HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 76-01A; Car Country Expansion; Agricultural Preserves (AP) (4)PLANNING DEPARTMENT 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1161 City of Cartefrab I CORRECTED NOTICE j PUBLIC NOTICE October 9, 1987 TO INTERESTED PARTIES: Please be advised that the City of Carlsbad is considering amending segments of its Local Coastal Program (LCP) as summarized below. This notice hereby opens a six-week review period after which the City Council will consider all comments and act on the proposed amendments. The City Council LCP Amendment hearing is expected to take place in early December, 1987 and will be duly noticed. Copies of the proposed LCP Amendments are available for review at the following locations. Main Library City Hall 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad City Clerk City Hall 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad La Costa Branch Library 7750 'M1 El Camino Real Carlsbad Developmental Services Counter 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 LCP AMENDMENT SUMMARY (Please refer to the attached Map for the general locations of the amendments) A. Mello I Segment - Hunt - modify allowable larid uses to bring them into conformance with the City's General Plan land uses. B. East Batiquitos Lagoon/Hunt Properties - add a new LCP segment for Jand that was formerly part of the County's San Dieguito LCP but that was annexed to Carlsbad in 1985. The new segment requires preservation of Batiquitos Lagoon as a wildlife habitat. It also requires preservation of steep slopes and the Encinitas Creek riparian corridor. Additionally, the new segment permits development on the Lagoon's north shore consistent with an approved Master Plan. Finally, Green Valley is designated for agricultural* uses until such time as a master plan for the area is approved. C. Mello II Segment - Savage and Lyman properties - amend LCP map designation for Lyman property from RM- Residential Medium Density (4-8 du/ac) to RLM- Residential Medium Density (0-4 du/ac).In addition, the text of Mello II will be amended to be consistent with the City's General Plan and Growth Management Ordinance for the parcels known as the Savage property. Currently the LCP map designates the property as RM (0- 4 du/ac) but allows development to 12 du/ac. This violates the City Growth Management Ordinance which would allow 4 to 8 du/ac with a growth control cap of 6 du/ac unless special findings can be made. Finally, this amendment places an open space designation over sensitive coastal resources. D. Mello II Segment - Seapointe - This is an amendment to change the LCP land use designations on parcels generally bounded on the north by Palomar Airport Road, on the south by Ponto Drive, on the west by Carlsbad Boulevard, and on the east by 1-5. The proposed changes would bring the LCP into conformance with the land use designations of the Carlsbad General Plan. E. Mello II Segment - Laurel Tree - the proposed action is a General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Plan Amendment from RLM (0-4 du/ac) to 0 (Professional and Related) for a 9.2 acre site located south of Palomar Airport Road and along the future southerly College Boulevard extension. F. Mello II Segment - Carltas/Ecke Property - the proposed LCP amendment would do the following on approximately 482 acres owned by Carltas/Ecke located east of 1-5 between Palomar Airport Road and Cannon Road extension: 1) Modify the boundaries of the developable and agricultural lands; 2) Increase the developable acreage from 90 to 137 acres; 3) Allow a specific plan for the development of a portion of the 137 acres to develop the expansion of Car Country; 4) Require a master plan for the development of the remainder. The master plan and/or specific plan must include provisions for the preservation of approximately 345 acres of land for agriculture. Mello II and Agua Hedionda Segments - Chinquapin- General Plan Amendment, Local Coastal Plan Amendment and Zone Change affecting 15 parcels with a combined acreage of 7.85 acres surrounded by Chinquapin Avenue, Adams Street and Harrison Street in Carlsbad. The proposed modifications will change all but the parcels fronting on Adams Street to RM, 4-8 du/ac with RD-M-Q zoning. Lots fronting on Adams Street will retain their R-l-7500 zoning and have a General Plan and Local Coastal Plan designation of RLM, 0-4 du/ac. Please note that items A, B, C, D, and G have already had at least one six-week public review. If you have any questions please contact the Planning Department at (619) 438-1161. Written comments should be sent to the Planning Department at 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859. GWrbjn A - Hunt B - E. Batiquitos C - Savage/Lyman D - Seapointe E - Laurel Tree F - Carltas/Ecke G - Chinquapin •4*1 Refers to OK,CO| Zon.ng Maps-l 500 LCPA 87-2A LCPA 87-2B LCPA 87-2C LCPA 87-2D LCPA 87-2E LCPA 87-2F LCPA 87-2C CARLSBADi r.p ATTACHMENT 15 SOMMAKY Proposed Local Coastal Plan Amendments - Mello I and East Batiquitos Lagoon/Hunt Properties. MKLLO X This amendment proposes to modify the ""ancho La Costa* properties section of the document (now a portion of the Pacific Rim Site - Hunt Properties) to allow mixed residential and commercial uses with residential intensity consistent with the Carlsbad General Plan. The land use policy section of the existing Mello I segment requires that residential densities for Rancho La Costa (Hunt) be computed on the basis of slope, with the steeper the slope the less the allowable density. These density provisions would allow approximately 1100 units on that portion of the Hunt Property that is regulated by the Mello I segment. In addition, Mello I only provides for residential development (i.e., there is not any land designated for commercial or other uses). The City is presently processing the Pacific Rim Master Plan (Hunt), a large portion of which is regulated by the Mello I Local Coastal Plan. The Master Plan as currently proposed, would develop a mix of commercial and residential uses. Moreover, the Master Plan is proposing a residential intensity consistent with the City's General Plan (approximately 3000 units for the Mello I area). Since the Master Plan does not conform to the Mello I Local Coastal Plan, it could not be approved v/ithout either extensive revisions or an amendment to the land use policies of Mello I. The original land use policies of Mello I were based on allowing a very low density residential development that would be compatible with surrounding "permanently" preserved agriculture. However, the City's 1985 Local Coastal 'Ian amendments eliminated permanent agriculture and provided mitigation options for the complete conversion of agricultural lands. Furthermore, all mitigation options now allow development consistent with the intensity and use provided by the City's General Plan. If the surrounding agricultural lands (in Mello II) as well as those on the Hunt property are allowed to develop at the City's General Plan intensity, then it is appropriate from a land use compatibility standpoint to allow the remaining portion of the Mello I property to develop at the General Plan intensity. The proposed Mello I amendment only deals with land use intensity. The other LCP regulations such as those that prohibit the grading of steep slopes or the protection of environmentally sensitive habitats will not be modified. Furthermore, the ultimate land use intensity will be regulated by the Master Plan which is .subject to both City and Coastal Commission approval. East Batiquitoa Lagoon/Hunt Properties LCP Segment This amendment actually provides a new Local Coastal Plan •segment" over an area not previously within the Carlsbad Local Coastal Plan jurisdiction. The area covered by this Local Coastal Plan amendment was annexed to the City in February 1985. This includes the portion of the Pacific Rim site (north shore of Batiquitos Lagoon), Green Valley, and Batiquitos Lagoon east of 1-5 . The proposed Local Coastal Plan segment is the final remaining segment necessary to complete citywide Local Coastal Plan coverage. The segment provides for the restoration of Batiquitos Lagoon consistent with a Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan that will be subject to City Council approval. It also provides for the development of the lagoon's north shore based on a Master Plan approved by the City Council. In addition, it provides for the improvement of La Costa Avenue consistent with the City's Circulation Element (as modified due to environmental constraints). Finally, the segment would preserve the riparian corridor in Green Valley and allow development there consistent with the provisions of the City's Coastal Agriculture Overlay Zone (i.e., conversion to urban uses only through proper mitigation). GW: ad -2- ATTACHMENT 1Q CARLSBAD MELLO I LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT PACIFIC RIM MASTER PLAN AREA (Previously Rancho La Costa) INTENT The purpose of the proposed amendment is to update the existing Local Coastal Program (land use plan) to better reflect land use policies of the Carlsbad General Plan. The amendment is designed to permit land use specifically designated by a Master Plan which is being prepared with strict adherence to the residential land use requirements of the Carlsbad General Plan and the Planned Community Zone. All coastal policies will be implemented by the Master Plan. On October 24, 1985, the California Coastal Commission certified a request by the City to amend the Mello I and Mello II area LCP's. Part of the amendment provided for conversion of land identified previously for "permanent" agricultural land use. The Carlsbad plan provides a number of methods to mitigate the impact of conversion of non-prime agricultural lands, but created a need for identification of land uses other than agricultural and associated low-density rural surrounding uses within the Pacific Rim site (referred to in the Mello T LCP as Rancho La Costa properties). The proposed amendment reflects the residential density established by the City of Carlsbad General Plan. The existing Mello I Land Use Plan requires planning for the Pacific Rim site through the comprehensive master plan approach. This planning effort has been undertaken by the City and property owner. Coastal Act and LCP resource protection policies will be implemented through the master plan process. By means of the Master Plan, all coastal onsite resources will be protected consistent with the original LCP. This amendment will also allow residential development in a manner which is consistent with balancing resource protection and development potential as reflected by Carlsbad General Plan residential land use density requirements. The amendment will also allow General Plan Amendments to accommodated the commercial aspects of the proposed Pacific Rim Resort. MODIFICATIONS MELLO BILL I -- LAND USE -- Rancho La Costa SECTION ACTION Policy 1 , Max. density of devel. Policy 2, Ag./Planned Devel. Policy 3, Drainage, Erosion Cont Policy 4, Buffer/Open Space Policy 5, Parking/Siting Policy 6, Environ. Impact Report Delete, replace with proposed wording No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change MELLO I LCP SEGMENT 4. RANCHO LA OOSTA (Hunt Properties) Policy 1 - Maximum Density of Development (Existing Wording to be replaced with proposed wording) 1. Agricultural Land shall result in an allowable development intensity of1 dwelling unit per ten acres; 2. All slopes greater than 25 percent shall result in an allowable development intensity of 1 dwelling unit per ten acres; 3. All slopes greater than 20 percent but less than 25 percent shall result in a development intensity of 1 dwelling unit per five acres; 4. All slopes greater than 15 percent but less than 20 percent shall result in a development intensity of 1 dwelling unit per acre; 5. All slopes greater than 10 percent but less than 15 percent shall result in a development intensity of 2 dwelling unit per acre; 6. All areas with a slope of less than 10 percent shall result in a development intensity of 6 units per acre. RANCHO LA COSTA Policy 1 — Land Uses (Proposed Wording) 1. Development of the property may occur only under the provisions of a Master Plan, and shall be subject to the requirements of Policy 2 "Agriculture/Planned Development". 2. The land uses allowed by the Master Plan shall be compatible with the City of Carlsbad General Plan as amended to provide a combination of residential, conmercial (including visitor serving) and open space uses. 3. Residential density permitted through the Master Plan shall not exceed that allowed by the City of Carlsbad General Plan. 4. All land uses and intensity of use shall be compatible with the protection of sensitive coastal resources. 5. Land use intensity shall be consistent with that allowed by the Carlsbad Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90, Carlsbad Municipal Code). ATTACHMENT 17 " EAST BATIQUITOS LAGOON/HUNT PROPERTIES LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM (LCP) Land Use Plan This Local Coastal Program creates a new segment of the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program by addressing the Properties within the City of Carlsbad's coastal zone - outside the Hello I and Mello II areas. The subject geographical area is east of Interstate 5 and generally includes the north shore of the Batiquitos Lagoon, Batiquitos Lagoon, and Green Valley. The area was, prior to annexation into the City of Carlsbad in 1984, part of the San Dieguito LCP. A. Land Use Categories Sub-areas (See Map A.) 1. North Shore Batiquitos Lagoon (outside the wetland boundary). All non-agricultural land use and development is subject to the provisions of the Pacific Rim Master Plan as adopted by Carlsbad City Council Ordinance No. and as approved or modified by the California Coastal Commission. No development inconsistent with the Master Plan shall be permitted. To the extent that there are inconsistencies between the Master Plan and this LCP the most restrictive requirements shall prevail. It is understood that sub-area no. 1 is part of a larger holding on the north shore owned by Hunt Properties or its successors in interest. These other contiguous properties are included in the Mello I and Mello II segments of the Carlsbad LCP. All contiguous north shore properties including the lagoon which are owned by Hunt Properties or its successors shall be the subject of a single master plan. a. Land Uses Permitted Pursuant to a Master Plan Uses permitted by the Master Plan shall be consistent with those allowed by the Carlsbad General Plan. In general, the Master Plan and Carlsbad General Plan allow for a combination of residential, commercial, and open space uses. Specifically, the uses shall be as follows: 1) Residential - the Mesa (Planning Area 30) shall be designated Residential Medium Page 2 Density (RM 4-8 du/ac) but constraints to development permit a maximum of 135 du. All other residential areas subject to this LCP segment are designated Residential Low-Medium density (RLM 0-4 du/ac). 2) Commercial - Portions of Planning Areas 10 and 11 that are subject to this plan are designated Recreation Commercial (RC) . In addition to the uses permitted under this designation, other uses may include restaurants. 3) Open Space - Portions of Planning Areas 1A and IB are designated Open Space (OS). In addition to uses permitted under this designation, other uses may include public and/or private golf course plus accessory uses such as clubhouse facilities. Uses in this open space area shall be designed so that there will be no significant adverse impacts on environmentally sensitive habitats. Also designated for open space is the lagoon wetland and a buffer (transition habitat) (Planning Areas 31A and 3IB) . The only uses allowed within the wetland shall be consistent with Section 30233 (Public Resources Code - See discussion in Policy C-l below). The only uses allowed within the wetland buffer is lateral public access trail system consistent with the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan prepared by the California Coastal Conservancy. The trail shall be designed so as to limit access to sensitive wetlands areas. 2. Batiquitos Lagoon The lagoon wetland area as determined by California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is designated Open Space (OS) with a Special Treatment Area Overlay. The general boundaries are shown on Exhibit . The precise wetland boundaries as determined by the above agencies are depicted on a map on file in the Carlsbad Planning Department. 3. Green Valley (Approximately 280 acres) Page 3 The area south of La Costa Avenue and west of El Camino Real is designated for a combination of uses as follows: a. Riparian Corridor of Encinitas Creek (approximately 40 acres) designated Open Space (OS) with a Special Treatment Overlay. 1) Steep Slopes - Slopes 40% or greater are designated Open Space (OS) and constrained from development. Slopes 25% to 40% may also be constrained from development. (See Grading Section.) b. Upland (approximately 240 acres) is designated for a combination of Residential (Medium High Density - RMH - 9-15 du/ac), Commercial (C) , and Office (O) uses. Development of the entire 280 acres of Green Valley shall be pursuant to a Master Plan which is consistent with the uses allowed by the Carlsbad General Plan. B. Agriculture/Planned Development Prior to the approval (by Carlsbad and the Coastal Commission or its successor) of a master plan for either Sub-area No. 1 (northshore) or Sub-area No. 3 (Green Valley) the uses permitted on either sub-area shall be consistent with those allowed by the Mello II LCP Segment Policy 2-1C (Permitted Uses on Agricultural Lands). Conversion of these non-prime agricultural lands to urban uses pursuant to the approved master plan(s) shall be consistent with the Coastal Act Section 30171.5 (Public Resources Code) which requires a mitigation fee. Development pursuant to the approved master plan(s) shall be consistent with the provisions of the Carlsbad Planned Community Zone with the additional requirement that all development as defined by the Coastal Act shall require approval of a Coastal Development Permit. C. Environmentally Sensitive Habitats The environmentally sensitive habitats (wetlands, riparian areas, and areas greater than 25% slope) shall be preserved as open space with the following additional requirements: 1. Batiquitos Lagoon Special Treatment Overlay - The wetlands as defined and determined by CDFG and Page 4 FWS shall be constrained from development. Pursuant to Section 30233(C) (Public Resources Code) any alteration of the wetlands shall be limited to minor incidental public facilities, restorative measures, and nature studies. Furthermore, any alteration of the wetlands must be approved by the City of Carlsbad and the Coastal Commission. The latter because it will retain Coastal Development Permit jurisdiction. In addition, any wetland alteration will require federal approval through an Army Corps of Engineers (COE) permit. 2. Wetlands Buffer - The lagoon Special Treatment Overlay shall include a buffer area outside the wetlands boundary as mapped by CDFG and FWS. The buffer shall be of sufficient width (minimum 100 feet unless approved by the Coastal Commission or its successor as part of a Coastal Development Permit) so as to provide a transition habitat as well as provide a protective area to reduce possible disruptive impacts to the lagoon's wildlife and habitats. No development shall occur within the wetlands buffer except for the lateral public access trail described in Policy A1C above. 3. Green Valley Riparian Corridor - The riparian corridor (approximately 40 acres) shall be constrained from all development. Any alteration of the riparian corridor shall be limited to the following and shall require Carlsbad approval, a Coastal Development Permit, Stream Alteration Agreement, and COE permit: a. Access - A maximum of two (2) crossings shall be permitted to provide access to the developable portions of Green Valley. The access crossings shall be designed to minimize adverse impacts to the habitat value of the riparian corridor. b. Flood and sediment control projects - shall be allowed provided there are no less environmentally damaging feasible alternatives and/or public health, safety, and welfare or protection of the lagoon is found to be a mutually exclusive higher priority. 4. Steep Slopes - Slopes 40% or greater shall be constrained from development. Slopes 25% to 40% may be constrained from development. (See Grading and Erosion Control below.) Page 5 The above environmentally sensitive areas shall be protected from any significant disruptive impacts through fee dedication of the wetlands and recordation of open space easements over the lagoon buffer, riparian corridor, and steep slopes. D. Grading and Erosion Control 1. Batiquitos Lagoon is the primary coastal resource within the subject area and warrants stringent controls on upstream development activities. Downstream impacts of possible erosion and sedimentation, due to development must be limited to insignificant levels. Many slope areas on the property contain sensitive vegetation and support a variety of wildlife species. Slope areas also pose possible geologic hazards and require close development review. 2. Any development proposal that affects slopes 25% inclination or greater, shall be required to prepare a slope map and analysis for the affected slopes. The slope mapping and analysis shall be prepared during the CEQA environmental review on a project-by-project basis and shall be required as a condition of a coastal development permit. 3. Under the Master Plan requirements, any development shall conform to the following additional standards: a. For those slopes mapped as possessing endangered plant/animal species and/or coastal sage scrub and chaparral plant communities, the following shall apply: 1) Slopes of 25% grade and over shall be preserved in their natural state, unless the application of this policy would preclude any reasonable use of the property, in which case an encroachment not to exceed 10% of the steep slope area over 25% grade may be permitted. For existing legal parcels, with 25% grade, encroachment shall be permitted, however, any such encroachment shall be limited so that at no time is more than 20% of the entire parcel (including areas under 25% slope) permitted to be disturbed from its natural state. This policy shall not Page 6 apply to the construction of roads of the City's Circulation Element or the development of utility systems. Uses of slopes over 25% may be made in order to provide access to flatter areas if there is no less environmentally damaging alternative available. 2) No further subdivisions of land or utilization of Planned Unit Developments shall occur on lots that have their total area in excess of 25% slope unless a Planned Unit Development is proposed which limits grading and development to not more than 10% of the total site area. 3) Slopes and areas remaining undisturbed as a result of the hillside review process, shall be placed in a permanent open space easement as a condition of development approval. The purpose of the open space easement shall be to reduce the potential for localized erosion and slide hazards, to prohibit the removal of native vegetation except for creating firebreaks and/or planting fire retardant vegetation and to protect visual resources of importance to the entire community. b. For all other 25% and over slope areas, the City Council may allow exceptions to the above grading provisions provided the following mandatory findings to allow exceptions are made: 1) A soils investigation conducted by a licensed soils engineer has determined the subject slope area to be stable and grading and development impacts mitigable for at least 75 years, or life of structure. 2) Grading of the slope is essential to the development intent and design. 3) Slope disturbance will not result in substantial damage or alteration to major wildlife habitat or native vegetation areas. 4) If the area proposed to be disturbed is predominated by steep slopes and is in Page 7 excess of 10 acres, no more than one third of the total steep slope area shall be subject to major grade changes. 5) If the area proposed to be disturbed is predominated by steep slopes and is less than 10 acres, complete grading may be allowed only if no interruption of significant wildlife corridors occurs. 6) Because north-facing slopes are generally more prone to stability problems and in many cases contain more extensive natural vegetation, no grading or removal of vegetation from these areas will be permitted unless all environmental impacts have been mitigated. Overriding circumstances are not considered adequate mitigation. c. Drainage and runoff shall be controlled so as not to exceed at any time the rate associated with property in its present state, and appropriate measures shall be taken on and/or offsite to prevent siltation of lagoons and other environmentally sensitive areas. d. The appropriate erosion control measures shall be installed prior to onsite grading. e. All undeveloped slopes shall be placed in open space easements as a condition of development. f. A site specific technical report shall be required addressing the cumulative effects of developing each sub-watershed and recommending measures to mitigate both increased runoff and sedimentation. It shall be reviewed and prepared according to the Model Erosion Control Ordinance contained in the Master Drainage Plan, with the additions and changes adopted herein. g. Mitigation measures tailored to project impacts and consistent with the control of cumulative development shall be implemented prior to development in accordance with the following additional criteria: 1) Submittal of a runoff control plan designated by a licensed engineer qualified in hydrology and hydraulics, Page 8 which would assure no increase in peak runoff rate from the developed site over the greatest discharge expected from the existing undeveloped site as a result of a 10 year frequency storm. Runoff control shall be accomplished by a variety of measures, including, but not limited to, onsite catchment basins, detention basins, siltation traps, and energy dissipators and shall not be concentrated in one area or a few locations. 2) Detailed maintenance arrangements and various alternatives for providing the ongoing repair and maintenance of any approved drainage and erosion control facilities. 3) All permanent runoff and erosion control devices shall be developed and installed prior to or concurrent with any onsite grading activities. 4) All grading activities shall be prohibited within the period from October 1st to March 31st of each year. 5) All areas disturbed by grading, but not completed during the construction period, including graded pads, shall be planted and stabilized prior to November 1st with temporary or permanent (in the case of finished slopes) erosion control measures and native vegetation. The use of temporary erosion control measures, such as berms, interceptor ditches, sandbagging, filtered inlets, debris basins, and silt traps shall be utilized in conjunction with plantings to minimize soil loss form the construction site. Said plantings shall be accomplished under the supervision of a licensed landscape architect and shall consist of seeding, mulching, fertilization, and irrigation adequate to provide 90% coverage within 90 days. Planting shall be repeated, if the required level of coverage is not established. This requirement shall apply to all disturbed soils, including stockpiles. Page 9 E. Landscaping In order to guard against introduction of any species which are inherently noxious to or incompatible with adjacent lagoon habitat, drought tolerant plans and native vegetation shall be used in areas of close proximity to the wetland, to the maximum extent feasible. Landscaping adjacent to structures should provide an effective screen of urban development. F. Scenic and Visual Qualities The scenic and visual qualities of the area are of great value to the region. Again, the focal point for these qualities is Batiquitos Lagoon. The viewshed to the lagoon and from the lagoon shoreline are important resources. Many of the requirements previously established by this document address visual quality components, such as: setbacks preservation of slope areas preservation of lagoon and riparian habitats enhancement of the lagoon environments controlled grading 1. In addition to these provisions, the following shall be provided to further address the important scenic and visual character of the area: a. La Costa Avenue should be established as a scenic corridor pursuant to the City of Carlsbad General Plan Scenic Highway Element. b. Scenic corridor status shall be pursued for any public roadway to be established along a part or the entire lagoon north shore. c. Existing, mature, healthy vegetation such as eucalyptus stands, shall be preserved where possible. d. Offsite signing along public roadways shall be prohibited. e. If a Master Plan is pursued for the property, the provisions of the City of Carlsbad Scenic Preservation Overlay Zone should be utilized where appropriate. Page 10 i f. View points shall be established along the north and south shore areas (if and where environmentally sound and physically possible) to provide varied visual access to the lagoon. g. View points should offer a mix of accessibility for pedestrian, bicycle, and motor vehicles. G. Public Access La Costa Avenue is designated a major arterial providing coastal access from inland areas to the east. Construction of La Costa Avenue to major arterial standards shall be designed so as to limit environmental impacts. Any road construction that involves wetlands impacts shall require a Coastal Development Permit issued by the Coastal Commission. Wetlands impact mitigation shall be a condition of the permit. A public access trail system along the north shore of Batiquitos Lagoon shall be required as a condition of Master Plan approval for Sub-Area No. 1. The trail shall be conveyed to an appropriate agency or non-profit organization (subject to Carlsbad approval) through a recorded open space easement. Public access along the south shore shall be provided as part of La Costa Avenue improvements. Access shall include but not be limited to a pedestrian walkway and bicycle lane along the entire south shore length covered by this LCP segment. Lagoon accessways and overlook areas along the north shore shall be provided. The responsibility for construction and maintenance of such facilities shall be with the developer as a condition of any permit approval unless otherwise specified in the Batiquitos Lagoon . Enhancement Plan (on file with the City of Carlsbad) . Such accessways shall be preserved for public use by requiring appropriate offers of entitlement of those areas as a condition of the implementation of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan. The accessways shall not adversely impact environmentally sensitive habitats. H. State Lands Commission Review 1. Prior tcr issuance of a coastal development permit, permittee shall obtain a written determination from the State Lands Commission that: Page 11 No State Lands are involved in the development, or State Lands are involved in the development and all permits required by the State Lands Commission have been obtained, or State Land may be involved in the development, but pending a final determination an agreement has been made with the State Lands Commission for the project to proceed without prejudice to that determination. 7-86 HUNT PROPERTIES/EASTERN BATIQUITOS LAGOON LCP SEGMENT Map A EXHIBIT 1 :l: T = 23 'v^ " X I A s EXHIBIT 2 ^--"-•-•• / ^ r •-•,' -O~~-=^ ,i.— i,. w~i.a*, /Cv'^ - •••£*'>•• '*}*•: >r =: \ ;.-i/>-f?y>.. -23',.y ^Wf*1 •tw»* .* *-- 'C— . >> v~- > ; ;^r v•tr: r«.^v-F • . - ^^_ —_' '< • _ v "^: 33 \ ,p N/ V-H> fl.4t/QfTOS A -•-» •', >"'-LfGOOX I \ P'^^^JVT"^^^^^*' v ••* "* "^ ™-~~ wi^^L-.}.'%,? 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M»H I!':!?;kiliii^y^- ••*« \ •• LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM JU R I ST I CTIO N A L BOUNDARIES PERTAINING TO HUNT PROPERTIES EXHIBIT 3 PORTION OF THE PACIFIC RIM MASTER PLAN REGULATED BY THE EAST BATIQUITOS LAGOON/ HUNT PROPERTIES LCP SEGMENT •«c»e t»t ctx>it> an BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PLAN LAND OWNERSHIPFIG. F .PROPERTY LINE 'WETLAND BOUNDARY 1 CA. STATE DEPT., PARKS & RECREATION 2 SAMMIS PROPS. 3 SAVAGE 4 HUNT PROPS., INC. 5 MURPHY 6 MITSUCHI 7 COMMUNITY BANK 8 LEUCADIA CO. WATER DISTRICT 9 CA. STATE DEPT..: FISH & GAME m x CD GENERAL PLAN ZONING RESIDENTIAL RL LOW DENSITY (0-15) pcRLM LOW MEDIUM DENSITY«M) R.ARM MEDIUM DENSITY(4-8> R.ERMII MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY (8- W) 01 RH HIGH DENSITY (15-23) R.2 COMMERCIAL R-3 RR1 INTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL (eg. Plaza Camlno Reil) R-3L RRE EXTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL (eg Cu Country Carlsbad) RDM RS REGIONAL SERVICE RD-H C COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL RMHP N NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL RP TS TRAVEL SERVICES COMMERCIAL RT O PROFESSIONAL RELATED RW CEO CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PI PUNNED INDUSTRIAL o G GOVERNMENT FACILITIES C-lU PUBLIC UTILITIES r.j RC RECREATION COMMERCIAL CT SCHOOLS CM E ELEMENTARY M J JUNIOR HIGH P-M It HIGH SCHOOL P PRIVATE F-P OS OPEN SPACE L-C NRR NON RESIDENTIAL RESERVE - OS P-U RESIDENTIAL PLANNED COMMUNITY ZONE RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL ZONE RURAL RESIDENTIAL ESTATE ZONE ONE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE LIMITED ML'LTl FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE RESIDENTIAL DENSITY MULTIPLE ZONE RESIDENTIAL DENSITYIHGH ZONE RESIDENTIAL MOBILE HOME PARK ZONE RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL ZONE RESIDENTIAL TOURIST ZONE RESIDENTIAL WATERWAY ZONE COMMERCIAL OFFICE ZONE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE COMMERCIAL-TOURIST ZONE HEAVY COMMERCIAL LIMITED INDUSTRIAL ZONE INDUSTRIAL ZONE PLANNED INDUSTRIAL ZONE OTHER FLOODPLA1N OVERLAY ZONE LIMITED CONTROL OPEN SPACE PUBLIC UTILITY ZONE City of Carlsbad Legend For General Plan & Local Coastal Program (LCP) Land Use Map Designations LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM (I0P) AMENDMENT LCPA 87-6(LCPA 87-2C) Exhibit B Existing Land Use Map Designations Proposed Amended Land Use Map Designations Mello II LCP Poinsettia Lane Spinnaker Hills Develooment A Sea Cliff Development> RM Lyman Property ^\\ Savage Property \Freeway \ \ Batiquitos Lagoon Pacific Rim Master Plan Mello II LCP RLM Lyman Property '--A s\ N Savage Property RM East Batiquitos Lagoon/Hunt Properties LCP East Batiquitos Lagoon/HuntProperties LCP- LOCAL Q^ASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT LCPA 87-6(LCPA 87-2C) Exhibit B Existing Land Use Map Designations Proposed Amended Land Use Map Designations Mello II LCP Poinsettia Lane Pacific Rim Master Plan Spinnaker Hills Development Lyman Property Sea CliffDevelopment Savage Property \ To State \_ OS \ Batiquitos Lagoon East Batiquitos Lagoon/Hunt Properties LCP Mello II LCP RLM Lyman Property '--A sS Savage Property RM East Batiquitos Lagoon/HuntProperties LCP. PACOTC OCCAM EXHIBIT 1 PROPOSED LAND USE LEGEND: Qualified Overlay * Special Treatment Area / LU 8579. o 200 10O *OO wos sca*^iOM ao EXHIBIT A 9-30-87 RLM to O SITE ^ER AL PLAN HSIDINTIAl ()•* DENSITY (0 1 <1 :<)Vr.MET>IL'M L)EN5ITY<(M) MF.WI/M HIGH OENSin-<»-IJ) iir.ii nF.N^irvi ivij) rOMMIRCIAl NTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL <tg Pliu Cimlno Rtil) ; \ TFNSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL I c« C« Country CarUbrt) IF.r.lONAL SERVICE < HMMl'NITY COMMERCIALNFU.IinoRMOUO COMMERCIAL I RAV El SERVICES COMMERCIAL "RUFE5SIONAL RELATED TFNTRAL BLSINE^S DISTRICTPUNNFO I.NDISTRIAL r.i )v F.RNMENT FACILITIES n BLIC 1'IILITIES »£< RE \TIUN COMMERCLAL SCHOOLS fUMENTARY JINIOR MICH PRKAfE (if EN <PACE NON RESIDENTIAL RESERVE ZONING RISIDINTIALP-C PUNNED C.OMMl'NITY ZONE RA RESIDENTIAL A<;RICLITT.RAL ZONE RE RLRAL RESIDENTIAL ESTATE ZONE R-l ONE FA.MILY RESIDENn*L ZONE RJ TTIO.FA.MIIY RESIDENTIAL ZONER-5 MfinPU FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONER JL LIMITED ML LTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONERDM RESIDENTIAL DENSITY MULTIPLE ZONERD H RESIDENTIAL DENMFY IIIC.II ZIWF RMIIP RESIOEN HAL MOOIIi HOME PARK ZONE RP RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL ZONE RT RESIDENTIAL TOURIST ZONE RW RESIDENTIAL «ATER«AY ZONE COMMIRCIAL O OfTICE ZONE CZ GENERAL COMMERCLAL ZONE CT COMMERCIAL TOURIST ZONECM HE.\V"TCOMMERCL\L LIMITED INDUSTRLAL ZONE M INDUSTTUAL ZONE P- M PLAf«N ED INDUSTRLAL ZONE OTHIR r P FLOODPLAJN OVERLAY ZONE 1C UMirED CONTROL OS OPEN SP\CEP U PLDUC UDUTY ZONE LAUREL TREE City of Carlsbad LCPA 87-3 (LCPA 87-2E) GPA/LU 87-4 EXHIBITC 11/4/87 Policy 2-1 C. PERMITTED USES ON DESIGNATED COASTAL AGRICULTURAL LANDS The land uses described below shall apply to any designated coastal agricultural land which has not been approved for development. 1. On any Class I through Class IV Agricultural Lands (See Exhibit 4.2.), the following uses only are permitted: a. Cattle, sheep, goats, and swine production, provided that the number of any one or combination of said animals shall not exceed one animal per half acre of lot area. Structures for containing animals shall not be located within 50 feet of any habitable structure on the same parcel, nor within 300 feet of an adjoining parcel zoned for residential uses. b. Crop production; c. Floriculture; d. Horses, private use; e. Nursery crop production; f. Poultry, rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters, and other small animals, provided not more than 25 of any one combination thereof shall be kept within 50 feet of any habitable structure nor within 300 feet of an adjoining parcel zoned for residential uses; g. Roadside stands for display and sale of products produced on the same premises, with a floor area not exceeding 200 square feet and located not nearer than 20 feet to any street or highway; h. Tree farms; i. Truck farms; j. Wildlife refuges and game preserves; k. Other uses or enterprises similar to the above customarily carried on in the field of general agriculture including if necessary accessory uses such as private garages, children's playhouses, radio and television receiving antennas, windmills, silos, tank houses, shops, barns, offices, coops, lath houses, stables, pens, corrals, and similar uses required for the -2- conduct of the uses above; 1. One single family dwelling and guest house per existing legal building parcel; m. Dogs, cats, and other domestic pets, provided not more than four dogs or four cats older than six months or any combination thereof shall be kept on any lot or parcel of land; and n. Home occupation. On any class V through VIII Agricultural Lands (See Exhibit 4.2.)/ the following uses only are permitted: a. All of the permitted uses listed above; b. Hay and feed stores; c. Nurseries, retail and wholesale d. Packing sheds, processing plants and commercial outlets for farm crops, provided that such activities are not located within 100 feet of any lot line; e. Greenhouses, provided all requirements for yard setbacks and height as specified in Chapter -3- 21.07 of the Code are .met. 3. On any Class I through VIII Agricultural Lands (See Exhibit 4.2.), the following uses are permitted by conditional use permit provided: a. The use promotes and provides for the long term preservation of Coastal Agricultural Land; and b. Fulfills the requirements and findings for a conditional use permit with the City of Carlsbad. 1. Apiary, provided that all hives or boxes housing bees shall be placed at least 400 feet from any street, school, park, "R" zone, or from any dwelling or place of human habitation other than that occupied by the owner or caretaker of the apiary; 2. Aviaries; 3. Poultry, rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters, and other small animals in excess of the number specified in Section 21.07.020. -4- 4. Farm employee .housing for persons working onsite, provided the number of units shall not exceed two per gross acre of land area and no such housing is located closer than 50 feet from any lot line; 5. Hay and feed stores; 6. Nurseries, retail and wholesale; 7. Packing sheds or small processing plans for farm crops, similar to those being grown on the premises, provided no such processing plant is located within 50 feet of any lot line; 8. Public works projects; 9. Sanitary landfills, temporary; 10. Stables and riding academies, public; 11. Botanical gardens, arboretums, and other related and supporting facilities for the display and education about agricultural and floral -5- products within . Carlsbad or the surrounding region; 12. Farmer's markets or similar facilities for the exclusive sale of agricultural and floral products within Carlsbad or the surrounding region; and 13. A floral auction and related facilities which provide financial support to flower growers within Carlsbad and the surrounding region. Policy 2-2 "MIXED-USE" DEVELOPMENT Intent This policy provides conditional development standards for the area of approximately 482 acres north of Palomar Airport Road and east of Paseo del Norte including the additional 20 acres between Paseo del Norte and Interstate-5. (See Exhibit 4.3.) All such lands owned either by Carltas or Ecke or their successors in interest shall be permitted, pursuant to approval of a Master Plan or a combination of a Specific Plan and Master Plan, to convert certain agricultural lands to residential and/or non- -6- residential (including tourist-serving commercial) development as a means of providing supplementary uses which will assist in the retention of agricultural uses on the remaining portions of these parcels. It should be noted that residential uses are possible only where they do not conflict with the Airport Influence Area and where they are compatible with adjacent uses. A. Basic Permitted Uses on Existing Legal Parcels Where each existing legal parcel as of July 14, 1987, (See Exhibit 4.3.) is developed individually, permitted uses shall be those described above in Policy 2-1 C Permitted Uses on Designated Coastal Agricultural Lands. B» Uses Conditionally Permissible Pursuant to the Development of the Entire Area Subject to a Master Plan 1. Consistent with the Carlsbad General Plan residential, commercial (including tourist serving commercial), and other non-residential uses may be developed up on to 137 acres of the approximately 482 acre site subject to a Master Plan for the entire site. 2. Development shall be clustered along Palomar Airport Road, Paseo del Norte, and Cannon Road as per Exhibit 4.3A. 3. Any amendment to the location of the developable area shall be required to prove that the new area for development is not more suitable for agriculture than the previously -7- developable area. The intent: of this requirement is to cluster development on lands least suitable for agriculture. 4. All remaining lands of approximately 345 acres (See Exhibit 4.3A.) shall as a condition of the Master Plan be preserved in agriculture for as long as feasible. Feasibility shall be determined for the entire 345 acres covered by this restriction. Further, feasibility shall be subject to the requirements of the Hello II Coastal Agricultural Overlay Zone Section 21.82.060(c). 5. Pursuant to Section 51257 of the Government Code, the boundaries of the lands designated for agriculture may be amended. 6. As an interim step (prior to a complete Master Plan) a 35 acre portion of the 137 acres of developable land located adjacent and easterly to Phase I of Carlsbad Car Country may be developed as a Phase II expansion of Carlsbad Car Country pursuant to a Specific Plan. 7. The 137 acres of developable land includes any portion of the 482 acre site (See Exhibit 4.3A.) that has been developed prior to the Master Plan approval. 8. The Master Plan shall provide a mix location and intensity of land uses that are compatible with and will not adversely impact the long term viability of agricultural uses. 9. All development shall include special treatment buffers either through design or through physical barriers that stabilize the urban - agricultural boundaries and limit to a -8- level of Insignificance agricultural impacts . on the urban uses. 10. All tenants of developable portions of the site shall be notified as to the requirements of the Specific and Master Plans and agricultural uses on the designated land. 11. In implementing the Master Plan all land owners and tenants within the 482 acre site shall waive any right to file nuisance claims against normal agricultural operations. 12. All development shall be located so as to not interfere with normal agricultural operations including but not limited to cultivation, irrigation, and spraying. 13. As a condition of approval of either the Master Plan or the Specific Plan for the Phase II expansion of Carlsbad Car Country, whichever occurs first, the property owners (Carltas and/or Ecke or their successors in interest) shall record a deed restriction endorsed by the Coastal Commission or its successor in interest and the City of Carlsbad that the 345 acres of land identified on Exhibit 4.3 are designated for Agricultural uses and any modification of use shall require a LCP amendment. 14. It is recognized that roads can function as buffers between dissimilar land uses as well as providing access to uses. Therefore, roads may be located entirely or partially or not at all within areas designated for agricultural use. The decision to include or exclude (either partially or entirely) roads shall be a condition of the coastal -9- development permit: that includes the construction of the road. -10- EXHIBIT Cl ^S^j^"" " '* "-••*•» 11/4/87AGUAHEDONDA LAGOON EXHIBIT 4.2A CARLTAS AGRICULTURAL LANDS ti AGRICULTURAL LANDS CLASS MV SOILS n CLASS V-VIII SOILS _ or'« Parcel* •• «f 7/14/87 APN 211-010-11 -021-13 -14 -15 -18 -19 -20 -21 8 Parcels ACREAGE 66-96 2.94 12.37 13.46 23.05 102.58 86.00 175.11 482.47 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT/ LOCAL. COASTAL PLAN AMENDMENT FROM RMH & RLM TO HM ZONE CHANGE FflOM R-1-7500 TO RDM-Q RH LOCAL COASTAL PLAN AMENDMENT FROM RM TO RLM CHINQUAPIN AV£ RMH LOCUST ST EXHIBIT A 9-30-87 PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN, LOCAL COASTAL PLAN & ZONING DESIGNATIONS RLM \ LOCAL COASTAL \ PLAN AMENDMENT \FROM RMH TO RLM GENERAL PLAN w. «LM KM «.MH RM MSIOINTIAl iu» oexin ii-Mi lot MEOIl M OCNSITY(0-4I MEDU.MOENSITTri4.il MEDIl M HIGH OtNSmri«-m HIGH DE.NMTTrMVU) COMMIICIAl1STENSINE UOlONAlUTAIllcf Wu» Camino dull EXrEN5C.E KfCIONAlUTAiKct CirCoumrt CjrHBl ZONING IISIOINTIAL FC PLO-NtDtOMMlMin ZONt' It C HIR J» j « »L W3M MJ M. I; ( UMMlMn CO.MMEKCbM N vEK.MBtmMOOOCOMMtHrULn rMvEi.-EmirEscoMMtnr.WL < F^rn\L 8L5INESSDISTIUCTPL^^•^ED INDl STTUAl ct suet nunts SCHOOLS E ELEMIVUKYI iiMim HIGH H HK.H >< HI.MJI NIU M>S HP OC I Clc T C M M r- M F f I C O*PL' .. ZO,N£ ONE fA.MILY IUSIDE.NTTAJL JONS PIO F.N.MIU lUSIDtNTVAl ZOMMI mptf FA.MIW RtsioEvnAL ZOM LLMirtO Ml in f\.MHY UJIDCVTUi. ZOM HE5IDE.VRU 0€>Sin MHT1PU /OM RE5IDESTT.M.OENMn HU,H ZONE HE5IDENT1M MuBILI HOME POUt ZOSt «E5IDENnMP«OFliSIONALZOS€ vnu roi wsr ZO.NENnu *An*»AV ZONE COMMIICIAL OFFICE ZOVl NEIGHBORHOOD COMMEHCUL ZONt CtNEHAiCOMMEKCLUZO"'!COM*! XCLU rot wsr ZOM H£,\St COMMEKCLM LLMITEO LST515TW.O. ZONI PIA.NN1O IMX. 5TWA1 ZONI OTHII FlOOOfLWi O*t»LAT ZOM ' U.MITED COfnUOl OPLN SP\Ct PVBUC LTIUry ZONI City of Carlsbad GPA/LU 87-3 LCPA 87-1 (LCPA 87-2G) CITY OF CARLSBAD ZC 87-3