HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 2017-0003; LA COSTA TWON SQUARE PARCEL 3 RESIDENTIAL; ANCHOR RETAINING WALL STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS; 2012-03-20 Anchor Retaining Wall Structural Calculations for La Costa Town Square - Office City of Carlsbad, CA March 20, 2012 W.O. #484-000 Prepared by: Matthew M. Merritt, P.E Red One Engineering, Inc. 1295 Distribution Way Vista, Ca 92081 Prepared for: O’Day Consultants, Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, Ca 92010 1'ed one engineering inc 1295 distribution way, vista, california 92081 phone 760.410.1665 facsimile 760.509.0078 matt@red1engineering.com March 20, 2012 W.O. #484-000 O’Day Consultants, Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92010 Attention: Mr. Tim Carroll Subject: Anchor Retaining Wall Structural Calculations La Costa Town Square - Office City of Carlsbad, California Please find enclosed the structural wall calculations for the La Costa Town Square - Office retaining wall. The Anchor retaining wall was designed using the SRWall 4.0 design software developed by National Concrete Masonry Association. The retaining walls have been designed for internal and external wall stability only. The Geotechnical Engineer of Record shall confirm site global stability. The General contractor/developer shall coordinate the installation of all subterranean construction within the reinforced zone of the Anchor walls. Red One Engineering, Inc. shall be consulted prior to any excavation within the reinforced zone. All efforts shall be made to coordinate the installation of subterranean features during wall construction to limit future disturbance of the geogrid reinforcement. Anchor Retaining Wall Systems are active systems and may exhibit slight movement or creep over time as the geogrid reinforcement elongate to develop full tensile resistance. The owner should be aware that structures and pavement placed within the reinforced or retained zones of the wall may undergo movement that can lead to surface cracking. It is recommended that the compacted soil in the reinforced and retained zones be allowed to consolidate for a time up to 45 days to allow for the elongation of the geogrid reinforcement. This will allow for any slight movement or creep to occur before placement of structures or pavement on top of the fill and further mitigate the possibility of surface cracking. It is also recommended a maintenance program be implemented by the property owner to monitor and repair any cracking in the finished surface above the Anchor retaining wall to prevent water infiltration and hydrostatic pressures. 1'ed one engineering inc 1295 distribution way, vista, california 92081 phone 760.410.1665 facsimile 760.509.0078 matt@red1engineering.com Soil design parameters are based upon the Geotechnical Investigation by Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. dated January 4, 2012. All soil design parameters shall be confirmed by the geotechnical engineer prior to the commencement of construction. The owner shall provide a special inspector, approved by the City of Carlsbad, to observe the wall installation to satisfy the special inspection requirements as noted on the Title Sheet and Notes of the Anchor Retaining Wall Plans. Please contact the undersigned with any questions regarding the Anchor Retaining Wall Structural Calculations or the Anchor Retaining Wall Plans. Sincerely, Red One Engineering, Inc. Matthew M. Merritt RCE #68429 ABBREVIATIONS: f = soil internal friction angle c = soil cohesion value g = soil unit weight in pounds per cubic foot Tult = ultimate tensile strength RFcr = creep reduction factor RFd = durability reduction factor RFid = installation damage reduction factor LTDS = long term design strength FS = factor of safety Tal = allowable tension Tcl = peak connection tension Tsc = serviceability connection tension Ci = pullout soil interaction coefficient Cds = direct shear soil interaction coefficient STATIC SRWall (Version 4) Report Project Identification Project ID : 484-000 Project Name : LCTS - OFFICE Owner : Client : O'DAY CONSULTANTS Prepared By : MMM Company : Address : Telephone : Section : H=24.67' Project File : H=24.67'.prj Vendor Data File : Date and Time : 03/20/2012 09:29:05 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type of Structure : Reinforced Wall -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wall Geometry Design Wall Height(ft): 24.67 Embedment Wall Height(ft): 1.33 Exposed Wall Design Height(ft): 23.34 Number of Segmental Wall Units : 37 Wall Inclination(degrees): 4.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grades Top Slope(degrees): 26.56 Broken Back Distance(ft): 40.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uniform Distributed Surcharge Live Load Surcharge(Psf): 250.00 Live Load Surcharge Setback(ft): 40.00 Dead Load Surcharge(Psf): 0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Soil Data Soil Zone Description Cohesion (c) (psf) Friction Angle() (degrees) Unit Weight ()(pcf) Reinforced Soil N/A 30.00 130.00 Retained Soil N/A 30.00 130.00 Leveling Pad Soil N/A 40.00 100.00 Foundation Soil 0.00 30.00 130.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segmental Unit Data Segmental Unit Name : Vertica 4 Degree Batter Cap Height (Inches): 4.00 Unit Height (Hu)(Inches): 8.00 Unit Width (Wu)(Inches): 12.00 Unit Length (Inches): 18.00 Setback (Inches): 0.56 Weight (Infilled)(lb): 120.00 Unit Weight (Infilled)(pcf): 120.00 Center of Gravity(Inches): 6.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic Reinforcement Type and Number Supplier Product Name Number Mirafi Miragrid 10XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 2XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 3XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 5XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 8XT 22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Geosynthetic Properties Geosynthetic Product Tult (lb/ft)RFcr RFd RFid LTDS (lb/ft)Ci Cds Miragrid 10XT 9500.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 4489.60 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 2XT 2000.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 945.18 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 3XT 3500.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 1654.06 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 5XT 4700.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 2221.17 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 8XT 7400.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 3497.16 0.90 0.90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit-Unit Interface Properties Minimum Shear Capacity(lb/ft) Shear Friction Angle Maximum Shear Capacity (lb/ft) 885.00 37.00 3000.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic-SRW Unit Connection Strength properties Geosynthetic Product Minimum Conn. Capacity (lb/ft) 1st Inflection Point (lb/ft)2nd Inflection Point (lb/ft) Normal Load (lb/ft) Connection Capacity (lb/ft) Normal Load (lb/ft) Max Connection Capacity(lb/ft) Miragrid 10XT 1737.00 2000.00 2985.00 3722.00 4060.00 Miragrid 2XT 859.00 1157.00 1450.00 2500.00 1675.00 Miragrid 3XT 914.00 2000.00 1560.00 3150.00 1935.00 Miragrid 5XT 1187.00 2000.00 2075.00 3730.00 2845.00 Miragrid 8XT 1002.00 2000.00 2300.00 3767.00 3445.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic-SRW Unit Shear Strength properties Geosynthetic Product Minimum Shear Capacity(lb/ft) Shear Friction Angle Maximum Shear Capacity (lb/ft) Miragrid 10XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 2XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 3XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 5XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 8XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vertical Components Vertical Components of Earth Pressures Used : No -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Cofficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientation Reinforcement Soil(Static)(Ka): 0.394 Reinforcement Soil(Static)(Kah Horizontal Component): 0.379 Internal Modified Back Slope(Bint): 22.061 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal(degrees) for Internal Stability : 46.284 Retained Soil(Static)(Ka): 0.325 Retained Soil(Static)(Kah Horizontal Component): 0.292 External Modified Back Slope(Bext): 13.412 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal(degrees) for External Stability : 49.403 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Result of External Stability Static Analysis Calculated Design Criteria FOS Sliding 1.90 > 1.50 FOS Overturning 3.46 > 2.00 FOS Bearing Capacity 6.03 > 2.00 Base Reinforcement Length (L)(ft) 23.00 Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 0.93 > 0.60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results of Internal Stability Static Analysis SRW Unit # Geosynthetic Product Elevation (ft) Length (ft) Anchor Length (ft) FOS Overstress >=1.50 FOS Pullout >=1.50 FOS Slide >=1.50 Layer Spacing (ft) >=2.00 36 Miragrid 8XT 23.33 23.00 1.32 15.46 9.45 2.86 OK 35 Miragrid 8XT 22.67 23.00 1.91 27.23 24.99 2.85 OK 34 Miragrid 8XT 22.00 23.00 2.50 14.94 18.70 2.83 OK 32 Miragrid 8XT 20.67 23.00 3.68 8.98 17.80 2.78 OK 30 Miragrid 8XT 19.33 23.00 4.87 7.33 20.59 2.71 OK 28 Miragrid 8XT 18.00 23.00 6.05 6.22 23.12 2.64 OK 26 Miragrid 8XT 16.67 23.00 7.23 5.36 25.31 2.56 OK 24 Miragrid 8XT 15.33 23.00 8.41 4.73 27.50 2.49 OK 22 Miragrid 8XT 14.00 23.00 9.59 4.24 29.70 2.41 OK 20 Miragrid 8XT 12.67 23.00 10.77 3.82 31.62 2.33 OK 18 Miragrid 8XT 11.33 23.00 11.96 3.49 33.64 2.26 OK 16 Miragrid 8XT 10.00 23.00 13.14 3.22 35.73 2.19 OK 14 Miragrid 8XT 8.67 23.00 14.32 2.97 37.53 2.13 OK 12 Miragrid 8XT 7.33 23.00 15.50 2.76 39.47 2.06 OK 10 Miragrid 8XT 6.00 23.00 16.68 2.59 41.52 2.00 OK 8 Miragrid 8XT 4.67 23.00 17.86 3.26 58.19 1.94 OK 7 Miragrid 8XT 4.00 23.00 18.45 4.69 88.09 1.92 OK Miragrid 8XT Page 5 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html 6 3.33 23.00 19.05 4.59 90.66 1.89 OK 5 Miragrid 8XT 2.67 23.00 19.63 4.46 92.51 1.86 OK 4 Miragrid 8XT 2.00 23.00 20.23 4.31 93.71 1.84 OK 3 Miragrid 8XT 1.33 23.00 20.82 4.23 96.31 1.81 OK 2 Miragrid 8XT 0.67 23.00 21.41 2.72 64.85 1.79 OK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 6 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Results of Facing Stability Static Analysis SRW Unit # Heel Elev (ft) Geosynthetic Product FOS Crest Toppling >=1.50 FOS Connection >=1.50 36 23.33 Miragrid 8XT 4.28 16.17 35 22.67 Miragrid 8XT 17.68 34 22.00 Miragrid 8XT 8.68 32 20.67 Miragrid 8XT 5.00 30 19.33 Miragrid 8XT 4.04 28 18.00 Miragrid 8XT 3.48 26 16.67 Miragrid 8XT 3.09 24 15.33 Miragrid 8XT 2.82 22 14.00 Miragrid 8XT 2.62 20 12.67 Miragrid 8XT 2.45 18 11.33 Miragrid 8XT 2.33 16 10.00 Miragrid 8XT 2.23 14 8.67 Miragrid 8XT 2.14 12 7.33 Miragrid 8XT 2.06 10 6.00 Miragrid 8XT 2.01 8 4.67 Miragrid 8XT 2.62 7 4.00 Miragrid 8XT 3.83 6 3.33 Miragrid 8XT 3.81 5 2.67 Miragrid 8XT 3.77 4 2.00 Miragrid 8XT 3.70 3 1.33 Miragrid 8XT 3.69 2 0.67 Miragrid 8XT 2.41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 7 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Wall Reinforcement Layout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Identification Project ID : 484-000 Project Name : LCTS - OFFICE Owner : Client : O'DAY CONSULTANTS Prepared By : MMM Company : Address : Telephone : Section : H=24.67' Vendor Data File : Project File : H=24.67'.prj Date and Time : 03/20/2012 09:29:05 Page 8 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html 40.00 ft -2656 deg 24.6 133 j_ TT 050 ft 23.00 ft SRWall (Version 4) Report Project Identification Project ID : 484-000 Project Name : LCTS - OFFICE Owner : Client : O'DAY CONSULTANTS Prepared By : MMM Company : Address : Telephone : Section : H=22' Project File : H=22'.prj Vendor Data File : Date and Time : 03/20/2012 09:30:13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type of Structure : Reinforced Wall -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wall Geometry Design Wall Height(ft): 22.00 Embedment Wall Height(ft): 1.33 Exposed Wall Design Height(ft): 20.67 Number of Segmental Wall Units : 33 Wall Inclination(degrees): 4.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grades Top Slope(degrees): 26.56 Broken Back Distance(ft): 40.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uniform Distributed Surcharge Live Load Surcharge(Psf): 250.00 Live Load Surcharge Setback(ft): 40.00 Dead Load Surcharge(Psf): 0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Soil Data Soil Zone Description Cohesion (c) (psf) Friction Angle() (degrees) Unit Weight ()(pcf) Reinforced Soil N/A 30.00 130.00 Retained Soil N/A 30.00 130.00 Leveling Pad Soil N/A 40.00 100.00 Foundation Soil 0.00 30.00 130.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segmental Unit Data Segmental Unit Name : Vertica 4 Degree Batter Cap Height (Inches): 4.00 Unit Height (Hu)(Inches): 8.00 Unit Width (Wu)(Inches): 12.00 Unit Length (Inches): 18.00 Setback (Inches): 0.56 Weight (Infilled)(lb): 120.00 Unit Weight (Infilled)(pcf): 120.00 Center of Gravity(Inches): 6.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic Reinforcement Type and Number Supplier Product Name Number Mirafi Miragrid 10XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 2XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 3XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 5XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 8XT 19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Geosynthetic Properties Geosynthetic Product Tult (lb/ft)RFcr RFd RFid LTDS (lb/ft)Ci Cds Miragrid 10XT 9500.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 4489.60 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 2XT 2000.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 945.18 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 3XT 3500.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 1654.06 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 5XT 4700.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 2221.17 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 8XT 7400.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 3497.16 0.90 0.90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit-Unit Interface Properties Minimum Shear Capacity(lb/ft) Shear Friction Angle Maximum Shear Capacity (lb/ft) 885.00 37.00 3000.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic-SRW Unit Connection Strength properties Geosynthetic Product Minimum Conn. Capacity (lb/ft) 1st Inflection Point (lb/ft)2nd Inflection Point (lb/ft) Normal Load (lb/ft) Connection Capacity (lb/ft) Normal Load (lb/ft) Max Connection Capacity(lb/ft) Miragrid 10XT 1737.00 2000.00 2985.00 3722.00 4060.00 Miragrid 2XT 859.00 1157.00 1450.00 2500.00 1675.00 Miragrid 3XT 914.00 2000.00 1560.00 3150.00 1935.00 Miragrid 5XT 1187.00 2000.00 2075.00 3730.00 2845.00 Miragrid 8XT 1002.00 2000.00 2300.00 3767.00 3445.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic-SRW Unit Shear Strength properties Geosynthetic Product Minimum Shear Capacity(lb/ft) Shear Friction Angle Maximum Shear Capacity (lb/ft) Miragrid 10XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 2XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 3XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 5XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 8XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vertical Components Vertical Components of Earth Pressures Used : No -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Cofficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientation Reinforcement Soil(Static)(Ka): 0.428 Reinforcement Soil(Static)(Kah Horizontal Component): 0.411 Internal Modified Back Slope(Bint): 24.439 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal(degrees) for Internal Stability : 44.306 Retained Soil(Static)(Ka): 0.339 Retained Soil(Static)(Kah Horizontal Component): 0.305 External Modified Back Slope(Bext): 15.499 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal(degrees) for External Stability : 48.598 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Result of External Stability Static Analysis Calculated Design Criteria FOS Sliding 1.88 > 1.50 FOS Overturning 3.57 > 2.00 FOS Bearing Capacity 6.52 > 2.00 Base Reinforcement Length (L)(ft) 22.00 Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 1.00 > 0.60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results of Internal Stability Static Analysis SRW Unit # Geosynthetic Product Elevation (ft) Length (ft) Anchor Length (ft) FOS Overstress >=1.50 FOS Pullout >=1.50 FOS Slide >=1.50 Layer Spacing (ft) >=2.0 33 Miragrid 8XT 21.33 22.36 1.00 27.03 11.56 2.73 OK 32 Miragrid 8XT 20.67 22.00 1.27 19.13 10.76 2.73 OK 30 Miragrid 8XT 19.33 22.00 2.55 10.69 13.09 2.71 OK 28 Miragrid 8XT 18.00 22.00 3.82 8.31 16.44 2.65 OK 26 Miragrid 8XT 16.67 22.00 5.09 6.76 19.10 2.59 OK 24 Miragrid 8XT 15.33 22.00 6.37 5.71 21.55 2.51 OK 22 Miragrid 8XT 14.00 22.00 7.64 4.96 23.88 2.43 OK 20 Miragrid 8XT 12.67 22.00 8.91 4.36 25.90 2.36 OK 18 Miragrid 8XT 11.33 22.00 10.19 3.90 27.98 2.28 OK 16 Miragrid 8XT 10.00 22.00 11.45 3.54 30.07 2.21 OK 14 Miragrid 8XT 8.67 22.00 12.72 3.22 31.90 2.14 OK 12 Miragrid 8XT 7.33 22.00 14.00 2.96 33.84 2.07 OK 10 Miragrid 8XT 6.00 22.00 15.27 2.75 35.86 2.00 OK 8 Miragrid 8XT 4.67 22.00 16.54 2.55 37.59 1.94 OK 6 Miragrid 8XT 3.33 22.00 17.82 3.21 53.12 1.88 OK 5 Miragrid 8XT 2.67 22.00 18.45 4.63 81.04 1.85 OK 4 Miragrid 8XT 2.00 22.00 19.09 4.46 82.29 1.83 OK Miragrid 8XT Page 5 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html 3 1.33 22.00 19.73 4.36 84.78 1.80 OK 2 Miragrid 8XT 0.67 22.00 20.36 2.80 57.16 1.77 OK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 6 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html I I I I I I I I I Results of Facing Stability Static Analysis SRW Unit # Heel Elev (ft) Geosynthetic Product FOS Crest Toppling >=1.50 FOS Connection >=1.50 33 21.33 Miragrid 8XT 15.02 39.48 32 20.67 Miragrid 8XT 13.80 30 19.33 Miragrid 8XT 6.36 28 18.00 Miragrid 8XT 4.62 26 16.67 Miragrid 8XT 3.73 24 15.33 Miragrid 8XT 3.20 22 14.00 Miragrid 8XT 2.86 20 12.67 Miragrid 8XT 2.60 18 11.33 Miragrid 8XT 2.41 16 10.00 Miragrid 8XT 2.27 14 8.67 Miragrid 8XT 2.15 12 7.33 Miragrid 8XT 2.05 10 6.00 Miragrid 8XT 1.98 8 4.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.90 6 3.33 Miragrid 8XT 2.49 5 2.67 Miragrid 8XT 3.65 4 2.00 Miragrid 8XT 3.58 3 1.33 Miragrid 8XT 3.56 2 0.67 Miragrid 8XT 2.32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 7 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Wall Reinforcement Layout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Identification Project ID : 484-000 Project Name : LCTS - OFFICE Owner : Client : O'DAY CONSULTANTS Prepared By : MMM Company : Address : Telephone : Section : H=22' Vendor Data File : Project File : H=22'.prj Date and Time : 03/20/2012 09:30:13 Page 8 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html 40.00 ft 1.49 ft 1-t- 22.00 4.00 133 j_ -265ifi dil!2.36 ft. ~h.¥ ~ Ivfuagrid 8XT >-Ivfua .d 8XT Ivfua gn d 8XT d ~ Ivfuaid 8XT h: Ivfuagrid 8XT r: Ivfua .d 8XT Ivfuaid8XT Ivfuagrid 8XT ~ Ivfua .d 8XT Ivfua gn d 8XT Ivfu gn 8X agnd · ~-T fl ~ iill ~ TT - 050 ft 22.00 ft SRWall (Version 4) Report Project Identification Project ID : 484-000 Project Name : LCTS - OFFICE Owner : Client : O'DAY CONSULTANTS Prepared By : MMM Company : Address : Telephone : Section : H=18' Project File : H=18'.prj Vendor Data File : Date and Time : 03/20/2012 09:44:26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type of Structure : Reinforced Wall -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wall Geometry Design Wall Height(ft): 18.00 Embedment Wall Height(ft): 1.33 Exposed Wall Design Height(ft): 16.67 Number of Segmental Wall Units : 27 Wall Inclination(degrees): 4.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grades Top Slope(degrees): 26.56 Broken Back Distance(ft): 40.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uniform Distributed Surcharge Live Load Surcharge(Psf): 250.00 Live Load Surcharge Setback(ft): 40.00 Dead Load Surcharge(Psf): 0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 of 7National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Soil Data Soil Zone Description Cohesion (c) (psf) Friction Angle() (degrees) Unit Weight ()(pcf) Reinforced Soil N/A 30.00 130.00 Retained Soil N/A 30.00 130.00 Leveling Pad Soil N/A 40.00 100.00 Foundation Soil 0.00 30.00 130.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segmental Unit Data Segmental Unit Name : Vertica 4 Degree Batter Cap Height (Inches): 4.00 Unit Height (Hu)(Inches): 8.00 Unit Width (Wu)(Inches): 12.00 Unit Length (Inches): 18.00 Setback (Inches): 0.56 Weight (Infilled)(lb): 120.00 Unit Weight (Infilled)(pcf): 120.00 Center of Gravity(Inches): 6.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic Reinforcement Type and Number Supplier Product Name Number Mirafi Miragrid 10XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 2XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 3XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 5XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 8XT 14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 of 7National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Geosynthetic Properties Geosynthetic Product Tult (lb/ft)RFcr RFd RFid LTDS (lb/ft)Ci Cds Miragrid 10XT 9500.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 4489.60 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 2XT 2000.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 945.18 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 3XT 3500.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 1654.06 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 5XT 4700.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 2221.17 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 8XT 7400.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 3497.16 0.90 0.90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit-Unit Interface Properties Minimum Shear Capacity(lb/ft) Shear Friction Angle Maximum Shear Capacity (lb/ft) 885.00 37.00 3000.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic-SRW Unit Connection Strength properties Geosynthetic Product Minimum Conn. Capacity (lb/ft) 1st Inflection Point (lb/ft)2nd Inflection Point (lb/ft) Normal Load (lb/ft) Connection Capacity (lb/ft) Normal Load (lb/ft) Max Connection Capacity(lb/ft) Miragrid 10XT 1737.00 2000.00 2985.00 3722.00 4060.00 Miragrid 2XT 859.00 1157.00 1450.00 2500.00 1675.00 Miragrid 3XT 914.00 2000.00 1560.00 3150.00 1935.00 Miragrid 5XT 1187.00 2000.00 2075.00 3730.00 2845.00 Miragrid 8XT 1002.00 2000.00 2300.00 3767.00 3445.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic-SRW Unit Shear Strength properties Geosynthetic Product Minimum Shear Capacity(lb/ft) Shear Friction Angle Maximum Shear Capacity (lb/ft) Miragrid 10XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 2XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 3XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 5XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 8XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vertical Components Vertical Components of Earth Pressures Used : No -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 of 7National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Cofficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientation Reinforcement Soil(Static)(Ka): 0.471 Reinforcement Soil(Static)(Kah Horizontal Component): 0.453 Internal Modified Back Slope(Bint): 26.560 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal(degrees) for Internal Stability : 41.870 Retained Soil(Static)(Ka): 0.365 Retained Soil(Static)(Kah Horizontal Component): 0.328 External Modified Back Slope(Bext): 18.765 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal(degrees) for External Stability : 47.101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4 of 7National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Result of External Stability Static Analysis Calculated Design Criteria FOS Sliding 1.86 > 1.50 FOS Overturning 3.88 > 2.00 FOS Bearing Capacity 7.73 > 2.00 Base Reinforcement Length (L)(ft) 21.00 Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 1.17 > 0.60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results of Internal Stability Static Analysis SRW Unit # Geosynthetic Product Elevation (ft) Length (ft) Anchor Length (ft) FOS Overstress >=1.50 FOS Pullout >=1.50 FOS Slide >=1.50 Layer Spacing (ft) >=2.00 26 Miragrid 8XT 16.67 21.00 2.57 12.97 13.69 2.53 OK 25 Miragrid 8XT 16.00 21.00 3.27 22.64 31.76 2.52 OK 24 Miragrid 8XT 15.33 21.00 3.97 12.50 22.21 2.50 OK 22 Miragrid 8XT 14.00 21.00 5.36 7.55 19.58 2.45 OK 20 Miragrid 8XT 12.67 21.00 6.75 6.14 21.55 2.38 OK 18 Miragrid 8XT 11.33 21.00 8.15 5.19 23.52 2.31 OK 16 Miragrid 8XT 10.00 21.00 9.54 4.51 25.48 2.23 OK 14 Miragrid 8XT 8.67 21.00 10.93 3.96 27.21 2.16 OK 12 Miragrid 8XT 7.33 21.00 12.33 3.54 29.03 2.09 OK 10 Miragrid 8XT 6.00 21.00 13.73 3.21 30.92 2.02 OK 8 Miragrid 8XT 4.67 21.00 15.12 2.92 32.56 1.95 OK 6 Miragrid 8XT 3.33 21.00 16.52 2.69 34.33 1.88 OK 4 Miragrid 8XT 2.00 21.00 17.91 2.50 36.20 1.82 OK 2 Miragrid 8XT 0.67 21.00 19.30 2.31 37.79 1.77 OK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 5 of 7National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Results of Facing Stability Static Analysis SRW Unit # Heel Elev (ft) Geosynthetic Product FOS Crest Toppling >=1.50 FOS Connection >=1.50 26 16.67 Miragrid 8XT 3.62 13.57 25 16.00 Miragrid 8XT 14.70 24 15.33 Miragrid 8XT 7.26 22 14.00 Miragrid 8XT 4.20 20 12.67 Miragrid 8XT 3.39 18 11.33 Miragrid 8XT 2.91 16 10.00 Miragrid 8XT 2.60 14 8.67 Miragrid 8XT 2.36 12 7.33 Miragrid 8XT 2.19 10 6.00 Miragrid 8XT 2.06 8 4.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.95 6 3.33 Miragrid 8XT 1.86 4 2.00 Miragrid 8XT 1.80 2 0.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 6 of 7National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Wall Reinforcement Layout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Identification Project ID : 484-000 Project Name : LCTS - OFFICE Owner : Client : O'DAY CONSULTANTS Prepared By : MMM Company : Address : Telephone : Section : H=18' Vendor Data File : Project File : H=18'.prj Date and Time : 03/20/2012 09:44:26 Page 7 of 7National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html 40.00 ft EE========== ~:,am lvfiragrid 8XT 18.00 . 133ru-,1------------ rvfiragrid 8XT I\lfiragrid 8XT rvfiragrid 8XT I\lfiragrid 8XT rvfiragrid SXT I\lfiragrid SXT I\lfiragrid 8XT rvfiragrid SXT I\lfiragrid 8XT rvfiragrid 8XT j_ TT 050 ft 21.00 ft SEISMIC SRWall (Version 4) Report Project Identification Project ID : 484-000 Project Name : LCTS - OFFICE Owner : Client : O'DAY CONSULTANTS Prepared By : MMM Company : Address : Telephone : Section : H=24.67' Project File : H=24.67'.prj Vendor Data File : Date and Time : 03/20/2012 09:29:05 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type of Structure : Reinforced Wall -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seismic Analysis Details Peak Ground Acceleration(PGA Ratio): 0.31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wall Geometry Design Wall Height(ft): 24.67 Embedment Wall Height(ft): 1.33 Exposed Wall Design Height(ft): 23.34 Number of Segmental Wall Units : 37 Wall Inclination(degrees): 4.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grades Top Slope(degrees): 26.56 Broken Back Distance(ft): 40.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uniform Distributed Surcharge Live Load Surcharge(Psf): 250.00 Live Load Surcharge Setback(ft): 40.00 Dead Load Surcharge(Psf): 0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Soil Data Soil Zone Description Cohesion (c) (psf) Friction Angle() (degrees) Unit Weight ()(pcf) Reinforced Soil N/A 30.00 130.00 Retained Soil N/A 30.00 130.00 Leveling Pad Soil N/A 40.00 100.00 Foundation Soil 0.00 30.00 130.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segmental Unit Data Segmental Unit Name : Vertica 4 Degree Batter Cap Height (Inches): 4.00 Unit Height (Hu)(Inches): 8.00 Unit Width (Wu)(Inches): 12.00 Unit Length (Inches): 18.00 Setback (Inches): 0.56 Weight (Infilled)(lb): 120.00 Unit Weight (Infilled)(pcf): 120.00 Center of Gravity(Inches): 6.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic Reinforcement Type and Number Supplier Product Name Number Mirafi Miragrid 10XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 2XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 3XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 5XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 8XT 22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Geosynthetic Properties Geosynthetic Product Tult (lb/ft)RFcr RFd RFid LTDS (lb/ft)Ci Cds Miragrid 10XT 9500.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 7183.36 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 2XT 2000.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 1512.29 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 3XT 3500.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 2646.50 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 5XT 4700.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 3553.88 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 8XT 7400.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 5595.46 0.90 0.90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit-Unit Interface Properties Minimum Shear Capacity(lb/ft) Shear Friction Angle Maximum Shear Capacity (lb/ft) 885.00 37.00 3000.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic-SRW Unit Connection Strength properties Geosynthetic Product Minimum Conn. Capacity (lb/ft) 1st Inflection Point (lb/ft)2nd Inflection Point (lb/ft) Normal Load (lb/ft) Connection Capacity (lb/ft) Normal Load (lb/ft) Max Connection Capacity(lb/ft) Miragrid 10XT 1737.00 2000.00 2985.00 3722.00 4060.00 Miragrid 2XT 859.00 1157.00 1450.00 2500.00 1675.00 Miragrid 3XT 914.00 2000.00 1560.00 3150.00 1935.00 Miragrid 5XT 1187.00 2000.00 2075.00 3730.00 2845.00 Miragrid 8XT 1002.00 2000.00 2300.00 3767.00 3445.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic-SRW Unit Shear Strength properties Geosynthetic Product Minimum Shear Capacity(lb/ft) Shear Friction Angle Maximum Shear Capacity (lb/ft) Miragrid 10XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 2XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 3XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 5XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 8XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vertical Components Vertical Components of Earth Pressures Used : No -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Cofficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientation Seismic Cofficient(K(int)): 0.130 Seismic Cofficient(K(ext)): 0.130 Reinforcement Soil(Static)(Ka): 0.394 Reinforcement Soil(Static)(Kah Horizontal Component): 0.379 Reinforcement Soil(Static + Dynamic)(Kae): 0.740 Reinforcement Soil(Static + Dynamic)(Kaeh horizontal Component): 0.711 Internal Modified Back Slope(Bint): 22.061 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal(degrees) for Internal Stability : 46.284 Retained Soil(Static)(Ka): 0.325 Retained Soil(Static)(Kah Horizontal Component): 0.292 Retained Soil(Static + Dynamic)(Kae): 0.484 Retained Soil(Static + Dynamic)(Kaeh horizontal Component): 0.435 External Modified Back Slope(Bext): 13.412 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal(degrees) for External Stability : 49.403 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Result of External Stability Seismic Analysis Calculated Design Criteria FOS Sliding 1.43 > 1.10 FOS Overturning 2.47 > 1.50 FOS Bearing Capacity 4.58 > 1.50 Base Reinforcement Length (L)(ft) 23.00 Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 0.93 > 0.60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results of Internal Stability Seismic Analysis SRW Unit # Geosynthetic Product Elevation (ft) Length (ft) Anchor Length (ft) FOS Overstress >=1.10 FOS Pullout >=1.10 FOS Slide >=1.10 Layer Spacing (ft) >=2.00 36 Miragrid 8XT 23.33 23.00 1.32 5.69 2.17 2.45 OK 35 Miragrid 8XT 22.67 23.00 1.91 13.00 7.46 2.40 OK 34 Miragrid 8XT 22.00 23.00 2.50 8.13 6.36 2.34 OK 32 Miragrid 8XT 20.67 23.00 3.68 5.62 6.96 2.24 OK 30 Miragrid 8XT 19.33 23.00 4.87 5.16 9.07 2.14 OK 28 Miragrid 8XT 18.00 23.00 6.05 4.80 11.15 2.06 OK 26 Miragrid 8XT 16.67 23.00 7.23 4.45 13.12 1.98 OK 24 Miragrid 8XT 15.33 23.00 8.41 4.16 15.12 1.90 OK 22 Miragrid 8XT 14.00 23.00 9.59 3.92 17.14 1.83 OK 20 Miragrid 8XT 12.67 23.00 10.77 3.68 19.02 1.77 OK 18 Miragrid 8XT 11.33 23.00 11.96 3.48 20.96 1.71 OK 16 Miragrid 8XT 10.00 23.00 13.14 3.31 22.96 1.65 OK 14 Miragrid 8XT 8.67 23.00 14.32 3.14 24.77 1.60 OK 12 Miragrid 8XT 7.33 23.00 15.50 2.99 26.69 1.55 OK 10 Miragrid 8XT 6.00 23.00 16.68 2.87 28.68 1.50 OK 8 Miragrid 8XT 4.67 23.00 17.86 3.67 40.86 1.46 OK 7 Miragrid 8XT 4.00 23.00 18.45 5.33 62.55 1.44 OK Miragrid 8XT Page 5 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html 6 3.33 23.00 19.05 5.26 64.91 1.42 OK 5 Miragrid 8XT 2.67 23.00 19.63 5.16 66.76 1.40 OK 4 Miragrid 8XT 2.00 23.00 20.23 5.02 68.14 1.38 OK 3 Miragrid 8XT 1.33 23.00 20.82 4.96 70.54 1.36 OK 2 Miragrid 8XT 0.67 23.00 21.41 3.22 47.91 1.34 OK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 6 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Results of Facing Stability Seismic Analysis SRW Unit # Heel Elev (ft) Geosynthetic Product FOS Crest Toppling >=1.10 FOS Connection >=1.10 36 23.33 Miragrid 8XT 1.81 1.13 35 22.67 Miragrid 8XT 2.69 34 22.00 Miragrid 8XT 1.76 32 20.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.32 30 19.33 Miragrid 8XT 1.31 28 18.00 Miragrid 8XT 1.30 26 16.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.29 24 15.33 Miragrid 8XT 1.28 22 14.00 Miragrid 8XT 1.28 20 12.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.27 18 11.33 Miragrid 8XT 1.27 16 10.00 Miragrid 8XT 1.27 14 8.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.26 12 7.33 Miragrid 8XT 1.26 10 6.00 Miragrid 8XT 1.26 8 4.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.68 7 4.00 Miragrid 8XT 2.49 6 3.33 Miragrid 8XT 2.50 5 2.67 Miragrid 8XT 2.50 4 2.00 Miragrid 8XT 2.48 3 1.33 Miragrid 8XT 2.50 2 0.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 7 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Wall Reinforcement Layout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Identification Project ID : 484-000 Project Name : LCTS - OFFICE Owner : Client : O'DAY CONSULTANTS Prepared By : MMM Company : Address : Telephone : Section : H=24.67' Vendor Data File : Project File : H=24.67'.prj Date and Time : 03/20/2012 09:29:05 Page 8 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html 40.00 ft -2656 deg 24.6 133 j_ TT 050 ft 23.00 ft SRWall (Version 4) Report Project Identification Project ID : 484-000 Project Name : LCTS - OFFICE Owner : Client : O'DAY CONSULTANTS Prepared By : MMM Company : Address : Telephone : Section : H=22' Project File : H=22'.prj Vendor Data File : Date and Time : 03/20/2012 09:30:13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type of Structure : Reinforced Wall -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seismic Analysis Details Peak Ground Acceleration(PGA Ratio): 0.31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wall Geometry Design Wall Height(ft): 22.00 Embedment Wall Height(ft): 1.33 Exposed Wall Design Height(ft): 20.67 Number of Segmental Wall Units : 33 Wall Inclination(degrees): 4.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grades Top Slope(degrees): 26.56 Broken Back Distance(ft): 40.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uniform Distributed Surcharge Live Load Surcharge(Psf): 250.00 Live Load Surcharge Setback(ft): 40.00 Dead Load Surcharge(Psf): 0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Soil Data Soil Zone Description Cohesion (c) (psf) Friction Angle() (degrees) Unit Weight ()(pcf) Reinforced Soil N/A 30.00 130.00 Retained Soil N/A 30.00 130.00 Leveling Pad Soil N/A 40.00 100.00 Foundation Soil 0.00 30.00 130.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segmental Unit Data Segmental Unit Name : Vertica 4 Degree Batter Cap Height (Inches): 4.00 Unit Height (Hu)(Inches): 8.00 Unit Width (Wu)(Inches): 12.00 Unit Length (Inches): 18.00 Setback (Inches): 0.56 Weight (Infilled)(lb): 120.00 Unit Weight (Infilled)(pcf): 120.00 Center of Gravity(Inches): 6.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic Reinforcement Type and Number Supplier Product Name Number Mirafi Miragrid 10XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 2XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 3XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 5XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 8XT 19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Geosynthetic Properties Geosynthetic Product Tult (lb/ft)RFcr RFd RFid LTDS (lb/ft)Ci Cds Miragrid 10XT 9500.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 7183.36 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 2XT 2000.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 1512.29 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 3XT 3500.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 2646.50 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 5XT 4700.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 3553.88 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 8XT 7400.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 5595.46 0.90 0.90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit-Unit Interface Properties Minimum Shear Capacity(lb/ft) Shear Friction Angle Maximum Shear Capacity (lb/ft) 885.00 37.00 3000.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic-SRW Unit Connection Strength properties Geosynthetic Product Minimum Conn. Capacity (lb/ft) 1st Inflection Point (lb/ft)2nd Inflection Point (lb/ft) Normal Load (lb/ft) Connection Capacity (lb/ft) Normal Load (lb/ft) Max Connection Capacity(lb/ft) Miragrid 10XT 1737.00 2000.00 2985.00 3722.00 4060.00 Miragrid 2XT 859.00 1157.00 1450.00 2500.00 1675.00 Miragrid 3XT 914.00 2000.00 1560.00 3150.00 1935.00 Miragrid 5XT 1187.00 2000.00 2075.00 3730.00 2845.00 Miragrid 8XT 1002.00 2000.00 2300.00 3767.00 3445.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic-SRW Unit Shear Strength properties Geosynthetic Product Minimum Shear Capacity(lb/ft) Shear Friction Angle Maximum Shear Capacity (lb/ft) Miragrid 10XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 2XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 3XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 5XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 8XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vertical Components Vertical Components of Earth Pressures Used : No -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Cofficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientation Seismic Cofficient(K(int)): 0.130 Seismic Cofficient(K(ext)): 0.130 Reinforcement Soil(Static)(Ka): 0.428 Reinforcement Soil(Static)(Kah Horizontal Component): 0.411 Reinforcement Soil(Static + Dynamic)(Kae): 0.884 Reinforcement Soil(Static + Dynamic)(Kaeh horizontal Component): 0.849 Internal Modified Back Slope(Bint): 24.439 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal(degrees) for Internal Stability : 44.306 Retained Soil(Static)(Ka): 0.339 Retained Soil(Static)(Kah Horizontal Component): 0.305 Retained Soil(Static + Dynamic)(Kae): 0.518 Retained Soil(Static + Dynamic)(Kaeh horizontal Component): 0.466 External Modified Back Slope(Bext): 15.499 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal(degrees) for External Stability : 48.598 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Result of External Stability Seismic Analysis Calculated Design Criteria FOS Sliding 1.42 > 1.10 FOS Overturning 2.57 > 1.50 FOS Bearing Capacity 5.12 > 1.50 Base Reinforcement Length (L)(ft) 22.00 Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 1.00 > 0.60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results of Internal Stability Seismic Analysis SRW Unit # Geosynthetic Product Elevation (ft) Length (ft) Anchor Length (ft) FOS Overstress >=1.10 FOS Pullout >=1.10 FOS Slide >=1.10 Layer Spacing (ft) >=2.00 33 Miragrid 8XT 21.33 22.36 1.00 8.36 2.24 2.46 OK 32 Miragrid 8XT 20.67 22.00 1.27 7.75 2.72 2.40 OK 30 Miragrid 8XT 19.33 22.00 2.55 5.34 4.09 2.29 OK 28 Miragrid 8XT 18.00 22.00 3.82 4.92 6.07 2.18 OK 26 Miragrid 8XT 16.67 22.00 5.09 4.52 7.98 2.08 OK 24 Miragrid 8XT 15.33 22.00 6.37 4.20 9.90 1.99 OK 22 Miragrid 8XT 14.00 22.00 7.64 3.93 11.83 1.91 OK 20 Miragrid 8XT 12.67 22.00 8.91 3.67 13.65 1.83 OK 18 Miragrid 8XT 11.33 22.00 10.19 3.46 15.52 1.76 OK 16 Miragrid 8XT 10.00 22.00 11.45 3.28 17.43 1.69 OK 14 Miragrid 8XT 8.67 22.00 12.72 3.10 19.19 1.63 OK 12 Miragrid 8XT 7.33 22.00 14.00 2.94 21.03 1.58 OK 10 Miragrid 8XT 6.00 22.00 15.27 2.81 22.93 1.52 OK 8 Miragrid 8XT 4.67 22.00 16.54 2.67 24.65 1.48 OK 6 Miragrid 8XT 3.33 22.00 17.82 3.43 35.54 1.43 OK 5 Miragrid 8XT 2.67 22.00 18.45 5.02 54.93 1.41 OK 4 Miragrid 8XT 2.00 22.00 19.09 4.88 56.33 1.38 OK Miragrid 8XT Page 5 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html 3 1.33 22.00 19.73 4.82 58.58 1.36 OK 2 Miragrid 8XT 0.67 22.00 20.36 3.13 39.94 1.34 OK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 6 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html I I I I I I I I I Results of Facing Stability Seismic Analysis SRW Unit # Heel Elev (ft) Geosynthetic Product FOS Crest Toppling >=1.10 FOS Connection >=1.10 33 21.33 Miragrid 8XT 4.83 1.58 32 20.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.53 30 19.33 Miragrid 8XT 1.16 28 18.00 Miragrid 8XT 1.15 26 16.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.15 24 15.33 Miragrid 8XT 1.14 22 14.00 Miragrid 8XT 1.14 20 12.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.14 18 11.33 Miragrid 8XT 1.13 16 10.00 Miragrid 8XT 1.13 14 8.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.13 12 7.33 Miragrid 8XT 1.13 10 6.00 Miragrid 8XT 1.13 8 4.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.12 6 3.33 Miragrid 8XT 1.51 5 2.67 Miragrid 8XT 2.25 4 2.00 Miragrid 8XT 2.23 3 1.33 Miragrid 8XT 2.25 2 0.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 7 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Wall Reinforcement Layout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Identification Project ID : 484-000 Project Name : LCTS - OFFICE Owner : Client : O'DAY CONSULTANTS Prepared By : MMM Company : Address : Telephone : Section : H=22' Vendor Data File : Project File : H=22'.prj Date and Time : 03/20/2012 09:30:13 Page 8 of 8National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html 40.00 ft 1.49 ft 1-t- 22.00 4.00 133 j_ -265ifi dil!2.36 ft. ~h.¥ ~ Ivfuagrid 8XT >-Ivfua .d 8XT Ivfua gn d 8XT d ~ Ivfuaid 8XT h: Ivfuagrid 8XT r: Ivfua .d 8XT Ivfuaid8XT Ivfuagrid 8XT ~ Ivfua .d 8XT Ivfua gn d 8XT Ivfu gn 8X agnd · ~-T fl ~ iill ~ TT - 050 ft 22.00 ft SRWall (Version 4) Report Project Identification Project ID : 484-000 Project Name : LCTS - OFFICE Owner : Client : O'DAY CONSULTANTS Prepared By : MMM Company : Address : Telephone : Section : H=18' Project File : H=18'.prj Vendor Data File : Date and Time : 03/20/2012 09:44:26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type of Structure : Reinforced Wall -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seismic Analysis Details Peak Ground Acceleration(PGA Ratio): 0.31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wall Geometry Design Wall Height(ft): 18.00 Embedment Wall Height(ft): 1.33 Exposed Wall Design Height(ft): 16.67 Number of Segmental Wall Units : 27 Wall Inclination(degrees): 4.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grades Top Slope(degrees): 26.56 Broken Back Distance(ft): 40.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uniform Distributed Surcharge Live Load Surcharge(Psf): 250.00 Live Load Surcharge Setback(ft): 40.00 Dead Load Surcharge(Psf): 0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 of 7National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Soil Data Soil Zone Description Cohesion (c) (psf) Friction Angle() (degrees) Unit Weight ()(pcf) Reinforced Soil N/A 30.00 130.00 Retained Soil N/A 30.00 130.00 Leveling Pad Soil N/A 40.00 100.00 Foundation Soil 0.00 30.00 130.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segmental Unit Data Segmental Unit Name : Vertica 4 Degree Batter Cap Height (Inches): 4.00 Unit Height (Hu)(Inches): 8.00 Unit Width (Wu)(Inches): 12.00 Unit Length (Inches): 18.00 Setback (Inches): 0.56 Weight (Infilled)(lb): 120.00 Unit Weight (Infilled)(pcf): 120.00 Center of Gravity(Inches): 6.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic Reinforcement Type and Number Supplier Product Name Number Mirafi Miragrid 10XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 2XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 3XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 5XT 0 Mirafi Miragrid 8XT 14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 of 7National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Geosynthetic Properties Geosynthetic Product Tult (lb/ft)RFcr RFd RFid LTDS (lb/ft)Ci Cds Miragrid 10XT 9500.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 7183.36 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 2XT 2000.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 1512.29 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 3XT 3500.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 2646.50 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 5XT 4700.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 3553.88 0.90 0.90 Miragrid 8XT 7400.00 1.60 1.15 1.15 5595.46 0.90 0.90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit-Unit Interface Properties Minimum Shear Capacity(lb/ft) Shear Friction Angle Maximum Shear Capacity (lb/ft) 885.00 37.00 3000.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic-SRW Unit Connection Strength properties Geosynthetic Product Minimum Conn. Capacity (lb/ft) 1st Inflection Point (lb/ft)2nd Inflection Point (lb/ft) Normal Load (lb/ft) Connection Capacity (lb/ft) Normal Load (lb/ft) Max Connection Capacity(lb/ft) Miragrid 10XT 1737.00 2000.00 2985.00 3722.00 4060.00 Miragrid 2XT 859.00 1157.00 1450.00 2500.00 1675.00 Miragrid 3XT 914.00 2000.00 1560.00 3150.00 1935.00 Miragrid 5XT 1187.00 2000.00 2075.00 3730.00 2845.00 Miragrid 8XT 1002.00 2000.00 2300.00 3767.00 3445.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geosynthetic-SRW Unit Shear Strength properties Geosynthetic Product Minimum Shear Capacity(lb/ft) Shear Friction Angle Maximum Shear Capacity (lb/ft) Miragrid 10XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 2XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 3XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 5XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 Miragrid 8XT 885.00 37.00 3000.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vertical Components Vertical Components of Earth Pressures Used : No -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 of 7National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Cofficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientation Seismic Cofficient(K(int)): 0.130 Seismic Cofficient(K(ext)): 0.130 Reinforcement Soil(Static)(Ka): 0.471 Reinforcement Soil(Static)(Kah Horizontal Component): 0.453 Reinforcement Soil(Static + Dynamic)(Kae): 0.884 Reinforcement Soil(Static + Dynamic)(Kaeh horizontal Component): 0.849 Internal Modified Back Slope(Bint): 26.560 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal(degrees) for Internal Stability : 41.870 Retained Soil(Static)(Ka): 0.365 Retained Soil(Static)(Kah Horizontal Component): 0.328 Retained Soil(Static + Dynamic)(Kae): 0.598 Retained Soil(Static + Dynamic)(Kaeh horizontal Component): 0.537 External Modified Back Slope(Bext): 18.765 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal(degrees) for External Stability : 47.101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4 of 7National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Result of External Stability Seismic Analysis Calculated Design Criteria FOS Sliding 1.41 > 1.10 FOS Overturning 2.80 > 1.50 FOS Bearing Capacity 6.40 > 1.50 Base Reinforcement Length (L)(ft) 21.00 Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 1.17 > 0.60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results of Internal Stability Seismic Analysis SRW Unit # Geosynthetic Product Elevation (ft) Length (ft) Anchor Length (ft) FOS Overstress >=1.10 FOS Pullout >=1.10 FOS Slide >=1.10 Layer Spacing (ft) >=2.00 26 Miragrid 8XT 16.67 21.00 2.57 6.35 4.19 2.27 OK 25 Miragrid 8XT 16.00 21.00 3.27 13.98 12.26 2.21 OK 24 Miragrid 8XT 15.33 21.00 3.97 8.65 9.61 2.15 OK 22 Miragrid 8XT 14.00 21.00 5.36 5.88 9.53 2.04 OK 20 Miragrid 8XT 12.67 21.00 6.75 5.28 11.59 1.94 OK 18 Miragrid 8XT 11.33 21.00 8.15 4.81 13.62 1.85 OK 16 Miragrid 8XT 10.00 21.00 9.54 4.43 15.64 1.77 OK 14 Miragrid 8XT 8.67 21.00 10.93 4.08 17.50 1.69 OK 12 Miragrid 8XT 7.33 21.00 12.33 3.79 19.41 1.62 OK 10 Miragrid 8XT 6.00 21.00 13.73 3.55 21.35 1.56 OK 8 Miragrid 8XT 4.67 21.00 15.12 3.32 23.10 1.50 OK 6 Miragrid 8XT 3.33 21.00 16.52 3.12 24.94 1.44 OK 4 Miragrid 8XT 2.00 21.00 17.91 2.96 26.85 1.39 OK 2 Miragrid 8XT 0.67 21.00 19.30 2.80 28.54 1.34 OK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 5 of 7National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Results of Facing Stability Seismic Analysis SRW Unit # Heel Elev (ft) Geosynthetic Product FOS Crest Toppling >=1.10 FOS Connection >=1.10 26 16.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.61 1.26 25 16.00 Miragrid 8XT 2.89 24 15.33 Miragrid 8XT 1.87 22 14.00 Miragrid 8XT 1.38 20 12.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.34 18 11.33 Miragrid 8XT 1.31 16 10.00 Miragrid 8XT 1.29 14 8.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.26 12 7.33 Miragrid 8XT 1.24 10 6.00 Miragrid 8XT 1.23 8 4.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.21 6 3.33 Miragrid 8XT 1.20 4 2.00 Miragrid 8XT 1.19 2 0.67 Miragrid 8XT 1.18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 6 of 7National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html Wall Reinforcement Layout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Identification Project ID : 484-000 Project Name : LCTS - OFFICE Owner : Client : O'DAY CONSULTANTS Prepared By : MMM Company : Address : Telephone : Section : H=18' Vendor Data File : Project File : H=18'.prj Date and Time : 03/20/2012 09:44:26 Page 7 of 7National Concrete Masonary Association 3/20/2012file://C:\Program Files (x86)\NCMA\SRWall 4.0\Report.html 40.00 ft EE========== ~:,am lvfiragrid 8XT 18.00 . 133ru-,1------------ rvfiragrid 8XT I\lfiragrid 8XT rvfiragrid 8XT I\lfiragrid 8XT rvfiragrid SXT I\lfiragrid SXT I\lfiragrid 8XT rvfiragrid SXT I\lfiragrid 8XT rvfiragrid 8XT j_ TT 050 ft 21.00 ft