HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 98-32; Kevin Sturdy Lot 20; Coastal Development Permit (CDP) (15)1/09/02 WED 11:34 FAX 858 560 7779
Merkel & Associates, Inc.
5434 Ruffin Road, San Diego.CA 92123
Tel: 858/560-5465 • Fax: 858/560-7779
e-mail: associates@merkelinc.com
January 9, 2002
M&A # 02-003-01
Mr. Tony Hernandez
7558 Navigator Circle
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Re: Proposal to Implement the Batiquitos Slope Enhancement at the
Hernandez Property in Carlsbad^ CA
Dear Mr. Hernandez:
Thank you for requesting Merkel & Associates, Inc. (M&A) to submit a proposal to provide
restoration, monitoring, and maintenance services for the Batiquitos Slope Enhancement project located
adjacent and within your property limits. The following scope and attached cost proposal address the
work to be done for conducting the Coastal Sage Scrub restoration, monitoring and reporting, as well
as maintenance work as required.
Task 1: On-Site Preparation
In order to meet project objectives, on-site preparations must occur before planting begins. Due to the
inclusion of several non-desirable species in the original hydroseed application, revegetation technicians
would scrape the existing hydroseed layer and dispose of off-site. This would allow the seed within the
new application of hydroseed to become established with minimal competition from less desirable
species. Additionally, the seed mix in the new hydroseed slurry is a more accurate representation of
native plant species located in adjacent areas. At this time exotic and non-native species would also be
disposed of off-site. Technicians would then adjust existing irrigation heads to ensure full coverage for
the newly planted site.
t • '.. . i
Task 2: Planting
M&A would provide al] of the materials, labor and supervision needed to re-vegetate the site. Planting
efforts should occur as soon as possible to take advantage of seasonal rains that would facilitate
establishment of seedlings and container plants. Revegetation technicians would plant container species
which would be followed by a hydroseeded application of a native seed mix within the disturbed area.
Seed application rates would vary based on the presence of sage scrub vegetation adjacent to the
disturbed area. The hydroseeded mix should be placed into a slurry with a soil binder to facilitate
initial growth and deter granivorous birds, mammals, and insects from devouring the seed mix. The
fiber mulch and M-Binder would also provide enhanced erosion control properties of the slope. The
proposed slurry mix is as follows:
01/09/02 WED 11:46 FAX 858 560 7779
. -• 'Mr-Hernandez \\ '• !>•'„' lj\\
M&A# 02-003-01
January 9,2002
Wood Fiber Muich
Fertilizer (15- 15- 15)
200 . .
The restoration seed mix would consist of the following species with an average application rate as
specified for barren areas:
. • . ...
Artemisia californica
California Sagebrush
Salvia apiana
Ixomeris arborea
Rhammts crocea
Spiny Redberry
Eriogormmfasciculatum .
Flat-top Buckwheat
Lotus scoparius
Encelia californica
California Encelia
Eriophyflum confertiflorum
Golden Yarrow
Salvia mellifera
Black Sage
Lupinas succulentw
Arroyo Lupine
Salvia collumbariae
Escbscholtzia californica
California Poppy
Pluntago erecta
Dwarf Plantain
Lupimui bicolor
Dove Lupine.
Lbs. seed/per this site
: . . 0.5
0.2 :
All seed noted is generally available through commereial sources. Seed collected from coastal San
Diego County locations is recommended to fulfill the above requirements.
Task 3: Monitoring and Reporting
The restoration site would include an annual 3 year post-construction monitoring program with
monitoring periods occurring at 0, 32, 24, and' 36 months after successful installation of plant
materials. The objectives of the monitoring program would be to document and report the status of the
restoration effort, as well as provide direction of maintenance activities. Monitoring would involve the
use of transect surveys, survival counts, and fixed station photo-documentation.
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Mr. Hernandez M&A# 02-003-01
January 9, 2002
Each monitoring survey would be followed by a report of the site conditions, including an analysis of
vegetation trends since planting and percent cover of desired Coastal Sage Scrub vegetation. The cover
arid composition of the vegetation at the time of each reporting interval would be analyzed relative to
the following success milestones:
0 Month
12 Months
24 Months
36 Months
Assessment Criteria
Iliiscline information; no coverage criteria; ail planting .
densities achieved. . .
(00% survival of all container plants.
Coastal Sage Scrub vegetation cover totals at least 20%.
8f)% overall survival of all container plants materials.
'Coastal Sage Scrub vegetation cover totals at least 30%.
100% survival of all plants achieving 12 month milestone.
Coasta! Sage Scrub vegetation cover totals at least 40%.
100% survival of al! plants achieving 24 month milestone
and/or 65% cover.
Maintenance Action
Plant densities brought up to meet requirements.
If cover or survival criteria fail to achieve minimum
standards, plant densities will be brought up to 100%of
the initial planting densities. • .
If cover or survival criteria tail to achieve minimum
standards, plant densities will be brought up to 100% of
the initial planting densities.
If cover criteria is not. met, additional planting \yill be
performed to bring all areas up to initial planting
Reports would include an assessment of completed and necessary maintenance actions that would
promote habitat establishment. Monitoring reports would be submitted to the City of Carlsbad
Planning Department and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, as required.
In addition to scheduled monitoring visits, general qualitative assessments of the site will be conducted
periodically to direct maintenance activities throughout the duration of the enhancement program.
These assessments would occur at 30, 60, and 90 days after completion of the installation of plant
materials to ensure proper establishment of plant materials. Qualitative assessments will continue to be
made at quarterly increments for the duration of the monitoring program:
Task 4: Maintenance
Maintenance activities would include weed species eradication, removal of debris, and replacement of
dead or damaged plant materials. Maintenance visits would be scheduled twice per month for the
first six months, monthly for the second six months, then quarterly thereafter until the conclusion of
the three-year period.
Please review this scope and attached cost proposal and let me know how you wish to proceed. Timing
is ideal for implementing the program to take advantage of winter rains. We are happy to have the
opportunity to continue to assist you on this site and look forward to hearing from you with respect to
this proposal. If you have any questions, please contact me.
.Sincerely, ' , ••, . .-..'. -•'• .'.-/'•.•"'...•'.' " • ' ',. ''-'•• .•"•-''
AdamH. Behle
Associate Biologist
attached: cost proposal
01/09/02 WED 11:48 FAX 858 560 7779 i)005
Merkel & Associates, Iiic.M&A# 02-003-01
January 9, 2002
Proposal to Implement the Batiquitos Slope Enhancement at the Hernandez Property in Carlsbad, CA
'••'-. • ..--,-'• • ' •
1. On-site Preparation
2. Planting
3. Monitoring and Reporting
4. Maintenance
•' .'•''..
5. Other Direct Costs
Project Coordination
Reveg. Crew Leader
Reveg. Crew
Sr. Biologist
Reveg. Crew Leader
Reveg. Crews
Principal Consultant
Sr. Biologist
Bio. Tech.
Graphics Support
Sr. Biologist
Reveg. Crew Leader
Reveg. Crews
Mileage $0.40
Plant Materials, hydroseed
Materials, Reproduction, etc.
',•- ,4.
. ;'-', 'l
• • . 3'
•• •'• 3
250 mi
Line Total
.. .:• L
' [~
Task Totals
Grand Total $7,626.00