HomeMy WebLinkAbout889 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD; ; FX982936; Permit1/31/25, 10:44AM Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Lot#: Reference No.: PC#: Project Title: Applicant: ! Fees($) 1--140 -- about blank FX982936 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: FX982936 889 PALOMAR Status: AIRPORT RD SPRINK Applied 2110500100 Approved: 0 Issued: Inspector: ISLANDS RESTAURANT U/G Owner: WINTER RAY TR 17 45 ROCKY RD FULLERTON CA ISSUED 3/22/1999 Add'I Fees ($) Total($) Balance($) -------l---------------------·-·-·-·· 0 140 0 l ' ---J 1/1 03/26/1999 11:06 6194451997 TIM GUIS ENT .223 Patrick or. Pb. 589-t43l Norm Bl Cajon, CA .9.1019-1505 March 26, 1999 Carlsbad Fire Dep~rtment Fiui:# 760-929-0256 RE: thrust block sizes, underground piping, Islands Restaurant Operating Pressures 200 PSI Soil bearing capacity 1500 PSF Total thrust developed at fittings, tn a 4" C900C1200 water line (PER: JOHN-MANVILLE SALES CORPORATION. pipe manufacturer) 90° •lbow 3,600 -, 45° elbow 2,200 # Dead Ends 2.600 H Therafore the thrust block~ shall be sized as fo1101fs; (minimums) 900 31600' • 2.4 SQ, FT. 45° 1 ;soo 1' high x 2.4' wtde OR 1.5 1 high x 1.6' wide OR Dead Ends i:~gg ~ 1.73 SQ. Fl'. 1' high x 1.73' wide OR 1.s' hish x 1.15' wide BXAMPLES: Direction of thrust [45°) 21200 1.soo -1.46 SQ. l' high x 1,46' wide 1.5' hish x .97' wide Flanged connection [Dead end] Direction of thrust MJ or Push on connection D1tection of thrust £90~,l FT. PAGE 01 03/22/1999 17:58 6194451997 TIM GUIS ENT GILES-LOS A~GELES TEL:il4 779 0068 'Proposed latands llm.urant cadsbad. Calilbmia Project No. 2CM80S:IOOS Papl2 Lan;ml Lond R13iuaosce PAGE 01 P. 015 L11tctal load resistance will be developed by ll combinacion of trk,ion acting 1t the hue or foundations and slabs n.nd the passive cnrth pn:ssur~ developed by footings bef ow gmde. Pu:sivc pressure and friction may be used in combin.a.,ion. without rcductio11. in dcr:ccmining lhc total resistance to lateral toads. A one-thitd increase in tho passive pro,sure "illue rnay be usm for short dunttion wind or ,eismic loads. A coefficient of &iciian of 0J0 may be ,ued with d=d load force, fer footings placed on undistutbtd ative soil or non-cicpansiYt: l\l'\ICtund compac:tc:d fill. An 1lluwable passive anh penure on:u psf per foot of foodl\l depth below the lowest adjai:tnt 1r1de (pct) may be UNCI for tlte lldes of faoEinp placed apiC1&t properly compac:ted atn.ic:tunaJ fill or uCldisturbcd nadv• soil. na maxim1icn recommended allowable pwl"VO pri:u1.1rc ii 1,500 p11f'. Bearing Mi\Jl!riilI Ctirr.ciA • Soil suitable for direcr fo1.1ndation supPO£!... or i:i the subgriuic tbr pliccment of structural compacted fill and thereby pravidt1J indirect fou1'Mtion support should exhibit :it l~ast a firm relative density (average c1;1rrl!t:ted N-value of at lc::lst ll) for noo-cohesive ~ils or a. !itiff comp•tatiWI consistency (average qu v11luc: orat ltnn Ui lst) for cobcsiVt.: soils for the recommended 3,000 2sr be&ing ca.~~ For design and comcrucc,an esciina(h1g purposes. suitablt bearing soils are generally a:n.ticipatcd to exist nr namin~ depth below finii.h-=d pad jrnde upon completion of building pad overexcavation and rccompaction. Sm.u:rural fill placed and \,o1lmpacti!d under cngincenng controlled col\ditions is considered to be suit:1blc tor dir~cr foundncio,1 support. lf i, is desiri,d not to ovtrex.c:avar.: the: building pnd and to eldcnd ibotins trenches to nativa ,oils and reduce site: w•ding requirements. suit:lbh: bcmng nati vi: soils arc anticipated ro mclst •t the raUowin& depths/clcva.lions at our test borini.: locations basc::d upon rhc recommended allowable soil bearing pressure or l .~00 psf. Gll.E.'\ ENCHNcf.RlNG A~llt:lf\TE.'i. INt.:. RECEJVED ocr 1 2 19SB STOA f