HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 98-04; La Costa Glen; Coastal Development Permit (CDP) (6)- d -. y@? -25 7-Y
City of Carlsbad
April 21, 1998
Richard Aschenbrenner
Continuing Life Communities, L.L.C.
800 Morningside Drive
Fullerton, CA 92835
Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning
Department has reviewed your development, application no. CT 98-01 /SDP 98-01 /CUP 98-
01 / CDP 98-04, as to its completeness for processing.
The items requested from you earlier to make your development application no. CT 98-
01/SDP 98-01 /CUP 98-Ol/ CDP 98-04 complete have been received and reviewed by the
Planning Department. It has been determined that the application is now complete for
processing. Although the initial processing of your application may have already begun, the
technical acceptance date is acknowledged by the date of this communication.
Please note that although the application is now considered complete, there may be issues
that could be discovered during project review and/or environmental review. Any issues
should be resolved prior to scheduling the project for public hearing. In addition, the City
may request, in the course of processing the application, that you clarify, amplify, correct,
or otherwise, supplement the basic information required for the application.
Please contact your staff planner, Jeff Gibson, at (760) 438-l 161, extension 4455, if you
have any questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application.
Planning Director
c: Gary Wayne
Adrienne Landers
Mike Shirey
Bobbie Hoder
File Copy
Data Entry
Planning Aide
2075 La Palmas Dr. - Carlsbad, CA 92009-l 576 - (760) 436-l 161 - FAX (760) 438-0694 @
No. CT 98-01 ISDP 98-01 /CUP 98-01 ICDP 98-04
1. The project’s landscape plan is not in conformance with the adopted Master Plan. Many
of the plants and trees listed on the proposed plant list are not approved in the master
plan for the “development area” portion of the site plan.
2. Consider moving the sidewalk away from the street and incorporating a landscaped strip
between the street and sidewalk. This design will also create a more level walking
surface and avoid the continuous curves in the sidewalk.
3. The project exceeds the maximum building height of 35 feet for Building “A” and “6”
and a portion of the commons building.
4. The RV storage lot needs some form of driveway turn-around for vehicles towing large
trailers into the lot.
5. To facilitate the use and convenience of the linear park/green way along the eastern side
of the project please provide pedestrian access connections to the open space (See the
marked plans for details).
6. Please add the project application numbers to the plans, include the project’s Average
Daily Trips on the site plan, and next to the “provided parking spaces” portion of the site
plan, add the number of “required parking spaces” per the City’s Parking Ordinance.
7. The Green Valley Master Plan EIR requires the submittal of a Noise Study for the siting
of the homes and the determination of the mitigation measures necessary to reduce
noise impacts (i.e. setbacks, height and location of noise walls/berms, interior sound
attenuation etc.)
8. The Community Development Department has determined that the project must
contribute towards the provision of affordable housing primarily based on the
independent living units and the attached/detached villa component of the project.
Please contact the Housing and Redevelopment Department for further details on
meeting lnclusionary Housing Requirements for the project.
9. See the marked plans for additional issues of concern. Please return all marked plans
with the re-submittal of the application.
Traffic and TranSDOrt8tiOn:
1. Please show CalTrans Corner Sight distance sight lines of 440’ for the proposed
intersections along Calle Barcelona f@ Street’s “A & L”1. The sight lines are
measured from 15’ back from the prolongation of the Calle Barcelona curb line.
Show these siaht lines on the Site Development Plan (SDP), Gradinq, Drainaae &
Utilitv Plan (GDUP) and Conceotual LandscaDe Plans ICLSP).
2. Please indicate the locations of any proposed monument signs, or sign envelopes,
showing that CalTrans sight distance requirements can be met for all of the
proposed streets/driveways. Show these siaht lines on the SDP, GDUP and CLSP.
3. At all on-site intersections, please show clear sight distance sight triangles, in
accordance with City Standards. Sight distance triangles are identified by
measuring 25’ from the begin/end curb returns fBC/EC’s) and connecting a diagonal
line between these points. Anything in this area cannot be greater than 30” in
height. Show these siaht lines on the SDP, GDUP and CLSP.
4. Please indicate the proposed sidewalk in the legend on Sheet C-l.
5. Please indicate all of the drawing numbers of the improvement/grading plans that
are being processed concurrently with this proposed project on the GDUP.
6. Please delete the proposed parking on the inside of the curves on Sheet’s S-5 &
7. Please label the streets on the SDP.
8. The lot across Calle Barcelona is designated as a commercial lot in accordance
with previous approvals for this site. Access to this commercial lot must be
analyzed with this proposed project to determine driveway locations and the
potential for traffic signal installation; Please have the consultant traffic
engineer address this issue.
9. As discussed in a telephone conversation with the Engineer of Work on Friday,
April 3, 1998, proposed Planning Area 3 does not meet the City’s Cul-De-Sac
Standard north of proposed La Costa Glen Drive (Levante Street). A loop
connection must be proposed or Street’s “J & A” must be substantially widened
to meet the standard.
10. Please show on Sheet’s C-5 & S-7, that a Recreational Vehicle (RV) will be able
to maneuver within the proposed RV lot. Indicate this by showing a 42’ turning
radius in accordance with the AASHTO motor home (MH) standard.
11. On Sheet’s S-3 through S-8, please delete “Keynote A” and then re-letter the
Keynotes. There are not any public streets being indicated.
12. Please either show handicap ramps at all intersections, where sidewalk is being
proposed, or indicate a typical plan view showing that handicap ramps will be
provided at all applicable intersections. Please indicate this on the SDP and
13. A turn-around must be provided, in accordance with City Standards, on Street “A”
north of Calle Barcelona since a gate is being proposed. Please indicate this on the
14. Please widen proposed Street “K” to a 30’ minimum width. Revise the typical
street section on Sheet C-l. Please indicate this on the SDP, GDUP and CLSP.
15. Please revise the “traffic report” letter in accordance with the red-lined
Gradina and Drainaae:
1. The Street “L” typical section and the proposed grading contours contradict each
other (see sheet C-2). The proposed contour lines should be straight if the proposal
is to elevate the Street ‘I” section. Please verify and revise. Additionally, if the
Street “L” section is going to be elevated to obtain positive drainage, curb cuts will
be required at the “raised median areas” along the westerly side of Street “L” to
allow for drainage.
2. What is the drainage facility located at the slope at proposed Street “L” on Sheet C-
3. Why are large inlet structures being proposed at the top of the slope at the RV lot
on Sheet C-5? Are these required? Will the proposed brow ditch, or another brow
ditch suffice?
4. On Sheet’s C-2, C-3 & C-6 please relocate the proposed storm drain so that it does
not encroach into any proposed structures (see proposed units 46, 47 & 23,
5. Please either delete the proposed storm drain easement lines, or delineate these
easement lines as private (e.g., see Sheet C-6).
6. Sump conditions are being proposed at the terminus of proposed Street’s “B & C.”
A fail-safe overflow system must be provided. A fail-safe overflow design can
include, but is not limited to, the following: designing a redundant storm drain
system, creating vegetated swales between the buildings, etc.
7. A different type of sump condition seems to be proposed at the parking area south
of Street “A” on Sheet C-4 (this sump is “bucking grade”). This sump condition
must also be addressed. (This storm drain system may be acceptable as designed.
Please indicate inlet elevations so that this can be determined, or redesign with a
fail-safe overflow system.)
8. On Sheet C-3, westerly of Street “K”, what are the dark lines supposed to indicate,
which are drawn across the proposed storm drain on the slope?
9. On Sheet C-3, easterly of Street “A”, where does this storm drain discharge? Is
there slopelriparian area protection being proposed? Should this storm drain be tied
into a storm drain that is discharging into one of the proposed detention basins?
10. Please add the City’s GS-15 plan view drainage standard to Sheet C-l.
Sewer 84 Water:
1. Please provide documentation that the proposed sewer facilities are acceptable to
the Leucadia County Water District.
2. Please provide documentation that the proposed water facilities are acceptable to
the Olivenhain Municipal Water District.
Land Title:
1. Please submit an updated Preliminary Title Report (PR). The fee title ownership
indicated in the PR is “Carlsbad Partners.” The ownership indicated on the
application and GDUP is “Continuing Life Communities.” The PR, application and
GDUP must indicate the same ownership interest. If fee title possession of the
property has not changed, then “Carlsbad Partners” must sign the application and
2. As previously requested, please show all easements as indicated in Schedule “B” of
the PR. Indicate the future disposition of all easements. Please indicate any
easements, in Schedule “B”, that are not applicable to this project.
3. Please be advised, since this project is now being proposed as a gated private
community, that is not being re-mapped, all on-site public utilities must have public
easements dedicated by a separate conveyance instrument. Contact each
applicable public/quasi public agency to determine the format that they require.
4. The number of proposed lots on the “original” Green Valley map (CT 92-08) equals
Il. General Note No. 8 on Sheet C-l indicates a total of 5 lots. Please revise or
indicate why there is a discrepancy.
1. Please explain General Note No.‘s 14 & 15.
2. Please revise the typographical errors as indicated on the red-lined check print.
3. Please make sure that any changes that are made on one plan sheet/set, are also
made on any applicable plan sheets/sets.
4. Enclosed for the applicant’s use for making the requested revisions is a red-lined
check print of the project. This check print must be returned with the revisions to
facilitate continued staff review.