HomeMy WebLinkAboutPS 2025-0008; THE NEST; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)( City of Carlsbad SIGN PERMIT P-11 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (442) 339-2610 www.carlsbadca.gov SUBMIT ONLINE THIS APPLICATION IS TO BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY. VISIT OUR ONLINE PERMIT PORTAL AT HTTPS://EG.CARLSBADCA.GOV/. NO PROCESSING WILL BEGIN UNTIL CITY HAS RECEIVED ALL REQUIRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS Background For land use permitting and requirements on signs, refer to chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, including an applicable specific plan , master plan or sign program. Depending on the scope of construction, a building permit may also be required. Please note ground-mounted/monument signs within the coastal zone also require a minor Coastal Development Permit. Requirements for signs may be subject to an existing sign program on file with the city. Have questions? Please visit the city website on options to contact Planning. TYPE OF PERMIT APPL YING FOR: [8l Sign Permit (Also use for Temporary Banners and ground mounted/monument signs) Sign Program or Modified Sign Program? Use P-11 (D) Name of Project: The Nest -new non lit storefront sign Related Planning Case Number(s), if any: _________________ _ PROPERTY OWNER/PROPERTY MANAGER APPLICANT NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) L ~v .M---Ji-~~~ Torrey Pines Building Services dba Signarama San Marcos MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS '23\05 b~"1J f-{~li <;. D c A C-J2 ,21-215 S Pacific Street, Suite 106 CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE 258 f!f-0 JS95 San Marcos, CA 92078 760-7 44-5046 I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION OF THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT MY KNOWLEDGE. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. -~r2~ ,, 2-6/?,0 i § ~~,:_~~--~- :,,.,A;,., .. ,,-:--tl'lolT_.,=~ Brooks Roffey ~:-::::---·~ 01 /02/2025 -_,_,.. ..... __,4 ~~an=:0~'!..~H'.IIM._~ SIGNATUR~ DATE SIGNATURE DATE P-11 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 3/22 {'city of Carlsbad Certificate of Accuracy P-37 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (442) 339-2610 www.carlsbadca.gov . The Nest Signage ProJect Name _________ _ Type of permit(s) applying for Exterior Wall Signage P-37 CITY OF CARLSBAD -PLANNING DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY I certify all documents and plans clearly and accurately show all existing and all proposed buildings, structures, access roads, and utilities/utility easements. All proposed land use activities, improvements to land, and/or building modifications or additions are clearly labeled on the site plan of the approved plan set. I understand that any potentially existing detail within these plans inconsistent with the site plan are not approved and may be required to be altered or removed. The submitted documents and plans show the correct dimensions of the property, the buildings, and structures and their setbacks from property lines and from one another, access roads/easements, and utilities. The existing and proposed use of land and of each building as stated is true and correct. Further, all improvements existing on the property were completed in accordance with all regulations in existence at the time of their construction, unless otherwise noted. All easements and other encumbrances to development have been accurately shown and labeled as well as all on-site grading/site preparation. ~ligoe<lby-~ Applicant: Brooks Roffey ~li~~~~-;:: Date: 01/31/2025 Page 1 of 1 Rev. 2/2022 Scope of Work: Retail Tenant "The Nest" has contracted with Torrey Pines Building Services, TPBS, (dba Signarama San Marcos) to design, fabricate and install a non lit wall sign at each of their 2 retail locations in Carlsbad. Drawing List: 1) Cover Sheet and Project Data 2) Site Plans 3) Floor Plans/ Storefront Measurements 4) Elevations 5) Signage Details Sign Schedule: 1) Sign 1, Suite 110 Non Lit Wall Sign rmn,n,.DiEB 11, 2) Sign 2, Suite 112 Non Lit Wall Sign Signage & Graphics -.,,.r srnaiiima ~.. _g~ NorthCount1&Coastal Customer: r--------------------------..L_------------,----C-o_n_t_a_c_t _ln_f_or_m_a_t-io-n~:J-------------------....J Corey Villicana Vi Ci n i ty Map: art ot= ~--0 ;~:4N~!;lsbad Blvd N E PARK ; ,I ~ .... C,'(> \ ) ,. .. I'- _,, San Diego Distric~Office .,..Blclg /~ / -\ ) ,,, -117.352, 33.160 D 10ll 7 200ft ; .! Planning Data: Carlsbad Village Plan 1 square foot per linear foot of storefront Maximum Height of letter is 18" Building Owner: !UH ""o· -Suite 110 and 112 Louie Al Foraje 8195 Doug Hill N · owo "I..AH Carlsbad, CA 92008 Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92127 Tenant: ti 2025-0008 or,; Julia Moreno 3/3/2025 The Nest Corey Villicana 2744 Carlsbad Blvd Suites 110 and 112 Carlsbad, CA 92008 coreyant@gmail.com I HIU)!ll'fll-- -'1,,- Contractor: Torrey Pines Building Services Brooks Roffey 215 S Pacific Street Suite 106 San Marcos, CA 92078 Signarama@TPBSteam.com (760) 744-5046 Suite 112 Allowable Square Footage= 27 Square feet Allowable Square Footage= 27 Square feet Proposed Square Footage= 6.6 Square feet Proposed Height = 12" Proposed Square Footage= 8.5 Square feet Proposed Height= 8" I Job Type: Non Lit Wall Sign Zoning: V-R Village Review APN: 207-172-27-?? Designer: Brandon Hood Project Manager: Brooks Roffey Invoice: 35892 j Proof f No. Description Date E 1 Permit Submission 0110212s } 2 Planning Comments 0212412s i I >----+----------'-__J ll' Thl•dnfvtland~iniJ-..bmlttlldlor,vui-r....,■ndapprowllath9 ..-.9WepropstlrGfTonw,,Pfllft8ulldJ11111S.-.ces.hnwyNOTba ,wprodu-a,caofN,Plllblt9dorutlll9dforanypurpgallin"""ofwhol8.bf' anylndlvldualln•ldeoroullldllwilhoutwr"'--~Slia..-or ~klfUltllerf~tt101i..or.s11,1-.leNOT"""°'"""'91or ,rror.ln1Dellno.QNJ1-.P1MCtUltlon.,dlor-.mwi01Liti1tht rw1110llllbllllyofllltchntto..tfyallln~rmatlonprtort9Pf'OCNCll"9""'1 '"'-Thltl11'oot'l•..,_..,...,...,,.,t11ep,~nn.ltlt•IIII~ ....,...,. D .................... Please Revise D .................... Approved Approval Signature: Cover Sheet and Project Data Sheet 01 Site Plan : N Sign 1 Suite 11 O Sign Sign 2 Suite 112 Sign TORRHPINES SUILOINGSERVIC[S Signage & Graphics .,_4 scnarama· --,.,.. _gL NorthCounty&Coastal Customer: Corey Villicana The Nest 2744 Carlsbad Blvd Suite 110 and 112 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Job Type: Non Lit Wall Sign Zoning: V-R Village Review APN: Designer: Brandon Hood Project Manager: Brooks Roffey Invoice: 35892 : 1 >--------------~ i Proof No. Description Permit Submission Date 01102125 : ~ ! t f---+-----------i----, l 2 Planning Comments 02124125 f---+-----------i----, § Thiade,iionanddrawinga\lbmitte<lforyourre¥iewandapprovali•lhe elldusiY9pro1nll'tlyofT01nvPinnBulldinuSer,ices.I1mayNOTba re11roduced,w11ied,exhibite<lorutiizedfor■nv11ur11oseinpertofwhole,by anvlndividualinlideorout1idawithoutwritttencon1«1tofSionare1119or 1111rchasad,lnfultherlqhtatothereof.S1Qnarama,i1NOTre!IPOn1iblelor errors in ,1111UinQ. <1rammw, ounctuetion end/ornumeri~l.itistha reeponMbllltyofthacllenttovvrityalllnlonnatlonprlortoproceedl119wlth order$. Tlllsproof I1adnl9n repr8Hntatlon of the product. Final size and placammt ..,..,. D .................... Please Revise D .................... Approved Approval Signature: Site Plan Sheet 02 Suite 110 Frontage 27' Suite 112 Frontage 27' Signage & Graphics -.4 scnarama· --,.,.. _gL NorthCounty&Coastal Customer: Corey Villicana The Nest 2744 Carlsbad Blvd Suite 110 and 112 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Job Type: Non Lit Wall Sign Zoning: V-R Village Review APN: Designer: Brandon Hood Project Manager: Brooks Roffey Invoice: 35892 : 1 f---------------------1 i Proof No. Description 1 Permit Submission 2 Planning Comments Date 01/02/25 02/24/25 : ~ ! t l f------+----------+------1 § Thiade,iionanddrawinga\lbmitte<lforyourre¥iewandapprovali•lhe elldusiY9pro1nll'tlyofT01nvPinnBulldinuSer,ices.I1mayNOTba re11roduced,w11ied,exhibite<lorutiizedfor■nv11ur11oseinpertofwhole,by anvlndividualinlideorout1idawithoutwritttencon1«1tofSionare1119or 1111rchasad,lnfultherlqhtatothereof.S1Qnarama,i1NOTre!IPOn1iblelor errors in ,1111UinQ. <1rammw, ounctuetion end/ornumeri~l.itistha reeponMbllltyofthacllenttovvrityalllnlonnatlonprlortoproceedl119wlth order$. Tlllsproof I1adnl9n repr8Hntatlon of the product. Final size and placammt ..,..,. D .................... Please Revise D .................... Approved Approval Signature: Floor Plans/ Storefront Measurements Sheet 03 Suite 11 O Elevation Suite 112 Elevation Signage & Graphics -.4 scnarama· --,.,.. _gL NorthCounty&Coastal Customer: Corey Villicana The Nest 2744 Carlsbad Blvd Suite 110 and 112 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Job Type: Non Lit Wall Sign Zoning: V-R Village Review APN: Designer: Brandon Hood Project Manager: Brooks Roffey Invoice: 35892 : 1 f-------P-r-o-of _______ f : f-N_o_. -+---~D~e~s~cr~ip~t~io~n~---t~D"-'a,,t_,,_e--+ ~ Permit Submission 01102125 j 2 Planning Comments 02124125 t f--+----"------+----1 l f---+----------+----1 § Thiade,iiqnanddrawinga\lbmitte<lforyourre¥iewandapprovali•lhe elldusiY9pro1nll'tlyofT01nvPinnBulldinuSer,ices.I1mayNOTba ~~71::i~~a':°::!::~::'!~:."!.;::-i:.:,:~:~.:::;;:e~~; by purchasad,1nfultherlqhtatothereof.S1Qnarama,isNOTre!IPOnsiblelor errors in ,011UinQ. <1rammw, ounctuetion end/ornumeri~l.itisthe reeponMbllltyofthacllenttovvrityalllnlonnatlonprlortoproceedl119wlth order$. Tlllsproof l1ednl9n repr8Hntatlon of the product. Final size and placammt ..,..,. □ □ .................... Please Revise .................... Approved Approval Signature: Elevations Sheet 04 Detailed Sign Dimensions: Sign 1 Details: s.5squareteet Sign 2 Dimensions: 8.5squareteet -1 6'6"--------,1',i I 12'10" I. ·1 ·1 [THE NEST !HOME DECOR AND BOUTIQUE 1) 3/8" thick black acrylic - matte front surface 2) 3M VHB 2-way tape. Minimum 3" of tape per letter 3) Clear Silicone Adhesive. Minimum 4" per letter. Color Specifications: Matte Black Proposed Non Lit Sign Details: Exterior Wall ~ v~ 3M VHB Tape Silicone 3/8"thickacrylicletter _, ~ v~ Adhesive - ■ ~ 215S.PacificStceet.S,itet06 San Marcos, CA 92078 (760)744-50~6 ~!~JPBSTeam.com Signage & Graphics ~ 4 sf'"narifma· ~.. _g,:,...... NorthCounty&Coastal Customer: Corey Villicana The Nest 2744 Carlsbad Blvd Suite 110 and 112 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Job Type: Non Lit Wall Sign Zoning: V-R Village Review APN: Designer: Brandon Hood Project Manager: Brooks Roffey Invoice: 35892 Proof No. Description Date 1 Permit Submission 01102125 2 Planning Comments 0212412s Thiade,iionanddrawinga\lbmitte<lforyourre¥iewandapprovali•lhe elldusiY9pro1nll'tlyofT01nvPinnBulldinuSer,ices.I1mayNOTba re11roduced,w11ied,exhibite<lorutiizedfor■nv11ur11oseinpertofwhole,by anvlndividualinlideorout1idawithoutwritttencon1«1tofSionare1119or 1111rchasad,lnfultherlqhtatothereof.S1Qnarama,i1NOTre!IPOn1iblelor errors in ,1111UinQ. <1r,mmw, oun~uetion end/ornumerictl.iti,the reeponMbllltyotth,cllenttovvrityalllnlonnatlonprlortoproceedl119wlth order$. Tlllsproof I1,dnl9n repr8Hntetlon ol theprodu~. Final size and placement ..,..,. D .................... Please Revise D .................... Approved Approval Signature: Signage Details Sheet I 05