HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD 2024-0027; OMNI LA COSTA BALLROOM; Consistency Determination (CD)CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FORM FOR CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION APPLICATION CITY USE ONLY · . . £ OMglnal Project Number: (?I' l()'J;_ -IIQ IJ.-lleveicliirn•~Ulumbor:.DE;VM99'.J..; . . .. • ' COriolitiiney tilttionnliidoi1Numbor.-,-<;i2-00J:::! PROJECT NAME: Omni La Costa Ballroom Grading Plan Assessor's Parcel Number(•) and 216-590-22; 2100 Costa Del Mar Road Address: OEC l 6 202! OeecrlpUon of proposal (add attachment If necessary): Pave the existing Luna Ballroom parking lot pad. Would you like to orally present your proposal to your assigned staff plannerlanglneer? Yes □ No □ Please list the etaff members you have previously spoken to regarding this project If none, please ao state. Lauren Yzaguirre; David Rick OWNER NAME (Print): LC Investment 2010 LLC dba Omni La Costa APPLICANT NAME (Print): LC Investment 2010 LLC dba Omni La ;o MAILING ADDRESS: 4001 Maple Ave. #600 MAILING ADDRESS. 4001 Maple Ave. #600 CITY, STATE, ZIP: Dallas, TX 75219 CITY, STATE, ZIP: Dallas, TX 76219 TELEPHONE: (214) 283-8507 TELEPHONE: (214) 2ss.8507 EMAIL ADDRESS: clintgullck@omnlhotels.com EMAIL ADDRESS: clintguUck@omnlholels.com *OWner's signature Indicates pennlnlon to conduct a preliminary review for a development proposal. IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF TO INSPECT AND OWNER AND THAT AU THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE ENTER THE PROPERTY THAT JS THE SUBJECT OF THIS ANO CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. APPLICATION. 1/\NE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE. I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATIO?Y,)I7 TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY SIGNATU~9- KNOWLEDGE 0 ,,.. 11/0712024 11/0712024 SIGNATU~ DATE DATE APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE (Print): Paul J. Klukas· PLANNING SYSTEMS MAILING ADDRESS: 1530 Faraday Ave., Suite 100 CITY, STATE, ZIP: Carlsbad, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 931-0780 x104 EMAIL ADDRESS: pklukas@planningsystems.net I CER~THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE APPLICANT AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION 1S TRUE AND COR S~F MY KNOWLEDGE. ~ / , t161..V SIGNATURE DA • • / FEE REQUIRED/DATE FEE PAID: /'J,/;(,/2~ RECEIVED BY: uus!YJ c_~ P-18 Paga 2of2 R8\ll&ed 3122 PLANNING I SYSTEMS • LAND USE/COASTAL PLANNING LANDSCAPEARCFflTECTURE • LA3900 POLICY AND PROCESSING ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS Omni La Cost a Hot el Master Plan Parking Count Consistency 1/22/25 Intent. The owner and developer of the Omni La Costa Hotel and Spa ("Omni'') is processing a grading plan for expansion, asphalt surfacing and restriping of the Planning Area 2 Parking Lot (Lot 7) on the La Costa Hotel and Spa Master Plan ("Mas·ter Plan") grounds. Concurrently, Omni engineers are processing plans to expand and install asphalt surfacing and striping on the Planning Area l "Gravel Lot" (Lot 8). (Please see attached Exhibit A.) Also, in May, 2023, the City approved an expansion to the Golf Couse Driving Range which eliminated some 283 previously-existing parking spaces to allow for the expansion of the Driving Range into the Main Gate Parking Lot (Lot 4). This interchange of eliminating and replacing parking spaces has resulted in the City's request for an updated assessment of the overall number of parking spaces available for use on the Master Plan campus, and a determination as to whether that number is sufficient to satisfy the anticipated demand. This report provides an updated assessment of compliance with the required Master Plan parking space counts. Background. The La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan was updated in 2019, with an amendment and entitlement actions associated with approval of the Luna Ballroom in Planning Area 5 (Exhibit 2). These actions were approved per City of Carlsbad Planning Commission Resolution No. 7315 on January 16, 2019. This approved Master Plan document describes the parking requirements for the Resort to be a "shared use approval" for the campus as a whole. The findings of shared use are per a Parking Needs Assessment, prepared by Walker Consultants, August I, 2018, and which is appended to the approved Master Plan. The Walker Consultants Needs Assessment was based on real-word investigation of the facility during active and eventful periods. Notwithstanding that the Resort has been an evolving and adapting visitor-serving complex, it is the City's and the Developer's continued desire that the total quantity of vehicular parking spaces provide not be reduced below the total identified on the Parking Needs Assessment in the Walker Consultants study. Required Parking Count. The required parking for the La Costa Resort and Spa was determined as indicated in the approval documents referenced above. This approved projected overall design parking demand totals 1,263 spaces. It does not include two buildings of timeshare unit sub- grade parking which the approval documents indicate provides exactly sufficient parking (per Zoning requirements) for their respective unit counts. Since those two buildings contain exactly sufficient parking for their respective unit counts -for purposes of this analysis, they are· considered a "wash". Information listing the parking areas and updated parking space counts is shown below in Table 1. 1530 FARADAY AVENUE• SUITE JOO• CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • (760) 931-0780 • FAX (760) 931-5744 • lnfo@planningsystems.net Table 1 -Parkin2 Space Counts Parking Area Ref: Parking Area Description (on Map) 1 Clubhouse Valet . 2 Valet Lot 3 Valet Pick-up/Drop-off 4 Main Gate Lot 5 Ballroom North Lot 6 Ballroom West Lot 7 PA 2 Lot 8 PA 1 Lot 9 Building 4 North Lot 10 Garden Rooms West Lot 11 Garden Rooms South Lot 12 South San Marcos Creek Lot 13 Loading Dock 14 ADA Spaces Sig. Rooms Total *Changes approved per CUP2023-000 I Table 2 -Parkine: Surplus Total (from Table 1) 1/16/19 I Walker Report Peak Demand Net Surplus Parking MP Planning Area 7 7 7 7 2 5 2 1 3 3 4 6 7 7 Number of Number of Spaces per Spaces with Lots Walker Report 7 & 8 Fully 2019 MPA Constructed 12 12 44 44 10 10 514 273* 0 5 155 155 0 171 264 311 67 67 34 34 11 178* 220 220 4 4 2 2 1,337 1,486 1,337 1,486 1,263 1,263 74 223 Conclusion. Based on the Walker Report Demand Analysis, the above parking counts confirm a small reduction in the number of excess spaces that existed at the time of the 2018 Master Plan Amendment, but, with Lots 7 and 8 fully constructed -the La Costa Hotel and Spa campus will continue to have a surplus of available parking, in this case of 223 spaces. This report concludes that, with the two additional lots constructed, the parking count will continue to be in substantial conformance with the Master Plan. Exhibit I: Parking Lot Locations Plan Exhibit 2: Planning Areas Plan Nove.mb• 4, 2024 OMNI La Costa -Parking Lots 2100 Costa Del Mar Rd. Carlsbad, CA 92009 Exhibit 1 I '::a= Q •l llfl!Wlr --;:.=.""'I.no.-=: - OMNI La Costa -Planning Areas 2100 Costa Del Mar Rd. Carlsbad, CA 92009 Exhibit 2 Novamb..-4, 2.02,• 1-== 0 -1 .,,.,,.,..