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1987-11-04; Planning Commission; ; GPA/LU 87-01|ZC 87-02|SP-19C|CT 87-03|LCPA 87-02|LCPA 87-02F|LFMP 87-03(2). AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE NO. 76-1 CONTRACT AMENDMENT - CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION
APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE: AUGUST 6. 1987 STAFF REPORT DATE: NOVEMBER 4, 1987 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: GPA/LU 87-1. ZC 87-2. SP-19(C1. CT 87-3. LCPA 87-2. (LCPA 87-2F1. LFMP 87-3(2). AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE NO. 76-1 CONTRACT AMENDMENT - CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION Request to approve a 35 acre expansion of the existing car dealership facilities located south of Cannon Road, east of Paseo del Norte, north of Palomar Airport Road in Local Facilities Management Zone 3. I.RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission recommend APPROVAL of the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director, RECOMMEND that the City Council amend the contract establishing Agricultural Preserve No. 76-1 and also ADOPT Resolution No's. 2689, 2690, 2691, 2692, 2693, 2694, and 2695 recommending APPROVAL of GPA/LU 87-1, ZC 87-2, SP-19(C), CT 87-3, LCPA 87-2 (LCPA 87-2F) , LFMP 87-3(2) to the City Council based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II.PROJECT DESCRIPTION & BACKGROUND The proposed project is a 35 acre eastwardly expansion to the existing Car Country. The proposed expansion would create 13 lots which would back up to the existing dealerships. Although the proposed development is relatively straightforward, there are seven complex discretionary actions which must be approved prior to development occurring. These include the following: 1. General Plan Amendment 2. Zone Change 3. Local Coastal Plan Amendment 4. Agricultural Preserve No. 76-1 Contract Amendment 5. Specific Plan Amendment 6. Tentative Tract Map 7. Amendment to Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 3 November 4, 1987 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION Page 2 The proposed General Plan Amendment will change the site's designation from RM, 4-8 du's/acre to RRE, Extensive Regional Retail. The proposed Zone Change will change the site's zoning from E-A (Exclusive Agricultural) and R-A-10,000 (Residential Agricultural, 10,000 square foot minimum lot size) to C-2-Q (General Commercial with a Qualified Overlay). The Local Coastal Plan Amendment will modify the three existing development options provided for this property under the Mello II segment of the Local Coastal Plan. The amendment to Agricultural Preserve No. 76-1 Contract will adjust the boundaries of the contract to allow for the expansion of Car Country. This amendment will also propose additional uses that can be permitted within the Agricultural Preserve subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The Specific Plan Amendment will establish development standards for the additional 35 acres being added to Car Country. The proposed tentative tract map will divide the site into 13 lots which will gain access from a public street system. The amendment to the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 3 will revise the information contained within the Zone 3 Plan to consider impacts on public facilities created by the expansion of Car Country. Due to the number of complex and varied actions, the staff report will be divided into four sections with a separate issues and analyses discussion for each section. The four topic areas are as follows: A. General Plan Amendment and Zone Change B. Local Coastal Program Amendment and Agricultural Preserve No. 76-1 Contract Amendment C. Specific Plan and Tentative Tract Map D. Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment for Zone 3. III. ANALYSIS A. Planning Issues 1) Is the proposed land use designation of RRE the most appropriate for the site? November 4, 1987 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION Page 3 2) Would uses permitted by the proposed land use designation be compatible with existing and future land uses? 3) Is the proposed zone change to C-2-Q and the uses allowed within this zone consistent with the proposed RRE General Plan designation? Discussion - General Plan Amendment The project site currently has a General Plan designation of Residential Medium (4-8 du/ac). Staff is recommending that the land use designation be changed to Extensive Regional Retail (RRE). Although designated as a multi-family residential area, the subject site is not appropriate for residential development for several reasons. The site is located just outside the Airport Influence Area and will be impacted by noise from aircraft leaving Palomar Airport. In addition to the negative noise impacts, residential development would also be subject to the adverse visual impacts of looking down into the existing car dealerships. Any residences located in this area would also be impacted by loudspeaker noise and lighting from the existing car dealerships. Staff has recommended the General Plan designation of RRE for a number of reasons. This designation is appropriate for establishments dealing in large, low volume, high cost items for which customers are willing to travel greater distances. The proposed location near Interstate 5 is ideal to meet the access needs of such a use. The highly successful existing Car Country is located to the west of the site. It is also suitably separated from residential areas. To the east and the south, the site is buffered by land which is designated by the Williamson Contract for agricultural purposes. The proposed land use change will provide an appropriate type of development for this area of the City. Discussion - Zone Change Staff is recommending that the site's existing zoning of E-A, (Exclusive Agriculture) and R-A-10,000 (Residential Agricultural, 10,000 square foot minimum lot size) be changed to C-2-Q (General Commercial with a Qualified Overlay). The C-2 zone is the implementing zone for the November 4, 1987 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION Page 4 RRE General Plan designation. The existing Car Country has a General Plan designation of RRE and zoning of C- 2. The Q Overlay requires Planning Commission approval of a Site Development Plan prior to any development on this site. This requirement has been included in the Specific Plan for this area which is also being considered at this time. B. Local Coastal Plan Amendment: and Agricultural Preserve No. 76—1 Contract Amendment Planning Issues - Local Coastal Plan Amendment 1. Will the proposed amendment further the goals of Coastal Resource Management as outlined in the Coastal Act of 1976 as implemented throughout the Mello II Segment of Carlsbad's Local Coastal Program? Discussion - Local Coastal Plan Amendment The present Local Coastal Program (LCP) calls for the maintenance of agricultural uses on the 482 acre area which includes the Car Country Expansion. The area is labeled "Mixed-Use" development on the last page of Exhibit "C". To accomplish this, three options (A, B, and C) for the ultimate development of the area are provided. A. The first option allows each existing legal parcel to develop according to the requirements of "Designated Coastal Agricultural Lands" in the Mello II segment of the LCP. Essentially this option restricts uses to agriculture and related activities. B. The second option basically allows low density residential land use of .1-2 du/ac. This development is to be clustered along existing roads within each parcel to allow agricultural use on the remainder of each parcel. C. The third option requires a "Master Plan" for development of the 482 acre area. The intent of the "Master Plan" is to ensure the long term viability of agriculture. The "Master Plan" option allows 90 acres of "mixed-use" residential (12 November 4, 1987 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION Page 5 du/ac) and general commercial development to be clustered on the southwest corner of the area with this remaining land to be dedicated to long term agricultural production. The proposed amendment is attached as Exhibit "C" and changes the three development options in the following ways: A. In the first option, additional agricultural and ancillary land uses were added as permitted uses. Also added were some agriculturally-related land uses which would be allowed with a conditional use permit. These additional land uses came from the Agricultural Preserve No. 76-1 contract or were suggested by the land owners' representative. Also added was reference to the Airport Influence Area. B. The second option (B) was eliminated. It was felt that this option, which planned according to existing parcel lines and not comprehensive planning analysis, removed the ability to appropriately plan for both the long term viability of agriculture and the ultimate health, safety, and general welfare of potential residents. C. The third option (Mixed-Use) is proposed to be restricted to: 1. Increase the developable acreage from 90 acres to 137 acres. This action will eliminate confusion as to the amount of land that is developable and that which will be preserved for long-term agricultural use. The 137 acres is the amount of land that is currently not subject to the Land Conservation Contract (Williamson Act). Therefore, this action is required to provide consistency between the LCP and the contract. 2. Identify the acreage to be preserved as agriculture as that which is currently under Williamson Contract with the City (345 acres). 3. Require either a Specific Plan (i.e, Car Country Expansion SP-19(C)) or a Master Plan to initiate the agricultural preservation requirements of this LCP policy. (A Master November 4, 1987 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION Page 6 Plan is required for the development of the remainder of the property.) 4. Restricts development to locate adjacent to existing roadways and on land least suitable for agriculture. 5. Requires agriculture uses to remain for as long as feasible and establishes the criteria for feasibility determination. 6. Establishes special requirements to ensure long term compatibility between agriculture and other uses. 7. Pursuant to Government Code, Section 51257 adjusts the boundaries of the developable land and of the land designated for agriculture. The proposed additions to the LCP (attached, Exhibit "C") are shown in bold type. In all, the amendment allows the landowner, City, and Coastal Commission to more clearly fulfill the intent of the Coastal Act and Carlsbad's Local Coastal Plan by more consistently and comprehensively outlining the development potential of the area. Planning Issues - Amendments to Agricultural Preserve 1. Is the proposed amendment pursuant to the provisions of Section 51200 et.seq of the California Government Code? 2. Is the amendment consistent with the goals of Carlsbad's General Plan, Local Coastal Program, (LCP) and initial Land Conservation Contract No. 76-1? Discussion - Amendment to Agricultural Preserve In 1965, the State Legislature added Section 51200 et.seq. to the Government Code. Section 51200 et.seq. (known as the Williamson Act) authorizes local jurisdictions to establish a Conservation Contract. Landowners within a preserve may enter into a Land Conservation Contract with the jurisdiction to restrict their land to agricultural or open space uses whereby November 4, 1987 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION Page 7 tax assessment of their land will be based on its restricted use rather than on its fair market value. The terms of the contract require the land use to be restricted for a specified period of time (10 years). There are monetary penalties for premature cancellation of the contract. In 1976, the City entered into a Land Conservation Contract with the Carltas Company to establish a 345 acre Agricultural Preserve. The contract has an automatic renewal clause such that unless a nonrenewal notice is filed, the contract will not expire. Instead, the contract will always be for ten years. The amendment proposes two changes to the Land Conservation Contract No. 76-1 between the City and Carltas Company. First, it proposes a boundary adjustment to allow for the expansion of Car Country; second, it proposes additional uses that can be permitted within the agricultural preserve subject to the approval of a conditional use permit. Section 51257 of the Government Code was amended in 1985 to allow for boundary adjustments of existing agricultural preserves providing certain findings, to amend the contract, can be made by the City and the California Coastal Commission to approve the boundary adjustment. In general the findings focus on the requirements that the boundary adjustment will not diminish the long-term preservation and viability of agricultural lands. Specifically the following findings must be made: 1. There will not be a reduction of the amount of acreage under contract as of January 1, 1985. 2. The land added to the contract is at least equal in size, agricultural suitability and fair market value as the land being removed from the contract. 3. At least 50% of the land presently subject to the contract will remain subject to the contract. 4. The boundary adjustment is located within an incorporated City within a county with a population in excess of 1,500,000. November 4, 1987 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION Page 8 5. The contract affected by the adjustment has been in effect for at least 10 years. 6. The adjustment is consistent with the General Plan. 7. The land added is contiguous with land either under contract or owned by a single family. 8. The proposed adjustment is consistent with the findings that are required for cancellation of the contract. There were 345 acres under contract in 1985. Approximately 30 acres for the expansion of Carlsbad Car Country are proposed for removal from the contract, although the entire expansion area includes 35 acres. The exact amount of acreage will be added to the contract as a result of this boundary adjustment. Therefore, there will be no net reduction in the amount of acreage under contract. Also, the 30 acre "swap" means that 92% of the land presently under contract will remain under contract after the adjustment. As part of the swap proposal the City required the applicant to submit proof that the land being added to the contract was at least as suitable for agriculture as the land removed. Submittals were received from the Agricultural Advisor for the Cooperative Extension of the University of California and a local flower grower. These submittals indicate that not only is the land to be added as suitable for agriculture as the land removed, it is perhaps some of the best agricultural land adjacent to the preserve. The applicant did not submit any appraisals, so that it is difficult to compare the fair market value of the two parcels. However, the fair market value is probably similar. If anything, the value of the parcel added could be added higher than that of the parcel to be removed for several reasons. The parcel to be removed has been designated for agriculture by both the LCP and city zoning. The parcel to be added is designated for development in the LCP and carries a residential zoning designation. Both parcels are currently designated Residential Medium Density (4-8 du's/ac) by the City's General Plan. November 4, 1987 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION Page 9 With respect to the other required findings, the Land Contract has been in effect since 1976 (eleven years). Also San Diego has a population in excess of 2.2 million. The land to be added is contiguous with the remaining contract land. Finally, there is no request to cancel any portion of the contract. The proposed boundary adjustment is consistent with the goals of the General Plan, LCP, and original Land Conservation Contract. The documents all include a goal of the long-term preservation of agricultural lands. It is the stated intent Section 51257 (Government Code) to allow boundary adjustments ..."without diminishing the quality and quantity of land subject to agricultural preserve contracts and without imposing cancellation fees on the landowners concerned. If the boundary adjustments were not made, then the City's goal of expanding Car Country would result in both the reduction of land under contract and in the imposition of cancellation fees. Finally, the proposed amendment fulfills the intent and requirements of Carlsbad's Local Coastal Program and the initial Land Conservation Contract for Agricultural Preserve No. 76-1 by helping implement a "Master Plan" for the long-term agricultural use of the Land Conservation Contract No. 76-1. C. Specified Plan and Tentative Tract Map Planning Issues 1) Does the specific plan implement the intent of the General Plan (RRE) and the C-2-Q zone? 2) Are the standards in the specific plan adequate to ensure a high quality auto park compatible with existing Car Country? 3) Does the proposed tentative subdivision map satisfy all requirements of the Carlsbad Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and the State Map Act? Discussion - Specific Plan The proposed Specific Plan establishes development regulations for the Car Country expansion area. The intent of the Plan is to ensure that the expansion area November 4, 1987 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION Page 10 will complement and enhance the existing auto park. The proposed plan is incorporated as an amendment to Specific Plan 19 which was adopted in January, 1972, and which established development standards for existing Car Country. The proposed amendment will govern only the expansion area and will not apply to the existing auto park. It is written as a self-contained document and does not require reference to the original 1972 Specific Plan. For background and easy reference, however, the original specific plan is contained as an Appendix to SP-19(C). The proposed Specific Plan implements the intent of the RRE General Plan designation by establishing car dealerships in an area close to arterial streets yet separate from residential neighborhoods. The primary use of the area will be the retailing of new and used automobiles. However, automobile-related uses will also be permitted on three of the interior lots. All of these accessory uses are consistent with the C-2 zone. As mentioned earlier, the intent of the Specific Plan is to enhance and complement the existing park. Over the years, Car Country has developed as an attractive auto park .which meets the needs of the customers, the car dealers, and the City. It concentrates car dealerships in one area and requires that specific development standards be followed. Because the existing park has been so successful, the same basic standards were used in the proposed expansion plan. Additional items which were addressed include test driving areas, employee eating areas, unloading areas, outdoor lighting levels, noise levels, and auto-related uses. To ensure that the expansion area will maintain a high quality of development, the Specific Plan requires each individual project to process a Site Development Plan. This will guarantee that the uses are appropriate, all impacts are mitigated, and that the intents and standards of the Specific Plan will be implemented. Discussion - Tentative Tract Map The proposed tentative map meets all requirements of the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance, the State Map Act, and the Subdivision Ordinance. The applicant has proposed a 14 lot subdivision, - 13 developable lots plus three remainder parcels of 400+ acres. The lots proposed for November 4, 1987 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION Page 11 development back up to the rear of the existing dealerships. Lots 1-4 will take access from an interior cul-de-sac ("B" Street) and Lots 5-13 will take access off "A" Street, a single-loaded 72 foot wide industrial street. The proposed lots will be adequate in size and shape to accommodate development permitted by the Specific Plan. The large remainder parcel will have significant street frontage on Palomar Airport Road, a prime arterial, and Cannon Road, a major arterial. As part of this subdivision, the applicant has been conditioned to dedicate right-of-way along both arterials and agree to participate in an improvement district. Street improvements would not actually be installed until the improvement district is formed; however, the agreement is an important step in the establishment of a major circulation system link. Grading The applicant has proposed a large amount of grading to accommodate the flat pads necessary for this type of development. The grading operation would cut the easterly portion of the site and fill the westerly portion of the site. Approximately 173,000 cubic yards would have to be exported. Staff has conditioned this export to be deposited at an approved site on the remainder parcel after completion of sufficient environmental review, plan check, and erosion control. The haul route for the proposed export has also been conditioned not to cross improved public roadways. Driveways The applicant has requested a variance from engineering standards to reduce the driveway/intersection spacing requirements from 300 feet to 200 feet. The applicant believes this is necessary to provide at least one access point to each lot. Engineering staff can support this position because "A" Street is single-loaded and will take access from one side only. Dedication on Cannon Road One of the conditions of approval requires dedication or condemnation of the full 102 foot right-of-way width required along Cannon Road. This includes the offsite slope dedication necessary to grade this roadway. One- half of this right-of-way must be obtained from San November 4, 1987 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION Page 12 Diego Gas & Electric; if this dedication cannot be obtained by the applicant, then the City will have to enter into condemnation proceedings to acquire the remaining right-of-way width. Staff strongly recommends grading the full right-of-way width at this time rather than a half-width to prevent future transition problems and construction hazards. Staff has conditioned a full width grading with half-street improvements. The improvement of Cannon Road will not impact the large SDG&E electrical towers; the smaller wooden poles will be removed and utilities will be undergrounded. Amendment to Local Facilities Management Plan For Zone 3 Planning Issues 1. Is the proposed amendment to the Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for Zone 3 consistent with Section 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Growth Management) and with the adopted Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan? Discussion The subject property is located in Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 3. The original plan for this zone was approved May 19, 1987, and was subsequently amended on August 14, 1987, to allow for the expansion of Car Country as well as boundary adjustment for Zones 3 and 13. The plan is now being updated to incorporate new information as a result of actions taken since this plan was originally adopted and to also analyze the increased demand on public facilities due to the inclusion of the Car Country expansion into Zone 3. Modification made as a result of updated information include the following: 1) Increased library space which the City Council authorized in their action of July 7, 1987 (which allocated the appropriate funds and directed the City Manager to proceed in constructing a new library facility within the next five years). 2) Revised park inventory (AB 9218) as modified in the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 1. The public facilities which are impacted by the Car Country expansion are wastewater treatment capacity, drainage, November 4, 1987 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION Page 13 circulation, sewer collection, and water distribution. These impacts are briefly discussed below. A more detailed analysis may be found in the amended plan for Zone 3, attached as Exhibit "F", dated November 4, 1987. IMPACTS PROM THE EXPANSION OF CAR COUNTRY City Administrative Facilities No Impact Library No Impact No Impact Wastewater Treatment .08 MGD (135 EDUs) Parks No Impact Drainage 115 CFS Circulation 2000 Average Daily Trips Fire No Impact Open Space No Impact Schools No Impact Sewer Service 135 EDUs (.08 MGD) Water Service .03MGD As shown above, the modification of the boundaries of Zone 3 to include the Car Country expansion do not cause any of the public facilities within Zone 3 to fail to meet the adopted performance standards. However, increased traffic created by the expansion of Car Country does lower the service level at the intersections of northbound and southbound Interstate 5 and Palomar Airport Road. Although the level of service is lowered, it will still comply with the City's adopted performance standards. As pointed out by the Zone 5 Local Facilities Management Plan, these intersections will need to be improved within one to three years to comply with the adopted performance standards. The circulation section of the revised Zone 3 Local Facilities Management Plan provides a number of financing alternatives for solving this problem. In summary, the seven complex actions discussed in this staff report will allow for a 35 acre expansion of the existing Car November 4, 1987 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION Paae 14 report will allow for a 35 acre expansion of the existing Car Country. The proposed expansion will generate a tremendous amount of revenue for the City of Carlsbad. All development proposals for this area will require approval of a Site Development Plan by the Planning Commission. Staff recommends that the Commission recommend APPROVAL of this project to the City Council. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this project will not have a significant impact on the environment and, therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration on September 11, 1987. ATTACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Resolution No.'s 2691, 2694, 2689, 2692, 2701, 2693 2. Location Map 3. Background Data Sheet 4. Disclosure Form 5. Environmental Documents 6. Exhibits "A" - "K", dated November 4, 1987 AML:dm 10/22/87 \ ( \ V.'-LJ: CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION !\\\v-' • - \fr-^ EXISTINGN ^v" • \CARCOUNTRY \ ^v- |% \DEVELOPMENT GENERAL PLAN ZONING MSIOINTIAL RL LOW DENSITY (0-IM p.C RLM LOW MEDIUM D£NSITY(0-4) R-A KM MEDIUM DENSITY (4 8) R.£ RMH MEDIL'M HIGH DENSITY(8- W) R.| RH HlGHDENSITV(H-a3) n-2 COMMIRCIAL R-3 RRJ INTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL (eg. Ptau Cunlno Iteil> R-3L RRE EXTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL (eg. (Ur Country Carllbad) W3-M RS REGIONAL SERVICE M>-H C COMMUNITV COMMERCIAL RMHP N NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL *•' TS TRAVEL SERVICES COMMERCIAL "T O PROFESSIONAL RELATED I* CBD CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PI PLANNED INDUSTRIAL O G GOVERNMENT FACILITIES C-l U PIBIICCTIUTIES C-Z RC RECREATION COMMERCIAL CT SCHOOLS CM E ELEMENTARY M I JUNIOR HIGH f'M H HIGH SCHOOL P PRIVATE P-P OS OPEN SPACE L'c NRK NON RESIDENTIAL RESERVE °*P-U RISIDINT1ALPLANNED COMMUNITY ZONERESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL ZONERURAL RESIDENTIAL ESTATE ZONEONE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONETWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONEMULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONELIMITED MULT! FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONERESIDENTIAL DENSITY MULTIPLE ZONERESIDENTIAL DENSITY-HIGH ZONERESIDENTIAL MOBILE HOME PARK ZONERESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL ZONERESIDENTIAL TOURIST ZONERESIDENTIAL WATERWAY ZONE COMMIRCIAL OFFICE ZONE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE COMMERCIAL-TOURIST ZONE HEAVY COMMERCIAL-LIMITED INDUSTRIAL ZONE INDUSTRIAL ZONE PLANNED INDUSTRIAL ZONE OTHI* FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY ZONE LIMITED CONTROL OPEN SPACE PUBLIC UTILITY ZONE City of Carlsbad GPA/LU 87-1 ZC 87-2 CT 87-3 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION SP-19(C) BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: GPA/LU 87-1. ZC 87-2. SP-19fC). CT 87-3. LFMP 87-3. LCPA 87-2 APPLICANT: CARLTAS REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request to approve a 30 acre expansion of existing car dealership facilities located south of Cannon Road, east of Paseo del Norte. north of Palomar Airport Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A portion of Lot H of Rancho Aqua Hedionda. Map 823 in the City of Carlsbad ; APN: 211-010-11. 211-021-21. 211-021-20 Acres 35 Proposed No. of Lots/Units 13 lots GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Existing Land Use Designation RM Proposed General Plan designation - RRE Density Allowed N/A Density Proposed N/A Existing Zone E-A. R-A-1-10.000 Proposed Zone C-2 Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning Land Use Existing EA, R-A-10,000 Site Proposed C-2 Vacant North PU Vacant South RA-10.000 Vacant East E-A Vacant West c-2 Car Dealerships PUBLIC FACILITIES School District Carlsbad Water*Carlsbad. Costa Real SewerCarlsabd EDU's N/A Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated August 3. 1987 (*The City of Carlsbad will provide water servie to all projects in Carlsbad except those located in the Olivenhain and San Marcos Sewer Districts.) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT X Negative Declaration, issued September 11. 1987 E.I.R. Certified, dated Other, ; APPLICANT: AGENT: MEMBERS: DISCLOSURE FQRM Carltas Development Corrpany, A California Corporation Name (individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, syndication) 4401 Manchester Ave. #206, Encinitas, CA 92024 : Business Address•'' (619) 944-4090 Telephone• •:^——'' r.:- George S. Nolte & Associates Name 9755 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego, CA 92124 Business Address (619) 278-9392 Telephone Number Christopher C. Calkins, President Name (individual, partner, joint venture, corporation, syndication) 1435 Guizot, San Diego, CA 92107 Hone Address 4401 Manchester Ave. Ste. 206, Encinitas, CA 92024 Business Address ' (619) 944-4090 Telephone Number Paul Ecke, Jr.. Telephone Number 441 Saxony Road Name 441 Saxony Road Home Address Encinitas, CA 92024 Business Address 753-1134 Telephone Number Telephone Number (Attach more sheets if necessary) The applicant is required to apply for Coastal Commission Approval if located in the Coastal Zone. I/Vfe declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this disclosure is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be relied upon as being true and correct until Carltas TVwfiloni^ntx^onBBnY./^ California Corporation Agent, Owner, Partner 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92009-4859 PLANNING DEPARTMENT m&M JM (619)438-1161 €itp of Cartefcab NEGATIVE DECLARATION PROJECT ADDRESS/ LOCATION: South of Cannon Road, east of Paseo del Norte, north of Palomar Airport Road PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Thirty acre expansion of an existing retail car park. The proposed project requests a Zone Change, General Plan Amendment, Tentative Map, Local Coastal Plan Program Amendment, Williamson Act Contract Amendment, and Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment for Zone 3. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for this action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California 92009. Comments from the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department within ten (10) days of date of issuance. . DATED: SEPTEMBER 11, 1987 . V^HA, '^ )C^J-^^~ A~\ MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER CASE NO: GPA/LU 87-1, Planning Director CT 87-3, SP-19(C) , ZC 87-2, LFMP 87-3 (A) APPLICANT: CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT CO. (CAR COUNTRY) PUBLISH DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 1987 . STATE Of CALIFORNIA—OFFICE OF THE GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN OFFICE OF PLANNING AND RESEARCH 1400 TENTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 9J8U October 9, 1987 Adrienne Landers City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 " "'"'(! " tV/yo^'^V,' Subject: Car Country Expansion SCH# 87090904 Dear Ms. Landers: The State Clearinghouse submitted the above named proposed Negative Declaration to selected state agencies for review. The review period is closed and the comments of the individual agency(ies) is (are) enclosed. Also, on the enclosed Notice of Completion, the Clearinghouse has checked which agencies have commented. Please review the Notice of Completion to ensure that your comment package is complete. If the package is not in order, please notify the State Clearinghouse immediately. Your eight-digit State Clearinghouse number should be used so that we may respond promptly. Please note that recent legislation requires that a responsible agency or other public agency shall only make substantive comments on a project which are within the area of the agency's expertise or which relate to activities which that agency must carry out or approve. (AB 2583, Ch. 1514, Stats. 1984.) These comments are forwarded for your use in adopting your Negative Declaration. If you need more-information or clarification, we suggest you contact the commenting agency at your earliest convenience. Please contact Glenn Stober at 916/323-7480 if you have any questions regarding the environmental review process» Sincerely, David C« Nunenkamp Chief Office of Permit Assistance Enclosures cc: Slot* of California 1 Memorandum T° = Mr. Glenn Stober State Clearinghouse Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, California 95814 Dote .- September 29, 1987 Place .• Sacramento From : Department of Food ond Agriculture —1220 N Street, Room 104 Sacramento, CA 95814 Subject.- SCH No. 87090904 Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed Negative Declaration for the proposed 30 acre expansion of the Car Country retail park. The proposed project would convert valuable coastal agricultural land under Williamson Act Contract to urban use. This impact is mitigated by a Williamson Act Contract trade which would place similar nearby land under Contract. The California Department of Food and Agriculture finds that a Negative Declaration is the appropriate environmental document for this project. Martha Neuman Research Assistant (916) 322-5227 SURNAME SO- 1 O6 Slot* of California Memorandum THE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA To From Dr. Gordon F. Snow Assistant Secretary for Resources Ms. Adrienne Landers City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Department of ConMrvation—Offko of th« Director Dot*SEP 2 9 7987 Subject > pr0p0sed Negative Declaration for Car Country Expansion. SCH# 87090904 The Department of Conservation is responsible for monitoring farmland conversion on a statewide basis. The Department also administers the California Land Conservation (Williamson) Act. We have reviewed the City of Carlsbad's Negative Declaration for the project referenced above, and have noted that the proposal may involve the conversion of valuable farmland. The Department, therefore, offers the following comments. The proposal would involve expanding an existing retail car dealership park onto thirty acres of land which is covered by a Williamson Act contract. Special legislation (AB 2016) was passed to allow an exchange, under Government Code Section 51257, which will place thirty acres of land, not currently covered by contract, under a Williamson Act contract. This new Williamson Act contract will be in effect for a period of fifteen years. The Department suggests that all requirements found in Government Code Section 51257 be followed in order to substitute agricultural land of similar quality and size. The Department appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Negative Declaration. We hope that the farmland conversion impact and the Williamson Act contract issues are given adequate consideration. free to If can be of further assistance, please feel 322-5873. Dennis J. O1Bryant - Environmental Program Coordinator cc: Ste Office :hief Conservation RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT CO. (CAR COUNTRY) GPA/LD 87-1 CT 87-3, SP-19(C) ZC 87-2, LFMP 87-3(A) DATED SEPTEMBER 11, 1987 SCH NO. 87090904 COMMENT DATE: 9/29/87 FROM: Martha Neuman OF: State Dept. of Food & Agriculture RESPONSE So Noted DATE: 9/29/87 FROM: Dennis J. O1Bryant OF: State Dept. of Conservation B. The new land that will be added to the ag r i cu1tura 1 preserve will be under the ag r i cultura 1 preserve for a period of 15 years. The amendment to the agricultural preserve has followed all the requirements of Government Code Sect ion No. 51257. DATE: 10/9/87 FROM: David C. Nunen Kamp OF: State Office of Planning & Resource So Noted ACUA HtDIONDA LAGOON EXHIBIT A 11/4/87 General Plan EXISTING RM PROPOSED RRE EXISTING CAR COUNTRY DEVELOPMENT 1 NhV \ 1 GENERAL PLAN RISIDINTIALRL LOW DENSITY (0- M) RUM LOW MEDIUM DENSITY (0-4)RM MEDIUM DENSITY<4-8>RMH MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY (8-rt)RH HIGH DENSITY (U-23) COMMIRCIALRRJ INTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL (e£ Ptua Camlno Real )RRE EXTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL <c» Car Country CarlJbad) RS REGIONAL SERVICE C COMMUNITY COMMERCIALN NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL TS TRAVEL SERVICES COMMERCIAL 0 PROFESSIONAL RELATED C8D CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRJCT PI PLANNED INDUSTRIAL(. GOVERNMENT FACILITIESU PUBLIC UTILITIESRC RECREATION COMMERCIAL SCHOOLSE ELEMENTARY J JUNIOR HIGHH MICH SCHOOL P PRIVATE OS OPEN SPACE NRR NON RE SIDENT1AL RESERVE 1PK ^ I/ — ~^V- i, 1 I \* *J_ , PALOMAK AIRPORT RD . .^ — ^^^~.fl4^\\\\fai4 iA-, v — #r^-^ ZONING •ISIOINTIAlP-C PLANNED COMMUNITY TON*R-A RESIDENTIAL AGR1CUUTL RAL ZONER-E RUR.U. RESIDENTIAL ESTATE ZONER- 1 ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONER-2 TVO-F.VMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONER-J MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE R-3L LIMITED -MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE RD--M RESIDENTIAL DENSITY MULTIPLE ZONERD-H RESIDENTIAL DENSITY-HIGH ZONERMHP RESIDENTIAL MOBILE HOME PAJUC ZONER-F RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL ZONE RT RESIDENTIAL TOURIST ZONE RW RESIDENTIAL WATERWAY ZONE COMMIRCIAL O OFFICE ZONE C 1 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE C-2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE C-T COMMERCIAL TOURIST ZONE CM HEAVY COMMERCIAL-LIMITED INDUSTRIAL ZONE M INDUSTRIAL ZONE OTHIt FP FLOODPLMN OVERLAY ZONE L C LIMITED CONTROL OS OPEN SPACE P-U PUBLIC UTILITY ZONE WILLIAMSON CONTRACT AMEND. GPA/LU 87-1 ZC 87-2 SP-19(C) CT 87-3 LCPA 87-2 LFMP 87-3(2) ACUA HtOlONDA lACOON EXHIBIT B H/4/87 Zoning EXISTING PROPOSED C-2Q M CAR COUNTRY DEVELOPMENT 1 Y\ GENERAL PLAN RESIDENTIAL RL IOVI OENMTYfO- 1 M RI.M loW-MF.niL'M DENSITY(0-4) RM MEDIUM DFNSITY(« 8) R.MII MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY (8- 11) Rll MICH DENSITY (11-23) COMMERCIAL RRI INTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL (fg Pllll Cimlno Real) RRE EXTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL (eg Car Coumr) CarKbad) RS REGIONAL SERVICE C COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL N NFIGIinoRHOOU COMMERCIAL TS TRAVEL SERVICES COMMERCIAL O PROFESSIONAL RF.LUED (.ni) ( fNIRAI. BUSINESS DISTRICT PI PI.ANNFI) INDI 51RHL fi (ilUFRNMFNT FACIIIT1ESi; n III.K: UIILIIIES RC «r< Rf MK )N COMMERCIAL SCHOOLSE nr.MENHRYJ JUNIOR HIGH II IIIU,IIS( MOOL P PRIVATF I'S OPEN "I'A< FNRR NON RESIDENTIAL RESERVE .l^X A ^ ZONING RESIDENTIAL PC PLANNED COMMUNITY TONF R-A RESIOENT1AL ACRICL'LTL R.AL ZONE RE Rl'R-*L RESIDENOAL ESTATE ZONE R- 1 ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE R2 TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE R < MULTIPLE FAMILY Rf SIDENTLA1 ZONE R )L LIMITED MULT1 FA.MILY RESIDENTIAL ZONT RD M RESIDENTWL DENSITY-MULTIPLE ZONE RD H RESIDENTIAL DENSITY HIGH ZONE R.MIIP RESIDEN11AI MOBILE HOME PARK ZONE RP RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL ZONE RT RESIDENTIAL TOURIST ZONE RW RESIDENTIAL WATERWAY ZONE COMMERCIALo orncE ZONE C 1 NEIGHBORIIOl>D COMMFR< IAL ZONE C 2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE CT COMMERCIAL TOURIST ZONECM HEAVTCOMMERCLU LIMITED INDUSTRIAL ZONE M INDL'STRIAL ZONE OTHIR FP FLOODPIAIN OVERLAY ZONELC LJMIfED CONTROL OS OPEN SPACE PU PUBLIC UTILITY ZONE WILLIAMSON CONTRACT AMEND. GPA/LU 87-1 ZC 87-2 SP-19(C) CT 87-3 LCPA 87-2 LFMP 87-3(2) EXHIBIT C 11/4/87 Policy 2-1 C. PERMITTED USES ON DESIGNATED COASTAL AGRICULTURAL LANDS The land uses described below shall apply to any designated coastal agricultural land which has not been approved for development. 1. On any Class I through Class IV Agricultural Lands (See Exhibit 4.2.), the following uses only are permitted: a. Cattle, sheep, goats, and swine production, provided that the number of any one or combination of said animals shall not exceed one animal per half acre of lot area. Structures for containing animals shall not be located within 50 feet of any habitable structure on the same parcel, nor within 300 feet of an adjoining parcel zoned for residential uses. b. Crop production; c. Floriculture; d. Horses, private use; e. Nursery crop production; f. Poultry, rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters, and other small animals, provided not more than 25 of any one combination thereof shall be kept within 50 feet of any habitable structure nor within 300 feet of an adjoining parcel zoned for residential uses; g. Roadside stands for display and sale of products produced on the same premises, with a floor area not exceeding 200 square feet and located not nearer than 20 feet to any street or highway; h. Tree farms; i. Truck farms; j. Wildlife refuges and game preserves; k. Other uses or enterprises similar to the above customarily carried on in the field of general agriculture including if necessary accessory uses such as private garages, children's playhouses, radio and television receiving antennas, windmills, silos, tank houses, shops, barns, offices, coops, lath houses, stables, pens, corrals, and similar uses required for the -2- conduct of the uses above; 1. One single family dwelling and guest house per existing legal building parcel; m. Dogs, cats, and other domestic pets, provided not more than four dogs or four cats older than six months or any combination thereof shall be kept on any lot or parcel of land; and n. Home occupation. On any class V through VIII Agricultural Lands (See Exhibit 4.2.)/ the following uses only are permitted: a. All of the permitted uses listed above; b. Hay and feed stores; c. Nurseries, retail and wholesale d. Packing sheds, processing plants and commercial outlets for farm crops, provided that such activities are not located within 100 feet of any lot line; e. Greenhouses, provided all requirements for yard setbacks and height as specified in Chapter -3- 21.07 of the Code are met. 3. On any Class I through VIII Agricultural Lands (See Exhibit 4.2.), the following uses are permitted by conditional use permit provided: a. The use promotes and provides for the long term preservation of Coastal Agricultural Land; and b. Fulfills the requirements and findings for a conditional use permit with the City of Carlsbad. 1. Apiary, provided that all hives or boxes housing bees shall be placed at least 400 feet from any street, school, park, "R" zone, or from any dwelling or place of human habitation other than that occupied by the owner or caretaker of the apiary; 2. Aviaries; 3. Poultry, rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters, and other small animals in excess of the number specified in Section 21.07.020. -4- 4. Farm employee housing for persons working onsite, provided the number of units shall not exceed tvo per gross acre of land area and no such housing is located closer than 50 feet from any lot line; 5. Hay and feed stores; 6. Nurseries, retail and wholesale; 7. Packing sheds or small processing plans for farm crops, similar to those being grown on the premises, provided no such processing plant is located within 50 feet of any lot line; 8. Public works projects; 9. Sanitary landfills, temporary; 10. Stables and riding academies, public; 11. Botanical gardens, arboreturns, and other related and supporting facilities for the display and education about agricultural and floral -5- products within Carlsbad or the surrounding region; 12. Farmer's markets or similar facilities for the exclusive sale of agricultural and floral products within Carlsbad or the surrounding region; and 13. A floral auction and related facilities which provide financial support to flower growers within Carlsbad and the surrounding region. Policy 2-2 "MIXED-USE" DEVELOPMENT Intent This policy provides conditional development standards for the area of approximately 482 acres north of Palomar Airport Road and east of Paseo del Norte including the additional 20 acres between Paseo del Norte and Interstate-5. (See Exhibit 4.3.) All such lands owned either by Carltas or Ecke or their successors in interest shall be permitted, pursuant to approval of a Master Plan or a combination of a Specific Plan and Master Plan, to convert certain agricultural lands to residential and/or non- -6- residential (including tourist-serving commercial) development as a means of providing supplementary uses which will assist in the retention of agricultural uses on the remaining portions of these parcels. It should be noted that residential uses are possible only where they do not conflict with the Airport Influence Area and where they are compatible with adjacent uses. A. Basic Permitted Uses on Existing Legal Parcels Where each existing legal parcel as of July 14, 1987, (See Exhibit 4.3.) is developed individually, permitted uses shall be those described above in Policy 2-1 C Permitted Uses on Designated Coastal Agricultural Lands. B. Uses Conditionally Permissible Pursuant to the Development of the Entire Area S*ifr>"iect to a Master Plan 1. Consistent with the Carlsbad General Plan residential, commercial (including tourist serving commercial), and other non-residential uses may be developed up on to 137 acres of the approximately 482 acre site subject to a Master Plan for the entire site. 2. Development shall be clustered along Palomar Airport Road, Paseo del Norte, and Cannon Road as per Exhibit 4.3A. 3. Any amendment to the location of the developable area shall be required to prove that the new area for development is s not more suitable for agriculture than the previously -7- developable area. The intent of this requirement is to cluster development on lands least suitable for agriculture. 4. All remaining lands of approximately 345 acres (See Exhibit 4.3A.) shall as a condition of the Master Plan be preserved in agriculture for as long as feasible. Feasibility shall be determined for the entire 345 acres covered by this restriction. Further, feasibility shall be subject to the requirements of the Hello II Coastal Agricultural Overlay Zone Section 21.82.060(c). 5. Pursuant to Section 51257 of the Government Code, the boundaries of the lands designated for agriculture may be amended. 6. As an interim step (prior to a complete Master Plan) a 35 acre portion of the 137 acres of developable land located adjacent and easterly to Phase I of Carlsbad Car Country may be developed as a Phase II expansion of Carlsbad Car Country pursuant to a Specific Plan. 7. The 137 acres of developable land includes any portion of the 482 acre site (See Exhibit 4.3A.) that has been developed prior to the Master Plan approval. 8. The Master Plan shall provide a mix location and intensity of land uses that are compatible with and will not adversely impact the long term viability of agricultural uses. 9. All development shall include special treatment buffers either through design or through physical barriers that stabilize the urban - agricultural boundaries and limit to a -8- level of insignificance agricultural impacts on the urban uses. 10. All tenants of developable portions of the site shall be notified as to the requirements of the Specific and Master Plans and agricultural uses on the designated land. 11. In implementing the Master Plan all land owners and tenants within the 482 acre site shall waive any right to file nuisance claims against normal agricultural operations. 12. All development shall be located so as to not interfere with normal agricultural operations including but not limited to cultivation, irrigation, and spraying. 13. As a condition of approval of either the Master Plan or the Specific Plan for the Phase II expansion of Carlsbad Car Country, whichever occurs first, the property owners (Carltas and/or Ecke or their successors in interest) shall record a deed restriction endorsed by the Coastal Commission or its successor in interest and the City of Carlsbad that the 345 acres of land identified on Exhibit 4.3 are designated for Agricultural uses and any modification of use shall require a LCP amendment. 14. It is recognized that roads can function as buffers between dissimilar land uses as well as providing access to uses. Therefore, roads may be located entirely or partially or not at all within areas designated for agricultural use. The decision to include or exclude (either partially or entirely) roads shall be a condition of the coastal -9- development permit that includes the construction of the road. -10- EXHIBIT Cl 74/87AGUA HEDtONDA LAGOON ^ * ; 1 T ^ ^rr^iAl1// \ \ \ ^^^' '"9^ i _ i ^j "_;'YVN'.N'P c v =1 j -"• ^ EXHIBIT 4.2A CARLTAS AGRICULTURAL LANDS AGRICULTURAL LANDS ::::::::x: CLASS I-IV «nn o CLASS V-VIII SOILS A«.«.,«F'8 P.rc.le aa of 7/14/87 APN 211-010-11 -021-13 -14 -15 -18 -19 -20 -21 8 Parcels I ^ **i W X I^TJTJl * ^^f**V*>lVl.*J\Vj P* 66-96 2.94 12.37 13.46 23.05 102.58 86.00 175.11 482.47 EXHIBIT C2 74/87 ! AGUAHEDONDA LAGOON EXHIBIT 4.3 MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT UNDER A MASTER PLAN A Mello II Segment Carlsbad LCP U ;;;;;; 345 ACRES;S;H; LAND USE ' / 1 37 ACRES // & OTHER N OF AGRICULTURAL OF RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIALON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AS PER CARLSBAD GP Assessor's Parcels as «f 7/14/S7 APN 211-010-11 -021-13 -14 -15 -18 -19 -20 -21 8 Parcels 66-96 2.94 12.37 13.46 23.05 102.58 86.00 175.11 482.47 EXHIBIT D 1 1/4/87 FIRST AMENDMENT TO 3NSERVATION Agricultural Preserve No. 76-1 By this first amendment dated , 1987, Carltas Company, a California Limited Partnership, successor in interest as owner to Carltas Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Owner") and the City of Carlsbad, a political subdivision of the State of California, (hereinafter referred to as "City"), the Land Conservation Contract dated February 10, 1976, by and between Carltas Corporation and the City of Carlsbad (the "Contract") is hereby amended pursuant to the provisions of Section 51257 of the Government Code of the State of California in light of the following facts and circumstances: A. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 51257 of the Government Code of the State of California, subdivision (c) , the Owner has petitioned the City to permit a boundary adjustment to add properties to Agricultural Preserve No. 76-1 and to delete other properties of identical acreage from said preserve. B. The City and California Coastal Commission have made all determinations required under Section 51257 that such boundary adjustment should be made and that the amendment stated herein is appropriate, and is consistent with the intent of Section 51257 in the development of a Local Coastal Program with provision for long term preservation of agricultural lands. C. Owner and City desire to further amend the contract to specify certain conditional uses permitted under the Williamson Act. THEREFORE, it is agreed between Owner and City as follows: Section 1. ADJUSTMENT TO CONTRACT BOUNDARY. Effective on the date of this amendment, the land depicted on the attached Exhibit "Dl", dated, November 4, 1987, as "New Contract Land" shall hereinafter be subject to the Contract and the land designated as "Carlsbad Car Country Phase II" shall be deleted and no longer subject to the Contract. There shall be no net loss of land under Land Conservation Contract Agricultural Preserve No. 76-1 due to this boundary amendment. Section 2. TERM. For purposes of the determination of the term of this agreement with respect to the New Contract Land, hereinmade subject to the Contract and previously not subject to the Contract, the term shall be for 15 years from the effective date of this amendment and Owner hereby waives the right to cancel this agreement as to such property for a period of five years commencing on the effective date of this amended contract. Section 3. SPECIFIC USES. The list of uses delineated in subpart of B of Exhibit "B" to the Contract are hereby amended to add the following: (11) Botanical gardens, arboretums, and other related and supporting facilities for the display, and education about, agricultural and floral products produced within Carlsbad and surrounding region; (12) Farmer's markets or similar facilities for the exclusive sale of agricultural and floral products produced on the same premises; (13) A floral auction and related facilities which provide financial support to flower growers within Carlsbad and the surrounding region. Section 4. CHANGE IN NOTICE. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16 of the Contract, notice to Owner shall be addressed as follows: Carltas Company, a California Limited Partnership 4401 Manchester Avenue, Suite 206 Encinitas, California 92024 Section 5. RATIFICATION AND AFFIRMATION OF CONTRACT. Except as hereinabove set forth, the land conservation contract dated February 10, 1976, is hereby ratified and confirmed. Executed on the date first written above. Section 6. RECORDATION. The Owner shall record this admendment as per Section 51283.4 of the California Government Code. Section 7. AMENDMENT PROCEDURES. Amendment of this amendment of Land Conservation Contract Agricultural Preserve No. 76-1 shall not occur until all conditions and contingencies specified in the agreements have been satisfied. Carltas Company, a California Limited Partnership By: Paul Ecke, Jr., General Partner "OWNER11 City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation By: Claude Lewis, Mayor "CITY" [Notarial Acknowledgements] EXHIBIT Dl 11/4/87 AOJAHEDONDA LAGOON ^CARLTAS C211-021-1823.05 AC • ) P/MOMAK ARPQgT ROAD Proposed Agricultural Preserve 76-1 Boundary Amend. Original 1976 Agricultural Preserve Contract Boundary BOUNDARY AMENDMENT Added to the Preserve (New Contract Land) Removed from the Preserve EXHIBIT E 11/4/87 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT (#19-C) Prepared by: CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY AUSTIN HANSEN FEHLMAN/GROUP OCTOBER 6, 1987 TABLE OF CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION 1 I1 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS 4 I11 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 5 IV SIGN PROGRAM : 11 V LANDSCAPE STANDARDS 12 V! . APPENDIX 15 I INTRODUCTION A. Purpose The purpose of this document is to establish development regulations for the approximately 35 acre Car Country Expansion area. An overriding goal is to uphold and surpass the high quality standards of the existing Car Country. At buildout, the expansion area should complement and enhance the existing auto park. This document is incorporated as an amendment into Specific Plan 19 which was adopted in January 1972. However, upon initial adoption the development restrictions contained herein only govern the expansion area and do not apply to the existing Car Country. The Car Country Expansion Area Amendment has been written as a "self contained" document which does not require reference to the orginal 1972 Specific Plan or subsequent revisions. This Specific Plan (SP-19) is contained in the Appendix. The Car Country Expansion Amendment implements but does not supersede the General Plan, the Local Coastal Plan and the provisions of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. This document shall constitute the zoning for all land covered by this plan and no use or development inconsistent with this plan shall be permitted. B. Location The Car Country Expansion area contains approximately 35 acres and is located south of Cannon Road, east of the existing Car Country, west of Agricultural Preserve No. 76-1 and north of Palomar Airport Road. Figure 1 illustrates the location of the project within the region. The project site and adjacent properties, including the original Car Country Auto Park, are illustrated in Figure 2. The property located in the City at Carlsbad contains approximately 35 acres and described as follows: " A portion of Lot "H" of the Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map 823 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California. C. General Plan and Zoning Designations The site is designated by the City's General Plan as Extensive Regional Commercial. These commercial areas are oriented to establishments which sell large, low volume, high cost items such as automobiles. The adopted zoning for the expansion area is C-2 (Q). Both General Plan and zoning are consistent with the designations for the original area included within Car Country. D. General Development Concept 1. Land Use The Car Country Expansion area will continue the land use pattern established in the original auto park. Figure 3 illustrates the Development Concept Plan. The primary us>j of the area will be the retailing of new and used motor vehicles. Agua He Lagoo" AUSTIN HANSEN FEHLMAN GRCXJP Caritas Development Company SWDMORE, OW1NCS 4 MERRILL 14 JULY 1987 s /T\ Figure 1 VICINITY MAP ACUA HEOIONDA LAGOON PROPOSED CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION 35 Acres EXISTING \ \ CAR COUNTRY \DEVELOPMENT AUSTIN HANSEN FEUMAN GROUP Carfcas Development Company 14 JULY 1987 SWDMORE, OVMNGS & MERRILL -r Rgure 2 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION A Street._v~ N rs — -.z-.z^_ V BWLOMO /SETBACK/UME — ' LOT 6 V LOT 7 LOTS k-v V APPROXMATEDRIVEWAYLOCATORS LOT 9 JW / LOT 10 i_^_i-;_a- V LOT 11 J.i^.JLL. V LOT 12 _ti_— -. V LOT 13 \ Existing Car Country IT Figure 3 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY SKDMORE OWINGS & MERRILL O t^WQ 200 S T ' N'H A N s E'N ~"Bf»«"" F E H IMA N"U^'iS.'?'" -G R OTTP" 2. Circulation Primary access to the site will be from "A" Street which provides a link from Paseo Del Node to Cannon Road. E General Provisions 1. Except as specifically stated in this plan, the requirements of the C-2 zone and all other applicable provisions of the zoning, subdivision, grading and building codes (and any amendments thereto) of the City of Carlsbad shall apply. 2. Where minor questions arise regarding interpretation of this Specific Plan Amendment, the Planning Director shall resolve them in a manner consistent with the Municipal Code, adopted City plans and City policy. Such decisions by the Planning Director may be appealed to the Planning Commission and City Council. 3. The Car Country Expansion has been approved under the express condition that the applicant shall pay a Public Facilities Fee as required by City Council Policy No. 17, dated July 28, 1987, on file with the City Clerk and incorporating herein by reference and according to the agreement executed by the applicant for payment of said fee. 4. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation required by the Zone 3 Local Facilities Plan and any future amendments to that plan made prior to issuance of building permits. 5. Prior to development of any of the lots under this Specific Plan a Site Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 21.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code shall be submitted to the City of Carlsbad for a Planning Commission approval. These plans shall be evaluated in accordance with municipal ordinances and policies in effect at the time said plans are before the Planning policies in effect at the time said plans are before the Planning Commission. 6. Approval of this Specific Plan or approval and construction of a part of the development pursuant to this amendment shall not vest any rights in the balance of the Specific Plan nor create any vested rights in the approval of any subsequent development. 7. All land and/or easements required by this Specific Plan for public streets and public utility purposes shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City and free of all liens and encumbrances. 8. Approval of this plan does not constitute and guarantee individual development within the Specific Plan Amendment area will be approved, nor that the availability of public facilities and services will necessarily coincide with any owner or developer's timetable for construction. Availability of public services will be evaluated in the context of subsequent individual approvals and the adopted Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 3. 9. Prior to development, a landscape and irrigation plan shall be approved by the Parks and Recreation Director. 10. "A" street shall be a single loaded street. 11. All proposed development shall comply with the grading and resource preservation policies of the underlying Local Coastal Program. 12. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer of any site shall be required to obtain a Coastal Permit. Q Amendments Amendments to this document may be initiated by an application to the Planning Director, subject to approval of the Planning Commission with right of appeal to the City Council. 1. Administrative Modifications - Certain modifications to this document are specifically deemed not to require a public hearing. The Planning Director shall have the authority to approve such revisions without the need for a public hearing if they are determined to be in substantial conformance with (SP-19). 2. All changes other than administrative modifications shall require amendment to the plan in the manner provided above. 11 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS A. Subdivision Process Prior to any development there shall have been a final subdivision map for Car Country Expansion in conformance with the State Subdivision Map Act and Title 20 of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code. B. Site Development Plan Prior to building permit issuance for any lot, the applicant or any successor is required to obtain approval of a site development plan in accordance with Chapter 21.06 (Qualified Development Overlay Zone) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Planning Commission shall review the site development plan in accordance with the General Plan, City Zoning Ordinance, this document and any other applicable policies. At the conclusion of a public hearing, the Planning Commission shall approve, conditonally approve, or disapprove the site development plan. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS This section sets forth development standards which shall apply to all lots within the Car Country Expansion Specific Plan. New car sales is the principle allowed use of the Car Country Expansion and is allowed on all lots. In addition to new car sales certain other uses described in this section are allowed on Lots 11-3. A. Permitted Uses 1. All Lots a. Motor vehicle dealerships for the retail sales, leasing, renting and servicing of new and used automobiles and other motor vehicles such as recreational vehicles but whose primary activity is new vehicle sales. 2. Lots 11-13 a. All permitted uses cited in (1.) above. b. Retail automotive parts sales and service including but not limited to the following: 1) Tire sales and service 2) Muffler shops 3) Brake shops 4) Wheel alignment and suspension services 5) Tune-up and oil changing facilities 6) Transmission repair 7) Auto detailing and interior work 8) Auto accessories 9) Car wash (Dealership Only) c. Auto rental and leasing. B. Building Coverage Building coverage for uses described in A.1.a above shall not exceed 25 percent. C. Building Height No building shall exceed a height of thirty feet or two stories. D. Architectural Design and Materials The design of exterior building elements and fencing shall be compatible with the existing style of Car Country, generally described as Spanish motif. E. Building Setbacks 1. Front Yard and Side Street Setback Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. 2. Side Yard Setback Ten (10) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback. 3. Rear Yard Setback Access rights to Cannon Road shall be relinquished for Lots 1-3. Along Cannon Road a minimum rear yard setback of (35) thirty-five feet shall be maintained for all buildings. A minimum twenty-five (25) foot landscaped setback shall be maintained for all open parking or driveways along Cannon Road. Any driveway within this setback shall be screened from the street by a mixture of mounding and landscaping to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. Within the setback along Cannon Road, display of for sale motor vehicles may be permitted upon approval of the Planning Director. See Figure 4 for design detail. F. Parking The intent of this section is to provide sufficient parking areas on site such that on-street parking will be minimized. 1. Motor Vehicle Dealerships a. Sales - One space per 400 square feet of gross floor area. b. Repair - Four spaces per work bay for the first three bays. Two spaces per bay for each bay in excess of three. Work bays shall not count as parking spaces. c. Customer/employee parking shall be designated to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 2. All Other Uses Such parking as may be required under Section 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for a specific use. SECTION / /, LOCATIONS '- ' ' L©TS H LANDSCAPE SCREENING FOR PARKING OR DRIVEWAY CANNON ROAD LANDSCAPE SCREENING FOR BUILDING CANNON ROAD AUTO DISPLAY AREA 1— P/L 25' 35' P/L BUILDING 1-^1 w „ « \ • ' " w .. -jt^^. »=w CANNON ROAD SECTIONS '10' } 20'5' P/L Figure 4 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY SKIDMORE, OWINGS & MERRILL JS H A N S E N f E H L/H/1 N -GROUP- G. Loading Provisions for loading and unloading shall be provided as follows: 1. Loading areas shall not be allowed in front yard or side street setbacks. 2. Three off-site truck turnouts shall be required along the easterly side of "A" Street as illustrated in Figures 5 and 6. 3. In addition to the truck turnouts, each dealer should provide for on-site loading areas for parts and accessories, these shall be clearly shown on all site Development Plans. H. Storage Other than new and used vehicles held for sale to the public, no materials, supplies, or equipment, shall be stored in any area on a site except inside closed buildings or behind fencing as described in Section III, L. I. Paging System Outdoor sound systems for music and/or for paging shall be designed to minimize noise nuisance to adjoining properties and shall not impact adjacent neighborhoods. Speakers shall be spaced to minimize sound levels and oriented away from adjoining properties and shall not exceed a decibel level of 3 DB's over ambient noise level. Upon completion of construction, the outdoor sound system shall be tested for noise and where necessary it shall be adjusted to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. J. Special Events Promotions Special promotional events such as helium or hot-air balloons, large cranes and similar promotional devices or activities which have a significant visual or noise impact upon surrounding properties shall not be allowed. K. Outdoor Lighting • The intent of this section is to achieve the following goals: 1. All display and security lighting for each dealership shall be designed for uniformity. 2. Lighting shall be designed to minimize glare to surrounding properties and distant neighborhoods. All outdoor lighting fixtures and pole specifications with respect to height, type, projected angle of light, material, colors and use, shall be consistent with the existing Car Country. All lighting fixtures for display areas of vehicle dealerships and general commercial lighting shall be metallic vapor and quartz variety (no fluorescent arm type fixtures). Maximum lumination for outdoor lighting shall be 100 foot candles. Additionally, no lights shall be above a ninety (90) percent angle. TURNOUT POCKETS1SK Tiuck TunoU D A Street T5 LOT 6 in.— ^uriz LOT 7 —r-ll'—JL LOT8 LOT 9 :_- 1.1 LOT 1O -L__~_L_£. LOT 11 J___JJ_ LOT 12 rr-~-^ LOT 13 \ ExistingCar Country IT Figure 5 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY SKIDMORE, OWINGS & MERRILL - G R Q U P - fcga PLAN NOT TO 8CAU IT SECTION HOT TO KM* Figure 6 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY SKIDMORE, OWINGS & MERRILL AUSTIN H /< N s i N f E H I/MX N -GROUP- The number of poles shall be kept to a minimum where possible by combining several luminaires on a single pole. The pole height shall not exceed a maximum of twenty (20) feet. Flood lamps mounted at ground level for lighting cars is permissible if concealed and if the flood lighting is not glaring or objectionable when viewed from adjacent streets or properties. To reduce the projects off-site impacts, fifty (50) percent of all outdoor lights shall be turned off after 10 p.m. Each site Devlopment Plans shall include a detailed lighting plan. L. fencing and Screening 1. Prohibited Materials Wire fencing and gates shall not be allowed. 2. Fencing and Gate Design The design of fencing and gates shall be appropriate to and similar to the Spanish motif required for the buildings. Materials shall be masonry, stucco, wood, or other similar materials as permitted by the Planning Director. 3. Screening On-site storage areas, loading areas and service bays shall be screened from view from the outside by fencing. Height of fence shall average 8'0" and be limited to maximum and minimum heights of 9'0" and 7'0" respectively. 4. Fencing Setback Fencing in the front yard and street sideyard setbacks shall not exceed thirty (30) inches in height. M. Trash Collection Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a six-foot high masonry wall with gates pursuant to City standards. Location of said receptacles shall be approved by the Planning Director. N. Equipment and Roofs 1. All exterior equipment and appurtenances shall not be permitted on the roof unless entirely enclosed. 2. All equipment screening shall be architecturally compatible with the main building(s),on the site and shall enclose the equipment from the view of adjoining properties to the east to the first ridge line and public streets (see Figure 7). MECHAMCAL EQUPMENT WELL MECHAMCAL EQUPMENT MECHAMCAL EQUPMENT VEW FROMTOPOF«DGELf« ROOF PLANNOT TO SCALE ELEVATION NOT TO SCALE NOTE MECHAMCAL EQUPMENT MAY ALSO BE PLACED EXTERIOR TO THE BULDNG ON THE GROUND LEVEL WTTH ADEQUATE SCREEMNa VEW FROM TOP PFTOGELNE SECTION PROPOSED P/L CAR COUNTRY P/L EXPANSON [MITJxl 11 Figure 7 CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY SKIDMQRE, OWINGS & MERRILL 3. All pitched roofs shall be of material compatible with the building exterior (tile, shingle, wood), or all flat roofs shall be screened or fully enclosed by such material, viewed from the first ridgeline east of car country expansion. O. Utility Services All utilities services shall be underground. Transformer or terminal equipment shall be visually screened from view from streets and adjacent properties. P. Driveway Locations Lots shown on Figure 3 shall have one driveway location except Lots 3, 4 and 13. If lots are merged, each lot shall continue to be allowed the number of driveways shown on this exhibit. Precise driveway locations will be determined during site plan review for each lot. Q. Grading Grading shall be completed in one phase per an approved City of Carlsbad grading plan. R. Undeveloped Areas Undeveloped areas/slopes shall be planted and maintained in a clean, neat and orderly manner as required by Section 11.06.130 of the Carlsbad Grading Ordinance. S. Performance Standards All motor vehicle dealerships and related automotive service facilities shall comply with the following performance standards: 1. The maximum allowable exterior noise level of any use shall not exceed sixty-five l_<jn as measured at the property line. Where a structure is occupied by more than one use, the noise level shall not be in excess of 45 L<jn as measured within the interior space of the neighboring establishment. Noise caused by motor vehicles traveling to and from the site are exempt from this standard. 2. All uses shall be operated so as not to emit matter causing umpleasant odors which are perceptible to the average person while within or beyond the lot containing such uses. 3. All uses shall be so operated so as not to generate vibration discernible without instruments by the average person while on or beyond the lot upon which the source is located or within an adjoining enclosed space if more than one establishment occupies a structure. Vibration caused by motor vehicles, and temporary construction is exempted from this standard. 4. All uses shall be operated so as not to produce humidity, heat, glare or high- intensity illumination which is perceptible without instruments by the average person while on or beyond the lot containing the use. 5. All uses shall meet the air-quality standards of the San Diego County Air- Quality Control Board (AQCB). In addition, all uses shall be operated so as not to emit particulate matter or air contaminants which are readily detectable without instruments by the average person while in the lot containing such uses. 6. All discharge of industrial waste shall be in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 13.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Businesses which produce grease, oil or other toxins as a by-product of their operation, shall provide on-site grease-traps to prevent these products from entering the public drainage system. This information shall be indicated on site development plans and shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Carlsbad Fire Chief. T. Test Driving Auto dealers shall provide to all sales and service employees a map which designates areas for test driving. This map shall note that test driving in residential areas shall be strictly prohibited. This map shall be approved by the City Engineer and Planning Director, prior to issuance of building permits.. U. Employee Eating Area Outdoor eating facilities for employees shall be provided consistent with Section 21.34.070 (3) of the Carlsbad zoning ordinance. 10 IV SIGN PROGRAM The purpose of this section is to establish the sign standards necessary to insure coordinated exposure and tenant identification within the Specific Plan Amendment area. A primary consideration is preventing visual blight and traffic safety problems. A. Signs Permitted Without Conditional Use Permit Signs permitted without a conditional use permit shall meet the following standards: 1. Each lot will be permitted signage equal to one and five tenths square feet per lineal foot of building frontage in accordance with the existing Sign Ordinance. More specific conditions may be added under the Specific Site Development Plans.. 2. One freestanding sign may be placed on each lot provided the sign area of the freestanding sign is included within the aggregate sign area permitted as stated in (1) above. 3. No portion of a freestanding sign or monument sign shall be erected in or extended into any area within 12 feet measured from the curb line. 4. Monument signs shall not exceed a height of 8 feet. 5. Signs for uses other than motor vehicles dealerships on Lots 1 - 3 shall conform to Section 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 6. All signs will be reviewed by the Planning Director to insure compatibility and to protect the public interest. 7. Signs visible from Interstate 5 shall be consistent with in size, color and lumination with those of the existing auto park. B. Signs Permitted by Conditional Use Permit If more than one dealership is located on one lot, an additional freestanding sign or monument sign may be allowed with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission. Such signs shall meet the following criteria: 1. A monument sign, not to exceed six feet in height or a freestanding sign not to exceed twenty feet in height may be permitted. 2. The aggregate sign area for the entire development shall not exceed the sign area allowed for the development according to the provisions of Paragraph A above, Signs Permitted without Conditional Use Permit. 3. No portion of such sign shall extend over the public right-of-way, or be within fifteen feet of any driveway or corner. 4. The maximum sign area for any such sign shall not exceed fifty-five square feet. 11 V LANDSCAPE STANDARDS The purpose of the Landscape Standards is to provide landscaping which is in harmony with the existing Car Country and is appropriate to the Spanish design motif. A. Landscape Areas, 1. Front Yard and Side Street Landscaping A ten-foot landscaped area shall be constructed along the public rights- or-way for "A" Street and "B" Street. Said area shall include a five-foot strip in addition to the five-foot parkway width. Along Cannon Road, a minimum twenty-five foot Landscape Area consistent with Section III, E-3 of the Specific Plan shall be provided. Maintenance programs for the Landscaped Area shall be subject to approval of the Parks and Recreation Director. 2. Interior Landscaping Landscaping in the interior of display parking areas shall be provided in addition to the front yard landscaping strip. Such landscaping shall be in accordance with good design practice and other requirements of this Section. 3. Percentage Area Landscaping Consistent with the existing auto park, five (5) percent of all on-site payed areas exclusive of setback areas shall be landscaped. Design and maintenance of landscaped areas shall be subject to approval by the Parks and Recreation Director. 4. Sloping Earth Banks Areas in which grading has caused sloping earth banks shall be landscaped and irrigated in a manner to protect the soil from erosion. B. Wheel Stops and Concrete Curbs In public display and customer areas where landscaping abuts the paved area, six-inch high concrete curbs and concrete bumper stops shall be provided. C. Maintenance of Landscaping Maintenance standards to be observed shall include the following: 1. Lawn and ground covers shall be trimmed and mowed. 2. Weeds and debris shall be removed. 3. Plantings shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition with pruning, fertilization and cultivation a regular part of the maintenance program. 4. The irrigation system shall be maintained in good working condition. 12 D. Landscaping Materials and Details Required landscaping shall consist of a designed combination of trees, ground cover and shrubbery. These materials shall be of limited selection to give greater unity to the visual quality of the development and shall be selected for concern of climate and maintenance. The predominant species of trees within thp project shall be consistant with those species planted within the existing Car Country. These species include: Eucalyptus Citriodora, Ficus Rubiginosa and Cocos Plumosa. In general, the landscape materials shall be based on the following requirements: 1. Street Trees - not less than 24" box. Maximum spacing of 40' on-center. 2. Parking Area Trees - not less than 24" box. One tree is required per each 20 cars displayed. 3. Ground Cover - designed for full coverage in a maximum of six months. 4. Shrubbery - not less than one gallon size. 13 API AGEtfT: •ICANT: MEMIJERS: DISCLOSURE FQRM Carltas Development Conpany. A California Corporation Name (individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, syndication) 4401 Manchester Ave. #206, Encinitas, CA 92024 Business Address !619) 944-4090 Telephone. .•—v :« George S. Nolte & Associates Name 9755 Clairenpnt Mesa Blvd., San Diego, CA 92124 Business Address (619) 278-9392 Telephone Number Christopher C. Calkins, President Name (individual, partner, joint venture, corporation, syndication) 1435 Guizot, San Diego, CA 92107 Home Address 4401 Manchester Ave. Ste. 206, Encinitas, CA 92024 Business Address (619) 944-4090 Telephone Number Paul Ecke, Jr.. Telephone Number 441 Saxony Road Name 441 Saxony Road Home Address Encinitas, CA 92024 Business Address 753-1134 Telephone Nunber Telephone Number (Attach no re sheets if necessary) The applicant is required to apply for Coastal Commission Approval if Located in the Coastal Zone. lAfe declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this disclosure is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be relied upon as being true and correct until amended. _. . /~*) Carltas Corporation Agent, Owner, Partner EXHIBIT F 11/4/87 SEWARD T. BESEMER Cooperative Extension Advisor Emeritus University of California 3883 Ashford Street San Diego, California 92111 October 8, 1987 Dear Councilmembers: I have served over 30 years as an agricultural advisor, Cooperative Extension, University of California in San Diego County, I conducted a research and educational program for the commercial floral industry, which in 1986 contributed 40 percent of the total dollar value of the county's agricultural production. I would like to make some comments relative to the exchange of land parcels under the Williamson Act at the Ecke Carlsbad Ranch. I am well acquainted with all details of this ranch. To propose that the exchange parcel be separated from the main parcel is the first case of "leapfrog agricultural planning" that I have ever encountered! Farming small parcels under 40 acres size is becoming a modern economic dilemma for farmers in the coastal area. The Ecke proposal of tacking on an exchange parcel to be contiguous with the larger agricultural preserve parcel is the better decision for several reasons. 1. A large contiguous parcel is more economical to farm. 2. The larger parcel plus its contiguous addition is of a uniform westerly slope and all good soil; whereas the southern separate parcel along Palomar Airport Road is steeper, more exposed to strong winds, it crosses over the ridge to include areas more susceptible to possible freezing on the east portion, and it is adjacent to confusion along Palomar Airport Road. The parcel is also an odd shape, again more difficult to farm. 3. Several aspects of farm operations are certainly more compatible being adjacent to automobile sales areas than being nearer to motels and restaurants. This coastal land is most suitable for specialized high value crops such as flowers, strawberries or some vegetables. It's aesthetic aspect is restricted to open space and some sort of attract- ive green appearing crop. It cannot be expected to be a rainbow floral display of ranunculus which only blooms for three weeks each year. This kind of crop is rotated in location each year and likely will never be grown in Carlsbad again because of other economic reasons. I trust that some of my experience will help make the most logical decision in favor of one large contiguous northern parcel at the Ecke Ranch. Sincerely, Seward T. Besemer .CENTER EXPANSION ' Approx. 27 Acres ural Preserve Acreage to be Swapped forvWilliamson Act Lan FUTURE DEVELOPABLE: 122.51 Acres ANDS/DEVELOPADLE DTAL ACREAGE: 137.01 Acres v\ ANDERSEN'S SPLIT PEA 1.5.3 Acres TRAVEL SERVICE COMMERCIAL/ MERCIAL TOURIST ZO c A R L S..'.B':A: D -','R ::A!'!:N5?c; H LCP AMENDMENT SPECIFIC PLAN-;.?: EXHIBIT G _JI/4/87 grower-shipper of supreme quality California gladiolus 6145 LAUREL TREE RD. / CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 / (619) 438-4466 Mr. Martin Orenyak Octobers, 1987 Page Two In addition, It Is desirable from our perspective that the property be within the same growing area, on the face of the front ridge of the property as depicted on the proposed exhibit. This exchange parcel will have less Impact from major roadways and roadway Improvements (which we anticipate will occur on Palomar Road) and the consequent slope cuts that will be made, will maximize the availability of good farmland. It will also reduce potential wind damage. The proposed exchange, In conjunction with the remaining contract land, will permit a longer and substantially better likelihood of survival of our farming on the Carlsbad Ranch and in the floral industry. Accordingly, we support the proposed exchange as configured and ask that you approve it. Sincerely, \James D. Frazee, President cc: Carltas Co. Enclosure nc. grower-shipper of supreme quality California gladiolus 6145 LAUREL TREE HD. / CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 / (619) 438-4466 Octobers, 1987 t Mr. Martin Orenyak Director of Community Planning City of Carlsbad 2075 La Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mr. Orenyak: Frazee Flowers, Inc. has been a tenant engaged in floral farming on the Carltas Carlsbad Ranch for more than fifteen years. We have expanded our operations on the Carlsbad Ranch over the past few years and intend to continue farming as long as the land is available to us. We understand that you are considering the portion of property which will be Included within the Carltas Williamson Act Contract under an exchange for an expansion of Car Country. We have reviewed the proposed exchange area which is shown on Exhibit "A" to this letter. We have been asked to comment on the proposed farming configuration resulting from the exchange, and in doing so, to assume that at some time in the future only the properties which are under the Williamson contract would continue to be available for farming. Under these circumstances, it is clear to us that the availability of a parcel of property which would extend from the southerly boundary of the proposed swap area to Cannon Road would be more desirable than merely an isolated parcel located at the southerly extreme of the ridge and ultimately bounded on three sides by development or poor farming areas. CARLSBAD TRACT 87-3 • *"•*• '" •'•—'"JM:J-rr;J^'•~3ft-'f~~£'*r-~]4 jm- I T. KWH rr tITT W CMLIMO •. MriH IT CITY V •. TIC IOIM M*«CII or LOTS ii< a CAM couHmr w