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2525 EL CAMINO REAL; ; AS98259; Permit
1/31/25, 10:46 AM Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Lot#: Reference No.: PC#: Project Title: Applicant: about:blank AS98259 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit 2525 EL CAMINO REAL SPRINK 1563020900 0 POPEYES Permit No: AS98259 Status: ISSUED Applied 12/30/1998 Approved: Issued: Inspector: Owner: PLAZA CAMINO REAL C/O WESTFIELD CORP INC 11601 WILSHIRE BLVD LOS ANGELES CA 1/1 Recessed Sprinkler • H Model H Recessed Pendent Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 ,: :, Product ~ Description The Central Model H Recessed Pendent Automatic Sprinkler is a standard spray sprinkler. It incorpo- rates the Central Model H center strut mechanism with a special two- piece recessed escutcheon assem- bly permitting ½"(12. 7 mm) of field- adjustment. Unlike most other recessed sprinklers, the upper escutcheon support piece is factory installed on the base of the sprinkler frame, assuring a Listed installation. The ceiling escutcheon plate is easily installed after the sprinkler is in place either by the standard "push-on" escutcheon or the special "thread- on" escutcheon. This feature allows removal of ceiling panels for easy access to ceiling equipment without taking the system out of service to remove the sprinkler. The Model H Recessed Pendent Sprinkler is available with a½" (12.7 mm) orifice. The Model H Sprinklers are available in two standard finishes. The mating escutcheon plate is available in three standard finishes with additional special finishes available upon request. Operation: A fusible alloy is sealed into a bronze center strut with a stainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its rated temperature, the ball is forced upward into the center strut, releasing the two ejectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, the alloy is not exposed to atmospheric condi- tions that could affect its proper operation. It is also less susceptible to mechanical damage because ~Technical ialliData Model: H Style: Recessed Pendent (adjustable} Wrench: Universal (#1122) Orifice Size: ½" (12. 7 mm) K-Factor: 5,6 (BO.OB metric) Thread Size: ½" {15mm) N.P.T. Temperature Rating: 165°Fll4°C, 212°F/100°C Approvals: U. L., U.L.C., *F.M., M.E.A. (Cal. No. 375-75-SA) " FMRC approval is Umited to protec- tion of hazard occupancies de- scribed In the FM Loss Prevention Data Sheets. Maximum Working Pressure: 250 psi {17.3 bar) -u.L. 175 psi (12. 1 bar) -all other listing agencies Factory Hydro Test: 100% @ 500 psi (34.5 bar) Standard Finishes: Sprinkler: brass, chrome plated, **white painted **U.L. only. Escutcheon (metal): brass plated, chrome plated, white painted Escutcheon (plastic): brass plated, chrome plated, white painted Length: 2¾" (60.3 mm) Width: Sprinkler: 1 ½" (38 mm) across frame arms Upper Support Piece: 2¼" (57 mm) dia. Ceiling Escutcheon: 3¼" (83 mm) dia. Adjustable Range Below Ceiling: ½" to 1" (12.7 to 25.4 mm) Weight: 4.2 oz. (119 grams) 1/211 (12.7mm) Orifice Recessed Pendent Automatic Sprinkler No. 1°3.0 Old Cat. No. 2•14.0 .. ~-allied TUBE & CONDUIT Company _______ _ @ " Grinnell .. coMPANY 16100 S. Lathrop Ave., Harvey, Illinois 60426 (312) 339-1610 • 1-800-SALLIED Job _____ Submitting On 400 S400 XL O 100 SF □ ALLIED SCHEDULE 40 ALLIED SCHEDULE 10 00 I) 1.315 SUPER 40 I.D. O.D. II. In. blill 1b1 1.049 CAR 11. D.ll I.D. 1.290 1.104 rn 1.638 1.452 !.~---uS'J ,.687 j 2 2.360 I 2.154 : 211 . 285'...l 2 581_J 3 347!_: 320~ NPS 1' ,v,• n,· 2· 2½' 3• 4• ,o l Jl5 I 097 1~ 1682 2J75, 2 ,~;- ! 35-x 3.26C :.· • 500 4.2W 55,63 5215 ~· tc;:s 6J6':' ' • --~---~~I=, 3.249 ALLIED SUPER FLOTM SUPER FLO • •n l.D. 0.0. In, In. 1.197 1.315 1.542 1.660 1.752 1.900 2.227 2.375 2.727 2.675 3.352 3.500 4.352 4.500 " c;)" allied @ ,., Grinnell •coMPANY @ Grinnell' 16100 S. Lathrop Ave., Harvey, Illinois 60426 SUPPL\' SALES COM PA!"'\' TUBE & CONDUIT (312) 339-1610 • 1-800-SALLIED Company Job Submitting On 400 S40O XL □ 10 □ SF □ ALLIED SCHEDULE 40 ALLIED SCHEDULE 10 """° $t;r.du(rt 40 PC11 ii _,. __ ---~ _,.., ___ 11oeplN)nll d0mes11c: quallly IINngfl.TMr.-.:ila __,.praperti ... maltrill ongi-..g-• __ .. ..,_ .... ----____ .,,. Sfflldull«IPf'(ICk.telwilhM ar,,d manufacwred !or Schedullr40piJWdMlll'IOI' Qlhl,!'NVll'IIP,odUCI •-1ooo1111ow .......... .n11111ationll'ltodaJS QtUallly . -·· ~diMIIWJndwal aavanc::.c-i.c:nnoiogy llitltneU. Aigid quality S.ptNlilll' :ly-Slems llM! illll al --40pipo Tllotln-•1-'hol corvolinlpecliOndY'ingth& Miecl ughl WIii Pipe Is a vid yteld propatles. lala'· -ol~to, -Illa ~ quality spnru118' pipe a"" -111 ASTM-A135 --•411plpe man~inf pl'OCNI, llelga qr.q111y~ic: 11~mllllt'11l,;(Xnpl)libon. -11ffldonoy A-..c hgl'lll 1111,111 £>!Pl has CCl'T'IPOfients. Allied Schtt<'ule ·-Mied Schedule 40 ~ .jg to-~lh.Allieclptpl'wil "Wl~pt~w«r, etc:., 8.s wtll 1!1S A.Iliad's own Thai--<'-Dfftlle!Mtd~:;iut,11he:t1QI' .ac ?.>I! ~s ~ ••cn<i1-,11JJ ..._.S.-<Opoonas man~ltomhigh 'hlNtl cor"IMlfnl o,opttbll 81.C9P'IOI\II ~Al eQ.Cling lllfiliftOMS ()A llghtMllppe~eallll iJle 11'1 iUIOmahC. SP,lflltler lf'IOuSlty!t,pe(;~,ons-as 0NI'\ 1hafOUQhty 18118d. and quai.y,11N1ne11101t arid unibm CompoMIOn lo, charactarislic! and consiSllnCy ,and quUly. ha'IO!inO, r1SIAlny 1ft rlCIUc:ICI sy-lllms, meet,ng 1toe Mtll as°"'" o.-n suingen1 pOllitluescllt'llhallll l'laloened ltlrough ■ aplCWII :::=. ~":: acfvanlageou& fly~,iuhC _..,.. _ llMllatic,n coetl and reqi.iQIN.._ gt NFPltt. 13. qv•llff tonirol '51ar,da,rdl lo rriechalicalprope,litllhl'I coldlonnflg prOt .... rilf _. .. __ ,._ C:~lf'911...,.__ 130 and 13f'I. N,l'IUleu~MCOffll'OM,otl COrtlOlr'IIIIIIINelllCting .. c:•~-ranglfliand ,,,.a~ a bng.•lllltftQ,ihigNy Mlited tor UN In ■ny sptirllder -·'-"' and COl"ISIIW'd apc)Ulrinte slandard5" ASTM·A136. -Sc-•40pipl ~min&taNahar>Allllld AJll9Cfl..-.~ln--inecold -CINlgn--llglll-plpoi• A,,1190 manutanu,es Iii wl'IO'l'GQfUINi rigid ·•~alClltmtsnngll ~htQllpiptit.al)ftMfli farming procaa PfOduol• a. -~ _1n, .. ~ SC:r.tdl.llt 40 i,.pe ul~•lll"lljj an ChaJldltiSliCL pertDnnttl\llCOffl--Wllf'I --"""liG'"""'"'"° ...-.... ·-e(cl..,s,ve. inhOYM1Yt the-..acting llandan:I& ol ..Ith in:c•pllonll ..,_ 8C-.iLl401'11'1AIIAII.MLElilllWlallZU .ASTM.A135. Liglmllt,UhlOUI _nglh_..._ ..... Sght ::r,:~~ ... 'fl'ecll-N.sl•ttwul/'1n, I" THRU 2' IN LENGTHS OF z,• AND 25' incredibly llfong and wwlpip9 ..... 30"4 langlM2r&:1s· -durable.1'18 precision----""'-incrllilld-lolwend Tr_.. liz,H S-1nru Ir in --. -• --~inNred Allied l9hl wall tne minimum 1'9qUin!menll OI! 'Ol,lrna, whic:h can ,-..C. length&21'anly --..... PQelllOVrlll'JrNMfl • ._. ttQuitM ror nw1y --handling101acihllllt ASTM-A135 lgrade A] Ind 11 ~liQnl.CuMo-llngll ,. t.111 I .. .1 .. 1A ,. rqillar'C'IOailf11111""1t ..-11a1ioo.a1aignlliu.nlly ctlllc:tlotl In. .odiliOn. lM __ .., __ 1..-,.., 1• .1 .. u, ., reclucedlabot"C:Ollts supeno, -¥,lllrty slNI used in wu•1ya11r1111■11ibllily. "" , .... ••10 .1• ... .. lhe mani,fann al Alllecfl airw:t-I)'_,.,. can be liighlWIUg,iptn" .. IIIN eng........am~N r ..... II.Oil' .114 Ml ,. COlllplloowtU, ASTM,A:S&i 1equ1remeltii 10r Nl ... 10111 .. lilU ASnl-A135,,.,..,_ carbon and high 11,englh. l~D,Mllnd&rdppe ALLIED SUPER 40TM ANIICllighlwlllpipt-l'l'llttl IOwaNOy:MMI. -· ... --... thtl precise requ,wemera. at Alliad lighl wall pipe ii ASTM-.t13Sgowemngten11le ~ o.t,Qnta lor UN wll'l..,.pllin-tnelor S.,per 40'" Pipe -·--lcal-ILAl'II~ --""•· rep,eNnla • technical ===-...,_.40oanbt-!n Sl,po,4011.,.._IO -•--1 In opmlder =-.=....-::.. A135Jll795.=G-• pipe. -lly llllled lor -.. 1or~. .....-. ... .. --moat oprl-•r•-• ~.roli,-'"Rnond ----MIOII -'-"'"-... -.. -----No..,.ciol ~8Pociol<Ul10 --T ~ SUpa-40-oCRRol ---1. 1 and imp,ovacl orocw■ or equipmtnl.,.. longlll---1.F-•renglh 1• t.31!5 1.097 .109 1.40 t1 ,nNdlCI IIOt 'llbricMian Ind aoooptod ... 81,ps 40 .... hy,lraullc delign ln-iOn. -•"-1"bQ,gh2'. I.Fn-l'N• ueo 1.442 .100 ,., 81 copebj111n. , ___ ....,, eo.111111 ----4.-ion-,,,. 1.900 1.682 100 2.00 el z·:::-,.:,ewd Larger--~eon-.-2' 2.375 2.157 .109 2.M 37 ConlpliM with p,o,,idaS.,,40111111 e. _ _,_ ASTMA715 ac .. .., ... oc,ocloly ~---~~-::., 2~· 2.875 2.635 .120 3.53 30 A135 --IClyllo Ollllland10ll)'lirllllCOII c:aallnglholio~.TM -....-~-:i' 3.500 3.260 .,:10 •.33 ,. ~per"° ii manulacued '° black coaliJg acll u an Tllo---lho Cq,ioodllborolorr-' 4,000 120 19 btMI ASTM A 135and IICellllertp,insandi■ --------on l"it• 3.700 ◄.97 ASTM A 795 '1,oe E -oo-..w _...,..40.S.-""""" If' 4.500 •.260 .120 ,., 19 G,-,.A~. u.v . .,._..__ 40,nXL 1.17 ' -ago. 5" 5563 5.2116 134 _ .. r U25 iS.M7 .,34 9.28 , !ila:.:-.ci.cr·----...a-.... .... ~-D, r 1.625 aa,o ,aa 16.9' 1 ...,..,_...,lrlKCyl•K""""" .. 1-ul "" ,,. eRR 111,1 ... W'llft~Deft ... ~'ltKI ,. '-'-1.315 1.1 1¼" ,..,. IMO 1.1 111' 1.660 1.100 1.1 2' 2..115 2.315 u ALLIED SUPER FLOTM Allied XL Pipe Alllod XL Pipe •\l■n111ionsinllfe9ll01 111Nlllt•""911'1 .... ; PIN ,-I.a.-; "'8 me--Super Fin'" Pipe Coe1ln1 ..__..,..,_ UL I lLC U11ed/fll IU"9Hlully me-1 or .....,....,, ~-.0:XLAp,,~ -~ol and bonding-• raprewn,11tha l&teat S~ Flo produc:'9 .,. l.•garinlmdiaffillllfl. -.. ...-■II tho U.L. • Wotll.manstup 11-,Y ., ASTM AS3 olAllied)(l.Pipo~ taclmlcal aclvoncemant c:ollld-.,.,, an environ• PN1'"'°5"PorFIO-Supe, FID-15n'lanwfa~IO ,.quntnrtnt,andwaa • F,n+sri _, ~ ,.,.stance 110-tM In IIOhl wall..,.--menlall)' approvtiO .no JUPll'iOr--Cl\lr-..,iltil:I, AS'rM A 795. Type E. Gradt A ~ fin.I IIP'lnilltr pipe • Mart11ng • Mett Xt. P•pe tlas. • muc:n .. _ ..,poood., , ... pipe. ldeolly 1ullacl lor specillly tormiJllltd rl'IQQ11tt('J Slgnifielllli~0¥91' 19Quiremtl'lll. uMl'lg! 10 rec:.iYe unrntricled Joint ...,.1uano11o 1e111: hqtel' ~•~ IINtnQlt\ tt\an Bunt Int: Mad XL Pipe u .. ll'lfflOl,t ■prlnlr.•r acryhc coaw,; 1ri11 ,, --•10 ... App,OWll lFtCNOltd 'll'lt Underwrlleq L,bor1-• Threaaeo per .,,.n,,it11e--Sc:hedula 40 of 9'Hler WIii _.,8,000~S.I. .,. .... lnellllallon■, p.111QD!e. "fht bltck c~auog Schlidull ilO len(I thell111Mil IOIIOwitlg~!del&11Qnl 1orie1, Int, li■ling IOr 1ure1 s 1ecommerda1ian lhickness lllperFlo-acts •• 111 t11cene111 ,P11mer IO")'droulic..,.Ci~UIIIICI , ~1-.vr11 suei,gu-. • Threaded par ooservecl I~ • TiwHd&are,autycYlon Corl'Nlon l'Hl•tanoe~ B.asecl ..,.d d Nl&lllanl 10 MUleMQ sprlnkl" JY911tffll. The Ctblt ,!. Fn ruisten¢e approved fire syatema P,IClces !8oth ""dlgp,-hlacr· AIIIMiXLP!pll on th■ e11.wn1r1P.Ofli ol Schad· .-111ageou1 llydreullc and U.V dagradal:IOfl tram t>ek>w snows Ine ditltrence• 3. Sldewill l),if!tl S1r8nglh having wortunt .,,.,. and ••■a11.1alabll-··1 No leMlng, IDounlno. ule 40 pipe tPeCrmen&. lt18 dallgll Cljl,lblUIIH. Llghl ouldoor Slora;e -.. s-Flo.Sch"'""' •· Vltlralion ,..,.stance IW'" 01 300 P.SJ. or lea■. •Bu11--,. -illnlng o, othor e.tltlit~, wtlghl IIU1 lnc-bly ,_bllc:■lictn •o and Sctiedule 10_ 5. Co«OJ;IOl'I rH1S1ance • Fle111ble pipe coup11ngs on -Qf lOllllnl -~halellirn■19CI ·•-tllepr--""'9llllvr91ce1 p,r~llff Ecor\Ol'f!INI 9tfttflta 6. JQinl 11rer,gtt1 Teala perlo<med by roll-groove-ended p!PI' -Itel lo Olly DI tho "'M-XL,...._INI •ngl-Super Flo i:,te>vtde .. cttlent fablC■bOn Super-FIOitmteredribOC" 7 HydtO:slahc: strfnglti u,p IO and e11cNdlng 100-yea,a II. YVBIO~ Ol.111!1 S1reng1n UnclerWril,n L■b •Pl■in-aidfillll'IO'll.ocking -•11tlng_. ll'lmOIIAullelfflMICaprinkltr UJlll!wol"""-plpe ChMICWISIICS lcr end prep plllin and iacDy roil groo~ ~-•-Somulll"II U'l•.CIWl~IJiPtlD d-. tylltffll.l•hpededflM •IOw• ta,•• of finishes. wekhn9. and roll ends. Special cult, ~ Copies ol laD01.e1ory app,o-.,al IP,ildMlrminld~ 111nc111ng 111 1ac11n,11 glDOVlng. No 1peCJ■l pn)CIIS ord•• are alao Kceplad tor ,eports •• ava1ll.bl1t 01"1 IOldlngallyPQilptpl"Ancl "' P111n-w,a lillingl (Locking Taeleclapinll por11cularty ...,_ Condi• lnlllilaUon.•• Of equipmenl .,. l""IHC»d lo, Sups Flo ppo. ,,__, ,aquest P\lngtr inallatlOl'II. Orie ir,ch lll•IQ"ft'~-to IIOrW,Wll,NUhP'la&hOIW =-llyNducacl labricalion and 1nstaHM!Qn diffllflllOftlliowUNMh and .. ,gar SllH Wirt l8S1t(I a P'ldtllrfl'IINO ICWque -u-i wvalie.-N•l-b apprav■dlliad S~d pla1n I (~i.c> I s,""'lallngi $O'lflldet bflrlCt'o vauaI SK40 product -40"' COIi■, end fittings u well a grooved • u~_· ! 11nes diescr«>ea 1n. NFPA 13 Hrd ......... ,.. ..... ~1 .. i..11 ® coupl111Q1. liling:I. and vall/95 I ..,._ ___ . ASTU.-131..: ~~~ Compllawlth Slllndald hangor ,pacing I ■---troll:leokilgl ASTIIA 7115 rtquiNJ.nenlS .,. pennitled tor I ._ .. - w ny0,oaix:: 11s&1 on both •Tin--SupM" Flo ;p4p1, S1i1 range 1& c:on1r1a01 11'1.-.ldao PIP■ and •W.------S.-FIO ..... il trom 1--ow01.19n•• ~ U L. 1hfladed pipe, 11i9uged lljod,N11t1c11111.....,..... _,U.l.--XL Approved m■nul■c:1ulecl 10 AS'TM i ll"ICI IWnd IO Conbm 'M1h .,._.,,._ Pipe11auilablllorllbni:alion ~T~, A 795 Type E. Gr ... ~ I A.NSII ASME 81 20.1-1983 '"'-"""' "-··-·-· I -. Fifli te1t Slm1,1t,w,g -.1. • Plain .. "'9 liDingll llo-AlliodXLl'ipo ~ dell'9I' and Clry ppe hre •Aoa,_1--. ,.,_.,,.... Ajlpro¥0d e•P01Urn Bending l'IIOfMnt 11Nlt: propertifteq!NllentlOOf '----·---·---___ ___,; 8ltf"SI .... : fi1dfQSl.lhC 4 Satr,olK ~ 1rM!fNlly ..... _r_lar Al>,loOecl SC-le<O. t11.1rs1 iesrs on 1r11eaoeo and P,-ftlunJ:tdlOWllw"tMed ;Jntnreaoea .prpe. 1#01'11,tigo,u&IM'I Flaural: Alliad XL Pipe 1-11-m.--rr FRICTIG•LOU V'-IIM'MfOn tell: E1pos...-e otl Vlb,.Uon 1Nt9: --40 1·-r1,-...o1Nf• -· SUr£RifLD (Plllf(JlnMII ,1,i WEIGMTltfOOT 4.lh-.1XLP~toV\brMIQl1W1 • Thr-ead■d ,o.,1S llmn 11• requirameru I.D. 0.IJ. IIIPH IUPfR, Pl:IJ I -:,•r,e,1 10 S1m1Jl8ffl 101ifl'i,C • FIIM'l-end "kttil'lu& ILodm,g ----•U " I■. GPIII FLI ··-.. --1• F O LlfT '••-., 'li':K-1•· .... .'.:C:•''C!ol•t.lf'S s.e11e1ews ~le:-.... , . 1,97 13\S ,o 1061 •69• .377l 7911 91 161 ,.0 engaging pipe IO a .tn· -XI. f'il>o. lhrfldod ITT -THI perlormed by __ , -... ~--II. .... 1.0. I·~• 15•2 ·~ 100 3915 m, .5426 I 008 61 ,n 181 1 Faclorr Mutual • Plain-eno lil"'1gl (loddng B'l.20.1•1983 can W'IIN'llnd , 1.290 1.10, 1·,· 1 75:t 'too 120 2945, ·•"5 mi 1.40A I &, lt2 208; AIIMOd XL Plpe Ml·screws engag,n,g prpe-lO lrlllrnal preuure Ml'llha\,I: .... r 2 227 2375 150 1311< 1'80 101, 1169 I JI H• 25• ! per IISTM A135 •"'9dlter~10Jq"9 l'I N ume manne, 8li 1¼ 1.831 1.452 i-,· 2727 1115 JOO 18li0 3018 !HNI 2211 1 JD 5 79 3SJ I .... t..,.J Schedulo<O •V.ui1hOn1,: Clf'<ilntpr--a: Vltlirltlon: AIied XI.. Pipe did 111, 1.883 1.687 l" 3352 3.100 500 17S2 16116 2006 2.7OS 1 19 ,~ 433 ! • Ct-,emoc:a•atiat,M 9Trwwsimdal"il5Ntnbleli not leak at or batow toO P.$1.. 2 USO 2.m ,. 4.351 HOO 150 ,ooo 1520 11'5• )486 19 ,o 79 561 ! • "Ten5,1le s1rength _,., c;yc:111 p,euwre t8Slld =:~===-· .. Flalleriabtll'l:y 20,0C101itr1111rom0•125P.S.I 2~ 2.857 U81 ~ H.-0,01ea11c pertormance -"--· • 0\411'1J of 1N11010 SM"'5 110n o, WNr II the lhreadl. _t 3.'76 3200 ------------··--.. --, ....... ., _____ _ Recessed Sprinkler • H Model H Recessed Pendent Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 ,: :, Product ~ Description The Central Model H Recessed Pendent Automatic Sprinkler Is a standard spray sprinkler. It incorpo• rates the Central Model H center strut mechanism with a special two- piece recessed escutcheon assem• bly permitting ½"(12.7 mm) of field· adjustment. Unlike most other recessed sprinklers, the upper escutcheon support piece is factory .. • • installed on the base of the sprinkler frame, assuring a Listed installation. The ceiling escutcheon plate is easily installed after the sprinkler is in place either by the standard "push-on" escutcheon or the special 11thread- on" escutcheon. This feature allows removal of ceiling panels for easy access to ceiling equipment without taking the system out of service to remove the sprinkler. The Model H Recessed Pendent Sprinkler is available with a½" (12.7 mm) orifice. The Model H Sprinklers are available in two standard finishes. The mating escutcheon plate is available in three standard finishes with additional special finishes available upon request. Operation: A fusible alloy Is seated into a bronze center strut with a stainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its rated temperature, the ball is forced upward Into the center strut, releasing the two ejectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, the alloy is not exposed to atmospheric condi• tions that could affect its proper operation. It is also less susceptible to mechanical damage because ~ Technical ilMData Model: H Style: Recessed Pendent (adjustable) Wrench: Universal {#1122) Orifice Size: ½" (12. 7 mm) K-Factor: 5,6 (BO.OB metric) Thread Size: ½" (15mm) N.P.T. Temperature Rating: 165°F/74°C, 212°F/100°c Approvals: U. L., U.L.C., *F.M., M.E.A. (Cal. No. 375-75-SA) • FMRC approval is limited to protec- tion of hazard occupancies de- scribed in the FM Loss Prevention Data Sheets. Maximum Working Pressure: 250 psi (17.3 bar)• U.L. 175 psi (12. 1 bar) -all other listing agencies Factory Hydro Test: 100% @ 500 psi {34.5 bar) Standard Finishes: Sprinkler: brass, chrome plated, **white painted ••u.L. only. Escutcheon (metal): brass plated, chrome plated, white painted Escutcheon (plastic): brass plated, chrome plated, white painted Length: 2¾" (60.3 mm) Width: Sprinkler: 1 ½" (38 mm) across frame arms Upper Support Piece: 2¼" (57 mm) dia. Ceiling Escutcheon: 3¼" (83 mm) dia. Adjustable Range Below Ceiling: ½" to 1 " (12.7 to 25.4 mm) Weight: 4.2 oz. (119 grams) 1/211 (12.7mm) Orifice Recessed Pendent Automatic Sprinkler No. 1-3.0 Old Cat. No. 2,14.0 st, OP' • (;)· allied TUBE & CONDUIT Company _______ _ ~ A Grinneu•cOMPANV 16100 S. Lathrop Ave., Harvey, Illinois 6042G (3 1 2) 339-1610 • 1-800-BALLI ED Job ______ Submitting On 400 S40 □ XL □ 100 SF □ ALLIED SCHEDULE 40 ALLIED SCHEDULE 10 OD JD 1" 1.315 ,,, .. 1.660 ,,,",:? .. 1.900 2' 2.375 SUPER 41 I.D. D.D. In. In, CIIR I ..,.·//::· I ,.;r " "I; •, f ' , , NP$ 1· 1¼' 11'," 2· 2¼' 3• 4• . ,. ALLIED SUPER FLO™ SUPER FLO 1.0. 0.0. In. In. 1.197 1.315 1.542 1.660 1.752 1.900 2.227 2.375 2.727 2.875 3.352 3.500 4.352 4.500 01> 1~ 1442 2&7!i 2tf-15 :::~ :i~,5,;; ~ ~