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CT 03-06; BLACKRAIL 16; Engineering Application
1 ('City:of Cai.lsbad APPLICATION ENGINEERING PLANCHECK E-23 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov all appropriate information. Write N/A when not aDDlicable. Project Name:Black Rail 16 Date:4/4/2017 Project Description: 16 Single Family Units Fronting Zephyr Court Project Address: 1600 to 1631 New Crest Court Lot No(s).:1 thru 9 Map No.:15521 APN(s): 215-950-39 thni -54 Number of Lots:— 16 Number of Acres: Miles of gsturgeondavidsoncommunities.com Owner: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-mail: Davidson Communities 1302 Camino Del Mar Del Mar, CA. 92014 (858) 259-8500 Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-mail: 1302 Camino I!iM.W IW;1:ss gsturgeondavidsoncommunjties.com I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above information is true and correct t the .bes of my knoMe Signature: Date: "1I" I Signal Civil Engineer: Firm: Fuscoe Engineering, Inc. Mailing Address: 6390 Greenwich Dr. Ste: 170 San flipn rA 92172 Phone Number: (858) 554-1500 Fax Number: (858) 597-0335 E-mail: earmstrong©fuscoe.com State Registration Number: 36063 Additional Comments: Soils Engineer: Firm: N/A Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-mail: State Registration Number: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) [N Carlsbad Municipal Water District El Olivenhain D Vallecitos If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES cut N/A cy fill cy remedial _______ cy import _______ cy export _______ cy E-23 Page 1 of 2 REV 07/14 1(2/' wow of Ca—r-19had APPLICATION ENGINEERING PLANCHECK E-23 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov Comolete all aonronriate information- Write N/A whn nnt ann1irah1p APPLICATION FOR .01 (check all that apply)k.-Project " - _I .l - Drawing .4', 11-. Number Deposit /Fees Paid - -Comments 11,'. El Adjustment Plat (ADJ) E Certificate of Compliance (CE) El Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: Type: El Encroachment Permit (PR) El Final Map (FM) El Grading Plancheck (DWG) Lii Improvement Plancheck (DWG) LI Parcel Map (PM) - El Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: El Reversion to Acreage (RA) El Street Vacation (STV) El Tentative Parcel Map (MS) 1 Certificate of Correction (CCOR) El Covenant of Easement (PR) El Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) El Trails El <mile [Ill > mile El Other APPLICATION rACCEpTED BY' - r DATESTAMI. APPLICATION RECEIVED •- _:- 4 -. •, :; -, . -.- -- - - ••• •1L'. E-23 Page 2 of 2 REV 07/14 U C CITY OF CARLSBAD -,ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I APPLICATION ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK Complete all appropriate information Write N/A whdñ not applicable - PROJECT NAME: 5LAc>f_-kjc.. /(' (7r8AA DiVoOATE: 81s0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: J(i iLoi 50) /2 J'4z -r-5 2- O& ¼j 5,4(J PROJECT ADDRESS: L-'&K g411- LOT NO(S).: 8 ,4t'OA'_ MAP NO.: O_ToE0(0 APN(S).: 2_i5-.080 --2_012_t 716 NUMBER OF LOTS: / NUMBER OF ACRES: 5'C 24 OWNER: VIAeA APPLICANT: 14JS W( c _1I'JC Mailing Address: Ok Mailing Address: 9('M-18efZ-7_51__.$rlo2 4A1 91 E.60 1 c11'2131 $A''PL6(0 C'A 92..(3j Phone Number: -)-37 i., \ -, Phone Number: u5i5,-.ao3 (_95-6) Fax Number: (gd)b53 -3a/ Fax Number: (5 )653-3oo/ E-Mail: p_o boy/e_ @incc op E-Mail: 0 bcs1le- (W )7' C CODfl "C' C C I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above - information is true and rrect to the best of my knowledge. Signature:' Date: _________ Signature: Date: CIVIL ENGINEER: 0 -(J1) o SOILS ENGINEER: W/i-t,,,1,1 , 14o1z,e.js-,,J FIRM: CL FIRM: 660 __/ Mailing Address: 44-0_-kCE Mailing Address: 136+oi0561 4V6,54t,4 ECJO2o,-A 9o9 0ic..1k9Zo8/ Phone Number: (76-0) 7f!5`81/8 Phone Number: (760)-0501 Fax Number: (74_74 —I'90 Fax Number: (7bo) _ E-Mail: ece ( eè,'.,Ae,-(- E-Mail: State Registration Number: C.E4S2-_? State Registration Number: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: APpk0 lf ,4iJ 1VC1?04C14,-1I( fbR PI-EVAT& toi2l1 -'.'t-IiZ tiL-re.. t /-J- , PStLJC 2,z 17ej-tJ S 6-1J7 - IMPROVEMENT VALUATION What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) Carlsbad Municipal Water District f101ivenhain . Uvallecitos If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed, water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ il//i GRADING QUANTITIES cut /,87bcy fill 2s'?i cy remedial cy import cy export/313CS cy SEE REVERSE SIDE ' H/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Engineering Plan Check Revised 1/14/02 .(r OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPMENT APPLICATION 1 - I - -a- - •- '- -' -•-1 ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK CothpieteaUappropriateiñformation. Write N/A when not apPlicable.-..- APPLICATION FOR all that apply) ________ FOR CITY, USE ONLY.. - PROJECT . I.D. -.- DRAWING NUMBER- DEPOSIT/FEES :.. PAID COMMENTS. ... .. Adjustment Plat (ADJ) U Certificate of Compliance (CE) Dedication of Easement (PR) Type:_________________ Encorachment Permit (PR) Final Map (FM) Grading Plancheck (DWG) 'Improvement Plancheck (DWG) Parcel Map (PM) Quitclaim of Easement (PR) E-- Reversion to Acreage (RA) Street Vacation (SW) Tentative Parcel Map (MS) [] Certificate of Correction (CCOR) Covenant of Easement (PR) fl Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) Other ,10 -~Pp N ACCEPTED BY: ------------ . . -9-,. ;.• RECEIVED., SEP 282006, ENGINEERIJG 4 -.- -DEPARTMENT. -, DATE STAMP APPLICATON RECEIVED ft/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Engineering Plan Check Page 2 Revised 1/14/02 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE CLTA GUARANTEE FORM NO. 14 P-35 (G.S.) REV. 3-75 1ECF1VD SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE iM' O42OO FEE: $330.00 NG%MEER%NG ORDER NO: 3013069-27 . SUBDIVISION: QT' OF CARLSBAD TRACT - 16 DATED: DECEMBER 27, 2006 AS.OF 7:30 A.M. NORTH AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION GUARANTEES THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO AND ANY CITY WITHIN WHICH SAID SUBDIVISION IS LOCATED IN A SUM NOT EXCEEDING $1,000.00 THAT, ACCORDING TO THOSE PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH, UNDER THE RECORDING LAWS, IMPART CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF MATTERS AFFECTING THE TITLE TO THE LAND INCLUDED WITHIN THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARY SHOWN ON THE MAP OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED SUBDIVISION, THE ONLY PARTIES HAVING ANY RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN SAID LAND WHOSE SIGNATURES ARE NECESSARY, UNDER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, ON THE CERTIFICATES CONSENTING TO THE RECORDATION OF SAID MAP AND OFFERING FOR DEDICATION ANY STREETS, ROADS, AVENUES AND OTHER EASEMENTS OFFERED FOR DEDICATION BY SAID MAP ARE AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE A. NORTH AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION BY: &P ALJIHORIZED SIGNATORY sp S PROJECT PLAN' REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: - Project No: C) - C) Drawing No: LA160 - 01 Sheets No. \ through L0 -DECLARATION -OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE ( I. tereby declare that I' have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable, codes and- standards. ' Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for the project design.' Firm: , B.erman_&-Hac ?DtA.0 Address:11590W. Bernardo Court. Suite 100 San Dieco. CA 9227 Telephone: 451-6100 By:t tj Date:- 'LO ( 10(0 P.E. (Civil) No: Expiration: \2) IT (seal)TWA IL YORK tio. 46367 CIVIL OF C \V'0 - F:\USES\RALLEWPOATAPLANREV. B&H Rev. 2/8/96 PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: \ Project No:CT Q— CL Drawing No: _-4—A- Sheets No. 1. through. Co -DECLARATION-OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I- hereby declare that 'l have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine. that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. . . . Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for the project design. . • • 0 Firm: • e D.ecu Address: 11590W. Bernardo Court. . Suite 100 . San Dieco. CA 92(27 Telephone: 451-6100 B\ 'pu '4o-L • Date:. P.E. (Civil) No: LL -1 'Expiration: \Z t 61. 0 • 0 (seal) /fr/io( (((, po46367 0 PC 0 0 Rev. 2/8/96 F:\USERALLE'WPOATA\PL&NPV.E&H cJ