be considered not to have scientific significance include those that lack provenience or context, lack phystcal integrity due to decay or natural erosion, or that are overly redundant or are otherwise not useful for research. The full significance of fossil specimens or fossil assemblages cannot be accurately predicted before they are collected, and in many cases, before they are prepared in the laboratory and compared with previously collected fossils. Pre-construction assessment 4 of significance associated with an area or formation must be made based on previous finds, characteristics of the sediments, and other methods that can be used to determine depositional conditions. The Tribal, Cultural and Paleontological Guidelines (City of Carlsbad, 2017) state that fossils are considered to be significant if one or more of the following criteria apply: The fossils provide information on the evolutionary relationships and developmental trends among organisms, living or extinct; The fossils provide data useful in determining the age(s) of the rock unit or sedimentary stratum, including data important in determining the depositional history of the region and the timing of geologic events therein; The fossils provide data regarding the development of biological communities or interaction between paleobotanical and paleozoological biotas; The fossils demonstrate unusual or spectacular circumstances in the history of life; The fossils are in short supply and/or in danger of being depleted or destroyed by the elements, vandalism, or commercial exploitation, and are not found in other geographic locations; and/or, All identifiable vertebrate fossils are considered significant due to the rarity of their preservation. Paleontological Resources Sensitivity Criteria The following is a list of definitions for high, moderate, low, marginal, and no paleontological resource potential, or sensitivity, as set forth in the County of San Diego's Guidelines for Determining Significance (2007) with respect to paleontological resources, as required by the City of Carlsbad Tribal, Cultural and Paleontological Guidelines. High Resource Sensitivity High resource potential or high sensitivity are assigned to geologic formations known to contain paleontological localities with rare, well preserved, critical fossil remains for stratigraphic or paleoenvironmental interpretation, and fossils providing important information about the paleoclimatic, paleobiotogical, and phylogeny of animal and plant groups. Generally, formations with high resource sensitivity are considered to have the most potential to produce unique invertebrate fossil assemblages or unique vertebrate fossil materials. Moderate Resource Sensitivity Moderate resource potential or moderate sensitivity are assigned to geologic formations known to contain paleontological localities, or they are considered to have a strong, even if yet unproven locally, potential for producing unique fossils. Low Resource Sensitivity low resource potential or low sensitivity are assigned to geologic formations that are considered unlikely to produce unique fossil remains based on their relatively young age and high-energy depositional history. However, when fossils are found in these formations, they are often very significant additions to our understanding of the geologic history of this region. Occasionally, deeper excavations into sediments mapped as young alluvium can penetrate into Pleistocene age deposits that do yield fossils. 5 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • - • • • • • • • Marginal Resource Sensitivity Marginal resource potential or marginal sensitivity are assigned to geologic formations that are composed of either volcaniclastic or metasedimentary rocks, but regardless have limited probability for producing fossils from certain formations at localized outcrops. Volcaniclastic rock can contain organisms that were fossilized by being covered with ash, dust, mud, or other debris from volcanoes. Metasedimentary rocks are sedimentary rocks that have been metamorphosed by heat or pressure caused by volcanoes or plutons. If those sedimentary rocks contained fossils, then some of those fossil may have survived the metamorphism and still be identifiable. Regardless, the probability of this actually happening is so limited, these formations are considered to be marginally sensitive for paleonto1ogic resources. No Resource Sensitivity No resources sensitivity or no resource potential is assigned to geologic formations that are composed entire of volcanic or plutonic igneous rock and therefore do not have any potential for producing fossil remains. These formations have no paleontological resource potential and have no paleontological sensitivity. Artificial fill materials, for instance, are assigned no pa1eontologica1 sensitivity or potential. RESEARCH METHODS Museum Record Search A record search was completed by the San Diego Natural History Museum (SDNHM) on October 28th, 2019 (Appendix A). The purpose of the museum record search is to determine whether there are any known fossil localities that occur within or adjacent to the project area, identify the sensitivity of geological formations present within the project area, and determine whether a paleontological mitigation program is warranted to avoid or minimize potential adverse impacts of construction on paleontological resources. Literature and Geological Map Review The purpose of the literature searches was to determine whether any previously recorded fossil localities occur within the project area and to research the paleontological potential, stratigraphy, and general geology of the formation within the project area based on research that has been completed elsewhere in the City of Carlsbad or within San Diego County. The literature review included published scientific papers that were found at the library of the Biodiversity Research Center of the Californias (BRCC), SDNHM, and on the internet. The purpose of the geologic map review was to determine the names and number of geologic formations and surficial deposits within the project area, and their geographic distribution. The geologic map reviewed included Kennedy and Tan (2007). Field Survey The objective of the field survey was to document all scientifically important surface fossils within the project area. The field survey took place on October 28th, 2019 and examined the exposed flat surface of the project area. The north edge of the project drops too steeply into the adjacent canyon and is too densely covered in vegetation to be visually inspected. Field survey protocol included a pedestrian examination of all safely accessible fossil-bearing formational exposures and outcrops. 6 RESULTS The result of the paleontological assessment performed by Red Tail was negative and no fossils localities were collected. The results of the field work and research are presented below. Geologic Setting The project area is located within the Coastal Plain geomorphic region of San Diego County west of the Peninsular Ranges region. The Coastal Plain geomorphic region is underlain by alternating marine and non-marine sedimentary rock units that are the result of 140 million years of geologic history in San Diego (Gastil and Higley, 1977). These ancient rock units are presently preserved at elevations up to 1,200 feet above current sea level, and though faulting has broken up many of these rock units in the southwestern portion of San Diego, these same rock units north of La Jolla remain relatively undeformed (Demere and Walsh, 1993). Stratigraphy The paleontologically sensitive rock units underlying the project area in the vicinity of Palmer Way are mapped as Late Cretaceous Point Loma Formation underlain by Upper Cretaceous Lusardi Formation (Kennedy and Tan, 2007). Both formations and their paleontological sensitivity are described below and the geology of the project vicinity is shown in Figure 3. The project area has been modified due to previous construction of the adjacent road and retail development. Only previously displaced or graded dirt with modern trash and organic debris was observed on the surface during the survey. No previously undisturbed stratigraphy could be observed. Is it possible that outcrops showing stratigraphy of Lusardi or Point Loma Formation exists beyond the open space graded at the peak of this site, but the edges of this location were too steep and densely covered in chaparral to be visually inspected. Point Loma Formation The Point Loma Formation consists of alternating layers of bluish-gray shale, mudstone, and sandstone (Kennedy and Moore, 1971; Nilsen and Abbott, 1981). This formation is exposed in the sea cliffs along both sides of the Point Loma Peninsula, and in the sea cliffs from Bird Rock north to La Jolla Shores and is 275 feet thick. The Point Loma Formation was deposited on the sea floor during the late Cretaceous approximately 75 million years ago. Well-preserved fossil remains of numerous types of marine invertebrates such as nautiloids and ammonites have been discovered in this formation (Sundberg, 1981; Sundberg and Riney, 1984; Popenoe and Saul, 1987) and has produced sparse remains of terrestrial plants and dinosaurs including hadrosaur and nodosaur (Demere, 1988). Lusardi Formation The Lusardi Formation was deposited during the late Cretaceous approximately 80 million years ago by alluvial fans along the western margin of the coastal mountain range (Nordstrom, 1970). It consists of reddish-brown, poorly sorted sandy pebble and boulder conglomerate with occasional lenses of arkosic sandstone (Demere and Walsh, 1993). The maximum observed thickness of the Lusardi Formation is 41S feet thick in the Rancho Santa Fe area. Small fragments of plant material have been collected from exposures in Carlsbad but no identifiable fossils have been recovered. However, the age and terrestrial depositional setting of this rock unit suggests the potential for containing dinosaurs and other terrestrial vertebrates (Demere and Walsh, 1993). This formation is exposed in Lusardi Canyon and La Zanja Canyon 7 - - • • • - - - • - - - - - - - • - - - near Rancho Santa Fe, along Poway east of Poway, in Alpine, Near the San Vicente Reservoir ad east of Palomar Airport in Carlsbad (Demere and Walsh, 1993). Museum Record Search and Literature Results A paleontological record search and map review for this project was completed at the SDNHM and is included with this report {Appendix A). The results of the record search and map review were analyzed and both geologic units within the project area were subsequently assigned a paleontological resource sensitivity. The SDNHM has 73 recorded fossil localities within one mile of the project site. Four of those localities are from the Pleistocene-age Bay Point Formation, which is not anticipated to be present or within the project boundary or impacted during construction. The remaining sixty-nine localities are from the Point Loma Formation, which is anticipated to be present within the project boundary and is likely to be impacted by project construction. The 69 fossils recorded from Point Loma Formation yielded trace fossils burrows and borings, impressions or remains of plants and marine invertebrates and vertebrates, and terrestrial vertebrates. The Point Loma Formation provides one of the best late Cretaceous fossil records, which includes the marine reptile mosasaurs (SDNHM, 2019), and some of the only know dinosaurs found in California {Coombs and Demere, 1996; Demere, 1988; Ford and Kirkland, 2001). The Point Loma Formation has also yielded a diverse assemblage of ancient marine invertebrates such as clams, snails, crabs, urchins, nautiluses and ammonites {Popenoe and Saul, 1987; Sundberg, 1979, 1981; Sundberg and Riney, 1984). This formation has been assigned a high paleontological sensitivity. The Point Loma Formation provides one of the best late Cretaceous fossil records, which includes the marine reptile mosasaurs (SDNHM, 2019), and some of the only know dinosaurs found in California {Coombs and Demere, 1996; Demere, 1988; Ford and Kirkland, 2001). The Point Loma Formation has also yielded a diverse assemblage of ancient marine invertebrates such as clams, snails, crabs, urchins, nautiluses and ammonites {Popenoe and Saul, 1987; Sundberg, 1979, 1981; Sundberg and Riney, 1984). This formation has been assigned a high paleontological sensitivity. The SDNHM does not have fossil localities from the Lusardi Formation within a one-mile radius of the project site. Only small plant material fragments have been collected from the Lusardi Formation in Carlsbad, but the age of this geologic unit and its terrestrial depositional setting implies the potential for preserving dinosaurs and other terrestrial vertebrates. Therefore, the Lusardi Formation is assigned a moderate pa1eontological sensitivity. Field Survey Results The property is a narrow strip of land about a quarter mile long at the edge of a steep sided canyon at least 150 feet deep. The widest part of the project site is only around a couple hundred feet wide. Vegetation covering the flat part of the project area includes invasive grasses and weeds, Russian Thistle, Eucalyptus trees and an occasional Lemonade Berry or Laurel Sumac Plant, which obstructed the view of the ground surface approximately SO percent in most areas (Figures 4 and S). The ground cover appears to be 100 percent previously disturbed fill at the surface, consisting of brownish silty sand. Many types of rocks can be observed on this surface, including a moderate amount of rounded 8 igneous rocks ranging in size from pebbles to small cobbles. In some places there is decomposed granitic rock consisting of some disintegrating pieces and loose granitic sand. In other places are chunks of a chalky, calcareous sediment containing medium-to coarse-grained angular quartz sand. In the northern part of the project area were pieces of a concreted silty mudstone ranging in size from a couple smaller plum sized fragments to a larger chunk about 8 inches long. This largest piece was buried up to one surface and needed to be pried out to examine. An external mold of a single valve of the Cretaceous-age bivalve fndogrammatadon sp. about 35 mm in length was identified on the large piece. Two of the smaller rocks had fossils as well, but could not be identified beyond being bivalve or gastropod, though one of the small fossils may be an infant of a giant Cretaceous mussel. Generally, the rock material examined at the surface on the project site, including the fossil-bearing concreted blocks containing Cretaceous fossil mollusk are most likely part of fill material, since they are isolated occurrences. However, the presence of the fossils, which most likely were obtained from sediment from some nearby property, indicate the potential for finding Cretaceous-age marine rock units at the project site, if excavation work goes deep enough. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Past projects worked by the San Diego Natural History Museum in Carlsbad near the Valley View project site have included excavation work in the Eocene-age Santiago Formation, including Bressi Ranch and the Lowe's Home Improvement Center near the airport to the south, and many separate projects mostly to the immediate west of the project site in the Cretaceous-age Point Loma Formation. This survey and fossil resources assessment has complied fully with all regulatory requirements pertaining to paleontological resources. No fossil localities were discovered during the survey. However, the high paleontological sensitivity of the Point Loma Formation and moderate paleontological sensitivity of the Lusardi Formation (Demere and Walsh, 1993) suggest the potential for construction activity related to the project to result in impacts to paleontological resources. Implementation of a complete paleontological resource mitigation program is recommended for any proposed excavation, drilling or trenching activity that extends deep enough to encounter previously undisturbed fossiliferous deposits in order to ensure that potential impacts are reduced to a less than significant level. 9 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • REFERENCES CITED City of Carlsbad. 2014. City of Carlsbad General Plan Update. City of Carlsbad, 2017. "Carlsbad Tribal, Cultural, and Paleontological Resource Guidelines." P. 57-60 County of San Diego. 2007. "Guidelines for Determining Significance, Paleontological Resources." County of San Diego Department of Planning and Land Use, Department of Public Works. March 19, 2007; modified January 15, 2009. Coombs, W.P., and T.A. Demere. 1996. A Late Cretaceous nodosaurid ankylosaur (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from marine sediments of Coastal California. Journal of Paleontology 70: 311-326. Demere, T.A. 1988. An armored dinosaur from Carlsbad. Environment Southwest 523: 12-15. Demere, T.A. and Walsh, S.L. 1993. Paleontological Resources, County of San Diego. Prepared for the San Diego Planning Commission: 1-68. Ford, T.l., and J.I. Kirkland. 2001. Carlsbad ankylosaur (Ornithischia, Ankylosauria): an ankylosaurid and not a nodosaurid. In, K. Carpenter (ed.), The Armored Dinosaurs. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, pp. 239-260. Gastil, R.G., and R. Higley. 1977. Guide to San Diego Area Stratigraphy. San Diego State University, Department of Geological Sciences, p. 62. Kennedy, M.P., and Tan, S.S. 2007. Geologic Map of the Oceanside 30' x 60' Quadrangle, California. California Geological Survey, Regional Geologic Map Series 1:100,000 scale, map no. 2. Kennedy, M.P., and G.W. Moore. 1971. Stratigraphic relations of upper Cretaceous and Eocene formations, San Diego coastal area, California. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin 55:709-722. Nilsen, T.H., and P.l. Abbott. 1981. Paleogeography and sedimentology of Upper Cretaceous turbidites, San Diego, California. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin 65:1256-1284. Nordstrom, C.E. 1970. Lusardi formation -a post-batholithic Cretaceous conglomerate north of San Diego, California. Geological Society of America, Bulletin 81:601-605. Popenoe, W.P., and LR. Saul.1987. Evolution and classification of the late Cretaceous-early Tertiary gastropod Perissitys. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Contributions in Science 380: 1-37. San Diego Natural History Museum (SDNHM), 2019. Paleontological Records Search -Valley View Project. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP) 2010 Standard Procedures for the Assessment and Mitigation of Adverse Impacts to Paleontological Resources. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Impact Mitigation Guidelines Revision Committee. Pages 1-11. Sundberg, F.A. 1979. Upper Cretaceous macrofossils of San Diego. In, P.l. Abbott (ed.). Geological Excursions in the Southern California Area. San Diego State University, Department of Geological Sciences Fieldtrip Guidebook, pp. 173-175. 10 Sundberg, F.A. 1981. Cretaceous Lithophaga (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from the west coast of North America. Journal of Paleontology 55: 901-902. Sundberg, F.A., and B.O. Riney. 1984. Preliminary report on the upper Cretaceous macro-invertebrate faunas near Carlsbad, California. In, P.L Abbott (ed.), Upper Cretaceous Depositional Systems, Southern California -Northern Baja California. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section 36: 103-107. TABLES AND FIGURES Project Name Valley View Project Description Paleontological pedestrian survey of the Valley View project area on Palmer Way Survey Date{s) October 28'", 2019 Project Area(s) City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California. The Project site is bordered to the west by Palmer Way and on all other sides by undeveloped land. Location (PlSS) and Land Quarter-Quarter Section Township Range Agency/ Owner Owner/Managing Agency Unknown Unknown 12S 4W City of Carlsbad Topographic Map(s) San Luis Rey Quad 7.5' USGS Geologic Map{s) Kennedy and Tan, 2007 Formation & Map Symbol ... Paleontological Sensitivity Mapped Geologic Kp: Point Loma Formation Upper (Late) Cretaceous High Formation(s) and Age Kl: Lusardi Formation Upper (Late) Cretaceous Moderate Surveyor(s) N. Scott Rugh and Jennifer M. DiCenzo Documented Fossil The SDNHM has 73 recorded fossil localities within one mile of the project site: four localities Localities within 1 mile from the Pleistocene-age Bay Point Formation, which is not anticipated to be impacted during project construction, and 69 localities from the Point Loma Formation. Surface Survey Results Negative No in situ fossils were recovered during the survey, only fossils on isolated rocks from an Recommendatlon(s) unknown fill origin were observed on the surface; however, a paleontological monitoring program should be developed for any future work that has the potential to adversely impact paleontologically sensitive sediments in the vicinity of the project area. Table 1. Valley View Survey Information Table. 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • APPENDIX A 16 28 October 2019 Jennifer DiCenzo Red Tail Environmental, Inc. 2627 Ariane Drive San Diego, CA 92117 RE: Pa!eontological Records Search-Valley View Project Dear Ms. DiCenzo: This letter presents the results of a paleontological records search conducted for the Valley View Project (Project), located in the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California. The Project site is bordered to the west by Palmer Way and on all other sides by undeveloped land. A review of published geological maps covering the Project site and surrounding area was conducted to determine the specific geologic units underlying the Project site. Each geologic unit was subsequently assigned a pa!eontological resource sensitivity (Demere and Walsh, 1993). In addition, a search of the paleontological collection records housed at the San Diego Natura! History Museum (SDNHM) was conducted in order to determine if any documented fossil collection localities occur at the Project site or within the immediate surrounding area. Geologic Rock Units Underlying the Project Site Published geological reports {e.g., Kennedy and Tan, 2007) covering the Project area indicate that the Project site is underlain by the late Cretaceous-age Point Loma Formation and Lusardi Formation. These geologic units and their paleontological sensitivities are summarized below. The SDNHM has 73 recorded fossil localities within one mile of the Project site. Four of these localities are from the Pleistocene-age Bay Point Formation, which is not anticipated to be impacted by Project construction. The remaining 69 localities are from the Point Loma Formation, and are discussed in greater detail below. Point Loma Formation -The marine deposits of the late Cretaceous-age (approximately 75 million years old) Point Loma Formation underlie Project site in the vicinity of Palmer Way. The SDNHM has 69 recorded fossil localities from the Point Loma Formation within a 1-mile radius of the Project site. These localities yielded trace fossils (e.g., shell-lined burrows in matrix, and bryozoan, sponge, and clam borings in shell) and impressions or remains of plants (e.g., leaf, seed, and wood impressions of vascular plants, including cycads and relatives of the extant monkey puzzle tree} and marine invertebrates (e.g., foraminifers, bryozoans, brachiopods, annelid worms, snails, clams, mussels, oysters, tusk shells, chitons, ammonites, nautiloids, scalpel lid barnacles, ostracods, shrimp, crabs, and sea urchins), marine vertebrates {e.g., sharks, rays, and bony fish), and terrestrial vertebrates (e.g., turtles, hadrosaurs, and a partial skeleton of the ankylosaur Aletope/ta coombsi. The Point Loma Formation provides one of the best records of late Cretaceous fossils known from California, including some of the only known dinosaurs from the state (Coombs and Demere, 1996; Demere, 1988; Ford and Kirkland, 2001). Discovered fossils include marine vertebrates such as sharks, bony fish, and mosasaurs, as well as rare terrestrial plants, duck-billed dinosaurs (hadrosaurs), and armored dinosaurs (ankylosaurs) (Coombs and P.O. BOX 121390, SAN DIEGO, CA 92112-1390 SDNAT.ORG 619.232.3821 619 232.0248 Localtty Number Locality Name 5002 La Costa Development 4493 -Sunny Creek lrS 4494 Sunny Creek #6 4495 Sunny Creek •5 2662 El Camino Real 2938 Carlsbad • Madonna H,11 2998 Letterbox C.,nyon 3162 Carlsbad Rttearth Center 3387 Cotltae Boul=rd • Sit• 2 lA Roadcut 3392 Coilege Boulevard• Donosaur Quarry-Site 31 3402 Carlsbad Research Center • Site 28 3403 Carlsbad Research Center• Site 29 3404 Carlsbad Rosearch Center, Pad 76 • Site 30 3405 Coilege Boul=rd 3454 College Boulovard • Site 24 3458 C.rlsbad Research Centeo • Pad 49 • S,te 26 4071 Taytor Made Golf Facd,ty "ma,n s11e• 4072 Taylor Made Golf Faclhty • •crab Hill" 4073 Taylor-Made Golf Faclllty • "Driving Range• 4162 Marriott Rosldence Inn-Faraday/College 4463 Carlsbad Corporate Center 4464 Carlsbad Corporate Center 4465 carlsbad Corporate Center 4466 Carlsbad Corporate Center 4467 Flm Mechanical 4488 Sunny Creek U 4489 Sunny Creek #2 4490 Sunny Creek #3 4491 Sunny Creek #4 5756 Clay Pot, Carlsbad • Holden O<tratod Types 5760 Fox-MIiier • fat Ammonlte Bed 5777 Faraday Avenue Extension 5778 Faraday Avenue Extension 5779 Faraday Avenue Extension 5794 Fox-Moller Appendix: Locality Ll■t San Du~go Natura.I Huitory Museum Department of Paleon1ology Location Elevation (Ifft) Oty of San Otego, San O.eao County, C.hfornla 300 City of Carlsbad, San Dieco County, Caftfornla 120 Coty of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 120 City of eartsbad, San Dlego County, Callfornoa 112 San Oi~o u,unty, Cahtornia 260 Cfty of Carlsbad, San O.eao County, Cahfom,a San Diego County, Cahfornla 120 City of Carlsbad, San Dle10 County, California 280 San O.ego County, Californ11 175 Coty of Carlsbad, San Otego County, C..hforn,a 163 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 160 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, C.lifornla 148 Qty of Carlsbad, San O.qo County, California 168 Coty of Carlsbad, San Dieso County, Caloforni<I 150 City of carlsbad, San Diego County, California 248 Oty of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 255 City of Carlsbad, San O.eao County, California 150 City of cartsbad, San Diego County, California 140 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 170 City of Carlsbad, San Diego u,unty, Calffom,a 25S City of C.rlsbad, San Ooeao County, California 320 Oty of Carlsb.Jd, San O.tao County, California 322 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 220 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 31S City of Carlsbad, San ~o County, Clldorn,a 260 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 220 City of Carlsbad, San Dlego County, California 2.20 City of C.rtsbad, San Diego County, Cllifornia 260 City of C..rtsbad, San ~o County, CalofornM1 140 City of Carlsbad, San Dleao County, California City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, C.llfornla 194 City of Carlsbad, San Oieao County, Caloforn,a 310 Oty of C.rlsbad, San Ooeao County, Calofomla 240 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 230 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, Califo1nla 285 l o/3 Geologic Unit Era Period Epoch S..y Point Formation Cenozoic Quaternary Pleistocene 8.ay Point Fornuc-on. unnamed nonm¥1ne deposit Cenozoic Qwternary P1etstocene Bay Point Formatk>n, unnamed nonmar,ne deposrt Cenozok Quaternary Pleistocene Bay Point Formation, unnamed nonmarlne deposit Cenozoic Quaternary Plel>tocene Potnt Lorna formation Mesozo.c: Cr,taceous Pomt Loma fonnatton Me<OzOIC Cretaceous Point Loma formation Mesozoic Cr~aceous Po1nt Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma formation Me<Ozolc Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Me<ozo,c Cret.Keou< Point Loma Formation Mesozo+c Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Lorna Formation Mesozok: Cretaceous Point Lorna Formiltion Mesozoic Oetaceous Point Loma Formation Mesotolc Cret~ceous Point Loma Formotlon Mesozoic Cretaceous Po,nt Lorna formation MesozOIC Ctttxrous Point Loma Formaifon Mesotolc Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Fom,at1on Mesotolc CretacMus Point Lorna formation Mesozoic: Cretaceous Point Loma Formatlon Mesotoic Cretaceou'5 Point Loma Formation Mesotolc Cretaceous: Point Loma formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Po,nt Loma Fo~t,on MesoZOtC Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma formation MesolOIC Cretaceous Point Loma Fonnauon Mesozoic Cretaceous Pomt Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Lorna Formation Mesoroic Cruaceous Point Loma Formatton Mesozoic Cret:¥eous Point Loma Formatlon M=zolc Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesotoic Cret.iceous locality Number Locality Name 5795 Fox•Mlller 5796 Faraday Avenue Extension 5797 Faraday Avenue Extension 5821 FOK-Miller 5822 Fox•Miller 5823 Fox•Miller 5824 Fo••Miller 5825 Fox-MIiier 5912 Fox-Miller• Coralllochama Bed 5914 Fox-Miller -Middle Hill 591S Fox-MIiier 5916 Fo,-Mlller -Nail Wall Cut 5917 Fo,-Mlller • Nall Wall Cut 5918 FOK-Miller. Nail Wall Cut 5919 Fox-Miller -Sandstone Marker Bed 5920 Fox-MIiier -Middle Hill 5921 Fox-Miller -Middle Hill 5937 Fox-Miller• Ammonite Canyon 6048 Palomar Waste Transfer Station 6049 Palomar Waste Transfer Station 6239 El Camino Real Widening 6973 Carlsbad Desalination Plpeline 6974 Carlsbad Desalination Pipeline 6975 Carlsbad Desalination Pipeline 6976 Carlsbad Desalination Pipeline 3162A Carlsbad Research Center -Phase I 31628 Carlsbad Research Center• Ph~e I 3162C Carlsbad Research Center· Phase I 31620 Carlsbad Research Center -Phase I 3162E Carlsbad Research Center -Phase I 3162F ~ Carlsbad Research Center• Phase I 3162G Carlsbad Research Center 3162l Carlsbad Research Center 3162M Carlsbad Research Center -Phase I 3162N Carlsbad Research Center -Pha.se I Appendix: Locality List San Diego NillUral History Museum Department of Paleontology location Elevation (Ifft) City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 225 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 325 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 325 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 280 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 260 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 230 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 280 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 235 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 268 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 215 City of cansbad, San Diego County, California 270 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 265 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 260 Oty or Carlsbad, San Diego County, Calilornia 260 Oty of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 260 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 250 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 226 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 198 Qty of Carlsbad, San Diego County, Cafifornia 302 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 321 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 252 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 245 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 290 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 311 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 270 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California City of Carlsbad, San Diego Counw. talifornia City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, californla City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 2of3 Geologic Unit Era Period Epoch Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Meso20ic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Lorna Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Meso1oic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma formation Meso?oic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesowic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Me-so1oic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesoz:otc Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozok Cretaceous Point Loma Formation Mesozoic Cretaceous