HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-12-10; City Council Legislative Subcommittee; MinutesLEGISLATIVE SUBCOMMITTEE Minutes Regular Meeting Dec 10, 2024, 9 a.m. CALL TO ORDER: 9 a.m. ROLL CALL: Burkholder, Acosta. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 12, 2024. Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Motion by Subcommittee Member Burkholder, seconded by Subcommittee Member Acosta, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously, 2/0. SUBCOMMITTEE COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS : 1. STATE AND FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE REPORTS -Receive updates from representatives of U.S. Congressman Mike Levin, State Senator Catherine Blakespear, and State Assemblymember Tasha Boerner, and provide feedback. (Staff contact: Jason Haber, City Manager Department) Recommendation: Receive the updates and provide feedback. The subcommittee received informational reports from Salome Tash representing Congressman Mike Levin's office, Matt Rubel representing Senator Catherine Blakespear's office and Ana Mladenovic representing Assemblymember Tasha Boerne r's office. The subcommittee received the reports. 2. LEGISLATIVE AND ADVOCACY UPDATE -Receive updates on federal and state legislative and budget activity and recent and ongoing advocacy efforts; discuss and provide feedback to staff, including identifying high-priority bills, advocacy positions, funding opportunities, and items for future City Council consideration. (Staff contact: Jason Haber, City Manager's Department) Recommendation: Receive the updates and provide feedback. Carpi & Clay Government Relations Partner Laura Morgan-Kessler presented the report on federal lobbying efforts. California Public Policy Group Managing Director Sharon Gonsalves presented a report on state lobbying efforts, including a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Dec. 10,2024 Legislative Subcommittee Meeting Page 2 The subcommittee received the reports. 3. DRAFT CITY OF CARLSBAD 2025 LEGISLATIVE PLATFORM -Discuss and determine proposed amendments to the City of Carlsbad Legislative Platform, including the proposed 2025 Legislative Priorities, to recommend to the City Council. (Staff contact: Jason Haber, City Manager Department) Recommendation: Discuss and determine the Subcommittee's recommendation, if any, for future consideration by the City Council. Intergovernmental Affairs Director Jason Haber presented the report and reviewed the changes incorporated into the Legislative Platform based on the Subcommittee's feedback at the November 12th meeting. Martin Danner, President of Equitable Land Use Alliance, advocated for the removal of Legislative Platform item (n) under Housing relating to CEQA exemptions for affordable housing projects and recommended adding position statements in support of: a) requiring the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions when existing retail uses are replaced with new residential uses, b) redefining the term major transit stop to exclude those that offer poor transit service, c) redefining the method for measuring the distance between a major transit stop and a proposed development project, d) allowing local jurisdictions to require design changes that do not affect feasibility, and e) allowing local jurisdictions to offer incentives or require mitigation related to address negative impacts on food and/or pharmacy availability. Mitch Silverstein with Sur/rider Foundation advocated for removal of Legislative Platform items (I) and (m) under Coastal Issues regarding shoreline protection devices and in support of healthy beaches and beach access. Discussion ensued amongst the Subcommittee regarding the legislative proposals and input from public comment. Motion by Subcommittee Member Burkholder, seconded by Subcommittee Member Acosta, to add to Item (n) under Housing "100%" affordable housing projects as clarification. Motion by Subcommittee Member Burkholder, seconded by Subcommittee Member Acosta to add an item under Housing to support revising the methodology for measuring the distance to a major transit stop to reflect the walkable distance between the transit stop and the project. Motion by Subcommittee Member Burkholder, seconded by Subcommittee Member Acosta, to approve and send the amended Legislative Platform to the full City council for consideration. Motion carried unanimously, 2/0. Dec. 10, 2024 Legislative Subcommittee Meeting Page 3 4. 2025 STATE AND FEDERAL BUDGET PRIORITIES AND LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS -Discuss and determine proposed state and federal budget priorities and legislative proposals to recommend to the City Council. Recommendation: Discuss and determine the Subcommittee's recommendation, if any, for future consideration by the City Council. Intergovernmental Affairs Director Jason Haber presented the report outlining a table version of the state and federal budget priorities as requested by the Subcommittee. Motion by Subcommittee Member Burkholder, seconded by Subcommittee Member Acosta, to approve and send the proposed state and federal budget priorities as presented to the full City Council for consideration. Motion carried unanimously, 2/0. 5. WINDSOR POINTE ADVOCACY -LETTERS OF SUPPORT -Consider a referral from the Carlsbad City Council to draft letters for the region's legislators in support of the City of Carlsbad's efforts to hold Affirmed Housing accountable for their commitments on Windsor Pointe for future review and approval by the City Council. Recommendation: Review draft letter of support and provide input. Intergovernmental Affairs Director Jason Haber introduced the item with an updated draft letter. Motion by Subcommittee Member Burkholder and seconded by Subcommittee Member Acosta to approve the letter and send to the full City Council for consideration. Motion carried unanimously, 2/0. SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Subcommittee Member Acosta requested an update on the status of the Tijuana River Valley crisis. SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: Subcommittee Member Burkholder requested another tour to the Boards and Commissions to share what the Legislative Subcommittee does and how it relates to their work on a Commission. Subcommittee Member Acosta stated that she attended the League of California Cities League Leader Retreat and the San Diego County division meeting where both held discussions advocating for local control as well the importance of partnerships with state and federal agencies. ADJOURNMENT: Subcommittee Member Acosta adjourned the duly noticed meeting at 10:13 a.m.