HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2023-0025; GRAND HOPE MEDICAL OFFICE; LEVEL 1 LOCAL MOBILITY ANALYSIS; 2023-11-01 Carlsbad Grand Hope Medical Level 1 Local Mobility Analysis Prepared for: Chosen Wise Properties, LLC 3144 El Camino Real, Suite 104 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Prepared by: Marc Mizuta, PE, TE, PTOE 5694 Mission Center Road, #602-121 San Diego, CA 92108 November 2023 M~ZUTA ••;Hiillaillliill•IM Carlsbad Grand Hope Medical i Level 1 LMA TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 STUDY AREA .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 2 ANALYSIS APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY .................................................................................... 5 2.1 METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.1 Street Typology .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.2 Pedestrian MMLOS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.3 Bicycle MMLOS .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 3 PROJECT TRAFFIC .......................................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 PROJECT TRIP GENERATION ............................................................................................................................. 7 4 NON-AUTO ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................. 9 4.1 MMLOS RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................... 9 5 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................ 10 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 Regional Vicinity Map ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Figure 1-2 Project Area Map ................................................................................................................................................ 3 Figure 1-3 Site Plan ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Street Typology and Accommodated Modes ............................................................................................... 5 Table 2-2 MMLOS Thresholds .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Table 3-1 Project Trip Generation ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Table 4-1 MMLOS Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 9 APPENDICES Appendix A Approved Scoping Agreement Appendix B Excerpts from City of Carlsbad TIA Guidelines Appendix C MMLOS Worksheets & Supporting Data Carlsbad Grand Hope Medical Level 1 LMA 1 INTRODUCTION This Level 1 Local Mobility Analysis (LMA) evaluates the traffic conditions associated with the proposed project (herein referred to as “the Project”) located at 2879-85 Hope Avenue in the City of Carlsbad. Figure 1-1 shows the location of the project within the San Diego region and Figure 1-2 shows the project area. 1.1 Project Description The proposed Project consists of demolishing the existing 1,456 square-foot (sf) medical-dental office building and constructing a two-story, 7,868 sf medical-dental office building. The Project is estimated to be constructed by 2025. Figure 1-3 illustrates the Project site plan. 1.2 Study Area The project study area is determined by the requirements contained in the City of Carlsbad Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines, April 2018. Based on Table 1 of the TIA Guidelines, a Level I analysis is required for a project generating between 111 and 499 daily trips or between 12 and 49 peak-hour trips where the project conforms to the General Plan or Zoning. The Project is forecasted to generate a net total of 321 daily trips with 20 AM peak-hour trips and 35 PM peak-hour trips. The existing zoning for the site is Village-Barrio (V-B) and the proposed project is a permitted use. There would be no changes to the zoning. As a result, a Level I analysis would be appropriate for the project. The following roadway segments are evaluated in this report: Roadway Segment  Grand Avenue between Jefferson Street & Hope Avenue  Hope Avenue between Grand Avenue & Home Avenue Appendix A contains a copy of the approved scoping agreement. 1 52 94 54 75 67 67 905 56 163 125 Oceanside Carlsbad Vista San Marcos Escondido Poway San Diego Tijuana, B.C., MEXICO Santee El Cajon La Mesa Lemon Grove NationalCIty Chula Vista San Ysidro ImperialBeach Encinitas San Dieguito Valley Center RainbowFallbrook Bonsall Pendleton Pala-Pauma Ramona Barona Julian Lakeside Crest-Dehesa Alpine Jamul Otay Spring Valley SolanaBeach Coronado DelMar Project Site Figure 1-1 Regional Vicinity Map Carlsbad Grand Hope Medical 2 fl TRAFFIC CONSULTING Source: Google EarthSouSouSouSouSouSSouSouSououououououououuuSouuuuuSouSououououououououuuSouSSououououuuuuuSouSouououuuououououuouuuououuououuuuououuuouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurcrcrcrcrcercercrcercercecrcerccercrcercercecercercercercercercerceercercercerceceercercercercrcceercerccercercerrcrcrcerccecerrrcececrceccercercercercercccerrrcrcercrcrceceerccrceerrcrcceercerrcecrcrcrcrceercercrrceereecrrrceece: G: G: G: GGG:G:GG:G: G: G: G: GGG: GG: GG: G: GGGG: GGG::::G:Googoogoogoooooooooooooooooooogooogoogogogogogogoogoogogoogooooooooooooogoooogoogoogoogoogooooooooooogogoogoogoooooooogogooogooooogogoggooooggooogooogoogggooogooooggoooggoooogoooooogooggooooogoooooooogglele le llele llele lele lelelelellleeelleee EarEarEarEarEarEaEarEarEarrEarEarEararEEarEEarEaraEarEEEEarrrEarrrrrtthhthhthththththttthththththththththhttththtththhtththtttthtttthhtththththththttthtttttthhttthhtt LEGEND Project Site Neighborhood Connector Local/Neighborhood Figure 1-2 Project Area Map Grand A v e Grand A v e Home A v e Home A v e H o p e A v e H o p e A v e The MMLOS analysis along Grand Ave and Hope Ave will include pedestrian and bicycle analyes. J e f f e r s o n S t J e f f e r s o n S t Carlsbad Grand Hope Medical 3 -- TRAFFIC CONSULTING Figure 1-3 Site Plan X OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOE C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOE OE OE OE OE OE OEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W S S S G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G WW W W W W W W W W W W W W W S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W S S S S S 28 7 9 - 2 8 8 5 H O P E A V E . CA R L S B A D , C A GR A N D H O P E M E D I C A L O F F I C E SCALE: 1" = 10'-0" 5' 10'020'SITE PLAN N Carlsbad Grand Hope Medical 4RAFFIC CONSULTING -~-~-~_::.Nc:34c'.00'c"1'01"W 365.31' (365.30' R1) ---- -------- -I / I / I / I / I / I / I / I / I / (E)APAlm1ENT PARKING GARAG1_i T ?' f/ i' ii II /I / I - I -- " I I I - -0~~~:::::..::::, ~-10" 13'-2" SOP 2023-"" MO (E)SINGLEFAMn..YRESIDENTIAL . . : . E.V.C.S. (E)MULTI-FAMILYRESIDENTIAI. ~ --' ,.,,, ~ , ,.,, 1 ~ . .Jr -1 ' Project: GRAND HOPE SheetTIDe SITE PLAN Sheet Number: A1.1 Carlsbad Grand Hope Medical Level 1 LMA 2 ANALYSIS APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY This section summarizes the analysis approach and methodology used to evaluate the study area associated with the Project. 2.1 Methodology 2.1.1 Street Typology As part of the City’s Mobility Element, streets were classified into typologies and the typology of the roadway determines which modes of travel are subjected to the LOS D standard. The intent is to provide a balanced mobility system that emphasizes primary users as opposed to always providing ideal level of service for all modes on every facility. Table 2-1 summarizes the street typologies and the respective modes that need to be evaluated. Table 2-1 Street Typology and Accommodated Modes Street Typology Auto Pedestrian Bicycle Transit Freeway   Arterial Streets   Identity Streets   Village Streets   Arterial Connector Streets    Neighborhood Connector Streets   Employment/Transit Connector Streets  Coastal Streets  School Streets  Industrial Streets   Local/Neighborhood Streets  Source: City of Carlsbad Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines, April 2018 The Grand Avenue segment between Jefferson Street and Hope Avenue has a Village street typology. The Hope Avenue segment between Grand Avenue and Home Avenue has a Local/Neighborhood street typology. With a Level 1 analysis, only the pedestrian and bicycle MMLOS will be evaluated for both segments. 2.1.2 Pedestrian MMLOS The Pedestrian MMLOS criteria evaluates the quality of the pedestrian system (e.g., number of vehicle lanes that need to be crossed and the speed of adjacent traffic) and the friendliness of the infrastructure at intersections (e.g., pedestrian countdown heads, dedicated pedestrian phases (e.g., a scramble phase), curb extensions, refuge median). 5 I I I I Carlsbad Grand Hope Medical Level 1 LMA 2.1.3 Bicycle MMLOS The Bicycle MMLOS criteria evaluates the quality of the bicycle system (e.g., bicycle route, bicycle lanes, or bicycle pathway; presence of bicycle buffers from the vehicle travel way), the amenities of the system (e.g., presence of bicycle parking), and the friendliness of the infrastructure (e.g., bicycle detection at intersections, pavement conditions, presence of vehicle parking). To evaluate multimodal level of service, the City of Carlsbad developed a spreadsheet based MMLOS tool. Table 2-2 summarizes the MMLOS thresholds for each non-auto travel mode. Table 2-2 MMLOS Thresholds Point Score LOS 90 – 100 A 80 – 89 B 70 – 79 C 60 – 69 D 50 – 59 E 0 - 49 F Source: City of Carlsbad, MMLOS Worksheet Appendix B contains excerpts from the City’s Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines. 6 Carlsbad Grand Hope Medical Level 1 LMA 3 PROJECT TRAFFIC This section describes the estimated trip generation for the project. 3.1 Project Trip Generation Trip generation rates for the Project were developed utilizing rates contained in the SANDAG’s Brief Guide of Vehicular Trip Generation Rates for the San Diego Region, April 2002. Table 3-1 summarizes the weekday trip generation rates and calculations. Table 3-1 Project Trip Generation TRIP GENERATION RATES1 Land Use Weekday Daily AM PEAK PM PEAK % ADT In:Out Ratio % ADT In:Out Ratio Medical-Dental Office 50 trips / ksf 6% 0.80 : 0.20 11% 0.30 : 0.70 TRIP GENERATION CALCULATIONS Land Use Amount ADT AM PEAK PM PEAK In Out Total In Out Total Existing Use Medical-Dental Office 1.456 ksf 73 3 1 4 3 6 9 Proposed Use Medical-Dental Office 7.868 ksf 394 20 4 24 14 30 44 Proposed Driveway Trips 394 20 4 24 14 30 44 Less Existing Trip Credit -73 -3 -1 -4 -3 -6 -9 Net New Traffic 321 17 3 20 11 24 35 Notes: ksf: 1,000 square feet 1. Based on the data provided in the SANDAG's Brief Guide of Vehicular Trip Generation Rates for the San Diego Region, April 2002. As shown in the table, the Project is estimated to generate 394 daily trips with 24 trips in the AM peak- hour and 44 trips in the PM peak-hour. After applying the existing use trip credits, the Project is forecasted to generate a net total of 321 daily trips with 20 AM peak-hour trips and 35 PM peak-hour trips. 7 Carlsbad Grand Hope Medical Level 1 LMA 3.2 Project Trip Distribution and Assignment A Project would be subject to implementing TDM and TSM strategies per Policy 3-P.11 if it adds more than 110 ADT or 11 peak-hour trips in a single direction of travel to an exempt segment. Since the nearest segment of El Camino Real is over 2 miles away from the project site, it can be assumed that some project traffic would be distributed and assigned to other local roadways and the amount of traffic in a single direction would be less than 11 peak-hour trips added to any exempt segment. As a result, the Project is not subject to implementing TDM and TSM strategies. 8 Carlsbad Grand Hope Medical Level 1 LMA 4 NON-AUTO ANALYSIS The City of Carlsbad requires multimodal level of service (MMLOS) evaluation for pedestrian, bicycle, and transit users of the public roadway system. The Grand Avenue segment is a Village street typology and the Hope Avenue segment is a Local/Neighborhood street typology that are subject to pedestrian and bicycle MMLOS analysis. 4.1 MMLOS Results Table 4-1 displays the pedestrian and bicycle MMLOS results for both roadway segments. Table 4-1 MMLOS Summary Roadway Segment Direction Pedestrian Bicycle Score LOS Score LOS Grand Ave (Jefferson St to Hope Ave) EB 100 A 75 C WB 100 A 75 C Hope Ave (Grand Ave to Home Ave) NB 95 A 70 C SB 95 A 70 C As shown in the table, the MMLOS resulted in LOS B or better conditions for pedestrians and LOS C or better conditions for bicyclists. Appendix C contains the detailed MMLOS worksheets and supporting data for the analysis. 9 Carlsbad Grand Hope Medical Level 1 LMA 5 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following list provides a summary of the key findings for the Project: The Project consists of demolishing the existing 1,456 square-foot (sf) medical-dental office building and constructing a two-story, 7,868 sf medical-dental office building. The Project is forecasted to generate a net total of 321 daily trips with 20 AM peak-hour trips and 35 PM peak-hour trips. The Project does not add more than 11 peak-hour directional trips to any exempt segment and is not subject to implementing TSM and TDM measures per Policy 3-P.11. The Project requires a Level 1 LMA that analyzes pedestrian and bicycle MMLOS due to Grand Avenue having a Village street typology and Hope Avenue having a Local/Neighborhood street typology. The pedestrian MMLOS meets the LOS D standard per the Mobility Element and is operating at LOS A. The bicycle MMLOS meets the LOS D standard per the Mobility Element and is operating at LOS C. 10 Appendix A Approved Scoping Agreement TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS GUIDELINES April 2018 35 | Page Grand Hope Medical 2879-85 Hope Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Demolish an existing 1,456 sf medical-dental office bldg. and construct a two-story, 6,218 sf medical-dental office bldg. Mizuta Traffic Consulting 5694 Mission Center Rd #602-121San Diego, CA 92108 858-752-8212 William Cho 3144 El Camino Real #104 Carlsbad, CA 92008 SANDAG Trip Generation Rates, April 2002 n/a x n/a 73 V-B V V V-B 311, net of 238 ADT Level 1 LMA DEV2023-0037 {city of ____________________________ Carlsbad ATTACHMENT A SCOPING AGREEMENT FOR TRANSPORTATION IMPACT STUDY This letter acknowledges the City of Carlsbad Traffic Engineering Division requirements for the transportation impact analysis of the following project. The analysis must follow the latest City of Carlsbad Transportaion Impact Study Guidelines dated September 2017. Case No. Project Name: Project Location: Project Description: ________________________________ _ Related Cases - SP No. EIR No. GPA No. CZ No. Name: Address: Consultant Telephone: ______________ _ Developer A. Trip Generation Source: ____________________________ _ Extended Land Use Extended Zoning Total Daily Trips Proposed Land Use ____________ _ Proposed Zoning Forcast Daily Trips ____________ _ (Attach a trip generation table. Describe Trip Reduction Factors proposed and included in the trip generation table.) B. Trip Distribution: D Select Zone (Model Series __ ) (Provide exhibit for detailed trip distribution and assignment.) C. Background Traffic Phased Project D No D Yes Phases: Please contact the Engineering Devision or use the most recently provided data Model/Forcast Methodology: ____________________________ _ Cali for ni a X OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOE C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W S S S G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G WW W W W W W W W W W W W W W S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W S S S S S 28 7 9 - 2 8 8 5 H O P E A V E . CA R L S B A D , C A GR A N D H O P E M E D I C A L O F F I C E SCALE: 1" = 10'-0" 5' 10'0 20'SITE PLAN N ~ 2 I ----- (E) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL I ;l,;e,-1 ---+- ----- -_.,..;-;;;_;---;;; _ ___;:::::;:-,_ ---- -----· -t-;;:::::::;~ -~-~~~-~-~~-~-~-~-~.::--:::~ -~=--~-~~~-;;::-----""'~--~~ ~½~/~I L I 1\ ~ \\ -----9'=-~ 1' / I,= ==================f=========t=---====~1=-==~~=--==~===-==--==-=~=-=~-=-=-==-=v~-==::=~====~=r====;;-==~=-:==-?L ~~=------f==-----;-1 ---:~~J_ ~====--=-----------------------------j-------------+----------------------------------~~,-=~~'-=-i-' I I I ' -__ , ~ I ---------- -------- ---1Tfi.,Y:-s.~....:::: -..... 9'-1 O" 0REQI --13'-2" 20,0" DRIV WAY ------ ---- 1 -----,-1 I I / I / I / I / I / I / I / I / I ; L9lT M (E) APAR1MENT PARKING GARAGE / I / f✓ /I I I I I / I / I I I I I\ I I I \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ I \ \ □ \ ctj ~ \ u, - >' 5 I "'w I a-"' 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ / I ' -TRASH kP ~•-6" I, II ~ STAIR2 .-; + [ r"+--'Ji;~·~. ' I·, .I' RECYCLtl , ., ~ I {'., .... ~, ' r ' ~ [g] J /, i' ' ' ' LIF}fl 8 ~ ' / ) ) / / / / ' / ., .. / ' - 20' ·0" LI Ff SJ 6 24'·0" ~ ✓eo' ~..--- 66'-0" - ,--------7 I .. -----· L --_ I I I I I I I I ■ 23'-0" . ' ' " ' ' BIKERACK 7 l4 "' I ~ ~ASl,1ETERS \ (E) WA TEI METER \ \ I lfl 1H ' 11 1 1\• I H ELEV. 1~1 OBBY = rr====ss===a==~==.r=~7'al !E t-- -~,:-"~ "··-'':... ~, I J ,, rh. MPOE/ ELEV. EQUIP. PROPOSED 2-STORY -1--------------------MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING - 50'-9" E.V.C.S. i I STORAGE l;:#:l;:1;:;1;:;l:::;1:::;1::;:l~l;l:;:I 71 71 ;;;::!:~--------7--------- 4 I I I I I I I I I I !ii I", I I I I I I I I I I I s Al I I I I I I I I I I I '--.; _I'---_ r--t------r --1 I "1111411a-l4--l+-f'l-~ L--'---" -t-~ 20'·0" "~---~~~--+-+--! ---~ ~ I ~ 140.04' (140.02' R1) , (E) 3-STORY MULTI-UNIT HOUSING PARCEL 1 FIRE RISER __J 40'-0" 1--1--A-nl y-- 4"TP 0 I I I I I I I ) -- 11: I 11 11 I, ,, 11 11 h / ·- 4"'" ~ -- ii I II \ I ' 1 \ - lc__ __ '+----------------t---+------,f-------~ \ 10' ~· SIDEV~LK q 15'-0" ' ' 4 4) \ . N \c--__ \ \ V v "' . w ~ 0 z ~ (.9 z Gl ~ 0 ~ z C m 7 --- 10'-0IL" -----H1 ~ RPDA 1-'" • ,,, ,. . . ' I I I "l ~ ... • V m ~ ~ :.. Cl .-,. .... ... :.. .., ;a 7 ~ ~ / I I L -- -------- ----- 49'-11" (E) MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL I I SOP 2023-**** KIRK MOELLER AROHITEOTS, INC. 2888 L□KER AVE. EAST, STE 22 □ CARLSBAD, CA 92□1 □ KIRK@KMARCHITECTSINC.C□M ?6□-814-B 7 28 ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS AND DIRECTION INDICATED WITHIN THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF KIRK MOELLER ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE INTENDED TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT OTHERWISE BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF KIRK MOELLER ARCHITECTS, INC. THERE SHALL BE NO CHANGES OR DEVIATIONS FROM THESE DRAWINGS OR ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. Date: 9-7-23 Project: GRAND HOPE File: A1.1 Revisions: Sheet Title: SITE PLAN Sheet Number: A1.1 % ADT % ADT Medical-Dental Office 50 trips /ksf 6% 0.80 : 0.20 11% 0.30 : 0.70 In Out In Out Medical-Dental Office 1.456 73 3 1 3 6 Medical-Dental Office 6.218 311 16 3 11 24 311 16 3 11 24 -73 -3 -1 -3 -6 238 13 2 8 18 TRIP GENERATION RATES1 Land Use Weekday Daily AM PEAK PM PEAK In:Out Ratio In:Out Ratio TRIP GENERATION CALCULATIONS Land Use Amount ADT AM PEAK PM PEAK Total Total Existing Use ksf 4 9 Proposed Use Proposed Driveway Trips 19 35 ksf 19 35 1. Based on the data provided in the SANDAG's Brief Guide of Vehicular Trip Generation Rates for the San Diego Region, April 2002. Less Existing Trip Credit -4 -9 Net New Traffic 15 26 Notes: ksf: 1,000 square feet The Project would be subject to implementing TDM and TSM strategies per Policy 3-P.11 if it adds more than 110 ADT or 11 peak-hour trips in a single direction of travel to an exempt segment. Since the nearest segment of El Camino Real is over 2 miles away from the project site, it can be assumed that project traffic would be distributed and assigned to other local roadways and the amount of traffic in a single direction would be less than 11 peak-hour trips added to any exempt segment. As a result, the Project is not subject to implementing TDM and TSM strategies. Carlsbad Grand Hope Medical Level 1 LMA Appendix B Excerpts from City of Carlsbad TIA Guidelines TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS GUIDELINES April 2018 11 | Page Figure 1: Roadway Typology Map (city of Carlsbad California  TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS GUIDELINES  Rev. Oct 2020 13 | Page  Table 1:  Types of Transportation Impact Analysis Report Required & Elements to be Included  Land Use  Forecast Project Generated Auto Trips  < 110 ADT  or   < 11 peak hour trips  111 to 499 ADT   or  12 to 49 peak hour  trips  500 to 1,000 ADT  or  50 to 100 peak hour  trips  1,000 to 2,400 ADT  or  100 to 200 peak hour  trips  >2,400 ADT or  >200 peak hour trips Conforms to Approved  Specific Plan or Master Plan  TIA Not Required   Level I  Conforms to General Plan or  Zoning Level I Level III Level V Level VII  Does not Conform to General  Plan or Zoning Level II Level IV Level VI Level VIII  MMLOS   (ped, bike,  transit)  Study Area  Map  Trip  Generation  Table  Trip  Distribution &  Assignment  Figure  Signalized  Intersection  Analysis  Unsignalized  Intersection  Analysis  Scenarios to be Evaluated  LFMP  Specific TIA  Existing  Conditions  Analysis  Cumulative  Conditions  Analysis  Horizon  Year  Analysis  Regional  Travel  Demand  Model Run   Level I       Level II         Level III        Level IV         Level V        Level VI            Level VII           Level VIII           Section  Reference:  Section  7.6  Section  3.3 Section  5.0 Section  6.0 Section  7.1 Section  7.2 Section  4.0 Section  3.7 Note:  All TIA’s will require MMLOS Analysis.  The modes evaluated for each study will be determined by street typology and project location, not total vehicular trips.  Refer to Section 3.2  for additional information.   Exhibit 1 {'city of ---------------------------------------Carlsbad Ca l ifornia TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS GUIDELINES April 2018 25 | Page {city of __________________________ Carlsbad California STREET TYPOLOGY AND ACCOMMODATED MODES ACCOMMODATED SUBJECT STREET TYPOLOGY DESCRIPTION AND PREFERRED ATTRIBUTES MODES TOMMLOS STANDARD (YIN) Freeways ~ y • High-speed facilities designed to accommodate vehicles and buses moving through the city and region ~ y • Bicycles and pedestrians are prohibited Arterial Streets .. y • These are the primary vehicle routes through the city for both local and regional vehicle trips. • Designed to safely move all modes of travel while efficiently moving vehicles and buses throughout the city. ~ N • Traffic signals shall be coordina~d to optimize vehicle movements • Bicycle lanes shall be provided and can be further enhanced or complemented by other facilities or off.•street pathways • Pedestrian facilities to be provided consistent with ADA requirements N • Mid-block crossings should not be provided • On-street parking should be prohibited along these corridors • Vertical traffic calm Ing techniques (such as speed tables, humps, etc.) should not be considered r.iiiiiiiiiiiii y • Special considerations can be considered on arterials within proximity to schools to enhance Safe Routes to Schools for pedestrians and blcycllsts. Identity Streets iii;. N • These streets provide the primary access to and from the heart of the city -the Village • Designed to safely move all modes of travel while enhancing mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists • Vehlcle speeds should be managed to promote safe pedestrian and bl cycle movement • No pedestrian shall cross more than five vehicular travel and/or turn lanes • In addition to ADA compliant ramps and sidewalks, sidewalks should support the adja- cent land uses as follows: ~ y -Adjacent to retail uses, modified/new sidewalks should generally be a minimum of 10 feet {12 feet preferred) in width where feasible and taking into consideration the traffic volumes of the adjacent roadway, and allow for the land use to utilize the sidewalk with outdoor seating and other activities -Adjacent to residential uses, modified/new sidewalks should be a minimum of six feet in width Elsewhere, modified/new sldewalks should be a minimum of eight feet In width A V • Where feasible, bicycle lanes should be provided • Vehicle speeds should complement the adjacent land uses • Bicycle parking should be provided in retail areas • Bike racks should be readily provided within the public right-of-way and encouraged on private property • Traffic calming devices, such as curb extensions (bulbouts) or enhanced pedestrian crossings should be considered and evaluated for implementation ---N • Street furniture shall be oriented toward the businesses • Mid-block. pedestrian crossings could be provided at appropriate locations (e.g. where sight distance is adequate and speeds are appropriate) • On-street vehicle parking should be provided. In areas with high parking demand, in- novative parking management techniques should be implemented/ considered • Pedestrians should typically be •buffered• from vehicle traffic using landscaping or parked vehicles TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS GUIDELINES April 2018 26 | Page {city of __________________________ Carlsbad California STREET TYPOLOGY AND ACCOMMODATED MODES ACCOMMODATED SUBJECT STREET TYPOLOGY DESCRIPTION AND PREFERRED ATTRIBUTES MODES TO MMLOS STANDARD (YIN) VIiiage Streets jja N • Primary purpose is to move people throughout the Village; providing access to busi- nesses, residences, transit and recreation within the Village area. • Designed to safely move all modes of travel while enhancing mobility for pedestrians y and bicyclists. ~ • Vehicle speeds should be managed to promote safe pedestrian and bicycle movement • Promote pedestrian and bicycle connectivity through short block lengths " Bicycle lanes should be provided A y • Bicycle boulevards can be considered • Pedestrians should be accommodated on sidewalks adjacent to the travel way (mini- mum 5' wide sidewalk) ~ N • Mid-block pedestrian crossings and traffic calming devices should be considered, but only at locations with high pedestrian activity levels or major destinations/attractions • On-street parking may be provided Arterial Connector Streets --y • Primary purpose is to connect people to different areas and land uses of the city by con- necting to/from arterial streets y • Designed to safely move all modes of travel while enhancing mobility for pedestrians ~ and bicyclists and efficiently moving vehicles between arterial streets. • Bicycle lanes should be provided A y • Pedestrians should be accommodated on sidewalks adjacent to the travel way (mini- mum 5' wide sidewalk) • Mid-block pedestrian crossings and traffic calming devices should be considered, but ~ N only at locations with high pedestrian activity levels or major destinations/attractions • On-street parking may be provided Neighborhood Connector Street --N • Primary purpose is to connect people to different neighborhoods and land uses of the city • Designed to safely move all modes of travel while enhancing mobility for pedestrians ~ y and bicyclists. • Vehicle speeds should be managed to promote safe pedestrian and bicycle movement • Bicycle lanes should be provided A y • Bicycle boulevards can be considered • Pedestrians should be accommodated on sidewalks adjacent to the travel way (mini- mum 5' wide sidewalk) ....... N • Mid-block pedestrian crossings and traffic calming devices should be considered, but only at locations with high pedestrian activity levels or major destinations/attractions • On-street parking may be provided TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS GUIDELINES April 2018 27 | Page {city of __________________________ Carlsbad California STREET TYPOLOGY AND ACCOMMODATED MODES ACCOMMODATED SUBJECT STREET TYPOLOGY DESCRIPTION AND PREFERRED ATTRIBUTES MODES TO MMLOS STANDARD (Y/N) Employment/Transit Connector Streets --N • Primary purpose is to connect people to and from the employment areas of the city, as well as important destinations and major transit facilities. • Designed to safely move all modes of travel while enhancing mobility for pedestrians ~ y and bicyclists and efficiently moving buses to employment. transit stations and major destinations. • Vehicle speeds should be managed to promote safe pedestrian and bicycle movement j y • Direct connections to bus stops should be provided • Enhanced bus stops should be considered that include shelters, benches, and lighting ----y • Bicycle lanes and sidewalks should be provided • Pedestrian crouing distances should be minimized • On-street parking may be provided Coastal Streets --N • Primary purpose is to move people along the city's ocean waterfront and connect people to the beach, recreation, businesses and residences in close proximity to the waterfront. The street serves as a destination for people who seek to drive, walk and bicycle along the ocean waterfront. • Designed to safely move all modes of travel while enhancing mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists. ~ y • Vehicle speeds shall be managed to support uses along the coast . Enhanced bicycle and pedestrian crossings should be provided, including: -High visibility crosswalks -Enhanced pedestrian notifications (e.g. responsive push-button devices) A y -Enhanced bicycle detection -Bicycle lanes shall be provided and can be further enhanced or complemented by other facilities {such as bicycle lane buffers or off-street pathways) • Pedestrian facllltles should be a minimum of five feet and shall strive for six to eight feet in width and shall conform to ADA requirements ----N • Pedestrian crossing distances should be minimized • Trail facilities should be encouraged • Opportunities for mid-block pedestrian crossings should be investigated • On-street parking should be provided • Transit facility and operation improvements should be encouraged TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS GUIDELINES April 2018 28 | Page {city of __________________________ Carlsbad California STREET TYPOLOGY AND ACCOMMODATED MODES ACCOMMODATED SUBJECT STREET TYPOLOGY DESCRIPTION AND PREFERRED ATTRIBUTES MODES TOMMLOS STANDARD (YIN) School Streets N • Primary purpose is to connect people to schools from nearby residential neighbor- hoods. • Designed to safely move all modes of travel with an emphasis on providing safe pedes- trian and bicycle access for students traveling to and from nearby Khools. -y • Vehicle speeds shall be managed to support school uses (typically 25 MPH) • Enhanced bicycle and pedestrian crossings should be provided, including: -High visibility crosswalks -Enhanced pedestrian notifications (e.g. responsive push-button devices) I.A y -Enhanced bicycle detection -Bicycle lanes shall be provided and can be further enhanced or complemented by other facilities or off-street pathwaY5 • Pedestrian facilities should be a minimum of six feet and shall strive for eight feet in ___. N width and shall conform to ADA requirements • Pedestrian crossing distances should be minimized • Opportunities for mid-block pedestrian crossings should be investigated • Traffic calming devices that improve service levels and safety for pedestrians and bicy- clists should be considered Industrial Streets jjQ y • Primary purpose is to connect people to businesses within the city's industrial parks. . Designed to safely move all modes of travel while efficiently moving vehicles and buses ~ N from arterial streets and employment/transit connector streets to businesses. • Traffic calming devices are generally discouraged given the propensity for larger trucks and heavy vehicles in this area A N • On-street parking may be provided as long as it does not interfere with the turning radii of heavy vehicles. ~ y Local/Neighborhood Street --N . Primary purpose is to connect people to and through residential neighborhoods and local areas of the city. • Designed to safely move all modes of travel while enhancing mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists. ~ y • Vehicle speeds should be managed to promote safe pedestrian and bicycle movement • Pedestrians should be accommodated on a sidewalk or soft surface trall {such as de- composed granite) unless those facilities are Inconsistent with the existing desirable ~ y neighborhood character • Bicycles can be accommodated with a bicycle lane or route if vehicle volumes and/or speeds necessitate; otherwise bicycles can share the street • Blcycle boulevards c.an be considered ....i N • Traffic calming measures should be considered when supported by the neighborhood or when warranted for safety reasons • On-street parking should be considered Carlsbad Grand Hope Medical Level 1 LMA Appendix C MMLOS Worksheets & Supporting Data ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction EB WB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):55 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):25 mph or lower 25 mph or lower Number of Through Lanes:11 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)Yes Yes Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2' 0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?No No Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? Yes Yes Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No GRAND AVE JEFFERSON ST HOPE AVE Village 1,327 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 100 | A EB SCORE | LOS 100 | A WB SCORE | LOS X ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction EB WB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?Angled parking Angled parking Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):25 mph or lower 25 mph or lower Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Side Street Only Side Street Only Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Route Bike Route Traffic calming features present? Traffic calming features present? No No GRAND AVE JEFFERSON ST HOPE AVE Village 1,327 75 | C EB SCORE | LOS 75 | C WB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction NB SB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):55 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):25 mph or lower 25 mph or lower Number of Through Lanes:11 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)Yes Yes Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2' 0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?No No Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No HOPE AVE HOME AVE GRAND AVE Local/Neighborhood 437 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 95 | A NB SCORE | LOS 95 | A SB SCORE | LOS X ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction NB SB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?Parallel parking Parallel parking Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):25 mph or lower 25 mph or lower Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Neither Neither Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Route Bike Route Traffic calming features present? Traffic calming features present? No No HOPE AVE HOME AVE GRAND AVE Local/Neighborhood 437 70 | C NB SCORE | LOS 70 | C SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Page 1 City of CarlsbadGrand AvenueB/ Jefferson Street - Hope Avenue24 Hour Directional Volume Count CAR001Site Code: 235-23871 Counts Unlimited, Inc.PO Box 1178Corona, CA 92878Phone: (951) 268-6268email: counts@countsunlimited.com Start 9/28/23 Eastbound Hour Totals Westbound Hour Totals Combined TotalsTimeThuMorningAfternoonMorningAfternoonMorningAfternoonMorningAfternoonMorningAfternoon12:00 1 10 4 2312:15 1 8 1 1212:30 4 10 0 1312:45 4 6 10 34 2 14 7 62 17 9601:00 4 19 2 11 01:15 1 9 1 1501:30 1 9 0 15 01:45 1 12 7 49 0 28 3 69 10 11802:00 1 9 1 1802:15 1 5 1 1702:30 0 6 0 1602:45 0 8 2 28 1 13 3 64 5 9203:00 0 7 1 1703:15 0 10 0 2303:30 1 1 1 703:45 0 7 1 25 0 15 2 62 3 8704:00 0 13 0 1504:15 0 13 1 13 04:30 0 13 0 2204:45 0 10 0 49 1 17 2 67 2 11605:00 0 7 2 21 05:15 0 10 0 2305:30 0 11 5 1605:45 2 10 2 38 6 10 13 70 15 10806:00 3 9 8 1506:15 3 8 7 2506:30 4 9 10 1706:45 6 9 16 35 8 6 33 63 49 9807:00 5 7 13 2007:15 3 8 8 907:30 7 7 10 607:45 1 9 16 31 10 6 41 41 57 7208:00 4 5 5 408:15 7 7 10 508:30 7 6 11 308:45 7 2 25 20 13 4 39 16 64 3609:00 5 5 11 109:15 6 4 8 309:30 6 3 12 409:45 6 12 23 24 7 3 38 11 61 3510:00 6 7 11 410:15 6 4 11 310:30 7 1 13 2 10:45 9 3 28 15 7 2 42 11 70 2611:00 10 1 8 1 11:15 7 1 15 311:30 2 2 16 211:45 6 3 25 7 13 0 52 6 77 13Total 155 355 155 355 275 542 275 542 430 897CombinedTotal 510 510 817 817 1327 AM Peak - 10:30 --- 11:00 -----Vol.- 33 --- 52 -----P.H.F. 0.825 0.813 PM Peak -- 01:00 --- 04:30 ----Vol.-- 49 --- 83 ----P.H.F. 0.645 0.902 Percentage 30.4% 69.6% 33.7% 66.3% ADT/AADT ADT 1,327 AADT 1,327 Page 1 City of CarlsbadHope AvenueB/ Home Avenue - Grand Avenue24 Hour Directional Volume Count CAR002Site Code: 235-23871 Counts Unlimited, Inc.PO Box 1178Corona, CA 92878Phone: (951) 268-6268email: counts@countsunlimited.com Start 9/28/23 Northbound Hour Totals Southbound Hour Totals Combined TotalsTimeThuMorningAfternoonMorningAfternoonMorningAfternoonMorningAfternoonMorningAfternoon12:00 0 5 0 512:15 1 3 0 212:30 2 4 1 012:45 2 2 5 14 0 3 1 10 6 2401:00 3 8 0 2 01:15 0 6 0 301:30 0 5 0 3 01:45 1 6 4 25 0 6 0 14 4 3902:00 0 4 0 502:15 0 5 0 702:30 0 2 0 302:45 0 6 0 17 0 2 0 17 0 3403:00 0 3 0 403:15 0 5 0 903:30 0 2 0 003:45 0 6 0 16 0 3 0 16 0 3204:00 0 6 0 304:15 0 6 0 5 04:30 0 3 1 6 04:45 0 6 0 21 0 5 1 19 1 4005:00 0 4 1 6 05:15 0 8 1 005:30 0 3 0 105:45 1 3 1 18 2 3 4 10 5 2806:00 0 2 4 206:15 1 5 1 106:30 1 4 5 4 06:45 0 7 2 18 3 3 13 10 15 2807:00 2 5 4 307:15 1 4 4 107:30 3 3 3 107:45 1 7 7 19 5 3 16 8 23 2708:00 2 5 1 108:15 1 2 4 308:30 4 5 3 108:45 0 0 7 12 6 0 14 5 21 1709:00 3 2 1 109:15 3 3 2 0 09:30 5 1 6 009:45 3 3 14 9 3 2 12 3 26 1210:00 4 4 2 010:15 2 1 3 110:30 4 0 2 110:45 5 2 15 7 3 0 10 2 25 911:00 3 1 1 011:15 3 0 3 011:30 2 1 2 011:45 2 0 10 2 3 0 9 0 19 2Total 65 178 65 178 80 114 80 114 145 292CombinedTotal 243 243 194 194 437 AM Peak - 09:15 --- 06:30 -----Vol.- 15 --- 16 -----P.H.F. 0.750 0.800 PM Peak -- 01:00 --- 04:15 ----Vol.-- 25 --- 22 ----P.H.F. 0.781 0.611 Percentage 26.7% 73.3% 41.2% 58.8% ADT/AADT ADT 437 AADT 437 Looking North along Hope Ave Looking South along Hope Ave Looking East along Grand Ave Looking West along Grand Ave Truncated Domes at Curb Ramps ~- , - ., . • •' .. '. . "' ' t.~-'~ ~-.~~, • ...._~,,,__ ............. __ Countdown Pedestrian Signal