HomeMy WebLinkAboutAV 04-01; Forum The; Administrative Variance (AV)JAN-05-2004 MON 02:58 PM- CITY OF CARLSBAD FAX NO, SO 602 8559 4 CITY CIF CARLSBAD LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION APPLICATiONS APPFlED FOR: (CHECK BOXES) Adrninistrativo Permit - 2nd Dwelling Unit Administrative Variance Coastal Devclapment Permit Conditional Use Permit Condominium Permit EnvironrncnLal Impact Assessment General Plan Amendment Hillside Dovdopment Permit Local Coastal Plan Amendment Master Plan Non-Residential Planned Development Planned Devoloprnent Permit IFOR DEPARTMENT P, 05 Planned Industrial Permit Planning Commission Determination Precise Dcveloprnent Plan Redcrvc4oprnent Permit Site Development Plan Special Use Permit Specific Plan wwt- LmP Obtsin from Enrjinocring bcprrimenc Tcntative Tract Map Zone Changa List other applications not I I spocified 7) BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION L.. &.T*T&C%EQ -. NOTE; A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS BE FILED, MUST' 5E SVBMlTTEb PRIOR TO 3:30 P.M, A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING ONLY ONE APPLICATION BE FILED, MUST 8E SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 4:OO P.M, PAGE I OF2 Form 16 Rev. 05/03 01/06/2004 22: 42 6195230851 JAN-05-2004 MM 02:58 PI CITY OF CARLSBAD MEL FAX NO, 700 602 8559 PAGE 06 P, 06 LOCAL FAClLlTlES MANAQEMENT ZONE I 33 I 12) PROPOSED NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS 1 1) NUMBER OF EXISYING i] RESlPENTlAL UNITS PROPOOED NUMBER OF LOTS 141 PROPOSED IN0 OFFICE/ Id) PROPOITO COMM [I SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OF SUIDIVISION 18) PROPOSED SEWER 1-1 USAQE IN EDU I] PLAN PE8lGNAnON PERCENTAS OF PROPOSED 17) PROPOSED INCREASE IN PROJECT IN OPEN SPACE bROS3 SITE ACREAGE 21 1 momm GENERAL 1-1 20) ;;;;IN@ MNERAL EXISTING ZONIN6 I r-123) PROPOSED ZONM IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING TH19 APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSAW' MEMBERS OF: ClTy SlON REWEW BOARD MEMBERS OR CltY COUNClL MEMBEAS THAT IS TH€ SUBJECT OF TMS APPLICATION. I/WE CONSENT FOR CltY 091 ONLY FEE COMPUTATION APPLtCATlON TYPE FEE REQUIRED A. 5. bD'1 TOTAL FEE REQUIRED 71 DATE FEE PAID - DATE 8TAWIP APPLICATION RECEIVED -9 RECEIVED SYt ._ RECEIPT NO. Lrzrl Farm 16 ~CV. 65103 PAGE 2 OF 2 01/~16/2004 22: 42 6195230e51 MEL PAGE 07 JAN-05-2004 MON 02:58 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD FAX NO. 780 602 8559 P, 07 CITY OF CARIVSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT VARIANCE INFORMATION A. Admiaiitrdive Variance: Variancoa mtcd by the Planning Director arc tcmcd wddnlatrative v'arimces, Adniinistrathc VariRnCes shdl be limhd to: 1. Modification of distance or arm rogulatiwrs, pmvidcd such modilictitioons docs not axoccd sweizty-fivc pcmnt of required rrant, side ot mar ynrds nor oxccod ten percent ormaximum lot coverngc rcguhtion; Modification af the minimum lot width tc(S;ullrtion, providcd 6UCh modification does not result in a lot width Ie6s than ff fty (50) fat; Walls or fcnccs Lo axcead heights permitted by tha zoning rcgulatious; Modificatims to Ihc sip am regulations, provided such modificalion does net exceed tcn percent of the maximum allowod aign area; Modifications lo the sign height regulations, providcd such modification dous not @mad tell percent of thc maximum alIowcd sign height, 2, 3. 4. 5, R. All otbcr variances will be heard by thc Plarrnitrg Connilsslan and pracesseJ pursuanl to Chapler 21.50 of tho Catlshkd Municipal Code, C. Submitting your application: Submit your application, glans and faca at the public muliter of the Planning Department at 16% Faraday Avmuc,.(760) 602-4600. A proposed projcct requiring that multipIe applications be filed ,must be submitfod prior to 3:30 pm A propasod projcct rtquirins that only one appllcation be filed must be submitted prior lo 4:06 p.m. Your application will not be accqtcd until all requited application hatedals arc submittd. Sso FOC Scl~dult for proamsing fee amounts. D. Appaal procedures for administrrtivc variances: If your adrninisirative vuimoc is denied by the Planning Djrector, you may appd this decision lo tho Planning Commission. You must draft B Icttcr requesting tha appeal ad submit it to the Planniny Dircctor and pity the toquired fee within tcn (10) oalendar days ftom the dale of tlic dtc!sioiz. The Platiiiing Commjdans' decision may also be appealed under the procodurns established for variances as described below. See fee sclicdulr fbr anaunt of appeal fw. Appeal procoda reo rm variancws; If YQUT variancc is dcniod by the Planing Commisoian, you may appeal. this decision to the City CounciL You must submit D Ieiior rcqucsting tha appeal and pay the requirod fea ta the City Clerk within ten (10) oalcndar days fbn tho datc of tht decision. See fee schadulc for required appcal fccs. FW0004 10103 JAN-05-2004 MON D2:59 PM - CITY OF CARLSBAD FAX NO, 730 602 8559 P, 08 2. Explain why such variance is necessary for the prcscmnlion and euijoyniznl of a substantial properly right possessed by other property in the sanie vicinily and zone but which is dcnied to the propcizy in question: -1- om PRa@EsM7"Ltr5 L* . Q3 NOT .kW& G"E5yniCT?bC(E VJ-IH4Ch JJ&bUrc?j\ T+ 3, Explain why the granting of such variance will not be matierally dclrimental to Ihu public welfarc or injurious lo the propelty or improvcmcrits in such vicinily and zone in which the ptoporry is located: -u 4. Explain why thc granting of such variancc will not adversely affect the comprehensivc gcncral plan: FRM0004 10/03 Page 5 of 5 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 Applicant: FOURTH QUARTER PROPERTIES Description AVO 4 0 0 0 1 Amount 495.00 Receipt Number: ROO39552 Transaction Date: 01/08/2004 Transaction Amount: 495.00 01/06/2004 22:42 6195230651 MEL \ THOMAS ENTERPRISES, INC. # PAGE 01 3W brlrtan Street Sm Dlago, Ulttotnh 92106 Tal: 619.269.l(lPS Fax; 619.523.0851 vww.thornasQnf.com