HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 98-69; Saxony Pump Station Rehab; Coastal Development Permit (CDP) (4)Notice of Dete‘Fmination 990344. To: w Office of Planning and Research From: CITY OF CARLSBAD PO Box 3044 Planning Department Sacramento, CA 95812-3044 ._ n 2075 Las Palmas Drive ,c” -.-, .-I ;‘ 7 ~ _ , c. . ! , : ,y-. Carlsbad, CA 92009 w ,” i :. County Clerk I. ’ 4 County of San Diego A$ JJflfl (760) 438@61: k E zj : Qregonc J.-Smith. ~,co~o~~~c~,,~ clsk. Mailstop 833, Attn: MITA /. PO Box 1750 \ -Q@maT San Diego, CA 92112-4147 ‘,, a JUL 0 8 1999 BY Project No: CDP 9%691CUP 99-g”, Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance-with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code. Saxony Sewer Pump Station Rehabilitation Project Title 98041143 City of Carlsbad, Van Lynch (760) 438-l 161 ext. 4447 State Clearinghouse No. Responsible Agency, Contact Person Telephone Number J Harrv. Leucadia Countv Water Dist. 1960 La Costa Ave. Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 942-5 147 Lead Agency, Contact Person Address Telephone Number North side of La Costa Avenue, west of Saxony Road, Carlsbad, San Diego County, CA Project Locations (include County) Project Description: The rehabilitation of the Saxony sewer pump station involves a new access driveway, vehicle turnaround, emergency generator, electrical transformer pad, and the undergrounding of the pump station utilities. Project requires the mitigation of .04 acres of coastal sage scrub and the off-site revegetation of -42 acres of southern willow scrub/mule fat. This is to advise that the City of Carlsbad has approved the above described project on June 2, 1999, and has made the following determination regarding the above described project. 1. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment 2. A Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. 3. Mitigation measures were made a condition of the approval of the project. 4. A statement of Overriding Considerations was not adopted for this project. 5. Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. This is to certify that the final Mitigated Negative Declaration with comments and responses available to the General Public at THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. arming Director &22-4;q I Date Revised October 1989 ATTACHMENT 4 RESOLUTION NO. 2070 A RESOLUTION OF THE LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SAXONYPUME’ STATION WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Leucadia County Water District has reviewed and considered the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration &ted March 1998 on the construction of improvements to the Saxony Pump Station on La Coata Avenue in Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, the Board has also considered the written comments timely submitted by the public and other public agencies regarding the Draf? Mitigated Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration has been circulated for public review as required by law, including by mailing to public agencies who may have an interest in this Project, and providing notices to contiguous property owners and others by mail and publication; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Board finds that, based on findings and conclusions stated in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and considering the public comments thereon, there is no substantial evidence that the Project, as mitigated, will have any potential significant adverse effect on the environment. 2. The Board hereby approves the Negative Declaration., as presented to it on July ‘15, 1998, including the mitigation measures contained therein, which shall be incorporated into the Project. 3. The Project is hereby approved. Stti is directed to pursue the construction of the pump station improvements in a manner consistent with the conditions of the Negative Declaration. 4. Staff is hereby directed to immediately cause a Notice of Determination, consistent with this resolution, to be posted by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego, and to submit therewith any fee required by law to the Department of Fish and Game. -l- - .* Resolution No. 2070 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Leucadia County Water District of San Diego County, this 15* day of July, 1998, by the following vote: AYES : Directors Humphreys, Hanson. Juliussen, Sullivan and Kulchin NOES: None ABSTAIN: None A&NT: None -2- 1 . . a . f ACHMENT 5 FINAL MITlGATEDNEGATIVEDECLAIbUION Saxony Pump Station Rehabiiitation Project SCH # 98041143 Leucadia County Water District I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: See attached Initial Study. II. ENVIRONMENTAL SETIXQG: See attached InitiaI Study. III. DETERMINATION: The Leucadia County Water District has conducted an Initial Study and determined that although the proposed project COULD have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described in the attached Initial Study have been added to the project. Iv. DOCUMENTATION: The attached Initial Study documents the reasons to support the above determination. V. MITIGATION, MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM: See attached Initial Study and Section 3.2 of Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration. VI. PUBLIC REVIEW DISTRIBUTION: Draft copies or notice of this Negative Declaration were distributed to: Air Pollution Control District Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation California Coastal Commission California Department of Fish and Game California State Clearinghouse California State Lands Commission Carlsbad Municipal Water District City OF Carlsbad City OF Encinitas . . . . . . . . . . VII. ( > ( > w> Department of Energy Olivcnhajn MWD Regional Water Quality Control Board SANDAG San Diego County Archaeological Society San Diego County DPLV San Diego Gas & Electric Company Sierra Club San Diego Chapter U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service RESULTS OF PUBLIC REVIEW: No comments were received during public input period. Comments were received but did not address the Negative Declaration finding or the accuracy/completeness of the Initial Study. No response is necessary. The letters are attached. Comments addressing the findings of the draft Negative Declaration and/or the accuracy or completeness of the Initial Study were received during the public input period. The letters and responses follow. Copies of the draft Negative Declaration and any Initial Study material are available in the office of the Lecadia County Water District for review, or for purchase at the cost of reproduction. Q%4-L&YJ Mike Bardin, Assistant teneral Manager Leucadia County Water District Auril29.1998 Date of Draft Report June 30.1998 Date of Final Report f ACHMENT 6 Screencheck Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration bony Pump Station Rehabilitation Proiect SKlBON 3 PROPOSCD HNDING 01= NO Sl(SNIPKANT tPFECT LCWD finds that the project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment based on the results of the Initial Study/Environmental Checklist (see Section 4) and the Environmental Evaluation Discussion (see Section 5, Discussion of Environmental Imyacrs). Measures have been incorporated into the project to ensure that any impacts w;ll be less than significant. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is therefore proposed to satisfy the requirements of CEOA (PRC 21000 et. seq. 14 Cal Code Kegs 15000 et. seq.). This conclusion is supported by the following: 3.1 NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT FINDING 1. Land Use: The proposed project would be compatible with the existing and surrounding land uses adjacent to the project site. Measures have been incorporated into the project design to reduce potentialimpacts associatedwithnoise from the proposed standby generator and wetland disturbance (see Section 3.2, Mitigation Measures and Monitoring Pro_eranz, and Section 5.4, Land Use and Planning). 2. Population and Housing: The capacity of the existing station is not being increased, therefore the proposed project would not generate additional population, and the approval of the project would have a less than significant effect on human population and housing (see discussion under Section 5.2, Popularion and Housing). 3. Geologic Problems: No long-term geologic problems would occur with implementation of measures recommended as a part of the geotechnical investigation conducted for the project (see discussion under Section 3.2, Mitigation Measures andMonitoring Program, and Section 5.3, Geologic Problems). . . 4. Water: No long-term adverse impact to local waters is anticipated as a result of this project. Measures are incorporated into the project which reduce project effects associated with potential discharge of sediments and dewatering activities into the Batiquitos Lagoon to less than significant (see Section 3.2, Mitigation Measures and M&toring Program, as well as the discussion under Section 5.4, Water). . . 1545450 .\ Cd .I...,. ‘ ..,..,lr.. April 24, 199* 10 Screencheck Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration Saxony Pump Station Rehabilitation Proiect 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Air Quality: Measures are incorporated into the project which reduce effects associated with generation of particulate matter less than 10 microns (PM,,) and emissions from the standby generator to less than significant (see Section 3.2, A&igationkkzs~ns andMoniroring Program as well as the discussion under Section 5.5, Air Quakry,I. Transportation and Circulation: It is not anticipated that construction of the project would affect vehicle, bicycle or pedestrian traffic on La Costa Avenue. The first phase of construction would involve the clearing of the vehicle turnout area. Following completion of the turnout, construction equipment for the access road and miscellaneous equipment placement will be stored within the turnout area. No construction equipment would operate or be stored within the La Costa Avenue right-of-way. Biological Resources: Measures are incorporated into the project to mitigate direct impacts to biological resources associated with grading for the maintenance access road and turnaround area. Measures are also incorporated into the project which reduce indirect biological resource impacts associated with construction adjacent to the Batiquitos Lagoon and potential noise impacts associated with the standby generator (see Section 3.2, Mitigmion Measures and Monitoring Program, as well as the discussion under Section 5.7, Biological Resources). Energy and Mineral Resources: The proposed project’s long-term usage of diesel fuel in association with the standby generator is not anticipated to exceed the use and demand anticipated by SDG&E. (see discussion under Section 5.8, Energy andMincrulResources). Hazards: Observance of standard safety measures during construction and operation/ maintenance will reduce the risk of explosion or release of hazardous substances to a less than significant level. Traffic control measures incorporated into the project construction process reduce potential hazards to pedestrian and bicyclists (see discussion under Sections 3.2, Mitigation Measures andMonitoring Program, and 5.9, Hazards). Noise: Measures are incorporated into the project which reduce noise impacts associated with construction activities to less than significant. Measures have been incorporated into the design of the proposed standby generator to avoid potential noise impacts to surrounding residences and sensitive wildlife species (see Section 3.2, Mitigation Mcaiures andMonitoring Program, as well as the discussion under Section 5. IO, Noise). , C.W...#, ‘..e”.M.. April 24.1998 11 Screencheck Draft Mitigated Negative Deciaration Saxony Pump Station Rehabilitation Pmject 11. Public Services: The proposed project does not involve any new residents, and would not generate a demand for public services; therefore, no impact to public services would occur (see discussion under Section 5.1 I, Public Setvices). 12. Utilities and Service Systems: Existing capacity of the station will not be increased, therefore implementation of the project would not involve a demand for new services and utilities other than those constructed. The project design proposes undergrounding of existing telephone and electrical utilities located within the area proposed for the access road and SDG&E’s quitclaim of their easement (see dkussion under Sccrion 5.42, Utilities and Service Systems). 13. Aesthetics: Existing pump station facilities would be placed underground as a part of the project with the exception of two enclosures. Considering the proximity to the roadway, the enclosures and access road are considered to be a visual extension of La Costa Avenue. Therefore, no impacts to aesthetics would result from the proposed project (see discussion under Section 5.43, Aesthetics). 14. Cultural Resources: There is a potential for cultural resources to be located in the area to be disturbed in association with project implementation. Based on a paleontological analysis completed for the La Costa Road Widening project, geological formations underlying the project vicinity include the Santiago Formation, De1 Mar Formation, and Pleistocene marine terrace deposits. Paleontological resource potential within these formations is considered to be high. Measures have been incorporated into the proposed project to reduce potential impacts to cultural and paleontological resources to less than significant (see Section 3.2, Mitigation Measures and Monitoring Program, and discussion under Section 5.44, Culturul Resources). 15. Recreation: Implementation of the project would not affect existing or planned recreational facilities (see Section 3.2 and discussion under Section 5.15, Recreation). 3.2 MI-IlGA-flON MEASURES AND MONlTORlNG PROGRAM LCWD has summarized here the various requirements imposed on the project to reduce impacts to less than significant: 154560 I C,os1.r.l. c.*,.r.,*.. April 24,1998 12 Screencheck Draft Mitigated Negative Dedaration Saxony Pump Station Rehabilitation Proiect Land Use and Planning: To comply with the City of Carlsbad’s LCP, the folIowing measures will be incorporated into the project: . Prior to construction, LCWD shall obtain a Coastal Development Permit from the City of Carlsbad. . Wetlands iinpact mitigation shall be a condition of the permit. As discussed in Section 5.7, Biological Resources, LCWD will mitigate for impacts to wetlands. . An established mitigation area adjoins the project site to the north. The construction plans shall state that the Contractor for the proposed project will not disturb any areas outside of the work area. Therefore, there wilI be no grading, landscaping or other disturbance within the mitigation area. In addition, measures required to reduce potential impacts from standby generator noise (See Noise, below) and direct impacts to wetlands (see Biological Resources, below) will reduce identified inconsistencies with the environmental goals of the relevant land use plans to below a level of significance. Geologic Problems: . Plans and specifications for the proposed project shall incorporate standard geoteclmical recommendations as presented in the AGRA Geotechnical Report. Measures are recommended in the areas of site preparation and grading, slabs on grade, retaining walls, flexible pavement structural section, corrosion and geotechnical and construction review. The complete AGRA investigation including the recommendations, is inchided as Attachment A to this report. . Erosion control measures, such as the use of sandbags, will be implemented to reduce potential soil erosion during construction. Water : . Prior to construction, the Contractor shall obtain Order No. 96-41~NPDES Permit #919002 from the RWQCB for dewatering activities. (The official title of the permit to be obtained is: General Waste Discharge Requirements for Groundwater and Similar Waste Discharges for Some ~ASSOCIA’TESI ! c .,,I...,. t ..,,*.0.. 154560 Apd 13 Screenc~~ck Draft Mitigated Negative Dedaration . Saxons Pump Station Rehabilitation Project Construction and Remcdiation Projects to Su+cc Waters Within San Diego Region Except San Diego Bay.) The permit may be conditioned to protect the water quality in the project vicinity. These conditions may include treatment, discharge sampling, monitoring and reporting. Air Quality: . LCWD will require, as part of the construction documents, measures to reduce PM,, dust emissions inciuding the use of watering and other dust control measures during project construction. . The Contractor shall obtain a Certificate of Registration from the SDAPCD for operation of the standby generator to ensure that emissions do not result in adverse impacts to ambient air quality. Biological Resources: . Prior to construction, impacts to 0.04 acre of coastal sage scrub will be mitigated by the acquisition (by LCWD) of 0.08 acre of coastal sage scrub within an approved mitigation bank or planned open space (preserve) area. If not previously encumbered, appropriate easements guaranteeing permanent preservation wiU be obtained. . Prior to construction, LCWD will devise a revegetation plan and revegetate 0.42 acre of southern willow scrub/mule fat scrub located offsite which is similar in species richness and structure to that removed. LCWD will devise a Concept Plan which will inciude: 1) the location of the project, 2) applicant responsibilities, 3) revegetation contractor responsibilities, 4) ownership status and, 5) present and proposed uses of the mitigation area. LCWD wilJ also devise an Implementation Plan which will include: 1) timing of construction activities, 2) timing of revegetation effort, 3) revegetationmateriais, 4) site preparation, 5) planting plan and, 6) irrigation plan. A Maintenance Plan will also be devised by LCWD. Prior to construction these plans will be reviewed and approved by local resource agencies including the California Department of Fish and Game. This revegetation effort will be subject to a 5 year moriitoring period and performance criteria as dictated in the revegetation plan. . To reduce the generator noise to a one-our average noise level of 60 dB or less at the adjacent biological habitat area, a minimum six-foot high noise barrier will be designed by a qualified acoustician and constructed along the north side of the generator. The barrier should be .* c,,w~.*. ‘.V.,W.. 1545-60 April TN,1998 14 Screencheck DGft Mitigated Negative Dedaration -’ Saxony Pump Station Rehabilitation Project aligned so as to connect to the east and west side retaining walls. Due to access requirements, the barrier cannot be constructed of masonry material, therefore, it is recommended that tongue and groove boards with a minimum thickness of 3/4-inch be used as a barrier material. Also, a sound absorbing material such as Pyrock Acoustement 40 (with a minimum thickness of l-5/8 inches) or equivalent, should be applied to the interior surfaces of the retaining wall. . Construction will not occur during the breeding seasons of three bird species (California gnatcatcher February 15 through August 15; least Bell’s Vireo April 1 through July 31; and southwestern willow 5ycatcher May 22 through July 31). If construction must occur during the breeding season, weekly surveys must be conducted by a qualified biologist to determine the presence/absence of the potentially affected species. If one or more of the species is detected, construction must stop until noise levels can be demonstrably reduced to a level below 60 dB. Hazards: . Measures incorporated for Transportation above (see56a through5.6-e) reduce construction impacts to emergency routes to a level below significance. Noise: . The hours of construction shah be restricted to 7AM to sunset Monday through Friday, and 8AM to sunset on Saturdays. An exemption to construction outside these times shall be required for activities which extend beyond these times. Cultural/Paleontological Resources: . A qualified paleontological monitor (certified by the County of San Diego) will be present during open excavation activities. LCWD will also contract with a qualified archaeologist (certified by the County of SanDiego) to conduct monitoring during construction activities. . If any paleontological or cultural resources are discovered during construction, grading would be temporarily delayed to allow for recovery of these resources. c .r,. r.11.1 April 23.1998 I5 Screencheck Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration Saxony Pump Station Rehabilitation Project . Recovered resources would be cataloged and stored in a museum. Following construction: a report will be submitted to the District by the archaeologist and paleontologist that documents the results of the monitoring. . . 154560 .s C.l I,.*.I. c .*,.**I I.. April 24, 1998 16