HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 01-03; White Water Estates #1; Coastal Development Permit (CDP) (2)FILE COPY
City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
May 21, 2001
Al Corbin
167 Redwood Ave.
Carlsbad, CA 92008
At the Planning Commission meeting of May 16, 2001, your application was considered. The
Commission voted 6-0 (Nielsen Absent) to APPROVE your request. The decision of the Planning
Commission became final on May 16, 2001.
The time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Code of Civil
Procedure, Section 1094.6, which has been made applicable in the City of Carlsbad by Carlsbad
Municipal Code 1.16. Any petition or other paper seeking judicial review must be filed in the appropriate
court not later than the ninetieth day following the date which this decision becomes final; however, if
within ten days after the decision becomes final a request for the record of the proceedings accompanied
by the required deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost of preparation of such record,
the time within which such petition may be filed in court is extended to not later than the thirtieth day
following the date on which the record is either personally delivered or mailed to the party, or his attorney
of record, if he has one. A written request for the preparation of the record of the proceedings shall be
filed with the Planning-Director, Michael J. Holzmiller, Secretary of the Planning Commission, 1635
Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008.
If you have any questions regarding the final dispositions of your application, please call the Planning
Department at (760) 602-4600.
Planning Director
Enclosed: Planning Commission Resolution No. 4980
c: Eldean Bratton, 3862 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad, CA 92008
1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us
City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
March 1, 2001
Al R. Corbin
167 Redwood Avenue
Carlsbad, Ca 92008
Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Department
has reviewed your Coastal Development Permit, application no. CDP 01-03 - White Water
Estates, as to its completeness for processing.
The application is incomplete, as submitted. Attached are two lists. The first list is
information which must be submitted to complete your application. This list of items must be
submitted directly to your staff planner by appointment. All list items must be submitted
simultaneously and a copy of this list must be included with your submittals. No processing of
your application can occur until the application is determined to be complete. The second list
is issues of concern to staff. When all required materials are submitted the City has 30 days to
make a determination of completeness. If the application is determined to be complete,
processing for a decision on the application will be initiated. In addition, please note that you
have six months from the date the application was initially filed, February 2, 2001, to either
resubmit the application or submit the required information. Failure to resubmit the application
or to submit the materials necessary to determine your application complete shall be deemed to
constitute withdrawal of the application. If an application is withdrawn or deemed withdrawn,
a new application must be submitted.
Please contact your staff planner, Greg Fisher, at (760) 602-4629, if you have any questions
or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application.
Planning Director
Chris DeCerbo
David Rick
(File Copy _?
Data Entry
Planning Aide
1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us
No. CDP 01-03 - White Water Estates
1. Please submit three copies of a Preliminary Title Report dated within the past 6 months.
2. The site plan as submitted is not legible and therefore can not be further reviewed for
consistency with the City's development standards. Please resubmit a site plan that
clearly shows all proposed buildings and structures including but not limited to:
proposed dwelling and garage; covered patios, trellis, decks and any other detached
assessory structures. Also, show all if any proposed protrusions into required setbacks.
3. Please remove the contour lines from the site plan. Provide a separate grading plan as
requested by the Engineering Department (See Below).
4. On the site plan under the heading "Project Summary", provide the following
information: zoning; general plan; required and proposed setbacks; building height; lot
coverage; total living area for each floor; lot size.
5. Please label on the elevation drawings existing and/or proposed grade.
1. On the site plan:
A. Add the name and address of the applicant/property owner.
B. Plot any on-site easements and show any proposed off-site easements (i.e.
drainage) and the property that the easement crosses.
C. Show all buildings, fences, wall and structures within fifty feet of the property.
Use screened (lighter) lines to distinguish the structures from the proposed
D. Provide a summary table with the following information:
1) Site acreage
2) Existing zone and land use
3) Total building coverage
4) Building square footage
5) Percent landscape
E. A preliminary drainage and grading plan providing the following information:
1) Existing and proposed contours at 1-foot intervals. The plan currently
shows an abundance of contours that are not labeled neither with
"elevation above sea level" marks nor as existing or proposed. What are
the elevation intervals of these lines? If these contours are at 1-foot
intervals then the property as depicted varies in height up to 14 feet.
Based on a field observation and data on file with the City, the elevation
difference should be in the maximum range of 3 to 5 feet, not 14.
Clearly distinguish the existing contours from the proposed by making
the proposed more prominent (i.e. bolder, solid lines) than the existing
(i.e. dashed, lighter lines).
2) Earthwork volumes in cubic yards: cut, fill, import and export.
3) Show any existing trees and shrubs within the City right-of-way. Are
you proposing to remove any trees?
4) Show, in detail, the method of draining the lot. If you propose to use a
series of underground pipe to drain surface water and roof water, then
show the location and size of the pipe as well the inlet location. Provide
the grate and invert elevations for each inlet and the percent slope of the
pipe. Also, identify the location of pipe discharge. If the pipe is to cross
a neighboring property and outlet to a street curb, then illustrate the
pipe's path across this property and identify the proposed drainage
easement to be recorded with the neighbor or as a covenant of easement
if the property is owned by you.
2. A Preliminary Title Report current within the last 6 months.
1. After resubmittal, the proposed plans will be reviewed -for any other issues or concerns
not addressed in this letter.
The following issues need to be resolved prior to resubmittal:
1. A soils engineer needs to specify in writing that a distance of three feet from building
foundation to swale is acceptable by the soils engineer, as the standard distance of 5
feet cannot be under the current design. If a 3-foot distance cannot be supported by
the soils engineer, then the building will need to be set back further from the property
line. Provide a cross section of the drainage swale on the drainage plan.
2. Provide drainage calculations to size the proposed underground pipe and determine
discharge flow rates. A registered engineer must complete these calculations.
3. Have a licensed surveyor or registered engineer survey the site to determine the location
of existing walls and structures in relation to the property lines. Since a
drainage/grading plan and hydrology calculations are required as described above, a civil
engineer's services may best provide your needs to complete this survey and
incorporate this information into the grading/drainage plan.
4. No stamped concrete is permissible within the public right-of-way. Clearly illustrate that
this requirement is in compliance.
5. Be aware that the City's standard width for vehicle backup into the driveway isle is 24
feet when such backup is required. In this particular case, the City does not require
available backup space for drivers to exit the site in a forward position. But since you
are providing backup, be aware that additional turns may be necessary for drivers if
they attempt to exit the site in a forward position since the width is 5 feet short of our
6. Measure the sidewalk and street improvement widths again. The right-of-way to curb
face width is 9 feet, not 10 as shown. The parkway appears to be approximately 2.5
feet wide, the sidewalk 5.5 feet, and the edge of sidewalk to right-of-way 1-foot wide.
The curb face to street centerline width is 16 feet. Total right-of-way width is 50 feet.
Any sidewalk, driveway approaches or curb in poor condition must be replaced and the
CDP will be conditioned accordingly.
7. Determine the pad elevation on the site plan. The sewer line T.O.P. in Redwood Ave is
4 feet deep. Depending on the pad height proposed, the grades may need to be
adjusted to establish proper flow. In addition, the minimum horizontal separation
between sewer and water lines is 10 feet. Revise the site plan accordingly.
8. Is the wall on the northwest side of the property a proposed retaining wall or existing
freestanding block wall? What property does this wall lie on?
9. Show the rear yard utility poles on the site plan.