HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 97-02; Sambi Seaside Heights; Coastal Development Permit (CDP) (3)City of Carlsbad 97054
Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention
Plan Review: Requirements Category: Fire Conditions
Date of Report: Thursday. March 6,1997 Reviewed by: CL
Contact Name Chris DeCerbo
Address 2075 Las Palmas
City, State Carlsbad CA 92009
Bldg. Dept. No. Planning No. SDP92-06(B
Job Name Sambi Seaside Hts
Job Address Paseo Del Norte Ste. or Bldg. No.
^ Approved - The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is
based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal;
therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica-
tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with
applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure
to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to
construct or install improvements.
CH Disapproved - Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to
plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable
codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this
office for review.
For Fire Department Use Only
Review 1st 2nd 3rd
Other Agency ID
CFD Job# 97054 File*
2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121
Requirements Category: K.e Conditions 97054
Deficiency Item: Satisfied 01 Building Permits
Prior to the issuance of building permits, complete building plans shall be approved by the Fire
logosed language:
Prior to issuar
conformance with;
Qt^hall_evaluate building plans for
fire and life safety requirements~oTtFie~sTate~and local Fire Codes.
Deficiency Item: Satisfied 02 Hydrants
Additional on-site public water mains and fire hydrants are required.
gd_change for Industrial and multi
Provide Maitionalputjllcjiu-hydi witraUDlejvaJsrtSOO feet along public streets and private
drivewaysr-44yctrantrshould be located atstreeTlrlteRe^teR&4AdiejT_gossible, but should be
positioned no closer than 100 feet from terminus of a street or driveway.
PropesecLcjTangefpr single family residences:
Provide aHHitinrJaTpTTKn?' fim tyHrnntrj^r^pp^te-pf^rjoje^alon^ public streets and/or private
driveways. HydrantsshojiLd-be-toCaTed^tstreet inters^cliorTslvnBn-pessJbJeJjut should be
positioned no^closeTTFianl 00 feet from terminus of a street or driveway.
Deficiency Item: Satisfied 03 Site Plan/Hydrants
Applicant shall submit a site plan to the Fire Department for approval, which depicts location of
required, proposed and existing public water mains and fire hydrants. The plan should include
off-site fire hydrants within 200 feet of the project.
Deficiency Item: Satisfied 04 Site plan/access
Applicant shall submit a site plan depicting emergency access routes, driveways and traffic
circulation for Fire Department approval.
Deficiency Item: Satisfied 05 Access during construction
An all weather, unobstructed access road suitable for emergency service vehicles shall be provided
and maintained during construction. When in the opinion of the Fire Chief, the access road has
become unserviceable due to inclement weather or other reasons, he may, in the interest of public
safety, require that construction operations cease until the condition is corrected.
06 Combustible construction materials on siteDeficiency Item: Satisfied
All required water mains, fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be operational before combustible
building materials are located on the construction site.
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Requirements Category: K.e Conditions 97054
Deficiency Item: Satisfied 09 Brush clearance
Native vegetation which presents a fire hazard to structures shall be modified or removed in
accordance with the specifications contained in the City of Carlsbad Landscape Guidelines Manual.
Applicant shall submit a Fire Suppression plan to the Fire Department for approval.
Proposed new condition ^^^
Prior tons^Danee^fJhe^building permit, the applicant shall obtain firejJejwtmeTTfapproval of a
wildland fuel managern^nTplaTr-^Wte-plan^rjaJl^jemly indicate-melfiods proposed to mitigate and
manage fire risk associated with native vegetetJarJ5rowTrig:wit^^ The plan
shall reflect the stand^rds_pjssjeate€HrrtReTifesuppression element oHhe~cnfy75reaftetead
more below
wildland fuel management plan.
jol mitigation activities must be-€omp1eTeTand the
it of structures found4oJ3eJajggjTfprrnance wjth an approved
Deficiency Item: Satisfied 12 Emergency response maps
The applicant shall provide a street map which conforms to the following requirements: A 400 scale
photo-reduction mylar, depicting proposed improvements and at least two existing intersections or
streets. The map shall also clearly depict street centerlines, hydrant locations and street names.
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