HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 99-06; Inns of America; Coastal Development Permit (CDP)CITY OF CARLSBAD LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION 1) APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (C [~~| Administrative Permit - 2nd Dwelling Unit Q Administrative Variance 0 Coastal Development Permit 0 Conditional Use Permit n Condominium Permit Q Environmental Impact Assessment [] General Plan Amendment tH Hillside Development Permit Q Local Coastal Plan Amendment n Master Plan O Non-Residential Planned Development Q] Planned Development Permit ;HECK BOXES) (FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY) <??.o£ ff-cV} Pi Planned Industrial Permit Q Planning Commission Determination [] Precise Development Plan Q Redevelopment Permit Q Site Development Plan Q] Special Use Permit Q Specific Plan O Tcntotivo Porocl Mop Obtain from Engineering Department n Tentative Tract Map [[] Variance |~| Zone Change I | List other applications not specified (FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY) 2) 3) 4) ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S).: PROJECT NAME: 210-090-52 Inns Of America BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:A CUP & GDP to allow a business hotel in the P-M zone. 5) OWNER NAME (Print or Type) Ray W. Winter and Barbara Winter MAILING ADDRESS 1745 Rocky Road 714-526-3035 CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE Fullerton, CA 92831-1233 I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNO^DGE. ^.^^C'^2-^ L^^^ r^r^. S&J t ^&^-. £ -'*;- <?cf "SIGNATURE C£--AlAvA-&££5 DATE / 6) APPLICANT NAME (Print or Type) Larry True, Herrick Development , In> MAILING ADDRESS 755 Raintree Drive, Suite 200 CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE Carlsbad, CA 92009 760-438-6661 I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. -- 1-^_, *' /L— :•• /o o9 SIGNATURE/ DATE ' 7) BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION See Attached NOTE: A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS BE FILED, MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 3:30 P.M. A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING ONLY ONE APPLICATION BE FILED, MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 4:00 P.M. Form 16 PAGE 1 OF 2 8) LOCATION OF PROJECT:Cannon Road ON THE BETWEEN South (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST) Avenida Encinas STREET ^ SIDE OF AND \DDRESS Cannon Road (NAME OF STREET) Interstate 5 (NAME OF STREET)(NAME OF STREET) 9) LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 10) PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS 13) TYPE OF SUBDIVISION 16) PERCENTAGE OF PROPOSED PROJECT IN OPEN SPACE 19) GROSS SITE ACREAGE 22) EXISTING ZONING 11) NUMBER OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL UNITS 14) PROPOSED IND OFFICE/ SQUARE FOOTAGE 17) PROPOSED INCREASE IN ADT 20) EXISTING GENERAL PLAN 23) PROPOSED ZONING 12) PROPOSED NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS 15) PROPOSED COMM SQUARE FOOTAGE 18) PROPOSED SEWER USAGE IN EDU 21) PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION 24)IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF, PLANNING COMMISSIONERS, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEMEBERS OR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INSPECT AND ENTER THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION. I/WE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE SIGNATURE FOR CITY USE ONLY FEE COMPUTATION APPLICATION TYPE TOTAL FEE REQUIRED FEE REQUIRED FEB 1 0 1999 CITY OF GAKLSBAO RECEIVED RECEIVED BY: DATE FEE PAID RECEIPT NO. Form 16 PAGE 2 OF 2 PRELIMINARY REVIEW APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: APPLICANT NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: ^-Tj- ""^ *^" PROJECT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER(S) (APN): Z ( 0 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL (ADD ATTACHMENT IF NECESSARY): WOULD YOU LIKE TO ORALLY PRESENT YOUR PROPOSAL TO YOUR ASSIGNED STAFF PLANNER/ENGINEER? YES NO D E""" PLEASE LIST THE NAMES OF ALL STAFF MEMBERS YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY SPOKEN TO REGARDING THIS PROJECT. IF NONE, PLEASE SO STATE.ING Tw FOR CITY USE ONLY PROJECT NUMBER: FEE REQUIRED/DATE FEE PAID: RECEIPT NO.: RECEIVED BY: FRM0025 3/96 PAGE 3 of 3 PRELIMINARY REVIEW CHECKLIST Staff would like to know what information you primarily want from this review. With this known, we can focus most of our attention on researching and answering your main questions(s). Please check the one or two boxes below which best describes the information you would like us to concentrate on, and/or check the box marked "other" and tell us in your own words what information you would like from us. D SITE DESIGN: Focus is on reviewing issues such as development standards (setbacks, building height, etc.), hillside compliance, landscaping, signage, open space requirements, and other physical aspects of zoning. Plans adequately illustrating these features are needed for review. LAND USE; Focus is on determining the compatibility of the proposed land use with the existing general plan and zoning designations, determining whether staff could support a general plan amendment or zone change, and determining compatibility of the proposed land use with surrounding land uses. ARCHITECTURE; Focus is on establishing quality architecture and checking its compatibility with the surrounding area and against any applicable guidelines or plans. Building elevations or other architectural information are needed for review. ZONING INTERPRETATION; Focus is on interpreting any aspects of the zoning ordinance. ENGINEERING STANDARDS: Focus is on reviewing all engineering-related issues, such as grading, drainage, circulation and traffic, street vacations, easements, subdivisions, etc. D OTHER; In the space below, please list any other issues you would like us to review. FRM0025 3/96 PAGE 2 of 3 MEMORANDUM May 13, 1998 TO: ASSOCIATE PLANNER - ANNE HYSONG FROM: Engineering Technician - Michele Masterson [p^' PRE 98-26: INNS OF AMERICA PRELIMINARY REVIEW Engineering Department staff have completed the preliminary review of the above referenced project. Prior to formal application submittal the following items must be adequately resolved/addressed: 1. The two proposed access points do not meet the minimum intersection spacing of 600 feet on a secondary arterial. 2. Please include dimensions on the site plan. Drive aisles must have a minimum width of 24 feet. 3. Please show distances from intersections to driveways. 4. Please show existing driveways adjacent to the project. 5. Future plans should include the existing improvements along the frontage of the property. 6. A raised curbed median will be required on Avenida Encinas. 7. Future plans are to show CalTrans sight distance from all driveways. 8. Future submittals should include a grading plan to determine if a grading permit is required for this project and to demonstrate the drainage pattern of the site. The grading plan should include quantities in cubic yards of the cut/fill and import/export. 9. Future plans showing the proposed drainage layout should include details of how surface runoff will undergo pollutant mitigation prior to reaching the public storm drain. 10. This preliminary review does not constitute a complete review of the proposed project, additional items of concern may be identified upon formal project application submittal. If you or the applicant have any questions, please either see me or call me at extension 4315. MICHELE MASTERSON Engineering Technician c: Principal Civil Engineer - Bob Wojcik TheThe City of Carlsbad Planning Department A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. P.C. AGENDA OF: November 17,1999 Application complete date: October 12, 1999 Project Planner: Eric Munoz Project Engineer: Bob Wojcik SUBJECT: CUP 99-03/CDP 99-06 - INNS OF AMERICA - Request for a Conditional Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit to develop a business hotel consisting of 98 rooms at the southeast comer of Cannon Road and Avenida Encinas, west of Interstate 5 on property designated as Planned Industrial (PI) on the General Plan, within the City's Coastal Zone, Local Facilities Management Zone 3 and the recently established Cornmercial/Visitor-Serving Overlay Zone. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planing Commission Resolutions No. 4677, 4678 and 4679, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the Negative Declaration, the Conditional Use Permit (CUP 99-03) and the Coastal Development Permit (CDP 99-06), respectively, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The proposed business hotel is located on property zoned P-M (Planned Industrial). The P-M zone allows certain commercial uses which cater to, and are ancillary to, the allowed uses of the zone. Therefore, the business hotel is proposed as a use that is designed to cater to the adjacent industrial office areas. The P-M zoning extends south from the site along both sides of Avenida Encinas towards Palomar Airport Road. The design and amenities of the hotel are intended to accommodate business travelers to the city. Aside from compliance with the P-M zone, the project is subject to the Commercial/Visitor-Serving Overlay Zone. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND A pre-graded pad of 2.7 acres at the southeast comer of Avenida Encinas and Cannon Road is the proposed location for the business hotel consisting of: 98 units with a combination of suites and studios ranging in size from 356 to 750 square feet; a swimming pool and spa; an exercise room, a 24 hour business center with a fax machine, copy machine, two computer terminals, a printer, work space and overnight mail service; a 500 square foot meeting room for business conferences with audio-visual capabilities; shuttle van service; on-line capabilities for business applications within every room; 123 parking spaces, and project landscaping. Project exhibits "A"-"K" dated November 17,1999 depict the project with site, floor, elevation, landscaping and grading plans. As a business hotel located within the Cornmercial/Visitor-Serving Overlay Zone, the project is subject to most of the requirements of Chapter 21.208 of the municipal code. The proposed architectural style is contemporary southwest with mission style barrel roofing, "Navajo white" c oCUP 99-03/CDP 99-06 - INNS OF AMERICA November 17,1999 Page 2 walls and "sand pebble" trim and accent band finishes. A 35 foot high building is proposed with a tower element that peaks at 45 feet. All applicable development standards and processes of the underlying P-M zone, and the Commercial/Visitor-Serving Overlay Zone, are complied with. IV. ANALYSIS The proj ect is subj ect to: 1. Conditional Uses of the P-M Zone and Conditional Use Permit Findings 2. Commercial/Visitor-Serving Overlay Zone 3. Mello II Local Coastal Program Conditional Uses of the P-M Zone Pursuant to Section 21.34.030(2), motels and hotels are allowed in the P-M zone through the approval of a conditional use permit. The business traveler amenities contained in the hotel and individual rooms qualify this project as a conditionally allowed commercial use designed to cater to the adjacent and nearby industrial office zoning districts. In addition, all applicable P-M zone development standards are complied with including a 50 foot building setback from Cannon Road and Avenida Encinas. The four standard conditional use permit findings required for all conditional use permits are in attached Planning Commission Resolution No. 4678 and briefly summarized below. The proposed business hotel is desirable for the development of the community by providing lodging for the business visitors and clients of the city's industrial/office zoning districts. The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed use and related site design in compliance with all applicable standards. All setback areas, screen walls, landscaping and other features that are necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or future permitted uses are designed into the project and will be conditioned to be maintained over time in keeping with the Commercial/Visitor-Serving Overlay Zone. The project trip generation of 980 average daily trips can be serviced by the existing street systems of Cannon Road and Avenida Encinas. Commercial/Visitor-Serving Overlay Zone The proposed business hotel use is allowed and regulated by the underlying zoning designation of P-M (Planned Industrial) via the approval of a conditional use permit. In addition, the business hotel use is a commercial use, located within the Commercial/Visitor-Serving Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.208), therefore, compliance with the Overlay Zone is necessary. The project has complied with procedural aspects of the Overlay Zone such as the pre-filing process and project site notification. The findings required by the Overlay Zone are contained in the attached Planning Commission Resolution No. 4678. Compliance with the Overlay Zone's development standards are summarized in the table below. CUP 99-03/CDP 99-06 November 17,1999 Page 3 -INN;S OF AMERICA COMMERCIAL/VISITOR-SERVING OVERLAY ZONE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY TABLE STANDARD PARKING SIGNS BUILDING HEIGHT BUILDING SETBACKS BLDG. MATERIALS/COLORS ARCHITECTURAL STYLE LANDSCAPING SEPARATION STANDARDS OVERLAY ZONE STANDARD • 1.2 spaces per unit • Park other uses individually • Shuttle bus provisions • Comer lot allowance based on .90 SF of sign per combined street frontages • Freestanding sign maximum height is 6 feet PM zone allows 35 foot high buildings with 10 feet of architectural projection allowed • 50 feet off Cannon Road and Avenida Encinas per underlying P-M zone • 30 foot freeway setback • 10 foot interior setback • Certain allowances for back portions of building setbacks • High quality materials • Primary colors cannot dominate building Village Architecture, Contemporary Southwest or Alternative Style (if supported via pre-filing process) • Freestanding sign landscaping • Parking lot trees at 1 tree per six spaces w/minimum of 50% at 24 inch box sizes • Setback trees at 1 tree per 1000 SF of calculated setback area w/minimum of 50% at 24 inch box sizes • Screening of parking spaces, trash enclosures, etc. Only applies to gas stations; and to hotels/motels proposed for commercially designated properties PROJECT COMPLIANCE • 98 units at 1 .2 = 1 17.6 spaces • 500 SF Meeting room at 1/100 = 5 spaces • Total required/provided = 123 spaces • Shuttle bus circulation and passenger pick-up & drop off designed into project/entrance • Signage allowed = 322 SF • Signage proposed = 178 SF • Maximum freestanding sign height is 6 feet 35 foot high building proposed with a 10 foot high architectural tower element • 50 foot setback provided for Cannon Road & Ave. Encinas • 30 foot freeway setback provided with allowed improvements proposed • 10 foot interior setback provided entirely landscaped • Mission tile barrel roofing • "Sand Pebble" trim/accent bands • "Navajo White" wall color Proposed architecture is a version of the Contemporary Southwest architectural style • Freestanding sign landscaping complies with Overlay Zone • Parking Lot Trees: 21 required; 21 provided at 100% 24 inch box sizes • Setback Trees: 27 required; 38 provided at 76% 24 inch box sizes • Screen walls provided to screen parked cars along the Cannon Road frontage; trash enclosure not prominently visible from adjacent public streets Does not apply to this project since the underlying zoning is P-M and a business hotel is proposed Mello II Local Coastal Program The site is located within the Mello II segment of the City's Local Coastal Program. Coastal policies regarding coastal access, shoreline development and/or steep slope criteria are not CUP 99-03/CDP 99-06 - INNS OF AMERICA November 17,1999 Page 4 applicable. In addition, the regulations of the various coastal overlay zones as contained in the Mello II LCP segment do not apply to this project. There will be no adverse impacts to coastal resources or policies from the development of the proposed business hotel. One policy of the Mello II LCP (Policy 6-5) cites the need to provide visitor serving uses including 200 additional hotel/motel rooms. Business hotel clients can be considered visitors to the city; and the Mello II LCP defines visitor serving uses to include hotels and motels. Therefore, the proposed project is consistent with, and supported by, existing coastal zone/LCP policies. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The business hotel proposed for the pre-graded 2.7 acre project site will not create any significant, adverse impacts to the environment. With regards to the citywide traffic impact resulting from the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real, the project is conditioned to contribute to mitigation efforts consistent with the current conditioning of development projects citywide. The applicant has agreed to this condition (Condition #20). Accordingly, the Planning Director has issued a Negative Declaration for this project as published on October 14, 1999. No written comments were received during the public comment period. ATTACHMENTS; 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4677 (Neg. Dec.) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4678 (CUP) 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4679 (CDP) 4. Location Map 5. Disclosure Form 6. Background Data Sheet 7. Local Facilities Impact Form 8. Reduced Exhibits "A"-"K", dated November 17, 1999 EM:eh SITE INNS OF AMERICA CUP 99-03/CDP 99-06 City of Carlsbad v •^^••^•••^••••••••••••••mPlanning Department DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information must be disclosed: 1. APPLICANT List the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application. Herrick Development. Inc. 755 Raintree drive, Ste. 200 Carlsbad. CA 92009 OWNER List the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Cannon Road. LLC Rav W. Winter- Co-Manager 1745 Rocky Road Fullerton, CA 92831-1233 Barbara-Winter - Co-Manager If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names and addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnership interest in the partnership. 4. If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a non-profit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of any person serving as officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the trust. 2O75 Las Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad. CA 92009-1576 • (619) 438-1161 • FAX (619) 438-O894 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: CUP 99-03/CDP 99-06 CASE NAME: INNS OF AMERICA APPLICANT: HERRICK DEVELOPMENT. INC. REQUEST AND LOCATION: 98 UNIT BUSINESS HOTEL. SB CORNER OF CANNON ROAD AND AVENIDA ENCINAS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Portion of Lot H of Rancho Agua Hedionda. Map No. 823 APN: 210-090-52 Acres: 3.0 Proposed No. of Lots/Units: 98 hotel rooms GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: Planned Industrial (PI) Density Allowed: N/A Density Proposed: N/A Existing Zone: P-M Proposed Zone: P-M Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site P-M PI VACANT North Major Arterial Major Arterial Cannon Road South P-M PI Office Building East Transportation Corridor Transportation Corridor 1-5 Freeway on-ramp West Secondary Arterial Secondary Arterial Avenida Encinas PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): 58.8 EDU'S Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated: N/A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Negative Declaration, issued October 14. 1999 Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated. Other, CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: INNS OF AMERICA CUP 99-03/CDP 99-06 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 3 GENERAL PLAN: PI_ ZONING: P-M DEVELOPER'S NAME: Herrick Development. Inc. ADDRESS: 755 Raintree Drive. Suite 200. Carlsbad. CA 92009 PHONE NO.: 760-438-6661 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 210-090-52 QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): 65.763 SO. FT ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: 2001 • A. B. C. D. E.7.3 CFS F. G. H. I. J. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage = N/A Library: Demand in Square Footage = N/A Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) Park: Demand in Acreage = N/A Drainage: Demand in CFS = Identify Drainage Basin = (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) Circulation: Demand in ADT = (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = 1 or 4 Agua Hedionda 980 K. L. Open Space: Acreage Provided = Schools: (Demands to be determined by staff) Sewer: Demands in EDU Identify Sub Basin = (Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan) Water: Demand in GPD = N/A CUSP 58.8 EDU's B 12.936 The project is N/A units the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. SERVICES TO THE PROJECT APPLICATION FOR COBOL aenumaa ream n-at eWfHDMU USC KKUOi It-a DRAWING INDEX SUMMARY TABLE SHOT HUBS: M SHOT HUBS UK tax ISSOOtmta-at-st BOfm. runcor of OA5M0 count nf Qfua i icp soon) macs HOB. us - m oos mm soo jqjtmoot mot sax 750 it.ui on. nut or HIM si!) m sot umaoHctOH OBBMO COrfOM UUSffHf MffS 1.HO SO/7.ma sun.PROJECT CONTACTS A CONSULTANTS t mta or itme anas xama / mam u mute SMCB mint: arm- mi HOCK <aast /wane smcf pa 100 mjt OF uzme man • SOOUUL 9 MOO • 5 aum swc rm aata t«i svr. Via <r raw «x) MSH OF nf OT mew ff iNOQVnQanED nraa«KF SEBOD nurx (taof me MBCC » emCUESOHA r HOT fffvcxeu. swr on *WK AVfHIDA fNONAS CARLSBAD, CA. COVERSHEET & PROJECT DATA 811° INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 5 ADA PATH OF TRAVEL TO PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY K£Y NOTTS: <3D CS> SITE PLAN nz *UK: I301M-3 ^ior mm 10-21-W l/l AVtHIDA fNCINAS CARLSBAD, CA. OfSCM^TIOH SITE PLAN A-2 THE FOLLOWING is A LIST OF AUDHTIES THAT THIS BUSINESS HOm'S ROOHS Ml INCLUDE M nosax eaimr 0x101 m* wr MB acaim a*, me can ecHtaame w-ur antum. IHE FOLLOWC IS A UST OF AUCNtlKS THAT DISTINGUISHJHS K/SAESS HOTEL tmu A TYPICAL rowasr HOTEL mtn cr mu nra n at \mar cr imas MI mn SBHCC rn air aatf i» uuaa. no of oat mats mu aan ntr MS KXTJML SHuntf MM SQMOC ptm BOO jut »-u nesnoH tr-r L * f-r •?na ir AM acr err a na» oarr. inmrnnr cowrm mno or sir maw * USE au mmai m tanner au omnrmismts . our m v rat ac**xr mm M tan. caraaorr toman* foma. UNIT TYPES MO* at mm me: mum atoms: ra mi x. mm* ate aas mat -true i «u-« sum*. i5 (MS AHMXP 011 OVMET /Mr OHI5 fVfffS fat Of fCHHG T Mm 10-21 -99 t^m GUIsr"en AVENIOA [NONAS CARLSBAD, CA. FIRST FLOOR PLAN A-3 FLOOR PLAN •*** 23MM-4 nor pay lo-ai-« *M2*-TITLIB|2ND-ru« AVEHIOA CHCINAS CARLSBAD, CA. 2ND FLOOR PLAN A-4 mm FLOOR £MT/AM5 CMLSBAO, U. 3RDFLOORPLAN A-5 w coumcwr nu «r um/ni cw iw mor. KOT ofs a aam MC tfnmautm.r 7- ML ROOFjnMt JMW: 220H UE112 •cuiv> AVENIM CNCIMS CARLSBAD, CA. ROOFPLAN A-6 fUVATKM JO* HO: 22O9B fig HUM, 230BBA-S <Hor onTii 10-21-B9 CARLSBAD, CA. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-7 CONSTRUCTION- NOTES MMT «• 9>m UVC UME KR CH.TWNS OCTAJL M. GRAPHIC SCALE [*] NMT «NRC UHC IMC KM OUWM tTMNMNO fUH «0*. O Q] JOM OonMB tTUffWO QQ MMT r mm uwc UMC m CMJMM OCTML 3M [TJ MEHOW *» SMMUC DOTMO MH. MB POST oTtowua xrf tss. INTERSTATE HOHWAY S LANDSCAPE CONCS=T STATEMBJT Tt-e UWOBCAK coNcarr NTBOCATCS A hew MOTEL BJUMS NTO TK<r CMSTNO oeveiort.cn wuf aorcoct« ne APCMTBCTUIAI. OMRN TV« UUCGCAPE. IMS 6 AO*VBJ TV4IOU04 THE CSTABUSJiBXT OP AkCDABon OP LAtoaCAfe zocs omco BT nc ptANrne PALCTTC PO AOeA. TkC PAIK3SB AREAS FBATUK BfHC*ffKmai CANOPT THeEStMX0UNTEDwrrun.OMB9Nc»AJB&AK>aicxM]coveps n^mrer B ACO94TED MTM PA1M SOOUfMSS, A LUBH 8WATH OP TUT AfO B ^OMOaNO »«LBG AfO «BOL*OCCn«7& r«J« AM) SMMi. FlQU ADC IBS) ADOtO 1M* POOL AlgA AM) TO ACCBfT TM RjLO»e FACADE. A— WATB? CONSS3VATON NOTES TVC POU.OMNB WATB? OOTOBNATCN TEOMQLCS 9WU. BE BtFLOTB) N 1MB PWXECT- LANDSCAPE TABULATIONS MJ^BT OP PABWB VTAUS • O3OBKAT ITBBB PS * BTMiA - 9 TDCES T TBBea WOVCOS • > TMZS LOT TOfK 9CE t> CO* W BOX TBBS iOT *BBA • JTJJJSP. LOT UMMM LJM)6CAPeJ0EAS I • IOO SP. LOT UUCeCAPC AREA PBOVDB) • 1943 ST. t 9 11 TOTAL LAMQCAPC AOCA • ««o SP. TOTAL TUB- AAEA • fc«O SP. On OP TOTAL LAN9OCAPC *HC.-f LAMKCAPB aerBAo: A8CA. ao- *CE > TOO- ua^ru. 30^x0 SQ FT. BEOLKfD TD«5 AT 1TBBEW OOt) Stt PT -»THBES tAK»CATC KT«AOC TOKSPBOVEB)* » TOOK ATO^KEt- J» AT W BOX • 74 ( 9 AT D CM- • 241 fcU-Cw V4- - r see uruseo N ne LAtoscApe. r OCPTH tm SOL AA0OATT9 UTUZB> TO i*W>« WATBT MOLCtO CAPAOTT OF SOL D to W rncr-; OP TVC MWMINt TO SLOP* PACTORS. M COMAMCTIOX WTH THE ALFTOMATC I ov»< POB AMIM, BQCATION GCHeouf LAK99CAPC MATB» UK OVTPCATCMIWTH 9LPPO7TNB DATA N C STATE OP CALPCtMA WATO? BPFKUEI'CT OBDNANCB POB APPOOVAL SMALL BE SLB4TTB) WTMkAtOSCAPE CGWT&LCTCM OQO&Bfi aBMTTM. TO TVE OTT. AH AUTOMATC BCHCATCN STSTBil WU. BE RKTHE USE OP SetXAKO WATER AM) HEALTH Oe wu. APPI.T TO ne tvoccr. PBELMNABY PLANT PALETTE "SS" ACCENT PAIAC SThOQL KrrAtCJL/COMrftMNMCMLMAM>COOL»CIOCM5K I*'- •-.:'-l ALtAPeecuE (iua- on. (6.190 rOfleOHOLrO •UUMB MO PAM94B LOT PLANTN> ANMJAL COLOR 4* POTS BO W •OUBAtWUCAfl BOUfiANVtieA PLATS 19009 3OAL. SO 0000 PTTTOSPOaLM T, VAHECATA- / S CM. OO q ttt I PLgli I 'JACK •VANS' / 8 OAu » sssftssr 5°"- " U JABM40OE5 / PLATS 15OO OP 1SAL B ssggy MMBOLVOACCENT £558^*° • cnoLKKOweaPUMTHC KSSS1" SSSS"" PLANTNQ 2O^E PERCENTAGES n orr OF CMUBAO ft«**M» ocn. LMONLMPiSTATCC MCMMMTl PTQMT DATE PALM SOAL. O 4* POTS *O OP. PLATS SCO ftp. SSKSS,"" SS" COLOR ACCENT MAINTENANCE BESPONSBUTES MANTBtfMQE CP n« PBOPSTTS LUCIGCAM Mi. CE PBOUDBl «rne O MONUMENT SIGN ELEVATION W-MT MONUMENT SK3N PLANTNS ENLABGEMENT 8 i S 1i I ' I 1 m \ ]_ DC E II3 OMA«W* KB CHCCK: J0» NO: JZ 220V J&ii<* lli^t!NVId ad^SQNVl AbVNIWnaUdX^g/INNS of AMERICA SHEET; L-1 „,,«„, EAST ELEVATION AS sfav mou INTERSTATE s NORTH ELEVATION AS SEEN FKOU CANNON RD. rmmur MONUMENT SIGN ELEVATIONS ffaxmuur uuutum limns IM SQJT. INDMWALLY ILLUHINATtD LETTERS 77.5 SQ.FT. SCALE: t/y-- i'-0" *«MMMW«<W /DM COWM9 «6* nXfOCT OT O£wnBWL JQ* no, 33098 «.or owe io-21-»9 Ul ofi- 1*2 £WC/AM5 CARLSBAD, U. WALL &MONUMENT SIGNAGE SN-1