HomeMy WebLinkAboutAV 82-01; Maureen Flanigan Property; Administrative Variance (AV) (4)Ui%jor condominium Permit _' . \7ariance Clmr condominim Permit Plannhg Cansnission ~~terxhatim c!I3?Ester Plan KGstrabve variance -n.Major Condaninim Conversion . . .. ial USe*Pdt Cmplete cf?scrip+ion of project (attach additiord sheets if necessary) ............ .............. ..................... 30'6%21.' atiraoe-, set' Eac6' at' it's closest cjrner 'a'< ?.Of. fr'oni 'street curb. '- ....... .... ... ...... ....................... ... ... .............. ............... tion of Project ....... 7243 Estrolla - ne Mkf, CarlsbBd, Ca. .. ................ .. ... ..... .. .. . ". . , - . . "_"_ . , ............... ......... " .~~ .. ." z 11. GE3ERAL PXQUIRE,MENTs ,@ One (1) 'copy of colored site plan (24"x36") I' f /j @ Site-Plan: Shall include the following information: F. One (1) 'copy of colored elevations (24"x36") n'. - Name and address 05 applicant, enqincer and/or I&) 1 Oae ( 1 ) copy each of 8 1/2"x11" site plan and elevations .. " " architect, etc. All easemnts Dimensioned locat ions of : .an3 vehicular, showing s of ingress and egress loading areas showing ypical dimension of spaces, and wheel stops. distances between buildings and/or structures 'building setbacks (front, rear and sides) location, height, and mat rials of walls ad fences location of freestdidiqm \ all drivnways tci scald 66 gjacent and. aimso- the. street.propertfes for a distance of 100 feet be thelmits of subject sitm. existing curbs, gutters, sidewalks and existing paving widths Mithin 100 feet on adjacent and acmssy the street prjpertiesr t, ical streei; section c aKe$sting median islds within 100 feet of subjjbt site. nearest cross streets on bth sides with plus or ninus distances from subject site. location of \all buildings within- 100.feet.of.subject. - p showing major cross streets e indicating the following - -,-3- 8 /tc 330 C.AS-4 existing zone and land use total building coverage bJilding sq. €ootagepaoqzy;.pGz pxaent landscaping sa, q. Emtage of opcn/recreational spax (if applicable) . . .&. . cubic footage of storage space (if applicable) .; 0.. . proposed land use s- - . nmker oE parking spaces ;,a .One (i) copy of 0 1/2"x11" location map tsuggested scale 8' 8 1:200" - vicinity maps on the .site plan are not acccptablel Environmental 1mFact As5essmer.t Farm ($100) Public Facility Agreement: 2 copies: One (1) notorized original, One (1 ) reproduced copy. . Disclosure Statement n . Photostatic copy of deed with complete legal descri.ption of subject property or other form of description acceptable to A . the Plannina Director. (k$ Property Owners;-!.,ist and Self-Adhesive Labels (Not needed for S1C.e Development Plan, Spezi Use Par.mit and Minor C6ndomini.m Permit) 1) a typewritten list of the names and addresscs of all property owners and occupants within a 300 foot radius of the property involved. The list shall include the San Ciegs County Assessor's parcel nunber for each parcel, which shall be obtained from the latest Assessor's rolls. 2) Two separate copies of typewritten selt-adneslve ~anc1.r; (four copies for condominium conversions) of $).:e names .and addresses of all property owners (includincj otxupants if condominium conversion) . For any address other than a single family residence , apartment or suite number must be included. DO NOT TYPE " A ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ON LAaELS. '. Ih Preli~ina~~.Grading-and-Drainaae.Plan* (24"x36") .. - existing. and prowsed contours on the site and within 100 feet of the howdaries of the site. 300 Foot Rad ius tl_a_~- .. (Not needed for Site DcveloDment Plan, Special Use'Perrnit ,. , , . . '."I .. C. Preliminary.Landsca~.and.Irrigation.Plan* (24"x36") - location of .plantir,g areas and typicar plant materials (quantity, and size) , - location of areas to be irrigatd Dui1dfnq.ElEvations.a~ Ploor.Plans* (24"x35") - tLwr plans W~UI sq1m-Z lncludd - location ad size of storage area . all buildiqs, structures, walls xd/or fenck, signs "1 ".L".." 'I 2-t.L- ' . -A n .,. . ' . .. I