HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAR 01-01; Willie Bean Company; Carts and Kiosks (CAR)- CkRb\Oe \ I City of Carlsbad FOOD CARTS AND KIOSKS Information Sheet Project Name: Date' Submitted: Owner Name: Owner Address: Project Planner: 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 - (760) 602-4600 FAX (760) 602-8559 @ 1. 2. 3. 4. PROCEDURES Apply for a Business License at one of our cashier stations, and they will route your request to the appropriate City Departments. Complete the attached information sheet; and submit a letter and simple plot plan to the Planning Department at 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad. Your letter and plot plan should contain the information specified below under Submittal Requirements. Generally within seven days of receipt of your letter, staff will notify you of the decision to approve or deny your request. It may be possible to approve your request immediately. Upon approval, Planning Department staff will sign off your business license application when we receive it from the Finance Department. If applicable, you should also submit applications for electrical or other required permits to the Building Department. You may also be required to obtain a permit from the Health Department. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Your letter and plan should include the following information: 1. The proposed location of the cart, customer area, proposed utility hookups, existing buildings on the site, parking areas, and vehicle and pedestrian circulation. 2. Photographs of the site showing the proposed location of the cart. 3. Photographs, brochures, and/or elevation drawings of the proposed cart, including proposed colors, awnings and signs. 4. A description of the proposed products and type of preparation done at the pushcart. The signature of the property owner(s) or property manager (for shopping centers) must be included on the plans or in a separate letter as proof of permission to operate and approval of proposed location. H:Wdmin\CounteACart Info Sheet Revised 2-23-00 Y GUIDELINES FOR FOOD CARTS & KIOSKS The following design guidelines apply to all requests to establish a food cart or kiosk for specialized food sales. These criteria and the procedures outlined below are applicable to requests for food carts or kiosks in the C-I, C-2, C-T, P-M, M and C-M zones. Proposals in the Village are subject to the requirements of the Redevelopment Master Plan. Food carts located within buildings are exempt from these guidelines. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DESIGN GUIDELINES Carts and kiosks will be permitted as an accessory use to an existing principal use on the property and will not require an amendment to existing discretionary approvals. Carts and kiosks may be used for the incidental sale of packaged food and beverages only. No on-site preparation of food is allowed. The sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. The applicant shall submit a letter of permission from the submit property owner authorizing the location and operation of the proposed cart or kiosk. Carts and kiosks shall not function as drive-thru businesses and shall not be located in areas that: a. Reduce the number of required parking spaces; b. Interfere with vehicle or pedestrian circulation; c. Present a traffic hazard; d. Result in the removal of mature landscaping (unless additional landscaping area 8 is provided elsewhere); or e. Are closer than 50 feet from any public street right-of-way. Signs (if any) shall be attached to the cart and shall not exceed a cumulative total of 9 square feet in area (including canopy, awning, and umbrella signs, etc. but not including small menu signs). No one sign shall exceed a maximum size of 6 square feet. The size of the signs shall be in scale with the size and mass of the cart. No off-site advertising or signage shall be permitted. H:\Admin\CounteACatt Info Sheet Revised 2-23-00