HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 2022-0007; SDSAN00422B; RADIO FREQUENCY (RF) SITE COMPLIANCE REPORT; 2022-01-26(< >). "/;,. SiteSafe A C)u,prTp' Comp.gny 8618 Westwood Center Drive. Suite 315. Vienna, VA 22182 703.276.1100 • 703.276.1169 fax info@sitesafe.com • www.sitesafe.com Dish Site ID -SDSAN00422B Assessment Purpose -Pre-Install New Build Site Name -SDSAN00422B Site Compliance Report 6211 Corte Del Abeta Carlsbad, CA 92011 Latitude: N33-7-14.85 Longitude: W 117-16-46.54 Structure Type: Other Report generated date: January 26, 2022 Report by: Leo Romero Customer Contact: David Bruinix Dish wlll be compliant upon compleHon of the remedlaHon ldenHfled In SecHon 2.2. © 2022 Site Safe, LLC. Vienna. VA MAY C 9 2022 (<g_) SiteSafe ,c,,a,r_ Table of Contents 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................... 3 2 SITE COMPLIANCE ............................................................................................ 4 2.1 SITE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT ............................................................................. 4 2.2 ACTIONS FOR SITE COMPLIANCE ......................................................................... 4 3 ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................... 5 3. I RF EXPOSURE DIAGRAM .................................................................................... 5 4 ANTENNA INVENTORY ................................................................................... 10 5 REVIEWER CERTIFICATION ............................................................................. 12 APPENDIX A-STATEMENT OF LIMITING CONDITIONS ......................................... 13 APPENDIX B -ASSUMPTIONS AND DEFINITIONS .................................................. 14 GENERAL MODEL ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................. 14 USE OF GENERIC ANTENNAS .................................................................................. 14 DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................... 15 APPENDIX C -RULES & REGULATIONS ................................................................... 17 EXPLANATION OF APPLICABLE RULES AND REGULATIONS ............................................ 17 OCCUPATIONAL ENVIRONMENT EXPLAINED .............................................................. 17 APPENDIX D -GENERAL SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................... 18 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION .................................................................................... 19 APPENDIX E -REGULATORY BASIS ........................................................................ 20 FCC RULES AND REGULATIONS .............................................................................. 20 APPENDIX F-SAFETY PLAN AND PROCEDURES ................................................... 22 8618 Wesiwood Center Drive• sun. 315 • VJenna, VA 22182 703.27 6.1100 • lnlothltelafe .com C<g) SiteSafe . """""""""" 1 Executive Summary Dish has contracted with Site Safe, LLC (Sitesafe), an independent Radio Frequency (RF) regulatory and engineering consulting firm, to detennine whether the proposed communications site, SDSAN00422B -SDSAN00422B. located at 6211 Corte Del Abeta, Carlsbad, CA. is in compliance with Federal Communications Commission {FCC) rules and regulations for RF exposure. This report contains a detailed summary of the RF environment at the site including: • Diagram of the site • Inventory of the make / model of all antennas • Theoretical MPE based on modeling This report addresses exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields in accordance with FCC rules and regulations for all individuals, classified in two groups, "Occupational or Controlled" and "General Public or Uncontrolled." Dish wDI be compliant with FCC rules and regulations, as described in OET Bulletin 65, upon lmplementatlon of the proposed remediation. The corrective actions needed to make this site compliant are located in Section 2.2. Dish proposes to build a new wireless site. The proposed antennas are noted as "Proposed" in the antenna table under Section 4. This document and the conclusions herein are based on the information provided by Dish. If you have any questions regarding RF safety and regulatory compliance, please do not hesitate to contact Sitesafe's Customer Support Department at (703) 276-1100. 1611 Westwood Cen,_ Drfff • Sulht 315 • Vienna, VA 22182 703.27', 1100 • lnfoOsltesafe.com Page3 <cg> SiteSafe ,a.a,....,, 2 Site Compliance 2.1 Site Compliance Statement Upon evaluation of the cumulative RF exposure levels from all operators at this site, Sitesafe hos determined that: Dish will be compliant with FCC rules and regulations, as described in OET Bulletin 65, upon lmptementatlon of the proposed remedlaHon. The corrective actions needed to make this site compliant are located in Section 2.2. The compliance determination is based on theoretical modeling, RF signage placement recommendations, proposed antenna inventory and/or the level of restricted access to the antennas at the site. Any deviation from the Dish proposed deployment plan could result in the site being rendered non-compliant. 2.2 Acflons for Site Compliance Based on common industry practice and our understanding of FCC and OSHA requirements, this section provides a statement of recommendations for site compliance. 1f required, RF alert signoge recommendations have been proposed based on theoretical analysis of MPE levels. Where applicable, barriers can consist of locked doors, fencing, railing, rope, chain, paint striping or tape, combined with RF alert signage. Dish will be compliant if the following changes are implemented: Site Access Location Ensure that an RF Guideline sign is installed. Ensure that a NOC Information sign is installed. Note: The construction drawing used to create this report may not have shown all or any of the roof access points. A NOC Information sign and an RF Guideline sign will be required at every access point in order for the site to be in compliance. Note: All roof access points must be locked/reshicted for the site to be in compliance. Dish Proposed Alpha Sector Location Install (2) Warning signs at the side and bock of the sector. Dish Proposed Beta Sector Location Install {2) Warning signs at the side of the sector. Dish Proposed Gamma Sector Location Install (2) Warning signs at the side and back of the sector. Note: Barriers are not required. The parapet wall is <39" and the areas exceeding the General Public MPE limit ore within 6' of the roof edge. 8618 Westwood Center Drive• Suite 315 • Vienna, VA 22182 703.276, 1100 • lnlo4hltesale.com Page4 <<g) SiteSafe """"""'"- DeflnHlons 5% Rule -The rules adopted by the FCC specify that, in general, at multiple transmitter sites actions necessary to bring the area into compliance with the guidelines are the shared responsibility of all licensees whose transmitters produce field strengths or power density levels at the area in question in excess of 5% of the exposure limits. In other words, any wireless operator that contributes 5% or greater of the MPE limit in an area that is identified to be greater than JOO% of the MPE limit is responsible for taking corrective actions to bring the site into compliance. Compliance -The determination of whether a site complies with FCC standards with regards to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields from transmitting antennas. Declbel (dB} -A unit for measuring power or strength of a signal. Duty Cycle -The percent of pulse duration to the pulse period of a periodic pulse train. Also, may be a measure of the temporal transmission characteristic of an intermittently transmitting RF source such as a paging antenna by dividing overage transmission duration by the average period for transmission. A duty cycle of l 00% corresponds to continuous operation. Effective (or Equivalent} l&olroplc Radiated Power {EIRP} -The product of the power supplied to the antenna and the antenna gain in a given direction relative to on isotropic antenna. EffecHve Radiated Power (ERP} -The product of the power supplied to the antenna and the antenna gain in a given direction relative to a half.wave dipole antenna. Gain (of an antenna} -The ratio, usually expressed in decibels. of the power required at the input of a loss•free reference antenna to the power supplied to the input of the given antenna to produce. in a given direction. the some field strength or the some power density at the some distance. When not specified otherwise, the gain refers to the direction of maximum radiation. Gain may be considered for a specified polarization. Gain may be referenced to an isotropic antenna (dBi) or a half.wave dipole (dBd) antenna. General PopulaHon/UnconfroUed Environment -Defined by the FCC as on area where RF exposure may occur to persons who are unaware of the potential for exposure and who have no control over their exposure. General Population is also referenced as General Public. Generic Antenna-For the purposes of this report, the use of "Generic" as an antenna model means the antenna information was not provided and could not be obtained while on site. In the event of unknown information, Sitesafe will use its industry specific knowledge of antenna models to select a worst.case scenario antenna to model the site. l&olropic Antenna -An antenna that is completely non•directional. In other words, an antenna that radiates energy equally in all directions. 8611 Westwood Center Dffve • Sufht 315 • Vienna, VA 22112 703.21,.1100 • lnloesltesale.com Page 15 <cg> SiteSafe •a.-- Maximum Measurement -This measurement represents the single largest measurement recorded when performing a spatial average measurement. Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE} -The rms and peak: electric and magnetic field strength, their squares, or the plane-wave equivalent power densities associated with these fields to which a person may be exposed without harmful effect and with acceptable safety factor. OCcupatlonal/Controlled Environment -Defined by the FCC as an area where RF exposure may occur to persons who ore aware of the potential for exposure as a condition of employment or specific activity and can exercise control over their exposure. OET BulleHn 65-Technical guideline developed by the FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology to determine the impact of RF exposure on humans. The guideline was published in August 1997. OSHA (Occupaffonal Safety and Health AdmlnlstraHon) -Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthy workplace for their employees. OSHA's role is to promote the safety and health of America's working men and women by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach and education; establishing partnerships; and encouraging continual process improvement in workplace safety and health. For more information, visit www.osba.gov. Radio Frequency Exposure or Electromagneffc Fields -Electromagnetic waves that are propagated from antennas through space. Spatial Average Measurement-A technique used to average a minimum of ten ( 1 OJ measurements taken in a ten (10) second interval from zero (OJ to six (6) feet. This measurement is intended to model the average energy a 6-foot tall human body will absorb while present in an electromagnetic field of energy. Transmitter Power Output (TPO) -The radio frequency output power of a transmitter's final radio frequency stage as measured at the output terminal white connected to a load. 8'11 Westwood C•nhtf Drlv• • sutt. 315 • VIM1na, VA 22182 703.276.1100 • lnloOstt.lCH.com Page 16 <cg> SiteSafe ·~- Appendix C -Rules & Regulations Explanaffon of Applicable Rules and Regulaffons The FCC has set forth guidelines in OET Bulletin 65 for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields. Specific regulations regarding this topic are listed in Part 1. Subpart I. of Title 47 in the Code of Federal Regulations. Currently, there are two different levels of MPE • General Public MPE and Occupational MPE. An individual classified as Occupational can be defined as an individual who has received appropriate RF training and meets the conditions outlined below. General Public is defined as anyone who does not meet the conditions of being Occupational. FCC and OSHA Rules and Regulations define compliance in terms of total exposure to total RF energy, regardless of location of or proximity to the sources of energy. It is the responsibility of all licensees to ensure these guidelines ore maintained at all times. It is the ongoing responsibility of otl licensees composing the site to maintain ongoing compliance with FCC rules and regulations. Individual licensees that contribute less than 5% MPE to any total area out of compliance ore not responsible for corrective actions. OSHA has adopted and enforces the FCC's exposure guidelines. A building owner or site manager con use this report as port of on overall RF Health and Safety Policy. It is important for building owners/site managers to identify areas in excess of the General Population MPE and ensure that only persons qualified as Occupational are granted access to those areas. Occupaffonal Environment Explained The FCC definition of Occupational exposure limits apply to persons who: • ore exposed to RF energy as a consequence of their employment; • have been mode aware of the possibility of exposure; and • con exercise control over their exposure. OSHA guidelines go further to state that persons must complete RF Safety Awareness training and must be trained in the use of appropriate personal protective equipment. In order to consider this site on Occupational Environment, the site must be controlled to prevent access by any individuals classified as the General Public. Compliance is also maintained when any non-occupational individuals (the General Public) are prevented from accessing areas indicated as Red or Yellow in the attached RF exposure diagram. In addition, a person must be aware of the RF environment into which they are entering. This can be accomplished by an RF Safety Awareness class, and by appropriate written documentation such as this Site Compliance Report. AH Dish employees who require access to this site must complete RF Safety Awareness training and must be trained in the use of appropriate personal protective equipment. 8618 W•stwood C•nt.r 0r, .... • Suite 315 • vi.nna, VA 22182 703.27'.1100 • lnfoe.lteaafe.com Page 17 <<g> SiteSafe """""""- • Green represents areas predicted to be between 5% and l 00% of the General Public MPE limits. The General Public can access these areas with no restrictions. • Blue represents areas predicted to be between l 00% and 500% of the General Public MPE limits. The General Public should be restricted from accessing these areas. • Yellow represents areas predicted to be between 500% and 5000% of the General Public MPE limits. The General Public should be restricted from accessing these areas. • Red represents areas predicted to be greater than 5000% of the General Public MPE limits. The General Public should be resh1cted from accessing these areas. 7. For an Occupational environment the five color levels identified in this analysis can be interpreted in the following manner: • Gray represents areas predicted to be at l % or less of the Occupational MPE limits. Workers can access these areas with no restrictions. • Green represents areas predicted to be between l % and 20% of the Occupational MPE limits. Workers can access these areas with no restrictions. • Blue represents areas predicted to be between 20% and I 00% of the Occupational MPE limits. Workers con access these areas assuming they have basic understanding of EME awareness and RF safety procedures and understand how to limit their exposure. • Yellow represents areas predicted to be between 100% and 1000% of the Occupational MPE limits. Workers can access these areas assuming they have basic understanding of EME awareness and RF safety procedures and understand how to limit their exposure. Transmitter power reduction and/or time-averaging may be required. • Red represents areas predicted to be greater than 1000% of the Occupational MPE limits. These areas are not safe for workers to be in for prolonged periods of time. Special procedures must be adhered to, such as lockout/togout or transmitter power reduction, to minimize worker exposure to EME. 8. Use of a Personal Protective Monitor (PPM): When working around antennas, Sitesafe strongly recommends the use of a PPM. Wearing a PPM will properly forewarn the individual prior to entering an RF exposure area. Keep a copy of this report available for all persons who must access the site. They should read this report and be aware of the potential hazards with regards to RF and MPE limits. Addlffonal lnlormaffon Additional RF information is available at the following sites: https://www.fcc.gov/general/radio-freguency-safety-O https://www.tcc.gov/engineerinq-technoloqy/electromagnetic-compatibility- division/radiq-freauency-safety/faa/rf-safety OSHA has additional information available at: https;//www.osha,gov/SLTC/radiofrequencyrgdigtjon/index.html 8'18 Westwood Center Dflve • Suite 315 • V'9nna, VA 22182 703.27'-1100 • lntofhffesale.com Page 19 <<g) SiteSafe .,,...,,,_,, Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure (MPE) Frequency Electric Magnetic Power Averaging Time IE I\ Range Field Field Density (S) IHI z or S (minutes) (MHz) Strength (E) Strength (mW/cm1) (V/m) (H)(A/m) 0.3-3.0 614 1.63 (11XW 6 3.0-30 1842/f 4.89/f {900/f')• 6 30-300 61.4 0.163 1.0 6 300-1500 f/300 6 1500-5 6 100,000 Limits for General Populatlon/UncontroUed Exposure {MPE) Frequency Electric Magnetic Power Averaging Time IEl2. Range Field Field Density (S) I H 12 or S (minutes) (MHz) Strength (E) Strength (mW/cm2) (V/m) (H)lA/m) 0.3-1.34 614 1.63 (100)"' 30 1.34-30 824/f 2.19/f (180/f')' 30 30-300 27.5 0.073 0.2 30 30CH500 f/1500 30 1500-1.0 30 100,000 f = frequency in MHz *Plane-wave equivalent power density 1611 Westwoocf CenMJ Drlv• • suite 315 • Vlenno, VA 22182 703.276.1100 • lnloOlltesafe.com Page 21 C<g) SiteSafe ·-- Appendix F -Safety Plan and Procedures The following items are general safety recommendations that should be administered on a site by site basis as needed by the carrier. General Maintenance Work: Any maintenance personnel required to work immediately in front of antennas and / or in areas indicated as above 100% of the Occupational MPE limits should coordinate with the wireless operators to disable transmitters during their work activities. Trgln(ng and Qugllfk;atfon Y,rfflcQtlqn; A11 personnel accessing areas indicated as exceeding the General Population MPE limits should have a basic understanding of EME awareness and RF Safety procedures when working around transmitting antennas. Awareness training increases a worker's understanding to potential RF exposure scenarios. Awareness can be achieved in a number of ways (e.g. videos, formal classroom lecture or internet-based courses). Physical Access Control; Access restrictions to transmitting antennas locations is the primary element in a site safety plan. Examples of access restrictions are as follows: • locked door or gate • Alarmed door • locked ladder access • Restrictive Barrier at antenna (e.g. Chain link with posted RF Sign) RF Slgnage: Everyone should obey all posted signs at all times. RF signs play an important role in properly warning a worker prior to entering into a potential RF Exposure area. Assume all antennas are activti Due to the nature of telecommunications transmissions, an antenna transmits intermittently. Always assume an antenna is transmitting. Never stop in front of an antenna. If you have to pass by an antenna, move through as quickly and safely as possible thereby reducing any exposure to a minimum. Site Rf Exposure Diaaram(sl; Section 3 of this report contains RF Diagram(s) that outline various theoretical Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) areas at the site. The modeling is a worst-case scenario assuming a duty cycle of l 00% for each transmitting antenna at full power. This analysis is based on one of two access control criteria: General Public criteria means the access to the site is uncontrolled and anyone can gain access. Occupational criteria means the access is restricted and only properly trained individuals can gain access to the antenna locations. 8618 Westwood Center Drive• Suite 315 • Vienna, VA 22182 703.276.1100 • lnfoftsltesafe.com Page 22