HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-34; RANCO LA CUESTA; Engineering Application, -,"'f , ~ -. , ',:Cr7d-3~ = 'W··-._,." if j. ,,' ." .. . . 'Q:;;") • . GUARANTEE / First American Title Insurance Company HOME OFFICE: 421 NORTH MAIN STREET, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92701 • (AREA 714) 547-6892 --------------------------------------------------~---------------------~ J 33097 1347(11{68) . Form 1359 (4/75.) CL TA Subdivision Guarantee Form No. 14 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE SUBDIVISION: 'CARLSBAD TRACT 72-34 ORDER NO. FEE First American Title Insurance Company a corporation, GUARANTEES 728727-6 $ 50·.00' The County of San Diego and any City within which said subdjvision is located in a sum not exceeding $1 OOO~OO. That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice cif matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requir~ments of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offer-ing for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easements offered for dedication by said map are: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT tlA" '. The map her~inbefore referred to is a subdivision of: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION Dated: June 9, 1'976 First American Title Insurance Company BY PRESIDENT C 'Y~Choate ASSiSTANT SECRETARY EXHIBIT IIAII ORDER "NO. 728727-6 CARLSBAD TRACT 72-34 •. ~ RANCHO LA COSTA, a limited partnership, a's Re.cord Owner. SAN DIEGO GA~ & ELEGTRIC COMPANY, holder of an ~asement in 'Deed recorded July 25, 1960 as .. File No. 149737 of Official Records. . . THE SIGNATURE OF THE" CITY OF CARLSBAD., easement holder as. di sc losed by Deed recorded March 11,1976 as File No. 76-071622 of Official Records of San p"iego County has been omitted under the provisions of.Sectioh 66436, Subsection B-T of the Govetnment Cod~, ~heir fnterest is such that it cannot ripen into a.fee title and said si~nature is not required by the Governing.Body. .' . LEGAL DESCRIPTIO~ ORDER NO. 728727-6, That 'portion of the' East Half' of the Southwest Quarter and the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 12 South, Range 4 west, $an Bernardino' Base arid Meridian, in t'he County of San Diego, State of Ca1ifornia,'according to United States Government Survey thereof,approved October 25, +875, described as follows:' , " Commencing at a point on the North line of said West Half of the 'Southeast Quarter of Sectiori '26", distant thereof South 890. 14" 58t1 East (South 890. 51' OO"'East-per record) 1063.00 feet from the center of said' Section 26; thence leaving said North line and along the Westerly line of El ' Camino Real as described in ,Deed to the City of San Diego, recorded November 21, ;19,69 as ;File No. 217326 of Official Records; South 'r 34' 00" East (South 70. 35' 11" Ea'st-per record) 740.50 feet to the beginning of a t'angent 1955.00 foot rad,ius curve, concave Westerly; thence 'Southerly along the arc of s'aicl curve throu'gh a central angle of 27'0 35' 42!' (2r 35", 03"-per record) a distance of, 941. 57 feet; thence tangent', to sa.;i.d c~rve South 200. 01' 42" West (South 19? ~9' 52" W~st-per recprd) 24.4,0 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence con,tinuing South 200. 01' 42" ,West (South 190. 59,' 52" West-per record) 825.47 feet; thence North 740., 56' 04" West 536.24 feet;, thence North 140. 28' 4'6" East 96.71 feet; thence North 750. 31' 14" West 124.45 feet; thence North 120. 53' '22" East 16.79 feet; thenc,e North 770. 06', 38" West 115.00 feet; thence'South 120. 53' 22".West '69.00 feet; thence Nor:th 770.:06' 38" West 60.00 feet;' ,thence North 120. 53' 22" East 75.62 feet; 'thence North :770. 06' 38" West 281.00 feet; thence No,rth'82D 42' 05" West 156.99 feet; thence North 570. 17' 08"We:;;t 22.64 feet; thence South 650. 30' 48" West 157.89 feet; thence South 240. 29' 12" East 60.00 fee,t; th~nce 'South 650. 30', 4'8" West ,60.00 feet; ,thence North 240. 29' 12" West 75.54 feet; thence South 650. 30' 48" We'st 107.37 feet; thence North 240. 29' 12" West 3li.59 feet; thence North 480. 17' 42" West 152.03 feet; thence North 450. 12' 49" East 117.12 feet to'a non-tangent 530.00 foot rad.ius curve, concav~ NQrtheaster1y, a radial' 'line of said curve bears South 450. 12' 49" West to said Point; thence Sout'heasterly along the arc of 'said' curve throug.b; a central angle of 3D 24' 43" a distance of 31. 56 feet; thenc'e radial to said curv:$ North 410..48' 06" East 172.85 feet; thence,South 460. 32' 29" East 105.28 feet; then'ce Nor'th 420. 52' 25" East ,178. 03 feet; 'thence North 4r 07' 35" West '20.81 feet; thence North 42(). 52' 25" East 142.39 feet; thence South 450. 58' 39" East 146.02 f'eet; thence North 790. 41' 39" East 138.94 feet; thence South 770. 06' 38" East 390.00 feet; thence South 120. 53' 22" West 2.64 feet; thence South 770. 06' 38" East 175.00 feet; thence North 150.' 22' 56" East 9,.23 feet; thence South 69'0. 10' 55" East 206.'47 feet to a Point on a non-tangent 670.00 foot radius curve, concave Southeasterly, a radial line 'of s'aid curve bears North 690. 10' 55" West to said point; therice Northeasterly along the arc of said curve through a' central angle ,of 80. 45' 35" a distance 'of 102.43 feet; thence tangent to said curve North 290.'34' 40" East 123.98 feet; thence South 650. 01' 06" East 509'.14 feet to the True Point 9f Beginning. ,6/18/76 XHE UNDIERSIGNED fIEREBY' CER:rt-FIES' THAT THIS IS A XRUE AND CORRECT COpy 'OF THE DEGAL DESCRIPTI:gN ON ---------- __ ----~CA~R~LS~B~AD~~~TR~!~CTLL72~-~34~.~~~--~----~!. jkj/ah FI~RSX AMERICAN ~;I!~/ I~SU~CE COM::Y r--"~ /, " ~ BY. '.... Larry D. ChOate . June 9, 1'9'76 'r)~.T~n':, f"""". -~~~.!-~~------ Form 1359 (4/75) "'-" <;>.-e CL TA Subdivision - Guarantee Form No. 14 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE SUBDIVISION: CARLSBAD TRACT 72-34 ORDER NO. 728726-6- F£:E $ 50.00 First American Title Insurance Company a corporation, GUARANTEES The County of San Di ego and any City within which said subdivision is located in a sum not exceeding $1000.00. That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the m(lp of the above, referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirdments of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and-offering for dedicatiQn any streets, roads, avenues-and other easements offered for dedication by said map an~: RANCHO LA COSTA, a limited partnership. as'Record Owner. The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: , SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTIQN Dated: June 9, 1976 First American Title Insurance Company BY pgeslDENT ~hoate ASSISTANT SECRETARY LEGAL DESCRIPTION QlillER NO. 7.2S-126~o--e ." ~ That portion of the East Ba1f of the Southwest Quarter and the Wes,t Half of the ,Southeast Quarter of' ,Section 26, ToWnship 12 South, Range 4 West, San, B~rnardino Base 'and Meridiat.1, in the ,Col,inty o,f San Diego, State af ~.'" qa1iforni~,according' to United States Government Survey'thereof" approved October 2,?, 1.875, described as follows: 'Coriunencing at a"rbirt.t on· the North'line of ,qaid 'West Half of the Southeast Quarte:r of S~ction 26,~<:lis~ant thereon South 89°14'58," East (South 8'9°51 "00" East -per Rke'ord) 5'6'3.4'0 feet from the'lc~nter of said Section . ..'... ' 26; thenceJ;eaving 'Said N~,rtp. line South 0°4.5'02," W~,st 5LOO f~et toa non-tangent r?5. oq foot rad:~tis" ~t1rve' concave Southw~ster1y, a" radial line' of said curve bears Nortlr'.bo 45:' 02" East to said p.cdmt; thence clockwise along the arc-of saiq. curve·-tnrough a central angle 6f 89°59'09'" a distance of 39.26 feet'; -thence tangent t6' said curve, South 0°44 '11'~ West 2p6.55 feet to 'thebeg:i1nning of a tangent 630.00 foot radius curve ,concave Easterly; thenc~ Southerly along the arc of said curve through a ,central angle of '6°22'56" a distance ,of 70.18 feet; thence tangent to said curve South 5°38'4,5" East 164.82 feet to a' point on the Southwest~rly boundary of that 100 f~ot San Di~go Gas & Electric Company easement as . described in Deed recorded Ap:ri1 16, ,1954 in Book 5207, page 161 of Official Records;' thence along said Southwesterly boundary North 64°56 '53" West 222.00. feet; thence leaving,said Southwesterly boundary Sou.th 5°02'59" East 67.75 feet; thence South 16°08'55" East 87.19 feet; thence SOl,lth 8°1'6"12" East 86.90 feet; thence South 12°'35'48" West' 91.71 feet; thence South'14°42'19" East 228.48 feet; thence South 2°'12'35" East. 77.81 feet;' ,thence South 3°34'39" West 77.95 fe'et; thence South 22°29'21" 'West, 205.55 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 67°30'39" , West 177.00 feet; thence North 22°29'2t" East 133.71 feet to the beginning of a tangent 245.00 foot radi}ls curve concave Wes,terly; thence Northerly along the arc of s'aid curve' through a central angle of 3° 47' 14" a distance of 16.-19 feet to a p'oint of cusp with a 25.00 foot ,radius curve, concave Northwesterly; thence Southerly, Southwesterly and Westerly' along the arc of said curve through a cen'tra1 angle of 91°39' 30" a distance of 39.99 feet; thence tangent to said curve' North' '69°38' 23" Hest 91. 27 feet; thence North 20°21'37" East 56.00 feet; thence North 2°08'59" West 51.01 feet; thence North 27°37'00" West 58.50 feet; thence North '70°34'48" West 125.00 feet; thence Nortl]. 64°03'00" West 140.36 feet;, 'thence North 65°31'07" West 147.13 feet; thence North 60°03'38" Y.\fest 199.50 feet; thence South 58°38'10" West 60.24 feet; thence South 49°49'08" West 217.50 .feet; thence South 40°53'08" West 133.20 feet; thence North 52°12' 18" We'st 93~ 79 ,feet to the beginning of a tangent 25.00 foot radius curve concave Easterly; thence clockwise along the arc of said curve through a ,central' angle of 93°05',26" a distance of ,40.62 feet to a poin;tof cusp; 'thence South 40°53' 08" West 6.42 feet; thence North 49°06'52" West 186.97 feet; thence South 40°53'08" West 321.55 f,eet; thence South 38°19'22" West 136.50 feet; thence South 8°48'02" W~st 167.98 feet; thence South 24°05' 08" West 174. 71 feet; thence' South 15°09'31" East 128.90 feet; thence South 48°17'42" East 355.42 feet; thence North 45°12'49" East 117.12 feet to a point on a non-tangent 530.00 foot radius curve concave Northeasterly a radial line of said curve bears South 45°12'49" West to said point; thence radial to aid curve North 41°48'06" East 172.85 feet; thence South 46°32'29" East 105.28 feet; thence North 42°52'25" East 178.03 feet; thence North 47°07'35" West 20.81 fe,et; thence NOrth 42°52'25" East 142.39 feet; thence South 45°58'39" East 146.02 feet; thence North 79°41'39" East 138.94 feet; thence South 77°06'38~ East 390.00 feet; thence South 12°53'22,1 West 2.6.4 feet; thence South 77°06'38" East 175.0'0 feet'; thence North 15°22'56'" East 62.42 feet; thence, North 22~29'21" East 254.45 ,feet to the True Point of Beginning. PMK/tk/ah:6/18/76 ~ ...• --' , .. c .. i.a1\. Li4iii:i.:;iL;.j~(}~m.D HEREBY CERTIFIES :':l •• T THIS IS A l'RUlj! AND CORRECT COPY OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON ______ _ CARLSBAD TRACT 72e34 , .I" C FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY . ~Y~< -C ~arrY·D. Choate 1'IA'l''mn!: .... : ..... ~.;~,ne 9. 1976 , : "' ....• ' " . " ," GUARANTEE First America,n Title Insura,nce Compa,ny HOME OFFICE: 421 NORTH MAIN STREET, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92701 • (AREA 714) 547-6892 J 33099 . 1347,(1'1/68) -CI7~-3f .. 4t? I ____________________ " __ ~,--~-------------------------------------------·---.. ------I J 33092 GUARANTEE First American Title Insurance Company HOME OFFICE: 421 NORTH MAIN STREET, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92701 • (AREA 714) 547-6892 ... _".r, . ~. ~. -*~...,-' ...... ,- 1347(11/68) .. ----_...011!'!"1"!'....,,~----"""'!!"""'!'-...... ------..,.....-----------,-,--,--..,..-,--------~-~~-~ Form 1359 (4/75) CLTA SUbCllvlslon G1Jarantee Form No. 14 ...... "'-. • SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE • SUBDIVISION: CARLSBAD TRACT 72-34 ORDER NO. 696155-6 FEE First American Title' Insurance Company a corporation, GUARANTEES The County of San Di'ego . and any City within which said subdivision is located in a sum not exceeding $1000.00. That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures 'are necessary, under the requir~ments of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of ~said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easements offered for dedication by said. map are: RANCHO LA COSTA, a limited partnership, as Record OWner. SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, holder of an ea$ement in deed recorded April 16, 1954 in Book 5207~ page 161'of ~fficia1 Records. . . SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY , holder of an e.asement in deed. recorded July 25, 1960 as File No. 149737 of Official Records. The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: SEE ATIACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION Dated: June 9, 1976 First America,n Title Insurance Company BY ~~" C SY , ~; Choate PRESIDENT ASSISTANT SECRETARY \ \ ~ , , . \ '\ \ . \ ~ . ".: • LEGAL DESCRIPTION ORDER NO. 696155-6 • That portion of the West Half of the' Southeast Quarter of Section 46, Township l2.South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino 'Base and Meridian, in the' County.of San Diego, State of California, according to United -Stat~s Government Survey .ther~of, approved October 25, 1875, .described as follows:. Beginning at a Point on the .North·line of said West Half of the Southeast QU'arter of Section 26, distant thereof South 89 0 14' 58" East (South 89 0 51' 00" East-per record) 1063.00·f.eet from the center of said Section .26; thence leaving said North line and along the Westerly line of El Camino Real as de.scribed in Deed' to the City of San Diego, recorded Novemb.er 21, 1969 as File No. 217326 of Official Records.South 70 34' do" East (South 70 35' 11" East-Per record) 740.50 feet to the beginn'ing of a 'tangent 1955.00 foo't r.adius curve·, concave Westerly; thence Southerly along the arc of said curve t4rough a central angle of 27 0 35~ 42" (2r 35' 031t'.,.per reGord) a di$tance o·f 941.5.1 feet; thence tangent to said curve South 200 Ol~ 42" West (South 190 59' 52" West-per record) 24.40 feet; thence leaving.said Westeriy line North 65 0 01' 06" West 509.14 feet; thence South 29 0 34' 40" West 123.98 feet to the beginning of a tangent 670.00 foot radius' curve, concave Southeasterly; thence ~outhwesterly along the arc 9f said curve through a central angle of 80 45' 35" a dis'tance of 102.43 feet; thence radial to sa'id cuive North 69 0 10' 55" West 206.47 feet;· thence North ISo 22' 56" East 53.19 feet; thence N0rth 22 0 29' 21" East '460.00 feet; thence North 30 34' '39" East 77.95 feet; thence North 20 12' 35" West 77.'&1 'feet; ·thence North 14 0 42' 19" West 22,8.48 feet;· ·thence North 120 35' 48" East 9·1. 71 feet; thence North .8 0 16' 12" West 86.90 feet;' thence North 16 0 08' 55,,'West 87.19 feet; thence North 50 02·' 59" West 67.75 feet; thence South 64 0 56' 53" 'East 222.00 feet; thence North 50 38' 45'.1 West 164.82 feet to the beginning of a tangent 630.00 f'oot r.·adius curve,coI).cav~. Easterly; thence .Northerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 60 22' 56" a distance of 70.18 feet;: t·hence tangent to said curve North 00 44' 11" East 206.55 feet to the Beginnin:g of a tangent 25.00 foot radius' curve, concave Southw~ster1y; thence counter-clockwise along the arc of said c'urve through a central angle of. 890 59' .09" a dista,n'ce of 39.26 feet; thence radial to 'said curve' North 00 45' 02" East 51.00 feetto'the North line of .said.Southeast Quarter of Section 26; thence along said North line South 890 14' 5-8" East' (South 89 0 51' 00" East-per. record) 499.60 feet to the Point of B.eginning. 6/18/76 jkj/ah THE uNn\ERSIGNED HEREBY' CERTiFIES T:1' T T:)\1S·: .. :;S:A TnU~ AN;) CORRECT COpy OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPT.:.,';. --. CARLSBAD TRAtT 7.2-3'4 ,IRST AMERICAN T~~E INSURANCE COMPANY --.-BY-CP. ~:M C" -DATED: tu-. La.rrY D.-Choate June 9,,1976 ----------------~ to,: