HomeMy WebLinkAbout965 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD; ; AS130189; Permit1/31/25, 10:45 AM Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Lot#: Reference No.: AS130189 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit 965 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD SPRINK 2110403400 0 Permit No: AS130189 Status: ISSUED Applied 10/22/2013 Approved: 11/26/2013 Issued: 11/26/2013 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: VEGGIE GRILL TI_(27) TYCO TY-FRB 1/2" TY13231_(1) TYCO DS-1, 1" DRY PEND CHROME 200 DEGREES TY13255 Applicant: Owner: EPIC FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 765 TURTLE POINT WY SAN MARCOS, CA 760-310-6122 about:blank Fees($) 268 Add'I Fees ($) 0 M E R I PALOMAR PLACE L L C C/O MISSION EQUITIES REAL ESTATE 12838 STEBICK CT SAN DIEGO CA Total($) 268 Balance($) 0 1 /1 . "Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Abovegrounf,rrl~ng PROCEDURE • . -L l 1 -~-. Upon completion of work, lnspectloo and tests shall be made by the contractor's r,presentative and wHnesaed by an owne~ i resentallve. I~ All defecls shall be corrected and system left In service before contractor's peraorinel finally leave the job. ..;. certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Coples shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and ::\v contractor. It Is understood the owner's representative'• signature In no way prejudices any clalm against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordlnancee. Property name ~ ue. -\.,L,.. \J. . .. I oai, I I !I lllll Property addreas n # !I - -~- Accepted by approving authorities (names) ~s~ Ftrz& Addresa Plans lnatallallon conforms to accepted plans [8,Yes 0 No Equipment iJled Is approved Of! Yea 0 No II no, explain davlatlons Hu paraon In charge of firs equipment been Instructed u . to location of control valves and cars and maintenance ~ Yes 0 No of 1h11 new equipment? If no, explaln? lnatruc1ionl Hava copies of Iha following been left on the premises? EjZI Yes ·□ No 1. System components '1nstruc11ons ~ Yes 0 No 2. care and mafntanance Instructions EjlJ_Yes 0 No 3. NFPA25 . E;) Yes 0 No . L®alk>nof Supplies buildings ,, system Year of Orifice Temperature Make Model manufacture size QuantHv rating N·--I ..c.ct>I-.... ,.., " -2--) \o..c:.- Sprtnldera T"ICO t'),cr.. I ..., ~,-:a... I ,., " 1 'Z&:O'" Pipe and Type of pipe ~~~CJ.C:Ao fittings Type of fllllnga ,:,,..~·~h!... -Maximum time to operate Alarm Alarm device· through '"' connection lialv8 or Type Make Model Minutes Seconds floof - ~. -~..-i . ~ ...-Lo-. Indicator . -l• ,-~ I . • ------•• Orv valve n.o.o. ---Maka Model Serial no. Make Model _ l--"sertal no. ~ --------~ ·Ory pipe lllneto---------llmilwater Alarm _ through te8I ~:,.__ Air ~-.... ,nt reached operated operating connection 1 pressure -air presaure test outiet 1 "' ,.. teat press Minutes Seconds psi >aaC pal Minutes Seconds Yes No = --------------~ i.------~ Jt.Ae,<xplaln -----------, -----, Operation 0 Pneumatic 0 Electrlc D Hvdraullcs / ' Piping supervised 0 Yee □ No Detecting media supervised 0 y,../O No ~ valve operate from the manual trip, remote, or both Ilona? • . ~Yee 0 No Deluge and la the.re an~ble faclllty In each circuit 7 preacllon valvea for testing? , ee □No =lrcult operate ~each circuit operate Mulmum time to Make Model upe loaa alarm? valve release? operate release •. Yee '-.... No / Yea No Mlnutee Seconds .x: Location Make and Setting V Static pre' Residual preaaure Flow rate Pressure and floor model / (flowing) reducing / Inlet (paij OUtlet (pal) ' -......lnlet(i>aQ Outlet (paQ Flow(gpm) valveteet / ~ . . • ·.c;;',.;roatatfc teetuhall be made at not l881·than 2oq pal (13.6 bar) for 2 lltiuc! or 50 pal· (3.4 bar) l~preea. ure In exceea of 150 pal (10.2 bar) for 2 hours. OlfferenUal dry-pipe •-·-~· rs shall be left 7Teet the te8t to prewnt damage. All aboveground piping leakage lhall be stopped, . . rt pnaumalJc· Eatabtlah 40 pal (2. 7 bar) air pressure and measure drop. which shall not exceed 1 ~ pal (0.1 • . In 24 hours. Teet preaaure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pl'888Ure drop. whk:h . not exceed 1 ~ pal (0.1 bar) In 24 hours. • . . All piping hydrostatlcally teated at _:__ pal (-bar) for _ hours If no, state reason . 0,Yplplngpneumatlcallyteated O Yea D No ~A ' Equipment operal88 properly • Q· Yes O No Do you certify u the eprlnklef contractor that acklltlvee and corrosive chemlcala, aodlum allfcate or dtrlvatlvea of aodlum alllcate, brine, or other corrosive chemlcala were not used for !eating systems or stopping leaks? 18lYea D No • • Drain l Reading of gauge located n~water I Reeklual pressure with valve~ teat Teata 1881 aupply 1881 comectlon: ~ pa1 ( bar) connection open wide:~ pal ( bar) Underground mains and lead In coMectlona to ayatem risers flushed before connection made to eprlnkler piping Verified by copy of the U Form No. 85B r,ll\-0 Yee 0 No Other Explaln flulhed by lllllaller of underground 0 Yee 0 No I apitnkler piping If powder-driven futeners -used In concrete, has 0 Yea 0 No If no, uplaln repreaentallve sample teatlng be aatlafactolily ~~ . completed? . Blank testing Number used Locatlona Number removed gaaketa Welding piping 0 Yee MNo . . If yea ... Do you certify u the epl1nkl4!r contractor that wekllng proceduree comply . 0 Yee 0 No with the re<!l:Jlremenlll of at least AWS B2.1? Wekllng Do you certify that the wekllng was performed by welders qualified In 0 Yee 0 No oompllance with the requlremente of at leaat AWS 112-1? Do you certify that the weldlng wu carried out In compllance with a documented 0 Yee 0 No . quallty control procedure to ensure that all dlaca are reldeved, that openings In piping -emooth, that slag and other welding residue are removed, and that the Internal diameters of piping are not penetrated? Cutoute . Do you certify that you have a control feature to ensure that ~Yee 0 No (dlsca) all cutoull (dlaca) -retrieved? , Hydraulic ,'-data nameplate Remarks Signatures Nameplate provided If no, explaln • ¢ves □ No Date left In service with all control valv119 open I • I ? . \ 4- C. TNta wltnNNcl by TIiie