HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025-02-11; Municipal Water District; 05; Appointment to the San Diego County Water Authority Board of DirectorsGC Review CKM Meeting Date: Feb. 11, 2025 To: President and Board Members From: Geoff Patnoe, Executive Manager Staff Contact: Faviola Medina, Director of Constituent & Clerk Services faviola.medina@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-5989 Subject: Appointment to the San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors Districts: All Recommended Action Adopt a Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors resolution appointing Carlsbad Municipal Water District General Manager Amanda Flesse to the San Diego Water Authority Board of Directors. Executive Summary Vicki Quiram has served as one of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District’s representatives on the San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors since May 2023. On Jan. 21, 2025, Ms. Quiram submitted her resignation, effective Feb. 26, 2025. Staff recommend the CMWD Board appoint CMWD General Manager Amanda Flesse to serve the remainder of the term ending June 16, 2026. Explanation & Analysis The San Diego County Water Authority’s mission is to provide a safe and reliable supply of water to its 24 member agencies. These member agencies, including CMWD, are represented through a 36-member board of directors. The Water Authority requires each member agency to have at least one representative on the board of directors. Each member agency may designate and appoint one additional representative for each full 5% of the Water Authority’s assessed value within that member agency’s service area. The Water Authority reestablishes the vote entitlement of each member agency each year as one vote for each $5 million of total financial contribution, which includes all amounts paid on behalf of the Water Authority and the Metropolitan Water District. The CMWD currently has two representatives, CMWD Board Member Teresa Acosta, whose appointment ends December 2025, or until a replacement is appointed, and Ms. Quiram, whose appointment ends June 16, 2026. Ms. Quiram was appointed to the Water Authority’s Board of Directors on May 23, 2023, for a six-year term ending June 16, 2026. Her resignation is effective Feb. 26, 2025. Feb. 11, 2025 Item #5 Page 1 of 3 Water Authority board members may hold office for terms of six years. Historically, the CMWD board member appointment is made during the annual City Council/CMWD Board reorganization process and is for a one-year term, or until a replacement is appointed. However, the additional representative has been appointed to serve a six-year term. If approved by the CMWD Board, General Manager Amanda Flesse would represent CMWD on the Water Authority Board of Directors for the remainder of the six years, with a term ending on June 16, 2026. Fiscal Analysis There is no fiscal impact from this action. Next Steps Upon authorization from the CMWD Board, General Manager Amanda Flesse would begin her term Feb. 27, 2025. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1. Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors resolution Feb. 11, 2025 Item #5 Page 2 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. 1759 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT GENERAL MANAGER AMANDA FLESSE TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District is a member of the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA); and WHEREAS, the CMWD Board is required to appoint at least one representative to the SDCWA Board and is also allowed to appoint one additional representative to the SDCWA Board; and WHEREAS, on May 23, 2023, the Board appointed Vicki Quiram to be a member of the SDCWA Board, with a term ending on June 16, 2026; and WHEREAS, on Jan . 21, 2025, Ms. Quiram gave her resignation, effective Feb. 26, 2025; and WHEREAS, an unscheduled vacancy exists. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the CMWD Board appoints General Manager Amanda Flesse to the SDCWA Board, for a term commencing February 27, 2025, and ending on June 16, 2026, or until a replacement is appointed. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 11th day of February 2025, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN : ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Shin. None. None. None. ~ KEITH BLACKBURN, President \.b A,~ -Rm vt.. .. ~ SHERRY FREISINGER, Secretary r EAL)