HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 75-02; CARLSBAD MEADOWS UNIT 2; Engineering ApplicationSommer$ Development
p .,0. Bex 1.754
Rancho Santa Fe,' California.
Attn: Amos Sommers
. '.
Preliminary Subdivision. Report
No. S-559753
Dated: February 8, 1977 as of 7:30 A.H.
Subdivision: Carlsbad Tract 75-2
Unit No. 2
For the benefit of the County of San Dieqo , any City
within which the subdivision is located, the Subdivider and the Subdivider's Registered Civil Engineer or Li·
censed Land Sur-veyor.
A preliminary examination of those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice.
of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on a map of the above
"referenced subdivision received on , by SAFECO Title Insurance Com·
pany, herein called the Company, discloses that, at the. date hereof, the only parties having any record title inter·
est in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision M~p Act, on the map
of said subdivision to be filed with the County Recorder of said County are set forth in Schedule A.' .-----.
This report is fqrnished as an accommodation, for the sole purpose of preliminary planning and
facilitating the compliance with requirements necessary for the issuance of a Subdivision Guaran-
tee. It is understood that the Company's liability is solely that expressed in· such Guarantee, and
that no liability separate from or other than the Compa~y's liability under said Guarantee is as-
sumed by this Report, except that if no Guarantee is issued under this Order the amount paid for
this Report shall be the maximum liability of the Company.
P-286 (G. S.) .
FEB 2 4 1977
Engineering Department
Charl.es-Smi th ~~~t.'~:uffert By .................. , .................................................... ~ .................... .
Title Officer
No. S-559.753 Subdivision:
Dated: February 8, 1977 as of 7:30 A. M.
The map hereinbefore referred to is a proposed subdivision of:
The parties hereinbefore referred to are:
1. Second installment County, City and special district ~" now
payable, for the fiscal year 1976-77, first half delinquent.
2. An easement and right of way in, upon, over, under andac"ross said
land for a line or lines Qf underground conduits for the transmission
and distribution of electricity and incidental purposes as conveyed to
the San Diego Gas and Electric Company in deed recorded June 16,' 1966 'as
File No. 98887 in Series 7, Book 1966. "
The easement and right of way in said land is particularly described
as follows:
The Southwesterly and Westerly line of said right of way shall be
parallel with and 112.50 feet Southwesterly and Westerly measured at
right angles and the Northeast~r1y and Easterly line of said right of .
, way shall be parallel with and 37.50-feet Northeasterly and Easterly
measured at right angles f1;om the following described line:
EXCEPTIONS continued
Order No. S-559753
Page two
"C< " . . . )
Commencing at corner No. 17 of Lot "I" in said RanchoAgua Hedionda,
said Corner No. 17. is also the point of' intersection of the common
boundary line of said Lot "F" and "H" with the Southerly boundary line
of said Lot "I"; thence from said point of commencement South 87°25'01"
East, along the common boundary line of Lots "F" an4 "I" being the
Northerly boundary line of the land described i~ deed to San Diego Gas
and Electric Company, a corporation, registered June 16, 1953 as Torrens
Document No. 30674, in the office of the Registrar of Land Titles for
San Diego County, 'a distance of 1494.69 feet to a point ~ said common
boundary line, which said paint is the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the
right of way herein described; thence from said TRUE POINT, OF BEGINNING,
North 43°15'44" East, a distance of 777.72 feet; thence North 21°50'01"
West, a distance of 2011.29 feet; thence North 03°31'37" West, a distance
of 893.16 feet to a point of intersection with a l~e that is parallel
, with and 75,.00 feet Easterly, measured at right angles for the center
line of that certain right of way granted to San Diego Gas and Eiectri~
Company, a corporation,'recorded April 22,1953, as Document No. 55470,
in Book 4830, page 216 of Official Records of said County of San D~ego,
California; thence from said point of intersection North 11°51'04" East,
along said parallel line, a distance of 1756.42 feet; to a pointheteinafter
known and designated as Point "B"; thence from said Point uB" and leav;lng
said parallel line, North 26°08'06" West, a distance of 121.86 feet to 'a
.point of intersection with the center line of that certain right of way ..... _ ," . .. ~
granted to San Diego Gas and Electric Company, a corporation, recorded
June 1, 1953 as Docume~t No. 74512 in Book 4874, at Page 148 fo Official
Records of said County of San Diego, California; thence from last said
point of intersection continuing North 26°08'06" West, a10,ng the center
line of last said right of way, a distance of 3281.69 feet; thence
continuing along the center line of last said right of way North 06 ° 30 "36"
West a distance of 7.27 feet to a point of intersection with the common
boundary line between Lot "J" and, Lot "I" of said Rancho Agua He:dionda,
distant thereon 123.00 feet Westerly from corner No. 11 of 'said Lot "I".
The sidelines of the hereinbefore described right of way, 75.00
feet in width, shall be lengthened and/or shortened so that said ,side
lines shall be continuous 'and shall terminate, in the boundaries of the
above described lands of the Grantor herein. '
Excepting from the hereinbefore described right of way any portion
thereof lying within the boundaries of that'certain x:ight of way, 75.0Q
feet in width, granted to said San Diego Gas and Electric Company, a
corporation, recorded June 1, 1953 ,as Document No. 74512 in Book 4874,
page 148 of said Official Records of said County of' San Diego:, California.
Said deed also recites ,that the grantor and their suc'cessors in
estate shall not erect or construct, or permit to be erected or constructed,
any building'or other structure, drill any well or wells, within the
limits of said right of way" and the grantor and their suc;c;essors and
-c-' -. ~ '..
EXCEPTIONS continued
Order No. S-559753
Page three
assigns, shall not increase or decrease, the ground surface elevations
within said easement and right of way without the previous written
consent of the grantee.
3. A deed of trust dated October 10, 1974 to secure an indebtedness of
$150.000.00 and any other amounts payable under the terms ~herepf,
recorded October Ii, 1974 as File No. 74-273664.
Trustor: SOMMERS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a, Cal;f.fornia corporation,
Trustee: THE CALIFORNIA-SANSOME CORPORATION, a California corporation,
Beneficiary: THE. ~ OF CALIFORNIA, National Association, a national
banking association.
A ~upplemental deed of trust by and between Sommers Development
Corporation, a Califonria corporation as trustor and the California
Sansome Corporation as trustee and the Bank of_California National
Association a national bank~ng asspciation as Beneficiary in the ~ount
of $30,000.00 recorded May 30,1975 as File No.-}5-l323l3.
4. An easement for wate~ line pUrposes, 15 feet in width, over, uhd~r,
along and across that portion of Lot "I" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the
City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to
Map thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said
San Diego County on November 16, 1896, the center line of said 15 foot
easement bein~ described as ~ollows_: _ _ _____ _ __ .__ _ __ . __ ._. _ _ _. __
Beginning at a point in the Southerly boundary of El Camino Mesa,
Unit No.6, Map No. 6988, distant thereon. 25.17 feet Westerly from the
Southwest corner of Lot 12 of said El Camino Mesa, Unit No.6; thence
South 4°46'00" East a d;1stance of 6.00 feet; thence South 85°14'00" West
a distance of 98.00 .feet; thence South 40°14'00" West a distance of
102~01 feet to the beginning of a t~ngent curve, concave Northwesterly
and having a radi.us· of 100.00 feet·; thence SO\1thwesterly along the arc
of said 'curve through a central angle of 24°00'00" a dista1,lce of 41.89.
feet; thence. South 64°14'0011 West a distance of 103.45 feet,-as conveyed
to the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, by instrument recorded
July 21, 1975 as File No. 75-188455.
5. A l2 foot wide easement for drainage purposes, over, under, along
and across a portion of Lot I of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the Oity of
Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Califonria, according to Map
thereof No. 823 on file in the office-of -the County Recorder of said San
Diego County, said easement to lie 6.00 feet, measured at right ~ngles,
on each side. of the following described centerline:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of ~ot 128 of El Camino Mesa, .
Unit No.4, Map No. 5746; thence South. 89°50'00" East alQng the South .
line of said Lot 128 and the South liue of Lots 13, ·37, 38 and 39 of. El
Camino Mesa, Unit No. 6, M~p No. 6988, a distance of 46.5.99 _feet;
EXCEPTIONS continued
Order No. S-559753
Page four
-C'" . ~
thence le~ving said Southerly line South 4°24'22" East a distance of
328.55 feet; th~nce South 25°46'00" East a distance of 439.53 feet -to
the beginn~ng of a-tangent curve concave Northeasterly and having a
radius of 3579.00 feet, a radial to said point having .a bearing of S01,1th
64014'00" West; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, thr,ough
a central angle of 9°01'00" a distance of 563.23 feet; thence South
34°47'00" East a distance of 50.47 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;
thence North 55°13' 00" East a distance of 150 .• 00 feet to the end of the
aforementioned centerline, as conveyed to the City of Carlsbad,S. municipal
corporation, by instrument recorded July 21, 1975 as File No. 75-188456.
6. An abstract of judgment issued out of Superior ~ourt, San Diego -
County, in Case No. 317159 against SOMMERS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION in
favor of LAKEVIEW VISTA COMPANY in the, amount of $36,999'.39, plUS interest
and costs, if any, recorded May 12" 1976 as File No. 76-379771.
Parties whose signatures will be necessary on the final map are:
SOMMERS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a California corporation as owner.
trustee under a deed of trust recorded October 11, 1974 as File No.
74-273664 and May 30, 1975 as File No. 75-132313.
) . _ .. / ..
r /,
~~;i#!'-', C0MP:
, . . .. . ' .
That portion of Lot "I"of Rancho AguaHedionda, in the City of C'arlsbad,
County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823,
filed in the Office 9f the County Recorder of San Diego County, Npvember '
:16, 1'896, described as follows:
.Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of Carlsbad Tract 73-36 Unit No.3,
x . filed in the Office of the County Reco.rder. of San piego County, July 3i, 1975,
PA 72 . -being a point on the Nort-her1y line of said Lot "I"; thence along said
Northerly line South 89°50'00" East, 437.00 feet to the Northwesterly
corner of that 75.00 foot wide easement described in deed to the San Diego
Gas & Electric Company, 'recorded June 1, 1953 in 'Book 4'874, Page '148 of '
Official Records; thence along the Westerly and -Southwesterly Qound:ary' of
said easement as follows: South 06°29'30" East (Record -South 06°30'06" East)
39.73 feet to an angle point therein; and South 26°07'24" EU$t (Reco:rd -South'
26°08'06" East) i224.85 fect to the Northeast corner of Lot 35 of Carlsbad .
Tract 75-2 Pnit No.1, according to Map. thereof No. 8358, filed in the Office of
the County Recorder of San Diego County, Augus,t 11" 1976; thence along the
boundary of said Map No. 8358, as' follows: 'South 61°01'30" West, 122.84 feet;
South 43°54'58" West, 58.59 feet; South 61°01'30" West, 93.00 feet; and South
63°21'57" West, 164.13 feet to the most Easterly corner of Carlsbad Tract 73-36
Unit No.2, according to Map thereof No. 8149, filed in the Office of the·
County Re'corder of San Diego County, J'lJ.ly. 31, 1975; thence, along the Northeasterly
boundary of said Map No. 8'149 as follows: North 34°47'00" West, 184.47 feet .
. to the beginning of a tangent 3579.00 foot radius curve,. concave Northeasterly;
AMENDED 'Northwesterly along the arc of said curve th:r:ough a cEmtral angle of 09°0l'O(J"
DR:FBD a distance of 563.23 feet; and tangent to said curve North 25°46 i OO" West,
2-8-77 ___ 229.53 feet to the most Easterly corner of said Carlsbad Tract 73-36 Unit No.
S-559753 3; thence along the boundary of said Map No. 8150 as follows:' North ,25°46'00" .
E-1l438 West, 210.00 feet; and No,rth 04°~4'22" West, 328.55 feet to the Point of Beginning.
Carlsbad Tract 75-2 Unit No. 2
" . , .... ' '
'\ "-~ .~ .pp I ic~t i on for Grad i ng perm.i~ .
P-ERM IT N:. .. ~
( I etter code + number):
'.-.F' C I TYOF CARLSBAD. . L=lot
C=City contract
1200 Elm Avenue
Site Address Surety Bond . , Bond No.
4617 Sierra Morena Avenue ..
Lega I Description Map No .• Surety Company
Subdivision N{3me Surety Address
Carlsbad Meadows. Unit:iA2 75-2
pwner Phone pate Fi led. .. Rec'd .by
Sommers Develonment Corn. 744-0810 P1~~r' s A~dress . San Marco's~ CA 92.069 Cash'deposit Rec'd by Date filed 36-B brnmerce St. $
Plans by Ci,vi I Engineer R.C.E. The fo.1 low i ng documents are required and shal
Robert YounQ' 'EnQ'ineel'inQ' 8454 become a part'of the grading permit when they
fi\ddress Phone are approved.
130 N. OranQ'e Ave. El Ca.jon •.. CA 442-05:94 ~Gradingplans ~Specifications
f::ioi I Engineer >-.. R.C.L Phon~ JLSol1 report LVicinity map
GeDeon Inc .• ~'-" 17030 292-5100 L.Dra i nage structures L,Retaining walls
~radihg Contractor Phone X Compact i on report _. _'Other Templeton Grading 744-0630
Address Linda Vista Road Check if supervi$ed SPEC I,AL COND I T IONS WHICH ARE MADE
San Mare,os. CA qrad inq Yes A PART .OF THIS PERMIT
Party responsible for overal I supervision
Amos Sommers I. AuthQr i zed, hou rS of operat'i on: 7:00 AM to
'Proposed use of grade site 5:00 PM, Monday-Friday.
Residential 2 .• Haul, routes are to be approved by C:ity
Number of cubic yards Engineer.
Cut 11 7. 00 B i I I 111. O,OOnport 0 Waste 0 3. Adequate prov'i s ions sha I I be made for
erosion and si Itation contro·l. I I I 4. '. A 1:1 sloQes shal I be planted per direction
of Parks & Recreation Director. ~otal
~ompacted fi II s (yes or no)
, Yes .
Propo~ed Schedule of Start Finish
Operations (dates) 4-17.;.77 5-30-77
,I hereby acknowledge that I have read the applica-
tion and state that the information I have providec INSPECT I·ON DATE INSPECTOR' g
is correct and agree to comply with all City SIGNATURE
ordinances and State laws regulating· excavatihg and Grouhd preparation
grading, and the provisions and conditions of any Rough grad j ng permit issued pursuant to this application.
Signature of permittee~ ... e.. ..
Compaction report rec'd. . . -
Planting & drainage
Owner or authorized agent . Fina I ce-rtificatior:l rE?c'd •
Grad i ng perm it fee $ 40',. CO' Work completed
-. Surety bond released
:~L~ ~ .Date ~;/.IS-bJ5 ,
Permit Exp·iration Date Ocr; /&': /9'/'7
THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR A SIX (-6) MONTH PERIOD --.--.~~~~~~~---=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::====::::::::::::::::=::::::::::=========~~~~=;....--------.....
No. S-559753
Dated: MAY 3, 1977 as of 7: 30 A.M.
Subdh:ision: CARLSBAD TRACT 75-2, UNIT 2
The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of:
The parties hereinbefore referred to are:
The signature of CITY OF CARLSBAD, Holder of easements as disclosed by
deed recorded July 21, 1975 as file No. 75-188455; July 21, 1975 as File
No. 75-188456 and August 11, 1976 as File No. 76-258361, of Official
Records, Records of San D~ego County, has been omitted under the provi~
sions of Section 66436, Subsection (C-1), of the Government Code, their
interest is such that it cannot ripen into a fee title and said signature
is not required by the governing body.
eLTA Guarantee Form No. 14
P-35-A (G.S.) Rev. 3-75
--,.. T"lVE:;)&r . 1"'\ cmfP:,. I -
>l • ~i -
PA 72
That portion of Lot "I" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, .
County of San Diego, State of California; according to Map thereof No. 823,
filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November
16, 1896, described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of Carlsbad Tract 73-36 unit No.3,
filed in the Office of the:County Recorder, of San Diego County, July 31, 1975,
being a point on the Northerly line of said Lot "'I"; thence along said
Nqrtherly line South 890,50'00" East, 437.$8" feet to the Northwesterly
corner of that 75.00 foot \~ide easement de$cribed in deed to the S'an Diego
Gas & Electric Company, recorded June 1, 1953 in Book 4874, Page 14$ of
Official Records; thence along the 1veste.rly and Southwesterly boundary of·
said easement as follows:' South 060,29'30" East (Record -South06°;30'06" East)
39.73 feet to an angle point therein; and South 260,07'24" East (Record -South
260,08 '06" East) 1224.85 fect to the Northeast corner of Lot 35 of Carlsbad
Tract 75-2 Unit No.1, according to Map thereof No. 8358, ,fil,ed-in the Office of
the County Recorder. of San Dil3go County, AugUst 1.1, 1976; thence along the
boundary of said Map No. 8358, as follows: South ~1 °01 r 30il West; 122.84 feet; ,
South 43o,5t~'58" West, 58.59 feet; South 61°01 '3011 1vest, 93.00-feet; and South
63°21' 57" Hest, 164.13 -feet to the most Easteriy co_mer of Carlsbad Tract 73-36
Unit No.2, according to Map thereof No. 8149, filed in the Office of the " ,
County Recorder of San Diego County, J1,lly 31, 1975; thence along the Northeasterly
boundary of said Map No. 8149 as follows: North 340,47'00" West, 184.47 feet
to the beginning of a tangertt 3579.00 foot radius curve, concave Northeaste:t'ly;
North~~esterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 090,01 'OO~'
a distance of '563.23 feet; and tangent to said curve North 25°46'0011 West, '
229.53 fee't to the most Easterly corner of said Carlsbad Tract 73-36 Unit No.'
3; thence along the boundary of said Nap No. 8150 as follows: North 25°46'00"
West" 210'.00 feet; and North 040,24'22" West, 328.55 feet to tp.e 'Point of Beginning.,
Carlsbad Tract 75-2 Unit No. 2
\.' •
On the basis of the attached preliminary report, the following Certificate
will be requi~ed by the City of Carlsbad.
Order No. S-559753
SAFECO TItle Insurance .Company, A Corporation, hereby certifies that
according to the Officiai Records of the County Recorder's Office of San
Diego County, California, on the 3rd day of May, 1977, at 8:00 A.M., Sommers
Development Corporatio~, A California Corporation, was the owner and only
party interested in and whose consent was necessary to pass a clear t.i tle
to the land embraced wi thin the Subdivision to be known as Carlsoad Tract No.
75-2, Unit No.2, as. shown on tb.is Map, consisting of 4 sheets, and particularly
described in the Caption thereof, othe~ than the City of Carlsbad, holder of
easements disclosed by deeds recorded July 21, 1975 as File No. 75-188455 and
July 21, 1975 as File No. 75-188456, and August 11, 1976 as File No. 76-258361,
Official Records of San Diego C01L~ty, which sai~ easements cannot ripen into .
a fee.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF said SP3ECO Title Insurance C6~pany, A Corporation,
has caused this instrument to be executed under its corporation name and seal
by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized the day and year in thi~
certificate first above written.
BY:~ ________ ~----~-----------Assistant Vice President
BY: __________________________ ___
Assistant Secretary
r • . . •
Fee $ 50.00
No. S-559753 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TRACT 75-2,UNIT. 2
Dated: MAY 3, 1977 as. of 7:30 A.M.
a corporation
The County of San Diego and any City withiu
which said subdivision is located in a sum not exceeding $1,000.00 that, according to those public records which,
under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the titie to the iand included. within the
exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the Orily parties having any record
title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act,
on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, ave-
nues and other easements offered for dedication by said map are as set forth in Schedule A.
·eLTA Guarantee Form No. 14
P-35 (G.S.) Rev. 3-75
M.AY 1 3 1977
Engineering Department
• ••
On the basis of the attached preliminary r~port, the following Certif;i.c.ate
will be required by the City of Carlsbad.
Order No. S-559753
SAFECO Title Insurance Company, A Corporation, hereby certifies that
according to the Official Records of the County Recorder's Office of San
Diego County, California, on the 8th day of February, J:977, at 8:00 A.M.,
Sommers Development Corporation, A California Corporation, was the-owner
and only party interested in and whose consent was necessary to pass a
clear title to the land embraced within the Subdivision to be knowp as
Carlsbad-Tract No. 75-2, Unit No.2, as shown on this Map, consisting of
4 sheets, and particularly described in the Caption thereof, other than
the City of Carlsbad, holder of easements disclosed by deeds recorded
July 21, 1975 as File No. 75-188455 and July 21, 1975 as File No. 75-188456,
which said easements ca~ot ripen into a fee.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF said SAFECO Title :J:nsurance Company, A Corporation,
has caused this instrument to be executed under its corporation name ·and
seal ~y its proper officers thereunto duly authorized the day and Year in
this certificate first above written.
BY:~~ ____ ~~~ __ ~~ ________ ~ __ ___
Assistant Vice President
BY:~~~~~ __ ~ ____________ ~ ____ __
Assistant Secretary
MAY 5 1977
. Engil'1eeringDepartment -
__ --------------------------------------------~----------~----------~----------------~~~ 1-
141> \,,"-1'" ... • , ,
, ';'1lYi>.E::jftJHU6 t-. .. COXft)/.-I' , , ,L"!!f0' ' ,
, " ,t'
, , ,
PA 72
, ,
that portiou,of Lot "I" of, Rant!ho Agua:, H~di~ndc:hiri.' the 'City of, Curis"bad:,j ,
County of ' Sari Diego:; S,tut~ 'of CqJd.fornia"a6corQ.ingto }faptIW':i::eof No. 82'3,'
filed ill the OEf£c~' at ttl1e, ,CQunty.·'RecQrc;1e'l7o:£, paftI)iego Coun:ty, :No\T.~mQer
16, 1896" described, as £o1,.low's;:' '-:,' .
Beginn:tng at the :No,rtheaster1:y cotirer oe 'Oarlsbac;1' ~el;act 73";36 Unit' No,. 3,
filed in th.e Q::i;fice-of the:County Recorc;1erof S'a1,1Diego,Cbun.t;y, jlJ.ly 31; J;9·15 , ' , ..
being' a PQint, 6n the' 'N0:rth~rly ,line of s'aid Lo·t" fiI'-; thence ,a1oD;g said, '
Northerly lin.e $'ou~h-, .g9~:':>O,i O(r'~":E:a$;t', 43ii. 58';' £~et,>-to,:th,e: Nbrth~.je~;terly ,
c,orner of tha't 75;.,00.-'.fP'o't 'l\liQ:e' ;e~seme1)t ' d'e;sc.ri'l:~ed; itid~¢d ,to, 'the San Dj.ego'
(i?S ,& Electric~' Comp:4JiY, ieco'rd~tf June 1; 195'3 in Bc,ok 'li$14, . ~tage" 148 of '
Official Recopds:f,thencectlop,g" t~e Wes,ter,ty and Sou-thweste'rly boundary' ·of
s~idea.sexn~nt;l ,as, follows :SQlithO,6 g 29 J 30 it' E~str, (Rec'ord, '-Sout,h 06~30 ''(6)' Bas Ii),
39.73 feet ,to an ,a:ngi:epoint ~her~d.n;: and,So~th,:29~()'t",24'f ~~st (Re~ord ,-South
26°08'06" E~ast:)1:2Z4.85:fee;t,'~0'the' Morthe.ast, cOli:ge'r'of Lot j5 df 'GarJ,sb'ad '
Tract 75~2 Un:t;t lU~.:'i::"1!~:~i"ice9-rd,~ng.',to MC;lP' tfh~'r¢d'r:NPf8i3~8,',f.il:ed tn,th~ ()::ef:Lce of
the Cqunty Re,cortl'g;'t' :ofS~h.:-DiLego: aOtin,~y;, 'Augus.t 1):, .1976,,; . l:1:lencealoug the '
boundary ,o~sa:f.'a ~1:ap'NQ. :,:83S'8:,: as:f.ollQ-w~,:, "S6uth~q:;t;°()1 ~ 3Q'" West, 1.21! ~4 fe~t;
'South 43°5l~'58"',Wes't" 58;.59'-,f1~e:t; South ,61°01,':30},' We~:t" 93.0.0 feet;,. aild South 63°21'57It'iWe's£~' 164':.·,])fe.et 't'o :the 'rnd;;;t' 'E~s;ter:iy :c~rfle:t: of Ga>rls,bad 'T:r;ac:t 13-36
Unit N~,.2~,,~,R.qeordlng to, Map' :tQe~eof:No, •• 81:4,9,,. fi];~d':'il1<t:he, Of~ice o'f,the'
'County Rectfrder ,of Sah 'i:>;tego', County, .Ju~y3:i';",,19!75·~ the.nc~ along the 'Nq,rbheas'terly
,pounda;ry o:t; s~aj.d Nap lifo,. 8'i49' -as f6::l.1o~v~::,N0rth 34°47)'00'; lo1e~~j't), 184,.-47 fe~,t
to ,the begirihing:,crE 'atangetl-t '3579,.00' fOo:tFaci:t:u,~,;,:q.tit:Ve., con.caveitorthea~.tetlY; , .
No:t;'thwest;:e:r1y alo.ngithe arc,' of" s'aid ,curve' through :~"cen't'r~l -angle 0'£ 09°01"'0'0", '
adi s:tance -(y.E-·,:563.. ,23, :feet: j '~nd tangen /;:, :to 's.a:i,d· ~~1;:Ve No(tl'( 25 ° 46 'r bb i:'W~st , " ',. -. {.
229. 53 fe~t...;.tP . .:t4e'~·m0st E~~:l:e~ly corner '0':£ s'c:iid ,;~a·r'is~ad:, T':t:ac:t73-'36 Uo,it No. ,.' -:'
3; thence along thE;! bounda,ty od: $~id Map NQ"~ \8150a$ "fpllmv:s,:Noxth, 2'5°~46".oO"
Wes t " 2~O .,00' fee;;, ?n~ .. NQrt:hj:~4 ~ i4 r, 2'2"WeM:;~ ~28.; ',5.5,,}~~'t 'to :the, Pottit, :o~>:~'eging:t1,1g.,
, " _ " • ~ L', .' I " , '.,' _ ,. -• , , • • ' ,'" " •
~.:..:.;.;~ __ '" .1 : 1, • , ' • ~.\ ,'" .' . ,}", -
, ":
~,~, ~ ~ ,
:,~ ,
'-.' " ~ , '.
, . "
" ,",
':~ -
. "
,MAY 051977
, city. ,OF :'CARlSBAD 'EtigineeofJngDe'p~rtment
Supplemental Subdivision Report
No. S-559753 Subdivision: CARLSBAD 75-2, WIT NO. 2
Dated: MARCH 28, 1977 as of 7: 30 A.M.
For the benefit of the,County of' San Diego , any city
within which the subdivision is located, the Subdivider and the Subdivider's Registered Civil Enginetlr or Licens-
ed Land Surveyor.
, .
Supplementing our Preliminary Subdivision Report dated FEBRUARY 8, 1977 at 7: 30 A.M.
we wish to report the following:
P-287 (G. S.)
· .. c, ..
MAY .51977
Engineering Department
BY ____ !!"~!lJ[IfJ.'1lIlT. ___________ _
Title Officer
• •
Fee $ 50.00
No. S-559753
Dated: February 8, 1977 as of 7: 30 A.M.
Subdivision: Carlsbad Tract 75~2
Unit No.2
a corporation
The County of San' Diego and any City withiu
which said subdivision is located in a sum not exceeding $1,000.00 that, according to those public records which,
under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the
exterior boundary shown' on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record
title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act,
on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, ave-
nues and other easements offered for dedication by said map are as set forth in Schedule A.
CLTA Guarantee Form No. 14
P-35 (G.S,) Rev. 3-75
An Authorized Signature
FEB 2 4 1977
E ngin~el'ing Department
No. S-559753
Dated: February 8, 1977 as of 7:30 A. M.
Subdivision: CarlsbadA15-Z
2 Unit
No. 2
The map hereinbefore referred to is a ~ubdivision of:
The parties herei~hefQte referred tQ are:
a California corporatiqn.
THE CALIFORNIASANSOME CQRPORATION, a California corporation as trustee
under a deed of. trust recorded October 11, 1974 as File No. 74-1~2313.
holder of easement as· disclosed by deed record:ed June 19.,
i966 in File No. 98887, Series. 71, Book 1966. of Official.
Records, Re~ords of San Diego County has· b.een omitted
under the provisions of Section 66436, Subsection (C-l),
of the Government Code, their interest is such that it
cannot ripen into a fee title and said ~ignature is not
required by th~ governing body.
• •
EXCEPTIONS continued
Order No. S-559753
Page two
NOTE: The signature of CITY OF CARLSBAD holder of ea~ements as
disclosed by de~d recorded July 21, 1975 as File ~o. 75-
188455; June 21, 1975 as File No. 75-188456 of Official
Records, Records of San Diego County has bee~ omitted
'under the provisions of Section 66436, SUQsection (C-1l,
of the Govetnment Code, their interest is such that it
cannot ripen into a fee title and said, signature is not
required by the governing body. .
. ~'" ~ ..
-.-"Iio -t'( • •
PA 72
That portion of Lot "I'i of Rancho Agtla Hedionda, in the City of CarlSbad,
County of San Diego, State of California, acc;ording to Map thel'eof No. 823,
filed in the Office of the County Recorder o·f San Diego County, November
16, 1896, described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of Carlsbad Tract 7~-36 Unit No.3,
filed in the afficeof the County Recol,"derof San Diego County, July 31; 1~75,
being a point on the Northerly line of said Lot "I";. thence along said
Northeriy line South 89°50'00" East, 437.00 feet to the Northwesterly
corner of that 75.00 foot wide easement de'scribedin deed to the~an Diego
Cas & Electric Company, recorded June 1, 1953 in Book 4874, Page 148 of
Of,ficial Records; thence along the Westerly and Southwesterly boundary of
said easement as follows: South 06°29'30" East (Record -South 06°30'06" East)
39.73 feet to an angle' point therein; and South 26°07'24" East (Record: -south
26,°08 "06" East) 1224.85 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 35· of Carlsbad
Tract 75-2 Unit No.1, a ccording to Map thereof No. 83$8, filed in the Office of.
the County Recorder of San Diego County, August 11, 1976; thence along the
boundary of said Map No •. 8358, 'as follows: South 61°01'30" West, 122.84 .:i;eet; ,
South 43°54'58" West, 58.59 feet; South 61°01'30" West, 93.00 feet; and Sou,th
63°21' 57" West, 164.13 feet to the most Eas.terly corner of Carlsbad Tract 73-36 .
Unit No.2, according to Map thereof No. 8149, f'i1ed in the Office of the '
:County Recorder of San Diego County, July 31, 1975; thence' along th.e Northeasterly
boundary of said Map No. 8149 as follows: North 34°47'00" West, 184.47 feet,'
to the beginning of a tangent 3579.00 foot rlldius curve, concave Northeasterly;
. Northw~sterly along' the arc of said curve through a centra:!. angle of '09°01 '00"
a ~ist~nce of 563.23 feet; and tangent to sai9 curve North 25°46"00'; lfest,
229.53 feet to the most Easterly corner of said Carlsbad Tract 73-36 Unit No.
3; thence along the boundary of said Map No. 8150 as follows: North 25°46'00"
West, 210.00 feet;' and North ,04°24'22" West, 328.55feet to the Point of Beginning ..
Carlsbad Tract 75-2 Unit No. 2
Sommers Development
p .,0. B<?:1l{ 1754 • Rancho Santa Fe, California
Attn: Amos Sommers •
Preliminary Subdivision Report
No. S-559753
Dated: February 8, 1977 as of 7:30 A.H.
Subdivision: C~r1sbaa Tract 75-2
Unit No. 2
For the benefit of the County of San Diego , any City
Registered Civil Engineer or. Li· within which the subdivision is loc!lted, the Subdivider and the Subdivider's
censed Land Surveyor.
A preliminary examination of those pubJi-c records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notIce
of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on a map of the above
referenced subdivision received on , by SAFECO Title Insurance Com·
pany, herein called the Company, discloses that, at the date hereof, the only parties having any record title inter·
est in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the map
of said subdivision to be filed with the County Recorder of said County are set forth in Schedule A.
This report is furnished as an accommodation, for the sole purpose of preliminary planning and
facilitating the compliance with requirements necessary for the issuance of a Subdivision Guaran-
tee. It is understood that the Company's liability is solely that expressed in such Guarantee, ~nd
that no liability separate from or other than the Company's liability under said Guarantee is as-
sumed by this Report, except that if no Guarantee is issued under this Order the amount paid fQr
this Report shall be the maximum liability of the Company.
P-286 (G. S.)
FEB 24 1977
. Engineering Department
~~~htohl-_ Chal:J.eS-~mi t~ :a~-;l't' ::Uffert By ........................................................................................... .
Title Officer
., • •
No. S-559753 Subdivision:
Dated: February 8,. 1977 as of 7: 30 A. M.
The map hereinbefore referred to is a proposed subdivision of:
The parties hereinbefore referred to are:
SOMMERS DEVEL0PMENT CORPORATION, a California corporation.
1. Second ins.tallment County, City and special dis,tr.ict ~ ,now
payable, for the fiScal year 1976-77, first half delinquent.
2. Ali easement and right of way in, upon., ov~r, under and across said
land for a line ot lines of underground conduits, for the transmission
and distribution of electricity and incidental purposes as conveyed to .
the San Diego Gas and Electric Company in deed recorded June 16, 1966 as
File No. 98887 in Series T, Book 1966.
The easement and r.ight of way in said land is particularly described
as follows;:
The Southwesterly and Westerl.y line of said right of way Sha1Lbe
paral,le1 with and 112.50 feet Southwesterly and 'Wester1y measured at;
right angles and the Northeasterly and Easterly line of .said ~fgh~ of
way shall be parallel with and 37.50 feet Northeasterly and Eaatel::1y
measured at ,right angles from the following described'line:
EXCEPTIONS continued
O~der No. 8-'559753
Page two
Commencing at corner No. 17 of Lot "I." in said Rancho Agua Hedionda,
said Corner No. 17 is also the point of intersection of the common
boundar:¥' line o~ sl3.id Lot "F" and "H" with the Southerly boundary: line
Qf said Lot "I'.'; thence from. said point of commencement South 87 Q.25· 01"
El3.st, aic;mg the common boundary line of Lots ")f" and "I" being the
Northerly boundary line 'of the land described in deed to San Diego Gas
and Electric Company, a corporation, ~egistered 'June 16, 1953 as Tor~ens
Document No. 30674,. in the office of the Registrar of Land Titles for
San Diego County, a distanGe of 1494.,69 feet to a point in said . common
boundary line,. which said point is the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the'
right of way herein described; thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING,
North 43,°15 1 44" East, 'a distance of 777.72 feet; thence North 21 ci 50 '01"
West, a distance of 2011.29 feet; thence North 03°31'37" West, a distance
of 893.16 feet to a point of intersection with a line that is parallel
with and 75.00 feet Easterly, measured at right angles for the center
line of that certain right of way gr~ted to San Diego Gas an.d Electric
Company, acotporation, recorded April 22, 1953, as DocUllient No. 55470,
in Book 4830, page 216 of Official Records of said Count:¥' of San Di:ego,
California; thence fr.om said point of intersection North Ii °Sl '04" East,
along said parallel line, a distance of l756~42 feet; to a point. hereinafter
known and designated as Point "B"-; thence from said Point "B" and leaving
said paral~el line, North 26°08'06" West,. a dis.tance of 121.86 feet to 'a
point of intersection with the center line of that cer,tain right of way
granted to San Di:ego Gas and Electric. Company, a corporation, recorded
June 1, 1953 as Document No. 74512 in Book 4874, at Page 14.8 fo Official
Records of said County of $an Diego, California; thence from last said
point of intersection ~ontinuing North 26°08'061f West, along the center
line of last said right of way, a distance of 3281.69 feet; thence
continuing alo,ng the center line of last said ~ight of w.ay North 06°30 '36"
West a distance of 7.27 feet to a. point of intersection with the co~on
boundary line between Lot "j" and Lot "I" of said Rancho AguaHe,dionda,
distaIit thereon 123.00 feet Westerly from corner No. 11 of' said Lo,t "I".
T,he sidelines of the hereinbefore described right of way, 75.00
feet in width, shall be lengthened and/or shortened so that said side
lines shall be continuous 'and shall terminate in the boundaries of the
above described lands of the Grantor herein.
Excepting ftom the hereinbefore described right of way any portion
thereof lying within the bOl,lndaries of that certain right of way, 75.00
feet in width" granted to said Sc;ln Diego Gas and Electric Company, a
corporation, recorded June 1, 1953 as. Document No. 74512 tn Book '4874,
page 148' of said Official Records of said County of San Diego, California.
, Said deed also recites that the grantor and their successors in
estate shall not erect or construct; or permit to be erected or constructed,
any building or other struct.ure,. drill any well or wells; within the
limits of said right of way, and the grantor and their successors and
EXCEPTIONS continued
Order No. S-559753
Page three
• •
ass.igns., shall not increase or decrease, the. ground surface elev.ations
within said easement and right of way without the previous written .
cons.ent of the grantee.
3. A deed of trust dated October 10, 1914 to secure an indebtedness. of
$150.,00..0..0.0. and any othel;" amounts payable under the terms thereof,
recorded October 11,. 1974 as File No. 74-273664.
Trustor: SOMMERS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a California corpotation,
T1=ustee: THE CALIFORNIk-SANSOME CORPORATION, a California cO.tporation,
Beneficiary: THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, Nationa1 A$sociation, a national
banking association.
A supplemental 'deed of trust by and between Sommers Development
Corp·orlltion;. a Califonria corporation ~s trustor and the California
Sansome Corporation as trustee and the Bank of California National
Associatton.a national ba~king a~sociation as Beneficiary in the amount
of $30.,000..0.0. recorded May 30., 1975 as File No. 75--132313. .
4.. An easement for water line purposes, 15 feet in width, ove1=, under,:
along and across·· that portton of Lot '~r" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the
City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to
Map thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County Recorder of 'said
San Diego County on· November 16, 1896, the center line of said 15 foot
easement being. described as follows.:
Beg:;Lnni:ng at a point in the Southerly boundary of El'Camino ~esa,
Unit No •. 6, Map No. 6988, distant thereon 25.11 feet Westerly from the
Southwest corner of Lot 12 of said El Camino Mesa, Unit No. 6; thence
South 4°46'0.0." East 'a distance of 6.0.0. feet; then:ce South 85°14'0.0." West
a diatance of 98.0.0. feet; thence South 40 0 l4'o.Q" West a distance of
10.2.,0.1 feet to the beginning of a tangent cutve., concave Northwesterly
and haYing a radius of 10.0'.0.0. feet; 'thence Southwesterly along the arc
of said 'curve through a ¢entral angle of 24~o.o.'o.aft. a distance of 41.89
feet; thence South 641114.'0.0." West a distance of 10.3.·45 teet, as conveyed'
to the City of Carlsbad; a municipal corporation, by instrument recorded
July 21" 1975 as File No. 75-188455.
5. A 12 foot wide easement for drainage purposes, over, undet, alo.ng
and across a portion of Lot I of Rancho Agua Hedionda,in the City of
Carlsbad, County of San Diego,. State of 'Califonria, according to Map
thereof No. 823 on file in the office of the County Recorder of said San
Diego County, said easement to lie 6.0.0. 'feet, measured at right angles,
on each side of the following described centerline: . .
Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 128 of E1 Camino Xesa,
Unit No.4, Map No. 5746; thence South 89.°50.'0.0." Eas·t along .the South
line of said Lot 128 and the South line of Lots 13" ·37, 38 and 39· of El
Camino Mesa,. Unit No.6, Map No. 6988, a distance of 465.99 feet;
-~ . ,.... '
EXCEPTIONS continued
Order No. S-559753
Page four
thence leaving said Southerly line South 4°'24'22" East a distance of
328.55 feet; thence South 25°46'00" East a dist~nce of 439.53 feet to
the beginning of a t~ngent curve, concave Northeasterly and having a
radius of 3579.00 feet, ~ radial to said point having a bearing of South'
64°14'00" West; thence Southeasterly along the arc 'of said curve, through
a central angle of 9°01'00" a distance of 563.23 feet; thence Sout~ .
34°47'00" East a distance of 50.47 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGI'NNJ;'NG;
thence North 55°13'00" East a distance of 150.00 feet to the end of the
aforement'ioned centerline, as conveyed to the City of Carlsbad, a municipal.
corporation, by instrument recorded July. 21, 1975 as File No .• 75-188456.
6. An abstract of judgment issued out of Superior Court, San Diego
County, in Case No~ 31'7159 .against SOMMERS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION in
favor of LAKEVIEW VISTA COMPANY in the amount of'$36,999.39, plus interest
and cost~, if any, recorded May 12, 1976 as File No. 76~379711.
Parties whose signatures will be necessary' on the final map are:
. SOMMERS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a California corporation as o.wner.
trustee under a deed ·of trust r.ecorded October 11,: 1974 as .Fi1e No.
74-273664 and May 30,. 1975 as File No. 75-132313.
PA 72
That portion of Lot "I" of Rancho Agua. Hed'ionda, 'in the City of Carlsbad,
County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823,
filed in the Of:Eice 'Of the County Recorder of San Diego C9unty, November .
,16, 1896, described as. follows:
Beginning at the North~asterly corner of Carlsbad Tract 73-36 Unit No.3,
f;i.le<l :i.n the Office of the County Recorder. of San Diego County , July 31, 1975,
being a. point on the Northerly line. of said Lot "I"; thence ,aiong said
. Northerly line South 89°50 '00" East, 437.00 feet to the Northwesterly,
corner of that 75.00 foot wide easement de'scribed in deed to the San Diego
Ga~ & Electric Company, 'recorded June '1, 1953 in 'Book 4874, Page 148 of
O£ficial Records; thence along the Westerly and Southwesterly ~ounc:iary 'Of
said easemeilt as follows: South 06°29 t 30" East (Record -S.outh 06°30 '06.11 East)
39.13 feet to an angle' point therein; and South 26°07'24" East (Record -South
26°08'06" East) 1224.85 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 35 of Carlsbad
Tract 75-2 Unit ~o. 1, a ccording to Map. thereof No. 8358, filed in the Office of
the County Recorder of San Diego County, August 11; 1976; thence along the
boundary of said Map No. 8358, as follows: Sout;h61°01'30" West, 122.84 feet;
South 43°54'58" West, -?8 •. 59 fee't; South 61°01'30" West, 93.00 feet; and South
.63°21' S7" West, 164.13 feet to the most Easterly corner of Carlsbad Tract 73-36
Unit No.2, according to Map thereof No. 8149, filed in the Office of the . .
County Recorder of San Diego County, July. 31, 1975; thence along the Northeasteriy
boundary 0.£ said Map No. 8'149 as follows: North 34°47'00" West, 184.47 feet
to the beginn:i.ng of a tangent 3579.00 foot radius curve, concave Northeasterly;
Northwesterly along the are, of said curve thr:ough a: centrEd angle of 09°01'00"
a dista:nce of 563.23 feet; and tangent to said curve North 25°46'00" West,
229.53 feet to the most Easterly corner of said Carlsbad Tract 73-36 uilit: No.
3; thence along the boundary of said Map No. 8150 as fo11bws:' North 25°46'00"
West, 210.00 feet; and North 04°24'22" West, 328.55 fee't t;othe Point of Beginning.
. Carlsbad Tract 75-2 Unit No. 2