HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-12-11; City Council; AgendasCITY COUNCIL Agenda December 11, 2018 6 p.m. Welcome to Your City Council Meeting Council Chamber 1200 carlsbad Village Drive carlsbad, CA 92008 We welcome your interest and involvement in the city's legislative process. This agenda includes information about topics coming before the City Council and the action recommended by city staff. You can read about each topic in the staff reports, which are available on the city website and in the Office of the City Clerk. The City Clerk is also available to answer any questions you have about City Council meeting procedures. How to Watch The City of Carlsbad provides three ways to watch a City Council meeting: In Person Most City Council meetings take place at City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive How to Participate On TV Spectrum. AT&T U-verse Watch live and replays of meetings on Charter Spectrum channel 24 and AT&T U-verse channel 99 If you would like to provide comments to the City Council, please: • Fill out a speaker request form, located in the foyer. • Submit the form to the City Clerk before the item begins. Online Watch the livestream and replay past meetings on the city website, www.carlsbadca.gov • When it's your turn, the City Clerk will call your name and invite you to the podium. • Speakers have three minutes, unless the presiding officer (usually the mayor) changes that time. • You may not give your time to another person, but groups can select a single speaker as long as three other members of your group are present. Group representatives have 10 minutes unless that time is changed by the presiding officer or the City Council. Reasonable Accommodations Persons with a disability may request an agenda packet in appropriate alternative formats as require by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Reasonable accommodations and auxiliary aids will be provided to effectively allow participation in the meeting. Please contact the City Manager's Office at 760-434-2821 (voice), 711 (free relay service for TTY users), 760-720-9461 (fax) or manager@carlsbadca.gov by noon on the Monday before the meeting to make arrangements. More information about City Council meeting procedures can be found at the end of this agenda and in the Carlsbad Municipal Code chapter 1.20. The City Council also sits as the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board, Public Financing Authority Board, Community Development Commission and Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency. When considering items presented to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board, each member receives an additional $100 per meeting (max $300/month). When considering items presented to the Community Development Commission each member receives an additional $75 per meeting (max $150/month). CALL TO ORDER: 6p.m. ROLL CALL: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONCURRENT MEETINGS: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn led the Pledge of Allegiance. INVOCATION: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: Adopted Minutes as presented. -5/0. Minutes of the Special Meeting held October 23, 2018 Minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 13, 2018 Minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 27, 2018 PRESENTATIONS: Oath of Office Ceremony for the following newly elected/re-elected officials will take place following adoption of the Ordinances and approval of the Consent Calendar: City Clerk-Barbara Engleson City Treasurer-Craig Lindholm Mayor -Matt Hall Council Member District No. 1-Barbara Hamilton Council Member District No. 3 -Priya Bhat-Patel PUBLIC REPORT OF ANY ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: No reportable action. PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and submit it to the City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name. CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed below. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the time the Council votes on the motion unless members of the Council, the City Manager, or the public request specific items be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. A request from the public to discuss an item must be filed with the City Clerk in writing prior to Council consideration of the Consent Calendar. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. 1. REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS -Acceptance of report on City Investments as of October 31, 2018. (Staff contact: Nancy Sullivan, Administrative Services) ACTION: Accepted the report. -5/0. 2. ANNUAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORT ON CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS AND SPECIAL TAXES - Adoption of a Resolution accepting the Annual Financial Information Report on Capital Project Funds December 11, 2018 Page 2 and Special Taxes pursuant to California Government Code Sections 50075, 66006 and 66001 (Staff contact: Jill Moya, Administrative Services) ACTION: Adopted Resolution No. 2018-205. -5/0. 3. AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH NORTHSTAR CONSULTING, INC. -Adoption of a Resolution approving revisions to the agreement with Northstar Consulting, Inc. for coaching, training and organizational development services. (Staff contact: Julie Clark, Administrative Services) ACTION: Adopted Resolution No. 2018-206. -5/0. 4. APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO THE PART-TIME SALARY SCHEDULE -Adoption of a Resolution approving revisions to the City of Carlsbad Part-Time Salary Schedule and approving pay increases for part-time employees who are below the minimum wage. (Staff contact: Drew Cook, Administrative Services) ACTION: Adopted Resolution No. 2018-207. -5/0. 5. CERTIFICATION OF NOVEMBER 61 2018 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION RESULTS -Adoption of a Resolution reciting the facts of the General Municipal Election held on November 6, 2018, declaring the results and such other matters as provided by law. (Staff contact: Sheila Cobian, City Clerk Department) ACTION: Adopted Resolution No. 2018-208. -5/0. 6. LOCAL APPOINTMENTS LIST FOR 2019 -Receive and file Boards, Commissions and Committees Local Appointments List for 2019. (Staff contact: Tammy McMinn, City Clerk Department) ACTION: Received and filed. -5/0. 7. ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION FROM THE ROSEMARY FALKENSTEIN ESTATE -Adoption of a Resolution accepting an $861,163 donation from the Rosemary Falkenstein Estate and any subsequent donation upon final distribution. (Staff contact: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts) ACTION: Adopted Resolution No. 2018-209. -5/0. 8. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE WATERS END OPEN SPACE PARCEL -Adoption of a Resolution authorizing execution of a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for the Waters End Open Space Parcel. (Staff contact: Rosanne Humphrey, Public Works) ACTION: Adopted Resolution No. 2018-210. -5/0. This item was continued from the Regular Meeting held November 27, 2018. 9. ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR FARADAY CENTER REFURBISHMENT-Adoption of a Resolution approving the plans and specifications for the Faraday Center heating, ventilating and air conditioning and roof refurbishment, Project No. 4720, and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bid solicitation. (Staff Contact: Steven Stewart, Public Works) ACTION: Adopted Resolution No. 2018-211. -5/0. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION: None. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 10. ORDINANCE NOS. CS-344 AND CS-345 -OAKMONT OF CARLSBAD, ZC 2017-0001 AND AMEND 2017- 0011 (DEV2017-0042) -Adoption of Ordinance No. CS-344 adopting a Zone Change to amend the Zoning Map from Planned Industrial to Office on Lot 1 (APN 209-120-01-00) of the Carlsbad Oaks December 11, 2018 Page 3 North Business Park Specific Plan SP 211, an approximately 6.38-acre lot located on the northwest corner of Faraday Avenue and El Fuerte Street, within Local Facilities Management Zone 16.; and, Adoption of Ordinance No. CS-345 adopting the fourth amendment to the Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan {SP211) to apply Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.27, Office Zone standards to Lot 1 of the Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park on property generally located at the northwest corner of Faraday Avenue and El Fuerte Street within the Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park and in Local Facilities Management Zone 16. {Staff contact: Sheila Cobian, City Clerk Department) City Manager's Recommendation: Adopt Ordinance Nos. CS-344 and CS-345. ACTION: Adopted Ordinance No. CS-344. -5/0. ACTION: Adopted Ordinance No. CS-345. -5/0. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: None. OATH OF OFFICE CEREMONY: Oath of office will be administered to each newly elected/re-elected officials and Certificates of Election will be distributed. COUNCIL COMMENTARY AND REQUESTS FOR CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS: City Council Regional Assignments (Revised 1/10/18) Matt Hall North County Mayors and Managers Mayor San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) Board of Directors SAN DAG Board of Directors Keith Blackburn Mayor Pro Tern Mark Packard Council Member Michael Schumacher Council Member Cori Schumacher Council Member December 11, 2018 Buena Vista Lagoon JPC Encina Joint Powers (JAC) Encina Wastewater Authority Board of Directors North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority SAN DAG Board of Directors (1st Alternate) Chamber of Commerce Liaison (primary) North County Transit District Board of Directors North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority (alternate) SANDAG (2nd alternate) Chamber of Commerce Liaison (alternate) City/School Committee Encina Joint Powers (JAC) Encina Wastewater Authority Board of Directors San Diego County Regional Airport Authority Board of Directors Buena Vista Lagoon JPC League of California Cities -SD Division North County Transit District Board of Directors (alternate) City/School Committee Page 4 PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments This portion of the agenda is set aside for continuation of public comments, if necessary, due to exceeding the total time allotted in the first public comments section. When you are called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name. The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items. ANNOUNCEMENTS: This section of the Agenda is designated for announcements to advise the community regarding events that Members of the City Council have been invited to, and may participate in. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: ADJOURNMENT: 7:00 p.m. City Council Meeting Procedures (continued from page l} Written Materials Written materials related to the agenda that are submitted to the City Council after the agenda packet has been published will be available for review prior to the meeting during normal business hours at the City Clerk's office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive and on the city website. To review these materials during the meeting, please see the City Clerk Visual Materials Visual materials, such as pictures, charts, maps or slides are allowed for comments on agenda items, not general public comment. Please contact the City Manager's Office at 760-434-2820 or manager@carlsbadca.gov to make arrangements in advance. All materials must be received by the City Manager's Office no later than noon the day before the meeting. The time spent presenting visual materials is included in the maximum time limit provided to speakers. All materials exhibited to the City Council during the meeting are part of the public record. Please note that video presentations are not allowed. Decorum All participants are expected to conduct themselves with mutual respect. Loud, boisterous and unruly behavior can interfere with the ability of the City Council to conduct the people's business. That's why it is illegal to disrupt a City Council meeting. Following a warning from the presiding officer, those engaging in disruptive behavior are subject to law enforcement action. City Council Agenda The City Council follows a regular order of business that is specified in the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The City Council may only make decisions about topics listed on the agenda. Presentations The City Council often recognizes individuals and groups for achievements and contributions to the community. Well- wishers often fill the chamber during presentations to show their support and perhaps get a photo. If you don't see an open seat when you arrive, there will likely be one once the presentations are over. Consent Items Consent items are considered routine and may be enacted together by one motion and vote. Any City Council member may remove or "pull" an item from the "consent calendar" for a separate vote. Members of the public may pull an item from the consent calendar by requesting to speak about that item. A speaker request form must be submitted to the clerk prior to the start of the consent portion of the agenda. Public Comment December 11, 2018 Page 5 Members of the public may speak on any city related item that does not appear on the agenda. State law prohibits the City Council from taking action on items not listed on the agenda. Comments requiring follow up will be referred to staff and, if appropriate, considered at a future City Council meeting. Members of the public are also welcome to provide comments on agenda items during the portions of the meeting when those items are being discussed. In both cases, a request to speak form must be submitted to the clerk in advance of that portion of the meeting beginning. Public Hearing Certain actions by the City Council require a "public hearing," which is a time within the regular meeting that has been set aside and noticed according to different rules. Departmental Reports This part of the agenda is for items that are not considered routine and do not require a public hearing. These items are usually presented to the City Council by city staff and can be informational in nature or require action. The staff report about each item indicates the purpose of the item and whether or not action is requested. Other Reports At the end of each meeting, City Council members and the city manager, city attorney and city clerk are given an opportunity to share information. This usually includes reports about recent meetings, regional issues, and recent or upcoming meetings and events. City Council Actions Resolution A resolution is an official statement of City Council policy that directs administrative or legal action or embodies a public City Council statement. A resolution may be introduced and adopted at the same meeting. Once adopted, it remains City Council policy until changed by subsequent City Council resolution. Ordinance Ordinances are city laws contained in the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Enacting a new city law or changing an existing one is a two-step process. First, the ordinance is "introduced" by city staff to the City Council. If the City Council votes in favor of the introduction, the ordinance will be placed on a subsequent City Council meeting agenda for "adoption." If the City Council votes to adopt the ordinance, it will usually go into effect 30 days later. Motion A motion is used to propose City Council direction related to an item on the agenda. Any City Council member may make a motion. A motion must receive a "second" from another City Council member to be eligible for a City Council vote. December 11, 2018 Page 6