HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE 2025-0003; 237 NORMANDY LN; Admin Decision LetterFebruary 26, 2025
Sam Wright
2199 State Street, Suite A
Carlsbad, CA 92008
SUBJECT: PRE 2025-0003 {DEV2025-0003) -237 NORMANDY LN
APN: 203-023-12-00
(city of
Thank you for submitting a preliminary review to construct an addition to an existing single-family
dwelling located on an approximately 2,515-square-foot lot at 237 Normandy Lane, assessor's parcel
number 203-023-12-00. The existing onsite 1,240-square-foot single family dwelling and attached, 256-
square-foot, one-car garage meet the standard setbacks, except for the rear yard which was approved for
a 1-foot reduction from 10 feet to 9 feet pursuant to Administrative Variance AV 96-03, approved on June
26, 1996. The second floor of the single-family dwelling contains an existing loft area which is open to the
ground floor below. The project proposes to convert the open loft area into additional square footage,
effectively adding 134 square feet of additional living area on the second floor. The addition would result
in the removal of a small balcony on the second floor as well as changes to second floor window and door
openings but would not result in a change to the building footprint.
In response to your application, the Planning Division has prepared this comment letter. Please note that
the purpose of a preliminary review is to provide you with direction and comments on the overall concept
of your project. This preliminary review does not represent an in-depth analysis of your project. It is
intended to give you feedback on critical issues based upon the information provided in your submittal.
This review is based upon the plans, policies, and standards in effect as of the date of this review. Please
be aware that at the time of a formal application submittal, new plans, policies, and standards may be
in effect and additional issues of concern may be raised through a more specific and detailed review.
1. General Plan and zoning designations for the property are as follows:
a. General Plan: The General Plan Land Use designation for the project site is Residential, 8-15
du/ac (R-15).
b. Zoning: The project site is zoned Multiple-Family Residential (R-3).
c. Coastal Zone: The project site is located within the non-appealable area of the Coastal Zone
and is subject to the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP). The LCP Land Use
and Zoning are consistent with the City's General Plan Land Use and Zoning designations for
the site.
2. The project requires the following permits:
Community Development Department
Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600
PRE 2025-0003 (DEV2025-0003) -237 NORMANDY LN
February 26, 2025
Pa e 2
a. Planning Permits: No permits are required. Please see Planning comments 4-6 below for
b. Building Permit.
3. New requirements related to the city's goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will likely
impact development requirements of this project. A formal application submittal will need to include
a completed Climate Action Plan Checklist (Form P-30) to determine what requirements will apply to
the project. New GHG reduction requirements are related to energy efficiency, photovoltaic, electric
vehicle charging, water heating and traffic demand management requirements, as set forth in the
California Green Building Standards Code and in Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapters 18.21, 18.30 and
18.51 which is available on the city's website at the following address:
To the extent that new GHG reduction requirements are in effect at the time of application for grading
or building permits, the project will be required to comply with the effective requirements even if
different than what is proposed in the project's planning approvals. GHG reduction requirements may
impact, but are not limited to, site design and local building code requirements. If incorporating new
GHG reduction requirements results in substantial modifications to the project after planning
approvals are obtained, then prior to issuance of grading or building permits, the applicant may be
required to submit and receive approval of a Consistency Determination or an Amendment
application for the project through the Planning Division.
4. Pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code {CMC} section 21.44.010, Table A, two parking spaces are
required for the existing single-family dwelling. The spaces shall be provided as either a two-car
garage (minimum interior dimensions of 20 feet by 20 feet) or two separate one-car garages
(minimum interior dimension of 12 feet by 20 feet each). The existing single-family dwelling does not
meet the parking requirements as the lot only contains one existing attached one-ca r garage.
However, the project is within 0.5 miles of the Carlsbad Village Train Station. Therefore, pursuant to
Assembly Bill 2097 (AB 2097), additional parking is not required for the addition.
5. Pursuant to CMC section 21.201.060.B.1, improvements to an existing single-family residential
building are exempt from the requirements of a minor coastal development permit and coastal
development permit (CDP) except as otherwise stated in CMC 21.201.060.B.1.a through CMC
As none of the circumstances identified in CMC 21.201.060.B.1.a through CMC 21.201 .060.B.1.f apply
to this project or project location, a CDP is not required.
6. As the proposed addition will not increase the building footprint, and no changes are proposed to the
existing setbacks, no planning permits, including a nonconforming construction permit, variance, or
an amendment to the previously approved variance, are required.
All necessary application forms, submittal requirements, and fee information are available at the Planning
counter located in the Faraday Building at 1635 Faraday Avenue or online at
Community Development Department
Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600
PRE 2025-0003 (DEV2025-0003) -237 NORMANDY LN
February 26, 2025
Pa e 3
https://www.carlsbadca .gov/departments/community-development/planning. You may also access the
General Plan Land Use Element and the Zoning Ordinance online at the website address shown. Please
review all information carefully before submitting.
Land Development Engineering:
Land Development Engineering Division staff has completed a preliminary review of the above-referenced
project. Prior to formal application for the project permit submittal, the following items must be
adequately resolved/addressed, unless otherwise noted:
1. Normandy Lane is designated as an alternative design street. The property owner may be required
to enter into a Neighborhood Improvement Agreement (NIA) with the city. The Agreement will be
recorded with San Diego County Recorder's Office.
Carlsbad Fire Department Comments:
The Fire Department has reviewed the project and has no comments.
Building Division
The Building Division has reviewed the project and has no comments.
If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this letter with the commenting departments, please
contact Lauren Yzaguirre at the number below. You may also contact each department individually as
• Planning Division: Lauren Yzaguirre, Associate Planner, at (442) 339-2634
• Land Development Engineering: Tim Carroll, Project Engineer, at (442) 339-2737
• Frie Department: Darcy Davidson, Fire Division Chief/Marshal (442) 339-2662
• Building Division: Shawn Huff, Building Official, at (442) 339-5338
City Planner
c: Mark Kernen, 11 Oceanaire Dr., Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Tim Carroll, Project Engineer
Fire Prevention
Laserfiche/File Copy
Data Entry
Community Development Department
Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600