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2002-11-20; Planning Commission; ; CT 01-05/PUD 01-06 - CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE W
The City of Garlsbad Planniiig Department A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. ® Application complete date: August 26, 2002 P.C. AGENDA OF: November 20, 2002 Project Planner: Eric Munoz Project Engineer: Frank Jimeno SUBJECT: CT 01-05/PUD 01-06 - CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE W - Request for approval of a Negative Declaration, Tentative Tract Map, and Planned Unit Development Permit to allow the subdivision and construction of a 114 unit single family development within Village W of the Calavera Hills Master Plan, on property generally located east of future College Boulevard, south of the College Boulevard/Carlsbad Village Drive intersection, in Local Facilities Management Zone 7. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 5311, RECOMMENDING ADOPTION ofthe Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5312 and 5313 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of Tentative Tract Map CT 01-05 and Planned Unit Development Permit PUD 01- 06, based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The proposal involves the subdivision and construction of a 114-unit single-family project within Village W of the Calavera Hills Master Plan. Village W will be mass graded in accordance with the Calavera Hills Phase II Master Tentative Map (CT 00-02). A Tentative Tract Map is required for the subdivision of property and final grading. A PUD Permit is also being requested. The project meets all applicable regulations and staff recommends approval. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting approval of a Tentative Tract Map and Planned Unit Development Permit to allow the subdivision and construction of a 114-unit single-family project within Village W of the Calavera Hills Master Plan. The 36.3-acre site of Village W has a net developable area of 23.9 acres. MP 150(H) now allows up to 121 detached single-family homes on Village W. This project proposes 114 units and complies with all necessary city policies, standards, and master plan criteria. Village W is bounded by College Boulevard to the west, vacant Limited Control zoned property to the south, General Plan Open Space to the east and Village U (multi-family village) to the north. Village W is designated Residential Medium (RM) in the City's General Plan, allowing up to 8 dwelling units per developable acre with a Growth Management Control Point of 6 o CT 01-05/PUD 01-06 - CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE W November 20, 2002 Page 2 dwelling units per acre. The proposed density is 4.8 dwelling units per acre and is within the allowable General Plan range. The project site is zoned Planned Community (P-C) and, according to the Calavera Hills Master Plan (MP 150(H)), the site is to be developed in accordance with the Planned Development Ordinance, the Village W standards, and general provisions of the Master Plan. The proposed development would consist of 114 single-family homes that comply with the master plan's single-family development criteria for architectural variety and articulation. These criteria include: minimum lot size of 4,000 sq. ft., a mix of single-story/reduced second story homes and two story homes, architectural variety, plan variety, setbacks, garage placement, front porches, front entry features and recreation areas. The Village W proposal complies with or exceeds all ofthe above noted master plan criteria for single-family development within Calavera Hills. Four versions of the following architectural styles will be represented in Village W: Monterey, Craftsman, Spanish Colonial and Santa Barbara. The single-story units will be imder 17 feet in height with approximately 2,050 square feet (including garage). The reduced second story units will be approximately 21 feet in height with the second story being no more than 25% of the first floor area. Total square footage of the reduced second story units (including garage area) is approximately 2,575 sq. ft. The proposed two-story units area will be under 25 feet in height with total square footage range of approximately 3,090 to 3,300. A 34-foot intemal street system will serve the project and sewer and water services will be available. Recreational amenities include three common passive areas as allowed by the master plan. These areas will include tot lots, bocce ball court and children's play equipment. Every unit will also have the required amount of private rear yard recreation space. The project's fair share of affordable housing is being provided at the Master Plan level in Village Y (SDP 01-05), therefore none is included in this project. The proposed development would necessitate approximately 65,000 cubic yards of cut and fill, after the mass grading of CT 00-02. The development would also include retaining walls. The project site would take access off of future College Boulevard to the east and would generate 1,140 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) trips, which can be accommodated by the collector street and College Boulevard, which is a major arterial. The project is required to comply with the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit through the implementation of Best Management Practices, thus reducing the amount of pollutants entering the public storm drain system. Due to the project's proximity to College Boulevard, the master plan/EIR required that a site- specific noise study be conducted. That noise study indicates that noise attenuation walls are needed along some of the project's perimeter units facing west towards College Boulevard. These walls would range in height from 3 to 6 feet, are compliant with the master plan's noise wall design that limits solid block wall height to 6 feet, and are incorporated into the project design. The project is depicted on Exhibits "A" - "RR" dated November 20, 2002. The Calavera Hills Village W project is subject to the following regulations: CD CT 01-05/PUD 01-06 - CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE W November 20, 2002 Page 3 Q A. General Plan; B. Calavera Hills Master Plan (MP 150(H)); C. Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); D. Planned Development Ordinance (Chapter 21.45 of the Zoning Ordinance); E. Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 ofthe Zoning Ordinance); and F. Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) Zone 7. IV. ANALYSIS The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable policies and regulations listed above. The following analysis section discusses compliance with each of these regulations/policies utilizing both text and tables. A. General Plan The Calavera Hills Village W project is consistent with the applicable policies and programs of the General Plan. Particularly relevant to the residential development are the Land Use, Circulation, Noise, Housing, and Public Safety elements. Table 1 below indicates how the project complies with these particular elements ofthe General Plan. TABLE 1 - GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE Element Use Classification, Goal, Objective or Program Proposed Use and Improvements Compliance Land Use Site is designated for medium density (RM) residential development. Proposed residential density of 4.8 dwelling units per acre is below the 6.0 dwellings per acre maximum allowed in the RM designation. Yes Circulation Minimize the number of access points to major and prime arterials to enhance the functioning of these streets and thoroughfares. The project design has two access points off of College Boulevard, in accordance with Engineering standards and traffic calming measures designed intemal to the site. Yes Noise Require that a noise study be submitted with all residential projects over five units. Enforce the City policy that 60 dBA CNEL is the maximum exterior noise level for residential units. The project includes a noise study with recommendations to reduce traffic noise from College Boulevard to 60 dBA CNEL. Yes CT 01-05/PUD 01-06 - CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE W November 20, 2002 Page 4 TABLE 1 - GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE Element Use Classification, Goal, Objective or Program Proposed Use and Improvements Compliance Housing New housing developed with a diversity of types, prices, tenures, densities, and locations to meet the demand of anticipated City growth. The project provides a mixture of architectural styles; and the single-family product type in this master plan contributes to the diversity of housing within the City. Yes Public Safety Provision of emergency water systems and all-weather access roads. All necessary water mains, fire hydrants, and appurtenances must be installed prior to occupancy of any unit and all- weather access roads will be maintained throughout construction. Yes Given the above, the Calavera Hills Village W single-family project is consistent with the City's General Plan. B. Calavera Hills Master Plan The proposed 114-unit project is within Village W ofthe Calavera Hills Master Plan area and, therefore, subject to the provisions of that master plan (MP 150(H)). Table 2 below summarizes the project's conformance with the requirements ofthe Master Plan. TABLE 2 - CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN CONFORMANCE Standard Proposed Conformance Allowed Uses: Maximum of 121 detached single-family residential units. Proposed project is 114 detached single-family residential imits Yes Setbacks: Per PD Ordinance (no arterial setbacks involved) Compliance Yes Architectural Criteria Compliance with elements of architectural criteria; includes architectural styles of: Monterey, Craftsman, Italian, Spanish Colonial and Santa Barbara Single-Story: 10 units Reduced 2-Story: 20 units Two-Storv: 84 units Total: 114 units Yes o CT 01-05/PUD 01-06 - CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE W November 20, 2002 Page 5 TABLE 2 - CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN CONFORMANCE Standard Proposed Conformance Building Height: Maximum of 30 feet to the peak ofthe roof Proposed highest structures measure 25 feet in height, to the roofpeak. Yes Recreation Area: Minimum of 100 square feet per unit of common recreation area (for 114 units, a minimum of 11,400 square feet is required). Three passive recreation areas contain a total of 21,207 square feet of common recreation area consistent with master plan criteria. Yes Design Criteria: Access via College Boulevard. The project proposes access off of College Boulevard Yes A fence/trellis plan shall be approved in conjunction with the condominium permit. A fence/trellis plan is provided on Exhibits "N"-"Q". Yes The inclusionary affordable housing requirement for this village is being satisfied by the development of Village Y and the Calavera Hills Affordable Housing Agreement. Given the above, the proposed single-family project is consistent with the provisions of the Calavera Hills Master Plan. C. Subdivision Ordinance Since the Calavera Hills Village W project involves a subdivision into 122 lots (114 of which are residential lots), the proposal is subject to the regulations of Titie 20, the Subdivision Ordinance. Chapter 20.16 of the Subdivision Ordinance addresses the requirements for a major subdivision, that being a subdivision that creates more than four parcels. These requirements deal mostly with providing the drainage, sewerage, and circulation dedications and improvements needed to serve the subdivision. There are also requirements conceming consistency with Title 21, the Zoning Ordinance, which is addressed in the other sections of this staff report. The proposed Calavera Hills Village W residential subdivision would provide all necessary facilities prior to, or concurrent with, construction. The hydrology report, submitted by the applicant, indicates that all runoff can be controlled on-site and conveyed into existing storm drain facilities. The on-site sewer system would be connected with the existing system in College Boulevard. Water distribution would involve looped service from the existing lines in College Boulevard. No standards variances are needed to approve the project. Given the above. o CT 01-05/PUD 01-06 - CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE W November 20,2002 Page 6 the subdivision provides all necessary facilities and improvements consistent with the Subdivision Ordinance. D. Planned Development Ordinance The Calavera Hills Master Plan states that Village W shall develop in accordance with the Platmed Development Ordinance (Chapter 21.45 of the Zoning Ordinance), except as modified within the Master Plan. As indicated above, the Master Plan contains regulations goveming building setbacks, building separation, building height, and recreation areas. The Calavera Master Plan area already has a recreational vehicle storage area (Village I - RV Storage) that serves the entire master plan. Therefore, the proposed project is subject to the Planned Development Ordinance standards regarding visitor parking, private streets and driveway, and storage space. Table 3 below details the project's conformance with these remaining development standards of the Plarmed Development Ordinance. TABLE 3 - PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE CONFORMANCE Standard Proposed Conformance Visitor Parking: For projects over 10 units, 5 spaces for the first 10 units and 1 space per every 4 units above 10 (for 114 units, a minimum of 31 spaces is required). The project provides 128 guest parking spaces distributed throughout the project site. Yes Streets: Minimum of 34-foot wide streets from curb-to-curb with parkways. The proposed streets measures 34 feet curb-to-curb and is adjacent to 7.5-foot wide parkways. Yes Storage Space: All units must contain a minimum of 480 cubic yards of storage space. Each unit has a minimum of 480 cubic yards of storage space via 2-car garages per unit Yes Given the above, the proposed single-family project is consistent with the applicable portions of the Planned Development Ordinance. E. Growth Management Ordinance The Calavera Hills Village W project is subject to the provisions of the Growth Management Program, as contained in Chapter 21.90 of the Zoning Ordinance. As discussed above, the proposed project density of 4.8 dwelling units per net developable acre is within the Growth Management Control Point of 6.0 dwelling per acre for the Residential Medium density (RM) General Plan designation. Table 4 below outlines the project's conformance with the requirements ofthe Growth Management Program. CT 01-05/PUD 01-06 November 20, 2002 Page 7 CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE W TABLE 4 - GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE Standard Impacts/Standards Compliance City Administration 422 sq. ft. Yes Library 225 sq. ft. Yes Wastewater Treatment 114 EDU Yes Parks .80 AC Yes Drainage 37 CFS Yes Circulation 1,140 ADT Yes Fire Station #3 Yes Open Space Satisfied through MP 150(H) Yes Schools Carlsbad Unified Yes Sewer Collection System 114 EDU Yes Water 25,080 GPD Yes The project is below the Growth Management dwelling unit allowance F. Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) Zone 7 The project site lies within LFMP Zone 7. There are no special conditions or requirements within the Zone 7 LFMP that apply to this residential project. The project is conditioned to pay the appropriate public facilities fee, water and sewer connection fees, and traffic impact fees. The project site is located within a Mello Roos District that covers their proportionate obligation for school fees. All facihty improvements necessary to accommodate the development will be in place prior to, or concurrent with, development. The Zone 7 LFMP requires the completion of a connection between College Boulevard and El Camino Real prior to building permit issuance beyond 2,500 ADT. Therefore, the Calavera Hills Village W residential development is consistent with the LFMP Zone 7. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The potential environmental impacts associated with the construction of Village W were reviewed through the Environmental Impact Report for the Calavera Hills Phase II Master Plan Amendment (EIR 98-02, certified January 15, 2002). Village W was analyzed with up to 121 single-family units. Mitigation affecting this village centers on monitoring during the Master Plan's mass grading (approved via CT 00-02). In addition, a revised noise study for Village W was required to determine the heights and locations of noise walls. The proposed Calavera Hills Village W project, as designed and conditioned, would not create any significant adverse environmental impact than previously identified and addressed in EIR 98-02. The project is consistent with the applicable regulations; will be graded in accordance with the City's Grading Ordinance and City Standards; will comply with the City's National ^^1^^ ^^^^^ CT 01-05/PUD 01-06 - CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE W November 20,2002 Page 8 Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit; will provide all facilities necessary to serve the development prior to, or concurrent with, construction; and will provide noise attenuation walls along the College Boulevard; and is consistent with EIR 98-02. Given this environmental analysis, the Plaiming Director issued a Negative Declaration on September 26, 2002. No public comments were received during the 20-day public review period. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Plaiming Commission Resolution No. 5311 (Neg Dec) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5 312 (CT) 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5313 (PUD) 4. Location Map 5. Disclosure Statement 6. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form 7. Background Data Sheet 8. Reduced Exhibits 9. Exhibits "A" - RR", dated November 20, 2002. EM:mh SITE CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE W CT 01-05/PUD 01-06 City of Carlsbad Planning Department DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part ofthe City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defmed as "Any individual, finn, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fratemal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other coimty, city and coimty, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit" Agents may sign &is document; however, die legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLE'TE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a fmancial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON- APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW If a publiclv-owned corporation, include the names, tities, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Com/Part Calavera Hills II L.L.C. Title Titie Address ; Address 2727 Hoover Ave. National Citv CA 91950 OWNER (Not the owner's agent) . Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e, partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% ofthe shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) m THE SPACE BELOW. If a pubUclv- owned corporation, include the names, tities, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Com/Part Calavera Hills II L.L.C. Title Titie Address Address 2727 Hoover Ave. National City CA 91950 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 NON-PROFWDRGAMZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a frust. list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary ofthe. Non Profit/Trust Non Profit/Trust Titie ', Title Address Address . Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted witii any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? I I Yes >0< No If yes, please indicate person(s):, NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is tme and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of owiwr/date Signature of apmicant'date Print or type name of owner Print or type name of apphcant Signature of owner/appUcant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent H:ADMIN\COUNTER\DISCL0SURE STATEMENT 5/98 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: CT 01-05/PUD 01-06 - CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE W LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 7 GENERAL PLAN: RM ZONING: PC - Calavera Hills Master Plan DEVELOPER'S NAME: Calavera Hills II L.L.C. ADDRESS: 2727 Hoover Avenue. National Citv. CA PHONE NO.: (619) 336-3138 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 168-040-29.168-050-27 QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC, SQ. FT., DU): ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: 2004 A. B. C. D. E. G. H. I. K. L. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage Library: Demand in Square Footage Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) Park: Demand in Acreage = Drainage: Demand in CFS = Identify Drainage Basin = (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) Circulation: Demand in ADT = (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) Fire: Served by Fire Station No Open Space: Acreage Provided = Schools: Elementary: 29.7 Middle: 8.2 High: 15.5 Sewer: Demands in EDU Identify Sub Basin = (Identify tmnk line(s) impacted on site plan) Water: Demand in GPD = 422 225 114 EDU .80 37 Buena Vista 1140 = 3 Per MP 150(A) Carlsbad Unified 114 SAH 25.080 The project is 1.0 units below the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: CT 01-05/PUD 01-06 CASE NAME: CALAVERA HILLS - VILLAGE W APPLICANT: MCMILLIN COMPANIES REQUEST AND LOCATION: 114 single-familv homes in Village W LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Portion of Lots "D" and "J" ofthe Rancho Agua Hedionda. in the City of Carlsbad. Countv of San Diego. State of Califomia, according to Map 823. filed in the Office ofthe San Diego Countv Recorder on November 16, 1896. also being Lot 2 of Carlsbad Tract No. 00-02 APN: 168-040-29.168-050-27 Acres: 23.9 net Proposed No.of Lots/Units: 114 units GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: RM Density Allowed: 4:8 Density Proposed: 4.8 Existing Zone: PC Proposed Zone: PC Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site PC RM Vacant North PC RM Village U South LC RLM Vacant East PC Open Space Open Space West PC Major Arterial College Blvd PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): 114 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Negative Declaration, issued September 26. 2002 I I Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated n Other, amr I or B sxrrs CT. 01-05 P.U.D. 01-06 TENTATIVE MAP FOR CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE 'W JLEGEHJL- 1X7 ~ Bmmxmutmtui EV J«tXI0 MJET M vsmarmr im xma comma m CIVIL SNGINEER/LAND SURVEYOR: ©2002 O'Ooy Cansultnnts. \nc. : larmut f»euta m atai er mms m-smm cr amm meem nr nam m ixuiai cmmr m mam rnoK catirrmaiawu(m cammen ""O^CT KIL JOa MO,; JtalL. out sneu 2 or 8 snem CT. 01-05 P.U.D. 01-06 VILUGE 'W LOT AREA SUMMARY K PUBUC STREETS U' * T r' PUBUC STREET 'C HO JMA mrmA FT. JS ft JB n san. 30 rr. 50 n 1 0,0*1 42 <JM 4J00 S3 7.904 437* Z am 4J 40*1 40*1 Of 7.904 XJOt J 4,310 44 4000 4000 as 7.3J3 X*t7 4 UJI 4.S42 43 443S «JH OS 7.934 X427 $ f.J9J 4LX0 40 4000 4400 07 xm xoos S 7,107 <0J0 47 SAX UW 00 im 4771 7 %)m X307 40 <KV itoo 00 7.tSt 4**r a mm 7.7J2 a Xt»4 3004 30 XOO 40S4 9 o.m HOOT 30 XJa 4*04 m 7.302 4.02* 10 ixm i4S7 Sf 4000 4303 92 S.S3S 41 JO ft 1533 XJJO 32 7.1*0 XOOl 03 XTOe 4272 tf 7.0*0 xooo XS O.I40 4302 9* 7.713 xan IJ tffO 4,0IJ s* xaof 4001 93 XI70 4m 14 IM7 47Jt S3 xo*t 4*70 90 <JW 4047 IS 7.0JB XJJ2 50 X420 40Jt 97 47S 4400 1$ 4,000 4.000 37 xooo 4SO0 90 XJtO 404/ ir xm 4.S10 SO St77 4*^ 90 XJao XOrS w xm 4.^ SO S.2SS 4 Iff tat X224 4071 It 4,m 4.101 so iSS4 40BJ tm 432J 402} <30t i07J st im Xi07 tar X*44 XOOS 31 *.m 4400 02 0.414 xom 103 X0B7 xao7 a 4.0M 4,ajo a SM3 4330 HH i«7 zs 4000 400 04 €VS 4733 4720 4400 24 400J 40U SS x**o 7,070 m 4am 4000 a iioo 4*00 so xor* XO* 107 47a 4701 i$ itos 4*f0 17 XJ*t 40JJ m xsm xsao 27 SJOO 470e a 40ttJ 4279 100 4400 4400 3» iM 4.0JI so 4tOJ 4270 ita 7.004 X4J9 29 4.W 4.724 4000 70 430J 4230 111 xias 4S02 JO 4.OB0 4.724 4000 71 43S4 42J4 1*2 XJJS 40O JJ 4,000 4000 72 i270 40*4 113 7J3J X'07 J2 4.212 4213 7J ««* X«7 It* X327 XM JJ 4,0^ 4013 74 7,403 XI fl 113 17.300 1X000' J4 XtOI XO0I 73 0030 X04S tlO 4,709 zaj7' JS tJOJ USJ 70 7.J72 4031 nr 4.004 4004* JB e,ijt 77 7.700 4109 !fO 4220 ff/4 J7 SJJO XI^ m 0.743 47*0 119 taiti H/A JO 4m 4701 Tf m027 XTff 120 !suao H/A J9 iSIt XSI' ao fXII7 iOOS !Z1 4%0J2 H/A 40 S907 X204 m XI07 4a» '22 291.742 41 4.010 4010 32 S.0OO 4717 fomiOTAOa - tJ0aM7 T (29.1'*CJ tOTM.mmA • 301173 sr 034 AC! 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BRmm SAia rm MC m mmTKx m.r *m 4/t wr w ot ifSB> fonmiami or wranw smrr cmmoi met J Of 8 sH£m cr. 01--05 P,U,D, 01'06 CAUVERA HILLS VILLAGE 'W sum 3 or > SHOTS z a .1 % a L-! >A 1 : 5 \dtr 4it tmAtoKim net tumnrioa vn oer. t tKor mmrwms ae m BOUNDARY DATA OaT»/BEABHG nnus UENGDI — } — t — ~T r re ~F7^— ll • ^f^-f X fJWs^f— — M —r ~ IgJirtJ " — «*.«>• M Mi*' FLOOD ZONE DESIGNAtm SEWER/WATER: K4K roimur mmomof ' mia m om IT got m »mm KMmatitoaimmomm>' mam twmetaaiBiomm- omoBom LEGAL DESCRIFTION: tammaoort/aamm-w t'aoa r ar ot aimam tarn taamt. noton rcMLMK flmrrarsMrasct snr ar MMM. 4eammt m mmwim^ t^tar^^m^mamwomarmaormeomirmxtaomersmtemrm Kaamrirct at-aa PARKING SUMMARY: tttma^m IM H,'^"}. * at ] taraimmr mm OWNER/DEVELOPER: cmjemimist UC dauwmmmiimffreommr mamm are » amm waoKimmermamoto mitimmrmi emttoom aK, M moamtmi.imi4tormm KJC lamamrum trSSmt^K masmat-i anuar mm atmntcaos sum I or 8 SHEETS CT. 01-05 P.V.D. 01-06 TENTATIVE MAP FOR CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE 'W LEGEND: U I26.r 02002 0'D<D Comiltonte, Inc. MMR* m wm SHEET 2 or B SHEETS CT. 01-05 P.U.D. 01-06 VILUGE 'W LOT AREA SUMMARY < PUBUC STREETS 'A' A 'B' PUBUC STREET 'C m SMI loTtm mam tor MCA fWMCA tOTAKA WAKA LOT/ sa n sa n LOTS SQ FT. sa n. toti sa rr. SO rr. 1 Xt*i 0,0*1 42 4JK> 4JtO OJ 7.0*4 4574 2 XTtS XH' 4J 40*1 4041 04 7.104 X3oe J Ojat 4310 4* 400t 4000 OS 7.SJJ X*e7 4 tM2 43*2 43 4*JS 4.4JS OB 7,tS4 SJ22 X437 5 OJOJ 4jae *6 4003 4000 07 7,tS4 SJ22 xoos S 7.m 4030 47 X204 X204 00 7.719 4.373 7 0.700 xst^ 48 0,100 xtoo ot 7.081 4*47 a 7.02 49 X004 xoo* te xoe2 4054 t xm 0.0O so sjn 4*04 tl 7M3 403* to txtm xa7 51 4000 4505 K XOJS 4130 If taa X339 52 7,1*0 XOOl OJ xm 4372 12 2.0*0 XOOO SJ 0.1*0 4302 0* 7,715 X07I IJ 0.010 40tJ 54 xot 4091 OS X170 4737 14 X007 4TJ0 SS iOfI 4O0 ot 4J5I 40*7 IS 7.033 XJa 36 xato 4039 07 4400 K 4000 4000 57 xooo 4SSB 00 AJW 4.0*3 17 itos 4330 SO X077 4*Jl ot XJOO xm le X40J 4m SO 0.335 4119 m X334 4071 tf 4003 4100 to tSJ4 40XJ m 4t2J 40J 20 4300 40» 01 0,7*0 X007 m X444 XOOJ 21 4*80 4*00 02 X*14 xoot w xao7 X007 22 tOff 4030 SJ iOS2 45J0 to* X433 X*37 2J 4002 4003 6* 0.075 47J5 m 4721 4*00 24 400J 4003 OS 04*0 7,070 too 4.009 4t09 2S 4*09 4*0t OS X034 xot* tar 4!0l 4K1 2f 400S 4*10 S7 XJ*t 4tJJ too xsoe xsoe 27 XJOt 47BB to 4S03 427S tot 4401 44oe 20 sjoe 40JI tt 400J 4270 Ito 7.004 ««p 29 4724 4374 70 43BJ 4230 tn XMJ 4IS2 30 4000 4000 71 4394 433* 112 S.3JS 40O Jf 4000 4000 77 X3K 4044 IU 7JS} X307 37 4113 4313 73 XHC 3*37 It* XS37 xm JJ 4015 4013 74 7.405 XttI tIS 17J0B uw J4 ioei AfOI 75 iSJC X04S Itt 4.709 ZS37* JS tJtJ SJS3 TS 7,372 4050 117 4*04 400* • Jf «w X1S1 77 7.700 40tt Ito 4.336 H/A 37 XfX xm 70 STV 4.7*0 Ilt io.m h/» 30 4700 4706 71 Ht03 xnt 130 100.000 H/A JO isri XS1I 00 tXt17 xoos m «9i*37 1/4 40 X007 X304 01 ta»7 4t3t m 311.7*3 H/A *l 4010 4010 o »oos 4717 H/A IPUltOTAOa • IM3D7 ^ (2tl AC) TOtAl MD AUCA m S83.t7S sr (IS* AC) • OECKAOOH Ata - 31.200 SF (0.5 AC) ocseonot smem - 333*1* sr (xo AC} cauOE Oiw ' o&oto sr(2.1 AC} COLLEGE BLVD. fDWG 390-9) MOSCM£ ^aimatvTwr TYPICAL WT DRAINAGE DETAIL CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE 'W ®2002 O'Ooy CoimiHonto. Inc. o SHEH 4 or 8 SHEETS CT. 01-05 P.U.D. 01-06 SHEU 5 or 8 SHEETS CT. 01-05 P.U.D. 01-06 turmoHct*u ms Jts m mmfKt ati MD aoE tm 10 or oSB> FOO tieaaatui ^^^^ CAUVERA HILLS VILUGE 'W If iiiii 1! ' ymr^am •«' mx CAUVERA HILLS VILUGE 'W mrn^MTH mm mmrimmooat jmmorn mm O2002 OlTOf ConsuHontt. Inc. o () o C) o JCEX-JtAE GENERAL NOTES: If riAnaaamnt m-mom-m m-^aa-jf-m K m mtPBmBH M. amwaatm mm. mama w kors CD mmsomirimmm aam 401% mr HI or mm muami Q] 4tmeinmmirmmeao^oammsmma mm mmmmom9U.t n torn m oom tmt am tat or OOK ©2002 O'Day Coimrtorts. Inc. sm-utrntsamns i*wa aatmnn tarn Motmmtimooe. j 924 imamnem moD ZONE P£sismmjv '£Setmms amarttm<aatm mat} Lffifig DESCSIPnQN; *maamaKw*MKm9mvmTtr oKamKmimm iemm4 m oriintr mtaagi^tamm ir tm am smrer eai/omai. *tomam fa mt amoK m wgattr m. an tataai arormatrataamirmxmmm arsamtamarmi msommaKAtsmimeta^ OWNER/OmMPElt.- owmmisiue HBwmiiiiar- mumao'i mwn mma aAOOn itoc a os SHEET I or S SHEETS P.U.D. 01-06 P. U.D. FOE CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE 'W ififiaamK 10 m maaoamrtoarmiam... mite... ••TiCiMrMiir mmaax faaammaAii mraca.. am ENGINEEI^AAND SURVEYOR: (mmot-rma fsr suTT 1 ors sMcm M«rT im tli JM — II- — •aHTiaB n IU UASJtR PLAN COUPUANCE TABU MASTER PLAN COUPUANCE TABLE (CONT.) Iiii i \ IBUi ar- I i ommK ! mtrm aanmti Mr/itwv MPjnin^lflBVT . immr' ; xmais ' rmtaa tsmar . m . • x \ at^aams ; ^p"^ SSm-' colaua: LiSmwi**"" mf 1 tor ts'Sme jaoA lunxstmms \ mm' sonam taaraa am 1 rsmrr BKWti 1 atot emmns nuts ' ttttrsir' >m mmw JCC Mt4 .mm: X me 1 \ 004! i tm \ ' :^ ss \ ir-r ; ^-as; i-s- | JP' Ml i CrMT 1 1 Mt " 1 *= 31 tJS! 1 4m It ats ! jir-jg-i-r w ae I ISW tm sta " J * ; • im \ stf' \ 7 \ as •. t*~jS; • i-f \ tr » 1 ff^ : [I7F i JK f ( O'T ac tsM tau I! JK r-r a-S". t-r 1 «• ae ISW am 4Jt ' 1 " J 1 *JW • 43te 1 17 j *3S ; , IM: !•! w * . JC f tr4c j J 2S as) i-w 1 a-ae \ irw IMS SB i i tar i UC i J ; /.f-eS" i ii-'ir; tr nr f-fl? 1 jar r ! V tw xam II ats r'-r a-s) i-a- 1 V M) 1 ISW laat SIS JD m> 3 tsoi \ 4im ; r HT 1 r'-r If m ' uw ^if j aat * m u saai 4S3e 3 B ix-af; as: t-y j »• ae mw tlK «r * mf t T.mf j 1 • K ! tj'-ai; tf-•r j tfjof tit: \ ja* • t m 44 tars <)» 1 B r-r t-r 1 tr ICS (ISO m-w imi 4m r ae > cw If aas tt-r •-If: (•!' tr «? 1 »«»• Hf . Jff ; » *s t*40 rjit J 2S tr-i^ i r-tu-B- «• irsfixa) mw mt ta* r err B 7.7J7 f ts f-^ fc/Ti 1-r If 1 tcsfiri,! \ ifW . twe 1 j«r ! r VT m xan aat* ( B ir-r \ r-i'; (-»• tt-K fs-w aaa* jm JV m * IMP UK } a «• [ Ki/fffj' I a-nr \ taas \ Jta \ r [ err i> xam aat} J B jir-«*- 1 r-a: t-r te-mi m-w mt Jtr r VT m 1 uwp to/ •'-/-j *C ( WWJ' taf \ JB \ n \ m> m 4.ao} 4tm / B f'^ i JW'i-r w KSftfV mw f.am *ta r err aw SJJf ts ar-tfr fJ' ir j » «rj*r (» 1 JW i .' j (^r m i«u 4tm J B I ZTHSf l-f w : KSfirr; \ mw mt MT f m 7Me som / f-^ ••IT; (--•• 1 nstrra - HTM-(W ' J«r j r ; n 43aJ urn 12 ms r'-r r-i: I-r w m \ itw am m „ re 4tm tatJ / ts tf-er tr itsfisKasv : wxr ITK aat -r \ m rt 435* AIM I as K-jf i-r w irsft*-ij [ irW tarn 43r r art w am <im t 1 B f'^ ma tt xam 4014 3 JS tr-aff »-r: tr ia(t4-a> j mw mt jar Y ws XJO ' i »'-/• fcf- 1 Jp" m * 73 tme smr I ts rr-j^ r-ix i*s-IT m mw mt jm T VT « UPC <«p 7 I B i-r 1 w aaa r am H /.4as SIU > ss wr-r a-f; t-tr JT" re isns' am m r ae ams 4aaB J j ts ir-^ nsmi) 1 im 4at * m rs aaji tarn t B ar-^ r-r: i-r *• m mw mt m r rr • i40i 4191 J • as jf-^ i-r j tf ns/irr} ! »wir tat! < «r r err tt w» aam J B srr-*^ e-s'j t-r I*-fSfMlJ mw IMt jm r art 4*as \ 4tm 17 1 JIB r-r *W5; £-W 1 »• JW 1 »W : MT ; I m rr r.me 4im I B t*--^ rsi-i-s' It-trs (If r) mw l» m r vr J 1 JB •«*<sr a-s^ imtr \ tr nsnro \ »w i uw mr j * m arm 4rm J B tr-tfc r-T; L-r It' m mw IMS 4m r mr I< ! <«F 4mp / 1 ^ M-jfr m-s: l»rr- j «f tcsfrrif) j j»Mr w» r m tf mmr am tf aB r-r •Si l-V a-re IS'W am jaa r mi « iUur ««* J i ts ar-^ ii>^' (••r 1 w « ! »w IM! « 1 r ear ae nitr itos J B ar-aff a-r: t-K ir m mw mt sit r ear 2! i UKT i«r ' 1 It'*' » tms' tarn da 1 a OD ai IMT 4aat U KB r-r US'; i-as IIS OD tsw tm mt a mi A i 4Mf **v J 7! m tanat ; mt «cr « m ar tarn 4m J B as-tff r-S> IS le mi »w IMT m r arr Jt { 4<ar 4*m J ts ws lit-1: Writ Kara «*r r err Km4 ASM 1 SS lt-4' l-r ltr mt raw am *aa » ro JF \ 4am 44m J ts *'-45r I * f irsfu'ri mt ; ' r trr at r.au tarn J B ir-a^ JW*;- l-r »4' re mw mt jrr r trr r : uw 4ms aas r-r iw:- i-ir w OMV ; MT , • m m r.tu amr 1 B r*-jfr r-T; IS-IS-ssfiru mw itm m f arr m IJBT 4*S> J ts m^- i-ir rrs(tru 4ir M aai m rja* aatr s B a-r. IS-IX SSOJLUV mw IMt Jta T mr <ff» 4704 / J5 /--sir ir tDfira/ •Mr JlCT! 4ar T moa «' tstt teas 1 B t*--jff a-ei l-r IT Its (ITV mM-wa 4tr r arr » taae 40pe J ! ST u-air *ms: 1-5 jf' w Tjtai 47* r err m 7.n» 4m } B wwar r-T: l-r IT m mw IMt am r arr SI 4000 4*oa ' m'-r asi t-r ir HP »w ten SB M m m tm 4,447 u OB ar-r i^r. IS-tr m> tfM' tm 4a r ae Jt 4itt 4It! J J5 ax-iff *j; t-r ir » [ »w w mr K err m aatr 430* 3 B tr-af; »S': IS-tr ae taw IMt m r irr J} 430 4m 17 «5 r-f a-^ i-sr ter ne »Mr i«w 43a 4 Ml at IJK aaa* t B t4^-jer a-*-: IS-IT Its (14 -1) mw ms m r re Jl ttar J B tr-4^ —af. 1^4' «-m mw '.V JW r err at tats 4.13$ a IS tS'-tf t-r; t-r tr KS(ifrj mw tm m K mr X UOJ UKJ tf «e r-r »-aji i-u* Its' m laur MM jm n m> u sme «W r SS m) aw aaa* m r ae » ttf tm / IS at-^ »-tf) 1-43' »r m) iVMr' am r mr m r.m tart a aB r'-r r-if: i-ir B' re aw am m r m SIM am 7 m —or: tsr MM' M> •w i.tm JK r 4tm m aim 4tir 3 B sr-^ as:- t-ir IT aa(m-o mw mt m r trr JF 4m 4m4 J as •-r 1-3-tr m mr jm » err m <3H 4047 t ts t*-^ rs^is-W nsfm-io mw um m r err iSf' ssn 17 OS r'-r i*i>u; i^r mr tD mw asm tar » m tr Atat 4*K 3 B ar-a)r rs: IS' If ms(ifi} mw mr 4ja r art * SK7 S» J JS t-ir: I-r •r mf »inr mr JW r err m um 4341 t B •s: l-r M ias(i4-a} mw (*• m r err tam 4Mm I JS *-f,- t-3 «• iesp40 WMT Ktm 4M r met m ijae tea 3 B j^Htr »S: is-If WSfM'U mw mt m r (tf « *jae 4Me J as I-!' M-tsft*-*/ •w mt 4tr err me saa* 4Mn t as les'! LS-tf iBfirv irw tan Jta T ae 4J *a*> 4»ft IT ats r-r t-e: l-S' ir aa ow tm> 4B # ne mr 4aa 4ati a ax r'-r JM: is-If ae aw aaa* am r 41 <am 4am J IS MX mr •wr utat *ia a rr mr 1*44 am J B tr-^ rs': t-ir IT Its PS-0 mw mt SIX r an « 44JS «*ja I 7 IS tr KSfOM'i} tvMr tarn asa r mn JOJ aaar aaer t B M'-Jg-rs: imir ir KSfKraf mw ma am r *.am 4m J as 14' trsfoa'ig ijm «r r (PT mi i4rr t4r> J ts ar-alf es: i-rf rn-ms(M-i) mw mt m r trr uat 17 ats r'-r i*«s:' j-r M-m o'Mr' aim «r 4 iW me 4tB 4am t B US': l-r tf wsfM-r] m-w tarn ma r VT tme 3 ts ar-air i-ft w nsfis'u mr jn u arr ms am 4am II ats r'-r jwj i-ir m' an ISW am am II OB • tarn Sam t ts ir^ **/: (-W «• ttsfis-a.' «w»-lam JBT r moP mr 4Jm tar J B tr-a^ rs: i-K-ff" msnstj mw IMt m Y art JV sam tmi J ts 2X-^ c-tr IT ftSpFU tm ma r m IB uaa ajoa 1 B a*-xr Its: IS-If msfo'a} mw ma Jta r arr ««e 4ats 2 as ar-Jlr H-wspra) »Mr' t«* 4aa r am am 4mt 44m 3 B tr-*er JW; j»r If ae mw mt aa K vr 7.Me sm It ats r-r M JW (fj* lam tat » m Iff rm t*M 1 as a''4C jfco: l-r tr lis fin) mw ma jm r trr SJ tm 4*01 JT as «• 1tS(t4lJ «W 1 UOS mt r m HI tmi 4M2 s B tr-tic r-ri: ts-ir as (tra? mw mi m a err a* tarn 4tm J JS ar-^ nsprt) mim- \ tarn am a err ta KJOK 4MB 2 ts rsi: l-r »-m mw tan Jm r aa oe iMt 4am t ss m--r a-r;i-m-IT m \ MM' 1 zm* 4aa r ae ta rjsi Star t B ^'•^ a-iT: IS' ir msmt) law tma am r trr m i*tt) *sm tl B f-^ »-r: t-t' w m r-r 1 tjB JB r aa n4 aaar am J B ar-ite r-iT: i-m-Jf ms(r-aj mw mt am r vr Sf sam 4m J B ^-tfr »-S) l-f w-It •vr 1 im joa ' -mrs mm notsm> eBumms mtuay 54 lar? 4431 J B ar-iff B-T: I-r «' ssfirrj •MT ! /,« *m SHEET 2 or 5 SHEETS P.U.D. 01-06 CT. 01-05 PUBUC STREETS 'A' A S' (rJTi 'v arm r aimr ' PUBUC STREET 'C mtaxi COLLEGE BLVD. (DWG 390-9) mtott SmiON A-A TYPICAL SLOP! SSTBACX COMPIUNCX DETAII. ©2002 O'Oiv Con«uSonl8. he. BScmatcaanraRmrroKttimmxoar am 4ir mr to onaeo roa maaai ea OBiocaL staHrrearoa 199 mmmm tons' ffrwSSt imst mtaa at «r imst mtaa mt m JW mta m aa JOS} mia tm tot man mm maa tanmaat) ssss^jfsr CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE 'W —fi 6"U"S UT t IWT"? MOT w< ...MUOLK., •Mt JUHHI Kit: C) SHEET J or 5 SHEETS P.U.D. 01-06 CT. 01-05 Ufa r (|fS:®Bj§j CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE 'W SHEU 4 or 5 SHEETS P.U.D. 01-06 CT. 01-05 turanrc oau ms aar roa aBBmisF mt\ mc mr mrr to tc astt raf ataaimnm. » mnoa juncroMHa CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE 'r SHOT *ers arm SHEB 5 or 5 SHEETS P.U,D. 01-06 CS. 01-05 NOTE n BJtcaaamceiurmttcmtiaBmmataty am) arc mtr to or osa m mtKBim ea tBtncat svn€r ce^ma CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE 'W SHOTS arsaem SSS SBBT 4 IM-CQNYZPgCK PESlGN GUIDEIJNES maaimatsaarmneatuam^Moa400 atleetaar r at ammi^mxv* BAS/C REOUmtENTS ' (BALCONY / DECK) I Ml amaatimacs mm emm.r am< at moaaomans m rt mamm oatamc ceac t Itm teag mama (F*taaarm tram rmrtmxmrjoeac. mmr misfK mm mrr ar oiiain/otm ma oetr rmmatrae mmimais rssoorrm-Mvmam tr ar atmamma asaamwrn s aaemamar AS amaim m m cam Onurrwa m rm srrv m nm^ i 4mami'r/mmmisrmw-mm4m>acamr»kfaemn»mummafmaum t mamtmratemm airamammamr s ama-ummaam z muaars/teaemmmatnamr mat mats araoamtn SPECffX OEW.OPi£Nr STAmARDS - (BALCONY / DECK) I mBeaasmmmuiat»ttaBmmm4imammv mmrmtrmmmmr wmm mmm t mmm s-tmiscmacr tarn imcEi. saammusm 1 ar tmttc itai V » aitemn^am mia m micmatrmrm imr mra trwrattammmmmn.stmterieae ~- " areirrmm mET I or 4 SHEETS CT. 01-05 P.U.D. 01-06 THBmS/PATO COYER DESIGN GUIDEIiNES MP OMRS mw ^amrmmat r trmm^ooemat maim » mar m BA3C BBsummrs ' (mus/PAwj I. 4u arua^m eamas mm emmr mm mt irmmanm v ar am tmttmom I mmmm sPEonc flfJStWKBvr STANDARDS - (mils / PA WJ rmoeacam rmamaimma tmtaatimtramir I aamm miigSm ct taommmmtmrmommmM w art tor mmmm 8 M E trtaeatmrntmutB^tameoaoBmirotaoomiamaraamimseam A tKum^meomtmau ocmatomirmoM e EXHIBIT FOR BALCONY / DECK & TRELLIS/PATIO COVERS CALAVERA HIUS VILLAGE 'r O2002 O'Day ConsuKonte, he smr ioF4SHcns rromet iwtj:_|t&_ jw m-wo iKSUf Btemtme mu itame am mnaBict mtr mmaoFommorooaianmuBtrait m mcK jwm'Mnn SEE SHEET 3 lEGEHD SHEET 2 or 4 SHEETS CT. 01-05 P.U.D. 01-06 lusi^ turn aarnettKT im-ise(t^ sci a.u.B. i -sssa^ EXHIBIT FOR 0^^^^ BALCONY / DECK & l[S.IS»m TRELLIS/PATIO COVERS CALAVERA HILLS ^-^^ VILLAGE -r aaommemunamrntomm amammnmiioaommtBa m mwoot tmirreatmei (S)2002 ODoy ConniHants. Inc. —tTTW' S' irT"T in T 1"— motor Hn.;_JUL— Ma^^uT Mowmt or MM •wsTiisai m: tm SEE SHEET 4 SHEET 5 or 4 SHEETS CT. 01-05 P.U.D. 01-06 . imns or oaaotn'/taxs * KUSJ^OD (mm (SET Bam euoum w stm i m aeonom KEomsmnTsi \ '. mw: namtmamm am rat sa:mti m(o)(2)(S OF (XAtm ttas I I nAsta turn aaKiamn na-tsofk). ss p.ue. atm EXHIBIT FOR I I /'/^^^ BALCONY / DECK Se I I W&sdmTREUIS/PATIO COVERS ' / / %«s#^ CALAVERA HILLS II VILUGE -r 02002 O'Doy Conniltiints. Inc. "•MCT «M.;_JUL M III m 1 vat: SHEET 4 or 4 SHEETS CT. 01-05 P.U.D. 01-06 EXHIBIT FOR i^^"'^ BALCONY / DECK & Wss^ij TRELLIS/PATIO COVERS CAUVERA HILLS VILUGE 'W 02002 ODoy CtmiHinU. inc. mr*9r4mrs •hrMh A, liar' o ti MATCHUNE - SEE SHEET 2 CT 01.05 PUDOI^W SIdaaadisaryaidslopas to ba PlanVngZona 3 - IndMdual Hotrvowner Malntalnad Planting Zona 2 • HOA Malntalnad ~ Saa Mns Grading Plans for Slopa Planting (HOA Mamtakiad) Straat trees on partomy to be maintained by ImtvUual Immeomma Nelghborfmod Entry MomOpantto be Incorporated Into perlrnetetmll 1-)l4 PptttSarZaiiiA-S fiiw Ptp^otlonZoha A-2 Plr^fn^aOioirZona Ar 1 EiivUonmttiikptnu Skkiiahd mar yard slopes ii>baPlahtkiap[ona2- IndlvkHalpfoperty oimar^maM$lnad Saa Mai^ Grading Plans Ibr filope Planting (HOA Maintained) Commuhity Garden with Woott ArtKir at Entry Garden Plots to be installed by Homeowners Sea Sheet a Ibr Plant Legend, Waler Conservation Infbrmatlon, Fire Protection Information and Percentage of Landscape Area. Hole: Street trees to be Installed by developer Turf In parkways In front of Individual lots to be installed and maintained by individual homeowners. Turfinparitways In front of common areas to be Installed by developer and maintained by Homeowners Assodation (Epical). Community Entry Monument NORTH cttOWflPD flSOCIflTfS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTtJRE 283B CM«MI <M Rto Soutti 6an Otogo, CMfomis 92100 (81fl)71B.«aeO I 51 §1 JOS Mlt^OK, ^341 or ft SHBBT9 cHOWfiDD fcClflTf LANDSCAPE ARCHrreCTURE »3S CHI*IO <W no Soutt SUM 310 San CMm CMxrM floioe Eei9}71M06D FAX tS1»)71ft«M or e 9HBCT5 I CT 01.05 PUDOKB SeeAlasaOfading. Plant faf'Sltl^PlanSiii PUi^tBiie*- jf H0Al4alnlai»d . . r^tpM trees on parltway >-. -. .-• tolmmaln^medby . . :.• jtidMduallyyimownafS MitsaiHtSear YM slepattoba l^antirfgZonaiy Jnia«ll6iaMitneotvnariilaintaln$d. Saa:Mm.pf^:^-'^:':' \/flans m^&Ot!^lPU]^ {H0A,M)>m4lhad} PlarUhig-itinei^ , HOAMUntairted i< Px*Pn»lK9oniZ^Ari v <X iTlrtPmicm'flin*^! \ "i"; Envininmentair^n^ i irypi*¥ Symbol/ , M ' ' ! ; i i . \ \\\ i 11 i\ 5. -, Side Yards and PaiKMyi^ eoinarM>iabaHI)niiJld)m4i< i < As8aaallan^itmlfif^aaa( i r.H'. $ele l3^ihBf U ' ! h ' < Plans IbnSkfiMPJiililltiSM i i ; .(HOft **f <^*l*<<^ I \ \ \ I« '- fiearSKHiiss\to<Oa \ \ \\\ Plentlng Zona\i i \ " \ . • Individual Hdmeamm^rr' '. Irrlgaiadwith HOA Mal*>lalnisd lahdia^' Flr«Piot*eilon Zona B.3' riiaPrplsctltaSScinaB'Z rmCntlactloniermB^t; See Sifeel a for Plant Legend, ]\\\vialirxCtinsemton Infbrmatlon, ii: hra Aolactfofl Information and ./Pemanlne of Landscape Araa. RearShpea to if.'/i'. Plantlng,Zbneif/ i Individual Hmeoumtt liTigaledwIth HOA m^jtanmlCandacapa See Mass Gr^lpg, Plans Ibr 8k)pe PlanHrigi! (HOA Maifimiadj . i i MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 2 NORTH I" = 40' ctlOWflDD LAfOJSCAPE ARCHfTECTURE 28U CMT*W M Ho 8o«# SiAl310 Swi OlBoa, Camerrm S210e C4 I I 5 ^ 1 li DATCi JOB NLMBCK. FILE. V Of 6 StSTft CT 01-05 PUD 01-06 upmusecTKmacfiSBB YaADtmtarom a-WALLONrBema fBAKHmn (S'litasomtyr GLASS; YAMtFEfKXTOm vmwFBaac(Trp.) NOTE: FINAL LOCATION or SIDBYARD GATE AND FENCE RETURNS WtLL BE DETEHMtNED WITH PLOT PLANS FOR BUfLOff^G PGWWTS (TYP.) FENCE & WALL LEGEND UESCHIPVCN Virw WALL - mSONRY A GLASS ••.ILW VLNCE • IRON 5' HT. MOO rrw.r - 5' nr. RETAINING '^ALL Prp CM' i:---lC.lf4FffiNG PLAINS flSOCIflTfS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SUM 310 9wi Diapo. CmOmrm 02100 («19>7tfr40OD fAX (81W1HO0O ^ £1 OS 5 53 cnAra* sr Plus. CT 01.05 PUD 01.06 vmge W Subdivision Bourtdary Envlronrnental FerKa ! > i Home Owner Aasocathn Imgation and Maintenance Zone Private Homa Owner Inigation J and Maintenance Zone Home Owner Association Brush , ,/ j Management Maintenance - /,//t,/,f.i,i Temporary Irrigation Zone Home Owner Association Brush t^nagemant MalntanarKe - f^on-irrif/atfon Zona City irrigatm md Malnlananca Zone Private Home Owner irrigation with HOA Landscape MaintanancaZona NORTH ..' = eo 4IOW(iPD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 8w ttaqo, CtmanOt 92100 fBi^m-aaoD (si^ns^ow i Si's DRAW B-'. JOB MJh'3CR, *^3*' PILE. vfiog»r».CP5 WVI5ION6. CT01-0S PUD01^» NEIGHBORHOOD PARK LOTUS Pedestrian Walk Benches - Bocce Ball Court Picnic Table 1/— Garden-plots to be installed by Homafowners Concrete Walk Open Turf Bench Equipment |; * j Turf ^— Volleyball Court Common Area Recreation FacHiUes Fedilty Type NORTH Lotl 15-Naighboitmod Parte UstV Bocce BaH VonaybaH Oxirt Picnic Table Benches Lot 118-Neighborfiood 1^ UstV ChUdran's f^ayground Facility Benches Jli-^-f' Common Ana Reamition Calculations Gross Area (S.F.) Net Area (S.F.) Lot 115-Neighborhood Parte 17.588 '3.888 Lot 118 - fMghboihood Partt 4,789 2,637 LOT 116 COMMUNITY GARDEN LOT 117 — Wood Artxjr l^ote: In addilion to the requked recreation areas. Lot 117wlS contad a Community Gardm NORTH " = ;0' Total fJat Area 16,523 Required Area 11,400 See Sheet 8 Ibr Plant Legend, Water Conservaffon Informal. Fire Protaction Information and Percentage of Lmdscape Area. <H(DWfiPD MS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE S35 CMno M Rto Sou«i SulaZIO SMI Oiago. CaMvna 9210Q (8io]Tia4oeo FAX (ei9j7i»«eeo RLA 02819 1V IS 5 ill E is 3 i 5 il DATS: I0/I6r0i pwAiw ar- jtj JOB tWBE^i •'•3*' CT 01-06 PUD 01-06 Stonm Md b«hind signage l^p|«ct nams and logo - Stona vanw pUattar Entry Monument - Rear Yard Conclition NotsK 1. Refer to matartala and color board for letter mtfarials. and colora. Letter size to be consistent wftti Muter Plan rac^jlraments 2. Refer to Sheet 4 fbr entry monument locatfon Scale: 1/2' = I'-O" Community Entry Monument Notes: I.RefertomaterlBlsand color board for letter Scale: l/T « V-O' materials, and cotors. Letter size to be contistent wftti Master Ptan requirements 2. Refer to Sheet 1 fOr entry monument locatkMi 4IOWflPD fociflTES LANDSCAPE AflCHCreCTURE 2139 Camina <M Rto South SuMaatO Sen C3laeo, CaHtomla 92109 <«19)718'«e0 FAX ^19)718.0800 RLAI2019 3s 1 ff « 4 OATS. '0/l»/a3 DKAtW 9r> JCi JOB HJt^BUi "^34i PtLB. c>r ft si-«Ts. CT 01-05 PUD 01-06 Water Conservation infonnation Ai^mdpmomlrgrotmdtpimiOhgtaim: ZOnrf:tO.OaOr.f.:t.O% Ztna2:3000a.f.:0.3% Zof» 3:200.015 r./.;!! % Zona 4: Oeo.049tX: 70.0 % OreumkrttitZam 1 ptmOIng: Xenr 1 planOr^ It OmtgimO lo bm urtrt tt aeti'wanilptmftmoomtafioeaa.anOaipni/rdwMiar. AlolalcfraOCr.t. aftuifltfmpeard, wta^r»pramnli0.e%afOmpmpoaaaiKtdaarp**ir ttrtHm. ktrgiomioriOPlrii^murmiitwuaarwaiaajMatdMrumrot prap^i^Ooit tnO an opOotrt artftton druiffn irfOtsh tjOOaar t^ pnttplOrOon mMteadk TtmatigaOonajfnrniyMbmudlulmOarmonrilfiapmmia TutK KlraBOelfiraKiOmlnClaarmOmarrwaitmmmOtUr tarOOrrarlnOmMun. Thr Mgtllen ^nm rao bo dMignml to Fire Protection Information Tt»pnvoarOplmakv<rateeiit3immem»mOmatyiieCMlal>ra prrtOmaOanovrOy.aa<lrOrttilonOimplan. SmcOenA't (yM/tOetnO rhpaa) l>lamdwttttnundooimonlr,anortail Plant Legend (ouanmri^^ Cofl9g0Bfvd. Ptantfng (^>f I jl»BlWi n—- tOgaOomnamtmrirt Sactlon A^HHrmtrnMrmilrlotHr} •O ytmtmlim-19 goOen mtitntit atar OhaSirmHOr-fhataaaOOim Support Trao'fSgaOorfittntinanrlrr Eucr^yajayp. -Cuoai^ptM UiMwuhn tutpHaro- Ti/Op Ttat PlnDoO wOh lowt¥Wim ur§. immnObttg ipmei»r;tmmr b OrptartrOno okmramtX-aprntOrtgnoO (•> Cariraoff. ViiMola'-Pmaoairnalatekm IVgHtotwarSlnba-1 paOon ii*OmM alta XarfHapamnc^DfaK Plarmimmbaangrwpadlntijf&minaa. Zona 1 pm^lmbamtiaioantaaadaiiamaaolrltnOlimaviauaiarpaetandaa UutetfwabauamOtaiOaraOtmrlwvbwaaa. Oatona par yaarotmtlarOiraaeliplaNtig xana: Zona 1:720.705gal. S)naT.1.m.0«ag^ ana3:2.rm.S0Soal Zona 4:0 gat thinirnao(l\lgtiMrpaeiaaidanlOladbyO>meaytifCaitrbad:Plantadwtt\ • Aan T h AM^ on^c No »aM or MpMact VMt/na»'Aa adsW aMar onatacflM of ^arMaiar iM0i Sacftw»ffWMi^« Village Landscaping Percentage Total sua Araa: LanOaeapad Araa (not mcMTig na0m Imti/aeapaO otopaaJL- 0^.100 S.F. 80,430 SF. 10 % ttairmalt^aalae»mpiMnQaplooa%almoaaimMipaciaa: Traaa aH0larpaatrvlmbai>gialaaiadaltaabapnmaOlo3tmaa0iahalohiei/ OtaauimundlnatiimfaloryorO-.^taaeltwMrlaNghar.DamaanO aaeaaaS'a^'twiggy gmtOiiliaOtaiainevadiJrrlgaltd Saclbn^(/mi9waaa} HamavmotiaolfMapadat;ftamovalbraalaeO»apiunaigiiploOO%ot irKdaralaOialapai*ia:Tiamandiaigai/mb»baa»aialalnaOat)alba pnrmioSOmaalhaltalgiaafOiamiiroundlnguntlattlonrorg-. mtikfmm- laMgltanOaaOmOaroaaaMyMggyormr»\almtbaranmait: Non-angatait Invasive Plant Control Aprtoillflrittawaiaapr9gtarreflanaaoapafralntrnaiKa<'iattCala*/am Htta it Ota ciM^iol Of arttatva and orotic waaOa ^oni anciv&t^/inwnt Imo tha naOvaeoa^lataaenaandchOpanafhataialceiTktef. TTtaaawaatM ahallmeoi»otaitbottanO>aparipl>atyofOmnaOvacciTldon. anOln naOvaravagatrOonanOtrrauppiaaalanaraaa. Such nmlniananaa wtl ba eoniMr01iyOtaHonmmnaf^AaaoelaOon,anOaliatl>aaia)(jlalad»>0>a CCM% Moat¥faailteanbaaraaiealrObyffigaanifianttputlngonaiagularbaalt, Olharmxttwoada»raaibatpnyadoreutanOpaatiail<0aiihait3lai<iaon9or moraOmaaioitiorouglilyUtOiaiootr HaiMiaa ahaiU Oa uaad apai*Vfy andon/yirOhOmaOiflemanOaupanlakiiiijtaaoanaaOpaataintelaiMiaf. StOfMS Slopa Thaaa - 5 pafcn mMnun ate UManohev) ll4Nlln • TUb 7)M ftiualw»i»iili -Mappopma MMM aoanWb Wm^aetf'-towbn nana 7}«a Aunw 4an« • CMMM Otany auanwayMi • Coitf JM> oa* Oaaneiaiarpp. • CHwm ammc aaOiaap^-Rotktoaa StaalTfaa-13 gaOan mtamuni alta I BfoPaOymaaOaxa-Bmiaatoouat PodDcarpua gncOhf' Fatn pina AaoMMtt* qpan Spaoa n«aa- tSgatonnanOnmat y'~v fiuea*P**W-awa^ip** ( ^'} BavMmannlipati-acWaaa Pnttuabhtiana-Ptrplalaafpam PaaajtaA^ctt'a Opan Spaea Stavtt - IgatonmamnrTtti ^ MaOfEOmaniaoue/taf'iSloaayabata ^ AgrpanOMmaOtaanua-UlyotttaNOa '•NB< Toyon ptioont HaOylmtatairy 'Sugm-buah fipfi. -noaamary SaMalaueonOm-Uanoanbua/taaga iai>-gnMaigShiuba(eo*aringm%o/alopa.undmplaniml HanmoeaO^mlaOaa.Daytly LavanOiMaanguaaOila'&igtalilavantlar Pmoaponm app, - lAxA ora/iffr Xyloamm OaRtpaeCt'-SMVJOi^Mma Paa^^Aiidtva Opan Spaea Ofwno Covat-Flab , Oatanmapp'Tiaakiggaanlm'Flaia I (Pianiadundar^miba:noaymMonplmf -k-J Jitaialtien-taaeua-Tuif tayapanjm paeOhunt • Ho Cofftman Nanrn StepaaA^acant as Opan Spaca A'tamatla'Caniron ara/-Canyon Oray Saga Bt Peak Inigation Water Demand Jufy' 179gpm StipaaAt^acantloOpan^aca BaoBltaria'Flgaonl'^.OwaifCoyeiaSuah SaMa'AMapatlelmltv'-AaanCMeaaringSaga RECLAIMED WATER tr X 38" SIZE .OtS W.UU'f4UM, Ota ABS PIASTIC on STICK ON NflNYL SICNS -r BLACK LE'TEfiS -2" BLACK LETTTtS Typical Signs EntriM AgapanOtutaOlcanui-UlyetmaNOa ttttaptitolap^ app. - tidla b^attvm Ccnwmjnlty and tIalghtortHMO &aty groonO ODiwa nnna AlWHialCOtOr • falargonamtpaOatjm'lvygaiaiaum Ifl- X 1B' mt .OIB JU.UMINIiM, .060 ABS PLJISIIC •ft STICK-OH MNYL HONS ctlOWflPD flSOCIflTfS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 2B» C«rtno dal Rki 3OU0) SUHaZIO San Otago, CaWtarrita 03100 (019>71MeW FAX {8t9}710-0860 31 PATS, le/iS/M vat.»*ai BTi jRj JOB H^iOCTi f1L2. CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 CALAVERA HILLS ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SUBMITTAL PACKAGE VILLAGE W CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES fl 10.01.02 CT 01-05: PUD 01-06 l»IR6T WLOO'R PLAM Pi-Als] 1 PLANl Single-Story Plan CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES ARCHrracnjuB A 10.01.02 CT 01-05 ; PUD 01-06 ^HONT BLBVATION • PLAN IC PRONT BUavATION - PLAM IP SPANISH COLCWiAL PLAN 1 Single-Story Plan CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES ii 10.01.02 -aacaattrmaaimfaa mnmeerauio CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 n RSAR BLBVATIOM - PLAM IB waawjt oaw e*r IMFT BLBVATIOM - PLAM IB una. V*' • 1^ RiaHT BLBVATIOM - PLAM IB PLAN 1 Single-Story Plan CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES AicmTacnjiii a PtAixviNG 10.01.02 CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 RBAR BLBVATIOM - PLAM IC B I 11 ra LSPT BLBVATIOM - PLAM IC RISHT BLBVATIOM - PLAM IC KiMt-l/*''f^ PLAN 1 Single-Story Plan CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES 10.01.02 CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 as* 6BCOMD PLOOR PLAM PLAM IZ PIR6T aLOOR PLAN • >una». air ioo» Of TVC ROOF LINE IS SIHSUE STORT PLAM IZ WBOB^^^ Wa». tttantHoa. rata. 1,.) PLAN IZ Reduced Second-Story Plan | CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES nffi UdONLEY ASMX, INC mCTUU A lANNINO 10.01.02 CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 PROMT BLBVATIOM - PLAM IZ-S '^A^iSftftalaSiMlalalfc'SilfclBiM DD PROMT BLBVATIOM • PLAM IZ-C lOOSS OF TW PLAN'S ROOF Lll« IS 5IHSLE STOTT PLAN IZ Reduced Second-Story Plan CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES i.) 10.01.02 CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 RBAR BLBVATIOM - PLAM IZ-B wTftaoMerur LBPT BLBVATIOM - PLAM IZ'-B RiaHT BLBVATIOM - PL4M IZ-B PLAN IZ Reduced Second-Story Plan CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES 10.01.02 CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 -taeaamit amav car -eeremrnruiiiaarnfTm r RBAR BLBVATIOM • PLAM IZ-C B n ( ' i" 11 J" ^ ! Ll-' ii LBPT BLBVATIOM - PLAM IZ-C RIQHT BLBVATIOM • PLAM IZ-C ocaanmajamraeriaomamMtmr PLAN IZ-A Reduced Second-Story Plan * CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES 10.01.02 CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 LnjeH Sm! 6BCOMD PLOOR PLAM tcH»va»<^ PLAK 2 J 'i" PLOO^ PLAM PLAM 2 •taUMUOIk- " WWi-WBA £817. awwjWi Maar. PLAN 2 CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES ii 10.01.02 CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 a =4. t i ^1*^^^ mam li^,' ' '"~r^^-" i' UL PROMT BLBVATIOM • PLAM 2C PROMT BLBVATIOM - PLAM 2B ( PLAN 2 CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES C .f 10.01.02 CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 RBAR BLBVATIOM - PLAM 2S • ••• H LBPT BLBVATIOM - PLAM 2B RiaHT BLBVATIOM - PLAM 2B tOMMI/^-T-tr PLAN 2 CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES 10.01.02 - aataomaiaaam ua CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 ( RBAR BLBVATIOM • PLAM 2C I—r B ar^mmrtAr C LBPT BLBVATIOM - PLAM 2C RiaHT BLBVATIOM - PLAM 2C IMA tM-'r^ PLAN 2 CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES 10.01.02 CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 8BCOMP PLOOR PLAM PLAM 2X maroi\aermr. wif. PIR6T PLOOR PLAM PLAM 2X mma. mtr. PLAN 2X ^ CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES TRS wEHtEY .uaoc. :NC AincmTBCTUts A n.ANwmc 10.01.02 CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 ^ st ^ 4CW ] ' &BCOMO PLOOR PLAM PLAM 3 PIR6T PLOOR PLAN PLAM 3 maaanjxrttm. mtr. KMA IM' • i'^ aSe^aSL. wwrlSlKi'"^^ *~iSfi a*«Ma>«a»i mta. ( i PLAN 3 CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES ^^J^ THE MeKOm ASSOC. MC »»CHrvEC7U«E * MAWilMj 10.01.02 PROMT BLBVATIOM - PLAM 3C SPANIStI COONIAL CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 PROMT BLBVATIOM • PLAM 3B o OCtJRIYARC TTP. « ALL PLAN 5 OEVATION TTPES PLAN 3 CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES i^ 10.01.02 CMOVe TU PMP HAD maaawfear CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 () RBAR BLBVATIOM - PLAM 3B ( LBPT BLBVATIOM - PLAM 3B RIOHT BLBVATIOM - PLAM 3B PLAN 3 CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES 10.01.02 TiMaearftmm CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 o RBAR BLBVATIOM • PLAM 3C 1 II 'iii'iiiiiiBiSiiiii SiBifciliiiiBi l S! 9» 0! P la iQioiiMSiii OtOiOi AIHIB il|iii0|ltiW|0riiai0i0i8iliti 0ii*r iriit tfli*T*i eiW lOriMOl! ti 0tm9i -mom'paeM LBPT BLBVATIOM - PLAM 3C RIGHT BLBVATIOM • PLAM 3C PLAN 3 CALAVERA HILLS McMILLIN COMPANIES 10.01.02 PLAN 3 US W. -i- S43B • yXO' W 5f. 4- Mti • 104' M< ST. + 0098 • ll'-e* 013 IJ*. -(- 98 • f-iC AVBRAQB felDB YAISD ' • 1 ^ r/> I 1 ... ^ a«-9ioier OBW - F1AN2 aiNiKJ 5T0RY BDQB IggaUIWmiT CT 01-05; PUD 01-06 PLAN IZ tWM>a'»r^oaawKcaiigWL«<rwBi»>WBawrrMtiitiwii»AMaiiiwir»a»ei*« mi PLAN 3 It 4 ci¥-«rTm» «i. f- ./'//.I PLANS PBONT < BBAR PLANB Off-SBTTINia B8QUIRirHMT& ft ir • ^e-HM KM* emar TO ai a* w MCM. «i PLAN 2 1WL PBWMPSR' W^' -ae-sTOnrnaw - PLAN2 TOTAt. raKMCTBR I a»«ro<cf> r48U ONg-ftTOBV BLUMT I aiNQLi STORY gPQB RBaUIRlW^TS GUIDELINE COMPLL\NCE CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE 'W McMILLIN COMPANIES 10.1.02