HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-09-10; Planning Commission; ; CT-80-28|CP-110 - PULLMANSTAFF REPORT
DATE: Septeinber 10, 198 0
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Planning Departzment
SUBJECT: CT-8 0-28/CP-110 - Pullman - Request for a 17
unit tenative tract map and condomini\im perinit
on property located on the east side of Gibraltar
Street, La Costa.
The applicant is proposing to construct a 17 unit
condominium project on the eastern side of Gibralter
Street near its terminus. The proposed project is
located on an irregularly shaped .98 acre parcel in the
RD-M zone. This project will result in a net density
of approximately 17 dwelling units per acre which is
slightly less than the General Plan designation of 20-
30 dwelling units per acre for this site.
The site has been previously graded and is devoid of
any significant historical or environmental resources.
The site consists of two parcels which have been graded
at two different levels. The northern lot is approxi-
mately fifteen feet higher than the southerly lot. To
minimize the amount of grading, the applicants have
located all of the parking under the southerly buildings
in this project. This will allow the living quarters
of all buildings to be located at approximately the
same level.
The surrounding property is vacant to the north, south,
and west, while a few single family homes are located
to the east of the project.
Planning Issues
1) Does the project conform with the development
standards of the condominium ordinance?
2) Does the project conform with the design criteria
of the condominiuin ordinance?
Development Standards
As mentioned, the two lots have been graded at different
levels with an approximately 15 foot high lh to 1 slope
between them. Also, the easterly 20 feet of the north-
erly lot and the easterly 30 feet of the southerly lot
consists of an existing lh to 1 slope. In an effort to
reduce the amount of grading, the applicant proposes to
locate all of the resident parking for this project
underneath buildings A and B which will be constructed
on the southerly lot. The parking for each of the
units will be assigned so that the distance from the
parking spaces to each of the units will be minimized.
Although it would be more desirable to locate parking
closer to the units, a redesign of the project to
accomplish this would require massive regrading of the
site. The applicant proposes to locate all of the
required guest parking on Gibraltar Street. Staff
feels that the location of these visitor parking spaces
along a public street will not cause any parking pro-
blems at this location because Gibraltar Street is a
cul-de-sac. Also, the relationship of the visitor
parking to the pedestrian access points will not encour-
age residents to park in these spaces.
The required storage for each of the units will be
located in three places. Approximately 160 cubic feet
of storage for each unit will be located in storage
lockers and cabinets in the garages. Each of the units
will also be provided with 160 cubic feet of storage
closets on the ground floor patio and second story
A swimming pool and spa surrounded by a deck and lawn
will be centrally located so as to be readily accessible
to all of the residents of this project. Also, all of
the units will be provided with balconies and patios.
Five of the units will have patios with an area of
approximately 150 square feet. With the common
recreation area and the five units with large patios,
this project will have more than the 200 square feet
per unit of recreation space required by the condominium
Each of the units has been designed to provide laundry
facilities in accordance with the condominium ordinance.
Also, a coinmon trash container for this project will be
located in the parking garage near the entrance. Coast
Waste Management has reviewed the plans and has supplied
a letter stating that location of the trash enclosure
within the garage will be satisfactory for the efficient
removal of trash.
Design Criteria
As proposed this project meets all of the design criteria of
the Condominium Ordinance. Adequate parking and recreation
facilities have been provided.
The coinmon recreation area will be readily accessible to all
of the residents of this project. Although the parking
garage will be located underneath buildings A + B as shown
on Exhibit A, staff feels the parking will be adequately
accessible to the dwelling units. The orientation of the
buildings, the existing slopes and heavy landscaping will
screen the dwelling units from Gibraltar Street and create a
sense of privacy for the patios and balconies provided for
each unit. Staff feels that all other design criteria have
been met by this project.
It is recoinmended that the Planning Coinmission adopt
Resolution No. 1688 recommending approval of CT-80-
28/CP-llO to the City Council, based on the findings
and subject to the conditions contained therein.
Background Data Sheet
Disclosure Form
Location Map
PC Resolution No. 1688
Exhibits A,B,C,D,E & F dated 7-9-80
CASE NO: CT-80-28/CP-110
APPLICANT: Pullman Enterprises Inn.
REQUEST AND IXXATION: tenative tract map and 17 unit condominium pmject on
tJie east side of Gibraltar Street
LEGAL DESCEOPTION: Lots 383 and 384, La Costa South Unit Nb. 5, Map No. 6600
in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Dieqo, State of Califomia
Assessors Parcel Number: 216 - 29 - 27,28
Acres .98 No. of Lots 2
General Plan Land Use Designation RH
Existing Zone
Density Allowed 20-30 Density Prqposed 17.35
Proposed Zone -
Surrounding Zoning and Land Use:
North PC
South RD-M
East PC
West RD-M
Land Use
School Distxict San Diequito and Encinitas Union
Water District Costa Real Water District
Sewer District Leucadia County Water District EDU's 17 EDU's allocated 8/28/79
Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated May 30, 1980
(Other: )
_X Negative Declaration, issioed 8/21/80 Log No.
E.I.R. Certified, dated
If aftfM.- Llie informat ,lon you liavo .submitted has been reviewed, it is doternn ned
tliat f.urt.her in forma tion i.s required, you will be so advised.
Pullman Enterprises, Inc.
Roger D. Anderson, Vice President_
Name (individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, .syndication)
2554 UTrite Owl Drive, Olivenhain, CA 92024
Busjinoss Address
Teleptione Number
Business Address
Telephone Number
See attached list
Name (individual, partne.r, joint
venture, corx^oration, syndication)
Home Address
Business Address
Telephone Number Telephone Number
Name Home Address
Business Address
Telephone Num.ber Telephone Numbci*^
(Attach more sheets if necessary)
I/W(? decliirc undcir jinna.l.ty of perjury that the information contained in tliis dis
closure is true and cori'cct and tliat it \sill remain true and correct and may bo
rolled upon as being true and correct until amended.
Pullman En Lerpri .ses . Inc_'
App] iciui.t
'''' Aq'.-nl-, CKvTi.-r, I'ait iior