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CDP 09-16; Triton Residence; Coastal Development Permit (CDP) (2)
C S T V O F CARLSBAD LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION P-1 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECK BOXES) Development Permits I I Administrative Permit Coastal Development Permit (*) Q Minor . ^Conditional Use Permi|»(*) Minor Lif'txtension I I Environmental Impact Assessment I I Habitat Management Permit Q Minor I i Hillside Development Permit (*) I I Planned Development Permit I I Residential CD Non-Residential I I Planned Industrial Permit I I Planning Commission Determination I I Site Development Plan I I Special Use Permit I I Tentative Tract Map I I Variance Q Administrative (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) Legislative Permits I I General Plan Amendment I I Local Coastal Program Amendment (*) (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) I I Master Plan Q Amendment I I Specific Plan n Amendment 0 Zone Change (*) 1 I Zone Code Amendment List other aoolications not specified • • • (*) = eligible for 25% discount NOTE: A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 3:30 P.M. A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING ONLY ONE APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 4:00 P.M. ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S).: PROJECT NAME: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: S/A/At^g r/?/ IL 9 ^ 11?C/<tC^- PA/ BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION; LOCATION OF PROJECT: STREET ADDRESS ON THE: BETWEEN (NORTH, SOUTH. EAST, WEST) (NAME Ot^ STREET) P-1 SIDE OF AND (NAME OF STREET) C (Piit: l i HlOl fir (NAME OF STREET) Oev09oaH Page 1 of 5 Revised 07/10 OWNER NAME (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS APPLICANT NAME (Print): Zf yi f/s^ fff L //v/ MAILING ADDRESS j ^4;^^ /^y/^ A/^ ^ ^n A CITY, STATE ZIP m0i i4 ^^ j^fHrU TELEPHONE IMAIL ADDRESS ,7^//Nr^/C (A/, ^0,1/1 I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE 1 CERTIFY THAT I AJii/UHE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER AND THAT AI^U-TFTE ABO/E INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BESTXJF MY KNOWLEDGE. DATE SIGNATURE DATE ^ APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE (Print): MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS: I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE APPLICANT AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE DATE IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF, PLANNING COMMISSIONERS OR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INSPECT AND ENTER THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION. I/WE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE. NOTICE OF RESTRICTION: PROPERTY OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES AND CONSENTS TO A NOTICE OF RESTRICTION BEING RECORDED ON THE TITLE TO HIS PROPERTY IF CONDITIONED FOR THE APPLICANT. NOTICE OF RESTRICTIONS RUN WITH THE LAND AND BIND ANY SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE FOR CITY USE 6NLY DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED RECEIVED BY: p-1 Page 2 of 5 Revised 07/10 OX n 34586 calle narahw capo beach ca 92624 :5J0 927 502.2 tp) 310 862 Vyy. !J) v»,'ww.loxlin.coiri inlo@loxl!n.C(jm January 17, 2012 RE: 1589 Triton Street CDP Extension City of Carlsbad Planning Department Attn: Shannon Werneke 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 Dear Shannon, Please see enclosed documents for our extension application for our CDP permit. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions. 1 included a check for $252.5o+$7.o4 = $259.54. Sincerely, Juintow Lin Principal, Fox Lin, Inc. I CITY OF l.Ar:toJ 1 JAN 1 - 2012 1 PLANNING DEPART^^EN' 31^1-9 -^12^ City of Carlsbad Faraday Center Faraday Cashiering 001 1201901-1 01/19/2012 32 Thu, Jan 19, 2012 10:28 AM Receipt Ref Nbr: R1201901-1/0013 PERMITS - PERMITS Tran Ref Nbr: 120190101 0013 0017 Trans/Rcpt#: R0088030 SET #: CDP0916X1 Amount: 1 @ $259,54 Item Subtotal: $259.54 Item Total; $259.54 1 ITEM(S) TOTAL: $259.54 Check (Chk# 1263) $259.54 Total Received: $259.54 Have a nice dayl +*************CUSTOMER COPY************* city of Carlsbad 163 5 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 Applicant: LIN JUINTOW Description CDP0916X1 1589 TRITON ST CBAD Amount 259.54 Receipt Number: R0088030 Transaction Date: 01/19/2012 Transaction ID: R0088030 Pay Type Method Description Amount Payment Check 259.54 Transaction Amount: 259.54 CHICAGO TITLE COMPAMY RECENE^ Recording Requested By OCT 2T ^^^^ px and When Recorded Mail to: QJ-^Y OF CARLSBAD -i f J M t JC William and Candace LvTin 6575 Black Rail < r I 1 I PLANNING DEPT Carisbad, CA 92011 ' MODIFICATION GRANT OF EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT THIS MODIFICATION to Grant of Easement recorded as document #2006 07660775 on 30 October 2006, made this day of April, 2007, by and bet\^'een Ronald Remsberg and Lyllian Remsberg, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", and William Lynn and Candace Lynn, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Grantee". WHEREAS, Grantee desires to acquire a certain easement ("Easement") for the purpose of maintaining a view from Grantee's adjoining property in a portion of Grantor's property commonly known as 6575 Black Rail Rd, and more particularly described as: Conventor, the G rantee of that certain real property conveyed herein, described as Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 19411 in the city of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Caiifomia filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, January 23,2004 as File/Page No. 2004-0052211 of Official Records, by granting of this easement agrees for themselves, and for all successors in interest to said real property, to restrict use of the easement such that no temporar}' or pemianent improvements including, but not limited to structures, plants, trees, or .shrubs shall be maintained within the northem sixty feet (60') of Parcel 3 Lynn Minor Southwest lot Subdivision Carlsbad CA No. 01-04, Parcel Map No. 19411, within the following pointe: Pointi - northeast property comer (excluding driveway); Point 2- a point 60' due south ofthe NE comer on eastem property line; Point 3-a point due west to the westem property line; Point 4- along the western property line north to the northwest property comer, excepting the following: 1. A solid fence of maximum height of six (6") feet constmcted within one (!') foot ofthe boundary of Parcel 3 . 2. Any type of trees or shmbs may not exceed the height of ten (10') feet above the highest point of elevation within the easement and within the view easement as described above. Grantor or Grantor's successors in interest, shall keep all plants trimmed below the above described ten foot (10') maximum height by pmning as needed on a no less than annual basis. Should Grantor or Grantor's .successor's fail to prune in any 13 month period, Grantee may, at Grantee's option, hire a duly licenced and bonded arborist to prune during regular business hours upon 48 hours written notice to the then resident of said servient property by posting on their front door. Grantor or Grantor's successor in interest shall be liable to pay the reasonable fees and charges ofthe arborist. L 3. The only stmctures allowed in the view cotxidor will be a structure not to exceed twelve (12*) feet in height including roof, as measured from the present existing gr^ie ofthe current driveway of Parcel 3 in view casement as described herein above. No other stractures of any type, such as, but not limited to: decks; patios; disks; antennas; etc to be built above said twelve (12') foot structure. The restriction shall apply to Parcel 3 only, with powers of enforcement in the owners of Parcel 4 only, for the express purpose of preserving and maintaining the view corridor from Parcel 4, Lynn Minor Subdi:vision Carlsbad CA No 01-04, Parcel Map 19411. Grantee shall have no rights of entry, ingress or egress across said easement nor any duty to maintain said easement or any stmctures or plants placed thereon by Grantor except as specifically provided herein. The operation and maintenance ofthe Easement Area shall be at Grantor's sole cost and expense. Grantor alone shall pay any and all taxes, charges or use fee(s) levied by any govemmental agency against any of Grantor's real property unless such is levied specifically and identifiably as a result of the Easement herein granted. This covenant is for the benefit of Parcel 4 described above and burdens Parcel 3 described above and shall bind all successive owners of Parcel 3. This instmment shall bind and inure to the benefit ofthe respective successors and assigns ofthe parties hereto. This covenant is intended to comply with Califomia Civil Code Section 1468 and will be interpreted to accomplish that result. This instrament contains the entire agreement between the parties relating to the rights herein granted and the obligations herein assumed. Any oral representations or modifications concerning this instmment shall be of no force or effect except in a subsequent modification in writing, signed by the party to be charged. LN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrament the day and year first above written. GRANTOR: Ronald Remsberg Lyllian Remsberg GR.ANTEE: William L\Tin Candace Lynn CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF CALIFORNIA COLT^ITY OF SAN DIEGO On April 2007 before me, , a notary pubhc in and for said County and State, personally appeared Ronald Remsberg and Lyllian Remsberg, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfectory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/arc subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/'her./their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her./their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s), acted, executed the instrament. WITNESS mv hand and oftlcial seal. (Signature of Notarv- Public) CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOW'LEDGBMENT OF NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO On rii 2007 before me, , Sso^^^ • , a notar>' public in and for said County and State, personaUy appeared^SS^^SraSCa^^ LyTsn, personally kB©wft4e^»«-(©^ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(^i^ whose name(^ is./ps€ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that l^e/she/tti^ executed the same in yi$/1ier./'tyEir authorized capacity(j0s), and that by kfe/her/th«$r signature(^ on the instrument the person(^, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(^, acted, executed the instmment. WrfNESS my hand and official seal. 1 ^^1^ D_ SJOBERG-ZYNDA V COMM. #1581837 » NOTAi?Y Pi'SuC-CAliFOSNiA W 5¥sra«5K7 SAN DIEGO couNrr 0 % ^^!^^ COMM,m.mnituwrt c o Recording Requested By and When Recorded Mail to; William and Candace Lynn 6575 Black Rail Carlsbad, CA 92011 MODIFICATION GRANT OF EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT THIS MODIFICATION to Grant of Easement recorded as document #2006 07660775 on 30 October 2006, made this day of April, 2007, by and between Ronald Remsberg and Lyllian Remsberg, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", and William L^im and Candace Lynn, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Grantee". WHEREAS, Grantee desires to acquire a certain easement ("Easement") for the purpose of maintaining a view from Grantee's adjoining property in a portion of Grantor's property commonly known as 6575 Black Rail Rd, and more particularly described as: Conventor, the Grantee of that certain real property conveyed herein, described as Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 19411 in the city of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, January 23,2004 as File/Page No. 2004-005221 i of Official Records, by granting of this easement agrees for themselves, and for all successors in interest to said real property, to restrict use of the easement such that no temporary or permanent improvements including, but not limited to stracmres, plants, trees, or shrubs shall be maintained within the northem sixty feet (60') of Parcel 3 Lynn Minor Southwest lot Subdivision Carlsbad CA No. 01-04, Parcel Map No. 19411, within the following points: Point I - northeast property corner (excluding driveway); Point 2- a point 60' due south of the NE comer on eastem property line; Point 3- a point due west to the westem property line; Point 4- aiong the westem property line north to the northwest property comer, excepting the following: 1. A solid fence of maximum height of six (6') feet constmcted within one (!') foot ofthe boundary of Parcel 3 . 2. Any type of trees or shrubs may not exceed the height of ten (10') feet above the highest point of elevation within the easement and within the view easement as described above. Grantor or Grantor's successors in interest, shall keep all plants trimmed below the above described ten foot (10') maximum height by pmning as needed on a no less than annual basis. Should Grantor or Grantor's successor's fail to prune in any 13 month period. Grantee may, at Grantee's option, hire a duly licenced and bonded arborist to prune during regular business hours upon 48 hours written notice to the then resident of said servient property by posting on their front door. Grantor or Grantor's successor in interest shall be liable to pay the reasonable fees and charges ofthe arborist. 3. The only stmctures allowed in the view corridor will be a stmcture not to exceed twelve (12') feet in height including roof, as measured from the present existing grade of the current driveway of Parcel 3 in view easement as described herein above. No other stractures of any type, such as, but not limifed to: decks; patios; disks; antennas; etc to be built above said twelve (12') foot stracture. The restriction shall apply to Parcel 3 only, with powers of enforcement in the owners of Parcel 4 only, for the express purpose of preserving and maintaining the view coiridor from Parcel 4, Lynn Minor Subdivision Carlsbad CANo 01-04, Parcel Map 19411. Grantee shall have no rights of entry, ingress or egress across said easement nor any duty to maintain said easement or any stractures or plants placed thereon by Grantor except as specifically provided herein. The operation and maintenance ofthe Easement Area shall be at Grantor's sole cost and expense. Grantor alone shall pay any and all taxes, charges or use fee(s) levied by any governmental agency against any of Grantor's real property unless such is levied specifically and identifiably as a result of the Easement hwein granted. This covenant is for the benefit of Parcel 4 described above and burdens Parcel 3 described above and shall bind all successive owners of Parcel 3. This instrament shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the parties hereto. This covenant is intended to comply with Califomia Civil Code Seclion 1468 and will be interpreted to accomplish that result. This instrament contains the entire agreement between the parties relating to the rights herein granted and the obligations herein assumed. Any oral representations or modifications conceming this instrament shall be of no force or effect except in a subsequent modification in writing, signed by the party to be charged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto Mve executed this instrament the day and year first above written. GRANTEE: William Lynn Candace Lynn CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF CALBFORNM, ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ^Am\ 2007 before me, ^(C^ fl. fjMi^mi , a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Ronald Remsberg and Lyllian Remsberg, «^sonn1ly Vmwmo me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the p8rson(s)w;hose name(s) J^^^ubscribed tojie within instrament and acknowledged to me that On ^'^^^^/xecuted the same in ^/!j4r^^-authorized capacit^ies), and that by p!&D£m.di signat^5(s) on the instrament the person^or the entity upon behalf of which the person^^T acted, executed the instrament. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ignature of Notary Public) 162*951 I, CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF CALIFORNL^ ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) On April 2007 before me,, , a notary pubhc in and for said County and State, personally appeared William Lynn and Candace Lynn, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrament and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hisAer/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their si^ature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s), acted, executed the instrament. WTTNESS my hand and official seal. (Signature of Notary Public) Recording Requested By and When Recorded Mai! to: William and Candace Lynn 6575 Black Rail Carisbad, CA 92011 MODIFICATION GRANT OF EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT THIS MODIFICATION to Grant of Easement recorded as document #2006 07660775 on 30 October 2006, made this day of April, 2007, by and between Ronald Remsberg and Lyllian Remsberg, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", and William Lynn and Candace Lynn, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Grantee". WHEREAS, Grantee desires to acquire a certain easement ("Easement") for the purpose of maintaining a view from Grantee's adjoining property in a portion of Grantor's property commonly known as 6575 Black Rail Rd, and more particularly described as: Conventor, the Grantee of that certain real property conveyed herein, described as Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 19411 in the city of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California filed in the Office ofthe County Recorder of San Diego County, January 23,2004 as File/Page No. 2004-0052211 of Official Records, by granting of this easement agrees for themselves, and for all successors in interest to said real property, to restrict use of the easement such that no temporary or pennanent improvements including, but not limited to stractures, plants, trees, or shrabs shall be maintained within the northem sixty feet (60') of Parcel 3 Lj'nn Minor Southwest lot Subdivision Carlsbad CA No. 01-04, Parcel Map No. 19411, within the following points: Point I - northeast property como" (excluding driveway); Point 2- a point 60' due south of the NE comer on eastern property line; Point 3- a point due west to the westem property line; Point 4- along the western property line north to the northwest property comer, excepting the following: 1. A solid fence of maximum height of six (6') feet constracted within one (T) foot of the boundary of Parcel 3 . 2. Any type of trees or shrabs may not exceed the height of ten (10') feet above the highest point of elevation within the easement and within the view easement as described above. Grantor or Grantor's successors in interest, shall keep all plants trimmed below the above described ten foot (10') maximum height by praning as needed on a no less than annual basis. Should Grantor or Grantor's successor's fail to prune in any 13 month period, Grantee may, at Grantee's option, hire a duly licenced and bonded arborist to prune during regular business hours upon 48 hours written notice to the then resident of said servient property by posting on their front door. Grantor or Grantor's successor in interest shall be liable to pay the reasonable fees and charges ofthe arborist. 3. The only staictures allowed in the view corridor will be a stracture not to exceed twelve (12') feet in height including roof, as measured fi-om the present existing grade ofthe current driveway of Parcel 3 in view easement as described herein above. No other stractures of any type, such as, but not limited to: decks; patios; disks; antennas; etc to be built above said twelve (12*) foot stracture. The restriction shall apply to Parcel 3 only, with powers of enforcement in the owners of Parcel 4 only, for the express purpose of preserving and maintaining the view corridor from Parcel 4, Lymx Minor Subdivision Carlsbad CA No 01-04, Parcel Map 19411. Grantee shall have no rights of entry, ingress or egress across said easement nor any duty to maintain said easement or any stractures or plants placed thereon by Grantor except as specifically provided herein. The operation and maintenance of the Easement Area shall be at Grantor's sole cost and expense. Grantor alone shall pay any and all ta.xfis, charges or use fee(s) levied by any govemmental agency against any of Grantor's real property unless such is levied specifically and identifiably as a result ofthe Easement herein granted. This covenant is for the benefit of Parcel 4 described above and burdens Parcel 3 described above and shall bind ail successive owners of Parcel 3. This instmment shall bind and mure to the benefit ofthe respective successors and assigns of the parties hereto. This covenant is intended to comply with California Civil Code Section 1468 and will be interpreted to accomplish that result. This instrament contains the entire agreement betw-een the parties relating to the rights herein granted and the obligations herein assumed. Any oral representations or modifications conceming this instrament shall be of no force or effect except in a subsequent modification in writing, signed by the party to be charged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrament the day and year first above written. GR^^^NTOR: Ronald Remsberg Lyllian Remsberg GRANTEE: Wilfi.im r.vnn « William Lynn ^ Candace Lynn CORINTHIAN TITLE COMPANY 591 Camino De La Reina Ste 100 San Diego, CA 92108 • (619) 299-4800 as Agent for Stewart Title Guaranty Company CORINTHIAN TITLE & ESCROW ORDER NO.: 42987- PD 13400 SABRE SPRINGS PKV/Y, SUITE 170 SAN DIEGO, CA 92128 ATTN: COURTNEY PIERCE YOUR REF: 02091210CP PROPERTY: VACANT LOT, SAN DIEGO, CA PRELIMINARY REPORT In response to the above referenced application for a Polky of Title Insurance, Corinthian Title Company, Inc. hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Polky or Policies of Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referenced to as an Exception on Schedule B or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions, and Stipulations of said Policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the coverage and Umitations on covered Risks of said policy or policies are set forth in Exhibit A attached. The policy to be issued may contain an arbitration clause. When the Amount of Insurance is less than that set forth in the arbitration clause, all arbitrable matters shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. Limitations on Covered Risks applicable to the CLTA and ALTA Homeowner's Policies of Title Insurance which establish a Deductible Amount and a Maximum Dollar Limits of Liability for certain coverages are also set forth in Exhibit A. Copies of the policy forms should be read. They are available from the office which issued this report. Please read the exceptions shown or referred to below and the exceptions and exclusions set forth in Exhibit A of this report carefully. The exceptions and exclusions are meant to provide you with notice of matters which are not covered under the terms of the title insurance policy and should be carefully considered. It is important to note that this preliminary report is not a written representation as to the condition of title and may not list all liens, defects, and encumbrances affecting title to the land This report (and any supplements or amendments thereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a binder or commitment should be requested. Dated as of July 17, 2009 at 7:30am Title Officer: Petra Doering Corinthian Title Company, Inc. Title Officer Phone: 619-299-4800 Title Officer Fax: 619-872-9333 /-^ Title Officer Email: petra.doering@corinthiantitle.com / J \ j n ORDER NUMBER: 42987-PD ^^X^ /) Authorized Signatory Corinthian Title Company, Inc. PRELIMINARY REPORT ORDER NO.: 42987-PD YOUR REFERENCE: 02091210CP PRELIMINARY REPORT The form of Policy of Title Insurance contemplated by this report is: ALTA Loan Policy (6-17-06) SCHEDULE A The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this report is: A FEE as to Parcel A; AN EASEMENT more particularly described below as to Parcel B Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: LAWRENCE I. LIN AND SHA-LI Y. LIN, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS Corinthian Title Company, Inc. ORDER NO.: 42987-PD PRELIMINARY REPORT YOUR REFERENCE: 02091210CP EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION The land referred to herein is situated in the State of CALIFORNIA, County of SAN DIEGO, and described as follows: PARCEL A: PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 19411, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO AAAP THEREOF FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JANUARY 23,2004. PARCEL B: AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER THAT PORTION OF PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 19411, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF FILED IN THE OFFICER OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JANUARY 23, 2004, SHOWN AND DELINEATED ON SAID MAP AS INGRESS-EGRESS EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. APN: 215-070-41-00 Corinthian Title Company, Inc. ORDER NO.: 42987-PD PRELIMINARY REPORT YOUR REFERENCE: 0209121OCP SCHEDULE B At the date hereof, exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and exclusions contained in said policy or policies would be as follows: Taxes: A. B. Property Taxes, which are a lien not yet due and payable, including any assessments collected with taxes to be levied for the fiscal year 2009-2010 which are a lien not yet payable. General and Special City and/or County taxes, including any personal property taxes and any assessments collected with taxes, for the fiscal year 2008-2009: 1st Installment: 2nd Installment: Land: Improvements: Exemption: Code Area: $2,667.32 PAID $2,667.32 PAID $510,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 HOMEOWNERS 09165 Assessment No.: 215-070-041-00 C. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 75) of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California. Exceptions: 1. EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITIES, AND APPURTENANCES THERETO, AS RESERVED AND/OR CONVEYED BY VARIOUS DEEDS OF RECORD. AFFECTS: PARCELB 2. An easement for the purpose shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document from NOT SET OUT, as grantor, to SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY as grantee, for the purpose of PUBLIC UTILITIES, INGRESS AND EGRESS, recorded MARCH 31, 1966 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 1966-54144 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, affects AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP. 3. An easement for the purpose shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document from NOT SET OUT, as grantor, to PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY as grantee, for the purpose of PUBLIC UTILITIES, INGRESS AND EGRESS, recorded APRIL 22, 1966 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 1966- 67804 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, affects AS SHOWN ON SAID AAAP. 4. The matters contained in an instrument entitled HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT DRAINAGE, dated 09/29/2003, by and between WILLIAM LYNN AND CANDANCE C. LYNN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JOINT TENANTS AND CITY OF CARLSBAD upon the terms therein provided recorded OCTOBER 30, 2003 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2003-1322229 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 5. An easement or other provisions for the purpose of INGRESS AND EGRESS and rights incidental thereto as shown on the recorded map no. 19411, recorded NOT SET OUT, which affects AS SHOWN ON SAID AAAP. 6. An easement or other provisions for the purpose of SEWER and rights incidental thereto as shown on the recorded map no. 19411, recorded NOT SET OUT, which affects AS SHOWN ON SAID AAAP. Corinthian Title Company, Inc. ORDER NO.: 42987-PD PRELIMINARY REPORT YOUR REFERENCE: 0209121 OCP SCHEDULE B (CONTINUED) 7. An agreement to which reference is made for full particulars dated , by and between WILLIAM R. LYNN AND CANDICE C. LYNN, HUSBAND AND WIFE AND CITY OF CARLSBAD, regarding EASEMENT FOR PRIVATE DRAINAGE, recorded JANUARY 23, 2004 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2004-0052212 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 8. An agreement to which reference is made for full particulars dated , by and between WILLIAM R. LYNN AND CANDICE C. LYNN, HUSBAND AND WIFE AND CITY OF CARLSBAD, regarding EASEMENT FOR PRIVATE SEWER, recorded JANUARY 23, 2004 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2004-0052213 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 9. An easement for the purpose shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document from NOT SET OUT, as grantor, to SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY as grantee, for the purpose of PUBLIC UTILITIES , recorded AAARCH 29, 2004 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2004-0257426 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, affects THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. 10. An easement for the purpose shown below and rights incidental thereto as reserved in a document reserved by WILLIAM R. LYNN AND CANDACE C. LYNN, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS , for the purpose of INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER THAT PORTION SHOWN AND DELINEATED AS INGRESS-EGRESS EASEMENT, recorded APRIL 29, 2004 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2004-0383537 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, which affects SAID UND. 11. GRANT OF EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT MADE THIS 25 DAY OF OCTOBER, 2006, BY AND BETWEEN RONALD REMSBERG AND LYLLIAN REMSBERG, HEREINAFER REFERRED TO AS "GRANTOR", AND WILLIAM LYNN AND CANDANCE LYNN, HEREINAFTER COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO AS "GRANTEE". WHEREAS, GRANTEE DESIRES TO ACQUIRE A CERTAIN EASEMENT ("EASEMENT ) FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING A VIEW FROM GRANTEE'S ADJOINING PROPERTY IN A PORTION OF GRANTOR'S PROPERTY RECORDED OCTOBER 30, 1006 AS FILE NO. 2006-0766775 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. MODIFICATION GRANT OF EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT RECORDED APRIL 19, 2007 AS FILE NO. 2007- 0266590, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 12. WE FIND NO OPEN DEEDS OF TRUST OF RECORD. PLEASE VERIFY BY INQUIRY OF ESCROW PERSONNEL AND/OR AGENTS WHETHER OR NOT WE HAVE OVERLOOKED SOMETHING AND ADVISE THE TITLE DEPARTMENT, PRIOR TO CLOSING. 13. We will require a Statement of Information from the parties named below in order to complete this report, based on the effect of documents, proceedings, hens, decrees, or other matter which do not specifically describe said land, but which, if any do exist, may affect the title or impose liens or encumbrances thereon. Parties: LAWRENCE I. LIN AND SHA-LI Y. LIN (Note: The Statement of Information is necessary to complete the search and examination of title under this order. Any title search includes matters that are indexed by name only, and having a completed Statement of Information assists the Company in the elimination of certain matters which appear to involve the parties but in fact another party with the same or similar name. Be assured that the Statement of Information is essential and will be kept strictly confidential to this file). FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE STATEMENT(S) OF INFORMATION IN A TIMELY AAANNER AAAY DELAY THE CLOSING OF THIS TRANSACTION. END OF EXCEPTIONS Typist Initials: LL Corinthian Title Company, Inc. ORDER NO.: 42987-PD PRELIMINARY REPORT YOUR REFERENCE: 0209121GCP NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS 1. None of the items in this report will cause the Company to decline to attach CLTA Endorsement Form 100 to an ALTA Loan Policy, when issued. 2. The Company is not aware of any matters which would cause it to decline to attach CLTA Endorsement Form 116 indicating that there is located on said land a VACANT LOT known as VACANT LOT, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA to an extended coverage policy. 3. Corinthian Title Company does not have an affMated business arrangement with regards to settlement services v/ith INVESMART REALTY. 4. There are NO conveyances affecting said land, recorded with the County Recorder within 24 months of the date of this report. 5. NOTE: The policy of title insurance v/ill include an arbitration provision. The Company or the insured may demand arbitration. Arbitrable matters may include, but are not limited to, any controversy or claim between the Company and the insured arising out of or relating to this policy, any service of the Company in connection with its issuance or the breach of a policy provision or other obligation. Please ask your escrow or title officer for a sample copy of the policy to be issued if you wish to review the arbitration provisions and any other provisions pertaining to your Title Insurance coverage. 6. NOTE: Amended Civil Code Section 2941, which becomes effective on January 1, 2002, sets the fee for the processing and recordation of the reconveyance of each Deed of Trust being paid off through this transaction at $45.00. The reconveyance fee must be clearly set forth in the Beneficiary's Payoff Demand Statement ("Demand"). In addition, an assignment or authorized release of that fee, from the Beneficiary to the Trustee of record, must be included. An example of the required language is as follows: 7. 'The Beneficiary identified above hereby assigns, releases or transfers to the Trustee of record, the sum of $45.00, included herein as 'Reconveyance Fees', for the processing and recordation of the Reconveyance of the Deed of Trust securing the indebtedness covered hereby, and the escrow company or title company processing this pay-off is authorized to deduct the Reconveyance Fee from this Demand and forward said fee to the Trustee of record or the successor Trustee under the Trust Deed to be paid off in full." In the event that the reconveyance fee and the assignment, release or transfer thereof are not included within the demand statement, then Corinthian Title Company, Inc. may decline to process the reconveyance and will be forced to return all documentation directly to the Beneficiary for comphance with the requirements of the revised statute. If a county recorder, title insurance company, escrow company, real estate broker, real estate agent or association provides a copy of a declaration, governing document or deed to any person, California law requires that the document provided shall include a statement regarding any unlawful restrictions. Said statement is to be in at least 14-point bold face type and may be stamped on the first page of any document provided or included as a cover page attached to the requested document. Should a party to this transaction request a copy of any document reported herein that fits this category, the statement is to be included in the manner described. Requirements: Corinthian Title Company, Inc. ORDER NO.: 42987-PD PRELIMINARY REPORT YOUR REFERENCE: 02091210CP NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS (CONTINUED) WIRE INSTRUCTIONS - EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1. 2008 If you anticipate wiring funds to Corinthian Title Company, Inc., our wiring information is as follows: Union Bank 1980 Saturn Street Monterey Park, CA 91755 Routing Number: 122-000-496 Account No: 9101041946 Credit To: Corinthian Title Company, Inc. - San Diego Title Reference Order No.: 42987 Title Officer Name: Petra Doering Title Unit Number: PD When instructing the financial institution to wire funds, it is very important that you reference Corinthian Title Company, Inc.'s order number. Should you have any questions in this regard, please contact your title officer immediately CALIFORNIA "GOOD FUNDS" LAW California Insurance Code Section 12413.1 regulates the disbursement of escrow and sub-escrow funds by title companies. The law requires that funds be deposited in the title company escrow account and available for withdrawal prior to disbursement. Funds received by Corinthian Title Company, Inc. via wire transfer may be disbursed upon receipt. Funds received via cashier's checks or teller checks drawn on a Cahfomia Bank may be disbursed on the next business day after the day of deposit. If funds are received by any other means, recording and/or disbursement may be delayed and you should contact your title or escrow officer. All escrow and sub-escrow funds received will be deposited with other escrow funds in one or more non- interest bearing escrow accounts in a financial institution selected by Corinthian Title Company, Inc.. Corinthian Title Company, Inc. may receive certain direct or indirect benefits from the financial institution by reason of the deposit of such funds or the maintenance of such accounts with a financial institution, and Corinthian Title Company, Inc. shall have no obligation to account to the depositing party in any manner for the value of, or to pay to such party, any benefit received by Corinthian Title Company, Inc.. Such benefits shall be deemed additional compensation to Corinthian Title Company, Inc. for its services in connection with the escrow or sub-escrow. If any check submitted is dishonored upon presentation for payment, you are authorized to notify all principles and/or their respective agents of such nonpayment. END OF NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS Corinthian Title Company, Inc. ORDER NO.: 42987-PD PRELIMINARY REPORT YOUR REFERENCE: 02091210CP Corinthian Title Company, Inc. Privacy Policy Notice PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bhley Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial institution, directly or through its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal information about you with nonaffiliated third parties unless the institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of information that it collects about you and categories of persons or entitles to whom it may be disclosed. In compliance with the GLBA, we are providing you with this document, which notifies you of the privacy policies and practices of Corinthian Title Company, Inc.. We may collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources: • Information we receive from you, such as on applications or other forms. • Information about your transactions we secure from our files, or from our affiliates or others. • Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency. • Information that we receive from others involved in your transaction, such as the real estate agent or lender. Unless it is specifically stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpubhc personal information will be collected about you. We may disclose any of the above information that we collect about our customers or former customers to our affihates or to nonaffiliated third parties permitted by law. We also may disclose this information about our customers or former customers to the following types of nonaffiliated companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or with whom we have joint marketing agreements: • Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer finance, securities and Insurance. • Non-financial companies such as envelope stuffers and other fulfillment service providers. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORAAATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY LAW. We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. Privacy Notice EXHIBIT A (Revised 11-17-04) CLTA PRELIMINARY REPORT FORM (Revised 06-17-06) LIST OF PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY -1990 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building or zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (1) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (11) the character, dimensions or location of any Improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (ill) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the pubhc records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) whether or not recorded in the pubhc records at Date of Policy, but created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the Insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date of Pohcy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the Insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an Insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Pohcy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the Insured mortgage or for the estate or Interest insured by this policy. 4. Unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage because of the inability or failure of the Insured at Date of Policy, or the inability or failure of any subsequent owner of the indebtedness, to comply with the applicable doing business laws of the state in which the land is situated. 5. Invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage, or claim thereof, which arises out of the transaction evidenced by the Insured mortgage and is based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth in lending law. 6. Any Claim, which arises out of the transaction vesting in the insured the estate of interest insured by this policy or the transaction creating the interest of the insured lender, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency or similar creditors' rights laws. EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE - SCHEDULE B, PART 1 This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the pubtic records but which could be ascertained by an Inspection of the land or which may be asserted by persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. (a) unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the Issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b) or (c) are shown by the public records. Revised 11/07/04 CLTA HOMEOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (10-22-03) ALTA HOMEOWNER S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE EXCLUSIONS In addition to the Exceptions In Schedule B, You are not Insured against loss, costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses resulting from: 1. Governmental poUce power, and the existence or violation of any law or government regulation. This Includes ordinances, laws and regulations concerning: a. building b. zoning c. Land use d. improvements on the Land e. Land division f. environmental protection This Exclusion does not apply to violations or the enforcement of these matters if notice of the violation or enforcement appears in the Pubhc Records at the Policy Date. This Exclusion does not limit the coverage described in Covered Risk 14, 15, 16, 17 or 24. 2. The failure of Your existing structures, or any part of them, to be constructed in accordance with applicable building codes. This Exclusion does not apply to violations of building codes if notice of the violation appears in the Public Records at the Pohcy Date. 3. The right to take the Land by condemning it, unless: a. notice of exercising the right appears in the Public Records at the Policy Date; or b. the taking happened before the Pohcy Date and is binding on You if You bought the Land without Knowing of the taking. 4. Risks: a. that are created, allowed, or agreed to by You, whether or not they appear in the PubUc Records; b. that are Known to You at the Policy Date, but not to Us, unless they appear in the Public Records at the Policy Date; c. that result in no loss to You; or d. that first occur after the PoUcy Date - this does not Umit the coverage described in Covered Risk 7, 8.d, 22, 23, 24 or 25. 5. Failure to pay value for Your Title. 6. Lack of a right: a. to any Land outside the area specifically described and referred to in paragraph 3 of Schedule A; and b. in streets, alleys, or waterways that touch the Land. This Exclusion does not Umit the coverage described in Covered Risk 11 or 18. LIMITATIONS ON COVERED RISKS Your insurance for the following Covered Risks is Umited on the Owner's Coverage Statement as follows: • For Covered Risk 14, 15, 16 and 18, Your Deductible Amount and Our Maximum Dollar Limit of LiabiUty shown in Schedule A. The deductible amounts and maximum dollar Umits shown on Schedule A are as follows: Your Deductible Amount Our Maximum Dollar Limit of Liability Covered Risk 14: 1% of PoUcy Amount or $2,500.00 (whichever Is less) $10,000.00 Covered Risk 15: 1% of Policy Amount or $5,000.00 (whichever is less) $25,000.00 Covered Risk 16: 1% of Policy Amount or $5,000.00 (whichever is less) $25,000.00 Covered Risk 18: 1% of PoUcy Amount or $2,500.00 (whichever is less) $5,000.00 Revised 11/07/04 AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION RESIDENTIAL TITLE INSURANCE POLICY (6-1-87) EXCLUSIONS In addition to the Exceptions in Schedule B, you are not insured against loss, costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses resulting from: 1. Governmental poUce power, and the existence or violation of any law or government regulation. This includes building and zoning ordinances and also laws and regulations concerning: • land use • improvements on the land • land division • environmental protection This exclusion does not apply to violations or the enforcement of these matters which appear in the public records at PoUcy Date This exclusion does not Umit the zoning coverage described in Items 12 and 13 of Covered Title Risks. 2. The right to take the land by condemning it, unless: • a notice of exercising the right appears in the pubUc records on the Policy Date • the taking happened prior to the PoUcy Date and is binding on you if you bought the land without knowing of the taking. 3. Title Risks: • that are created, allowed, or agreed to by you • that are known to you, but not to us, on the Policy Date - unless they appeared in the public records • that result in no loss to you • that first affect your title after the PoUcy Date - this does not Umit the tabor and material lien coverage in Item 8 of Covered Title Risks. 4. Failure to pay value for your title. 5. Lack of a right: • to any land outside the area specifically described and referred to in Item 3 of Schedule A OR • in streets, alleys, or waterways that touch your land This exclusion does not Umit the access coverage in Item 5 of Covered Title Risks. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY (10-17-92) WITH ALTA ENDORSEMENT - FORM 1 COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (1) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (11) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (ill) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, Uen or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the pubUc records at Date of Policy, (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or a notice of a defect, Uen or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the pubUc records at Date of PoUcy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the pubUc records at Date of PoUcy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of PoUcy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, Uens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date of PoUcy, but known to the Insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the Insured claimant became an Insured under this poUcy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of PoUcy (except to the extent that this poUcy insures the priority of Revised 11/07/04 the Uen of the insured mortgage over any statutory lien for services, labor or material or to the extent insurance is afforded herein as to the assessments for street improvements under construction or completed at Date of PoUcy); or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the insured mortgage. 4. UnenforceabiUty of the Uen of the insured mortgage because of the inabiUty or failure of the insured at Date of Policy, or the inabiUty or failure of any subsequent owner of the indebtedness, to comply with applicable doing business laws of the state in which the land is situated. 5. InvaUdity or UnenforceabiUty of the Uen of the Insured mortgage, or claim thereof, which arises out of the transaction evidenced by the insured mortgage and is based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth in lending law. 6. Any statutory Uen for services, labor or materials (or the claim of priority of any statutory lien for services, labor or materials over the Uen of the insured mortgage) arising from an improvement or work related to the land which is contracted for and commenced subsequent to Date of PoUcy and is not financed in whole or in part by proceeds of the indebtedness secured by the insured mortgage which at Date of PoUcy the insured has advanced or is obUgated to advance. 7. Any claim, which arises out of the transaction creating the interest of the mortgagee insured by this policy, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that is based on: I. the transaction creating the interest of the insured mortgagee being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or II. the subordination of the interest of the insured mortgagee as a result of the appUcation of the doctrine of equitable subordination; or III. the transaction creating the interest of the insured mortgagee being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure: (a) to timely record the instrument of transfer; or (b) of such recordation to impart notice to a purchaser for value or a judgment or lien creditor. The above poUcy form may be Issued to afford either Standard Coverage or Extended Coverage. In addition to the above Exclusions from Coverage, the Exceptions from Coverage in a Standard Coverage poUcy will Include the following General Exceptions: EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This poUcy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing Uens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. Proceedings by a pubUc agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the pubUc records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, Uens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, which are not shown by the pubUc records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary Unes, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b) or (c) are shown by the pubUc records. 2006 ALTA LOAN POLICY (06-17-06) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy, and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (including those relating to building and zoning) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (I) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; (II) the character, dimensions, or location of any Improvement erected on the Land; (ill) the subdivision of land; or (iv) environmental protection; or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances, or governmental regulations. This Exclusion 1 (a) does Revised 11 /07/04 not modify or Umit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5. (b) Any governmental poUce power. This Exclusion 1(b) does not modify or Umit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 6. 2. Rights of eminent domain. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3. Defects, Uens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded in the PubUc Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this policy (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of PoUcy (however, this does not modify or Umit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 11, 13, or 14); or (e) resulting in loss or damage that would not have been sustained if the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Insured Mortgage. 4. UnenforceabiUty of the Uen of the Insured Mortgage because of the inability or failure of an Insured to comply with appUcable doing-business laws of the state where the Land is situated. 5. InvaUdity or UnenforceabiUty in whole or in part of the Uen of the Insured Mortgage that arises out of the transaction evidenced by the Insured Mortgage and is based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth- in-lending law. 6. Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state Insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that the transaction creating the Uen of the Insured Mortgage, is (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated in Covered Risk 13(b) of this poUcy. 7. Any Uen on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching between Date of PoUcy and the date of recording of the Insured Mortgage in the PubUc Records. This Exclusion does not modify or Umit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 11(b). AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY (10-17-92) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this poUcy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not Umited to building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (1) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (11) the character, dimensions or location of any Improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (ill) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, Uen or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of PoUcy. (b) Any governmental poUce power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or notice of a defect, Uen or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the pubUc records at Date of PoUcy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the pubUc records at Date of PoUcy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, Uens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (A) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (B) not known to the Company, not recorded in the pubUc records at Date of PoUcy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an insured under this poUcy; (C) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (D) Attaching or created subsequent to Date of PoUcy; or (E) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. 4. Any claim, which arises out of the transaction vesting in the insured the estate or interest insured by this poUcy, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state Insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that is based on: I. the transaction creating the estate or interest Insured by this poUcy being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or Revised 11/07/04 II. the transaction creating the estate or interest insured by this poUcy being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure: (A) to timely record the instrument of transfer; or (B) of such recordation to Impart notice to purchaser for value or a judgment or Uen creditor. The above poUcy forms may be issued to afford either standard coverage or extended coverage. In addition to the above exclusions from coverage, the exceptions from coverage in a standard coverage poUcy will include the following general exceptions: EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This poUcy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the pubUc records. Proceedings by a pubUc agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the pubUc records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the pubUc records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, Uens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, which are not shown by the pubUc records. 4. Discrepancies, confUcts in boundary Unes, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the pubUc records. 5. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or In Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b) or (c) are shown by the public records. 2006 ALTA OWNER'S POLICY (06-17-06) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy, and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (including those relating to building and zoning) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (I) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; (II) the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement erected on the Land; (iii) the subdivision of land; or (iv) environmental protection; or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances, or governmental regulations. This Exclusion 1 (a) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5. (b) Any governmental police power. This Exclusion 1(b) does not modify or Umit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 6. 2. Rights of eminent domain. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3. Defects, Uens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded in the PubUc Records at Date of PoUcy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of PoUcy (however, this does not modify or Umit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 9 and 10); or (e) resulting in loss or damage that would not have been sustained if the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Title. 4. Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state Insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that the transaction vesting the Title as shown in Schedule A, is (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated in Covered Risk 9 of this poUcy. 5. Any Uen on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments Imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching between Date of PoUcy and the date of recording of the deed or other Instrument of transfer in the PubUc Records that vests Title as shown in Schedule A. Revised 11/07/04 ALTA EXPANDED COVERAGE RESIDENTIAL LOAN POLICY (10/13/01) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not Umited to building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (1) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the Land; (ill) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimensions or areas of the Land or any parcel of which the Land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, Uen or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the Land has been recorded in the PubUc Records at Date of PoUcy. This exclusion does not limit the coverage provided under Covered Risks 12, 13, 14, and 16 of this poUcy. (b) Any governmental poUce power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or a notice of a defect, Uen or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the Land has been recorded in the PubUc Records at Date of PoUcy. This exclusion does not limit the coverage provided under Covered Risks 12, 13, 14, and 16 of this poUcy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the PubUc Records at Date of PoUcy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of PoUcy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without Knowledge. 3. Defects, Uens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded in the PubUc Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this poUcy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of PoUcy (this paragraph does not Umit the coverage provided under Covered Risks 8, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26); or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Insured Mortgage. 4. Unenforceability of the Uen of the Insured Mortgage because of the inability or failure of the Insured at Date of Policy, or the inabiUty or failure of any subsequent owner of the Indebtedness, to comply with appUcable doing business laws of the state in which the Land is situated. 5. InvaUdity or UnenforceabiUty of the lien of the Insured Mortgage, or claim thereof, which arises out of the transaction evidenced by the Insured Mortgage and Is based upon usury, except as provided In Covered Risk 27, or any consumer credit protection or truth in lending law. 6. Real property taxes or assessments of any governmental authority which become a Uen on the Land subsequent to Date of PoUcy. This exclusion does not Umit the coverage provided under Covered Risks 7, 8(e) and 26. 7. Any claim of InvaUdity, UnenforceabiUty or lack of priority of the lien of the Insured Mortgage as to advances or modifications made after the Insured has Knowledge that the vestee shown in Schedule A is no longer the owner of the estate or interest covered by this poUcy. This exclusion does not limit the coverage provided in Covered Risk 8. 8. Lack of priority of the lien of the Insured Mortgage as to each and every advance made after Date of PoUcy, and all interest charged thereon, over Uens, encumbrances and other matters affecting the title, the existence of which are Known to the Insured at: (a) The time of the advance; or (b) The time a modification is made to the terms of the Insured Mortgage which changes the rate of Interest charged, if the rate of interest is greater as a result of the modification than it would have been before the modification. This exclusion does not Umit the coverage provided in Covered Risk 8. 9. The failure of the residential structure, or any portion thereof to have been constructed before, on or after Date of PoUcy in accordance with applicable building codes. This exclusion does not apply to violations of building codes if notice of the violation appears in the PubUc Records at Date of PoUcy. Revised 11 /07/04 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION The land referred to herein is situated in the State of CALIFORNIA, County of SAN DIEGO, and described as follows: PARCEL A: PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL AAAP NO. 19411, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO AAAP THEREOF FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JANUARY 23, 2004. PARCEL B: AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER THAT PORTION OF PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL AAAP NO. 19411, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO AAAP THEREOF FILED IN THE OFFICER OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JANUARY 23, 2004, SHOWN AND DELINEATED ON SAID AAAP AS INGRESS-EGRESS EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. APN: 215-070-41-00 CORINTHIAN TITLE COMPANY 591 Camino De La Reina Ste 100 San Diego, CA 92108 (619)299-4800 TRANSMirrAL TITLE OFFICER: Petra Doering ORDER NO.: 42987-PD DATE: July 29, 2009 10:26 AM PHONE: 619-299-4800 EAUIL: petra.doering@corinthiantitle.com FAX: 619-872-9333 INVESAAART REALTY 12925 ORANGEBURG AVENUE SAN DIEGO, CA 92129 Attn:TERESA SONG Your Ref: LIN PROPERTY ADDRESS: BORROWER: VACANT LOT, SAN DIEGO, CA LAWRENCE, LIN Enclosed please find your PreUminary Report. Thank you - we appreciate your business! 09 I DETAIL B SCALE: r=200' A N87-27'43-W B R=270 C N22''38'13"W D R=270 E N40'07'42"W F R=20 G N4r40'52"E H R=20 J hM9-52'18"E K N40-07'42"W L R=312 M N22'38-13''W N N02'23'14"W O S44''50*00"E P N86'56'19"E Q S76'3ri3"E R S46'05'44"E S S89°1tn)2"E T S69'30'55"E U S38*'04'14"E V S33'32'13"E W S53'03'05"E X S28'12-18-E Y N78'00'18"E Z N88'58'2rE AAN75'33'2rE BB N59'08'3e''E CC N45'15'4rE DD N67'16'16"E EE S80°52'28"E 34.51 47.14 117.15 82.43 108.37 30.74 38.87 30.74 18 108.37 95.25 117.15 40.37 59.97 32.62 21.28 22.44 53.59 23.12 61.49 23.78 22.87 30.03 27.85 44.15 42.79 1854 22.31 34.69 215-SHT 1 07 OF 6 ..I 1=400 06/28/2007 ED CHANGES BLK OLD NEW YR CUT 17 f9.24> 7 72 Ststpx zs isyi 25 93 \z ^4 % /CflG 15&16 27-30 98 1182 10 31 96 1030 28&29 32 98 1743 ft30 -000-92 6&9 SAVE V 98 4765 32 99 4625 31 99 1389 19 99 1394 U 99 1395 18 ^% 99 1396 26 ST OP 09 1625 32 PG 07 SHT Zlt3 99 144 20 37 k sr OP 00 1796 CANC 27 SAME * ST OP 00 1796 CANC 06 PG 07 SHT 4 01 102 35 M It ST OP 02 1774 27 02 195 9.9.2U33 mm RT OP 03 4808 9 39-42 OS 1208 34 43-45 05 1180 33 W7 SHTH 06 126 36 46*47 07 1769 39&41 BTL CHG 07 5669 46 POH 214 08 1227 -S50-01 48-50 08 122B CANC CANC CANC 1*-POINSETTIA LANE 2*"BRIGANTINE DRIVE 3*=N0 ACCESS -.-SECOR OF N HOP NEQ OF SEQ OF SWQ 53 20 SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOK 215 PAGE 07 SHT 1 OF 6 THS MAP WAS PRB>ARED FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY. NO UAHUTY IS ASSUIIED FOR THE ACCURACY OF THE DATA SHOWN. ASSESSOR'S PARCaS MAY NOT COhPLY WITH LOCAL SUBDIVISION OR BUILDING ORDINANCES. SEC 22-112-R4W-P0R SW 1/4 ROS 584,6269,10774,12096,14608,14630,16472 CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR: COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (SINGLE FAMILY REGULAR AND MINOR) COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION (FOR ALL COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMITS) This supplemental application is to be filed for any development requiring a Coastal Development Permit issued by the City of Carlsbad. **Application checklist for Non-Single Family Regular Coastal Development Permits covered under separate handout. A proposed project requiring that multiple applications be filed must be submitted prior to 3:30 p.m. A proposed project requiring that only one application be flied must be submitted prior to 4:00 p.m. All joint application exhibits, i.e. Tentative Map and Planned Development Site Plan should be prepared at the same scale. (Use a scale no smaller than I" = 40'.) This supplemental application is to be filed for any development requiring a Coastal Development Permit issued by the City of Carlsbad. I. GENERAL BACKGROUND A. Estimated Cost of Development: Development costing $60,000 or more does not qualiiy as a Minor Coastal Development Permit. The Planning Director shall make the final determination regarding a project's cost of development. The primary basis for detennining cost of development will be the application of dollar costs per square foot for different types of residential construction. These costs are set by the Intemational Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) and are applied throughout San Diego County. Please complete the following information to assist in the determination of this project's cost of development (Contractor proposals may also be submitted for consideration by the Planning Director). Please refer to the current fee schedule for the appropriate S/square foot fee rate. => New Residential Square Footage: 2,q^i- square feet x $ 8^ /sq. ft. = $ 2-^<^iSlfc => Residential Addition Square Footage: ^ square feet x $ /sq. ft. = $ => Any Garage Square Footage: 410 square feet x $ 25 /sq. ft. = $ \-^)O3>0 => . Residential Conversion Square Footage: ^ square feet x $ /sq. ft. = $ 2.fe2>^'^-^Cp => Please contact the City of Carlsbad Building Department for current fee rate for Non- Residential uses (i.e. Retail/Store; Restaurants; Office; and Manufacturing/Warehouse uses.) square feet x $ /sq. ft. = $ COST OF DEVELOPMENT ESTIMATE: $ 2. (p 3. ^ 4 <<=> • ••••••••••••»•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Form 13 Revised05/08 Pagel of6 B. Do you wish to apply for: 1. A Minor Coastal Development Pennit (Under $60,000 cost estimate) Q 2. A Regular Coastal Development Permit ($60,000 or more cost estimate) 0^ C. Street address of proposed development D. Assessor's Parcel Number of proposed development E. Development Description: Briefly describe proiect: SjUhU^— fAIWlLf l^^lPfeNC^ V^ITU- F. Describe the present land uses (i.e. vacant land, single family homes, apartments, offices, etc.) that surround the proposed development to the: North: mPTYLOT VMlTVf AtfrPgP Pkh South: ^iNfatfe f^MH^'f ^lA€S East: West: G. Is project located within a 100-year fiood plain? II. PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY A. Are there existing structures on the property? If yes, please describe. •ves 13 No • ves Kl No B. Will any existing structure be removed/demolished? • ves S No If yes to either quesfion, describe the extent of the demolition or removal, including the relocation site, if applicable (also show on plans). Form 13 Revised 05/08 Page 2 of6 III. LOT COVERAGE A. Existing and Proposed Existing New Proposed Total Building Coverage Jj/^sq.ft. "^,1^1 sq.ft. i^^M/sq. ft. Landscaped Area ////-sq. ft. "^i^Oi sq. ft. S^/'^Pdsq. ft. Hardscape Area Af^sq.ft. f./g^sq.ft. 5}/3^q. ft. Unimproved Area S-// 2 ^ ^ (Left Natural) /f^-^-_sq. ft. ?i?sq. ft. T^g^^ysq. ft. B. Parking:Number of existing spaces ^ Number of new spaces proposed ^ Existing/Proposed TOTAL: 3 Number of total spaces required 3 Number of covered spaces 2. Number of uncovered spaces l_ Number of standard spaces 2 Number of compact spaces Is tandem parking existing? • Yes# [I]Yes# 0No Is tandem parking proposed? C. Grade Alteration: Is any grading proposed? Qfes ^No If yes, please complete the following: 1. Amount of cut ^ / ft- cu. yds. 2. Amount of fill 2S 0^! ' T ^ • cu. yds. 3. Maximum height of fill slope 2. feet 4. Maximum height of cut slope N J feet 5. Amount of import or export US/M /'^NSTf-UCT/^f/ Sf>0/£<k\x. yds. 6. Location of borrow or disposal site f^' X-HFC^T f(^ffB The following materials shall be submitted for each application or for combined applications on a single project. I. REOUIRED PLANS fAlI required plans shall be collated into complete sets, stapled together, then folded to 9" x 12" with lower right hand corner of plan visible.) A. SITE PLAN - Four (4) copies for a Minor Coastal Development Permit, four (4) copies for a Single Family Regular Coastal Development Permit on 24" x 36" sheet(s). Each site plan shall contain the following information: 1. GENERAL INFORMATION I la. Name, address, and phone number of registered civil engineer, licensed surveyor, landscape architect or land planner who prepared the maps/plans. • •••••«•••••••»••••••••••••••••••••••••• Form 13 Revised 05/08 Page 3 of 6 City of Carlsbad Faraday Center Faraday Cashiering 001 0921501-2 08/03/2009 96 Mon, Aug 03, 2009 11:05 AM Receipt Ref Nbr: R0921501-2/0013 PERMITS - PERMITS Tran Ref Nbr; 092150102 0013 0013 Trans/Rcpt#: R0075673 SET #: CDP09016 Amount: 1 i $1,339.40 Item Subtotal: $1,339.40 Item Total: $1,339.40 1 ITEM(S) TOTAL: $1,339.40 Credit Card (Auth# 385071) $1,339,40 Total Received: $1,339,40 Have a nice day! **************CLISTOMER COPY************* c yriVMltr City of Carlsbad 163 5 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 illlllllllllilll Applicant: LIN JUINTOW Description CDP09016 Amount 1,339.40 Not valid unless validated by Cash Register PLEASE RETAIN RECEIPT FOR REFUNDS OR ADJUSTMENTS Receipt Number: R0075673 Transaction Date: 08/03/2009 Transaction ID: R0075673 Pay Type Method Description Amount Payment Credit Crd VISA 1,339.40 Transaction Amount: 1,339.40 CITY OF CARLSBAD LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION 1) APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECKBOXES) Development Permits (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) 1 1 Environmental Impact Assessment 1 1 Variance 1 1 Administrative 1 1 Administrative Permit Legislative 1 l/\ Coastal Development Permit (d) 1 1 Minor • Q General Plan Amendment i 1 Conditional Use Permit (d) 1 1 Minor Q Extension 1 1 Zone Change (d) 1 1 Condominium Permit [ 1 Local Coastal Program Amendment (d) 1 1 Habitat Management Permit 1 1 Minor 1 1 Zone Code Amendment 1 1 Hillside Development Permit (d) 1 1 Master Plan Q Amendment 1 1 Planned Development Permit 1 1 Non-Residential 1 1 Specific Plan Q Amendment 1 1 Planned Industrial Permit List other applications not specified 1 1 Planning Commission Determination • 1 1 Site Development Plan • 1 1 Special Use Permit • 1 1 Tentative Tract Map • ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S).: PROJECT NAME: 2) 3) 4) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: 5) OWNER NAME (Print or Type) 6) APPLICANT NAME (Print or Type) MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS CITY AND STATE \r€rtLW 6 Ops ZIP TELEPHONE CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE rop/VrciAT? , I -f^^^^^i EMAILADDRESS:'.(^fKl^-QoOO^fOX i fH .CC'KW EMAIL ADDRESS: I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORiyLRTIOtO^TPUEiAND CORRECXJO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I CERTIF^JW'tl'rANt^HE LEGAtTREPRESENTATlVE OF THE OWNER ANDJHM ALL THE ABOVE II^I'ORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF M' DATE SIGNATigR^.'^ DAtE NOTE: A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING MULTIPLE APPUCATIONS BE FILED, MU^^ SUBMItlieD PRIOR TO 3:30 P.M. A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING ONLY ONE APPUCATION BE RLED, MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 4:00 P-Nrfd) = eligible Mf 25% discount Form 14 Rev. 01/09 PAGE 1 OF 4 8) 7) BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION OF PROJECT: QAN Q(^6ri> ,IL^Col^p-6-V </>-/vr 2.?,^fe//: ^ STREET AESDRESS ' T ON THE BETWEEN SoiATI-f- (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST) SIDE OF AND (NAME OF STREET) (NAME OF STREET) (NAME OF STREET) 9) IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF, PLANNING COMMISSIONERS, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEMBERS OR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INSPECT AND ENTER THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION. I/WE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE. 10) NOTICE OF RESTRICTION: PROPERTY OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES AND CONSENTS TO A NOTICE OF RESTRICTION BEING RECORDED ON THE TITLE TO HIS PROPERTY IF CONDITIONED FOR THE APPLICANn<:f36TICE OF BESTRICJIONS RUN WITH THE LAND AND BIND ANY SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE FOR CITY USE ONLY RECEIVED AUG B 3 2009 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED RECEIVED BY: Form 14 Rev. 01/09 PAGE 2 OF 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/EXPLANATION PROJECT NAME: f^lTP/)/ e^^^/P^Alcer APPLICANT NAME: '^UA-LI ANO LkSAie^MC^ i^J\J Please describe fully the proposed project by application type. Include any details necessary to adequately explain the scope and/or operation of the proposed project. You may also include any background information and supporting statements regarding the reasons for, or appropriateness of, the application. Use an addendum sheet if necessary. Description/Explanation: Mit> IS ^ yfr;g:«F /A' r/^s^. 4^ ffffS /_? ^ ^^T/A^y^^^ hin^ i^K- lA-s A^P ti/<f-j A/r^r/jp >«/*K^^ f^nt crHc/f^c Citv of Carlsbad Planning Department DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part ofthe City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON- APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publiclv-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person CT/Z/A/T^IV ^/V Corp/Part Title l>6^9LAfdei^ Title Address C^C^C^r NUMM^ Address 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. Ifa publiclv-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person $///-^Z-/ ^/V/ UWe^Mce-C^IAJ GeFP/Paft ^^i^e^i^opgs Title Titte- £.1 v^gcWo» fiS /f.i^oocS 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us ^ NOTES: 1. LOCATION OF REFUSE BIN ENCLOSURES SHALL BE APPROVED BY "mE PLANNING DIRECTOR AND THE CITY ENGINEER. ENCLOSURE SHALL BE OF SIMILAR COLORS AND/OR MATERIALS AS THE PROJECT TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR. 2. THE ENCLOSURE SLAB AND LOADING AREA SHALL BE LEVEL IN ORDER TO FACIUTATE THE ROLUNG OF BINS FOR LOADING POSITIONING. 3. GATES SHALL BE MOUNTED SO THAT THEY SWING FULLY OPEN WITH NO PROTRUSION INTO THE PATH OF THE BIN. THE GATES SHALL HAVE CHAINS, HOOKS OR PIN STOPS AT THEIR FULL OPEN POSITION TO HOLD THEM OPEN. 4. ALL GATE CONNECTION LATCHES, SECURING BOLTS, FRAMING, AND HINGES SHALL BE HEAVY DUTY TYPE AND PAINTED OR TREATED AGAINST CORROSION. 5. GATE MATERIALS TO BE APPROVED BY PLANNING DIRECTOR. 6. POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE ENCLOSURE AND LOADING AREAS SHALL BE PROVIDED AND MAINTAINED. 7. ALTERNATIVE CONRGURATION AND LOCATION OF THE ACCESS WAY MAY BE ACCEP.TABLE ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS PROVIDED NO PORTION OF THE TRASH BINS ARE DIRECTLY VISIBLE TO THE PUBUC. 8. LOADING AND ENCLOSURE AREA DRAINAGE SHALL BE INDEPENDENT ANO DRAINED TOWARDS AN APPROVED SITE BMP. 9. DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS SHALL INCORPORATE THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE "MODEL ORDINANCE OF THE CAUFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD RELATING TO AREAS FOR COU.ECTING AND LOADING RECYCLABLE MATERIALS". 10. AREAS FOR RECYCUNG SHALL BE ADEQUATE IN CAPACITY. NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION TO SERVE THE DEVELOPMENT WHERE THE PROJECT OCCURS. 11. RECYCUNG AREAS SHAU. BE SECURED TO PREVENT THE THEFT OF RECYCLABLE MATERIALS BY UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS WHILE AU-OWING AUTHORIZED PERSONS ACCESS FOR DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS. 12. RECYCUNG AREAS OR THE BINS AND CONTAINERS PLACED THEREIN MUST PROVIDE PROTECTION AGAINST SEVERE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS WHICH MIGHT RENDER THE COLLECTED MATERIALS UNMARKETABLE. 13. A SIGN CLEARLY IDENTIFYING ALL RECYCUNG AND SOUD WASTE COLLECTION AND LOADING AREAS AND THE MATERIALS ACCEPTED THEREIN SHALL BE POSTED ADJACENT TO ALL POINTS OF ACCESS TO THE RECYCUNG AREAS. 14. EACH RECYCLING AREA WITHIN A MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN 250 FEET FROM EACH UVING UNIT SHEET 2 OF 2 REV. ' APPROVED iDATE CITY OF CARLSBAD REFUSE BIN ENCLOSURE FOR 3 CUBIC YARD BINS SUPPLEMENTAL /^Q_1ft STANDARD NO. VJO IU 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary ofthe. Non Profit/Trust Non Profit/Trust Title Title Address Address 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff. Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? r~1 Yes _L'i^o If yes, please indicate person(s): NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of owner/date ' sign^ ' //// ^k/AJTi>W ^/// Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant SignatLj^ pf^^(^^tepplicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent 2 of 2 C3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/EXPLANATION PROJECT NAME: 1^1 TVN t^^'^'tP^NCSr APPLICANT NAME: ^UA-Ll AND (^A'We^Af.(^ ^/^^ Please describe fully the proposed project by application type. Include any details necessary to adequately explain the scope and/or operation of the proposed project. You may also include any background information and supporting statements regarding the reasons for, or appropriateness of, the application. Use an addendum sheet if necessary. Description/Explanation: T/ffS IS 4u ipi^uu^rio^ f^Pf^ 4- ^/N4c^--pmi^/ fZ^f^/P^O&- A-l^ &iu7/N^ ^g^A-pe-P PA^. TH^ L^T [S A PA-Nl-f^^PLj^ ANi> /s % Act^-s" /// ^izs-. Tfffs /s /f. ^eTr^^/n<^^ Ihn^is^ -ppjL. i^j A^P i/^<^Af re/VP fo f^^^^^ p^nt cfHCA^c RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND) WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 DOfih 2011-0206294 I APR 20. 2011 1:04 PM OFFICIAL RECORDS SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE Ernest J. Dronenbuig, Jr., COUNTY RECORDER FEES: 0.00 PAGES: 3 Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Space above this line for Recorder's use Assessor's Parcel Number Project Number and Name 215-070-41 CDP 09-16 - Triton Residence NOTICE OF RESTRICTION ON REAL PROPERTY The real property located in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California described as follows: Parcel A: Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 19411, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Califomia, according to map thereof filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, January 23, 2004; and Parcel B: An easement for ingress and egress over that portion of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 19411, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Califomia, according to map thereof filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, January 23, 2004, shown and delineated on said map as ingress-egress easement to the City of Carlsbad is restricted by a Coastal Development Permit No. CDP 09-16 approved by the City of Carlsbad on January 20, 2010. A copy is on file at the City of Carlsbad Planning Department. The obligations and restrictions imposed are binding on ali present or future interest holders or estate holders of the property. Rev. 11/26/2008 215-070-41 CDP 09-16 - Triton Residence OWNER: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ji./Uuf^0/^dE X> i SVA-I-^ /• CIIY OF CARLSBAD Owner's Name ^ %A/ ( /) DON NEU, Signature Planning Director Print name and title Date Signature ' RONALD R. BALL. City Attorney I i.ii _ / .AAclctai-it Citu Attnrnoi Print name and title Assistant City Attorney Date "^^^^ (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached.) (Chairman, president or vice-president and secretary, assistant secretary, CFO or assistant treasurer must sign for corporations. Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation.) (If signed by an individual partner, the partnership must attach a statement of partnership authorizing the partner to execute this instrument). Rev. 11/26/2008 STATE OF eALirORNTTT eOUNT'y UP 0AM DIEGO on before me, j/^X Notary Public, personally appeared /-Au/i^PAJr'f^ 1. •/ 7 Z.7>i/who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity (ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, execu.'sd the instrurnoni. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph js true and correct. WITNESS (Signature and official seal OFFICIAL SEAL KETTYYPON NOTARY PUBUC-STATE OF lUINOIS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES.-OMWW Rev. 12/17/2007 ^ o o FILECOPY CITY OF V CARLSBAD Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov ADMINISTRATIVE EXTENSION OF COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NOTICE OF PENDING DECISION DATE: January 24, 2012 APPLICATION NUMBER: CDP 09-16x1 - Triton Residence PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Request to retroactively extend a Coastal Development Permit (CDP 09-16) for a period of one (1) year from the original project application expiration date of January 20, 2012. The CDP application for the extension was filed in a timely manner prior to the expiration date. Coastal Development Permit CDP 09-16 was approved by the Plarming Commission on January 20, 2010 to allow for the construction of a new single-family residence on a vacant lot. LOCATION: 1589 Triton Street APN: 215-070-41 The proposed development is located within the Coastal Zone. No formal public hearing is required for this application, and a public hearing will only be held upon written request, within 15 working days from the date of this notice. Failure to request a hearing may result in loss of the ability to appeal to the Coastal Commission any action taken by the City on the Administrative Coastal Development Permit application. The City Planner will determine this appHcation 15 working days after the date of this notice if no public hearing is requested. Written requests for a public hearing should be addressed to the City Planner, City of Carlsbad Planning Division, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008. If you have any questions, comments or concems regarding this application please contact Shannon Werneke, at the City of Carlsbad Planning Division, (760) 602-4621, Monday through Thursday - 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., or 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday. Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 ® J] CO tr tO • • • a tn ai ru cr • U.S. Postal Servicer., CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT |^ (Dome^ic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage PnHmedL For delivery Information visit our website at www.usps.come mm Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endoisement Required) / Postmark Here Total Postal Sen* To California Coastal Commission Attn: Toni Ross Sireei,'Apt:Ni SuitB 103 orPOBoxNo 7575 Metropolitan Drive ^siitS:zi San Diego, CA 92108-4402 PS Form 3800. August 2006 ^ tor Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE JM^ SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTIO^^ DELI YERY j • Complete items 1, 2, atuu 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. A. Signature^ . -• Complete items 1, 2, atuu 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. B. Fteceived by (Printed Name) C. Date of Ddiwery Mi' h V^ Ah U\r V -^-^ 1. Article Addressed to: California Coastal CoTnmrssion ^ Attn: Toni Ross Suite 103 D. Is delivery address different frorr Hem 1 ? • Ves If YES, enter delivery address below: • Wo '7575 Metropolitan Drive San Diego, CA 92108-4402 3. Service Type ^^^SCgertlfied Mail • Express Mail • Registered _^H3etuni Recei pt for Merchannllise • Insured Mail • C.O.D. '7575 Metropolitan Drive San Diego, CA 92108-4402 4. Restricted Delivery"? (Extra Fee) • Yas 2. Article Number ^ ^gg^p g g g ^ ^^-^c^ gg^^ (Transfer from sen/ice label) PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt H)25S5-0a M-154* state of California—^The Resources ^pHcy DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME 2010 ENVIRONMENTAL FILING FEE CASH RECEIPT SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE. TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY RECEIPT* SD2010 *0068* STATE CLEARING HOUSE #f/fapp//ca6te) LEADAGENCY CITY OF CARLSBAD DATE 01-26-2010 COUNTY/STATEAGENCY OF FILING SAN DIEGO DOCUMENTNUMBER PROJECTTIUE CDP 09-16 - TRITON RESIDENCE PROJECTAPPLICANT NAIVIE JUINTOW LIN PHONENUMBER 310-927-5022 PROJECTAPPLICANTADDRESS 34586 CALLE NARANJA CITY CAPISTRANO BEACH STATE CA ZIPCODE 92624 PROJECT APPLICANT (Check appropriate box): Local Public Agency • School District Q Other Special District • State Agency • Private Entity CHECK APPLICABLE FEES: Q Environmental Impact Report Q Negative Declaration Q Application Fee Water Diversion ("Sfafe Water Resources Control Board Only) • Projects Subject to Certified Regulatory Programs Q County Administrative Fee • Project that is exempt from fees 3 Notice of Exemption • DFG No Effect Determination (Form Attached) • Other PAYIMENTIVIETHOD: • Cash • Credit • Check • Other 1035 $2,792.25 $2,010.25 $850.00 $949.50 $50.00 TOTALRECEIVED $50.00 $50.00 SIGNATURE X L. Kesian TTTLE Deputy CITY OF CARLSBAD JAN 29 2010 lllllllillllllllllllllllll ORIGINAL - PROJECT APPLICANT COPY-DFG/ASB COPY-LEADAGENCY COPY - COUNTY CLERK FG 753.5a (Rev. 7/08) state of California—The Resourq^jgency DEPARTMENT OF FISH AWlfGAME 2010 ENVIRONMENTAL FILING FEE CASH RECEIPT SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE. TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY RECEIPT* SD2010 *0068* STATE CLEARING HOUSE # (iiapplicable) LEADAGENCY CITY OF CARLSBAD DATE 01-26-2010 COUNTY/STATEAGENCY OF FILING SAN DIEGO DOCUMENTNUMBER PROJECTTITLE CDP 09-16 - TRITON RESIDENCE PROJECTAPPUCANT NAME JUINTOW LIN PHONENUMBER 310-927-5022 PROJECTAPPLICANTADDRESS 34586 CALLE NARANJA CITY CAPISTRANO BEACH STATE CA ZIPCODE 92624 PROJECT APPLICANT (Ctieck appropriate box): Q Local Public Agency Q School District Q Other Special District Q State Agency I3 Private Entity CHECK APPLICABLE FEES: Q Environmental Impact Report Q Negative Declaration Q Application Fee Water Diversion (State Water Resources Control Board Only) Q Projects Subject to Certified Regulatory Programs (i] County Administrative Fee Q Project that is exempt from fees • Notice of Exemption 1^ DFG No Effect Determination (Form Attached) • Other PAYIMENTIVIETHOD: • Cash • Credit • Check • Other "'Q^^ $2,792.25 $2,010.25 $850.00 $949.50 $50.00 $50.00 TOTALRECEIVED $50.00 SIGNATURE X L. Kesian TTTLE Deputy lllllllllillllllillllllll ORIGINAL - PROJECT APPLICANT COPY-DFG/ASB COPY-LEAD AGENCY COPY - COUNTY CLERK FG 753.5a (Rev. 7/08) NOTICE OF EXEMPTION To: SD County Clerk From: CITY OF CARLSBAD Attn: Linda Kesina Planning Department Mail Stop A-33 1635 Faraday Avenue 1600 Pacific Highway Carlsbad CA 92008 San Diego CA 92101 Subject: Filing of this Notice of Exemption is in compliance with Section 21152b of the Public Resources Code (California Environmental Quality Act). Project Number and Title: CDP 09-16 - Triton Residence Project Location - Specific: APN 215-070-14. south side Triton Street Project Location - City: Carlsbad Project Location - County: San Diego Description of Project: Coastal Development Permit to allow for the construction of a 4,358 square foot, two-storv single family home on a vacant. previously-grade(j pad. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Citv of Carlsba(i Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: Juintow Lin Name of Applicant: same as above Applicant's Address: 34586 Calle Naranja. Capistrano Beach. CA 92624 Applicant's Telephone Number: (310)927-5022 Exempt Status: (Check One) • Ministerial (Section 21080(b)(1); 15268); • Declared Emergency (Section 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); • Emergency Project (Section 21080(b)(4); 15269 (b)(c)); 13 Categorical Exemption - State type and section number: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. 15303(a) O Statutory Exemptions - State code number: Reasons why project is exempt: The project is categorically exempt in that it involves the construction of a new single-family residence in an urbanized area in which all public services are available. Lead Agency Contact Person: Shannon Werneke. Associate Planner Telephone: (760) 602-4621 ^ /-2/'/o DON NEU, Planning Director ,LED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK Date receivecyor^ilij^g '^:?'!"'^ °" .-^~'^(Io--3Q1Q. David Butler, Recorder/County Clerk •^osted _L-_cl(o -olOlO. Removed. Returned tc agency on. -^eiuiiieu tu agency on,y • JAN26Z010 )epu,v L.Kesrarr Rv L. Kesian nEPUTY Revised November 2005 C David L. Butler Q COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ASSESSOR/RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK ASSESSOR'S OFFICE 1600 Pacific Highway, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92101-2480 Tel. (619) 236-3771 * Fax (619) 557-4056 www.sdarcc.com RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE 1600 Pacific Highway, Suite 260 P.O. Box 121750 * San Diego, CA 92112-1750 Tel. (619)237-0502 * Fax (619)557-4155 Transaction #: 218613320100126 Deputy: LKESIAN Location: COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 26-Jan-2010 09:49 FEES: 50.00 Qty of 1 Fee Notice of Exemption for Refi^ RCT: 0068 50.00 TOTAL DUE PAYMENTS: 50.00 Check 50.00 TENDERED SERVICES AVAILABLE AT OFFICE LOCATIONS Tax Bill Address Changes Records and Certified Copies: Birth/ Marriage/ Death/ Real Estate Fictitious Business Names (DBAs) Marriage Licenses and Ceremonies Assessor Parcel Maps Property Ownership Property Records Property Values Document Recordings SERVICES AVAILABLE ON-LINE AT www.sdarcccom Forms and Applications Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Grantor/ Grantee Index Fictitious Business Names Index (DBAs) Property Sales On-Line Purchases Assessor Parcel Maps Property Characteristics Recorded Documents FILE cory Citv of Carlsbad Planning Department NOTICE OF FINAL ACTION COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT The following project is located within the City of Carlsbad Coastal Zone. A coastal permit application for the project has been acted upon. SENT TO COASTAL COMMISSION ON: January 21. 2010 Application #: CDP 09-16 Filing Date: January 21, 2010 Case Name: Triton Residence Decision Date: January 20. 2010 Applicant: Juintow Lin Agent (if different): n/a Address: 34586 Calle Naranja, Capistrano Beach. CA Address: n/a 92624 Phone: (310) 927-5022 Phone: n/a Project Description: Coastal Development Permit to allow for the construction of a 4,358 square foot, two-storv sinqle familv home on a vacant, previously-graded building pad. Project Location: South side of Triton Street. APN 215-070-41-00. within the Mello II Segment ofthe Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Manaqement Zone 20. ACTION: • APPROVED • APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS DENIED (Copy of final resolution/decision letter is sent to: Coastal Commission, any persons who specifically requested it, and the applicant). COASTAL COMMISSION APPEAL STATUS: NOT APPEALABLE TO THE COASTAL COMMISSION. • APPEALABLE TO THE COASTAL COMMISSION pursuant to Coastal Act Section 30603. An aggrieved person may appeal this decision to the Coastal Commission within ten (10) working days following Coastal Commission receipt of this notice. Applicants will be notified by the Coastal Commission as to the date the Coastal Commission's appeal period will conclude. Appeals must be made in writing to the Coastal Commission's district office at the following address: California Coastal Commission, 7575 Metropolitan Dr., Suite 103, San Diego, California 92108-4402, Telephone (619) 767-2370. Attachment: - Location Map to CCC for non-appealable CDPs - Staff Report to CCC for appealable CDPs The time wittiin which judicial review of this decision must be sought is govemed by Code of Civil Procedures, Section 1094.6, which has been made applicable in the City of Carlsbad by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 16. Any petition or other paper seeking judicial review must be filed in the appropriate court not later than ninety (90) days following the date on which this decision becomes final; however, if within ten (10) days after the decision becomes final a request for the record of the proceedings accompanied by the required deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost of preparation of such a record, the time within which such petition may be filed in court is extended to not later than thirty (30) days following the date on which the record is either personally delivered or mailed to the party, or his attorney of record, if he has one. A written request for the preparation of the record of the proceedings shall be filed with the City Clerk, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008. 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad ca us fiS SITEMAP N NOT TO SCALE Triton Residence CDP 09-16 ru ru tr LT) m r- ir i-q ru o • o HI zr CT tn • U.S. Postal Service™ CERTIFIED MAIL. RECEIPT .(Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage P, For delivery Information visit our website at www.usps.coma Postage Certified Fee Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmaric l-iere Sent To Total Postag California Coastal Commission Attn: Toni Ross Suite 103 7575 Metropolitan Drive San Diego, CA 92108-4402 street. Apt. Nc or PO Box No. City, State, Zli li^HililikdHii! SENDER: COMPLETE THIS^CTION Complete items 1, 2, and ^ ,iSO complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: California Coastal Commission Attn: Toni Ross Suite 103 7575 Metropolitan Drive San Diego, CA 92108-4402 COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERS A. Signature Br-PeoeivedJ>y^L^7nfedNaroe) • Agent • Addressee C. Data of Dehe-ty D. Is delivery address different frorr item 1 ? d Yss If YES, enter dei ivery address beiow: 13 No 3. Service Type ^^/?5<2ertified Mail • Express f/lai I • Registered ^Ki^eturr Receipt for Mencfiandlsa • Insured Mail • C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery"? fBctrs Fee) 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) 7Dm miD DDDE n?3 STEE PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 1l>2595-i:i2-U-l5fa ; f"-£ con City of Carlsbad Planning Department PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF DECISION January 21, 2010 Lin Juintow 34586 Calle Naranja Capo Beach, CA 92624 SUBJECT: CDP 09-16 - TRITON RESIDENCE At the Planning Commission meeting of January 20, 2010, your application was considered. The Commission voted 6-0-1 to APPROVE your request. The decision of the Planning Commission will become final on January 30, 2010. The time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1094.6, which has been made applicable in the City of Carlsbad by Carlsbad Municipal Code 1.16. Any petition or other paper seeking judicial review must be filed in the appropriate court not later than the ninetieth day following the date which this decision becomes final; however, if within ten days after the decision becomes final a request for the record of the proceedings accompanied by the required deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost of preparation of such record, the time within which such petition may be filed in court is extended to not later than the thirtieth day following the date on which the record is either personally delivered or mailed to the party, or his attorney of record, if he has one. A written request for the preparation of the record of the proceedings shall be filed with the Planning Director, Don Neu, Secretary of the Planning Commission, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008. If you have any questions regarding the final dispositions of your application, please call the Planning Department at (760) 602-4600. Sincerely, DON NEU Planning Director DN:SW:lt cc: Data Entry File Enclosed: Planning Commission Resolution No. 6647 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us fllE CO,""' NOTICE OF EXEMPTION To: SD County Clerk From: CITY OF CARLSBAD Attn: Linda Kesina Planning Department Mail Stop A-33 1635 Faraday Avenue 1600 Pacific Highway Carlsbad CA 92008 San Diego CA 92101 Subject: Filing of this Notice of Exemption is in compliance with Section 21152b of the Public Resources Code (California Environmental Quality Act). Project Number and Title: CDP 09-16 - Triton Residence Project Location - Specific: APN 215-070-14. south side Triton Street Project Location - City; Carlsbad Project Location - County: San Diego Description of Project: Coastal Development Permit to allow for the construction of a 4.358 square foot, two-storv single familv home on a vacant, previouslv-graded pad. Name of Public Agency Approving Project; City of Carlsbad Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project; Juintow Lin Name of Applicant; same as above Applicant's Address; 34586 Calle Naranja. Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 Applicant's Telephone Number; (310)927-5022 Exempt Status; (Check One) • Ministerial (Section 21080(b)(1); 15268); • Declared Emergency (Section 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); • Emergency Project (Section 21080(b)(4); 15269 (b)(c)); ^ Categorical Exemption - State type and section number: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. 15303(a) • Statutory Exemptions - State code number: Reasons why project is exempt: The proiect is categorically exempt in that it involves the construction of a new single-family residence in an urbanized area in which all public services are available. Lead Agency Contact Person: Shannon Werneke. Associate Planner Telephone; (760)602-4621 DON NEU, Planning Director Date Date received for filing at OPR: Revised November 2005 c o FILE COPY City of Carlsbad Planning Department NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 20, 2010, to consider a request for the following: CASE NAME: PUBLISH DATE: CDP 09-16 - Triton Residence Januarys, 2010 DESCRIPTION: Request for approval of a Coastal Development Permit to allow for the construction of a new 4,358 square foot, two-story, single-family residence located on a 0.49- acre panhandle lot, on the south side of Triton Street, west of the intersection of Blackrail Road and Triton Street, within the Mello II Segment ofthe Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 20. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing and provide the decision makers with any oral or written comments they may have regarding the project. Copies of the staff report will be available online at http://www.carlsbadca.qov/planninq/pcvideo.html on or after the Friday prior to the hearing date. If you have any questions, or would like to be notified of the decision, please contact Shannon Werneke in the Planning Department at (760) 602-4621, Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. APPEALS The time within which you may judicially challenge these projects, if approved, is established by State law and/or city ordinance, and is very short. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. • Appeals to the Citv Council: Where the decision is appealable to the City Council, appeals must be filed in writing within ten (10) calendar days after a decision by the Planning Commission. • Coastal Commission Appealable Project: I I This site is located within the Coastal Zone Appealable Area. IXI This site is not located within the Coastal Zone Appealable Area. ^ Application deemed complete: 09/01/2009 Where the decision is appealable to the Coastal Commission, appeals must be filed with the Coastal Commission within ten (10) working days after the Coastal Commission has received a Notice of Final Action from the City of Carlsbad. Applicants will be notified by the Coastal Commission of the date that their appeal period will conclude. The San Diego office of the Coastal Commission is located at 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, California 92108-4402. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us SITEMAP N NOT TO SCALE Triton Residence CDP 09-16 m IT [T i-=i 3- • a • Cl • rij ru cr o o r^ U.S. Postal Service™ CERTIFIED MAIL™ RECEIPT^ ? (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage '^V< led) For delivery Information visit our website at www.usps.comt^ V 1 i A Postage Certified Fee Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) cop O^^/teTTTPH/^ Total Post' California Coastal Commission Postmarif Here street, Apt or PO Sox A City, state,. Attn: Toni Ross Suite 103 7575 Metropolitan Drive San Diego, CA 92108-4402 1 • SENDER: COMPLETEmiS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION OW DEUYERy • Complete items 1,2, j 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ^ • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. A. Signature^ii^v___ ' ^ Ag«r«t , • Addres.se-a • Complete items 1,2, j 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ^ • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. Received by (Printed Name) /-•e^ A < ^KJl^rt^ C. Date of D eifrery 1. Article Addressed to: California Coastal Commission Attn: Toni Ross Suite 103 D. Is delivery address dffeient from lem 1 ? Ll Vas If YES, enter delivery address belour: • Mo 7575 Metropolitan Drive San Diego, CA 92108-4402 3. Service Type ^^^^jQICeitified Mai i • Express l/laii • Registered 13Cfieturn Receipl for Maretiandise • insured Mail C.O.D. 7575 Metropolitan Drive San Diego, CA 92108-4402 4. Restricted Delivery? [Extra Fee) • "ft^ 2. Article Number (Transfer from sen/ice label) 7DDT S5SD DDDD 6411 T53b PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Retum Receipt 10a595-0i-ni-15O PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2010 & 2011 C.C.P.) This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego CITY OF CARLSBAD JAN 12 2010 PLANNING DEPARTMENT I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to or interested in the above- entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of North County Times Proof of Publication of Formerly known as the Blade-Citizen and The Times- Advocate and which newspapers have been adjudicated newspapers of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of San Diego, State of California, for the City of Oceanside and the City of Escondido, Court Decree number 171349, for the County of San Diego, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpariel), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: January 08*^ 2010 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at ESCONDIDO, California This 08^^ day of January 2010 Jane Allshouse NORTH COUNPi' TIMES Legal Advertising ^^mfCJ!Hm6 COMMlSSiONPUBUC HEARING VHRoTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you, because '^^7 vour interest may be affected, thafthe P anriing tommission of (ne City of Carlsbad w;ll hoW a nublic hearina at the Counci Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad &il™ge Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6.00 o.m. on Wednesday, January 20, iOI 0, to consider the foTlowing: CDP 09-16 - TRITON RESIDENCE - .Request for ap-Srarar5TXCoasfartSevelopment Herm;t to allow for the construction of a new 4,558 square foot, two-story, sinale-familv residence located on a 0.49-acre panhan- d e™t on (he south side of Triton Street west of the intersection of Blackrail Road and Triton Street, within the l^elio II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 20. The proiect is exempt from the Califomia Environmental Quality Act. This project is not located within the appealable area of the California Coastal Commission, =£3 If vou challenge these projects in court, you may be hm-e™to raisinf only those'issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in tNs notee o^^^^ written correspondence delivered to the City ot Carlsbao at or prior to tne public hearing. Cooies of the environmental documents are available at the'^plnninTDepartment at 1635 Faraday Avenue dur- ing regularTiusiness hours from 7:30 am to 5.30 pm Monday through Thursday and 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday. Those persons wishing to speak on these proposals are cordially invited to attend the pubhc hearing Copies of the staff reports will be available online at hi- n-//www carfebadca.qov/pdfdoc.ht_ml?pid=295 on or gfter the hriSay pnor tolRThearing date, yoiThaye any quSstions, please call the Planning Department at (760) 602-4600. PUBLISH: January 8, 2010 NCT 2243272 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENT "2" CERTIFICATION OF POSTING I certify that the "Notice of Project Application" has been posted at a conspicuous location on the site on SIGNATURE PRINT NAME: 7l^/^T^W I / A/ PROJECT NAME: T%IT^I^ j^^^lPCAICB- PROJECT NUMBER: LOCATION: /"A/^i?V klPPf RETURN TO: S>IMHAI<^^ h/eT^fl^f^x (Planner) CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 NotifieatipnMapsxom Public Notifications Radius Maps Ownership Listings RECEIVED 12/14/2009 DPC 1 B 2009 City of Carlsbad Planning Department 1635 Faraday Avenue PITY OF CAR! <^RAn Carlsbad, CA. 92008-7314 ' ' \ . ^^X^^L^^ PLANNING DEPT RE: APN 215-070-4100 To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed please find the attached 1-100' radius map, list of property owners and 1 sets of mailing labels and 1-600' radius map, list of property owners and 1 set of mailing labels, created for the property owners of the subject parcel's exterior boundaries located at ''APN215-070-4100.". This property information was acquired through the County Assessor's office. Further, the information is based upon the most up-to-date records of the county tax assessor and is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. Please contact me at (949) 212-0507 if you have questions. Thank you. Sincerely, Barry Dunzer Pacific Planning Group Inc. 3501 Jamboree Road, Suite 6000 Newport Beach, CA. 92660 949 212-0507 Direct Barrv@notificationmaps.com NotificationMaps.com 4300 Von Karman Ave Newport Beach, CA. 92660 (866)752-6266 ^^^^^ ^^^1^ ATTACHMENT "1" I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS LIST AND LABELS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ON THIS DATE REPRESENT THE LATEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION FROM THE EQUALIZED ASSESSOR'S ROLES. APPLICATION NAME AND NUMBER yjCANT^QRAPPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE BY: DATE: 12./ lAy/o^ RECEIVED BY DATE p-21 Page 3 of 6 Revised 11 /09 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS LIST AND LABELS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ON THIS DATE REPRESENT THE LATEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION FROM THE EQUALIZED ASSESSOR'S ROLES. APPLICATION NAME AND NUMBER APPLICANT OR APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE BY: ZrUltif§\/\/ U/Pyl DATE: RECEIVED BY DATE: 100' Radius Map APN 215-070-4100 N I 200 ft LandVlsion Copyrigtil ©200G All Righto Reserved. Tl^o inrformatlon comtainod herein is the profrictary- property ofthe contrlloutcir suppllecl under llcerse and may not tae approved except as licensed 0^ Digral Map Products. m 600' Radius IVlap APN: 215 -070-4100 N 1300 ft LandVision Copyright © 2006 All Rights Reserved. The Information contained herein is the proprietary property of the contributor supplied under license and may not be approved except as licensed by Digital Map Products. FILE COPY City of Carlsbad Planning Department EARLY PUBLIC NOTICE PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: Triton Residence CDP 09-16 This early public notice is to let you know that a development application for a new residence within your neighborhood was submitted to the City of Carlsbad on August 3, 2009. The project application is undergoing its Initial review by the City. LOCATION: Vacant panhandle lot off of Triton Street (APN 215-070-41) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting approval of a Coastal Development Permit for the construction of a 4,358 square foot, two-story single-family home with an attached two-car garage on an existing graded pad/panhandle lot. The home will have an approximate height of 29.5 feet. Please keep in mind that this is an early public notice and that the project design could change as a result of further staff and public review. A future public hearing notice will be mailed to you when this project is scheduled for public hearing before the Planning Commission. CONTACT INFORMATION: If you have questions or comments regarding this proposed project please contact Shannon Werneke, Associate Planner at shannon.werneke@carlsbadca.gov, (760) 602-4621, City of Carlsbad Planning Department, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008. 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us « w i* Foot Radius PO/NSETTIA LN C/fy of Carlsbad Triton Residence CDP 09-16 300 600 ZD Feet Map created by the City of Carlsbad GIS. Portions of the DERIVED PRODUCT contain geographic information copyrighted by SanGIS. All Rights Reserved ru [T ru • o o tn r=l O • U.S. Postal Service TM CERTIFIED MAILM RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage For delivery Information visit our website at www.usps.confi); FFICIAL USE Postage S CertlHed Fee Retum Receipl Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage' Senf To 'Sifeei,'^pt.fS. orPOBoxNo. Postmark Here •J-Jl-01 Cliy, state, ZIP- *.CDP cn-i(M..e*4y <Msr.ttJor+^c»./siJ Califomia Coastal Commission Attn: Toni Ross Suite 103 7575 Metropolitan Drive San Diego, CA 92108-4402 IS SECTION Complete items 1,2, j 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space pennits. 1. Article Addressed to: California Coastal Commission Attn: Toni Ross Suite 103 7575 Metropolitan Drive San Diego, CA 92108-4402 COMPL£T-£ THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A. SIgnaty • Agent • Addressed ^^^^^^^y PrjBferj Nanrie) D. Is delivery address different from item 1 ? Q If YES, enter delivery address l>elow: • 3. Service Type ^^Q:^rtlfied Mall • Express Mall • Registered ytS^Beium Receipt for l/erchan dise • Insured Mail • C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) • Ves 2. Article Numtjer (Transfer from service latiel) 7006 imO ODDS 3=3E1 M7^E PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 192595-02-M-1S40 Triton Residence CDP Submittal 09/09/09 ® Site Plan Scale 1/32"=1'-Q" OX n design ond constructton View fronn Southwest (high) Scale View fronn Northwest Scale Triton Residence CDP Submittal OX n design constmction 09/09/09 © North Elevation Scale 3/32"= r-0" South Elevation Scale 3/32" = 1 -0" Triton Residence CDP Submittal 09/09/09 OX n design ond construction (D East Elevation Scale 3/32"= r-0" West Elevation Scale 3/32" = 1 '-0" Triton Residence CDP Submittal 09/09/09 OX in design and cwstiuction c c c DN" Floor Plan - First Floor Scale 3/32"= r-0" Triton Residence CDP Submittal "OX n and constitxrJion 09/09/09 Floor Plan - Second Floor Scale 3/32"= r-0" Triton Residence CDP Submittal OX I f] ond ill constfue 09/09/09 APPENDIX A STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE INSTRUCTIONS: This questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application (subdivision and land use planning approvals and construction permits). The results of the questionnaire determine the level of storm water pollution prevention standards applied to a proposed development or redevelopment project. Many aspects of project site design are dependent upon the storm water pollution protection standards applied to a project. Applicant responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and impacts. City staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development application. A staff determination that the development application is subject to more stringent storm water standards, than initially assessed by the applicant, will result in the return of the development application as incomplete. If applicants are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or more of the questions, they are advised to seek assistance from Engineering Department Development Services staff. A separate completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted for each new development application submission. Only one completed and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for the same project are submitted concurrently. In addition to this questionnaire, applicants for construction permits must also complete, sign and submit a Construction Activity Storm Water Standards Questionnaire. To address pollutants that may be generated from new development, the City requires that new development and significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMPs) into the project design, which are described in Chapter 2 of the City's Storm Water Standards Manual This questionnaire should be used to categorize new development and significant redevelopment projects as priority or non-priority, to determine what level of storm water standards are required or ifthe project is exempt. Is your project a significant redevelopment? Definition: Significant redevelopment is defined as the creation, addition or replacement of at least 5,000 square feet of impervious surface on an already existing developed site. Significant redevelopment includes, but is not limited to: the expansion of a building footprint; addition to or replacement of a structure; stmctural development including an increase in gross floor area and/or exterior constmction remodeling; replacement of an impervious surface that is not part of a routine maintenance activity; and land disturbing activities related with stmctural or impervious surfaces. Replacement of impen/ious surfaces includes any activity that is not part of a routine maintenance activity where impen/ious material(s) are removed, exposing underlying soil during constmction. Note: If the Significant Redevelopment results in an increase of less than fifty percent of the impervious surfaces of a previously existing development, and the existing development was not subject to SUSMP requirements, the numeric sizing criteria discussed in Table 3 of applies only to the addition, and not to the entire development. 2. If your project IS considered significant redevelopment, then please skip Section 1 and proceed with Section 2. 3. If your project IS NOT considered significant redevelopment, then please proceed to Section 1. 21 SWMP Rev 6/4/08 ^^^^ SECTION 1 NEW DEVELOPMENT PRIORITY PROJECT TYPE Does you project meet one or more ofthe following criteria: YES NO 1. Home subdivision of 100 units or more. Includes SFD, MFD, Condominium and Apartments 1/ 2. Residential develooment of 10 units or more. Includes SFD, MFD, Condominium and Apartments 1/ 3. Commercial and industrial develooment areater than 100.000 sauare feet includina oarkina areas. Any development on private land that is not for heavy industrial or residential uses. Example: Hospitals, Hotels, Recreational Facilities, Shopping Malls, etc. \/ 4. Heaw Industrial/Industn/ areater than 1 acre (NEED SIG CODES FOR PERMIT BUSINESS TYPES) SIC codes 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, and 7536-7539 (/ 5. Automotive reoair shoo. SIC codes 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, and 7536-7539 1/ 6. A New Restaurant where the land area of develooment is 5.000 sauare feet or more includina oarkina areas. SIC code 5812 1/ 7. Hillside develooment (1) greater than 5,000 square feet of impen/ious surface area and (2) development will grade on any natural slope that is 25% or greater / 8. Environmentallv Sensitive Area (ESA). Impervious surface of 2,500 square feet or more located within, "directly adjacent"^ to (within 200 feet), or "discharging directly to"^ receiving water within the ESA^ l/ 9. Parkina lot Area oi 5,000 square feet or more, or with 15 or more periling spaces, and potentially exposed to urban runoff l/' 10. Retail Gasoline Outlets - sen/ina more than 100 vehicles oer dav Serving more than 100 vehicles per day and greater than 5,000 square feet 71 Streets, roads, drivewavs. hiahwavs. and freewavs. Project would create a new paved surface that is 5,000 square feet or greater. 12. Coastal Develooment Zone. Within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) creates more than 2500 square feet of impermeable surface or (2) increases impenneable surface on property by more than 10%. / 1 Environmentally Sensitive Areas include but are not limited to all Glean Water Act Section 303(d) impaired water bodies; areas designated as Areas of Special Biological Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); water bodies designated with the RARE beneficial use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); areas designated as preserves or their equivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and Count of San Diego; and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the Copermittees. 2 "Directly adjacent" means situated within 200 feet ofthe environmentally sensitive area. 3 "Discharging directly to" means outflow from a drainage conveyance system that is composed entirely of flows from the subject development or redevelopment site, and not commingled with flow fi^om adjacent lands. Section 1 Results: If you answered YES to ANY of the questions above you have a PRIORITY project and PRIORITY project requirements DO apply. A Stonn Water Management Plan, prepared in accordance with Gity Storm Water Standards, must be submitted at time of application. Please check the "MEETS PRIORITY REQUIREMENTS" box in Section 3. If you answered NO to ALL of the questions above, then you are a NON-PRIORITY project and STANDARD requirements apply Please check the "DOES NOT MEET PRIORITY Requirements" box in Section 3. SWMP Rev 6/4/08 SECTION 2 SIGNIFICANT REDEVELOPMENT: YES NO 1. Is the project redeveloping an existing priority project type? (Priority projects are defined in Section 1) If you answered YES, please proceed to question 2. If you answered NO, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and you ARE NOT subject to PRIORITY project requirements, only STANDARD requirements. Please check the "DOES NOT MEET PRIORITY Requirements" box in Section 3 below. 2. Is the project solely limited to one ofthe following: a. Trenching and resurfacing associated with utility wori<? b. Resurfacing and reconfiguring existing surface parking lots? c. New sidewalk construction, pedestrian ramps, or bike lane on public and/or private existing roads? d. Replacement of existing damaged pavement? If you answered NO to ALL of the questions, then proceed to Question 3. If you answered YES to ONE OR MORE of the questions then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and you ARE NOT subject to PRIORITY project requirements, only STANDARD requirements. Please check the "DOES NOT MEET PRIORITY Requirements" box in Section 3 below. 3. Will the development create, replace, or add at least 5,000 square feet of impervious surfaces on an existing development or, be located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (l)create more than 2500 square feet of impenneable surface or (2) inaeases impermeable surface on property by morethan 10%? If you answered YES, you ARE a significant redevelopment, and you ARE subject to PRIORITY project requirements. Please check the "MEETS PRIORITY REQUIREMENTS" box in Section 3 below. If you answered NO, you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment, and you ARE NOT subject to PRIORITY project requirements, only STANDARD requirements. Please check the "DOES NOT MEET PRIORITY Requirements" box in Section 3 below. SECTION 3 Questionnaire Results: • MY PROJECT MEETS PRIORITY REQUIREMENTS, MUST COMPLY WITH PRIORITY y^ROJECJ STANDARDS AND MUST PREPARE A STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR / SUBMITTAL AT TIME OF APPLICATION. {K MY PROJECT DOES NOT MEET PRIORITY REQUIREMENTS AND MUST ONLY COMPLY WITH STANDARD STORM WATER REQUIREMENTS. Applicant Information and Signature Box This Box/or dry Use Only Address: Assessors Parcel Number(s); Applicant Name: —• ^ Applicant Title: Applicapl-SigiSture: Date: > . y-^VV City Concurrence: By: Project ID: SWMP Rev 6/4/08 - FILE copy Citv of Carlsbad Planning Department September 21, 2009 Ms. Juintow Lin 34586 Calle Naranja Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 SUBJECT: CDP 09-16 - TRITON RESIDENCE, CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) APPLICABILITY/PROCESS DETERMINATION This is to advise you that after reviewing the application for the project referenced above, the City has determined that the following environmental review process (pursuant to CEQA) will be required for the project: The project is exempt from the provisions of CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15303(a), New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. No environmental review is required for the project. Please be advised that the City is required to file a Notice of Exemption form with the County Clerk's Office. The County requires a $50 filing fee, which the City collects from the applicant. Upon approval of the project, please submit a check for $50 payable to San Diego County Clerk to Shannon Werneke, project planner. For additional information related to this CEQA applicability/process determination, please contact the project planner. Shannon Werneke, at (760) 602-4621 or shannon.werneke@carlsbadca.gov. Sincerely, DON NEU Planning Director DN;SVV:lt Sha-Li and Lawrence Lin, 2565 Riverwoods Road, Riverwoods, IL, 60015 Chris DeCerbo, Team Leader File Copy Data Entry Citv of garlsbad Planning Department HAZARDOUS WASTE AND SUBSTANCES STATEMENT Consultation Of Lists of Sites Related To Hazardous Wastes (Certification of Compliance with Government Code Section 65962.5) Pursuant to State of California Government Code Section 65962.5,1 have consulted the Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List compiled by the California Environmental Protection Agency and hereby certify that (check one): The development project and any alternatives proposed in this application are not contained on the lists compiled pursuantto Section 65962.5 ofthe State Government Code. • The development project and any alternatives proposed in this application are contained on the lists compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 ofthe State Government Code. APPLICANT Name: \tk(t^x<PVJ ^/V PROPERTY OWNER Name: im^^H ANPC/im^^^^/\J Address: ^V/f^ C^CS A>f^/f-Ac//)— Address:^i.i^5/izsn/06>/»S-^ Phone Number: '^[o f2? ^2^Z^ Phone Number: ^H^TZ-^ /sZ^ Address of Site: Tt-IT^AI SJ. Ule^T DR ei^Hf^f^Alc fZo/ft^ Local Agency (City and Countv): f.4rl2^$bfi-D Assessor's book, page, and parcel number: Zl^ -C^^^ '^^f Specify list(s): ///A Regulatory Identification Number: Date of List: 7 Property Owner Signature/Date 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • wvw.ci.carlsbad.ca.us ^ The Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List (Cortese List) is used by the State, local agencies and developers to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act requirements in providing information about the location of hazardous materials release sites. Per the California Environmental Protection Agency's website, "While Government Code Section 65962.5 [referred to as the Cortese List] makes reference to the preparation of a "list," many changes have occurred related to web-based information access since [the amended statute's effective date in] 1992 and this information is now largely available on the Internet sites ofthe responsible organizations. Those requesting a copy of the Cortese "list" are now referred directly to the appropriate information resources contained on the Internet web sites ofthe boards or departments that are referenced in the statute." Below is a list of agencies that maintain information regarding hazardous waste and substances sites. Department of Toxic Substances Control www.calepa.ca.qov/sitecleanup/CorteseList/default.htm www.calepa.ca.qov/database/calsites wvw.envirostor.dtsc.ca.gov/public EnviroStor Help Desk (916) 323-3400 State Water Resources Control Board qeotracker.waterboards.ca.qov County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health Services www.co.san-deiqo.ca.us/deh Hazardous Materials Division www.sdcountv.ca.qov/deh/hazmat/hazmat permits.html Mailing Address: County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health P.O. Box 129261 San Diego, CA 92112-9261 Call Duty Specialist for technical questions at (619) 338-2231, fax (619) 338-2377 Environmental Protection Agency National Priorities Sites ("Superfund" or "CERCLIS") www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/cursites (800) 424-9346 or (702) 284-8214 National Priorities List Sites in the United States www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/npl/npl.htm DATE: TO: CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW AND COMMENT MEMO OCTOBER 27, 2009 Issues #1 ^ Engineering, Development Services - Terie Rowley • Police Department - J. Sasway ^ Fire Department - James Weigand • Building Department - Will Foss • Recreation - Mark Steyaert • Public Works Department (streets) - Thomas Moore • Water/Sewer District • Landscape Plancheck Consultant - PELA • School District • North County Transit District - Planning Department • Sempra Energy - Land Management O Caltrans (Send anything adjacent to 1-5) [H Parks/Trails - Liz Ketabian *ALWAYS SEND EXHIBITS FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ON PROJECT NO(S): CDP 09-16 PROJECT TITLE: Triton Residence APPLICANT: Fox Lin PROPOSAL: New single familv house on graded lots. Please review and submit written comments and/or conditions to Michele Masterson in the Planning Department at 1635 Faraday Avenue, by 11/17/09. If you have "No Comments," please so state. Thank you COMMENTS: PLANS ATTACHED Review & Comment 09/07 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW AND COMMENT MEMO DATE: TO: AUGUST 3, 2009 REVIEW NO: 1 m • • • • • • • • • Engineering, Development Services - Terie Rowley Police Department - J. Sasway Fire Department - James Weigand Building Department - Will Foss Recreation - Mark Steyaert Public Works Department (streets) - Thomas Moore Water/Sewer District Landscape Plancheck Consultant - PELA School District North County Transit District - Planning Department Sempra Energy - Land Management Caltrans (Send anything adjacent to 1-5) Parks/Trails - Liz Ketabian '^ALWAYS SEND EXHIBITS FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ON PROJECT NO(S): CDP 09-16 PROJECT TITLE: Triton Residence APPLICANT: Juintow Lin PROPOSAL: Sinqle residence on existing qradecj pad. Please review and submit written comments and/or conditions to Michele Masterson in the Planning Department at 1635 Faraday Avenue, by 08/24/09. If you have "No Comments," please so state. Thank you COMMENTS: PLANS ATTACHED Review & Comment 09/07 DATE: TO: CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW AND COMMENT MEMO AUGUST 3, 2009 REVIEW NO: 1 m • • • • • • • • • Engineering, Development Services - Terie Rowley Police Department - J. Sasway Fire Department - James Weigand Building Department - Will Foss Recreation - Mark Steyaert Public Works Department (streets) - Thomas Moore Water/Sewer District Landscape Plancheck Consultant - PELA School District North County Transit District - Planning Department Sempra Energy - Land Management Caltrans (Send anything adjacent to 1-5) Parks/Trails - Liz Ketabian *ALWAYS SEND EXHIBITS FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ON PROJECT NO(S): CDP 09-16 PROJECT TITLE: Triton Residence APPLICANT: Juintow Lin PROPOSAL: Sinale residence on existing graded pad. Please review and submit written comments and/or conditions to Michele Masterson in the Planning Department at 1635 Faraday Avenue, by 08/24/09. If you have "No Comments," please so state. Thank you COMMENTS: PLANS ATTACHED Review & Comment 09/07 Memorandum TO: Shannon Werneke, Project Planner FROM: Clyde Wickham, Project Engineer DATE: August 19, 2009 CDP 09-16 TRITON RESIDENCE COMPLETENESS & ISSUES REViEW Engineering Department staff has completed a review of the above-referenced project for application completeness. The application and plans submitted for this proposed project are considered complete with issues remaining as discussed below: 1. On the site plan, verify adjacent drainage patterns and topography. There was a drainage system approved with DWG 410-6A and a concept drainage plan approved with the adjacent CDP and Minor Subdivision. 2. On the site plan verify the location of existing and proposed utilities to serve this project. Sewer, water, gas, electric, and cable TV. Include existing cleanouts and water meter boxes. 3. On the site plan dimension the proposed width of driveway. Overall site plan sheet Al .1 has conflicting information (proposed) compared to sheet Al .3. The proposed drainage from building and slope drains are not shown on Al.l. Please clarify the property line and the other line that is similarly dashed and not identified. 4. On the site plan, identify all easements as noted on title policy. 5. I have attached a redlined copy of the site plan with comments to better communicate our concerns. Please resubmit this plan with revisions. If you or the applicanj^h^s'lin^questions, please either see or contact me at extension 2742. fe^Wickham Associate Engineer Development Services Division C:Senior Civil Engineer Van Peski o o City of Carlsbad Police Department Date: August 4, 2009 To: Michele Masterson - Planning Department From: J. Sasway, Crime Prevention Specialist, Carlsbad Police Department Subject: Triton Residence, CDP 09-16 Plan Review Recommendations Carlsbad Police Department's Crime Prevention Unit has provided the following optimal security recommendations. The purpose of this document is to safeguard property and public welfare by reviewing the design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location, and maintenance of all buildings and structures. The standards used in this document represent model international standards. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design The proper design and effective use ofthe built environment can lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime and an improvement in the quality of life. The proper design influences this by positively affecting human behavior. The design includes the physical environment, the planned behavior of people, the productive use of space and an effective crime/loss prevention program. Natural Surveillance 1. Place and design physical features to maximize visibility. This will include building orientation, windows, entrances, walkways, landscape trees and shrubs, fences and any other physical obstruction. 2. Design the placement of persons and or activities to maximize surveillance possibilities. 3. Design lighting that provides for appropriate nighttime illumination of walkways, entrances and driveways. Natural Access Control 1. Use sidewalks, pavement, lighting and landscaping to clearly guide guests to and from selected entrances. 2. Use real or symbolic barriers like fences or landscaping to prevent and or discourage access to or from dark and or unmonitored areas. Provisions for territorial reinforcement 1. Use pavement treatments, landscaping and fences to define and outline ownership of property. Lighting 1. Keep in mind when creating a light plan: placement, intensity, reflection, balance, contrast, color and glare. Eyes see lighter colors better than dark. We loose 90% of the light we use if we place it around dark surfaces without anything to reflect the light. Unshielded lights cause a glare and reduce what they eye can see. 2. Equip homes on all sides with lighting fixtures. 3. Install lights on the house in the eaves to illuminate the walls of the house. 4. Choose light fixtures with dawn to dusk sensors or timers. 5. Equip all entrances, including the garage door, with a light fixture that is capable of illuminating the door and five (5) feet ofthe surrounding area. 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad. CA 92010-7240 - (760) 931-2100 • FAX (760) 931-8473 ^ Landscaping 1. Plan a landscaping design that enhanced surveillance and security. 2. Tree canopies should be no lower than six (6) feet and should not allow access to roofs or balconies. 3. Let landscaping augment, not deter from lighting and addressing. 4. Plant only low profile shrubs and maintain below two (2) feet. 5. Use security plants where necessary to prevent entering and tampering. 6. Install walls and fences that are see through for surveillance. 7. Install lockable gates that allow surveillance 8. Keep entranceways clear of clutter Entrances 1. Front entrance designs should allow vision from the front door to the access street. 2. Keep entranceways clear of clutter. Doors 1. Do not use of glass within 42 inches of a locking device as it increases the risk of burglary. 2. Install wooden doors of solid core construction with a minimum thickness of one and three-fourths (1-3/4) inches. This includes the garage pedestrian door to the outside and the door from the garage into the residence. 3. Further, equip all doors with a single cylinder dead-bolt lock using a 5-pin tumbler. Connect the deadbolt to the inner portion of the lock by connecting screws. Ensure the lock has a one-inch throw that can withstand a cutting tool attack. Choose a deadbolt that embeds at least three-fourths of an inch into the strike plate. Viewer 1. Arrange entrance doors so that the occupant has a view of the area immediately outside the door without opening the door. Except doors requiring a fire protection rating that prohibits them, such a view may be provided by a door viewer having a field of view of not less than 190 degrees. Mounting height should not exceed fifty-four (54) inches from the floor. Strike Plates 1. Reinforce all deadbolt strike plates. Choose Strike plates constructed of a minimum 16 U.S. gauge steel, bronze, or brass and secure it to the jamb by a minimum of two screws, which should penetrate at least two (2) inches into the solid backing beyond the surface to which the strike is attached. Window and sliding glass doors 1. All exterior sliding glass doors and windows should be equipped with locking devices which will keep the sliding panel ofthe door or window from being opened from the outside horizontally or vertically. This information is a representation of information gathered on a national level. The purpose is to provide effective and consistent information. If you would like additional assistance concerning building security or employee security issues, please contact the Crime Prevention Unit at (760) 931-2105. By, Jodeene R. Sasway Crime Prevention Specialist Carlsbad Police Department (760) 931-2195 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW AND COMMENT MEMO DATE: TO: AUGUST 3, 2009 REVIEW NO: 1 • • • • • • • • • Engineering, Development Services - Terie Rowley Police Department - J. Sasway Fire Department - James Weigand Building Department - Will Foss Recreation - Mark Steyaert Public Works Department (streets) - Thomas Moore Water/Sewer District Landscape Plancheck Consultant - PELA School District North County Transit District - Planning Department Sempra Energy - Land Management Caltrans (Send anything adjacent to 1-5) Parks/Trails - Liz Ketabian *ALWAYS SEND EXHIBITS FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ON PROJECT NO(S): CDP 09-16 PROJECT TITLE: Triton Residence APPLICANT: Juintow Lin PROPOSAL: Sinqle residence on existinq graded pad. Please review and submit written comments and/or conditions to Michele Masterson in the Planning Department at 1635 Faraday Avenue, by 08/24/09. If you have "No Comments," please so state. Thank you COMMENTS: PLANS ATTACHED Review & Comment 09/07 (^^> CITY OF V CARLSBAD Planning Division '•><mll0 LE COPY 1^ 'Q^ www.carlsbadca.gov February 15, 2012 Juintow Lin 34586 Calle Naranja Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 SUBJECT: CDP 09-16x1- TRITON RESIDENCE The Planning Division has connpleted a review of your application for a Coastal Development Permit Extension, CDP 09-16x1- TRITON RESIDENCE, located at 1589 Triton Street on 0.49 acres of land. The project was approved on January 20, 2010 and was due to expire on January 20, 2012. A request for a time extension to CDP 09-16 was filed in a timely manner, prior to the expiration date, on January 19, 2012. After careful consideration ofthe circumstances surrounding this request, it has been determined that (1) there has been no change of circumstances in relation to coastal resources per Section 13169 of the California Code of Regulations, (2) the project is still in compliance with the Coastal Development Permit regulations, and (3) that the findings required for granting a Coastal Development Permit extension can be made; therefore, the City Planner retroactively APPROVES Coastal Development Permit Extension No. CDP 09-16x1 for one year (from January 20, 2012 to January 20, 2013) based on the following findings and conditions. Findings: 1. All of the findings contained in the Planning Commission Resolution No. 6647 dated January 20, 2010 for CDP 09-16 apply to this retroactive extension and are incorporated herein by reference and remain in effect. 2. That the one-year retroactive extension (from January 20, 2012 to January 20, 2013) is appropriate because the owner/applicant is diligently pursuing finalizing all necessary permits, the project is still consistent with the Coastal Development Permit regulations, and the extension would allow the owner/applicant to preserve existing property entitlements while satisfying the conditions for the construction of a new residence (CDP 09-16). 3. That such permits and approvals as extended are consistent with the requirements of Title 21 of this code at the time of their extension. 4. That the City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and it is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to Section 15303(a) (construction of a single-family residence in an urbanized area) of the state CEQA Guidelines. In making this determination, the Planning Director has found that the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the state CEQA Guidelines do not apply to this project. 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 ® CDP 09-16x1 - TRITON RESIDb>,-i.E February 15, 2012 Page 2 Conditions: 1. This Coastal Development Permit extension is retroactively granted from January 20, 2012 to January 20, 2013). If building permits for this project are not obtained within this time period, the Coastal Development Permit extension will expire on January 20, 2013, unless extended per Section 21.201.210 ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2. All of the conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 6647 dated January 20, 2010 for CDP 09-16 apply to this extension and are incorporated herein by reference and remain in effect except for Planning Condition No. 10 which is superseded by Condition No. 1 of this approval letter. CITY OF CARLSBAD CHRIS DeCERBO Principal Planner c: Sha-Li and Lawrence Lin, 2565 Riverwoods Road, Riverwoods, IL 60015 Don Neu, City Planner Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner Clyde Wickham, Project Engineer Data Entry/DMS File Copy /OPtii&'b l/ijn CITY OF VICARLSBAD - FILE COPY Planning Division www.carlsbadca.gov January 3, 2011 Juintow Lin 34586 Calle Naranja Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF RESTRICTION - CDP 09-16 - TRITON RESIDENCE Dear Applicant: Please find the enclosed Notice of Restriction that needs to be signed, notarized, and returned for recordation. This is to fulfill a condition of approval of CDP 09-16. Please ensure the following items are addressed prior to returning the Notice of Restriction: ^ Correct Notary Acknowledgement Required (Effective January 1, 2008. all Certificates of Acknowledgement used by a California notarv on a document that will be recorded in the State of California must NOT HAVE "PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME" in the acknowledgement. (Assembly Bill 886, Chapter 399)) ^ Document must be properly notarized. ^ Name on signature page and name on Notarial Acknowledgement must match. ^ Property owner's signatures/initials must be the same as on Notary Acknowledgement. ^ Notary Seal cannot be blurry/too light (County will not record the document if any portion of the Notary Seal is blurry or too light). ^ Include property owner's name in the designated space above the owner's signature. Please pay particular attention to the signature requirements at the bottom of the signature page. It is our goal to assist you in getting the Notice of Restriction recorded as expeditiously as possible. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact Michele Masterson, Senior Management Analyst at (760) 602-4615 or via email at michele.masterson(gcarlsbadca.gov. SHANNONWERNEKE Associate Planner c: CED Senior Management Analyst File Copy 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 ® FILE copy City of Carlsbacf Planning Department December 1, 2009 Ms. Juintow Lin 34586 Calle Naranja Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 SUBJECT: CDP 09-16 - TRITON RESIDENCE Your application has been tentatively scheduled for a hearing by the Planning Commission on January 20, 2009. However, for this to occur, you must submit the additional items listed below. If the required items are not received by December 21, 2009, your project will be rescheduled for a later hearing. In the event the scheduled hearing date is the last available date for the City to comply with the Permit Streamlining Act, and the required items listed below have not been submitted, the project will be scheduled for denial. 1. Please submit the following plans: A) 12 copies of your plans (site plans, grading plans, elevation plans, etc) on 24" X 36" sheets of paper, stapled in complete sets, and folded. B) One 872" x 11" copy of the plans. These copies must be of a quality which is photographically reproducible. Oniy essential data should be included on the plans. C) One un-mounted color copy of the site plan, elevations, and renderings. D) An electronic copy of your full plan set (i.e., site plans, civii plans, colored elevation plans, etc.) in PDF format. 2. As required by Section 65091 of the California Government Code, please submit the following information needed for noticing and sign the enclosed form: A) 600' Owners List - a typewritten list of names and addresses of all property owners within a 600 foot radius of the subject property, including the applicant and/or owner. The list shall include the San Diego County Assessor's parcel number from the latest equalized assessment rolls. B) 100' Occupant List - (Coastal Development Permits Only) a typewritten list of names and addresses of all occupants within a 100 foot radius of the subject property, including the applicant and/or owner. 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us CDP 09-16 - TRITON RESONCE December 1, 2009 Paqe 2 C) Mailing Labels - two (2) separate sets of mailing labels of the property owners within a 600 foot radius and occupants within a 100 foot radius of the subject property. For any address other than a single-family residence, an apartment or suite number must be included. DO NOT provide addressed envelopes - PROVIDE LABELS ONLY. Acceptable fonts are: Arial 11 pt, Arial Rounded MT Bold 9 pt, Courier 14 pt, Courier New 11 pt, and MS Line Draw 11 pt. Sample labels are as follows: ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE (with APN) 209-060-34-00 Mrs. Jane Smith 123 Magnolia Ave., Apt #3 MRS JANE SMITH Carlsbad, CA 92008 APT 3 123 MAGNOLIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 D) Radius Map - a map to scale, not less than 1" = 200', showing all lots entirely and partially within 600 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. Each of these lots should be consecutively numbered and correspond with the property owner's list. The scale of the map may be reduced to a scale acceptable to the Planning Director if the required scale is impractical. E) Fee - a fee shall be paid for covering the cost of mailing notices. Such fee shall equal the current postage rate times the total number of labels. Cash check (payable to the City of Carlsbad) and credit cards are accepted. 3. Please submit a cheqk in the amount of $50.00 made payable to the San Diego County Clerk so staff is able to file the Notice of Exemption following the Planning Commission hearing. Sincerely, SHANNON WERNEKE Associate Planner SW:lt Attachment c: Sha-Li and Lawrence Lin, 2565 Rivenvoods Road, Riven/voods, IL, 60015 File Copy I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS LIST AND LABELS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ON THIS DATE REPRESENT THE LATEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION FROM THE EQUALIZED ASSESSOR'S ROLES. APPLICATION NAME AND NUMBER APPLICANT OR APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE BY: DATE: RECEIVED BY DATE: • • FiLE COPY City of Carlsbad Planning Department December 29, 2009 Ms. Juintow Lin 34586 Calle Naranja Capistrano Beach, CA 92684 SUBJECT: CDP 09-16 - TRITON RESIDENCE The preliminary staff report for the above referenced project will be sent to you via email on Wednesday, January 6, 2010, after 8:00 a.m. This preliminary report will be discussed by staff at the Development Coordinating Committee (DCC) meeting which will be held on January 11, 2010. A twenty (20) minute appointment has been set aside for you at 9:30 AM. If you have any questions concerning your project you should attend the DCC meeting. It is necessary that you bring the following required information with you to this meeting or provide it to your planner prior to the meeting in order for your project to go forward to the Planning Commission: 1. Unmounted colored exhibit(s) of your site plan and elevations 2. A PDF of your colored site plan and elevations The colored exhibits must be submitted at this time to ensure review by the Planning Commission at their briefings. If the colored exhibits are not available for their review, your proiect could be rescheduled to a later time. The PDF of your colored site plan and elevations will be used in the presentation to the Planning Commission and the public at the Planning Commission Hearing. If you do not plan to attend this meeting, please make arrangements to have your colored exhibit(s) and the PDF here by the scheduled time above. Should you wish to use visual materials in your presentation to the Planning Commission, they should be submitted to the Planning Department no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day of a Regular Planning Commission Meeting. Digital materials will be placed on a computer in Council Chambers for public presentations. Please label all materials with the agenda item number you are representing. Items submitted for viewing, including presentations/digital materials, will be included in the time limit maximum for speakers. All materials exhibited to the Planning Commission during the meeting (slides, maps, photos, etc.) are part of the public record and must be kept by the Planning Department for at least 60 days after final action on the matter. Your materials will be returned upon written request. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact your Planner, Shannon Werneke, at (760) 602-4621. Sincerely, DON NEU Planning Director DN:SW:sm" Sha-Li and Lawrence Lin, 2565 Riverwoods Road, Riverwoods, IL 60015 File Copy Clyde Wickham, Project Engineer fr,fiiLM> lili&lo^ o o FILE COPY City of Carlsbad Planning Department November 18, 2009 Ms. Juintow Lin 34586 Calle Naranja Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 SUBJECT: CDP 09-16 - TRITON RESIDENCE Your project was deemed complete on September 1, 2009. There are issues of concern with the project that remain to be resolved. The issues are listed on the following page. All issues will need to be resolved prior to scheduling the project for a public hearing. Please contact me at (760) 602-4621, if you have any questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application. Sincerely, SHANNON WERNEKE Associate Planner SW:sm Enc: Engineering redlines c: Sha-Li and Lawrence Lin, 2565 Rivenwoods Road, Riverwoods, IL 60015 Chris DeCerbo, Team Leader Clyde Wickham, Project Engineer File Copy Data Entry 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us CDP09-16 - TRITON RESONCE ^ November 18, 2009 Paqe 2 ISSUES OF CONCERN Planning Department: 1. Please clarify the proposed size of the house (3,438 square feet shown on site plan; 3,748 communicated via email). Engineering Department: 1. The correct project numbers (CDP 09-16) should be placed in the upper right corner of the site plan sheet Al.l. 2. On the site plan (sheet Al.l), identify all easements as noted on title policy. I have shown all but 2 of the easements identified in the title report on sheet A1.1. To locate items 9 & 10, the recorded document should be reviewed and plotted. A redlined copy of the siteplan with comments is attached to better communicate the concerns. Please resubmit this redline plan with revisions. City of Carlsbad Planning Department September 1, 2009 Ms. Juintow Lin 34586 Calle Naranja Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 SUBJECT: 1^* REVIEW FOR CDP 09-16 - TRITON RESIDENCE Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Department has reviewed your Coastal Development Permit, application no. CDP 09-16, as to its completeness for processing. The application is complete, as submitted. Although the initial processing of your application may have already begun, the technical acceptance date is acknowledged by the date of this communication. The City may, in the course of processing the application, request that you clarify, amplify, correct, or othenwise supplement the basic information required for the application. In addition, you should also be aware that various design issues may exist. These issues must be addressed before this application can be scheduled for a hearing. The Planning Department will begin processing your application as ofthe date of this communication. At this time, the City asks that you provide 4 complete sets of the development plans so that the project can continue to be reviewed. If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this letter or your application, please contact your staff planner, Shannon Werneke, at the phone number listed below, or by email at shannon.vyerneke(gcarlsbadca.gov. You may also contact each commenting department individually as follows: • Planning Department comments: Shannon Werneke, Associate Planner, at (760) 602-4621. • Engineering Department comments: Clyde Wickham, Associate Engineer - Engineering Development Services, at (760) 602-2742. • Fire Department comments: James Weigand, Fire Inspections, at (760) 602-4661. Sincerely, ^GARY ffsARBERIO Assistant Planning Director GTB:SW:sm Enc: Engineering redlines Police Department comments c: Sha-Li and Lawrence Lin, 2565 Rivenvoods Road, Rivenvoods, IL, 60015 Chris DeCerbo Clyde Wickham File Copy Data Entry 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us CDP 09-16 - TRITON RESTCENCE September 1, 2009 Paqe 2 ISSUES OF CONCERN Planning: /b. 1. Please revise the plans to clearty identify the existing grade and adjust the proposed building height as necessary. Pursuant to CMC Section 21.04.065, "building height" is limited to the vertical distance measured from the existing grade or finished grade, whichever is lower, at all points along the building coverage, up to a warped plane located at a height above all points along the building coverage that is equal to the height limit ofthe underlying zone (i.e., 30 feet). y2. Please revise the cover page. Sheet A0.1, as follows: J a. Please provide a breakdown of the building square footage (i.e. deck, garage, home, etc.); Please include a note that the project is located within the Zone 20 Specific Plan (Planning Area E); Jz. Please include the contact information for the property owner; Please add the project number, CDP 09-16, to the plans; and Please add a project description and legal description. / 3. Please remove the reference to the alternate DG paving material on Sheets A1.1 and A1.2 of the plans. Pursuant to CMC Section 21.10.100(0.5), the driveways for panhandle lots are required to be constructed with a minimum of two-inch thick asphalt concrete paving on proper base with rolled edges. Please revise the elevations as follows: a. Label the solid honzontal line located below the dashed finished/proposed grade line on the north elevation. Is the area between the two lines an exposed stem wall or does it demarcate the sloped topography? This distinction needs to be made in order to be able to accurately measure the building height. Please submit a copy ofthe modified private view easement and agreement recorded on April 19, 2007, File No. 2007-0266590. Engineering Department: 1. On the site plan, please show the adjacent drainage patterns and topography. There was a drainage system approved with DWG 410-6A and a concept drainage plan approved with the adjacent CDP and Minor Subdivision. 2. On the site plan, please show the location of the existing and proposed sewer and water utilities to serve this project. Please include existing cleanouts and water meter boxes. 3. On the site plan, please dimension the proposed width of driveway. The overall site plan sheet Al.l has conflicting information (proposed) compared to sheet A1.3. Please show the proposed drainage from building and slope drains on Al.l. Please clarify the property line and the other line that is similarty dashed and not identified. 4. On the site plan, please identify all easements as noted on the title policy. CDP 09-16 - TRITON REVENGE September 1, 2009 Paqe 3 5. I have attached a red-lined copy of the site pian with comments to better communicate our concerns, Please resubmit this redline plan with revisions. Fire Department: 1. Please revise the plans to provide a driveway with a minimum width of 14 feet for Fire Department access. 2. A knox opticon and switch at the access gate is required. Please revise the plans to address this requirement. 3. Fire sprinklers are required. Please revise the plans to note this requirement. OX Sl^^_ design ' ri and consulting 34586 calle naranja capo beach ca 92624 949 325 3001 (p) 310 862 4555 (f) www.foxlin.com July 24, 2009 RE: Triton Residence Submittal Dear Shannon, Enclosed please find the documents for our Coastal Development Permit submittal. These include drawings as well as an appendix which includes nnaterials and sustainable features. Please also note that we are in the process of getting the house LEED certified. We have tried to address all the comments from the preliminary review. As we discussed in our meeting, the landscape buffer directly east of the house is not 3' wide due to the fact that the minimum turnaround space for the garage would push the house too far to the west, causing higher stem wall heights and additional grading. Also, our neighbor to the east constructed a six-foot high wood fence. Lastly, the driveway is in the same position as it was proposed and approved in the Minor Subdivision permit. Please note that I have also included a copy of the lot split drawings for your reference. Please let me know if you have any questions. Should you see any problems, let me know and we can start remedying them if needed. You can reach me by email at juintow@foxlin.com or by phone at 310 927 5022. Sincerely, Juintow Lin Principal, Fox Lin, Inc.