HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-06; Traffic and Mobility Commission; AgendasCALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Traffic & Mobility Commission Special Meeting held on Dec. 2, 2019 PUBLIC COMMENTS: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Commission action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Commissioners on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and submit it to the Minutes Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining· speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Commissioners Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 1.POLICE REPORT-{Staff Contact: .Lt. Calderwood, Police Department) Staff's Recommendation: Information only 2.AVENIDA DIESTRO, ESTRELLA DE MAR ROAD AND CADENCIA STREET TRAFFIC CALMING - (Staff Contact: Lindy Pham, Public Works) Staff's Recommendation: Approve staff recommendations 3.UPDATE ON CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND TAMARACK AVENUE TRAFFIC CALMING ENHANCEMENT-(Staff Contact: John Kim, Public Works) Staff's Recommendation: Information only 4.AWARD TRAFFIC SIGNALS ON POINSETTIA LANE AND CASSIA ROAD, POINSETTIA LANE AND ORIOLE COURT/SKIMMER COURT -(Staff Contact: Jonathan Schauble, Public Works) Staff's Recommendation: Information only 5 SEMI-ANNUAL TRANSPORTATION REPORT-(Staff Contact: John Kim, Public Works) Staff's Recommendation: Receive report and adopt Commissioners comments 6.ELECT A NEW TRAFFIC & MOBILITY COMMISSION CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR -(Staff Contact: Doug Bilse, Public Works) Staff's Recommendation: Information only CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER COMMENTS: City Traffic Engineer Report -Attachment A Page 2 Attachment A Meeting Date: Jan. 6, 2020 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: John Kim, City Traffic Engineer John.Kim@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2757 Subject: City Traffic Engineer Report Past City Council Actions on Traffic and Mobility Items December 10, 2019 15. Recommendations on work plan and timeline for amendments to the Village & Barrio Master Plan 18. Informational report on TDM/TSM 22. Informational report on Poinsettia Lane Traffic Analysis December 17, 2019 20. Determination of four deficient street facilities according to Growth Management Plan and adoption of measures to address deficiencies Upcoming City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility January 21, 2020 (Joint Special Meeting with Planning, Housing and Traffic and Mobility) • SB 330 Legislative Updates January 28, 2020 • Semiannual Transportation Report • Award Poinsettia Lane traffic signals Other Items • Staff is submitting an application for Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) funding to help the city evaluate roadway segments and intersections for safety improvements by analyzing collision data and other engineering factors. City Traffic Engineer Report Previous Items brought up by Traffic and Mobility Commission Item Action Striping changes on Melrose at PAR Will be addressed by CIP Project No. 6034 Speed limit primer Can be incorporated into next speed limit item brought to the Commission Grand Promenade per Village and Barrio Master Plan None at this time Annual Safety Report per Carlsbad Municipal Code Police Department responsibility Striping modifications on PAR at Costco driveway Work order issued in May 2019 Traffic volume trends Can be incorporated into proposed Annual Traffic Collision Report using LRSP funding Roundabout striping guidelines None at this time