HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2023-0025; GRAND HOPE MEDICAL OFFICE; WATER STUDY; 2024-01-19 DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. WATER ● WASTEWATER ● RECYCLED WATER CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2234 FARADAY AVENUE ● CARLSBAD, CA ● (760) 438-4422 WATER STUDY FOR THE GRAND HOPE MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD January 19, 2024 DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. January 19, 2024 William Cho C/O Andy Champion of KMA 3144 El Camino Real #104 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Mr. William Cho DEXTER 5. WILSON, P.E. ANDREW M. OVEN, P.E. NATALIE J. FRASCHETTI, P.E. STEVEN J. HENDERSON, P.E. FERNANDO FREGOSO, P.E. KATHLEEN L. HEITT, P.E. WILLIAM W. TODD, P.E. 1157-001 Subject: Water Study for the Grand Hope Medical Center Project in the City of Carlsbad Introduction The Grand Hope Medical Center project is located in the western portion of the City of Carlsbad. The project is located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Grand Avenue and Hope Avenue. A vicinity map for the project is presented on Figure 1. Project Description The existing site where the Grand Hope Medical Center is proposed encompasses a gross area of approximately 0.16 acres. The Grand Hope Medical Center project involves redevelopment of the existing medical building to a proposed new medical building. 2234 FARADAY AVENUE • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • (760) 438-4422 • FAX (760) 438-0173 William Cho January 19, 2024 Grand Hope Medical Center Water Study DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 4 Purpose of Study The purpose of this study is to analyze the existing public water system’s capacity to serve the project. This report will provide recommendations for any immediate improvements to the existing public water system determined to be necessary to serve the Grand Hope Medical Center project. Preliminary sizing of the proposed private fire service is included in this report, but will need to be confirmed by the fire sprinkler system designer prior to installation. Water System Design Criteria The design criteria used in sizing the water distribution system piping for the Grand Hope Medical Center project are consistent with the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Potable Water Master Plan prepared by HDR Jacobs and dated June 17, 2019. Appendix A includes an excerpt of the first portion of Chapter 3 which includes the City’s potable water design criteria. These criteria include a minimum static pressure of 60 psi, a desired maximum static pressure of 125 psi, and a maximum static pressure allowed of 150 psi. Under Peak Hour Demand conditions, minimum residual pressure at any location must not be less than 40 psi. Under a Maximum Day Demand with Fire Flow, a minimum residual pressure of 20 psi must be maintained in the water system. Peaking factors used in analyzing demand scenarios were 1.6 for average day to maximum day demands and 2.9 for average day to peak hour demands. Projected Water Demand The expected water demand for the Grand Hope Medical Center project was estimated using water demand criteria from the Carlsbad Municipal Water District’s Potable Water Master Plan. Table 1 below presents the estimated onsite water demand for the project. William Cho January 19, 2024 Grand Hope Medical Center Water Study DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 5 TABLE 1 GRAND HOPE MEDICAL CENTER AVERAGE WATER DEMAND Land Use Quantity Demand Factor1 Average Demand Non-Residential 0.16 acres 1,500 gpd/acre 240 gpd TOTAL 240 gpd ¹ Table 4-2 Design Criteria from CMWD Potable Water Master Plan, June 17, 2019. Per Table 1, average day demand for the Grand Hope Medical Center project is 240 gpd. The maximum day demand is 384 gpd (ADD x 1.6). The peak hour demand is 696 gpd (ADD x 2.9). Fire Flow Requirements The fire flow requirement for the Grand Hope Medical Center project is based on the Carlsbad Fire Department “Fire Department Access & Water Requirements for Commercial and Residential Development Guideline”. The fire flow requirement is determined based on Attachment 23 of this document CFC Table B105.1. Grand Hope Medical Center is proposed to be a 10,600 square foot building with a construction type of VB. This correlates to a 2,750 gpm fire flow requirement at 20 psi. However, the building will have a fire sprinkler system, so the City allows the requirement to be reduced to 1,500 gpm. This 1,500 gpm flow must be provided at public fire hydrants. Appendix B includes confirmation of the fire flow requirement by the Carlsbad Fire Department. William Cho January 19, 2024 Grand Hope Medical Center Water Study DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 6 Existing Water System The existing public water system to which the Grand Hope Medical Center project will connect is the 255 Pressure Zone. There is an existing 6-inch line south of the project in Grand Avenue and an 8-inch water line east of the project in Hope Avenue. The existing water system in the area is shown on Figure 2. The building finished floor elevation within the Grand Hope Medical Center project is 62 feet. With service from the 255 Pressure Zone, this results in a maximum static pressure of 83.5 psi. Proposed Water System The Grand Hope Medical Center project is proposing to obtain potable water service from the existing 255 Pressure Zone system. This will be accomplished by making two connections to the existing 8-inch water line in Hope Avenue fronting the project: one connection will be made for the private domestic irrigation water system and one connection will be made for the project’s private fire service. Fire Protection Service. Fire protection service will be provided to the Grand Hope Medical Center project site by a 6-inch service connection to the public water line in Hope Avenue, Figure 3 shows the location of this connection and service. This service has been preliminary sized as a 6-inch fire service with a 6-inch backflow preventer. The Grand Hope Medical Center project will have no private, onsite fire hydrants, so the sizing of this fire service will need to be confirmed by the fire sprinkler system designer. To assist in this design and provide preliminary confirmation of the service sizing, a model scenario was run assuming a 35 gpm fire sprinkler flow requirement. ,\ARTIC\DWG\ 1157001 \REPORT\GHMB_WTR_FIGURE-2_EXWTR.DWG 11/17/2023 9: 04: 49 AM LAYOUT: 11x17 USER: Karam " ---------! iX.:!_2_ - - - - -I ----r -__ EX.12" ____ T - -t-------1EFFE'RS0N ST !>ixi 1----------~ I I I I I I rr, ?< O'l = HARDING ST ~ ~ ~ ~ f-----------,:i:... ~ ---------------------:i:,... EX.6" HOPE AVE I I I I § I I I 0 I I I fTl I X -i fTl fT'I "ti o ::o fT'I X ;:a ~~ X vi 0 vi c.. -(I) r ::I ::I rr, -..JC (n z z (") ~j O C, C, -I -z J, z "ti "ti l]J w G"> fTl C: 0 a, z C: l]J C: I "1 G) l]J z J, z - C C J, G"> z I\J z fTl I\J"' fTl (") C (") ~ :!I ~ "'::0 -< ll - ;:a (/) z G) r.! fT'I :::c: ;:a z ~ C () ;:a z > fT'I z -I rr, O J G') X ::::0 (/) ., )> -I z c::, z -:::r: G') G) -~ 0 C 7J :e rr, 3:: )> :::0 rr, -I c::, rr, rr, (') ::::a )> I §-J I I rri I ~I ~ = I L I T---1 ------t:al --l HOPE A VE ----- - - _ ( I -~ ,-- 1 I ~ I I~ I O'l r I I I ( I ~ I " I __ 1:cl __ EX.8 __ _,. _ ' V ',~ ',f'-ta,, ' ', ' '' I I ' I I rr, ?< OJ= L I -~ 0 r "'Tl (/) rr1 (') N rr1 rr, vi -I z rM -I ::::0 rr, y ~ ' ' 3:: I L I I I ' ' ~ I I I I I I I I William Cho January 19, 2024 Grand Hope Medical Center Water Study DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 9 Hydraulic Analysis The University of Kentucky KYPIPE program was used to model the existing water system for the Grand Hope Medical Center project. This computer program utilizes the Hazen- Williams equation for determining head-loss in pipes; the Hazen-Williams "C" value used for all pipes is 120. To simulate minor losses through pipe fittings and valves, all pipe lengths included in the hydraulic model were increased by 10 percent. Available Hydraulic Grade Line Available. The available hydraulic grade line (HGL) was determined using fire hydrant flow test data for a fire hydrant located east of the project at the intersection of Hope Avenue and Grand avenue. The flow test data is provided in Appendix C for reference. Using the data provided by the hydrant flow tests, an extrapolation calculation was executed to determine the available pressure and hydraulic grade line at various flow values for the tested fire hydrants. The extrapolation calculation for the fire hydrant is provided at the end of Appendix C. Computer Model Analysis Computer modeling of the existing public water system for the Grand Hope Medical Center project was performed to confirm that the public system can provide adequate domestic and fire protection service. The public system and water system was analyzed under a maximum day demand plus 1,500 gpm fire flow scenario. The demand of a known nearby project (the Hope Apartments project) was included in the model to ensure adequate service after the project is developed. Appendix D provides the results of the computer modeling for the analyzed water system. Exhibit A at the back of this report provides the Node and Pipe Diagram for the computer model. William Cho January 19, 2024 Grand Hope Medical Center Water Study DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 10 Analysis of Computer Model Results. The results in Appendix D show that the water system presented in Figure 3 is adequate for domestic service and fire protection. To abide by City of Carlsbad design criteria, velocities must be below 15 fps during maximum day demand plus fire flow. Under maximum day demand plus fire flow, the results of the computer runs show that 1,500 gpm fire flow can be provided to the hydrants with minimum residual pressure of 60 psi and a maximum velocity of 13.9 fps. Under peak hour demand, the results of the computer runs show that minimum residual pressures are 78.7 psi and maximum pipe velocities are 0.41 fps. Conclusions and Recommendations The following recommendations and conclusions are made based on an analysis of the potable water system for the Grand Hope Medical Center project. 1. The Grand Hope Medical Center project will be served by the City of Carlsbad potable water 255 Pressure Zone system. Figure 2 presents the existing facilities near the project. 2. Water service will include two connections to the existing public water system: one connection will be made for the private domestic irrigation water system and one connection will be made for the private fire protection system. Figure 3 presents the locations of these connections. 3. Maximum static pressures at finished floor elevation within the project will be 83.5 psi based on the maximum available hydraulic grade line of 255 feet delivered from the potable water 255 Pressure Zone. 4. The existing public water facilities are capable of delivering max day demand plus 1,500 gpm fire near the project. The minimum residual pressure is 60 psi and the maximum velocity is 13.9 fps. 5. Peak hour demand was modeled up to the project connection. The minimum residual pressure in this scenario is 78.7 psi. APPENDIX A CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WATER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA Potable Water Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District 4-8 | June 17, 2019 Although the Total Revised Coliform Rule is now in effect, CMWD should closely monitor samples in affected areas to determine if additional assessments are required. Since 2016, the Level 1 and Level 2 assessments for non-compliance would require additional sampling efforts by CMWD. CMWD should follow the development of state mandated water conservation measures and advocate for credit in achieving potable water use reductions through its recycled water program. 4.2 Design Criteria As part of the planning process, design criteria from the previous master plan was reviewed with engineering and operations staff to re-confirm the design criteria or update specific criteria based on system operations the past five years. 4.2.1 Potable Water Criteria Table 4-2 lists the design criteria for the 2019 Master Plan. Unit demands were revised based on current water demand information, as discussed in Section 3.1. Table 4-2: Water Master Plan Design Criteria Item Criteria Unit Demands Single Family Residential 450 gpd/DU Multi-Family Residential 185 gpd/DU Non-Residential 1,500 gpd/acre Peaking Factors Minimum Day/Average Day Ratio 0.5 Maximum Day/Average Day Ratio 1.6 Maximum Month/Average Day Ratio 1.4 Peak Hour/Average Day Ratio 2.9 Piping/Pipelines Maximum Velocity - Peak Hour 8 fps Maximum Velocity - Max Day + Fire 15 fps Maximum Headloss - desired at peak flow 5 ft/1,000 ft Maximum Headloss - allowable at peak flow 10 ft/1,000 ft Maximum length of dead-end pipe 150 ft Maximum No. of hydrants on a dead-end pipe 1 Maximum No. of services off a dead-end pipe 18 Pressure Maximum Static - Desired 125 psi Maximum Static - Allowed 150 psi Minimum Static 60 psi Minimum Residual (Peak Hour) 40 psi Minimum Residual (Max Day + Fire) 20 psi Maximum desired pressure drop from static 25 psi June 17, 2019 | 4-9 Table 4-2: Water Master Plan Design Criteria Item Criteria Typical Fire Flows Single Family Residential 1,500 gpm for 2 hours Multi-Family Residential 3,000 gpm for 2 hours Non-Residential 4,000 gpm for 4 hours Storage Operating Storage 15% MDD Fire Storage Maximum fire flow x duration Emergency Reserve Storage (in-zone) 100% MDD Emergency Storage (Planned SDCWA shutdown) 10 x ADD Water Pressure Regulating Stations — Minimum Number of Valves 2 Capacity Low = Average High = MDD + Fire Flow Redundancy Required Yes (by zone) Other Pressure Relief Valve required at a minimum of one station per zone. Pump Station — Pumping Period 24 hours Pumping Capacity MDD for all zones served Minimum Number of Pumps 3 (2 duty + 1 standby) Redundancy 1 unit equal to largest duty pump Standby Power Generator Notes: fps=feet per second Maximum velocity criteria are industry standard for new construction but may be exceeded under existing performance conditions if replacement costs are excessive and not critical to level of service. The fire flow velocity requirement of 10 fps in the 2012 Master Plan was determined to be conservative. It was increased to 15 fps to avoid oversizing small water mains creating water quality issues in the distribution system. Fire flow requirements for areas within Carlsbad that are designated as High and Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones, shown on Figure 4-1, were reviewed, which in some cases may require higher fire flows. APPENDIX B PROJECT FIRE FLOW REQUIREMENTS 1 Kathleen Heitt From:Bryan Knapp <bknapp@plsaengineering.com> Sent:Wednesday, November 8, 2023 9:23 PM To:Kathleen Heitt Subject:FW: SDP 2023-0025 (DEV2023-0037) – GRAND HOPE MEDICAL- 2879 Hope Avenue Traffic Scoping Agreement Hi Kathleen, See the email below to reference in the Appendix of the capacity study in terms of the fire flow requirement. Thanks, Bryan Bryan Knapp, PE Associate Principal ph 858.259.8212 ext. 119 | cell 619.633.5928 To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. From: Randy Metz <Randy.Metz@carlsbadca.gov> Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 11:09 AM To: Bryan Knapp <bknapp@plsaengineering.com>; Darcy Davidson <Darcy.Davidson@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Lauren Yzaguirre <Lauren.Yzaguirre@carlsbadca.gov>; Neil Irani <Neil.Irani@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: RE: SDP 2023-0025 (DEV2023-0037) – GRAND HOPE MEDICAL- 2879 Hope Avenue Traffic Scoping Agreement Good morning Bryan. You will get the Fire Flow verification from the Water Purveyor, in this case, Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Your required Fire Flow is based on the Table B105 of the California Fire Code Appendix B. Based on a Type VB building with 10,600 square feet, your required Fire Flow is 2750 GPMS. You Fire sprinklers allow for a reduction in flow to the minimum fire flow required for a commercial building which is 1500 GPMS. This duration shall be provided for a minimum of 2 hours. This should be all the information you will need to obtain verification from CMWD. Thanks. Randy Randy Metz, EFO, CFO, FM, MIFireE Division Chief – Fire Marshal Commuity Risk Reduction Bureau City of Carlsbad Office: 442-339-2661 Randy.metz@carlsbadca.gov El APPENDIX C FIRE HYDRANT FLOW TEST AND EXTRAPOLATION CALCULATION &RS\ULJKWQHDUPDS 2 8 7 9 H o p e A v e . Static Pressure and Residual Modeling at Fire Hydrant Fac ID H60652 Fire Hydrant Flow Test Date 12/15/2023 Input Flow Test Results Static Pressure 84 PSI Residual Pressure 62 PSI Hydrant Flow 2131 GPM Actual Hydrant Elevation Feet HGL Feet Estimated Hydrant Elevation 64 Feet HGL 257.9 Feet Equation ΔH = k Q1.85 k =3.53004E-05 Extrapolated Calculations Q, gpm ADD 0.2 84.0 psi 257.9 ft MDD 0.3 84.0 psi 257.9 ft PHD 0.5 84.0 psi 257.9 ft 35.5 84.0 psi 257.8 ft 58.5 84.0 psi 257.8 ft 93.5 83.9 psi 257.7 1500 72.5 psi 231.4 ft MDD+FIRE 1500.3 72.5 psi 231.3 ft 1535.1 72.0 psi 230.2 ft 2131 62.0 psi 207.1 ft 0 psi 4,396 10 psi 4,105 20 psi 3,795 30 psi 3,462 40 psi 3,100 50 psi 2,696 60 psi 2,234 70 psi 1,669 80 psi 848 Residual Pressure Available HGL Residual Pressure, psi Available Flow, gpm APPENDIX D COMPUTER MODELING RESULTS WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS NODE AND PIPE DIAGRAM REFERENCE: Exhibit A at the back of the report. CONDITIONS MODELED: 1. Peak Hour Demand 2. Estimated Fire Sprinkler Demand 3. Max Day Demand plus 1,500 gpm Fire Flow Node at 2 4. Max Day Demand plus 1,500 gpm Fire Flow Node at 12 5. Max Day Demand plus 1,500 gpm Fire Flow Node at 16 Grand Hope Medical Center January 16, 2024 City of Carlsbad Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Computer Model Hydraulic System Analysis Job 1157-001 * * * * * * * * * * * * K Y P I P E * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Pipe Network Modeling Software * * * * CopyRighted by KYPIPE LLC (www.kypipe.com) * * Version: 10.009 10/01/2019 * * Company: Dexter Serial #: 592169 * * Interface: Classic * * Licensed for Pipe2018 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Date & Time: Tue Jan 16 11:40:30 2024 Master File : \\artic\eng\1157001\ky\1157-001_hopeapartments.KYP\1157- 001_hopeapartments.P2K ************************************************ S U M M A R Y O F O R I G I N A L D A T A ************************************************ U N I T S S P E C I F I E D FLOWRATE ............ = gallons/minute HEAD (HGL) .......... = feet PRESSURE ............ = psig P I P E L I N E D A T A P I P E NODE NAMES LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS MINOR N A M E #1 #2 (ft) (in) COEFF. LOSS COEFF. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 2 645.00 8.00 120.0000 0.00 3 2 4 280.00 8.00 120.0000 0.00 5 4 14 20.00 8.00 120.0000 0.00 7 0 8 430.00 12.00 120.0000 0.00 9 8 10 430.00 6.00 120.0000 0.00 11 10 12 40.00 6.00 120.0000 0.00 13 12 6 140.00 6.00 120.0000 0.00 15 14 6 115.00 8.00 120.0000 0.00 17 6 16 50.00 6.00 120.0000 0.00 19 16 18 475.00 6.00 120.0000 0.00 21 20 18 610.00 8.00 120.0000 0.00 23 24 20 1490.00 6.00 120.0000 0.00 25 0 24 870.00 12.00 120.0000 0.00 33 14 200 80.00 6.00 120.0000 0.00 Grand Hope Medical Center January 16, 2024 City of Carlsbad Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Computer Model Hydraulic System Analysis Job 1157-001 P U M P/L O S S E L E M E N T D A T A THERE IS A DEVICE AT NODE 0 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA: (ID= 1) HEAD FLOWRATE EFFICIENCY (ft) (gpm) (%) 193.85 0.50 75.00 (Default) 193.62 93.50 75.00 (Default) 167.31 1500.30 75.00 (Default) 166.15 1535.10 75.00 (Default) 143.08 2131.00 75.00 (Default) N O D E D A T A NODE NODE EXTERNAL JUNCTION EXTERNAL NAME TITLE DEMAND ELEVATION GRADE (gpm) (ft) (ft) -------------------------------------------------------------- 2 0.00 60.00 4 0.50 62.00 6 0.00 62.00 8 0.00 54.00 10 0.00 60.00 12 0.00 60.00 14 0.00 62.00 16 0.00 64.00 18 58.00 72.00 20 0.00 76.00 24 0.00 58.00 200 0.00 62.00 0 ---- 64.00 64.00 O U T P U T O P T I O N D A T A OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE TABULATED OUTPUT MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES = 5 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM VELOCITIES = 5 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM HEAD LOSS/1000 = 5 S Y S T E M C O N F I G U R A T I O N NUMBER OF PIPES ...................(P) = 14 NUMBER OF END NODES ...............(J) = 12 NUMBER OF PRIMARY LOOPS ...........(L) = 2 NUMBER OF SUPPLY NODES ............(F) = 1 NUMBER OF SUPPLY ZONES ............(Z) = 1 ================================================================================ Grand Hope Medical Center January 16, 2024 City of Carlsbad Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Computer Model Hydraulic System Analysis Job 1157-001 Case 1: Peak Hour Demand P I P E L I N E R E S U L T S P I P E NODE NUMBERS FLOWRATE HEAD MINOR LINE HL+ML/ HL/ N A M E #1 #2 LOSS LOSS VELO. 1000 1000 gpm ft ft ft/s ft/f ft/f ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 2 22.75 0.01 0.00 0.15 0.02 0.02 3 2 4 22.75 0.01 0.00 0.15 0.02 0.02 5 4 14 22.25 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.02 0.02 7 0 8 14.17 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 9 8 10 14.17 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.03 0.03 11 10 12 14.17 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.03 0.03 13 12 6 14.17 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.03 0.03 15 14 6 22.25 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.02 0.02 17 6 16 36.42 0.01 0.00 0.41 0.19 0.19 19 16 18 36.42 0.09 0.00 0.41 0.19 0.19 21 20 18 21.58 0.01 0.00 0.14 0.02 0.02 23 24 20 21.58 0.11 0.00 0.24 0.07 0.07 25 0 24 21.58 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 33 14 200 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 P U M P/L O S S E L E M E N T R E S U L T S INLET OUTLET NAME FLOWRATE HEAD HEAD gpm ft ft ------------------------------------------ 0 58.50 0.00 193.74 N O D E R E S U L T S NODE NODE EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC NODE PRESSURE NODE NAME TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE gpm ft ft ft psi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 0.00 257.73 60.00 197.73 85.68 4 0.50 257.73 62.00 195.73 84.81 6 0.00 257.72 62.00 195.72 84.81 8 0.00 257.74 54.00 203.74 88.29 10 0.00 257.73 60.00 197.73 85.68 12 0.00 257.73 60.00 197.73 85.68 14 0.00 257.72 62.00 195.72 84.81 16 0.00 257.71 64.00 193.71 83.94 18 58.00 257.62 72.00 185.62 80.44 20 0.00 257.64 76.00 181.64 78.71 24 0.00 257.74 58.00 199.74 86.55 200 0.00 257.72 62.00 195.72 84.81 0 ---- 257.74 64.00 193.74 83.96 Grand Hope Medical Center January 16, 2024 City of Carlsbad Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Computer Model Hydraulic System Analysis Job 1157-001 M A X I M U M A N D M I N I M U M V A L U E S P R E S S U R E S JUNCTION MAXIMUM JUNCTION MINIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES NUMBER PRESSURES psi psi --------------------- --------------------- 8 88.29 20 78.71 24 86.55 18 80.44 2 85.68 16 83.94 10 85.68 0 83.96 12 85.68 6 84.81 V E L O C I T I E S PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER VELOCITY NUMBER VELOCITY (ft/s) (ft/s) --------------------- --------------------- 17 0.41 7 0.04 19 0.41 25 0.06 23 0.24 21 0.14 9 0.16 5 0.14 11 0.16 15 0.14 H L / 1 0 0 0 PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER HL/1000 NUMBER HL/1000 (ft/ft) (ft/ft) --------------------- --------------------- 17 0.19 7 0.00 19 0.19 25 0.00 23 0.07 21 0.02 9 0.03 15 0.02 11 0.03 5 0.02 S U M M A R Y O F I N F L O W S A N D O U T F L O W S (+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM SUPPLY NODES (-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO SUPPLY NODES NODE FLOWRATE NODE NAME gpm TITLE -------------------------------------------- 0 58.50 NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 58.50 NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = 0.00 NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 58.50 ================================================================================ Grand Hope Medical Center January 16, 2024 City of Carlsbad Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Computer Model Hydraulic System Analysis Job 1157-001 Case 2: FIRE SPRINKLER DEMAND P I P E L I N E R E S U L T S P I P E NODE NUMBERS FLOWRATE HEAD MINOR LINE HL+ML/ HL/ N A M E #1 #2 LOSS LOSS VELO. 1000 1000 gpm ft ft ft/s ft/f ft/f - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 2 43.62 0.04 0.00 0.28 0.06 0.06 3 2 4 43.62 0.02 0.00 0.28 0.06 0.06 5 4 14 43.12 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.06 0.06 7 0 8 25.67 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 9 8 10 25.67 0.04 0.00 0.29 0.10 0.10 11 10 12 25.67 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.10 0.10 13 12 6 25.67 0.01 0.00 0.29 0.10 0.10 15 14 6 8.12 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 17 6 16 33.79 0.01 0.00 0.38 0.16 0.16 19 16 18 33.79 0.08 0.00 0.38 0.16 0.16 21 20 18 24.21 0.01 0.00 0.15 0.02 0.02 23 24 20 24.21 0.13 0.00 0.27 0.09 0.09 25 0 24 24.21 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 33 14 200 35.00 0.01 0.00 0.40 0.17 0.17 P U M P/L O S S E L E M E N T R E S U L T S INLET OUTLET NAME FLOWRATE HEAD HEAD gpm ft ft ------------------------------------------- 0 93.50 0.00 193.62 N O D E R E S U L T S NODE NODE EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC NODE PRESSURE NODE NAME TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE gpm ft ft ft psi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 0.00 257.57 60.00 197.57 85.62 4 0.50 257.56 62.00 195.56 84.74 6 0.00 257.55 62.00 195.55 84.74 8 0.00 257.61 54.00 203.61 88.23 10 0.00 257.57 60.00 197.57 85.61 12 0.00 257.57 60.00 197.57 85.61 14 0.00 257.55 62.00 195.55 84.74 16 0.00 257.55 64.00 193.55 83.87 18 58.00 257.47 72.00 185.47 80.37 20 0.00 257.48 76.00 181.48 78.64 24 0.00 257.61 58.00 199.61 86.50 200 35.00 257.54 62.00 195.54 84.73 0 ---- 257.62 64.00 193.62 83.90 Grand Hope Medical Center January 16, 2024 City of Carlsbad Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Computer Model Hydraulic System Analysis Job 1157-001 M A X I M U M A N D M I N I M U M V A L U E S P R E S S U R E S JUNCTION MAXIMUM JUNCTION MINIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES NUMBER PRESSURES psi psi --------------------- --------------------- 8 88.23 20 78.64 24 86.50 18 80.37 2 85.62 16 83.87 10 85.61 0 83.90 12 85.61 200 84.73 V E L O C I T I E S PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER VELOCITY NUMBER VELOCITY (ft/s) (ft/s) --------------------- --------------------- 33 0.40 15 0.05 17 0.38 25 0.07 19 0.38 7 0.07 9 0.29 21 0.15 11 0.29 23 0.27 H L / 1 0 0 0 PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER HL/1000 NUMBER HL/1000 (ft/ft) (ft/ft) --------------------- --------------------- 33 0.17 15 0.00 17 0.16 25 0.00 19 0.16 7 0.00 11 0.10 21 0.02 13 0.10 5 0.06 S U M M A R Y O F I N F L O W S A N D O U T F L O W S (+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM SUPPLY NODES (-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO SUPPLY NODES NODE FLOWRATE NODE NAME gpm TITLE -------------------------------------------- 0 93.50 NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 93.50 NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = 0.00 NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 93.50 ================================================================================ Grand Hope Medical Center January 16, 2024 City of Carlsbad Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Computer Model Hydraulic System Analysis Job 1157-001 Case 3: MAXIMUM DAY DEMAND PLUS 1,500 GPM FIRE FLOW AT NODE 2 P I P E L I N E R E S U L T S STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NUMBERS FLOWRATE HEAD MINOR LINE HL+ML/ HL/ N A M E #1 #2 LOSS LOSS VELO. 1000 1000 gpm ft ft ft/s ft/f ft/f ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 2 943.08 12.26 0.00 6.02 19.01 19.01 3 2 4 -556.92 2.01 0.00 3.55 7.17 7.17 5 4 14 -557.22 0.14 0.00 3.56 7.17 7.17 7 0 8 387.55 0.22 0.00 1.10 0.51 0.51 9 8 10 387.55 6.39 0.00 4.40 14.86 14.86 11 10 12 387.55 0.59 0.00 4.40 14.86 14.86 13 12 6 387.55 2.08 0.00 4.40 14.86 14.86 15 14 6 -557.22 0.82 0.00 3.56 7.17 7.17 17 6 16 -169.67 0.16 0.00 1.93 3.22 3.22 19 16 18 -169.67 1.53 0.00 1.93 3.22 3.22 21 20 18 204.47 0.68 0.00 1.31 1.12 1.12 23 24 20 204.47 6.78 0.00 2.32 4.55 4.55 25 0 24 204.47 0.14 0.00 0.58 0.16 0.16 33 14 200 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 P U M P/L O S S E L E M E N T R E S U L T S INLET OUTLET NAME FLOWRATE HEAD HEAD gpm ft ft ------------------------------------------- 0 1535.10 0.00 166.15 N O D E R E S U L T S NODE NODE EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC NODE PRESSURE NODE NAME TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE gpm ft ft ft psi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 1500.00 217.89 60.00 157.89 68.42 4 0.30(0.60) 219.90 62.00 157.90 68.42 6 0.00 220.87 62.00 158.87 68.84 8 0.00 229.94 54.00 175.94 76.24 10 0.00 223.54 60.00 163.54 70.87 12 0.00 222.95 60.00 162.95 70.61 14 0.00 220.04 62.00 158.04 68.49 16 0.00 221.03 64.00 157.03 68.05 18 34.80(0.60) 222.56 72.00 150.56 65.24 20 0.00 223.24 76.00 147.24 63.80 24 0.00 230.02 58.00 172.02 74.54 200 0.00 220.04 62.00 158.04 68.49 0 ---- 230.15 64.00 166.15 72.00 Grand Hope Medical Center January 16, 2024 City of Carlsbad Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Computer Model Hydraulic System Analysis Job 1157-001 M A X I M U M A N D M I N I M U M V A L U E S P R E S S U R E S JUNCTION MAXIMUM JUNCTION MINIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES NUMBER PRESSURES psi psi --------------------- --------------------- 8 76.24 20 63.80 24 74.54 18 65.24 0 72.00 16 68.05 10 70.87 2 68.42 12 70.61 4 68.42 V E L O C I T I E S PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER VELOCITY NUMBER VELOCITY (ft/s) (ft/s) --------------------- --------------------- 1 6.02 25 0.58 9 4.40 7 1.10 11 4.40 21 1.31 13 4.40 17 1.93 5 3.56 19 1.93 H L / 1 0 0 0 PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER HL/1000 NUMBER HL/1000 (ft/ft) (ft/ft) --------------------- --------------------- 1 19.01 25 0.16 11 14.86 7 0.51 13 14.86 21 1.12 9 14.86 17 3.22 5 7.17 19 3.22 S U M M A R Y O F I N F L O W S A N D O U T F L O W S (+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM SUPPLY NODES (-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO SUPPLY NODES NODE FLOWRATE NODE NAME gpm TITLE -------------------------------------------- 0 1535.10 NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 1535.10 NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = 0.00 NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 1535.10 ================================================================================ Grand Hope Medical Center January 16, 2024 City of Carlsbad Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Computer Model Hydraulic System Analysis Job 1157-001 Case 4: MAXIMUM DAY DEMAND PLUS 1,500 GPM FIRE FLOW AT NODE 12 P I P E L I N E R E S U L T S STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NUMBERS FLOWRATE HEAD MINOR LINE HL+ML/ HL/ N A M E #1 #2 LOSS LOSS VELO. 1000 1000 gpm ft ft ft/s ft/f ft/f ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 2 660.44 6.34 0.00 4.22 9.83 9.83 3 2 4 660.44 2.75 0.00 4.22 9.83 9.83 5 4 14 660.14 0.20 0.00 4.21 9.82 9.82 7 0 8 657.58 0.58 0.00 1.87 1.35 1.35 9 8 10 657.58 17.02 0.00 7.46 39.57 39.57 11 10 12 657.58 1.58 0.00 7.46 39.57 39.57 13 12 6 -842.42 8.76 0.00 9.56 62.60 62.60 15 14 6 660.14 1.13 0.00 4.21 9.82 9.82 17 6 16 -182.28 0.18 0.00 2.07 3.68 3.68 19 16 18 -182.28 1.75 0.00 2.07 3.68 3.68 21 20 18 217.08 0.76 0.00 1.39 1.25 1.25 23 24 20 217.08 7.57 0.00 2.46 5.08 5.08 25 0 24 217.08 0.15 0.00 0.62 0.17 0.17 33 14 200 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 P U M P/L O S S E L E M E N T R E S U L T S INLET OUTLET NAME FLOWRATE HEAD HEAD gpm ft ft ------------------------------------------ 0 1535.10 0.00 166.15 N O D E R E S U L T S NODE NODE EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC NODE PRESSURE NODE NAME TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE gpm ft ft ft psi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 0.00 223.82 60.00 163.82 70.99 4 0.30(0.60) 221.06 62.00 159.06 68.93 6 0.00 219.74 62.00 157.74 68.35 8 0.00 229.57 54.00 175.57 76.08 10 0.00 212.56 60.00 152.56 66.11 12 1500.00 210.97 60.00 150.97 65.42 14 0.00 220.87 62.00 158.87 68.84 16 0.00 219.92 64.00 155.92 67.57 18 34.80(0.60) 221.67 72.00 149.67 64.86 20 0.00 222.43 76.00 146.43 63.45 24 0.00 230.00 58.00 172.00 74.53 200 0.00 220.87 62.00 158.87 68.84 0 ---- 230.15 64.00 166.15 72.00 Grand Hope Medical Center January 16, 2024 City of Carlsbad Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Computer Model Hydraulic System Analysis Job 1157-001 M A X I M U M A N D M I N I M U M V A L U E S P R E S S U R E S JUNCTION MAXIMUM JUNCTION MINIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES NUMBER PRESSURES psi psi --------------------- --------------------- 8 76.08 20 63.45 24 74.53 18 64.86 0 72.00 12 65.42 2 70.99 10 66.11 4 68.93 16 67.57 V E L O C I T I E S PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER VELOCITY NUMBER VELOCITY (ft/s) (ft/s) --------------------- --------------------- 13 9.56 25 0.62 9 7.46 21 1.39 11 7.46 7 1.87 1 4.22 17 2.07 3 4.22 19 2.07 H L / 1 0 0 0 PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER HL/1000 NUMBER HL/1000 (ft/ft) (ft/ft) --------------------- --------------------- 13 62.60 25 0.17 11 39.57 21 1.25 9 39.57 7 1.35 1 9.83 17 3.68 3 9.83 19 3.68 S U M M A R Y O F I N F L O W S A N D O U T F L O W S (+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM SUPPLY NODES (-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO SUPPLY NODES NODE FLOWRATE NODE NAME gpm TITLE -------------------------------------------- 0 1535.10 NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 1535.10 NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = 0.00 NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 1535.10 ================================================================================ Grand Hope Medical Center January 16, 2024 City of Carlsbad Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Computer Model Hydraulic System Analysis Job 1157-001 Case 5: MAXIMUM DAY DEMAND PLUS 1,500 GPM FIR EFLOW AT NODE 16 P I P E L I N E R E S U L T S STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NUMBERS FLOWRATE HEAD MINOR LINE HL+ML/ HL/ N A M E #1 #2 LOSS LOSS VELO. 1000 1000 gpm ft ft ft/s ft/f ft/f ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 2 756.56 8.15 0.00 4.83 12.64 12.64 3 2 4 756.56 3.54 0.00 4.83 12.64 12.64 5 4 14 756.26 0.25 0.00 4.83 12.63 12.63 7 0 8 472.36 0.32 0.00 1.34 0.73 0.73 9 8 10 472.36 9.22 0.00 5.36 21.44 21.44 11 10 12 472.36 0.86 0.00 5.36 21.44 21.44 13 12 6 472.36 3.00 0.00 5.36 21.44 21.44 15 14 6 756.26 1.45 0.00 4.83 12.63 12.63 17 6 16 1228.62 6.30 0.00 13.94 125.93 125.93 19 16 18 -271.38 3.65 0.00 3.08 7.68 7.68 21 20 18 306.18 1.44 0.00 1.95 2.37 2.37 23 24 20 306.18 14.31 0.00 3.47 9.61 9.61 25 0 24 306.18 0.29 0.00 0.87 0.33 0.33 33 14 200 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 P U M P/L O S S E L E M E N T R E S U L T S INLET OUTLET NAME FLOWRATE HEAD HEAD gpm ft ft ------------------------------------------- 0 1535.10 0.00 166.15 N O D E R E S U L T S NODE NODE EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC NODE PRESSURE NODE NAME TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE gpm ft ft ft psi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 0.00 222.00 60.00 162.00 70.20 4 0.30(0.60) 218.46 62.00 156.46 67.80 6 0.00 216.76 62.00 154.76 67.06 8 0.00 229.84 54.00 175.84 76.20 10 0.00 220.62 60.00 160.62 69.60 12 0.00 219.76 60.00 159.76 69.23 14 0.00 218.21 62.00 156.21 67.69 16 1500.00 210.46 64.00 146.46 63.47 18 34.80(0.60) 214.11 72.00 142.11 61.58 20 0.00 215.55 76.00 139.55 60.47 24 0.00 229.87 58.00 171.87 74.48 200 0.00 218.21 62.00 156.21 67.69 0 ---- 230.15 64.00 166.15 72.00 Grand Hope Medical Center January 16, 2024 City of Carlsbad Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Computer Model Hydraulic System Analysis Job 1157-001 M A X I M U M A N D M I N I M U M V A L U E S P R E S S U R E S JUNCTION MAXIMUM JUNCTION MINIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES NUMBER PRESSURES psi psi --------------------- --------------------- 8 76.20 20 60.47 24 74.48 18 61.58 0 72.00 16 63.47 2 70.20 6 67.06 10 69.60 14 67.69 V E L O C I T I E S PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER VELOCITY NUMBER VELOCITY (ft/s) (ft/s) --------------------- --------------------- 17 13.94 25 0.87 9 5.36 7 1.34 11 5.36 21 1.95 13 5.36 19 3.08 1 4.83 23 3.47 H L / 1 0 0 0 PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER HL/1000 NUMBER HL/1000 (ft/ft) (ft/ft) --------------------- --------------------- 17 125.93 25 0.33 11 21.44 7 0.73 13 21.44 21 2.37 9 21.44 19 7.68 1 12.64 23 9.61 S U M M A R Y O F I N F L O W S A N D O U T F L O W S (+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM SUPPLY NODES (-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO SUPPLY NODES NODE FLOWRATE NODE NAME gpm TITLE -------------------------------------------- 0 1535.10 NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 1535.10 NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = 0.00 NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 1535.10 ***** HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS COMPLETED ***** EXHIBIT A NODE AND PIPE DIAGRAM