HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 2017-0003; LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE PARCEL 3 RESIDENTIAL; Engineering ApplicationProject Name : LA COSTA TOWN SQUA RE PAR CEL 3 Project Location: LA COSTA AVENUE & CA LLE TIMITEO Assessor Parcel Number(s): 223-050-73 APPLICATION GRADING PERMIT E-24 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602 -2 750 www. ca rlsbadca .gov ~ PERMIT NUMBER: c;;tcz;o i kao I_ k ProJ·ect Number· PuD201?-0041s0P2orn-oorn,cr 017-003 . • AMEN D2017-00 12 DEV2017-0 178 Drawing Number: -----------------------------------1 Project Description : PRECISE GRAD IN G & PRIVATE IMPROVEMENT PLAN TO DEVEL OP PROPERTY FOR CONS TRU CTI ON OF 19 THREE-STORY RESIDENTIAL CONDOM INIU MS Owner: WOODSI DE 05S , LP Address : 1250 CORONA POINTE COURT Suite : 500 -=-=---------1 City: CORONA State: CA Zip: 92879 ~~--------1 Phone Number: (951 ) 710 .1900 Fax Number: -'-'N""/A __________ --f I certify that I am the legal owner of this property and I authorize the grading associated with this permit. OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: 4f7/22 Civil Engineer: SB&O, INC . Address : 3990 RUFFIN ROAD Suite: 120 ~---------- City : SA N DIEGO St ate: CA Zip: 9212 3 -=.c-=c..,_ _______ -1 Phone Number: (858) 560-1141 Fax Number: (858) 560-8 157 Soils Engineer: GEOSOILS , IN C. ~~~~------------------------------------- Address : 5741 PALMER WAY Suite : ----------1 City:_ CAR LSBA D State : CA --------Zip : 92010 _________ _, Phone Number: (760) 438 -3 155 Fax Number: (760) 93 1-0915 Grading Contractor: TBD na~~&A ~4.,, I Address : 4,£/tf". ? . 6( ~•\~-f_ -Ave City: f\ (! <f1~pv'-- Grading Quantities: cut 9,500 cy State License No .: City Business License No .: import o cy State: c_tt -~~----- fill o cy ------- cy export Qualified contact person t ai Phone Number: Basis of Permit Fees: Verified By: Balance Due: I hereby acknowledge t I have read the application and information provided is correct. I agree to comply with all federal, state, and city laws , ordinances , regulations and policies relating to excavation and grading including , but not limited to, the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 and any amendments thereto . I will also comply with OSHA Permit requirements for trenches over five feet deep and the provisions and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to this application . Appl icant Name : wooDSIDE o5s , LP -'-'--=--=-==='-""--------------------------------------1 Address : 1250 CORONA POINTE COURT City : CORONA State : CA Phone Number: (760) 535-2333 ---------:::,-.------------APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: E-24 Page 1 of 1 Suite : 500 --------- Zip : 92879 Fax Number: CRA IG.MORA ES@WOODSID EH OM ES.COM DATE: 4m22 REV 07/14