HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025-03-13; Monroe Street Pool Renovation and Replacement Project Update (District 1); Gomez, PazTo the members of the:
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March 13, 2025
Council Memorandum
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Memo ID# 2025024
To: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council
From: Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works
Via: Sheila Cobian, Assistant City Manager M-e.J
Re: Monroe Street Pool Renovation and Replacement Project Update (District 1)
This memorandum provides an update on the Monroe Street Pool Renovation and
Replacement Project, Capital Improvement Program, Project No. 4724.
On September 10, 2024, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2024-214, approving the
plans, specifications, and contract documents for the Monroe Street Pool Renovation and
Replacement Project, and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the project for bids.
On December 12, 2024, the city received seven bids for the construction work. Staff evaluated
the bids and found the bid from Edwards Construction Group, Inc., in an amount of
$14,126,653, to be the lowest responsive bid. Staff also identified Edwards Construction Group,
Inc., as a responsible bidder, having successfully completed similar projects to that of the
Monroe Street Pool Renovation and Replacement.
On January 14, 2025, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2025-003, accepting the bids
received and awarding a construction contract to Edwards Construction Group, Inc., in an
amount not to exceed $14,126,653.
A notice to proceed is being prepared for Edwards Construction Group, Inc., following the
recent completion of pool replastering and restroom renovation work at the Alga Norte Aquatic
Center. With the Alga Norte Aquatic Center fully operational and open to the public as of
March 3, 2025, staff can move forward with the Monroe Street Pool Renovation and
Replacement Project.
Upon award of the construction contract by the City Council, Edwards Construction Group, Inc.,
secured and submitted all required bonds and insurance policies required to fulfill the terms
and conditions of the contract. Staff have coordinated the use of the Monroe Street Pool based
on the pending construction schedule.
Public Works Branch
Fleet & Facilities Department
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2938 t
Council Memo -Monroe Street Pool Renovation and Replacement Project Update (District 1)
March 13, 2025
Page 2
The final event at the pool before construction begins will be a swim meet on March 27, 2025,
featuring Sage Creek High School and Carlsbad High School. The last day of operation of the
pool is anticipated to be March 30, 2025.
Construction will be set to begin on March 31, 2025. The first week of the pool's closure will
allow staff an opportunity to remove certain items for salvage and provide Edwards
Construction Group, Inc., ample time to mobilize on-site.
General updates on the project have been included in the City Manager's newsletter over the
past few months. The Communication & Engagement Department staff will distribute postcards
in mid-March to inform residents within 600 feet of the site about the construction schedule,
and send email notifications to aquatic patrons on March 17, 2025, and March 26, 2025.
Additionally, sign age will be posted at the facility to inform patrons of the final operating date
and closure period.
Next Steps
Staff will conduct public outreach to nearby residents and aquatic patrons in March. Staff will
also conduct a preconstruction meeting with Edwards Construction Group, Inc., and issue a
notice to proceed. Absent unforeseen delays, staff anticipate completion of the project in
summer 2026.
cc: Geoff Patnoe, City Manager
Cindie McMahon, City Attorney
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Gina Herrera, Assistant City Attorney
Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director
Sarah Lemons, Interim Communication & Engagement Director
John Maashoff, Public Works Manager
Ashlee Benson, Recreation Services Manager
Steven Stewart, Municipal Projects Manager