HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP 2017-0007; THE 505 GLASS STUDIO; Review Permit (RP){ City of
Development Services
Planning Division
1635 Faraday Avenue
(760) 602-4610
Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will
require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission
or Committee.
The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project
cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print.
Person is defined as qAny individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal
organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county,
city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit."
Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner
must be provided below.
1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent)
Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a
financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership,
include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the
corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A
separate page may be attached if necessary.)
Person r"f\o.,Q,J D e,.J I In Corp/Part. _________ _
Title OW Y'le.Y--Title ____________ _
Address '? '? 66 f2( l\ge c,-e~f-Address __________ _ c_.,,;;v; k, C<.li CJ ?..o O 'i(
2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent)
Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any
ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal
ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the
ownership includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, titles, addresses of
all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE
SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and
addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.)
Person Lv.e..,ndq 5. V i</:;ne. Corp/Part _________ _
Title Owner Title, ____________ _
Address 3ll',g() Hibiscus C1·v-Address, _________ _
Ci>,.rbbad CA q 20°8'
Page 1 of2 Revised 07110
glass studio
The proposed project is a retail art gallery and a hot glass studio. The hot glass studio will be a
facility for glassblowing artists to create hand blown functional and abstract glass. The retail
gallery will exhibit and sell the glass made in the studio, as well as exhibiting art from other
local artists. I am very enthusiastic about this project and I have many ideas about how it will
contribute to the community. I believe this type of venture complements current development
in Carlsbad.
Hand blown glass has been around for thousands of years and it is fun and exciting to watch
glassblowers at their craft. A passion for glass was born in our house when my son and I
discovered the studio glass movement about 5 years ago. Now, I am ready to change careers
and my son is majoring in glass at a fine arts college in the Bay Area.
There are several aspects to the business plan for The 505, One part is to invite glassblower
artists to visit Carlsbad for a residency to blow glass. As most of them live in Seattle, the
prospect of a week (any time of year) in warm Carlsbad is very enticing. It is my goal to
showcase these world class glassblowers demonstrating their skills at The 505.
Additionally, there are many glassblowers in southern California who do not have their own hot
shop. It is very expensive to set up and maintain a hot glass studio and I am fortunate to have
the capital to start and maintain my own hot shop. l am hopeful that renting to other artists in
the area will also be a source of revenue. Further, I hope to offer beginning classes in
glassblowing. While it may take decades to become an accomplished artist, it is relatively easy
to make a paperweight. And it is really really fun.
For the specifics of the hot shop studio, we have hired Michael Hernandez, the Head of the
Glass Department at Palomar College to design the hot shop. The studio will include a state of
the art electric furnace and a cold•working shop. And because it so mesmerizing to watch, there
will be an area for people to watch artists at work.
I welcome the opportunity to share my ideas and answer any questions about this unique
Per the California Environmental Protection Agency's website, "While Government Code
Section 65962.5 [referred to as the Cortese ListJ makes reference to the preparation of a "list,"
many changes have occurred related to web-based infonnation access since [the amended
statute's effective date inJ 1992 and this information is now largely available on the Internet sites
of the responsible organizations. Those requesting a copy of the Cortese "list" are now referred
directly to the appropriate information resources contained on the Internet web sites of the
boards or departments that are referenced in the statute."
Below is a list of agencies that maintain information regarding hazardous waste and substances
Department of Toxic Substances Control
EnviroStor Help Desk (916) 323-3400
State Water Resources Control Board
http:/ /qeotracker. waterboards. ca.gov/
County of San Diego
Department of Environmental Health Services
Hazardous Materials Division
www.sdcounty.ca.gov/deh/hazmat/hazmat permits.html
Mailing Address:
County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health
P.O. Box 129261
San Diego, CA92112-9261
Call Duty Specialist for technical questions at (858) 505-6880, fax (858) 505-6868 (fax)
Environmental Protection Agency
National Priorities Sites ("Superfund" or "CERCLIS")
(800) 424-9346 or (702) 284-8214
National Priorities List Sites in the United States
www.epa.gov/su perf u nd/sites/n p I/n pl. htm
P-1(C) Page 2 of2 Revised 02113
(To be Completed by Applicant)
Date Filed: ___________ (To be completed by City)
Application Number(s): ________________________ _
General lnfonnatlon
Name of project: --~.:....:..=~!,=0_,5e.......__,:6=<-:L=Ctc..:S~5'---...:sfu==d:'.!...'..1~()~---
Name of developer or project sponsor: /)1 a rlj :Dev I In
Address: __ _,?e....?~5==.~--,L::f<.'f-'/-"'4g"l--""e,""e,rec.=.S,.,_T--=J)c::'.:17c.!.'~y-e,"'------
City, State, Zip Code: __ C_a.,_r-'_ls_lo_a._d __ CA ___ Cjc.;).._O_0.:...;:'i? ____ _
Phone Number: ___ "?l"-'-i:..__<'..j,-'-'\..::5c._0:=-::3'-'-/ _:q:.__ ________ _
Name of person to be contacted concerning this project: ____________ _
Address: __________________________ _
City, State, Zip Code:
Phone Number: ________________________ _
Address of Project: __ 5_D_5 __ A_0_1'1-_K_..,_/Ju..c=.'G.N<~-=-=U..,e.=-f--'Uhel-5"'-"===--=64{)__:_::.=.....
Assessor's Parcel Number: __ Z_t:1_4'-----=0:....:..I_O _ _,_/..:b,::__ _ _;,De.,O"--------
List and describe any other related permits and other public approvals required for this project,
including those required by city, regional, state and federal agencies:
Existing General Plan Land Use Designation: __ \/...:.._ ____________ _
Existing zoning district: --::_V:,___-....:.K-=------------------
Exisung land use(s): _.....,_A....:.;u::.:c...:TD--=._fur.:=::....:.:,q...c..c.,,e_:_::::_ __________ _
9. Proposed use of site (Project for which this form is filed}: G,Q-LLJ=.........K.:y 'r Ht>t
8/Ul--5-S STVD10
Project Description
10. Site size: __________________________ _
11. Proposed Building square footage: -'£=?(=/=S:..cTl~N-'-''1'1--------------
12: Numberoffloorsofconstruction: /VO AJE.,vJ <!.z>//Sr,e'..Uc.noAJ
Amount of off-street parking provided: _________________ _
Associated projects: -~N-,,_A ___________________ _
Page 2 of4 Revised 07/10
32. The site is currently vacant. Its last use was as a car servicing and smog certification. The
site is a building and paved parking lot. It is surrounded by a chain link fence and there is no
33. The building sits on a corner lot and it is abutted by a small gallery and cafe to the west
and a cross fit gym to the south. It is my understanding that the gym will be replaced by a
restaurant. Across the street to the east is the Boys and Girls Club and to the north some retail
and residential buildings. The new use will be a retail and hot glass studio to occupy the current
Attachment "A" to Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist
Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan
Commercial Buildings V 1.2
2) Pedestrian Facilities
D Pedestrian Access to the Public Sidewalk
{city of
D Direct Routes from Public Sidewalk to Each Building in the Project
3) Transit Facilities
D Convenient Access to Transit
4) Vehicle Facilities
D Preferential Parking for Carpools and Vanpools
D Convenient Drop-off for Carpools and Vanpools Onsite
5) Facilities: On-Site Amenities
0 Cafe or Full Service Cafe D Kitchen capable of providing catering
D Conference Center/Meeting Rooms D Conference Communication Equipment
D Wellness Center/Gym D Athletic Facilities D Delivery Services/Employee Service Venue; dry cleaning and/or other convenient
Updated 10/6/2016 9
Attachment "A" to Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist
Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan
Commercial Buildings V 1.2
{city of
1) Completion of Annual Survey:
D Agree to conduct a TOM survey or an iCommute survey annually.
2) Designated On-site Transportation Coordinator:
D Agree to designate an on-site transportation coordinator to be the point of contact with
the City, regarding transportation demand management facilities and programs.
This person shall serve as the on-site coordinator.
3) Information Board or Kiosk:
D Information Board or Kiosk in Prominent Location for Residents, with resources on
all modes of transportation.
4) On-Site Transit Pass Sales or Pre-Tax Transit Pass Program:
D On-Site Transit Pass Sales
D Pre-Tax Transit Pass Program (if applicable) or similar program
D Information about transit services to your location
5) Participation in Guaranteed Ride Home or similar program
D Agree to participate in a Guaranteed Ride Home Program when a personal emergency
situation arises for tenant who uses an alternative commute mode to get to work
(or from work to home).
Updated I 0/6/20 I 6 12
Attachment "A" to Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist
Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan
Commercial Buildings V 1.2
6) Rideshare Senrices
D Rideshare matching services, subsidies or pre-tax donation D Vanpool Services
D Car Sharing Services
D Assistance in Finding Commute Alternatives
7) Additional (Optional) Programs and Senrices:
D Telecommute Program
D Flexible work hours or compressed work week
D Parking Management Plan
D Other On-Site Amenities
{city of
Name and Signature of Designated
Manager Contact:
Property Management or Human Resources
I ---------
1 _P_rinted Name Signature I Date
Name and Signature of on-s~t_e transportl:ltio11 i:oordinator: (preferred)
! Printed Name i Signature : Date
N_a_m~ __ ?_~~ Sig1_1aturc of City I of Carlsbad Represent~a~t~iv~•~:-----------
Printed Name I Signature , Date
Updated 10/6/2016 13
Development Services
Land Development Engineering
1635 Faraday Avenue
(760) 602-2750
To address post-development pollutants that may be generated from development projects, the city requires that new
development and significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management
Practices (BMPs) into the project design per Carlsbad BMP Design Manual (BMP Manual). To view the BMP Manual,
refer to the Engineering Standards (Volume 5).
This questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application
(subdivision, discretionary permits and/or construction permits). The results of the questionnaire determine the level of
storm water standards that must be applied to a proposed development or redevelopment project. Depending on the
outcome, your project will either be subject to 'STANDARD PROJECT' requirements or be subject to 'PRIORITY
Your responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project condiiions and impacts. City
staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development application. If staff
determines that the questionnaire was incorrectly filled out and is subject to more stringent storm water standards than
initially assessed by you, this will result in the return of the development application as incomplete. In this case, please
make the changes to the questionnaire and resubmit to the city.
If you are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or more of the
questions, please seek assistance from Land Development Engineering staff.
A completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted with each development project application. Only one
completed and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for the same project are
submitted concurrently.
----PROJECT INFORMATIO~ -.. - -. . -''----· ·--
PROJECT NAME: Tl+t::: Sos 6 L.}lSS ~l )bl O PROJECT ID:
ADDRESS: 505 A C)Al-< AVEJ.JUE-~Ab APN: 2o4-010-1<o-oo
The project is (check one): D New Development D Redevelopment
The total proposed disturbed area is: ft2( ) acres
The total proposed newly created and/or replaced impervious area is: ft2 ( ) acres
If your project is covered by an approved SWQMP as part of a larger development project, provide· the project ID and the
SWQMP # of the larger development project:
Project ID SWQMP#:
Then, go to Step 1 and follow the instructions. When completed, sign the form at the end and submit this with your
application to the city.
E-34 Page 1 of4 REV 02/16
Complete the questions below regarding your redevelopment project (MS4 Permit Provision E.3.b.(2)):
Does the redevelopment project result in the creation or replacement of impervious surface in an amount
of less than 50% of the surface area of the previously existing development? Complete the percent
impervious calculation below:
Existing impervious area (A) = sq. ft. □ □
Total proposed newly created or replaced impervious area (8) = sq. ft.
Percent impervious area created or replaced (B/A)*100 = %
If you answered "yes", the structural BMPs required for PDP apply only to the creation or replacement of impervious
surface and not the entire development. Go to step 5, check the first box stating "My project is a PDP .. ." and complete
applicant information.
If you answered "no," the structural BMP's required for PDP apply to the entire development.
check the first box statinQ "My project is a PDP ... " and complete applicant information.
Go to step 5, check the
STEPS -.~--,..
0 My project is a PDP and must comply with PDP stormwater requirements of the BMP Manual. I understand l must
prepare a Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) for submittal at time of application.
0 My project is a 'STANDARD PROJECT' OR EXEMPT from PDP and must only comply with 'STANDARD PROJECT'
stormwater requirements of the BMP Manual. As part of these requirements, l will submit a "Standard Project
Requirement Checklist Form E-36" and incorporate low impact development strategies throughout my project.
Note: For projects that are close to meeting the PDP threshold, staff may require detailed impervious area calculations
and exhibits to verify if 'STANDARD PROJECT' stormwater requirements apply.
~My Project is NOT a-'development project' and is not subject to the requirements of the BMP Manual.
Applicant Information and Signature Box
ApplicantName /IJ~~ Applicant Title: tJ~
5 Ji 3 /::>o I 7 Applicant Signatur~:_ =::== =-== l. ) Date: ,-,-
.. .. • Environmentally Sensitive Areas include but are not limited to all Clean Water Act Section 303(d) 1mpaIred water bodies; areas designated as Areas of Special
Biological Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); water bodies
designated with the RARE beneficial use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and
amendments); areas designated as preserves or their equivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and County of San Diego; Habitat
Management Plan; and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the City.
This Box for City Use Only
City Concurrence: □ □
Project ID:
E-34 Page 4 of4 REV02/16
Order No. 400-1875093-37
Schedule '"A"
The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this report is:
A fee
Title to !>aid estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in:
Thomas D. Vigne and Lucinda S. Vigne, husband and wife as community property
The land referred to in this report is situated in the County of San Diego, State ofCalirornia, and Is described as follows:
The Southwesterly 90.00 feet of the Nonheasterly 140.00 feet of Lot l of Industrial Tract, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San
Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 1743, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County,
January 3, 1923, and the Northeasterly 50.00 feet of Lot I, Industrial Tract, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of
California, according to Map thereof No. 1743, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, January 3, 1923.
Assessor's Parcel Numbcrs(s): 204-010-16-00
Page 2
Order No. 400-1875093-37
Schedule "B"
At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and exclusions contained in said policy form
would be as follows:
General and Special taxes for the fiscal year 2017-2018, including any assessments collected with taxes. A lien not yet
First installment due and payable November I, 2017, delinquent if not paid by 12/10/17
Second installment due and payable February 1, 2018, delinquent if not paid by 4/ 10/18
2 General and Special taxes for the fiscal year 2016-2017, including any assessments collected with current taxes.
Total amount S3,901.92
!st installment
2nd installment
Code area
Parcel Nu.
$1,950.96, paid
S195.09 (after 12/12/2016)
S1,950.96, paid
S205.09 (after 4/10/2017)
09098-City of Carlsbad
S"'.\'ot Shown
"SOTE: Taxes above mentioned have all been paid and arc reported for proration purposes only.
3 The Lien of future supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of section 75, et seq of the revenue and
taxation code of the state of California
4 An casement for purposes herein stated, and rights incidental thereto as provided m an instrument
Recorded: 3/13/1952 in Book 4402, Page 430 of Official Records.
For: Public utilities, ingress and egress and incidental purposes
In favor of: San Diego Gas and Electric Company
Aftects : The location of ~aid easement is set forth therein.
5 An easement for purposes herein stated, and rights incidental thereto as provided 111 an instrument
Recorded: 3/ l 4.11 952 in Book 4404, Page 43 of Official Records.
In favor of:
Pole lines and inddental purposes
San Diego Gas & Electric Company, a corporation
The location of said easement is set forth therein.
6 An instrument, upon the terms and conditions contained therein
Entitled: Notice of Restriction on Real Property
Recorded: 12/14/2012, as Instrument No. 2012-0788091, Official Records
7 Rights of parties in possession of s:iid land by reason of unrecorded leases, if any. Please forward said leases for our
Any casement or lesser right, for the purposes herein stated, including incidental purposes, disclosed by a survey, inspection,
or inquiry
Pole lines
As disclosed by an aerial inspection of said land.
The effect of documents, proceedings, liens, decrees or other matters which do not specifically describe said land, but which,
if any do exist, may affect the title or impose liens or encumbrances thereon. The name search necessary to ascertain the
existence of snch matters lias not been completed an<l will require a statement of information from an parties involved in this
JO "NOTE: Please be advised that our search did not disclose any open Deeds of Trust of record. If you should have knowledge
of any outstanding obligation, please contact your title officer immediately for further review".
Page 3
Order No. 400-1875093-37
11 Minerals of whatsoever kind, subsurface and surface substances, including but not limited to coal, lignite, oil, gas,
geothermal resources, brine, uranium, clay, rock, sand and gravel in, on, under and that may be produced from the Land,
together with all rights, privileges, and immunities relating thereto, whether or nut appearing in the Public Records or listed
in Schedule B. The Company makes no representation as to the present ownership of any such interests. There may be
leases, grants, exceptions or reservations ofintercsts that are not listed.
12 Applicant has requested California Title Comp@y (The Company) to issue a preliminary report of the property described
herein. Applicant is aware that Title Insurance may be available for the contcmplatc<l transaction, but may not request the
company to issue or cause to be issued a policy therein. Applicant agrees that this report is issued for the exclusive use of
applicant and that said preliminary report is issued pursuant to section 12340.1 I of the insurance code of the State of
California. By acceptance of this report, applicant understands and agrees that said report is not an abstract of title, nor arc
any of the rights, duties or re~-ponsibilities applicable to the preparation and issuance of an abstract of title applicable to the
issuance of this report. This report shall not be constrne<l as, nor constitute, a representation as to the condition of the title to
n:al property, but shall contribute a statement terins and conditions upon which the issuer is willing to issue a title policy, if
requested to do so.
End of Schedule B
Page 4
Order No. 400~ 1875093~37
Note ]\lo. 1
California Revenu.: and Taxation Code Section 18662, effective January 1, 1994 and by amendment effective January I, 2003,
provides that the buyer in al! sales of California Real Estate may be required to withhold 3 and 1/3% of the total sales price as
California State Income Tax, subject to the provisions of the law as therein contained.
Note: this company does require current beneficiary demands prior to closing.
If the demand is expired and a correct demand cannot be obtained, our requirements will be as follows:
A. If this company accepts a verbal update on the demand, we may hold an amount equal to one monthly mortgage payment.
The amount of this hold will bl.' over and above the verbal hold the lender may have stipulated.
B. If this company cannot obtain a verbal update on the demand, will either pay offthe cxpiri;:d d.:mand or wait for the amended
demand, at the discretion of the escrow
C. In the event that a payoff is being made to a servicmg agent for the beneficiary, this company will require a comple1e copy of
the servicing agreement prior to close.
Note ~o. 3
If this company is requcstc<l 10 disb,lrsc funds in connection with this transaction, chapter 598, statutes of 1989 mandates hold periods
for checks deposited to escrow or sub-escrow accounts. The mandatory hold is one business day after the day deposited. Other checks
require a hold period from three to seven business days after the day dcpos!led.
Notice Regarding Your Deposit of Funds
California Insurance Code Sections 12413 et. Seq. Regulates the disbursement of escrow and sub-escrow funds by title companies.
The law requires that funds be deposited in the title company escrow and sub-escrow accounts and be avllilablc for withdrawal prior to
disbursement. Funds deposited with the Company by wire transkr may be disbursed upon ro.,-ceipt. Funds do.,1JOSitcd with the Comp,my
via cashier's checks drawn on a California based bank may be disbursed the next business day after the day of deposit. If funds are
deposited with by other methods, recording or disbursement may be delayed. All escrow and sub-escrow funds received by the
Company will be deposited with other funds in one or more non-interest bearing escrow accounts of the Company in a financial
institution selected by the Company. The Company and/or its pare11t company may receive certain direct or indirect benefits from the
financial institution by reason of the deposi1 of such funds or the maintenance of such accow1ts with the financial institution, and the
Company shall have no obligation to account to the depositing party in any manner for the value ot~ or to pay such party, any benefit
received hy the Company and/or its p11ren1 Company. Those benefits may include, without limitation, credits allowed by ~uch
financial in~titution on loans to the Compuny and/or its parent company and earnings on investments made on the proceeds of such
!muis, accounting, reporting and other services and products of such financial institutwn. Such benefits shall be deemed additional
compensation of the Company for its services in connection with the escrow or sub-escrow.
Page 5
Order No. 400-1875093-37
Please note that this preliminary report now has an extra copy of the legal description on a separate sheet of paper. There are no
markings on the page. The idea is to provide you with a legal description that can be attached to other documents as needed. That
legal description page immediately follows this page.
Thank you for your support of California Title Company. We hope that this makes your job a little easier.
Page 6
Order No. 400-1875093-37
Exhibit "A"
The Southwesterly 90.00 feet of the Northeasterly 140.00 feet of Lot I of Industrial Tract, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San
Diego, State ofCahfornia, according tu Map thereof No. I 743, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County,
January 3, I 923, and the Northeasterly 50.00 feet of Lot I, Industrial Tract, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of
California, according to Map thereof No. 1743, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, January 3, 1923.
Page 7
Order No. 400-1875093-37
CLTA Preliminary Report Form-Exhibit B (06-03-11)
The to IIO"-,ng ""'"" -'r,· "l'""ly, ,ciuJcJ :mm 11,c ,.,vcrag, ut Ill,; pol"f ""J ,n, [.,mp,ny ,di <>at pay "-'" "' JJmo~c co,<>, altuu>cy,' !,·" "' "!'<"'"' wi,i.h "'"' hy •cown ul
: (•) Ar.y ''""· urJ,.,,t. c or ~u,«n11,e11,al r<iulwu" (LnrluJ.n~ bu< r,,t IH1'"<J lo OuilJmi or "'"'"!' I.a""~ orJLnar,<,s or "~"'"'""') "'";CtlLlf, r<~olat,n~. ptah,0111n: u, ,,I.Ling (•J lh< u<:C•a~Jll<), ""• '" eOJU'"''"" nl Lh, 1 .. .i. \")<h, clwcado, Jan,,~"'"''" k>c.11on <>\ anr Lmrn"'"''"' ,~~·or h,re,~o;ocecLcd on ,h, '""· (IIL) u "P•"'"''° ,n onnmhcp o,, chan~, m 1h, Jun,,.,,.,,,, or "'''-"f<OO l,rnO "r ""Y r•c-·ol of"h"h ,1,, i.rnd ".,, ~,. • p,n. "' ("l """""""""l p,010<t1on o, ,he oltcc, or '"l' ''"l•t"" ot thN ,,v.s, onlino11ccs '" go1c11111,c",al rc~<0IHLor_,_ c"'P' ,o the cxocnt ti·".,"""'" oms: '"'"''"""'"t thmot 0,, o10Hcc of., doto,t, 11,n_ o,
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1 !l,gh" <,I en11n<nt U\,n,un uni<» 11<>•~• 01 Ohe "<r-'« 1tlor<u! h-, b,:,e ,,c,,rJeJ In Ii>< publ,c "'"'"' or fl•t< ol Poll<). bo• ""' "" luJong tram «"·ern~e "'' t,s,ng v. hc<h 1,., occu, r«l pnu, ,0 D-"• of P<>l.c ,, v. tt.rh v.o,,:J
tlo b111J'"gon ,he ri~l,o, o[ a rnrd,a...,r lor ,alu, v. """"' lu,,.mk,J~e
-'. ll,kct,. lic11<. '"'"mhran<«. a<hcr.<o d,m,. or 011>,,, n,aucr, (') v.hdo,r or ~o• ,,,._.orJeJ 11, the pobh, rc,ord, a, [l.,1,-01 Pol,c), but ,,,,.,,J. ,uttcroJ, ;,,.,,,.,,[ or agrcctl ,., bf ,1.., '"""<d ,1,mLOnt, (bl 001 '"""" to the
Lum1Mn), ""' r«md,J ll1 tlic puh:L< «c"r<l, "' Docc of l'ohc), bu, ''"'" n ,,, ,b, ,ruo,c,J ,·:"m"" "'" ,.,, J~<],,s,;J m v.·catoo~ ,o lhe C,>n,p,t1) b)· •lie '"'""'" datmant pr•or t'1 oh.: tl,,o th, ,o,urc<l dotmant \,cc,m, a11 m,o,.-J m,b th,, puls,), (,) rc,u~"j' m oo km "' Ja,IC'£' •o ,1,, '"'""J cl""·'"' (J) >S<o<O,o~ u, '"'""" sub«qucn< to Daoc <'I Pol")· o, (c) oc,olun; m lo» u, J,.,,..~, wh;ch woulJ ""' hove O<en •"''""'J ,t tho ;"""''J datm,ar ii,J p.•iJ >aluo for,~, m,u,, n>Jngag< o, ru,Lh< <>13t<or "·"'"' i_nso,eJ b) thi>P.~I")" , _ 4 U11,nf,.,ce,l,,ltL) <>i !h< l,ou a! the m<ur<J "''"to••~< O<oau.« "' uoe ,o,holt!) or J,i[.,r< nf ,h, '"'"'eJ at D,<1¢ c>\ PoiL<y. or oh, , .. h,i,cy or IJtlu« .,J ,ny ,ub><quoa• O~h<L ofth, iru.!c>noJ,,o~,. ,o cnmpl) \\oth lh< ,ppl".lbl< ,tm"g DLi<lnc» bv.< ut th,'"" in v.h"h oh, brul ",,cu.tte,l
I !n,,Ma, o,u""""'"'"'l"IL1y nf:h,., t;,n oft he """"J moni,gc, '" dom110,11,,,1, ~hi,i, .r~,, ""' "t lhc ""'"""'"" ov,Jc,cc,d h; 1h, m,urcd m"n~•~c rnd" b,,cJ UJM"' u,ury '" '"' """'""'" cr,-tl,t pLut<,t,,,11 "' iruth ,n knJ<n~ f,w
~ i\JJ\ cl,.,,,_ wh,d1 "'"' @1 ,r tlic n"'"""'" ,Nmg ,,, ,i,o '""'"<l ti,, "'"'° <>I """'"' m,u,cJ h; IIHs p«l,cy ur ,L, "'"""""' uc.tu,g <he "'"""' of,l,c "''"''d lmJo.. h; '"~'" oftl.c "P""'"'" oC foJ..r,,l '""''"'""',
,rn« m«,1,"~) o, "m,'a, u,Jno,s' r,~h1< "'""-'
11,., 1»h,')· d.lO, Ml '"'"" •~am,1 l,1ss or ,;L'""i< i'"d ,he ('""'""'' v. ,II "'" r•Y cas,s. att"m,;l'' fc« ,,r "!"'""'" wh«h m><: ~y ,e,,on ol I 1,xc, <>r ·"""""'"'" whoclt etc tk>I shuv." " ""'"·~ l«n> h)' lho "'"'"-' "fo11y '"""i ao1hon1V th,t lei ,es tax.·, or ,,,.,,,,n,c,,o, on r<•I pu>i"-n\' "' ~v ,1,c pohl.c "''"'d' !>n,cc.<l'"g, l,y , p-ul>I,, ""'"'\ >1ht.h "'•'\ ,,,ult m Inc. o< us,o,,rnoah. ur 001,c<, ol '"' h ~ro.c«lcng•. "h<tilcr or"'" shuw11 by th< t«o,J, of'"'" "~'"')' 01 b! 1h, publ" uour<I,, 2 An) fact,, r,~li<,, '"""'"· or clam<> ",,,,nor< ML ,l,:m ll ll) ti< ?Ubh, r,'1:0<d< O<!L v,h><h rnukl bo """"'"" by ,n m,pcc'1on «:"ol« lu"J or "h,ch muy be ,,,orte<I hy P" ,on, ,n p<»><>»On ,t,mof ) ~"'""°''· l1<n< or ,ntmnbr,nm, o, ctarn» ,o,c,,of; ,-,1,"h ,re no1 shown b)' tbc publLC records
.j flt>-<'f>,nm,, """~"" lt\ o,:,.,,.;.,) lt,\,s, ,horu~c "' ""· eec,,,,1<1Lmc11ts, or >oy "'h" tam v.h1,h , comet "", "(. wo<Ltd dose lo", .,nJ wluch '" not ,1.,~ I> be 1hc puhl,e "cord,
~/Ll)}~~\',-;:;%;,~,::t"'"~ d•m». (bl reS<J>acion, ,., ""'P'"-'"' ,o I"""" ur m /t<tl ""'"""""~ tl,c """"" ,h"«>I, <) "'ater ll~h,-, _i.,m, ut 111 lo t,, "'"'"· wli«her o, n<>l Lhe """"' c,<Op!eJ unJcr ("). 'b) "' (c) .-u-o ,:,u., n
6 Any ltet1 or r,51,t to , l,co fo, sen"'" 1,0,:,, o, """'"I not <lwv. n hy !00 publ,o f«o,J<
lo ,JJ,i1c,., ,,, ,1,. [xecµh,•tc. '" S,llodul, !l. Yo~ .re ""' ,n;ue<J ,5,m,, I"~~ costs, "'"""Y' fee,, o1nJ «ron,e, "'":"'·~ rrom
I Gm·e,n,n<ot.l P"I," f'01'<r, .m<l ,h, """llC< "' viol>11on o! thu,o pon«•ns o! ,ny I,., ur i;.,1ernm,nt r<f<>laok,n '"""'"'"~ , OO,IJ,n~, h >on1ng, , looJ "->< J tt!lP""''"'"" "" lhc l•nJ e l,,.J Jl'·~•uo. athl ,f,
''"""""'"L1,lpr"""""' Thi, f,du,,,,,,,1"" ,.,t l1m1t lh< • .,w,gc Jc,.;,ih,J u1Cnv"«I ll1'k ~-', 1-l, IS, !6, I~. I~. 20, JJo, 27.
) Tl , f"'"" .,r Y ""' w,img ,1ru<1ure<. o, '"Y r•" of them, to be ,0"1m<t<J ·" "'"",)'"" u.tli oppl,·,hle brnlJ,.,i c»Je• Thi< hd,,,.,,, Joo, rot 1,.,,,, 1hoco,cragc dc-cubc<l m ( uwOO Ro,k I• o, I l
J 11,e rr,;hL '" "~" ,i., J ,,.i i,y c,,,iJ""'""'~ " 11,,, c,.1""'" ,to" "'" I""" ,i,., '"""~' Je,cnb"! '" co,««! R,,, I"/ ~ R,,k,." ,._, "" uo.«J. ,11,rn«l. o,· ,g,«J L" by Yoo, "hd!,e, o, ""' ""'1/ """'<led ,n •he Publ.c R«.o"h, b Lha, are K.n-mn tu Yuu,t n« Pul"yDote. but"'""' U,. uol<>s oh<,.,, r.,;,J«J ,n ,he rubl1c Recu,J, at th,
l'<>lcc) D.i,: < 11,,t ",ulo "' ,_, ''" '" Ya,u, ,,rd, th,i li"t ,,.·,or oflc, H,, r-,1") LJ.t,· -,1,., ,J • ..,, ""' lmut ti>< '""">' °"" r,beJ ;,, C"'""J ]l,.k 7, S ,. !5, 2a, )l, ,., 2~
5 I "I"" ,o p•y ,,h,c tor ''nu, Tnlc
<, L,d, of, ">'I" a to> .aoy lan,J ""'"Jc Lh< a,ea ''"' 1fic.,II; d,,rn0<0 anJ «f<~<J ,n m rm~,.,plL J ol ~,h<J.,[< A . .,,I h m """''· ,lie,,, m """''")'< !h.<1 h>udl ol.o LaoJ Tlu, I"lu,i,,,, Joo, ,,,, '""" 11,,
•<'''"'g,· J<s.,.bcd m f'olrn.-d R,sk ! I u; :J.
1 lis, <r>l\<fcrnl tl,o !"SC En Y""" m,,,t,J ,., • """""""I tra,"kr<>r ,-"tr•udul«l! ,r,nsf,ror<>""' """ u,OCcr r,J,r,I l"'"'"' ,c ·, '"" ""''*"""· "r s.,o.J,., """""''" ,,,._, lrn,
,,ur '"""""" •"r 1 • u uwUlg """' 1, s ,., nmt, "" t , ~"" , "'""~' '"'"'"'"' " o uv. < • for Cm<«J Ri,~ 16. I~. 19, ,nJ 21 \"our D,Ju,ttDI, AmoooL .ul<I Ou, ~j,.,o,um Dul;ar L,mt1 "' Li,t,1loLy ,l,o~n .o ~,h«Ju:, /I
I he <l«Ju<t1bl, an,,un" •nd ,,oa,Lmum doll" !Lm,s ,h,>v. no" Sd.,Jol< A a« a, l<>ll"~,
Y "Uf D<<lU\'Obk ,\rn,,,1.n< Qyj: M•"'•"""' P,lh!.L~.t!llill
Co1rn,d R;,k 16: I~• o(Poli<J ,\mount ,ho"n io Mh,dulo ,\ or !i l.~,m (whido«e, i, 1,,.) S !0,000
[o><.-.d Ri,k 18, I ~'.of Po11<.1 Amount ,h,.,,~ in ;.;o..iult ,\ or !i s.onu ("hi<h<v« ;, Im) S lS,000
Co,,...., Rhk !9: t ¼ of roller Amouno sho"n mS,h,'<l•I< Ao,$ S.000 (whkh,-.,r i, I<>>) S l~.000
Co-e.-.,J Risk l\: I o/, oll'olk)' Amo""''"°"" lo Mlt!.-<lol, A or S l,500(.,hkh<>« i, kli) S 5,000
In ,JJnw" ,,, ,i,, r xc,·r"''" m S, l.,Jnlc II. )"" "" ""' '"'""J •~•·,ast k"•· "'"''· ;,tor""),' 1cc, •'"" "pcn,o; "'"•''"g fr.,m L,s,,,~1~:.1·-;;:::!,:,;,1;~\1,'.~~:.;;,~~.~t;'r~:::::::,~. 0{;·.,;~;;o~~:;;'~~~~~.;',',f;\,~r::::::1:,i~~:.~.t},~::a~::1~~;,: ~~;~~~! ,:::~.~•~nr,"0h~'~'~",;;~::::~ ·~~1'.:~,;,::~:~1~:.\:~~-D;,~"-\~:~gcX~l'.',:n"~;,,: ::,n~.:,;•;i;t;:,~.~o~0
ww,,~c,lc·"'nb<d m l!c,n< I:! ""J ll a[('uwcJ Tille R,..,
l fl,">''' to .,,c,O< bnJ byrnnJ"""'"! ,o, ""'"'· •, ""'~< "' c,cr,,,;<>g ,1,, ,;~ht'""'"'' ,a oh, publ,< <e<o,J, •un 1h, l'ol,c)' D.« 'th< •al•n~ happ,o<<l I"'"',,, ohe Pol"y [)al< onU ,s bLnJLn~ "" '"" 11 you l>m~l,t ti·,, 1,..i ~"I,""' kn,w,mgo/100 '•''"1/ ;;/;,~1t;•t;;;'.1.~;,::1~•,:'.:~·1,;,,~-;:1;t1~~;,'~;in:~t~iJ"i"i~~,:~:;~c~'.~';~'t,;,\~ lt'/'t~,~,:;:'.~ '¥,\'k, J:.7,t Puli,r ll01c •• ""l,•-s •h<y appcaml '" the P"hlt< """'I• •,M rc,.,11 tn too lo» to wo •tlu1 tirot ,H,<L '""' wlc '~"
•· t.,1<,,c '" l'"Y "tu, t"r l""' 1,ok
5 L.1<k ol • ''llht· •,., '"'f 1.rnd oul>ido !l<e .arc, •l"''"":ly ~"'-"°"<l and '""'°d ,tl Ln l"m l ,,l\ch,tlulc ,\ OR "U1 "''~"• ,il'\ l. or ~ ''"""~' th-" ,.,u,h ·"'"' loL..J. Th,, ""I"'"'" J<><:, o<>t Imm ,he"'"''• ,.,-cr,g, "'
ltcn> l oft'ow,<i lntl, lli,b
2006 ALT A LOA:'>! POLICY (06-17-06)
Tile [ullo" Ulg ""I"" .~, , ¾,.-<,.l• e.duJ,d hom th< co,orag< o[ Lh,s l"i,cy. aoJ 1he Conip,ny "•II nvl p>y lo><"' J"'"'O'· <u,,,, ollo,.,e;S i«-o, "P"""'' whM.h or1,e b\ """'" ol
I < •I Any I•"", o,dmo,~, or ~owm,t1c'MO,I r.·,ul,!,,>n (Ln,;luJin~ ,lklS< rcla<mg tu bu1IJ,ng ,nJ zoo,n~I ,cunc,ao,g, «iut.•"'~· ptoh1bu,ng "' od,""·O IU I•) ch, """'l''"•Y· ti.>c, vr cnJ<>) """' <'! ti,, l,nJ, (nl lhc dt•~"' '"·
"'""""""' ,,, ""'"'"" of •«Y '"'P""'"'°'" o,cct,-d on ""' L,nd, {w) ti"' ,ubd" "'"" ot 1 .. .i. "r (") '"''"""""'""! P,ol<Chva, "' 11,c ct/0<.·! n[ •n\' ,·.,J,ti,,n o>f<l~·,o lo"•• <>rd11•n~os or g""""""""I rcgul,,.o.,, 1 Im
h,·l;s,,,n I (•I doe< ""' m,;d,t:,, or l,m,i lhe co,<1•~• P'OI .led onJor Covcr,:d R,,< l
l R,gh!<,,f cn><nenl Jom.,,o ThL> £.clu"onJo,s ool ,,,-,J,fy or lm11l oh< <<M<Og< f"o,,J<J u,>s!<r(o1m<l lli,1' 7 o;~
1 \k!e«,, l,,n,, ""'""'"'"'"'"· ou,-cr,e '""'"-' "' <>the; ""'"" {•l•«,<cd, ,.,fk<cJ, .,._.,,,.ncd "' •g><cJ to> h) ,1,, '""'"d Cl,m,.mt, {hlnnt kn""" t,, "" Comp,my, ""' ,~,wJcJ m ,1.., l''lhloc "''"'d' ,t l>,« ut Puk<C\".
but '""~" ,o tJ,c l<k•o<OJ Cl.111n,no •nd not dts<,»OC Ln "''"'"Y to 1hc C,rn,,any h) tho ln,..,,J C """""' I""''" tho J.,,o ottc ln.srn~J ( lai11,ont ""'-•me·"' IL><urcJ """" ,1,., J>Oltcy; (<) rc,,.l11n; ;n no t.,,. o, Jam,~, ,.,
''"' Jn,,«J {'l,.,n,nt, \J) "''"'""S o, ,re.1«<1 ,uh.,.quent ,o l>>Lc of P"I")' , ho"'"''· 11\1< d-,« ""' n,,,Jtf)' -,r houL 11~ <,wcragc pr<h HICJ unJcr {'<"oreJ R~k 11. I) or 14),v«cl ,<.,clung m 1.,,, "' <l,m,8< Iha( 1<ould r,ol
h,M i>ecn '""'""'" 11 the ln,utod L'la,m,n, It.kl raLd -alae for Lhc ln,.,roJ M<'n,;ogo
4 l 'ncn!""'"'"'l"Y .,i'Oho It<!\ u[•hc [n,ureJ ~\wg,,;< 1,.-cau« ol ,he .,,ab,ltty 01 ,a,lu« vf "" lo,"eJ !o rnn1pl• w<th .,ppl "•ble Jo,og-haoin<" b", o!"th< '"" Lr." hLCh ,he l..ar,d " s,1u,1eJ > !n-,liJH) "r """"tu«<Jb1lLty m whole or ,a p.rl ot the l"n <>I ch, ]"'""" ~foLtg,,;o !l,al """'' "''' -,1 the '""'"'"'" ",J, 0<-.;J by 1h.: lru.u,e<l /cJ,n1~'f'" .,,J "i,,,.,J "P"" n>Uj< <>r ,ny "'"'"'"" "'~" P'"'"""" .,,
lruth m l,;o,hni 1.,w
(,_ An\ < ia>o, b) ,c,~m <>! Lhc "P""'•'" <ofl«tml hankrnpt<). '"" ""'"I'""'), ,>r ,tnL,IM mJn.-,, ",;h1, laM Liu' lf,c <r>1><.1<1,,m •""""g Li,c l•co "( cl« i,c,,i<~ •"""~•g<, "(•) , &auJ;leo, """"'""'° ,-, H,udukn<
•rao,for. or (bl , prel<renh,,l 1ron,ler !or "") ''"""" no, ~.,,J m Co,or<J Ri,k I l{b) uf Lh,, f><>lic1·
J Any I"'""" 10c Title Ii~ re.l cst01c to,c., m "'"'""""" Hnf•<»«l b) ~o"mn,on,;I •ucho"'Y ,nJ creat,'J ,,, '1t.t<h,ng hcl"'ccn D,,te ,.f Pol,cy .,nd H,, Jotc of r,•c.,r,l,ng of the lnsu"J Mon~>gc in tile P"bh, R,.,,rU, lh"
lc"I"""" <l,,c, no, m<>,hfy m 1,m,t tile <n,•era~o p,o-,,kd ond<,r Co"rcd ]l,;~ I l(b]
Thi< p<JICC)' do« olot '""'" ai><n<! """ u, Ja,nag< (""1 the Company "Ill ,sot pay co<1s, ,tt,>m<) C l<o, "' "P'""'i <h>l "''° by ,,o;,oo «1
I (o) T .,,, or""'""·'"" ,o.,, •re nul ,I..,~ Lt ,s "'""'~ I""' by ,he rocmd. of ,ny I.Xm~ '"1ho<11y tba< b,e, u,e, or ,s.<»men1, on «;I propcn)' o, h)' lite Public ll,c.,,.J,, (bl prnc«J.n,:, t,, a pu~l,c •~<•>e) th,< ""''
'"'"~ '" """ "' "'"•"'"'""· or n<>tJ«> uf ,ud, pr,»cotl,nt<, """'""'" o, ""' ,1,""" hy ,i.. «,wO, "t ,u,h ag,n,)' "' o,· ,11, rub I" Rsconh.
1 Any '""• "~ht,, '"'""" "'cbmu. "'''"" •« nol •"""" hy 1ho Puhl,c ltocotd• h<Lt ""' '°"IJ he Jsc,r1>1r,,U h; ,n m•rcct,◊n uf11,, Lmd o, Lh.1\ m•y 00 .ts,,rtoJ h1· !"'''"'-' ll! I'""'""" ot the L>nJ l l•;_,o,r,c<>t,. lt<n• or ""'""'h.-,nc«. Of< b1m< chcr,"Ot, ''" ~,ov.n b.' lhc l'ut.11< Rccoru,
-1 .~ny <n<<o,dLen<nt. """"'~'"""· , ..,1,, ,uo. '""""'"· u, .,J,m< """"'"'-'« ,ff<tt<ni lh< T<tl< •h.tt would h< ""'"'"'" b) ;,, '•°'"'" ,n<l ""'tplm 1.rJ '"'"> o! th< l~nd ,nJ "'-'' ,ho>1n b> th< P"bl,c R«otJ,.
5 (a) \;"p•·cn!<J """'"S <b,m,, (b) l•'«r.·•'"'"'' "' <'""l'tk>n, ,n P"'"'• o, ,n A, t< at<:ho,a,on~ Inc '>'<wmc lh,·re,1f {,·) w.,1,t n~hts, ci,,,,i, "r ntlc b> w-o<<L, wh<thcr "' ""' the """"' ""'cpt<d unJc, (,I, (!,] "' (cl "'°
sl1own by Hu: r .. biic ll"w<I,
(, ,\r,) h<nrn n~l>I ,,, a Leen Mr'""'""'· LlbcfM mate,.,] no•'"""" b,-thcp"hlk "'-"'"'
2006 ALT A OWNER'S POLICY {06-17-06)
Th< i«lhm ,,,~ m,uc» "" o,prcssl; <X<'luJ«I from Lil< <n,cr•~• ol lh" f"'lt<y. and th, ('ompan) v.·ill nnt P'> k>» ,,, ,Ln""~' ,o,t< . .:,om<)>" k<>. ot o,p,c;o, ,n,a, "~' by rc,--00 nt·
Page 8
Order No. 400-1875093-37
I. I•) ,\ny id>'. orJ""'""· per<n<I, or ~n"r,uocn<.I "~ul,, ,on , m,luJ,,,~ tho,< r<laL<a~ to bu,IJ,a~ ,,,J ,omng) r,,,c,c,,i,g r<golo<,og. prohrb<Lmg n, 1,i.Hm~ 1(>. (,) the occup;r,;y. ""· or CTIJ,J\ ment v( ,;,, L.nd ( r,)
,1,., ,h"""' · '-'"""~"'"'· .;r lo<"""" ut ,,ny ''"I""'""''"' cr"teJ un oil< UDU. (1ul ,1,c s«t,.1"'"""" ul l,10,t, .;r JI\') cm ~.;nmen1,I pr◊<•~"""• u, lhc,, ,,;.,.,, <'1 •")--,ul,toon of <hcse b~,, ,,,J,,,,ne<, N go, "m,1,m,1[
"~":,'"'"" Th" hdu,o>n l(o) rl<,c, nu, ""~,t)· or lmut ihe "" mi< pro, ,dcd unJcr Cn,C1cd Rosl >. lh) Any .!'•'-<rrrncno,] pol"o pn«cr. The, Exdu<L,m lib) <la.·s nm 1nod1I)· or limit th< cmer,ge prn·. ,Jed nndcr
C-o•·cro<L R,sk 6.
l R,fhl, of'"''""" Jon,.,,n 1 1,,, l "I"'"'" <lo<>""' mo<l,1) "' l,m,i th< CO\eJO~e !'TO• ,<l,tl @Jer Co,<r<J R~k 7 or 6
), Ddws. IL<n,. ,a.o,,ibra1M>. ,dw,e """"• m 010.,·r 11'-'t""· (a) ,·reat<J, ,otfo«.l_ '"'"""'"· "' •~r<,J H> by 11,e ln,<rr<J (""·""'"'· (b) no< 1<n11« n w the Corn1,any. not moul<tl Ll\ ,h, l'uhloc fle,orJ, ,,i Dao, ot
p.,[c<). bno """"" ,n 1i,c 111,urcJ Clairn,n1 ,r,J ,.,. Jt>d.,,cd •n "roting ,., th, Cu,.,p,ny h) ,oc ln_,.,,,-J (~,re.ant I'""' "' 1h, tl,,._, oh,; k,ur<d Cl,unant b,,.,,.,, "" h»mcd un<I« ohts roli,),I') ,csul1"1g ,n "'' ""' or
,larn,gO !O tile lncm«l Cl.,oi,nt, {d) aU.tchrn~ o, c,<ate,J ,.,1:Kc-1ucnt \0 [),t< nl f•,,i,c) {l,cm·cw, '"" ,loc, ""' moU•1) o, lrmH '"' ,o,orogc pen, ,<!,d u,.J., C o>««l R"k O '"'' W), o, (<) ,o,al,;ns. ,n los, o, """''£' 1h01 """IJ t10< h-,, 1;,,,,, ""'""'J ,fll,e losu"<i Cl.tun.mt IT•dp,W »lue for th, Toti<
-l .\ol)' cla,m. D)' t<,,;,•n ,>f<IT< opm'1un nt te<lerol bonkru1ny ,r,,e ,,,,ol1<n,)', or ,,,ne!Jr mJr,or," "~l,os I,'"'· 1hu( tt,, '""~'•""" ,es ling Oh< T"I" .i, sho¼n ,n Sct,,duk ,\, ,., (") • ti,,",I"I'"' coO'"<);ec< oc o,,,uJukat
tr,rnsf,r, "' (1,1 a prckrcns,al trnnskr for ao>y rc,~111 ""' ,t.tcd m C,m,cd Rr,k 9 nf<h" pol"l'
5 i\oy h,n Ot< the 1'1'1c IOt ,,,,I «Me 1'>,~ or,~_, ,,m.•ct, 111rose,I b) ~•1'<mo,calal .rn,11orioy and c,,.,,d or ,.,,cl,,,_< t>.·,~ crn Tla,, ol Pol•c) ,nJ 1h, ,late ot rcco«lm~ ol 0,c d,,:,1 o, other rns,am,e,1' U! Wnsl" ,;, ,he Publr<
R,,o,J., L,,., '"" Tr!k"' ,110,,.n rn 5cl>,<lolo .\
Th< obo1< pol,c)' torm "'-')' be b,u,J lo ,tto,<l <l1~e< S<.<nJ.rd Cow,i;, oL E,L<nd«.l Co\''"'g' ln ,JJn,on '" ,c., ,i.11, h,lu,,rn.s from (O>'\,r:,De, lhe hC<pl,>r-' ~om Co"''[<'"• ,ranJ.r,l l '"vmg, pol<e) ~LIi al,;
""lu,k <h, 1"11ov.rn~ E"""P"'"" fwn, ("mer.~,
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t<m,Le,. O! (h) a p«L01<1l1<al L;.n,fer t"r '")' «o>011 rmt "·"'" ,nl<>w«t R»k Ti(I,) oflh<> ~<>:,c)
California Title Company
We Are Committed to Safeguarding Customer Jnformation
Order No. 400-1875093-37
In order to better serve your needs now and in the future, we may ask you to provide us with certain information. We understand that
you may be concerned about what we will do with such information -particularly any personal or financial information. We agree
that you have a right to know how we will utilize the personal information that you provide to us. Therefore, we have adopted this
Privacy Policy to govern the use and handling of your personal information.
This Privacy Policy governs our use of the information which you provide to us. It does not govern the manner in which we may use
infi;1rmation we have obtaim:d from any other soun.:e, such as information obtained from a public record or from another person or
Types of Information
Depending upon which of our services you are utilizing, the types of nonpublic persona! infonnation that we may collect include:
Information we receive from you on applications, forms and in other communications to us, whether in writing, m
person, by telephone or any other means.
Information we receive from providers ofserviccs to us, such as appraisers, appraisal management companies, real estate
agents and brokers and insurance agencies (this may include the appraised value, purchase price and other details about
the property that is the subject of your transaction wnh us).
Information about your transactions with us, our Affiliated Companies, or others; and
Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency .
Use of Information
We request information from you for our own legitimate business purjoses and not for benefit of any nonaffiliated party. Therefore,
we will not rdease your information to nonaffiliated parties except: (I as necessary for us to provide the product or service you have
requested ofus; or (2) as permitted by law. We may, however, store such informa1ion indefinitely, including rhe period after which
any customer relationship has cca~ed. Such information may be used for any internal purpose, such as quality control efforts or
customer analysis.
Former Customers
Even if you are no longer our customer, our Privacy Policy will continue to apply to you.
Confidentiality and Security
\Ve will use our best efforts to ensure that no unauthorized panics have access to any of your information. We restrict access to
nonpublic personal information about you 10 those i11dividuals and entities who need to know that information to provide products or
services to you. We will use our best efforts to train and oversee our employees and agents to ensure that your mformat10n will be
handled responsibly and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We currently maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards
that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information.
Other Important Information
We rcsnve the right to modify or supplement this Privacy Policy at any time. If onr Privacy Policy changes, we will provide the new
Privacy Policy before the new policy becomes effective.
Page 10
May 10, 2017
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices CA Properties
Attn: Lynnell Honda
7030 Avcnida Encinas Suite 100
Carlsbad, CA 9201 I
Order No. 400-1875093-37
California Title Company
2365 Northside Drive, #250
San Diego, CA 92108
Congratulations on your recent listing. On behalf of California Title Company, I would like to take this
opportunity to thank you for allowing us to provide you with the attached report.
To offer the best service you and your client deserve, please reference the order number below when an offer
has been accepted and you are ready to open escrow:
Should you need anything, please do not hesitate to contact me at:
Page 12
Chuck Bishop, Title Officer
Ph: 619-516-5227
Email: tit!eSD@caltitle.com
Fax: 619-516-5241