HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025-02-27; Responses to Economic Development Subcommittee Questions Regarding Drive-Thru Regulations (Districts - All); Rocha, LauraTo the members of th,:
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February 27, 2025
Council Memorandum
Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Matt Sanford, Economic Development Director
Via: Sheila Cobian, Assistant City Manager ~
{city of
Memo ID# 2025021
Subject: Responses to Economic Development Subcommittee Questions Regarding Drive-Thru
Regulations (Districts -All)
This memorandum provides responses to questions that arose during the November 19, 2024,
Economic Development Subcommittee discussion regarding possible options to lift the current
prohibition and allow new drive-thru restaurants in the city.
On November 19, 2024, the Economic Development Subcommittee received a report discussing
potential changes to the drive-thru restaurant prohibition in Carlsbad. This discussion was in
response to a City Council minute motion on May 21, 2024, directing staff to develop a series of
options for the regulation of drive-thru facilities ranging from a continued ban to citywide
allowance and have these options presented to the Planning Commission and the Economic
Development Subcommittee for their recommendation before returning to the City Council for
consideration and possible direction. The Planning Commission previously reviewed this matter
on November 6, 2024, and the item is tentatively scheduled to return to the full City Council on
April 29, 2025.
Below are responses to the Subcommittee members' questions that were asked during the
November 19, 2024, meeting.
1. How many drive-thrus could Carlsbad support with no ban initiated?
If the prohibition on drive-thrus were lifted in Carlsbad, the number of new drive-thrus
would still be limited by several factors, including:
• Lack of available land
• Existing zoning restrictions
Administrative Services
Economic Development Department
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-5987 t
Council Memo -Responses to Economic Development Subcommittee Questions
February 27, 2025
Page 2
• Community characteristics
Even without the ban, market demand, site availability, and economic feasibility would
naturally control how many new drive-thrus could realistically open.
For context, there are currently 12 drive-thru establishments in Carlsbad, primarily located
in the Village and along the 1-5 Corridor. Surrounding North County cities currently have
between 13 and 49 drive-thru establishments.
2. What are the economic and employment impacts for quick-service restaurants with and
without drive-thrus?
When comparing quick-service restaurants, drive-thru establishments generally outperform
non-drive-thru establishments in terms of revenue and employment. According to the
economic impact analysis (Attachment A), an average drive-thru establishment generates
annual revenues of approximately $3 million, compared to $2.2 million for an average non-
drive-thru establishment-an increase of 36%. Current Carlsbad drive-thru establishments
generate between $145,000 and $8.4 million in annual revenue.
This revenue growth is accompanied by a corresponding increase in employment, with
drive-thrus employing on average 10-15 direct employees and contributing to 5-8 indirect
jobs, compared to an average of 8-10 direct employees and 5-7 indirect jobs for non-drive-
thru establishments. Current Carlsbad drive-thru establishments employ between one and
83 employees.
The economic multiplier effect further expands the impact, with drive-thru establishments
contributing an average of $4.8 million in total economic activity compared to an average
$3.5 million for non-drive-thru establishments.
3. What are potential increases in employment and revenue generation for allowing
On average, a drive-thru establishment contributes more sales tax revenue to the City of
Carlsbad annually, compared to a non-drive-thru establishment. Using the 1% model, on
average, a drive-thru establishment generates approximately $3 million in taxable sales
annually, resulting in about $30,000 in sales tax revenue to the city each year. In contrast, a
non-drive-thru establishment averages $2.2 million in taxable sales, contributing roughly
$22,000 annually in sales tax revenue. This represents an increase of approximately 36% in
sales tax revenue from an average drive-thru establishment compared to an average non-
drive-thru establishment.
Council Memo -Responses to Economic Development Subcommittee Questions
February 27, 2025
Page 3
4. What is the restaurant's performance based on size?
Restaurant performance, including profitability and sales volume, will depend on a number
of factors, from brand to type of food served, to menu prices. However, generally, a larger-
format establishment will generate higher sales volumes due to increased customer
capacity and convenience. As an example, a 3,000-square-foot, quick-service national brand
with a drive-thru is likely to outperform a 400-square-foot drive-thru coffee kiosk.
5. What would the impact be on small businesses?
Limiting drive-thrus to small businesses would not be feasible, as regulations cannot
discriminate based on business size. Generally, larger regional and national brands would be
more prone to have drive-thrus.
6. Are there more public safety incidents at drive-thru locations?
Given how incidents are reported, there is no clear method to evaluate whether safety
concerns are directly connected to drive-thru operations.
7. What are the potential environmental and traffic Impacts?
Environmental and traffic impacts associated with drive-thru establishments, including
emissions and queuing issues, would be evaluated through the permitting and California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review process. At this stage, staff does not have readily
available analysis, and no additional studies have been approved. Additional review per
permit, such as approval at the City Council, would allow for more public and environmental
evaluation of individual sites.
8. What are the regulatory options, and can there be a cap on the number of drive-thrus?
Could there be a limit on the overall number and concentration of establishments?
All regulatory options remain on the table, including continued prohibition, limiting the
number of new drive-thrus per year, imposing location restrictions to prevent clustering or
having a minimum distance between drive-thru locations similar to restrictions on gas
9. How can traffic impacts be addressed and queueing if it occurs?
Conditional Use Permit (CUP) requirements could include conditions for re-evaluation if
issues arise. Notice of the issues and public hearings would be required. Additionally,
applicants could be required to conduct traffic studies to determine the number of lanes
needed for queuing, and impacts on the public road network, and have those studies
tailored to the specific business type, size, and model.
Council Memo -Responses to Economic Development Subcommittee Questions
February 27, 2025
Page 4
10. Could the City Council Exclude the Village Area?
The Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP) currently prohibits drive-thru establishments.
The plan serves as the Zoning Ordinance for that area, therefore any consideration of
drive-thrus in this area would require specific direction to include the master plan area.
Next Steps
This item is tentatively scheduled to return to the City Council on April 29, 2025, which will
include feedback from the Economic Development Subcommittee and Planning Commission.
Attachment: A. Economic Impact Analysis for Drive-Thru Food Establishment in Carlsbad
B. Economic Development Subcommittee Staff Report -Drive-Thru Restaurant
Restrictions -Informational Report & Discussion
cc: Geoff Patnoe, City Manager
Cindie McMahon, City Attorney
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director
Eric Lardy, City Planner
Kyle Van Leeuwen, Associate Planner
Rachel Maltz, Senior Program Manager
Meeting Date: Nov. 6, 2024 3
To: Planning Commission
Staff Contact: Kyle Van Leeuwen, Associate Planner; 442-339-2611;
Subject: Drive-Thru Restaurant Restrictions - Informational Report & Discussion
Location: Citywide
CEQA Determination: ☒Not a Project ☐ Exempt ☐ IS/ND or IS/MND ☒ EIR
Commission Action: ☐Decision ☐ Recommendation to City Council ☒ Informational (No Action)
Recommended Actions
Receive report and presentation on potential options for regulating drive-thru restaurants. No action is required
at this time except to discuss and evaluate the degree to which drive-thru restaurants should be permitted,
conditionally permitted, or prohibited in the city’s zoning districts.
Project Description
This project examines the city’s land use controls for drive-through or drive-thru restaurant uses in each zoning
district (i.e. principally permitted, conditionally permitted, or prohibited land uses). The objective of the Nov. 6,
2024 meeting is for the Planning Commission to receive an overview of the existing prohibition on new drive-
thru restaurant uses, and provide input on what, if any, changes the commission recommends.
On May 21, 2024, the City Council adopted a minute motion that, in part, directed staff to develop a series of
options for the regulation of drive-thru restaurant facilities. This staff report responds to the May 21, 2024, City
Council direction. After receiving feedback from the Planning Commission, staff will present the information to
City Council, who may direct staff to pursue changes and draft amendments to the Carlsbad Municipal Code
(CMC), Title 21. Any amendments to the city’s Zoning Ordinance (Title 21) would require Planning Commission
recommendation and City Council adoption.
Background and History of Existing Prohibition
During the public outreach and entitlement process for the Legoland Theme Park, concerns were raised by
residents that commercial development like that found around Disneyland (particularly drive-thru restaurants)
could occur in some areas of the City of Carlsbad. In response, staff was directed by the City Council in Spring of
1996 to study fast food (drive-thru restaurant) land uses. The study’s objective centered around preventing
proliferation of poorly designed fast-food sites which can cause adverse impacts to pedestrian movements and
circulation, traffic generation/circulation, signage, litter, noise, odor, air quality (idling engines) and visual
aesthetics. The study included an inventory of existing restaurants with drive-thru facilities, likely future sites, an
overview of regulations, and a survey of other cities’ regulations including cities that prohibited drive-thru facilities
for restaurant uses.
On Feb. 4, 1997, the City Council reviewed the land use study and the associated staff report (Exhibit 1) and after
discussion on possible regulatory options (i.e., complete ban, additional controls and limitations, higher level of city
review), the item was continued to Feb. 18, 1997, with direction for staff to return with an urgency ordinance. An
Exhibit 1
urgency ordinance would amend the zoning code to require City Council review of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
for restaurants with drive-thru lanes (Exhibit 2, City Council Minutes-February 2, 1997).
On Feb. 18, 1997, staff presented, and the City Council adopted a Resolution of Intention (No. 97-53) declaring
council’s intent to consider a zone code amendment that would establish various findings and criteria for the
review and approval of new fast-food restaurants (Exhibits 3, and 4, Staff Report, Resolution, Minutes). In addition
to the adopted resolution, staff also presented City Council with two draft urgency ordinances: Ordinance No. NS-
396 & NS-397. Both of these urgency ordinances would have prohibited the acceptance, processing, or approval of
any new drive-thru restaurants until additional criteria were put in plans or a zone code amendment was
completed (Exhibit 3). These urgency ordinances were not adopted due to lack of the required 4/5ths majority vote
needed to adopt an urgency ordinance (Exhibit 4).
After the Feb. 18, 1997, action by the City Council, the Planning Commission approved an application for a new
drive-thru restaurant, located at 925 Palomar Airport Road, and the department received inquiries for at least two
other locations for new drive-thru restaurant uses.
The topic of drive-thru restaurants was brought back to the City Council on June 3, 1997 (Exhibit 5, Staff Report). At
this meeting, the City Council adopted a new Resolution of Intention (Resolution No. 97-474) declaring its intent to
consider a zone code amendment that would prohibit all new drive-thru restaurants in all non-residential zones in
the city (Exhibit 5). This resolution (No. 97-474) had the effect of superseding the previously approved resolution
(No. 97-53), which did not aim to prohibit new drive-thru uses.
On Dec. 2, 1997, City Council again discussed the prohibition and the recommendations of the Planning
Commission and Design Review Board (Exhibit 6, City Council Staff Report-Dec. 2, 1997) and directed staff to
prepare documents to establish the prohibition (Exhibit 7, City Council Minutes - Dec. 2, 1997). On Jan. 6, 1998,
the City Council adopted Ordinance No. NS-439 (Exhibit 8), which prohibited “drive-thru restaurants” (restaurants
that include a drive-thru lane to serve customers in motor vehicles) in all zones throughout the city, including
within specific plan areas. The term “restaurant” includes all establishments where the primary business is the
preparation, service, and retail sale of ready-to-eat food and/or drinks for consumption on or off premises. This
definition includes bakeries, candy and confectionery stores, coffee shops, and ice cream and other frozen dessert
stores. The ordinance did not affect the allowance of drive-thru facilities for non-restaurant businesses, such as a
pharmaceutical pickup window at a CVS or Walgreens, or drive-thru facilities at financial and banking businesses.
Drive-thru facilities for non-restaurant uses continue to be allowed in certain zones with an approved CUP. The
Coastal Commission approved the amendments on July 8, 1998.
The ordinance also specified that existing restaurants with drive-thru facilities are allowed to continue operation.
Currently, there are 12 such drive-thru facilities located throughout the city. The ordinance allows these facilities to
be remodeled subject to the nonconforming regulations in the Carlsbad Municipal Code, but they cannot be
expanded or relocated to a different site in the city. The prohibition has remained codified and largely unchanged
since its adoption in January 1998.
Today, the ban is codified as CMC section 21.42.140(50) and referenced in the commercial and/or industrial zones
permitted use tables (sections 21.26.010, 21.29,030, 21.31.030, etc.). The Community Development Department
continues to receive requests from commercial real estate brokers and property owners wishing to construct drive-
thru restaurant uses. These requests have increased significantly through the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the
amount of time that has passed and renewed interest in the issue, in May 2024, the City Council asked staff to
develop options for potential changes to city regulation of drive-thru establishments.
Existing Drive-Thru Restaurants
There are currently 12 restaurant uses with drive-thru facilities within the city (Exhibit 9). Nine of these locations
are clustered in just two areas: five locations in Carlsbad Village (Exhibit 10) and four near the Palomar Airport
Road/Interstate 5 intersection (Exhibit 11). Additionally, there are two locations within the Poinsettia Village
shopping center (southeast corner of Poinsettia Lane and Avenida Encinas) and one location off El Camino Real,
south of the 78 freeway.
City Council Direction
During the City Council’s approval of the Planning Commission’s Work Program on May 21, 2024, a minute motion
was made directing staff to develop a series of options for the regulation of drive-thru restaurant facilities. These
options to range from a continued ban to the citywide allowance of new drive-thru restaurant uses. These options
will be presented to the Planning Commission and Economic Development Subcommittee for their
recommendation before returning to City Council for consideration. The developed options will also include time
and cost estimates to implement.
Drive-Thru Regulation Options
The Planning Commission is being asked to evaluate the degree to which drive-thru restaurants should be
permitted, conditionally permitted, or prohibited in the city’s zoning districts. Changes under consideration
include permitting certain types of businesses “by right” – meaning they could start business without a public
hearing process as long as they meet specific standards defined in the zoning code. For a drive-thru restaurant
use that requires a CUP, proposed updates could clarify and streamline the permitting process, while ensuring
that concerns are fully addressed. New siting, development, and performance standards may also be considered
to help provide clear expectations for the planning, design, and review of new development proposals in the
city. There are a wide range of changes that could be suggested, if any, both in terms of location and level of
CUP review required. It is important to note that during public discussion, new options may be suggested – and
these new ideas should be considered alongside those included within this staff report.
With respect to location, land use controls may be utilized to divide a city or county into districts (zones or
zoning districts) and establish what type of land uses and activities are allowed. In most cases, each land use
class category is broken down into more defined categories, which includes almost any type of land use that
might be proposed. For example, the portion of the code permitting commercial land use activity corresponds to
Neighborhood Commercial Zone (C-1 Zone), Office Zone (O Zone), General Commercial Zone, (C-2 Zone),
Commercial Tourist Zone (C-T Zone), Heavy Commercial Zone – Limited Industrial Zone (C-M Zone), and Local
Shopping Center Zone (C-L Zone). Each zoning designation permits and/or regulates a different level of activity.
Related to this study, options for allowing new drive-thru restaurant uses would include any of the following: (1)
a continued ban to the citywide allowance of new drive-thru restaurant uses; (2) allowing new uses in one single
zone such as the Local Shopping Center Zone (C-L Zone); (3) allowing new drive-thru restaurant uses to be
Restaurant Address Opened Location Quad
Taco Bell/KFC 745 Carlsbad Village Dr. 1974 Carlsbad Village NW
Jack In the Box 901 Carlsbad Village Drive 1982 Carlsbad Village NW
Carl’s Jr. 950 Carlsbad Village Drive 1975 Carlsbad Village NW
Vallarta Express 2952 Harding Street 1966 Carlsbad Village NW
Super Donut 2885 Roosevelt Street 1960/70s? Carlsbad Village NW
McDonalds 5990 Avenida Encinas 1985 5 Frwy & P.A.R. NW
In N Out 5950 Avenida Encinas 1993 5 Frwy & P.A.R. NW
Taco Bell 6017 Paseo Del Node 1996 5 Frwy & P.A.R. SW
Carl’s Jr. 925 Palomar Airport Road 1998 5 Frwy & P.A.R. SW
Jack In the Box 7050 Avenida Encinas 1989 Poinsettia Village SW
El Pollo Loco 7120 Avenida Encinas 1989 Poinsettia Village SW
Carl’s Jr 2608 El Camino Real 1978 El Camino Real (N) NE
located in any zone where restaurants are currently allowed; or (4) to the citywide allowance of new drive-thru
restaurant uses.
The following zones currently allow restaurant uses, by-right or with approval of CUP, and may be candidate
zoning districts to allow for some sort of accessory drive-thru facilities.
Additional zones such as the Village Barrio Zone and Planned Community Zones may allow for restaurant uses as
described within the master and/or specific plans that regulate development and uses in that area. If the master or
specific plan allows uses per the CMC for certain zones/areas, then no additional analysis for these areas is needed.
If the master or specific plan provides for specific regulations on use types allowed, such as the Village and Bario
Master Plan area, the appropriateness of allowing drive-thru uses within that area should be discussed during
review of those specific plan documents.
Conditional Use Permit Requirement
The purpose of a CUP is to allow special consideration for certain uses because of their characteristics. Such uses
may only be suitable in specific locations in a zone or only if such uses are designed or laid out in a particular
manner on the site or are subjected to specific conditions to assure compatibility within the zone and its
surroundings. If the prohibition on new drive-thru restaurant uses is reconsidered, options for the level of review
and approval required to allow a new drive-thru restaurant use should also be discussed. This would range from
requiring no CUP, and allowing the use in accordance with what is required for a restaurant use currently, to
requiring City Council approval of a CUP (with review and a recommendation from the Planning Commission).
The four options for review are listed below:
1.No Conditional Use Permit Required: This level of review would require no discretionary review to allow
a drive-thru component to an existing or approved restaurant. This would require that only objective
design and operational standards be developed for new drive-thru restaurant uses, which could be
applied through the building permit review process. While this approach to permitting is an option, staff
does not recommend this level of review as it would not allow for public input or any level of discretion
on proposed new drive-thru restaurant uses.
2.Minor Conditional Use Permit Required: This level of review would be discretionary and would allow for
the public to be notified of a pending decision, made by the City Planner, prior to a final decision on the
proposed new drive-thru restaurant use. Minor CUPs that are approved by the City Planner do not
require early notification of the project and this level of review would be less than what was required for
new drive-thru restaurant uses prior to their prohibition.
Zone Use Permit Required?
C-1, Neighborhood Commercial No
Office Yes (Minor)
C-2, General Commercial No
C-T, Commercial Tourist
-If adjacent to residential
Yes (PC approval)
C-M, Heavy Commercial Yes (Minor)
C-L, Local Shopping Center No (SDP Req for Shopping Center)
M, Industrial Yes (Minor)
P-M, Planned Industrial Yes (Minor)
3.Conditional Use Permit- Planning Commission: The level of review would be a discretionary review that
requires approval by the Planning Commission. As with most projects that require approval by the
Planning Commission, this level of review would require early notification of the project consistent with
Policy 84. Any action by the Planning Commission on the use permit, approval or denial, could be
appealed by the applicant or the public and be heard by the City Council.
4.Conditional Use Permit – City Council: This level of review would be a discretionary review that requires
approval by the City Council, after review and recommendation by the Planning Commission. As with
most projects that require approval by the City Council, this level of review would require early
notification of the project consistent with Policy 84.
If the city were to update commercial and/or industrial zones permitted use tables with new drive-thru
restaurant uses, the level of review for new uses can vary from one zoning district to another, or if the level of
review should be the same in all zoning districts. For example, the Local Shopping Center (C-L) Zone typically
contain larger established shopping centers that include sizable parking lots, which may lessen concerns about
the impact a drive-thru restaurant use may have, and therefore approval by the Planning Commission may be
sufficient compared to the development of an empty or redeveloped lot needing CUP approved by City Council.
Common Concerns with Drive-Thru Restaurants and other potential regulation options for a future ordinance
Concerns about drive-thru restaurants and their potential impacts are typically the same no matter the location
or level of review. These main areas of concern are as follows:
•Vehicular queuing lines that spill into the public right-of-way
•Blocked driveways that impact access to nearby properties
•Disruption to traffic flow (both within public streets and private parking lots)
•Safety of adjacent streets
•Site and building design (impact of “corporate” architecture)
•Air quality and greenhouse gas emissions
•Noise and light pollution during the late-night hours
•Number and size of signs, banners, and attention getting devices
•Increased littering caused by more restaurant patrons consuming food outside
•Over-concentration or proliferation of uses around tourist and high traffic areas
•Relationship of drive-thrus with areas that are designated to be oriented to pedestrian or bicycle modes
of transportation, such as the Village and Barrio Master Plan Area
Some discussion of these concerns are provided in the Fast-Food Land Use Study completed in 1997, contained
in Exhibit 1. To reduce some of the negative impacts listed above, new siting, development, and performance
standards for drive-throughs may be considered. Standards for each permitted drive-thru restaurant use type,
defined in the zoning code, would provide the core tool for ensuring these concerns are addressed. Some
options to consider are provided below.
-Explore limiting business hours of operation
-Explore development standards to address the amount of space for cars to line up
-Explore limiting cross-thru lane movement (intersecting pedestrian walkways)
-Explore how to limit the total number of drive-thru restaurant uses along a corridor, at an intersection,
or within a given shopping center
-Explore establishing a separation requirement between drive-thru uses
-Explore use limitations or development standards to buffer drive-thru restaurant uses from residential
-Explore how to limit ingress and egress points near street intersections
-Explore how to require sites with drive-thrus to meet certain design standards, such as where the drive-
thru lane is located in relation to the rest of the site or how to screen drive-thru queuing
-Explore development standards for enhanced building and site design
-Explore on-site traffic control to limit impacts to other businesses and within the right-of-way
-Explore architectural requirements when proposed in an area with existing architectural styles
-Explore development standards to limit the proliferation of signage
-Certain areas of the city where drive-thus would remain prohibited, such as along certain roadways in
areas that could impact coastal resource access or the Village and Barrio Master Plan area.
Other considerations would be how permits can be reviewed over time for impacts or how to enforce violations.
Following the Nov. 6, 2024, Planning Commission meeting, city staff will further refine the menu of options
based on input received and continue to solicit feedback from the community.
Public Outreach & Comment
This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and
review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date.
In addition to the legally required notice for the Planning Commission meeting, additional outreach was
provided to interested parties including business groups and other stakeholders. A notice of this meeting date to
discuss drive-thru regulations was provided on Oct. 23, 2024, and recipients were informed that the Planning
Commission hearing would be the opportunity to provide comments and concerns related to drive-thru
restaurant uses. Public comments received up to 5:00 pm on October 29 are provided as Exhibit 12.
Fiscal Analysis
Receipt of this report has no fiscal impact, beyond the use of staff time and resources as directed by City
Council. If City Council ultimately directs staff to initiate an update to the zoning ordinance, staff will return to
the Planning Commission and City Council with those proposed updates.
If an amendment is initiated, staff anticipates a processing time of 8-16 months (outside the Coastal Zone) and
20-34 months (inside the Coastal Zone) at a cost of roughly $150,000 for the environmental review and $50,000
of staff time for the outreach and planning preparation of documents. Total cost is estimated to be $200,000.
Environmental Review
This is a discussion item only. Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a
"project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the
environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore, does not
require environmental review.
Because the request involves only a preliminary discussion of whether drive-thru restaurants should be
permitted, conditionally permitted, or prohibited in the city’s zoning districts (and whether the city should
process an application for an amendment, and not the amendment itself), this item does not have a legally
binding effect on any possible future discretionary action. In accordance with CEQA, all project requests that are
defined as a “project” under CEQA are required to have an environmental assessment to determine potential
environmental impact, if any, prior to taking any action or to carry out the project. The proposed amendments,
if initiated, would be subject to environmental assessment to determine potential environmental impacts in
accordance with CEQA at that time.
Staff is requesting feedback from the Planning Commission on drive-thru restaurant policies and in what areas of
the city. Changes may be warranted for a variety of reasons, such as facilitating better land use planning,
protecting the city’s retail trade, quality economic development, economic prosperity, etc. This staff report
provides an opportunity to build study context, establish a menu of potential regulatory options, and create a
framework for future public engagement. When the Planning Commission completes its review, the options will
be presented to the City Council. If directed by City Council, staff would prepare draft amendments to the Zoning
Ordinance (Title 21) for review and approval at a later date.
1.Council Staff Report and Land Use Study, February 4, 1997 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk)
2.City Council Meeting Minutes, February 4, 1997 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk)
3.City Council Staff Report and Resolution of Intention (No. 97-53), February 18, 1997 (on file in the Office of
the City Clerk)
4.City Council Meeting Minutes, February 18, 1997 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk)
5.City Council Staff Report and Resolution of Intention (No. 97-474), June 3, 1997 (on file in the Office of the
City Clerk)
6.City Council Staff Report, December 2, 1997 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk)
7.City Council Meeting Minutes, December 2, 1997 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk)
8.City Council Ordinance No. NS-439 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk)
1.Map – All Drive-thru Restaurants
2.Carlsbad Village Drive-thru Restaurants
3.Palomar Airport Road/I-5 Area Drive-thru Restaurants
4.Public Correspondence received before 10:00 a.m., Oct. 30, 2024
Planning Commission Meeting Recording, November 6,
Exhibit 2
To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Subject:Drive thru input
Date:Monday, October 28, 2024 7:54:43 PM
Just read about the current drive thru bans- I am from Carlsbad since 1988. Now raising my family here. I don’t
want any more drive thrus!
My input is that I’d like to keep the current ban as is.
Sent from my iPhone
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Exhibit 3
To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Cc:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: Drive through Dinning
Date:Tuesday, October 29, 2024 8:20:29 AM
From: Mary Stanley <mfstanley@att.net>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2024 8:16 AM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: RE: Drive through Dinning
Subject: Consideration for Drive-Thru Restaurant Policy in Carlsbad
Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts on this topic.
With all the recent housing developments in Carlsbad, it seems reasonable to revisit the policy
on drive-thru restaurants. The recent opening of Chick-fil-A, for instance, highlights some of
the challenges, as it’s created an awkward and less-than-ideal experience for residents.
This approach may have suited Carlsbad when we were a smaller community, but as we grow,
it’s time to reconsider the "no drive-thru" policy to better serve our evolving needs.
Thank you for your commitment to our community.
Mary Frances Stanley
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know the content is safe.
To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Cc:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: Drive thru ban - comments
Date:Tuesday, October 29, 2024 7:18:09 AM
From: Nancy Gilbert <njosephinegilbert@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2024 7:02 PM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Drive thru ban - comments
Dear City of Carlsbad,
My comment is, having a ban on drive through restaurants is bad. Parents rely on this
mode. I think drive through restaurants should be limited to high traffic areas with lots of
tourists and some space. Having a drive through in the middle of the Village doesn’t
make sense; having them out by Bressi Ranch, in Poinsettia area or Palomar Airport in a
well-situated area does make sense.
Nancy Gilbert
M.A., Piano Pedagogy
mobile: +1 (760) 814-0588
email: njosephinegilbert@gmail.com
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know the content is safe.
To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Cc:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: drive-throughs
Date:Friday, October 18, 2024 8:54:06 AM
From: bonniemhammer@gmail.com <bonniemhammer@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2024 8:18 AM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: drive-throughs
Though I’ve used drive-throughs in the past and like their convenience, I think that they should be
limited to areas where the drive-through lines won’t encroach on residential neighborhoods or clog
up parking lots used for multiple storefronts.
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To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Cc:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: Keep the fastfood ban
Date:Tuesday, October 29, 2024 7:18:02 AM
From: Brittany Stalica <bri2tt22@aim.com>
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2024 5:53 PM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Keep the fastfood ban
Please keep the fastfood ban! They are an eyesore, disrupt traffic, and only offer low-
paying jobs. They are a source of unhealthy food that we do not need to make more
tempting by being convenient!
Brittany Stalica
Sent from AOL on Android
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To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Cc:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: Drive throughs
Date:Monday, November 4, 2024 6:50:18 AM
From: Gregg Ferry <gregg@greggferry.com>
Sent: Friday, November 1, 2024 4:47 PM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Drive throughs
Honorable Sirs and Madams,
I have to question why this was brought up at all. What has changed since the decision
was made in 1997? The population increased by 40,000 people, an increase of 40%!
Locally owned food establishments have dwindled.
Ask these questions:
What public benefit is derived from drive-thru/s? Service is quicker (maybe), tax revenue
for the city.
What is the downside? idling ICE vehicles, enabling obesity, sloth and other health risks,
increased litter, perpetuating an anti-social environment, doesn't promote climate
change mitigation.
Well, if infinite wisdom the city council thinks they're a good idea, I guess there's nothing
I can do about it, is there? I would be foolish to believe that my representative on the
council would listen to any constituent that has an opinion different than hers.
Gregg Ferry
3344 Appian Rd
Carlsbad CA 92010
(805) 743-3779
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To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Cc:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: Drive-Thru Restaurant Restrictions
Date:Monday, November 4, 2024 6:50:39 AM
-----Original Message-----
From: Gina Armbrust <fiveinhive@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, November 1, 2024 5:27 PM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Drive-Thru Restaurant Restrictions
Thank you for revisiting the city’s ban on drive-thru restaurants. Drive-thrus are especially a very convenient way
for parents with young children to get a quick dinner for their family. If you are a parent with two or three kids in
carseats, you have to park your car, take them all out of their carseats and walk into a restaurant just to pick up
dinner. Consider the working parents who may be picking up their kids from day care at the end of the day. I
personally do not have any small children living at home any longer, but I am thinking about all the young parents in
our City. Of course, we need to consider whether the drive-thru is feasible in any given area with traffic, parking,
Thank you for the opportunity to address this issue.
Gina Armbrust
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To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Cc:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: Revisiting drive-thru rules in Carlsbad
Date:Monday, November 4, 2024 6:51:41 AM
From: Aaron Williams <aaronswilliams@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 3, 2024 6:48 PM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Re: Revisiting drive-thru rules in Carlsbad
How was Chick-fil-A developed if there has been a ban on drive thru restaurants?
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 1, 2024, at 3:30 PM, City of Carlsbad <planning@carlsbadca.gov> wrote:
Planning Commission to consider options 11/6
Checking in on Carlsbad's drive-thru rules
Following the development of several major projects in the 1990s, includingLEGOLAND California, Costco (Carlsbad’s first “big box” store), and what istoday known as Carlsbad Premium Outlets, residents became increasinglyconcerned about protecting Carlsbad’s community character and quality of
To address those concerns, as well as worries about traffic congestion, traffic
safety and community aesthetics, in 1997 the City Council directed staff to
study options for potentially regulating drive-thru restaurants.
· The City Council ultimately passed a ban on new drive-thru restaurants.
· As a result, today Carlsbad has just the original 12 drive-thrus that were
already in place when the ban took effect.
· We originally had 13, but one closed, and that property was
Given the amount of time that has passed and renewed interest in the issue, inMay 2024, the City Council asked staff to develop options for potential changesto city regulation of drive-thru establishments.
Considering options
Since it’s been a while since we looked at this issue, staff started by reviewinghow other cities are handling drive-thrus. Here are some of the more commonregulations and requirements:
· Prohibiting or limiting drive-thrus in certain parts of a city, such as a
historic downtown area
· Requiring certain architectural treatments, sign standards and
landscaping to protect community aesthetics
· Limiting hours, such as prohibiting 24-hour drive-thrus
· Requiring a public hearing to approve new drive-thrus (a conditional use
· Requiring a traffic study or restricting drive-thrus based on how they
would affect local traffic patterns
· Requiring sites with drive-thrus to meet certain design standards, such
as where the drive-thru lane is located in relation to the rest of the site orrequiring a minimum amount of space for cars to line up
What do you think about drive-thrus?
As a preliminary step, city staff will present options to the Planning Commission
and the City Council’s Economic Development Subcommittee for feedback.
These public meetings will also be an opportunity for you to learn about the
options and provide input. Both meetings will be held in the City CouncilChamber at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive.
Planning Commission meeting
Wednesday, Nov. 6, 5 p.m.
View the agenda and staff report
City Council Economic Development Subcommittee
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 10 a.m.
· You are welcome to attend and provide comments in person or watch
the livestream. You can also email your comments in advance
to planning@carlsbadca.gov.
Next steps
· After gathering input on the options, city staff will present them to the
City Council, which will make the final decision about how to proceed.
· If the City Council directs staff to develop an updated ordinance, staff will
seek input from the community and interested businesses on the
proposed ordinance.
Learn more
Visit the website
City of Carlsbad | 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive | Carlsbad, CA 92008 US
Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice
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To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Cc:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: Revisiting drive-thru rules in Carlsbad
Date:Monday, November 4, 2024 6:51:02 AM
From: Julia Jones <jonesjj02@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 3, 2024 1:44 PM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Re: Revisiting drive-thru rules in Carlsbad
Hello!Is there something I'm missing?The only water fountains that work in the whole of Alga Norte park are the ones in the dog park (apart from the one that the general public don't have access to outside one if the community rooms).Julia Jones
On Fri, Nov 1, 2024, 3:30 PM City of Carlsbad <planning@carlsbadca.gov> wrote:
Planning Commission to consider options 11/6
Checking in on Carlsbad's drive-thru rules
Following the development of several major projects in the 1990s, including
LEGOLAND California, Costco (Carlsbad’s first “big box” store), and what istoday known as Carlsbad Premium Outlets, residents became increasingly
concerned about protecting Carlsbad’s community character and quality of
To address those concerns, as well as worries about traffic congestion, trafficsafety and community aesthetics, in 1997 the City Council directed staff to
study options for potentially regulating drive-thru restaurants.
The City Council ultimately passed a ban on new drive-thru restaurants.
As a result, today Carlsbad has just the original 12 drive-thrus that were
already in place when the ban took effect.
We originally had 13, but one closed, and that property was redeveloped.
Given the amount of time that has passed and renewed interest in the issue, in
May 2024, the City Council asked staff to develop options for potential changes
to city regulation of drive-thru establishments.
Considering options
Since it’s been a while since we looked at this issue, staff started by reviewinghow other cities are handling drive-thrus. Here are some of the more common
regulations and requirements:
Prohibiting or limiting drive-thrus in certain parts of a city, such as a
historic downtown area
Requiring certain architectural treatments, sign standards and
landscaping to protect community aesthetics
Limiting hours, such as prohibiting 24-hour drive-thrus
Requiring a public hearing to approve new drive-thrus (a conditional use
Requiring a traffic study or restricting drive-thrus based on how they
would affect local traffic patterns
Requiring sites with drive-thrus to meet certain design standards, such as
where the drive-thru lane is located in relation to the rest of the site or
requiring a minimum amount of space for cars to line up
What do you think about drive-thrus?
As a preliminary step, city staff will present options to the Planning Commission
and the City Council’s Economic Development Subcommittee for feedback.
These public meetings will also be an opportunity for you to learn about theoptions and provide input. Both meetings will be held in the City Council
Chamber at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive.
Planning Commission meeting
Wednesday, Nov. 6, 5 p.m.View the agenda and staff report
City Council Economic Development Subcommittee
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 10 a.m.
You are welcome to attend and provide comments in person or watch
the livestream. You can also email your comments in advance
to planning@carlsbadca.gov.
Next steps
After gathering input on the options, city staff will present them to the City
Council, which will make the final decision about how to proceed.
If the City Council directs staff to develop an updated ordinance, staff will
seek input from the community and interested businesses on the
proposed ordinance.
Learn more
Visit the website
City of Carlsbad | 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive | Carlsbad, CA 92008 US
Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice
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To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Cc:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: Drive Thru Restaurants Permitting & Management
Date:Monday, November 4, 2024 4:11:20 PM
From: Bill OConnell <billfed@aol.com>
Sent: Monday, November 4, 2024 4:01 PM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Drive Thru Restaurants Permitting & Management
Pursuant to the informational brief emailed out recently
I offer a few feedback points
I think most Carlsbad Residents would agree with the standrads as published and listed
·Prohibiting or limiting drive-thrus in certain parts of a city, such as a
historic downtown area
·Requiring certain architectural treatments, sign standards and
landscaping to protect community aesthetics
·Limiting hours, such as prohibiting 24-hour drive-thrus
·Requiring a public hearing to approve new drive-thrus (a conditional use
·Requiring a traffic study or restricting drive-thrus based on how they
would affect local traffic patterns
·Requiring sites with drive-thrus to meet certain design standards, such as
where the drive-thru lane is located in relation to the rest of the site or
requiring a minimum amount of space for cars to line up
Drive thru opportunities can be a valuable asset to the community especially whenreplacing decades old & commercially defunct legacy sites that have been
grandfathered into the Carlsbad community fabric!
Renovation and innovation should be a major requirement as resident consumerutilization in the modern everyday city of Carlsbad.
Typical fast food locations have distinct advantage over modern franchised &
corporately operated outlets. So agreed the City Council needs to review and modifyhistorical & prospective sites in the city.
Needed are variety, consumer choices and flexibility for residents and families who at
times need to utilize the more viable, successful and robust community supporting
Council should revisit their mandates in an innovative manner!
My resident feedback !
Bill O’Connell
(760) 942-1081
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To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Cc:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: drive thru
Date:Tuesday, November 5, 2024 1:15:33 PM
From: B Plante <b_plante@hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 11:15 AM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: drive thru
Disclaimer: Any accounting, business or tax advice contained in this communication, including attachments and enclosures,
is not intended as a thorough, in-depth analysis of specific issues, nor a substitute for a formal opinion, nor is it sufficient to
avoid tax-related penalties. If desired, I would be pleased to perform the requisite research and provide you with a detailed
written analysis. Such an engagement may be the subject of a separate engagement letter that would define the scope and
limits of the desired consultation services.
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taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission
in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail to b_plante@hotmail.com and purge the communication immediately.
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To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Cc:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: Carlsbad Drive-thru
Date:Tuesday, November 5, 2024 7:03:14 AM
From: Manager <info@babacoffee.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 6:27 AM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Carlsbad Drive-thru
To Whom it may concern,
As business owners with the type of business which thrives via drive-thru, we support
any effort to include drive-thru locations.
To give an example of how a drive-thru shop vs sit-down only compares financially; a
drive-thru/sit-down will produce twice the revenue of sit-down only.
That is huge to a business like ours where customers prefer to order via their car. Thank
you for re-considering drive-thru options in Carlsbad, ReeganLessie and Robert Pastor
Baba Coffee
2727 State Street
Carlsbad CA 92008
(760) 994-0666
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This e-mail is confidential and intended solely for the person(s) or organization(s) that it isaddressed to. It does contain privileged and confidential information and if you are not theintended recipient, you must not copy, distribute or take any action with this e-mail. If youhave received this e-mail in error, please notify Baba Coffee immediately and delete the e-mail and any attached files from your computer. Thank you.
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To:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: TRC Public Comment - Drive Thru Ordinance
Date:Tuesday, November 5, 2024 10:34:28 AM
TRC Comment Letter_Carlsbad PC_Drive Thru Ordinance_11062024.pdf
From: Byron de Arakal <byron@trcretail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 10:34 AM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Cc: Kyle Van Leeuwen <Kyle.VanLeeuwen@carlsbadca.gov>; Eric Lardy <Eric.Lardy@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: TRC Public Comment - Drive Thru Ordinance
Good morning –
TRC is submitting the attached letter for the Carlsbad Planning Commission’s consideration
as part of Item 3 on the Commission’s 11/6/24 Meeting Agenda re: Information Report &
Discussion of the City’s Drive-Thru Restaurant Restrictions.
Thank you.
Byron de Arakal
Consulting Director
Entitlement Planning and Special Projects
4695 MacArthur Court | Suite 700
Newport Beach, CA. 92660
M 714.227.4620
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4695 MacArthur Court Suite 700 Newport Beach, CA 92660
P 949.662.2100 www.trcretail.com
4 November 2024
CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA. 92008
RE: Drive-Thru Restaurant Restrictions - Informational Report & Discussion
Dear Chair Kamenjarin, Vice Chair Meenes and Honorable Commissioners:
TRC is owner and operator of the La Costa Town Square shopping center, one of more than 30 regional and neighborhood retail centers we own and manage throughout California. As La Costa Town Square represents our flagship center in San Diego County, we are encouraged by the City Council's initiative to revisit Carlsbad's existing municipal code prohibiting new drive-through restaurant uses. Thank you for the opportunity to share our perspective with you on this important issue.
TRC respectfully requests the Planning Commission recommend lifting the 26-year-old prohibition in favor of a new land-use policy that allows for drive-through restaurants as conditionally permitted uses. We do so for three important reasons.
Adopted in a different time for a different era
Adopted in 1998, Carlsbad's drive-through restaurant ban - CMC 21.42.140(50)- sought to prevent "commercial development like that found around Disneyland (particularly drive-thru restaurants)" at a time when a major new entertainment use was being welcomed to the City. But rather than narrowly tailor a restriction to the major transportation corridors immediately adjacent to the new amusement park, the prohibition was adopted citywide. The ordinance has essentially shut out a powerful economic engine that generates significant sales tax revenues for jurisdictions where they are allowed.
Today, the fast casual/quick serve restaurant (QSR) industry has fundamentally changed and continues to evolve:
•During the pandemic (2019 -2022) drive-through restaurant traffic rose 3 0 percent. The trend hassurvived the pandemic. Drive-through traffic now accounts for two-thirds of all fast casual/QSRpurchases while in-store dining has fallen by nearly 50 percent. Source: Restaurant News
•Nearly half ( 4 7%) of consumers won't even consider :frequenting a fast casual restaurant, bank,drug store or other retail establishments unless it sports a drive-thru, according to a survey byOnePoll. The most-cited reasons were faster service (mentioned by 61 % ofrespondents), thecomfort of staying in their cars ( 61 % ) and avoiding long lines ( 52% ). And among those whoprefer the drive-thru, one-third of them (32%) say they will "always" choose that option when it'savailable. Source: Restaurant News
Everyday Destinations. Extraordinary Locations.
•As drive-through sales increase while indoor dining decreases, the major fast casual/QSR brandsare reducing or eliminating indoor dining space in favor of faster, more efficient, higher volumedrive-through and pick-up only facilities. Chick-fil-A, Raising Cane's, Taco Bell, Del Taco andMcDonald's have all announced plans to reduce or eliminate indoor dining space in their newrestaurants. Sources: Restaurant News; QSR Magazine
Our experience informs us that the continued prohibition of drive-through restaurants in Carlsbad may well discourage national chains from permitting/developing any new fast casual/QSR restaurants in the City as they reduce or abandon less profitable indoor dining-only restaurants.
Cumulative Unrealized Sales Tax Revenues
As national fast casual/QSR brands introduce new technology and greater efficiencies into their drivethrough operations, annual per-store sales volumes are reaching all-time highs and are delivering significant sales tax revenues to local jurisdictions where they are permitted. Class A fast casual/QSR brands, for instance, are achieving average annual per-store sales of between $8.5 million and $10 million, representing $85,000 to $100,000 in annual local sales tax revenue per restaurant. In that context, it's not an unreasonable estimate that more than $10 million in sales tax revenue have gone unrealized over the 26 years the current ordinance has been in place.
Absent a new land-use policy allowing drive-through restaurants as conditionally permitted uses, cumulative unrealized sales tax revenue from even a small number of new stores will continue.
Survey: Carlsbad Residents Favor Allowing New Drive-Through Restaurants
In 2022, TRC commissioned a survey of300 randomly selected registered voters residing in Carlsbad to measure 1) their awareness of the Carlsbad ordinance prohibiting coffee shops and restaurants with drivethroughs, and 2) their support or opposition to changing the ordinance to allow for drive-throughs, and 3) the strength of their support or opposition when presented with more information. The survey found that 9 out of 10 Carlsbad residents are unaware of the City's drive-through prohibition, more than 6 out of 10 residents support changing the law, and that up to 5 in IO residents are more likely to support changing the law when presented with more information.
•Question I: Prior to this survey, were you aware that Carlsbad has a law that prohibits businesseslike coffee shops and restaurants from operating drive-through windows to allow customers topurchase items without leaving their cars?
o No, not aware -91 %o Yes, aware - 8%o Unsure-1%
•Question 2: Generally speaking, do you support or oppose changing the law, so that coffee shopsand restaurants can operate drive-through windows, if they get proper zoning approval from theCity?
o Support -64%o Oppose -23%o Unsure -13%
To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Cc:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: Comment on: CT 2023-0005/PUD 2023-0007/CDP 2023-0058 - JUNIPER COAST HOMES
Date:Tuesday, November 5, 2024 10:46:09 AM
From: Carey Fox <careygfox@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 10:43 AM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Comment on: CT 2023-0005/PUD 2023-0007/CDP 2023-0058 - JUNIPER COAST HOMES
Hi - I am a resident at 318 Juniper Ave. My family owns our property and have owned it for
nearly 30 years. I live there with my husband and our two young children. We love the
coastal Carlsbad community near the village. It has been sad to see how much new
modern developments have changed the landscape of the area and how much of our
community is for short term renters vs. people who live, work, attend school, and are
really a part of where we live.
It is disheartening to see that developments continue to get approved that are not only
unpleasant in the amount of space they take up but also in their purpose. The constant
addition of housing that is in no way accessible for the majority of people and is often
used as income properties to short term renters is hurting our neighborhoods. Rincon's
expectation to put in one very low priced affordable unit and then the rest of the inflated
units in no way helps the housing crisis the majority of people are facing. A responsible
project would prioritize many affordable units and housing opportunities for more
economically diverse needs.
I have said this in previous emails but the plans for the property at 270 Juniper will cut
out the sun and sky from my home and all the other West facing units in my
development. It is very upsetting that Carslabd is not concerned with protecting my
neighbors and my living environment. Imagine all of your windows that have been open
to air flow and sunshine being suddenly blocked by a massive structure. Where is our
compensation for losing something vital to our everyday lives? I believe it will also
reduce the value of all of our properties to be next door to a massive build.
Juniper Ave. is basically a one way street as it is. If you have spent any time on that street
at nearly any time of day you know that you have to pull off to the side to let other cars
pass. The addition of so many units and new cars will be a huge mess making it difficult
everytime we come and go - which for someone like me who is juggling two different
schools and kid's activities multiple times a day. The flow of traffic will be disastrous.
Rincon have proved to be bad actors. Their last project on Juniper Ave. led to a lot of
garbage on our streets during the building process. Their employees and contractors
take up space, are loud, and not respectful of our street.
Rincon is not respectful of the rules and procedures- we saw over the summer when
they began moving trucks and land on that property when they were not supposed to be
there. I personally called and complained and appreciated that the city took swift action
to rectify the situation.
I believe Rincon knew they did not have the permits and were not supposed to be doing
that work and did it anyway. That is disrespectful of the city and of our community.
I believe many of these 21 units will be purchased and used for short term rentals. This is
a growing problem. We have issues with traffic, noise, increased garbage from people
who come here for short periods of time and have no allegiance to our communities or
the safety of our children.
I will forever be angry that the city didn't see this land as an opportunity to expand our
greenspaces and community gardens. Our closest park is Pine Ave park - which is still
necessary for my family to cross the train tracks to access. Our closest dog park is
across El Camino Real. This space could have been used as a community space if you
had made efforts to secure the land and allow for something beautiful and connecting to
exist - but instead a few people are going to make a lot of money.
I could not be more disappointed.
Carey Fox
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To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Cc:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: Maintain the Ban on Drive-thru Restaurants
Date:Tuesday, November 5, 2024 9:12:39 AM
Attachments:Carlsbad Drive Thrus.docx.pdf
From: JP Bruner <jbruner@sandiego.surfrider.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 8:21 AM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Cc: Mitch Silverstein <msilverstein@sandiego.surfrider.org>
Subject: Maintain the Ban on Drive-thru Restaurants
To Carlsbad Planning Commission,
Please see attached for Surfrider San Diego's comment on drive-thrus in Carlsbad.
Thank you,
JP Bruner
Executive Committee
The Surfrider Foundation San Diego County Chapter| he/him/his
Support the mission, become a Surfrider member today!
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November 5, 2024
Delivered via email
To: Carlsbad Planning Commission
Re: Maintain the Ban on Drive-thru Restaurants
The Surfrider Foundation is a nonprofit grassroots organization dedicated to the
protection and enjoyment of our world’s ocean, waves, and beaches, for all people,
through a powerful network.
Climate change is one of, if not the greatest, threats to the ocean today and we must
do all we can to avoid the worst potential consequences. That means, where possible,
no matter how big or small, we must continue to push for new and maintain current
policies that reduce the use of fossil fuels. While acknowledging that drive-thru
restaurants are likely not a major contributor to climate change, they are indeed still a
factor that should be considered as a source of greenhouse gas emissions and air
pollution. Automobile transportation accounts for 51% of Carlsbad’s greenhouse gas
emissions according to the City’s Draft Climate Action Plan Update, making it the
single largest contributor to climate change locally by a wide margin. Drive-thrus are
absolutely not an essential economic driver that warrant special consideration to be
preserved. For these reasons, we ask that you maintain the ban on new drive-thrus in
JP Bruner
Executive Committee Member
San Diego County Chapter, Surfrider Foundation
Phone: 858.800.2282 | info@surfridersd.org |surfridersd.org
3295 Meade Ave., Suite 221, San Diego, CA 92116
Mitch Silverstein
San Diego County Policy Manager
Surfrider Foundation
Phone: 858.800.2282 | info@surfridersd.org |surfridersd.org
3295 Meade Ave., Suite 221, San Diego, CA 92116
To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Cc:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: drive through restaurants
Date:Tuesday, November 5, 2024 9:11:15 AM
From: Shirley Nestico <shirleynestico@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 8:51 AM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: drive through restaurants
Well, I can say, the area where IN and OUT is located near Palomar off ramp, is a total
mess with Chick fil A going in next door!! Who approved that?
Shirley Nestico
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To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Cc:Cynthia Vigeland
Subject:FW: Drive-thrus
Date:Wednesday, November 6, 2024 12:56:00 PM
From: bventinove@yahoo.com <bventinove@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 11:43 AM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Drive-thrus
To Whom It May Concern,
I am 100% in favor of allowing new drive-thrus in the City of Carlsbad.
The problems with parking are due to the asinine decision to allow
developers in-lieu fees for required parking spaces and giving restaurants
the option the use their parking as additional business space.Whether a new establishment uses space for parking or for cars to pass
through has no impact on traffic, if the site is designed correctly.
People who do not have the money to go to a restaurant but have limited
time to eat while travelling or at work, badly need drive-thrus.Just allow them in areas that are not busy streets or throughfares and
require that they implement a system for orders to be placed and paid
online and that wait times are clearly and accurately provided to shoppers,
so that the lines run smooth and fast.Drive-thrus could be limited to window service or be able to also offer
seating depending on availability of on-site parking besides ample drive-
thru lane space.
Thank you for your consideration,Roberta Malaman
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Instagram comments
Carlsbad Social media comments on drive-thru regulation options
Nextdoor comments
Like Keply Share -.,
Annie G. • San Padfico .. 1w
Drive throughs are convenient for seniors, families who have kiddos and babies,
disab ed, and when raining, eliminates slips/falls. Parl:ing lot conges ·on is also
reduced, as is sick people indoors coughing everywhere. Fast food isn't fast
when you have to park your car.
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Caria K_ • Stagecoach Park • 6d
Annie One hundred percent agree with you. No hing better than driving
around with a car full of hungry kids in car seats. Of course one of them
finally fell asleep.
Like Reply Sliare G Lucas K. • Rancho La Costa Central, 1w
I'd imagine that drive-thrus increase pollution from idling cars.
like Reply Share 0 Brian D., Bressi Ranch• 1w
Lucas no from idling EVs and hybrids. :)
like Reply Sliare
-Ryan J. •Navarra• 6d
Lucas turn the GD car off then. Feeble.
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-Ryan J. • Navarra • 6d
Brian Thanks for the info much appreciated.
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Merilee A.• a Costa Valley■ 1w
'Bring back the drive thrus ! They help people in many difficult situations
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Michelle A. • San Pacifico• 6d
Please allow! Get over ourselves!
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Steve L • Olde Cartsba<f • 6d
You ban these, but allow so many o her bad projects. You only want place5 you
have to go into, but yet there is still no parking adc!ed. And taking away the
Plaza and all he businesses to add more condos/apartments.-just doesn't
make sense to me_
Like Reply Share •11 e Mellissa S. •Poinsettia• 3d
ridiculous -ln-n-Out wouldn't provide nearly he revenue without a drive thru.
Can't believe Chic-fil-A doesn't have one because Carlsbad is weird.
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To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Subject:FW: Carlsbad considers lifting ‘drive-thru’ ban for new businesses
Date:Thursday, November 7, 2024 10:46:44 AM
From: Monte Newcom <monewcom@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 7, 2024 10:45 AM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Re: Carlsbad considers lifting ‘drive-thru’ ban for new businesses
To whom it may concern,
In reference to this news article: Carlsbad considers lifting ‘drive-thru’ ban for new
As a disabled resident, I'd like to voice my support of drive-thrus. I understand the
motivations of the original ban, however Carlsbad is no longer the sleepy little beachside
hamlet of 60k that it was in the early 1990s. Our population has nearly doubled, with far
more local and through-traffic.
Shortly after it opened, I went to the new Chik-Fil-A on Avenida Encinas and was
surprised to find they didn't have a drive thru. I had to download the app, which is
100MB over the cellular connection, just to place a single order. I was still there in my
car. I'm not sure I see any advantage to the extra hassle. While some people do go to
fast food restaurants to sit and have a meal, I believe far more people just want to grab a
bite to eat, and get on with their day.
I can see why the city might not want too many new drive thrus in some areas, eg. The
Village, but most of the city would benefit from the extra convenience.
Thank you for your time and attention,
Montgomery Newcom
Carlsbad Resident
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To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Subject:FW: Strongly Oppose lifting the ban on drive-thru"s
Date:Tuesday, November 12, 2024 7:15:06 AM
From: Joe Sardina <joesardina@proton.me>
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2024 12:50 PM
To: Council Internet Email <council@carlsbadca.gov>; Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Strongly Oppose lifting the ban on drive-thru's
I am strongly opposed to the City lifting the ban on drive-thru's!
If anything the ban is needed now more than ever. I can see no benefit for people who actually
live here while there are significant downsides to the environment, esthetics, and to the character
of the city that the city is supposed to be committed to maintain. They do NOT make the city more
attractive or desirable to live in or to visit.
Please maintain the ban!
~ Joe Sardina
4009 Canario St
Carlsbad 92008
Sent with Proton Mail secure email.
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To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Subject:FW: Comment on drive-thru restaurant rules
Date:Tuesday, November 12, 2024 1:16:16 PM
From: Michael Fabiano <mdfabiano@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2024 1:05 PM
To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Comment on drive-thru restaurant rules
I have lived in north Carlsbad for more than 20 years, and I would like to comment on the
drive-thru restaurant issue for the consideration of the city council and the planning
10 of the 12 drive-thru restaurants in Carlsbad today are north of Palomar Airport Road.
That is more than enough. There should be no new drive-thrus permitted north of
Palomar Airport Road.
If residents who live south of Palomar Airport Road would like to have drive-thrus in their
own neighborhoods, that is for them to decide and I have no objection to whichever way
they would want to go. As for north Carlsbad, we have more than enough, and there
should be no new ones permitted.
Thank you to the city council and planning commission for taking this into consideration.
Michael Fabiano
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To:Kyle Van Leeuwen
Subject:FW: Drive-through ban feedback
Date:Tuesday, November 12, 2024 2:19:11 PM
-----Original Message-----
From: Whitney Drolen <whitneydrolen@gmail.com>Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2024 2:13 PMTo: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov>Subject: Drive-through ban feedback
To whom it may concern,
The Carlsbad drive-through ban is ridiculous. Carlsbad is comprised of mostly families with children. We need moreoptions with drive throughs for convenience. Why would you not want to grow the city with more convenientoptions, rather than push that money to neighboring Vista and Encinitas?
From what I can surmise, this was put in place in the early 90s. It is now 2024 and it’s time to evolve. I actuallycan’t believe this passed in the first place, stating that it preserves charm? The average Joe does not associate havingmore convenient options with a lack of charm or vice-versa.
Bottom line, life is hard enough in 2024 and I’ll spare you all the reasons because I’m sure you’re a painfully awareof them. Let us have the small joy and convenience of a drive-through, and get rid of this inane ordinance.
Thank you,
Whitney DrolenCarlsbad resident and homeownerCAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.