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CDP 02-28; KIKO RESIDENCE; Engineering Application
PROJECT ADDRESS: --z_(o4 \ ~ ~~ ~?8AD1 CA. Q'z..coi. ' LOT NO(S).: \\ ~ I 4t-MAP NO.: 'Z-APN(S).: 'Zb'?-\4o-OC\ NUMBER OF LOTS: Z. NUMBER OF ACRES: c::>. lb ';;:.e. • OWNER: _}QA~ 1::>. ~~ APPLICANT: OA,~ t,. fw.~ Mailing Address: 'Uo4\ C)c.~ ~ Mailing Address: '2.fo4\ ~ ~ C.tu-~~,Ck"tZLQo ~~, CAq-zcc'6 Phone Number: ("°f.) :; 11--4S'So Phone Number: ({,o'Z.) ~ ~ -~€;Be:, Fax Number: JJ/A. Fax Number: ~71::::.. E-Mail: t,,Jfl>. E-Mail: .c....~..;.;fA-:...---------- 1 certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature: Date: --------- CIVIL ENGINEER: f,~\lCE ~-~,, FIRM: -ri.,T ~ o~t;\)~""'- Mailing Address: Jqi eNIC.-O!UU~ O~tt:£1 CA-crzo9\- Phone Number:(1/cO) 4: ~~-J \(e(p Fax Number: (7{pc)) 1a~-IOIJ E-Mail: b~~\\::J~. ~'((') State Registration Number: l2C£" ~-z.-z.Af--- ADDmONAL COMMENTS: Signature: SOILS ENGINEER: FIRM: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: State Registration Number: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) Date: Ocarlsbad Municipal Water District Oolivenhain Ovallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES cut ___ cy fill ___ cy remedial ___ cy import ___ cy export ___ cy SEE REVERSE SIDE H:IDEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Engineering Plan Check Revised 1114/02 ~ i :.Y ~-. . ··-·.--·''' APPUCATIO"l FOR . ( ./ all that apply) D Adjustment Plat (ADJ) D Certificate of Compliance (CE) D Dedication of Easement (PR) Type_: __________ _ Type_:---,---,--- l}Pe: \ ~ Encorachment Permit (PR) lC )PVe~) P/2. 07-/1 q D Final Map (FM) D Grading Plancheck (DWG) D Improvement Plancheck (DWG) D Parcel Map (PM) D Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: ------- Type: Type: D Reversion to Acreage (RA) D Street Vacation (SlV) D Tentative Parcel Map (MS) D Certificate of Correction (CCOR) D Covenant of Easement (PR) D SubstantJal Conformance Exhibit (SCE) D other H:/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Engineering Plan Check Page 2 ',t-·~: <,. ,-. ')iti~~~ .. ' :i{t~}~~n,f' ; > ...... /:j\ENGINEERING .· .. _;. ·:i :.·:~?I>tif~~~iN'r .. : ·:.: ~ · . JipgtteAtotf~ECElVED· ... : ·'. ·"-.,-:-.,,.,,-v..,,,, ·••"-'<'<>,./·,-• .,, •.•v.,:,...'-v• ,.~>.,.,,.,,,'<-•.,_,._ . .,,.-..;:x:: ~ •,,.,' ,,,,,., , , Revised 1/14/02 --cxn OF CAIU':.$B~D -: :ENGIN,EERlNG 'P~PA:!lT:fi.1-iNr' ': ·_ ' " APPLICATIO:N , , ' ENGlNEERiNG. PLAN CHECK. PROJECT NAME: '\l,. \\4 0 tz.E:$\ t::E:J:,lC-6 DATE: _____ _ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: t::Q..\\JEW'cf \ t-\~O'l£X,\~\S PROJECT ADDRESS: ~ ~ ~E.""'\ ~/92-<,t)g LOT NO(S).: t~.Jf l4 -MAP NO.: ;z_ APN(S).: zo~-\Ao-to NUMBER OF LOTS: ~ NUMBER OF ACRES: c:> • \Ce,~ • OWNER: 'f:!.£s;) ..J. \l,.\)l.0 APPLICANT: YBQ ...J • ~\~ Mailing Address: ?,5(_,\ tx)tJl-,lA. 1)12_\\16' Mailing Address: ~\ 00~~ 'ta.\VE' ew~. ck9'Za:>9 ~,·er,,..., UlfJ Phone Number:('1t,o) fo-Z.'Z,-'\ '500 Phone Number: ("1Ct.O°) ~z_~.: l SOO Fax Number: N]A. Fax Number: J,J/1,... E-Mail: f.lU,. E-Mail: ...;;.~-/J> _______ _ I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above . information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature: Date: CIVIL ENGINEER:~ k-~f..t "f FIRM:\#'T" Co»~~, ~. Mailing Address: 7oicw,€ C.Efil:d.. Pt D!~C::Abe. ~ Phone Number:(1toc> )4"=1!,.;;..: \\We:, Fax Number: (--X,O)A~~--l0\1. E-Mail: ~.,\_.@-f::;a.tc.oo~\'l1~• Q~ State Registration Number:9,C.E '!>-Z.-z..4:'t ADDillONAL COMMENTS: Signature: SOILS ENGINEER: FIRM: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: State Registration Number: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) Date: Ocarlsbad Municipal Water District Oonvenhain Ovallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street,. public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES cut ___ cy fill ___ cy remedial ___ cy import ___ cy export ___ cy SEE REVERSE SIDE H:/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERSt'Applicatlon for Engineering Plan Check Revised 1/14/02 ·o .. "'~.~si~~,,~~~~tt,··:\r7< '. · •.. ·.· · --:; , -.ENGINEE~it'G-'PlAN-.,Cl;iEGK -, ·i: > · .-. . · .... , . . . . . ,. , .. ' : > -·. :,~ett1p1e~~ ~ll i,;PRfo.P~~.t~;,;~fij~~~~r~~;-~;Wtit~--iN)~\iiji~:il~t.:;k)?Jl~!i\~/f ~ : __ :::,i:/.:, L\· :,,:\;: ::;:: //; r : 1: ;,,:, .. ,,,.· ,·· -~<::-,;:· .. :. '., :<;:_.:·,;/<i.i.:'',:FOlt,~n:tlJ,S'~s()N(X':,.'/:::~c:-:--;:·:~-;~. ,\i ,i ,' · ~,_.·.·1;. .• · :., ,:C:':; APPUCATION FOR ( ./ all that apply) tj:s~1ti!.:t'.. _::]~~1:t:R~;·:;: ~~!~ir,~f ~1~ ~~:~c::,:!,~tt:};I:;;~:>t/ .. )f 1, ft:::.· .:.:: \;: -:r:::L"~:: D Adjustment Plat (ADJ) D Certificate of Compliance (CE) D Dedication of Easement (PR),' -------------- Type: ------- Type: ~-------- T jP( I [j/Encorachment Permit (PR) a: DP ~26' .f>R f!T/--( IO ~ ~~ ~ D Final Map (FM) _, D Grading Plancheck (DWG) D Improvement Plancheck (DWG) D Parcel Map (PM) D Quitdaim of Easement (PR) Type_:--------- Type_: ______ _ Type: D Reversion to Acreage (RA)- D Street Vacation (SlV) D Tentative Parcel Map (MS) • D Certificate of Correction (CCOR) D Covenant of Easement (PR) D Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) D Other H:/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Engineering Plan Check Page 2 ~-i!=;~:;.(. ,,' ~::;l''ij,rRl~:t>. ·.; ·• , ·· .. .-:', Revised 1/14/02 ---"'"'" ,,.,_ CITY OFCA!ll-SBA~ :._,t;,NGI.NEisJUN<i DEl>Altl\MEiji': ' -' , -v-~ '' -,, ',' " --'' ,, --' ',f APPLICA:tte,N '' ,ijNGI,NEERfNG.SPLAN'·~Jii·J;C~ '' -, _, ' -' ,' '," --,, ~omp)ete tiill ap~to,prJ~te information. Write::N{ ~ylt~~~ 1u<>l-a'pt>,li~bl¢, _ , -< '' ,, __ ,_,-,,.,,,-:',, r .. " "_;_"''" PROJECT NAME: ~l"'D p.eS>tbE>JCE DATE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: C:,CU~J&.1'4_ lH ~€t-li1,; PROJECT ADDRESS:--t.Co~/-zte-eS ~~qu2e .. , (!.;b,/lJ..S,'q,~ c.>r"~ca LOT NO(S).: ~i MAP NO.: '1-APN(S).: 1.e>~-l~o-"3.1-e!:>\ NUMBER OF LOTS: l NUMBER OF ACRES: 0-lfoec.. OWNER: ~lllLIP ~--~\..\~\., APPLICANT: \:>\\\UP P. • ~l-\ ~ Mailing Address:2CoSS-'24oE' O:'~ c;.ar-Mailing Address: 'lloS!> .. 'ZIPS5' ~ 9"r. C,~e,M)l c><.q-z.,c,o'i C.~'t>t CA--q,z.eoe, Phone Number: (it,,o) ~~C\-45S'ZO Phone Number: (1':,c>) S'&;-88"2-C> Fax Number: ~,A. Fax Number: ~/~ E-Mail: t-l~ E-Mail: tl/>.- I certify that I am the legal owner and that·all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature: Date: Signature: Date: CIVIL ENGINEER:'-eP,uc.E "'· --a.\,-., SOILS ENGINEER: FIRM: 7,..1"1" ~~H ... "n~ l. l="NL FIRM: Mailing Address:?o'L C\\llC ~CL oo,. Mailing Address: a~s,t~. C!>. q-z..o~ Phone Number:('lbOJ 4~"?>-\ \(ofp Phone Number: Fax Number:, (.'lt,o)4~-0-I0\7 _ Fax Number: E-Mail:b~~~9-)\t~ •• com !:-Mail: State Registration Number: r, l F '!>7-7..4.';r State Registration Number: ADDIDONAL COMMENTS: ,•' . IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? ( check one) Ocarlsbad Municipal Water District Oonvenhain Ovallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscap! and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ ~/k GRADING QUANTITIES cut cy fill cy remedial cy import cy export cy SEE REVERSE SIDE H:/DEVELOPMENT SERVICE;S/MASTERSIApplicatlon for Engineering Plan Check Revised 1/14/02 c._..A /J ol. -,;,-s -i<J. I L :··. '\:i::·,_.-·, ;, ', ,, , ., ,·,._.,,,: APPUCATION FOR ( ./ all that apply) D Adjustment Plat (ADJ) . PRdj1;~·: : _".'.b8AWI,NG , _,D,EPQ.S'tf:/fEt~] '.-~~M~~,!'i)"S·. '\ ,. · 2' ·. · ., . I.Q.'. , ···NUMB.ER< . '. , · ''im'IQ -:~\ .,.~. .<: .... :-, .. , D Certificate of Compliance (CE) D Dedication of Easement (PR) Type_: ______ _ Type_: ______ _ _;i:ype: I J2f Encorachment Permit (PR) D Final Map (FM) (l rioZ-t!J l 1YP-07ri0 > f~>2lJK -- / I .. D Grading Plancheck (DWG) D Improvement Plan.check (DWG) D Parcel Map (PM) D Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: D Reversion to Acreage (RA) D Street Vacation (STV) D Tentative Parcel Map (MS) D Certificate of Correction (CCOR) D Covenant. of:Easement (PR) D Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) D Other ---,, ' .. ~~ --. ., -... • ,•• nv _,,.,.,, . ___ ,, __ :.·,..·· ··., . .. · . " . ... . .. ' ... ~ :- H:/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Engineering Plan Check Page 2 ·;·_ .. :_: :, :_: ': ... :·: .',,: ,: , ·: Revised 1/14/02 i.,,, -- PR0JECTNAME: KU4D ~es,10~ DATE: _____ _ PR0JECf· DESCRIPTION: Df2_\V£Jc)'-4 l H ~(>../~€t-l°T$, PROJECT ADDRESS:-1.CoS?,/'Z~SS--~9'-(2EJ!t"1 CA/l,L.~q,~ c..k-~~8 LOT N0(S)., . ~7 MAP NO.: '1.-APN(S).: 1.t>?-t .4o-~"'7 ..... e!:>\ NUMBER OF LOTS: l NUMBER OF ACRES: C>, l (o '2Ce • OWNER: . t-'1~-ritJ °"'~ ... ~\2,. APP_LICANT: AA.....-,~' ~~.i.\~ tt~,~ Mailing Address:ZCoSS-~ a_,.~ ~-r. Mailing Address: zeos~-"ZL,55" ~ 9-r. C,b.eLh~ 1 Ck. Oj-U,O~ Cb,.~~ t C,.A-. '}'Z-tc>'o Phone Number: (1"1Q) ~£!,C\~ '&5"ZC> Phone Number: (1bo) SSC,.-BB-z.o Fax Number: ~/A. Fax Number: ~/I> ----'-=------------ E -Ma ii: N /k E-Mail: J"l.__:.;;/J>r-_______ _ · I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature: Date: Signature: ________ Date: 'CIVIL ENGINEER:: 'P.,Jz,UC,E: /,(, 11,.\-r 'FIRM: -ri,1T-· C!.o~~L-'TI~ 1 l='~c. Mailing Address: 1c>'t. C..\VlC ~L ocz.. ~~~,C!..>.91:QSi\: Phone Number:(1b0) 4~~-\ \(ofp Fax Number: (.'1co) 4~~-1017 E-Mail: b~ ('{:,@-ta~S)):{:,\~~. CoyYJ State Registration Number: t,tE_ "b"Z-'24Z ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: SOILS ENGINEER: FIRM: Mailin~ Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: State Registration Number: JMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) Otarlsbad Municipal Water District Oolivenhain Ovallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improv~ments, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? . $ N/k GRADING QUANTITIES cut ___ cy fill_--"-_cy remedial ___ cy import ___ cy export ___ cy SEE REVERSE SIDE. H1DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Applrcation for Engineering Plan Check Revised 1/14/02 --A.J. / ,? G;j{) OJ.. J-£' ,..._ X•' ·,, •• • • APPUCATION FOR ( ./ all that apply) D Adjustment Plat (ADJ) 0 Certificate of Compliance (CE) 0 Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: ------------Type_: ______ _ T:tPe: tl/Encora~hment Permit (PR) 1t);>f .02,-2/ PR fl'// 1 IT-/ D Final Map (FM) D Grading Plancheck (DWG) D Improvement Plancheck (DWG) D Parcel Map (PM) 0 Quitclaim of Easement {PR) Type~:--------'--- Type_: ______ _ Type:. D Reversion to Acreage (RA) D _ Street Vacation (STY) D Tentative Parcel Map (MS) 0 Certificate of Correction . _ (CCOR) . _ _ . _ D Covenant of Easement (PR) D Substantial·Conformance Exhibit (SCE) D Other H:/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/AppJ1catlon for Engineering Pian Check Page 2 :_ .. · 1 iL-;\.~.::1~il~: ~--,~ Revised 1/14/02 . · Ctri ·OF CA~LSSAa .-'.ENGjN:~~QING o·Et>AJt'li,1,jif;". :·· A:PPlICA1'I8R , , . · :'.· ·e:NGXNEERJNG .. PiMt, .. cHeek: · ·· ;':), .. . '. :C~mpl~ .~II aeprbpt:i~te. lnform~tio11~. ~.tJt., N/A,Wh~ti rt.,t,~p~li~l,te. · .. : PROJECTNAME: \-sl'f>Q½$7\Q;;.t,Jc.,f?' DATE: "!:J•ZO• 01;· PROJECT DESCRIPTION: lf'::¥?11::\,..,k:: b'.J:7:.M.Per.:> coi--l~ PJZ1ve;;:1Llb.-VI wl:n-\ ' PROJECTADDRESS: Z.CpA~ e:::'c..g-t,;,,N CzTI2:e!=:J7 0b:LL..7ezAQ t Cdt 0,:Z,..O'.?f:, . !,.OT NO(S).: I'?! l 4 MAP NO.: Z . APN(S).: 2.~-\40-\0 . NUMBER OF LOTS: ~ NUMBER Of ACRES: 0, lu;, 'oQ,, OWNER: Zl5,E.b§P,,\e\S .::r. \6, \6 R APPLICANT: Mailing Address: ?,sP\ ThµµA. 1&,\V$ Mailing Address: CA£L&eAO: CA g Ua;fJ Phone Number: (1(RQJ ~zi.-l~ Phone Number: V'C>:!!2t.&J??A:o 1 CA 5::z.~ (1Ltp°"). 'a-Z. -z.-\~O Fax Number: ·E-Mail: Signature: · CIVIL ENGINEER:::ta©>ci=; A. --r:&cr: FIRM: --,--X\'"t"" C.01-}=z\)L.::Oh?(a. ::0-,,C;;:, : L Mailing Address: :JC?Z.. C,v,c... Cet.)ne, t)p,. C)ce;4b-)c&\\$' CA:9:ws4-/ - . Phone Number: (7to0) 4:Pb-l \ (p<t> Fax Number: (7(.a9)4az2:>-l Ql1 E-Mail: bt:,~\-\::. e-brtc,on,u \f:)03 . CO.r) $tate Registration.Number:gc.e:; ?;,:Z.:z.4:Z . ADDillONAL COMMENTS: Fax Number: E-Mail: SOILS ENGINEER: FIRM: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: State Registration Number: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (<::heck one) Ocarlsbad Municipal Water District Oouvenhain Ovallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Catisbad Municipal Water District only), street., public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ ~1~ GRADING QUANTiTIES cut ___ cy fill __ _ remedial--..,... cy import ___ cy export ___ cy SEE REVERSE SIDE H:/DEVELOPMENT SERVICE;$/MASTERS'Appllcatlon for Engineering Plan Check Revised 1/14/02 --.......... :. ·. ·.·· .... '../ .crtvOF~:~a~;a!!::t:~~tti (\ .... "> .......... . • .. -. ... ::. .¢o!lip_l~te:-all _apprcn#iat¢,ioform~Ji9'1t·;.\~f.rite NftWijeJtnqt~~pplic;;€'Jil~~'.: .. : ..... : ...... , ''. :_ :-: PROJECT NAME: ~ \ KO 'tZ.:E:';, \ 0~ 1-Jic..E,. DATE: ~ • l 4 • O(p PROJECT DESCRIPTION: U..\?Tb.,L.,L..-e;'' Bl c., P'S?:l>l ~ t..,..(Wb L.QC:U-\ -z. \ f'..)LE:% t;..b)Q :C\€: Jk):ro E:)(..l~l~G:3 \N\.....t-\, GDfog-d)-5 PROJECT ADDRESS: '"Z.(e)4".'\ 0~ E:;:1C12..E:E;C CbtU--'=7:fzAO J CA Gjza;>~ LoT Noes).: L ~ t\J , 4. MAP.No.: 2.. APN(s).: -z.o ~-\ 4v .... \o NUMBER OF LOTS: "1,..-. · NUMBER Of.ACRES: o. \{e, a:::.., OWNEF<: fllf,,.6Q92-ilc~ .:f. ""' ~ APPLICANT: ~tz.S~\CJ.i:, ..::f. \b.t "40 Mailing Address: '?45~\ °'P,e,f..l>Jb -Oc:r.1 \/6" Mailing Address: ~S<o\ DoN.1-+t>. VIZ.\\16;' ~'e60,Cb-.C\'2JJOC\' Cba..Lse;.o.t:,, CA,9:z.g;PJ Phone Number: (7~) Ci& i-z.: t So::> Pho~e Number: ('7b0) '6-Z.Z.-I 500 Fc;1x Number: ·E-Mail: --- .I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above informati~~ue and correetlo the best of my knowledge. Signat~ ,Jl,. ·~ ':d/J..1. DatJ/l)/1, Fax Number: - E-Mail: - · ·Signature: Date: civIL ENGINEER: 125\lcE A-:-r-b.:rr smLs ENGINEER: __._N~/.._A_.__ _____ _ FIRM: --r~t U>)4S,.~,~.::t\l4'9, ~, FIRM: Mailing Address: 10,._ C,\\.J LC.C.E.\.C{""'ep..])g. Mailing Address: A:~,ne:: c..g:zos+ Phone Number: (1k,O) 4::-?~-l t~ .Phone Number: Fax Number: (1Ct:O) 4 ~~-t'ct:1 _Fax Number: E-Mail: b'"C-2.\-c:.@+,arh,:on.5\)l t\h~ .. (.Of I. E-Mail:. St~te Registration Number: Bee: ;.-Z..'Z~tz · . State Registration Number: _ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) Ocarlsbad Municipal Water.District Oolivenhain Ovallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal WaterDistrict, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer·(for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median)'landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if.applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES - cut_·. __ Of fill ___ Of remedial ___ Of import ___ o; export ___ cy SEE REVERSE SIDE H:/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Engineering Plan Check Revised 1/14/02 JAN~23-2003 THU 11:58 AM-LSBAD ENGINEERING FAX N0.60 602 1052 P. 01 PROJECTDESCRIPTlO~:.....,~ot ·consolidation & Certificate of. Co~pliance PROJECT ADDRESS: 2649 Ocean Street LOTNO(S).: 11 & 12 MAPN0.: ___ 1 __ 22 __ 1 ________ APN(S).: 203-140-09 NUMBER OF LOTS; l NUMBE~ OF' ACRES: 0 • 1 6 0 7 OWNER: Frederick Kiko APPUCANT: Wolfram Kalber ....... ~ .................... ._.. ____ _ Mailing.Address: 3561 Donna Drive MailingAddress: 145~ Lieta Street Carlsbad; CA 92608 San Diego, CA 92110 Phone Number; ( 7 6 o ) 4 3 4-9 7 o 1 P.hone Number: ( 61 9 ) 2 7 5-o o 7 4 Fax Number: (160)434-9702 E·Mall:· Bateman FIRM: San Diego Land Surveying & En Malling Address: 9619 Chesapeake Dr. #20~ San Diego. CA 92123 Phone.Number: ( 858) 565-8362 Fax Nwnber: · < 858) 565-4354 E-Mail: HWB @ SDLSE. com State Registration Number: LS 4 6 0 5 AOOmONAL COMMENTS: Fax Number: E-Mall: Phone Number·: Fax Number: E-Mall: State Registration Number: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water dlstrld: Is the ~ projec% locatad In? (c:heck·ane) Date: 2-24-03 [)carlsbad Municipal Wala' District · 00Uvenhain Ovallecitos 2 lf in the Qlrlsbad Munic:lpal water PiSb'ig, what Is the total cost estimate, lndudlng the 15% a>ntingency fee, for water and nadalmed water Improvements, •war (for carlsbad Munldpal Water District only), street, public: (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage lmpro'V'emants (if appllc::able)7 $ GRADING QUANTITIES fill ______ Cf remecfral __ cy Import __ C'f SEE IIEWRSE SID£ . 'H;,'Di;VELOPMINT ~Mllblkln lilt ii~ PIii\ Cl** · · ,, .,.,, .,_·,;:,_. ........ ;, .... ·.~, , .. , --:OF'CARi.sSAo··.··eN.GiNEERIN<fD.RiMENf ,. · · ·:·» it~'.;::;::.:{iS~if 0>;f. :\f>:~.:r/i~J}1~i~r£1~t,,.~~;~fiijift~~;;t~:'.~~~;, ··-,/~;.~;~. ::.~:;. ? .. ~-·. :~:-. ..:-·:~·~ · .-.. -~, ~_, .:._ ~ .,. .. : ..,, , '<· ... ,,. ~ <· :"·. ···: .,· . --· ::~·=·,.,,.~·i:'..~NGINEEIUlf'l:AN.,CHECt< -.: .. ,,. · ··· ., ... .. ,~,; :·. \·{ ~-,:: .. · . : '\ ;! '·c~mp1ei:i air1apP,_r~p~-~te~ 1·~·,o~l: __ fi{Wr:itlN/ iwit~ti-:ri~~,~·.,r,nca1>1e. · PROJECT NAME: \(\ko 'R.~tdV2M...c.~. DATE: 02/24/63 N~ J?V,J eJ1 I IA.~~. I { PROJECT DESCRIPTION:. PROJECT ADDRESS: ;i_(o 41 ·0ce.c'bvt .S1-re-d- LOT NO(S).: c 3:,; I~ MAP NO.: ·l ~Z. l APN(S).: 2o '3--!_40-{_O NUMBER OF LOTS: I NUMBER OF' ACRES: C)~/{c, .. OWNER: Freol. /{3&.,o APPUCANT: Mailing Address: [3.%_[. {Jo~'(');( ' Mailing Address: 0 ..A.rz LS ..\, ~{) ('~ <f ,;7_ooR:- Phone Number: ·7rso K';;;l..~ l <oo o -Phone Number: Fax Number: 7~0 't-P'.f. '2 / 0 :;J_ Fax Number: E-Mail: F ~~ @· .sft:-c;Lo\3M-.. N~'r E-Mail: I ce~ify that I am the legal owner and thatall the above information. is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signatl)ref-/:Ju .i/4 //";j ,0 {tf. /, ~ate:~ Signature: Date: av!L ENGINEER: 4a 1'+ (11"'511.. <::...r 1 if. 1' IAtil . SOILS ENGINEER: FIRM: -----FIRM: Mailing Address: ~~;~ew~a~ Mailing Address: Phone Number: 76Q a33 116G ·· ·Phone Number: Fax Number: · '7 (,;; Q. 4. ~3 l (J) I 7 Fax ·Number: E·Mail: . --h-e .. ~~-tebllscdt,1 ~ .. ~vf E-Mail: State Registration Number: 3 ;z.;z A-7 State Registration Number: ADDffiONAL COMMENTS: .. I - IMPROVEMENT.VALUATION i. What water district is the propos~d project located in? (check one) Ocartsbad Municipal Water District · Oolivenhain Ovanecitos 2. If in the carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% co!ltingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Wat~r District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ .. GRADING QUANTITIES cut cy .fill cy remedial cy import cy export cy SEE REVERSE SIDE COP --8" H~DEVELOPMl;NT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Engineering Plan Check ReVised 1/14/02 .. _;,. I . ---CITY OF CARLSBAD -ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERING PLAN _CH~CK OR PROCESSING Complete all appropriate Jnformalion. Write NIA when not appllcabfe. . . . PROJECT NAME: \(tko (e5 i de\\C..C.. . DATE: 01 {?.B(?.co3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: _5:-ne~J~ faM~l's 'K.e~\de~c-e_ .·_ /2 ~~ -w,+"'-bass N\e,~"t PROJ(;CT ADpRESS: .-;2. fu 4 °> _ C>c.eay\ 45\,teg:rJ C.ar-\s\,aol, > _ LOT NO{S).: {'?, =+ f 4 MAP NO.: '.l _ APN(S).: 20~----/ 40 -OC) NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: 1 LFMP ZONE: · 'R,-3 # LOTS: 2.. # ACRES: O. lb Ac.. OWNcR: · -F.-cd4 ~~ ¼.i \Jo ~PPLICANT! wol~ 'De~,g ~'-t~\J.. If\c. .. · . MailingAddress: 3:5:G:.l ])qnn:a,.12t~\)t_.. . MalllngAddress: us, l-1-e..t-a ST, · Cac\$baiA ,e-A, "2~ ~\!\..1),-egp Q..A ,z.·,,o · PhOne Number: <7bO.) 82Z-l 9:X:> · Phone Number:_ <'-1"1) 2.75· C:074 I certify that I am the legal owner and ttiat all the abow information Is true and corr, ct o the beat of my knowledge .. · Si Jal"IRf--=...,,~~~=----Date / .. z , ,z..oo gna ure -.._;~.;;.....+..,__ __ Date/ ·zt,za-.,,7 Firm: rs,a.~ ~i Mailing Address: .,_,,..., fier \Jiew \.Oct~ O::.ean,'?,~. ·e..A , Phone Number: /7iJ:J) · 4 '3 3 f I bft:, Phone Number: State ~egistraliori Number: · State Registratio_n Number: 3 ;2 ::2 4 Z --------- ADDITiONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is tf'\e pro sed roject located in? (circle one) Carlsbad Municipal Water Di.ltrict Olivenhain Vallecitos . 2. If in the Cansbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, Including the 15% · , 1 qi co11tingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements (if applicable)? t . S 3. What Is the total cosf estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for sewer (for Carlsbad . Municipal Water District only), street; p11blic (median) landscape and irrigation, and drain.age improvements (if applicabl_e}? 4. What is the total cost of landscape.and irrigation Improvements on private property (if applicable)? --- $"· cut .\280 cy GRADING QUANTITI~ fill ;2; 30 cy remedial.--~--cy ~expoi:t loS6 cy '', '! ', 1