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CDP 99-28; Carlsbad Coast; Coastal Development Permit (CDP) (4)
December 16,1999 TO: ASSOCIATE ENGINEER FROM: Senior Planner MS 99-04 - CARLSBAD COAST The Planning Department has reviewed the Minor Subdivision MS 99-04 to allow the subdivision of 25.4 acres into two parcels for property generally located north of Batiquitos Lagoon, between Carlsbad Boulevard and San Diego Northern Railroad right-of-way. Since this permit request also involves a Coastal Development Permit (CDF 99- 28), all Planning Department conditions will be contained in the Planning Commission Resolution for that Coastal Development Permit. CDP 99-28 is expected to be heard by the Planning Commission on January 19, 2000 and will be conditioned to the approval of MS 99-04. CDP 99-28 will also be subject to all conditions of MS 99-04. If you would like to tie the MS to the CDP, then Planning has no conditions for MS 99-04. If the MS and CDP will not be. tied, please let me know and I will forward all applicable conditions. Thank you. MICHAEL GRIM c: Chris DeCerbo File Copy Hofman Planning Associates Letter of Transmittai Planning Project Management Fiscal Analysis Date: November 5, 1999 Project: MS 99-04 / CDP 99-28 - Carlsbad Coast Delivered by: HPA Attention: Mike Grim fl 5 1^u CITY © Message: Mike: Enclosed are the following items for the second resubmittal of the CDP and MS for the Carlsbad Coast project: One (1) Cover Letter Four (1) Tentative Parcel Map Exhibits One(l) Set of the Redline Check Prints If you have any questions or if you need any additional information, please feel free to give me a call. From: Stan Weiler 5900 Pasteur Court • StelSO • Carlsbad • CA • 92008 • 760-438-1465 • Fax 760-438-2443 Hofmon Planning Associates Planning Project Management Fiscal Analysis Novembers, 1999 Mike Grim Planning Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 SUBJECT: CDP 99-28, MS 99-04; Carlsbad Coast Minor Subdivision - 2nd Resubmittal Dear Mike: This letter accompanies the 2nd resubmittal of the coastal development permit and minor subdivision for the Carlsbad Coast site. The revised parcel map addresses all the concerns raised by both the Planning and Engineering Departments. The most significant change to the parcel map was combining the four parcels to create only two parcels. The latest parcel map accompanying this letter combines Parcels A and B and creates a new Parcel A. In addition, Parcels C and D were combined to create a new Parcel B. The new Parcel A includes all of the area north of Avenida Encinas and is identified in the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan as Planning Area F. The new Parcel B encompasses the area south of Avenida Encinas and includes all of Planning Areas G and H. At the request of both the Planning and Engineering Departments, combining the parcels eliminated many of the project issues. With the processing of this parcel map, the applicant clearly understands that prior to any future development on these parcels, further discretionary action must occur pursuant to the requirements of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan and all other applicable sections of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The following addresses by line item each of the issues of concern identified on the letter from the Planning Department dated October 14, 1999 and the letter from the Engineering Department dated October?, 1999. 5900 Pasteur Court • Suite 150 • Carlsbad • CA 92008 • (760)438-1465 • Fax: (760)438-2443 CDP 99-28 - Letter of October 14,1999 Planning: 1. As requested, the proposed open space lot (previously shown as Parcel D) is included as a part of Parcel B with the existing open space easement intact. 2. Section XII.B. 13 MASTER HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan states that "Two separate Homeowners Associations shall be established for the east-side and west-side of the Master Plan." Until specific development is proposed for the area west of the railroad right-of-way, we believe that it is premature to establish an HOA. However, the applicant would agree to a condition at this time regarding the establishment of a master HOA at the time that actual development is proposed. 3. A 20-foot wide public trail easement has been added to the parcel map. Since the trail is public, the easement will be dedicated to the City of Carlsbad. The dedication of the trail as well as the future discretionary permits that must be processed on the new Parcel B should ensure that a trail will be constructed at the appropriate time. Engineering 1. See MS 99-04 comments from the Engineering Department. Engineering - MS 99-04 - Letter of October 7,1999 Based on a meeting held with Clyde Wickham, Pat O'Day and Tim Carroll on October 21, 1999, the following provides a summary of how the parcel map has been revised to address the concerns raised by the Engineering Department. 1. The applicant understands that the subdivision proposed carries no development rights and that future development applications must be submitted in order for development to occur. 2. Based on the meeting of October 21st, a Preliminary Hydrology Study is not required at this time. 3. By creating the new Parcel B, the issues under item 3. are resolved. 4. The existing public improvements and utilities are shown on the parcel map. Existing street improvements are identified by the cross sections provided on Sheet 1. Since this map is not proposing any development, there are no proposed improvements. 5. The existing topography and development within 100 feet of the site are shown on Sheet 2. 6. Based on the meeting of October 21st, creating a new Parcel A eliminates the need for a Ponto Drive alignment study at this time. As you know, Ponto Drive is already constructed with curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights and utilities through Parcel A. The proposed parcel map will not modify the alignment of Ponto Drive. Access to developable areas along Ponto Drive will be determined when development applications are submitted. 7. The gross and net acres of the parcels are provided on sheet 2 of the parcel map. 8. Signatures of the Owner, Applicant, and the Engineer of Work are provided on sheet 1 of the parcel map. 9. Per our discussions with you and Bob Wojcik, since this parcel map will not authorize any development to occur, a Major Master Plan Amendment is not required for Planning Area F. The applicant would accept a condition that no development will be permitted on Planning Area F until a Major Master Plan Amendment has been approved. Additional Engineering Issues: 1. By creating the new Parcel B, the access issue is resolved. 2. Maintenance of the desiltation basin should be shared by all properties contributing storm water to the basin. The applicant agrees to the concept of accepting a condition requiring a fair share contribution to the maintenance of the desiltation basin. Full acceptance of the condition would depend on the details of the desiltation basin maintenance agreement.« 3. The disposition of the easements has been identified on sheet 2 of the parcel map. 4. The existing condition of Ponto Drive is shown on sheet 2 of the parcel map. 5. As shown on sheet 2 of the parcel map, the 84" storm drain is labeled EXISTING 84" RCP STORM DRAIN PER DWG 337-9. The storm drain was designed to accommodate upstream storm water. 6. Lot 3 of Batiquitos Pointe is dedicated open space, owned by the State Lands Commission and is not a part of this project. The Least Tern Nesting Site is located within Lot 3 and is also not a part of this project. NCTD - Letter of August 27,1999 With regards to the letter prepared by NCTD, we have attached a fax transmittal dated November 1,1999, stating that the suggested improvements from the letter dated August 27,1999 are to be made "when the property is developed." I believe that the changes made to the parcel map and the explanations provided during the meeting between Clyde Wickham, Pat O'Day and Tim Carroll on October 21, 1999 addresses all issues raised. This resubmittal should allow for the parcel map application to be deemed complete and allow for the conditions approving the parcel map and coastal development permit to be prepared. If you have any questions regarding the information above, please feel free to give me a call at (760) 438-1465. Sincerely, Stan Weiler cc. Bob Wojcik Clyde Wickham Ron Van Daele Tim Carroll attachment City of Carlsbad Planning Department October 14, 1999 K. Hovanian Companies of Southern California 3991 Mac Arthur Blvd, Suite 300 Newport Beach CA 92660 SUBJECT: CDP 99-28 - CARLSBAD COAST Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Department has reviewed your resubmittal of your Coastal Development Permit, application no. CDP 99-28, as to its issues of concern to staff. Listed below are the Planning Department issues of concern. The Engineering Department issues are completely contained in correspondence related your Minor Subdivision, application MS 99-04 (copy attached). All of these issues should be resolved prior to scheduling the project for public hearing. In addition, the City may request, in the course of processing the application, that you clarify, amplify, correct, or otherwise, supplement the basic information required for the application. Please contact your staff planner, Michael Grim, at (760) 438-1161, extension 4499, if you have any questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application. Sincerely, MICHAEL J. HOT2MILLER Planning Director MJH:MG:mg c: Gary Wayne Chris DeCerbo Clyde Wickham Bobbie Hoder File Copy Stan Weiler, Hofman Planning Associates Tim Carroll, O'Day Consultants 2075 Las Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 438-0894 ISSUES OF CONCERN No. CDP 99-28 - CARLSBAD COAST Planning: 1. The proposed open space lot (Parcel D) should be a portion of Parcel C with it's existing open space easement remaining intact. Please revise the Tentative Parcel Map exhibit to show all as part of Parcel C. 2. The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan calls for a Master Homeowner's Association for the entire master plan area. Since this Coastal Development Permit and Tentative Parcel Map are preparing the area for development, the area should be annexed into the Master HOA concurrent with this action. Master HOA annexation will be a condition of approval. 3. The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan contains several public trails, as shown on the attached Exhibit 11. Since this application involves mapping of Planning Areas F, G and H, the necessary trail easements should be set with the subdivision. Please indicate the location of a minimum 20 foot wide public trail easement in the locations shown on Exhibit 11. This easement should be dedicated to the Master HOA for maintenance. Engineering: 1. See attached letter regarding MS 99-04 for Engineering Department comments. OPTIONAL UNDERPASS to •si S. B. LEGEND LAGOON OVERVIEW SEATING NODE Q I INFORMAL SIGNAGE STAGING/PARKING AREA JMMiHi| PUBLIC TRAIL CITY WOE TRAIL - (PORTION orCITY woe — LINKS fflQPUBLIC SIDEWALK «OA * 41 j BICYCLE LANE oopo | PRIVATE PEDESTRIAN TRAIL ,»• \ **a1F>^*^ \ } * Two new trailheads requiring: directional signage vertical public access Note: .Public trail may be connected to City-wide trait system, or western edge of Master Plan along Carlsbad Blvd. MASTER TRAILS CONCEPT KAT7A POTNSFTTTA CORPORATION PYinnrr 11 City of Carlsbad ^ VmHB^m^^HHWHHW^^^MH^V^^^HHMB^M^HW^M^MPublic Works — Engineering Tim Carroll October 7,1999 O'Day Consultants 5900 Pasteur CT. Suite 100 Carlsbad CA 92008 MS 99-04: CARLSBAD COAST MINOR SUBDIVISION ONGOING ISSUES REVIEW Engineering Department staff has reviewed the 2nd submittal of the tentative parcel map, application No. MS 99-04 and CDP 99-28, for completeness and resolution of issues. The application is again, considered incomplete, as submitted due to the following items: 1. Based upon discussion with Bob Wojcik it appears that the subdivision is proposed as "A financial Subdivision" where all lots created would carry no development rights and would be restricted or held to the same conditions as if a single property. The City's municipal code is not dear on "Financial Subdivisions" the Map Act is also silent on this type of subdivision. This important aspect and explanation was left off the revised map. The items of completeness from our previous correspondence is critical to this issue. I will repeat these items for clarity. I will Bold the items that are considered outstanding and required for this application regardless of the "financial" aspect. 2. Please submit the Preliminary Hydrology Study as part of the application. The before and after development conditions must be addressed and the proposed improvements should be identified. 3. Please show public access to proposed parcel "D", or modify the application to a Planned Unit Development and provide the design and support for access. Refer to the City's subdivision ordinance, Title 20 (section 20.16) for additional information. The proposed lot lines of parcel C and also parcel D run across mid slope, a violation of design criteria (GS 14 & 15) 4. Show existing public improvements and utilities. Specifically, show existing curb, gutter & sidewalk along Avenida Encinas and along Ponto Drive. Show existing and proposed improvements (if known) to Carlsbad Blvd. Show proposed improvements to be designed and completed as part of this application. 5. Extend topography to show existing development within 100' of the (north) boundary of this project. 6. Include an alignment study for Ponto Drive as part of this application. Show how adjacent parcels will access and develop with this project as proposed. 7. Please specify gross and neJLparcel size information, add a net column to clarify Parcel Area block on sheet 2 of the tentative parcel map. 8. The Owner, Applicant, and the Engineer of Work must sign where provided on sheet 1 of the tentative parcel map. 2075 Las Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (76O) 431-5769 9. The approved master plan states " Prior to approval of specific development plans for the unplanned area, a Major Master Plan amendment will be required." This application is considered a specific development plan and by definition cannot be approved prior to a master plan amendment. The items above, not in bold are considered outstanding, pending clarification of "Financial Only" / non development condition of proposed lots. Additionally, staff has completed a review of the project for Engineering issues. Engineering issues which need to be resolved or adequately addressed prior to approval or scheduling of this project for a hearing are as follows: 1. The subdivision of parcels at this time is considered to be premature of orderly development as identified in the approved master plan. The proposed parcel "D" needs acceptable access as defined in title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Subdivision Ordinance). 2. The creation of parcel "D" needs to be considered as a maintenance issue. Who is going to own and maintain the desiltation basin? I believe the original bonds and agreements for this issue are old and should be revised. Our records show Samis and Greystone as the only participants in a maintenance bond or agreement. 3. The disposition of the easements should be identified a little more clearly. The abandonment or relocation of facilities may have already occurred and could be identified by reference to an existing improvement plan. This information should be provided if known. The removal of public access and storm drain access is not supported at this time. 4. The alignment or existing condition of Ponto Drive should be shown. The sharp turn at the north end of lot 1 on sheet 2 is confusing and almost impossible to read. 5. The 84" storm drain should be clarified. Is it RCP or cast in place? Is it existing as shown, is there an improvement drawing for reference? Is it of sufficient capacity to accommodate the upstream drainage basin? 6. Lot 3 of Batiquitos Pointe should be explained. If available, the access to and the deed restricted status should be shown. Is the lot a dedicated open space lot? Is it part of the State Lands Commission or the Least Tern Nesting Site? I have attached a redlined check print to assist in the understanding of our comments. Please return this check print with revisions to expedite further review and resolution of issues. If you or the applicant have any questions regarding the above, please call me at (760) 438-1161 ext. 4353. Associate Engineer - Land Development Division c: Deputy City Engineer - Land Development Division H:\LBRARY\ENG\WPDATA\MISC\COMPREV August 27, 1999 Mike Grim Project Planner City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 X Dear Mike Re: Carlsbad Coast Subdivision (CDP 98-28) North County Transit District (NCTD) has reviewed the project referenced above and has the following comments: 1. Currently, NCTD's Route 301 provides service along Avenida Encinas and Carlsbad Boulevard" (Coast Highway 101). Service is offered Monday through Friday from 5:35am to 11:25pm, and Saturday and Sundays from 5:00am to 1 l:25pm. Bus stops are located on Avenida Encinas westbound nearside of Carlsbad Boulevard and on Carlsbad Boulevard northbound farside of Avenida Encinas. 2. Improvements should be made to the bus stop located on Carlsbad Boulevard northbound farside of the Avenida Encinas. The improvements should include a far- side turnout (noted as case #1 on the attached sheet), including a minimum approach of 60-feet, a bus shelter, trash receptacle, sidewalk, and ADA compliant boarding pad (8' perpendicular to back of curb by 5' wide). 3. All existing bus stops should meet ADA standards and NCTD standards and should provide connecting sidewalks and pathways. 4. The right-turn lane from Avenida Encinas onto Carlsbad Boulevard should continue to provide the necessary turning radii for a standard bus to make the needed turning movement. The curb turn should have a minimum turning radii of 50' with no encroachment. 5. Though not shown on the project Tentative Map, this project should provide convenient pedestrian passage from the project's interior to Avenida Encinas and Carlsbad Boulevard. It should also be noted that all pedestrian access to and from this development must be ADA compliant. 6. The signalized intersection at Avenida Encinas and Carlsbad Boulevard should provide pedestrians crosswalks to allow safe access to the southbound side of Carlsbad Boulevard and the eastbound side of Avenida Encinas NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT 0 M i s 'i i o r: A- -j •:' n u c1 O c e a " j ' c '- C A- V 2 0 7. It should also be noted that NCTD is currently in the primary stages of its Strategic Business Plan, otherwise known as "Fast Forward". Fast Forward is a comprehensive transportation study that will focus on the North County Transit District Service area. The study will review the effectiveness of the existing fixed- route services, assess future service needs and reorient the service based on the results of the study. This study will take approximately 18 months to conclude. Input from all North County Cities, including the City of Carlsbad, will be advantageous to the out come of the study, Thank you for providing us with the opportunity to comment on this project. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 967-2859 Sincerely, lichael Daney Assistant Planner BUS TURNOUTS Scale 1" = 30' Approach Taper 60' Minimum 80' Desirable CASE I* FAR-SIDE TURNOUT 90' Total Length (minimum) 110' Total Length (desirable) 10' Minimum!") 12' Desirable\\ Berth Area 'Departure Taper 50' I 40' Minimum I 60' Desirable Bus CASE !!• MID BLOCK TURNOUT 150' Total Length (minimum) 190' Total Length (desirable) 10' Minimum 12' Desirable CASE III- NEAR-SIDE TURNOUT 110' Total Length (minimum) 130' Total Length (desirable) 10' Minimum 12' Desirable Bus Approach Area Note: Dimensions of taper assume that buses will decelerate mostly in the approaching travel lane. Berth- Area Notes: Departure Area Note: General Note: Bus turnouts are widened sections of roadway designed for buses to pull out of the traffic stream. While advantageous to general traffic, turnouts moke it difficult for buses to re-enter the flow of traffic. They should therefore be used only under special circumstances. Consult with MTD8 staff on a case-by-case basis. oAdd 20' to length of berth area if articulated buses will use turnout; add 70' more for each additional articulated bus expected to use the turnout at the same time. o Add 50' for each additional standard bus expected to use the turnout at the same time. Dimensions of taper assume that buses will accelerate mostly in the departing travel lane. 24 © 1993 • Metropolitan Transit Development Board, San Diego, CA • Designing For Transit Hofmon Planning Associates Planning Project Management Fiscal Analysis September 2 , 1999 Mike Grim Planning Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 SUBJECT: CDP 99-28, MS 99-04; Carlsbad Coast Minor Subdivision - 1st Resubmittal Dear Mike: I would like to thank you and Bob Wojcik for meeting with us on Tuesday, August 31, 1999. Based on the discussions at that meeting, we have revised the parcel map to address the concerns raised by the Planning and Engineering departments. This letter accompanies the resubmittal of the coastal development permit and minor subdivision and addresses by line item each of the issues of concern identified on the letter from the Planning Department dated August 16, 1999 and the letter from the Engineering Department dated August 13, 1999, attached. CDP 99-28 - Letter of August 16,1999 Planning: 1. As we discussed, the lots south of Avenida Encinas will be reconfigured. This reconfiguration will address both of the Planning Department's issues. The open space will become a separate non-buildable parcel (new Parcel D). Parcels C & D on the previously submitted parcel map will become one parcel (new Parcel C). 2. The access issue will be resolved by the reconfiguration of the lot lines described above. This will eliminate the issue of a buildable lot with no frontage on a public street. Engineering: 1. An additional column has been added to the Easement Table on Sheet 2 of the Parcel Map and shows the disposition of all easements and encumbrances. 5900 Pasteur Court • Suite 150 • Carlsbad • CA 92008 • (760)438-1465 • Fax: (760)438-2443 2. Per our conversation with Bob Wojcik, a preliminary drainage study will not be required since this parcel map is for financial purposes and does not allow for any development to occur. 3. The same as No. 2 above, since this parcel map will not allow for any development to occur, grading plans are not required to be submitted. 4. The location of the existing sewer, water and utility services are shown on the Parcel Map. Since no development is proposed at this time, there are no proposed sewer, water and utility services provided on the Parcel Map. Engineering - MS 99-04 - Letter of August 13,1999 1. Per our discussion with Bob Wojcik, a Preliminary Hydrology Study is not required at this time since this Parcel Map will not permit any development to occur. 2 We have addressed the access issue and modified the application to make the original parcels "C" and "D" into one parcel (now identified as Parcel C). This will solve the access issue and not result in a developable landlocked parcel. As mentioned above, the open space area will become a non-buildable open space lot. 3 The existing public improvements and utilities are shown and since this map does not permit any development, it is not necessary to show proposed improvements. Existing street improvements are identified by the cross sections provided on Sheet 1. 4 The topography of the site and the property within 100 feet of the site is shown on Sheet 2. 5. An alignment study is not required for Ponto Drive at this time. Ponto Drive is already constructed with curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights and utilities through the site. The proposed Parcel Map will not modify the alignment of Ponto Drive. Access to Ponto Drive from the parcels being created by this Parcel Map will be determined when applications for their development are submitted. Access to Ponto Drive from parcels to the north of this site will be determined as a part of future development proposals submitted for those properties. 6. This information was shown on the Parcel Map and Constraints Map. 2 7. Signatures will be provided including the owner, applicant and the engineer of work prior to City Engineer approval. 8 Per our discussions with you and Bob Wojcik, since this Parcel Map will not authorize any development to occur, a Major Master Plan Amendment is not required for Planning Area F. The Parcel Map will contain a condition that no development will be permitted on Planning Area F until a Major Master Plan Amendment has been approved. Engineering Issues: 1. Access issues have been previously addressed in this letter 2. See response No. 1 to Engineering Issues on the first page. I believe that the changes made to the Parcel Map and the explanations provided during our meeting addresses the issues raised. This resubmittal should allow for the Parcel Map application to be deemed complete and allow for the conditions approving the Parcel Map and Coastal Development Permit to be prepared. If you have any questions regarding the information above, please feel free to give me a call at (760) 438-1465. Sincerely, Stan Weiler cc. Bob Wojcik Clyde Wickham Ron VanDaele attachment CITY O^ARLSBAD REVIEW AND COMf JT MEMO DATE: TO: 8/23/99 REVISED PLAN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 'POLICE DEPARTMENT - J. SASWAY *FIRE DEPARTMENT - MIKE SMITH 'BUILDING DEPARTMENT - PAT KELLEY COMMUNITY SERVICES/RECREATION - MARK STIEYAE^ *PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - VIRGINIA McC6;Y * CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRIC\j LANDSCAPE PLANCHECK CONSULTANT - LARRYBLACK SCHOOL *NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT - Planning DepartmeW SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC - BICH TRAN (Memo Only) HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT - LORI ROSENSTEIN 'ALWAYS SEND EXHIBITS FROM: Planning Department REQUEST FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ON APPLICATION NO. NOTE: Please use this number on all correspondence. CDP 98-28 PROJECT TITLE: CARLSBAD COAST SUBDIVISION APPLICANT: HQVNANIAN COMPANIES PROPOSAL:LOT SPLIT FROM 2 TO 4 LOTS Mike Grim the by Please review and submit written comments to Project Planner in the Planning Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, 9/6/99 . (If vou have "No Comments", please so stated If not received by the date indicated, it will be assumed that you have no comment and the proposal has your endorsement as submitted. If you have any questions, please contact M. Grim at 438-1161, extension 4499 The request for conditions will follow at the appropriate time. THANK YOU COMMENTS PLANS ATTACHED FRM0020 3/99 L_ • -CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER Di. City of Carlsbad Planning Department August 16, 1999 K. Hovanian Companies of Southern California 3991 MacArthur Blvd, Suite 300 Newport Beach CA 92660 SUBJECT: CDP 99-28 - CARLSBAD COAST SUBDIVISION Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Department has reviewed your Coastal Development Permit, application no. CDP 99-28, as to its completeness for processing. The application is complete, as submitted. Although the initial processing of your application may have already begun, the technical acceptance date is acknowledged by the date of this communication. The City may, in the course of processing the application, request that you clarify, amplify, correct, or otherwise, supplement the basic information required for the application. In addition, you should also be aware that various design issues exist. These issues, listed below, must be addressed before this application can be scheduled for a hearing. The Planning Department will begin processing your application as of the date of this communication. Please contact your staff planner, Michael Grim, at (760) 438-1161, extension 4499, if you have any questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application. Sincerely, TCHAEL/J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director MJH:MG:mh Gary Wayne Chris DeCerbo Clyde Wickham Bobbie Hoder File Copy Data Entry Planning Aide 2075 La Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 438-0894 ISSUES OF CONCERN No. CDP 99-28 - CARLSBAD COAST SUBDIVISION Planning: 1. The proposed subdivision does not comply with the Planning Area boundaries for the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan (MP 175). No part of the open space contained in Planning Area I should be included in Parcel D. 2. The proposed subdivision contains at least one lot that does not front on a publicly dedicated street, therefore a Non-residential Planned Unit Development Permit is required. Please submit the appropriate application materials and fees for the Non- residential PUD Permit or provide all proposed lots with public access. Engineering: 1. Please indicate the proposed disposition of all easements and encumbrances. 2. Please submit a preliminary drainage study, including an indication of the proposed method and path of drainage. 3. Please submit proposed grading plans. 4. Please show the existing and proposed location of sewer, water and utility services. 5. Please refer to the Engineering Department's correspondence regarding Minor Subdivision MS 99-04 for additional comments and issues. August 13,1999 TO: SENIOR PLANNER - MIKE GRIM From: Associate Engineer - Land Use Review CDP 99 - 28 : CARLSBAD COAST COMPLETENESS AND ISSUES REVIEW Engineering Department staff has completed a review of the above-referenced project for application completeness. The application and plans submitted for this proposed project are currently incomplete and unsuitable for further review due to the following incomplete items: 1. The Preliminary Drainage Study was not included in the Engineering package. 2. Please indicate the proposed disposition of easements and encumbrances. 3. Show street improvements, existing and proposed. 4. Show proposed method and path of drainage. 5. Include proposed grading plans. 6. Show existing and proposed location of sewer, water and utility services. Additionally, staff has conducted a review of the project for engineering issues of concern. Please refer to Minor Subdivision 99 - 04 for further comments and issues. 1. Please show public access to proposed parcel "D", or modify the application to a Planned Unit Development and provide the design and support for access. Refer to the City's subdivision ordinance, Title 20 (section 20.16) for additional information. 2. Include an alignment study for Ponto Drive as part of this application. Show how adjacent parcels will access and develop with this project as proposed. 3. The approved master plan states " Prior to approval of specific development plans for the unplanned area, a Major Master Plan amendment will be required." This application is considered a specific development plan and by definition cannot be approved prior to a master plan amendment. If you or the applicant have any questions, please call me at ext. 4353. Clyde Wickham Associate Engineer - Land Development Section c: Principal Civil Engineer - Land Development Section Tim Carroll August 13, 1999 O'Day Consultants 5900 Pasteur CT. Suite 100 Carlsbad CA 92008 MS 99-04: CARLSBAD COAST MINOR SUBDIVISION INITIAL ISSUES REVIEW Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits within the City of Carlsbad. Engineering Department staff have reviewed the tentative parcel map, application No. MS 99-04 and CDP 99-28, as to its completeness for processing. The application is considered incomplete, as submitted due to the following items: 1. Please submit the Preliminary Hydrology Study as part of the application. The before and after development conditions must be addressed and the proposed improvements should be identified. 2. Please show public access to proposed parcel "D", or modify the application to a Planned Unit Development and provide the design and support for access. Refer to the City's subdivision ordinance, Title 20 (section 20.16) for additional information. 3. Show existing public improvements and utilities. Specifically, show curb, gutter & sidewalk along Avenida Encinas and along Ponto Drive. Show existing and proposed improvements (if known) to Carlsbad Blvd. Show proposed improvements to be designed and completed as part of this application. 4. Extend topography to show existing development within 100' of the (north) boundary of this project. 5. Include an alignment study for Ponto Drive as part of this application. Show how adjacent parcels will access and develop with this project as proposed. 6. Please specify gross and net parcel size information, clarify Parcel Area block on sheet 2 of .the tentative parcel map. 7. The Owner, Applicant, and the Engineer of Work must sign where provided on sheet 1 of the tentative parcel map. 8. The approved master plan states " Prior to approval of specific development plans for the unplanned area, a Major Master Plan amendment will be required." This application is considered a specific development plan and by definition cannot be approved prior to a master plan amendment. Additionally, staff has completed a review of the project for Engineering issues. Engineering issues which need to be resolved or adequately addressed prior to scheduling of this project for a hearing are as follows: 1. The subdivision of parcels at this time is considered to be premature of orderly development as identified in the approved master plan. The proposed parcel "D" needs acceptable access as defined in title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Subdivision Ordinance). 2. The disposition of the easements should be identified and anticipated as part of this application. If you or the applicant have any questions regarding the above, please either see or call me at (760) 438- 1161 ext.4353. Clyde Wickham Associate Engineer - Land Development Section c: Principal Civil Engineer - Land Development Section H:\LIBRARY\ENO\WPDATA\MISC\COMPREV CITY ftF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENT MINOTTSUBDIVISION Inter-Office Correspondence TO: Parks Dept. Prin. Planner Util. Maint. Dept. Fire Dept. School District CMWD LCWD Olivenhain WD SMCWD Prin. Civ. Eng.-LURD DATE SUBJECT: Request for comments relative to Minor Subdivision No. Applicant: CL. VTf^V/AOuwTg^^^ C *v Enclosed is a copy of the Tentative Parcel Map of the subject Minor Subdivision with attachments for your information as follows: Please review this proposed development and submit your comments to the City Engineering Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad CA 92009-1576. Attn: C(y$o LJre-jC/->ou/i^ Failure to respond to this request bvTYL?l\/ /£'7't^/ Iefca9 will be interpreted to mean that the proposal has your endorsement as submitted and no fees, deposits, or specific conditions will be required. Thank you for your cooperation. REPLY: Date: n n fc nun c f REV. 12/1&/Q1 11/22/1999 15:55 805-969-7398 SANTANA PROPERTIES PAGE 01 FAX Transmission Call 805-969-3262 Fax 805-969-7398 Santana Properties 1284 Coast Village Road Santa Barbara, CA 93108 To: Company: Address: Date: Time: Message:, 3^3-1 Pages: (including this one) 1 11/22/1999 15:55 805-969-7398 JflN 22 '93 12118PM CENTURY 21 SANTANA PROPERTIES PAGE 02 I ""/" i ^ssldirrfjaf/ Time. Share AREAS F.G.&H PROPOSED LAND U$£ Vj«»r-H M / X r