HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 71-04; HIGHLAND TOWNHOUSES; Engineering ApplicationINSTROCTJ.ONS TO APPLICAN'!': V:~ Cc.mplete p'arts At BrC' and E. 2. Filing Fee $100~OO plus $5.00 for each additional lot or parcel. 3. Make check payable to City of Carlsbad. 4. Information to be type ,.;ri tten. APPLICATION FOR CHANCE OF ZO~E DOPTION OF A PEC.FIC P AN tted to the Carlsbad City Planning commissio'n Date Received > Iv be .... (1 ~; to"]{ Date of Hearing AuiS in) \0--,) PART A------------------------GENERAL INFORMATION Name of Applicant ____ R_o_b_e_r_t __ L_. __ M_e_a_n_s ____ ~~-----------Telephone 729-1129 Applicant I'S Mailing Address 3955 Hollybrae, Carlsbad,_C_a_l_~_' f_o_r_n_i_a __________ _ ~ocation of, Property by Street 50uthea~t.comer of H~gb]aDd Drive and Magnolia (300 I on Highi~nd -~'38,21 on fvlagnolia) PART B-------------------LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF· PROPERT'y Attach'to this application one copy of a complete legal descrip'tion 6f" the property for which a ch~~ge of zone and adoption of a.specific plan is requestec PART C-------------------------------REQUEST Change of Zone from R1-10,OOO o~ Highland and to Residential "Town ~bu~e~ D~~el- R 1-7, 5 Ou .. ··"oh-Balance opm~nt for Condominium SingleFamil~ ownersh~p \t"'l..~ L.one) PART D-----------------------~---------MAP Attach to this application 20 ' COPIES of a map prepared by a registered civil engineer, architect or licens~d land surveyor which shows the exact boundarie~r dimensions and bearing of eacn line of the property for Which a reclassi=icatior and a sp e c i f i c p 1 ani 5 r e que 5 ted; n a m e san d wid t h s .0 f .0-or d e r i' n g' s t r€~ e t s -; 1 0 cat i 0 and width of alleys and/or easements. . . PART E------------------------APPLICAN'I"S STATEHENT (Attach separate sheet if area for statement is not sufficient) 1. Does public necessity require the proposed change? Is there a real need in the conununity for rr.ore of the typ~s of uses permitted by the Zone requested than can be accommodated in the areas already zoned for such uses? See attached sheet~ 2. Is the property involved in the proposed reclassification more suit~ble for the purposes permitted in the proposed zone than tor the pu~p6ses pe~~itted in the present classification?, . See attached sheet. ., • •• Part B------------------------LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY The following ~escribed real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California: All that portion of Tract 246 of Thurn Lands, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map tb~reof No •. 1681, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, December 9, 1915, described as follows: . Beginning at a concrete monument marking the intersection of Highland Street and Magnolia Avenue; thence along the cent~r line of Highlan~ . Street, South 28°39' East a distance of 330.91 feet to the Northwest ~orner of that portion of Tract 246 conveyed by South Coost Land Company to C. W. and Ella A. Nicholas by deed dated August 27, 1927, and recorded in Book 1393, page 184 of Records and Deeds; thence along the North~ westerly line of the portion so conveyed to Nicholas, North 61 0 21 I East a distance of 412.80 feet to the most Northerly 60rner thereof; thence along the Northwesterl~ prolongation of·the Northeasterly line of the Nichol's Land North 28 39' West a distance of 330.91 feet to a point on the center line of r~agnolia Avenue; thence along the said center line of Magnolia Avenue, South 61 0 21' West a distance-of· 412.80 feet to the point of beginning. • •• Pa~t E----------~-------------APPLICANT'S STATEMENT 1. Within the Gity of C~rlsbad, there are at present NO available areas zoned for this this type of development as called for oy the gen~ral plan. 2. This' property cannot now or in the future be economically develoRed ~nder the existing zoning due to extensive cost for prov·iding streets, sidewalks, sewers and other improvements required by standard sub- division laws. . 3. Definitely to the contrary; This development will provide the following assets to the immediate are·a.; paved st.r.e.ets an.d .s.i.de.w·alks for school children between Valley Junior High, Magnolia Elementary School and Highland Drive. . .The design of buildings and open space provided ~ill ~ollow the latest ecological recommendations of professional and government' planners to meet the sheiter requirements of. today under' conditions we can live with tomorrow, and should add over $10;000.00 per year to the city tax rolls. 3. W6uld thc uses permittcd ,to s'ur.roun~ing pr6PclY? , No. See otta ed , . by the proposed zone be detrimental in any way sheet. • 4. What were the original deed restrictions, if any, concerning the type and class of uses permitted on the property involved? Give the exp~ration date of these restrictions. , None. The follo\-ling spaces are for signatures of owners whose properti~s lie within a radius of 300 feet of the property proposed to be reclassified and who approve of the change (attach extra sheets if necessary) or have NO obj ections ~ . No.on Hap .... _ .. -.... . Name Address -2- Lot Block Tract " " . •• "'(1 " , 'r "\\le ~. th'e . undcr'~ ign~d p~certy o\~'ners herewith, r<;q+ t:ha t . o~r respective propert1.es \.;h1.ch are 1.nc1 uded 1.n the reclass1.f 1.ca t1.on pet1. t~oned for, be reclassified and for the reasons above enumerated. {~his space is for signatures of owners of property actually included in the proposed reclassification. Attach extra sheets if necessary.) No.on ,Nap Name -STATE OF CALIFOR1\JIA) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) SS • Address Lot Block Tract OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT CITYOF~~ _ 1, (vie) I ;:;;?~~<~bein~ duly s,vorn, depose c:nd say that I ~we) ., am (are) the owner (s) of part (or all) of the prop'erty 1.nvolved and th1.S application has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Ci ty Planning Conunission as printed herein and that the foreg,oing information thoroughly and completely, 'to the best of ny (our) ability, presents an argume~t in behalf of the application herewith submitted and that the statements and ~nformation above referred to are in all r~spe6ts true and correct to the: best o~ ~y (our) knowledge and beliW " .. Telephone Number 7).C)--/(,2 f Signed ~~~ ~-:Cb Hailing Address: /2/2 >::£P?g .. "+" -.. .; s me th:'_s \ 4-day of __ ~>~)~\~J~\~~_~~ ___________ /19:il-. c This is to certify tha the foregoing applicatipn has been inspected by me and found to be complete and acceptable for filing vlith the City Planning Corrunission. -3- . " l<'>:~~-~:·:.~:~o_;':*;' . Informa tion to 1·'\ ~' .. : :':'. '.-.:'.~~ :F1:1 ~in'~ da t'e : ......... --=::.-"-=~-:......I'"-=_ .. ' O'ate r· .: Fees ~a ; d: /1)</0. to Rece'ipt No·.: t· i '.' . : .... ',' APPLICATIOtl FOR APPROVAL OF TENTAT.IVE ~·1A.P· .. _ .. :>. :. ' .. :PROPOSED NANE' OF SUBDIVISION:' IdtGI-/·L4ND·· 'r;;rlijNttoU~&:'3 .. . ",-::. .: "':: .:. GEN'ERAL 'l()CAT I ON-:' /){6 ff Lf-JtV i>'. if 114 &~!Q ,. ( Q; -5';:;-" (~~;JtH~:~7 ~t2-i:ti~) :,.-: , '. '.' :',' ~ <':', '.:. :' '. ' . '. ,,{OrAL 1\ C R EA G E : ---::2~--. .:.:;..".' ..;;;;C-~1f--____ · N. ur·1B E R 0 F LOT S : .. . " ' . .. NINIMm1 LOT AREA (SQ.FT.):. rr.c. ~lINIMUM FRONTAGE (FT.):. , _0...-0 _____ . __ 1;""'-:'" • TYPE' OF SUBDIVISION {Residential, Commercial, Industri-al >. (2'''71 f)';;'f~.n/:j.t-:· . PRESENT ZONE: ? C{ PROPOSED ZOr'!E: . , NAME S (j F NEW ST R E ET S PRO PO SED : _~tJ~Q",-I'-=(...c::·R ______ ·.-.: '_'" ____ --:--~...;....:;..._ '. ,."., ; t' .:~. PRE-FIL ING CONFERENCE HELD (DAT.E) ! ____ ...,.-__ ._. ' ..... ' ..;..: _____ ..,..,. , REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER, ARCHITECT~ OR SURVEYOR WHd PR~PARED MAF: £( 10, t-!E!-t2..fL5LL Cr~It-1£N~/trJ~£n .. Narr.e Ii t 1 e .' 2--5""'8 L.t ) -hGi-(. I C {'J jj,. . t£--5 co'" P f j)f.} . J Address .'. THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATIONS TO THE ZONING ORSUBPIVISION·REQUIREME~TS· ARE HEREBY REQUESTED (Give reasons for modification~;.attac~ s~parate.· sheet. if additional sP3ce is required): . . . /JOIV¢:" '. ",' ""59 ,oj d~,~ ~ Address r : , .. Address Name -----------~A~d~d-r-e-ss----------------------- This application will be filed with 20 blue line prints and 1 brown line transparency of the-tentative map~ prepare~ accordinq to th~ . specifications of Ordinance Mo. Q050 and amendments thereto, together wi!h the supplementary information and fees required by said ordin-a n .... e. . r ,