HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 85-05; SANTA FE KNOLLS; Tentative Map (CT)4>. , -. I . ,-.". j .. LAND US. PLANNING .PLICATION .-DISCRETIONARY ACTIONS -.; REQUEST o Zone Change DSpecific Plan o General Plan Amendment []Site Development Plan 181 Tentative Tract Map [JOonditional Use Permit o Major Planned Unit Development OVariance o Mas ter Plan OPlanning Commission Determination o Major Redevelopment Permit DSpecial Use Permit CJMinor Redevelopment Permit []Structure Relocation [JPrecise Development Plan []Major Condominium Permit (check other boxes if appropriate) OCoastal Permit (Portion of Redeveloprent Area Only) Complete DeSCrl.ptl.on of ProJect (attach cddl.tlonal sheets if necessary) Single family residential subdivision composed of 73 dwelling units. (See attached sheets) Legal DescriptIon (complete) Lot 140 of Record Map 9959 recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego CountXL State of California, on 12/31/80, as file 80-440244 IASsessors Parcel Nl.IIlDer 223-322-01 Zone General Plan ExIStl.ng Land Use PC RLM Natural Conditions Proposed Zone Proposed General Plan Si te ,Acreage No Change No Change 23.6 Acres Owner \ Applicant Name (Prlnt or Type) Name (PrInt or Type) RANCHO LA COSTA J. TEG.ST _I~ DIS:SOLUTIO~;r --RAL\JCHO LA COST-A Tl?.lJ.3'r 1:'1 DISSOLUTION ~al.llng Address Maill.ng Address 2100 Costa Del Mar Road 2100 Costa Del Mar Road City and State Zip Telephone City aM State Zip Telephone Carlsbad, CA 92008 438":'9111 Carlsbad, CA 92008 438-9111 I CERI'IFY '!HAT I AM '!HE LEGAL CW'JER AND I CERI'IFY '!HAT I AM '!HE <l'VNER' S REPRESENTATIVE THAT ALL '!HE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND '!HAT ALL '!HE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE ~ CORRECT '10 '!HE BEST OF MY KNCMEDGE. AND CORRECT '10 '!HE BEST OF MY KNOOIEDGE. SIGNl!~ £ DATE SI~ ~~"m. mTE t.. ~4J~ ~ 1/17/85 1/l6jBt,t ~llard Roen Trustee Date Appllcatlon Rec'd Received By Pee. R_im:lll'l Receipt No. 1/2-6/~ . !Gt~_~ tEfll-/7,)-fb 265 'fffl/ 'JlZ/lcr -7b r oate Applicatlon Rec'd , ·Staff Assigned ·case NtlJIber Q-j-'?S--S; • TICOR ·TITlE IIISURANCE TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 220 "A" STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 P.O. BOX 1150 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92112 619 239~6081 JANUARY 23, 1985 ANDEN GROUP ATTN: MIKE ROSTEN 6544 COURTE MONTECITO CARLSBAD, CA 92008 YOUR REFERENCE: CARLSBAD TRACT OUR ORDER NO.: 1130'403 . " PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION REPORT FOR TENTATIVE MAP. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SUBDIVIDER, THE SUBDIVIDER'S ENGINEER, THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND ANY CITY WITHIN WHICH THE SUBDIVISION IS LOCATED. IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROPOSED RECORDATION OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP, A PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION OF THOSE PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH UNDER THE RECORDING LAWS IMPART CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF MATTERS RELATING TO SAID LAND~ DISCLOSES THE FOLLOWING MATTERS. DATED AT 7:30 A.M. AS OF JANUARY 17, 1985 TITLE OFFICER: PROVENCE/VOTEL /1 ! /-,/ /. -~ ~ SIGNED: __________________ .".,( ____ :/ 7{':',_~ . VESTEE: ALLARD ROEN AND IRWIN A .. MOLASKY, TRUSTEES UNDER THE RANCHO LA COSTA TRUST IN DISSOLUTION DATED JULY 6, 1981 EXCEPTIONS: 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL COUNTY AND CITY TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, IF ANY, COLLECTED WITH SAID TAXES. REPORT TO FOLLOW. THE LIEN OF SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES, IF ANY, ASSESSED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 498, STATUTES OF 1983 OF THE STATE 1130403 PAGE 1 q " .• TleOR TITLE IEURANCE OF CALIFORNIA 2. AN EASEMENT, AS REFLECTED IN AN INSTRUMENT CREATING OR REAFFIRMING SAID EASEMENT, AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID LAND AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES IN FAVOR OF : ,OLIVENHAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC CORPORATION FOR PIPELINE OR PIPELINES FOR ANY AND ALL PURPOSES, TOGETHER WITH FACILITIES FOR POWER TRANSMISSION AND COMMUNICATION PURPOSES . ' RECORDED JUNE 23, '1981,' RECORD'ER'S FILE NO. 81-195472 AFFECTS ALL THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT 140 INCLUDED WITHIN A STRIP OF LAND 20.00 FEET OF EVEN WIDTH, THE CENTER LINE OF SAID 20.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 115; THENCE NORTH 6°35'13" WEST 120.54 FEET; THENCE NORTH 18°04'00" WEST 355.39 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 79°43'00" WEST 248.68 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 490.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHERLY; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH 'A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22°28'10" A DISTANCE OF 192.16 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE, NORTH 77°48'50" WEST 151..54 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 57° 11'10" WEST 48.28 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH A LINE WHICH BEARS NORTH 12°11'10" EAST FROM A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SITIO BAYA, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP NO. 9959, DISTANT THEREON NORTH 77°48'50" WEST 10.00 FEET FROM THE NORTHERLY TERMINUS OF THE CENTER LINE OF SAID SITIO BAYA; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE, SOUTH 12°11'10" WEST 233.36 FEET TO SAID POINT ON THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SITIO BAYA. 3. AN AGREEMENT PARTICULARS DATED BY AND BETWEEN REGARDING RECORDED TO WHICH REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR FULL NOVEMBER 4, 1982 , PARDEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN DEVELOPER-OWNER AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE DECEMBER 15, 1982, RECORDER'S FILE NO. 82-383349 4. A DEED OF TRUST TO SECURE AN ORIGINAL INDEBTEDNESS OF THE AMOUNT STATED HEREIN DATED TRUSTOR TRUSTEE BENEFICIARY RECORDED AUGUST 26, 1983 " ALLARD ROEN AND IRWIN A. MOLASKY, TRUSTEES UNDER THE RANCHO LA COSTA TRUST IN DISSOLUTJON DATED JULY 6, 1981 , TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIF. FORMERLY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION PARDEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION SEPTEMBER 30, 1983, RECORDER'S FILE NO. 83-352552 SAID MATTER AFFECTS THIS AND OTHER PROPERTY. 5. A DEED OF TRUST TO SECURE AN ORIGINAL INDEBTEDNESS OF THE AMOUNT STATED HEREIN ,DATED SEPTEMBER 16, 1983- TRUSTOR ALLARD ROEN AND IRWIN A. MOLASKY, TRUSTEES UNDER THE RANCHO LA COSTA TRUST IN DISSOLUTION DATED 1130403 PAGE 2 10 , . TleOR TITLE IIISURANCE TRUSTEE BENEFICIARY RECORDED JULY 6, 1981 TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIF. FORMERLY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION THE TRUSTEES OF CENTRAL STATES, SOUTHEAST AND SOUTHWEST AREAS PENSION FUND, SEPTEMBER 30, 1983, RECORDER'S FILE NO. 83-352553 SAID DEED OF TRUST IS SUBJECT TO THE DEED OF TRUST SHOWN ABOVE. 'SA'ID MATTER' AFFECTS THIS AND OTHER PROPERTY. 6. NOTE 1. NO KNOWN MATTERS OTHERWISE APPROPRIATE TO BE SHOWN HAVE BEEN DELETED FROM THIS REPORT~ WHICH IS NOT A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE BUT A REPORT TO FACILITATE THE ISSUANCE OF A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE. FOR PURPOSES DF POLICY ISSUANCE, ZERO ITEMS' MAY BE ELIMINATED ON THE BASIS OF AN INDEMNITY AGREEMENT OR OTHER AGREEMENT SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY AS INSURER. PARC£L NO.: 223-322-01 1130403 PAGE 3 /I ., ' TICOR TITLE IEURANCE THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CARLSBAD TRACT , BEING A SUBDIVISION OF LOT 140 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 75-9 (B) UNIT NO.2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 9959, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ON DECEMBER 31, 1980. 1130403 PAGE 4 12 CITY OF CARLSiYAD 1200 ELM AVENUE • CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 438-5551 -.-. . - RECE'VED >R0.1-\ tblfRce,-<--DATE ,/.;n{eS" ADDRESS ...i If lUlU ~ K 0 \tl ~lL{ 1 ('\( 'u s-\-e e S A Ic. NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PLN' # fiLe CT 95-;- , : oof-8cO-Bee;;-.:L. C IT,A /75 -' DO\-B\ 0- le =-..\-. _ \ (0 c -\-kcq(J 6~~ 7f.oS-- ~ ;#?,. '\31415 78 ~ 0'" ~ .. ' ~~ ~.:.?~ ~\ i'E:::?~ {;Jf;:) s....' ~ -;:::"fj~ <0 -~:.,:s:!:s;; ~ ~ In n~ ,... :t,;""f:ql;;j ~ ~ .:t ~~f!i .~ ~-.-N' , - -. ~ -"::>-.:1 ~ ;{;.J <', '4 0,'11/ ~f:6?:S't~ 46265 TOTAL Q4·0r - APPLICANT DISCLOSURE FORM In order to assist the members of the Planning Commission and City Councii to'avoid possible conflicts of interest, all appli- cants are required to complete this disclosure form at the time of submitting their application. When this form has been com- pleted and signed, the information will be relied upon by them in determining if a conflict may exist, so please ensure that all of the information is completed and accurate. If at anytime before a final action on your application has been rendered, any of the information required by this disdlosure changes, an amendment reflecting this change must be filed. If the applicant is an individual, or a partnership (either gen- eral or limited) or a joint venture, please state the full name, address and phone number of each person or individual (including trusts) who own any beneficial interest in the property which is the subject of this application. Should one or more parties to the application be a partnership or joint venture, then please state the full legal name of the partnership or joint venture, its legal address and the name and address of each individual person who is a general and/or limited partner or member of the joint venture. Should one or more of the parties be a privately held corporation (10 shareholders or less) or a real estate syndication, then please state the state of incorporation or syndication" corporate number, date of incorporation or syndication, corporate or syn- dicate address, and the full names and addresses of each individual shareholder or syndicate member. Should the corpor- ation be a publically held corporation, then state the full name and address of the corporation, the place of its incorporation, number of shareholders, and the name and address of the officers of the corporation. Should you feel that additional information "needs to be provided in order to provide a full disclosure, please include it. £ • RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY I ~~A~~II~~Lc~~~y~W~~ 365 SO, RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD • SUITE 100 SAN MARCOS, CALIFORNIA 92069 • 6191744-4800 SANTA FE KNOLLS -UNIT NO. 3 Job No. 9394 -January 16, 1985 Project Description Santa Fe Knolls, Unit No.3, is composed of 73 single family residential lots on 23.6 acres. The project will complete the build-out of the prior Santa Fe Knolls project. The Santa Fe Knolls subdivision was originally approved as CT 75-9 in January of 1977. The original project consisted of 211 dwelling units and the high school site. The overall density of the project, excluding the high school site, was 3.3 Dwelling Units per Acre. The tentative map, CT 75-9(B), was revised for phasing in June, 1980 (Resolution 6200). Unit No.1, consisting of 43 residential lots, and the high school, and Unit No.2, consisting of 95 residential lots, and one large lot (No. 140) covering the remainder of the tentative map area, were recorded as Maps 9958 and 9959 respectively on December 31, 1980. Santa Fe Knolls, Unit No.3 covers all of Lot 140 of record map 9959. These 73 residential lots of 7,500 square feet or larger, complete the original tentative count of 211 residential lots. The two units already final mapped for the Santa Fe Knolls pro- ject compose 138 of the original 211 residential lots. The area of these two units is 40.3 acres which yields a density oft\.4 Dwelling Units per Acre. This last portion of Santa Fe Knolls contains 73 :J::'esidential lots on 23.6 acres result- ing in a density of3.l l Dwelling Units per Acre. As this shows, the last unit~f this project has a lower density than the overall project. The grading for the entire 211 lots of CT 75-9(A) was ap- proved and bonded'for as part of the grading plans for Unit No.1. In conjunction with the already approved grading plan, the lot numbering has been continued from the prior sequence. This has been checked and okayed with both the planning and engineering departments. -1- • SANTA FE KNOLLS -UNIT NO. 3 Project Description Job No. 9394 Page Two The original tentative map approval of Santa Fe Knolls also accepted a supplement to EIR-307 as required by EIR-307, and accepted a report, Archaeological Investigations at Santa Fe Knolls which mitigates the impact of the proposed project on the archaeological resources of the project site. Offsite street improvements were conditioned with the origi- nal tentative map approval. These improvements are current- ly bonded for and approved grading and improvement plans have existed since early 1981. The Olivenhain Municipal Water District recently completed construction of a 16-inch water main along with partial grading in the Mision Estancia right-of-way. This water line was originally shown as part of the construction of Mision Estancia on the offsite im- provements for CT 75-9(B). This water line will provide service for all of the Santa Fe Knolls project. With the first final map to record under CT 75-9(B), the City received dedication of 12.5 acres of property for Stagecoach Park. Unit No.1 of CT 75-9(B) also set aside an 88.1 acre area for a future high school site. The Encinitas School District is covered under an existing agreement which established a credit against which this project will apply. Therefore, no land dedication or fee in lieu will apply. For the San Dieguito High School District, a prior agreement established a fee in lieu for these lots. AGREEMENT TO EXTEND TIME LIMITS TO ALLOW REVIEW OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN In a desire to assist the City of Carlsbad to expeditiously review the Land Use Element of the General Plan and to ensure full and adequate review of the application for this development project the undersigned agrees that the time limits imposed by law to approve or disapprove this application shall be extended. If a negative geclaration is adopted for this project the undersigned agrees that the time period for approval or disapproval is extended for 90 days. If the project requires an environmental impact report the undersigned agrees that the time limit imposed by Section 21151.5 of the Public Resources Code is extended for six months and that the project shall be approved or disapproved within 90 days after the certification of the environmental impact report. The undersigned understands that the , City will process this application according to City Council Resolution No. 7872 and consents to processing the application according to that resolution. Signature 0 Applicant Authorized Agent PAUL GRAHAM Name (print) APPROVED: Michael J. Holzmiller Land Use Planning Manager 1/16/85 Date Authorized Agent Title (Applicant, Authorized Agent, etc.) r • • STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP CITY OF CARLSBAD The Subdivision Map Act and the Carlsbad Municipal Code sets a fifty (50) day time restriction on Planning Commission processing of Tentative Maps and a thirty (30) day time limit for City Council action. These time limits can only be extended by the mutual concurrence of the applicant and the City. By accepting applications for Tentative Maps concurrently with applications for other approvals which"are prerequisites to the map; i.e., Environmental Assessment, Environmental Impact Report, Condominium Plan, Planned Unit Development, etc., the fifty (50) day time limits and the thirty (30) day time limits are often exceeded. If you wish to have your application processed concurrently, this agreement must be signed by the applicant or his agent. If you choose no,t to sign the statement, the City will not accept your application for the Tentative Map until all prior necessary entitlements have been processed and approved. The undersigned understands that the processing time required by the City may exceed the time limits, therefore the undersigned agrees to extend the time limits for Planning Commission and City Council action and fully concurs with any extensions of time up to one year from the date the application was accepted as complete ,to properly review all of the applications. PkL Signature ~ PAUL GRAHAM Name (Print) FORM: PLANNING 37, REVISED 3/80 January 10, 1985 Date AGENT Relationship to Application (Property Owner-Agent) I. SPECIFIC REQ'IREMENTS • General Plan· Amendment/Zone Change 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items F-O 3. Reproducible 1:500 scale map of subject property showing requested zoning and surrounding zoning and land uses. 4. Fee: General Plan Amendment $765.00 + $5.00 per lot or acre, whichever is higher. Zone Change: $655.00 Master Plan/Specific Plap 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: -eighteen (18) copies of items B-D -items E-O 3. Fee: Master Plan $1,635 + $5.00 per/acre Specific Plan $1,090.00 Master Plan Amendment: Major $545.00 + 5.00 acre Minor $185.00 + 2.00 acre Specific Plan .Amendment: Major $440.00 Minor $ 75.00 Tentative Tract Map 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items eighteen (18) copies of item A items E-P 3. Fee: $530.00 (1-25 lots or units) $765.00 (26-100 lots or units) $1,310 (100 + lots or units) Revision: $330.00 (1-25 units or lots) $545.00 (26-100 units or lots) $765.00 (100+ units or lots) $150.00 Revision that does not change design of subdivision Major Planned Revelopment (5 or more units) 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: . eighteen (18) copies of items B-D items E-O 3. Conversion to Condominiuffis -list of names and addresses of all tenants of the project, proof of notification of the tenants 60 days prior to filing tentative map. .. J J. ) J Site 1 • 2. 3. Residential Condominiums $530.00 (50 units or less) $1,090.00 (50 units or more) $365.00 (Amendment for 50 units or less) $655.00 (Amendment for 50 units or more) $ 5.00 Unit (Notification of Tenants for Condominium Conversion) Residential Planned Unit Development $530.00 (50 units or less) $875.00 (51 units or more) $275.00 (Amendment for 50 units or less) $545.00 (Amendment for 50 units or more) Non Residential Condominium or Planned Unit Development $420.00 (50 or less units) $1,090.00 (50 or more units) $220.00 (Amendment for 50 or less units) $400.00 ( Amendment for 50 or more units) Development Plan Application Form General Requirement Items eighteen (18) copies of items B-D items E-I, M-O Fee: $365.00 Conditional Use Permit/Special Use Permit/Precise Development Plan 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: eighteen (18) copies of items B-D items E-O (items L,M & N not required for Special Use Permit) 3. Fee: $420.00 Conditional Use Permit/Special Use Permit $440.00 Precise Development Plan 4. Additional information may be required by the Engineering Department for Special Use Permits Variance 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: eighteen (18) copies of item Band D (if applicable) items E, F, H-K, M, 0 3. Variance Supplemental Sheet 4. Fee: Single Family = $150.00 Other = $420.00 Planning Commission Determination 1. Application Form 2. One page statement precisely indicating the determination request. 3. General Requirement Items: eighteen ,(18) copies of items B-D (if applicable) items'F-I~ L, M, 0 4. General Requirement Items for Density Determination: eighteen (18) copies items B-D items E-I, L-O 5. Fee: $330.00 Major and Minor Redevelopment Permits 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: Major: eighteen (18) copies of Item B-D items E-M and material samples (if applicable) Minor: eighteen (18) copies of items B-D (if applicable) items E-F, .H-M ahd material samples (if applicable) 3. Fee. (Not established except where other permit is necessary). 4. Coastal Permit if applicable. Structure Relocation 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items eighteen (18) copies of Band D items E, F, H, I, M inspection notice from the Building Department 3. Fee: $120.00 NOTE: INCOMPLETE SUBMITTALS' WILL PREVENT OR SIGNIFICANTLY DELAY THE PROCESSING OF A PROJECT II. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Tentative rna / reliminar grading Ian (24" x 36" folded to 8 1 2" x 11") Each tentative map/preliminary grading plan shall contain the following information: (1) Name and address of the owner whose property is proposed to be subdivided and the name and address of the subdivider; (2) Name and address of registered civil engineer, licensed surveyor, landscape architect or land planner who prepared the maps; (3) North point; (4) Scale; vicinity map; (5) Date ~preparation; tt (6) The location, width and proposed names of all streets within the boundaries of the proposed subdivision and approximate grades thereof; (7) Location and width of alleys; (8) Name, location and width of adjacent streets; (9) Lot lines and approximate dimensions and numbers of ea~h lot; (10) Approximate location and width of watercourses or areas subject to inundation from floods, and location of structures, irrigation ditches and other permanent physical features; (11) Approximate contours at l' intervals for slopes less than 5%, 2' intervals for slopes between 5% and 10%, and 5' intervals for slopes over 10%. (both existing and proposed). Existing and proposed topographic contours within a 100 foot perimeter of the boundaries of the site. Existing on-site trees; those to be removed and those to be saved; (12) Approximate location of existing buildings and permanent structures and proposed condominium buildings; (13) Location of all major vegetation, showing size and type; (14) Legal description of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision (approximate bearings, distances and curve data); (15) Width and location of all existing or proposed public or private easements; (16) Classification of lots as to intended residential, commercial, industrial or other uses; (17) Location of railroads; (18) Approximate radii of curves of streets; (19) Proposed name and city tract number of the subdivision; (20) Any proposed phasing by units; (21) Number of units to be constructed when a condominium or community apartment project is involved. (22) Method of draining each lot; (23) Earthwork Volumes (24) Also, proposed utilities, existing street, sewer, water, and storm drainage improvement~ along the subdivision frontage, including street lights and fire hydrants on both sides of the street within 300 feet of the subdivision. (25) Typical street section for all adjacent streets and streets within the project. B. Site Plan (folded to 8 1/2" x 11") shall include the following information: Name and address of applicant, engineer and/or arc- hitect, etc. All easements Dimensioned locations of: access, both pedestrian and vehicular, showing service areas and points of ingress and egress off-street parking and loading areas showing location, number and typical dimensionn of spaces, and wheel stops. distances between buildings and/or structures building setbacks (front, rear ~nd sides) location, height, and materials of walls and fences location of freestanding signs all driveways to scale on adjacent and across the street properties for a distance of 100 feet beyond the limits of subject site. existing curbs, gutters, sidewalks and existing paving widths within 100 feet on adjacent and across the street properties. typical street section any existing median islands within 100 feet of subject site. nearest cross streets on both sides with plus or minus distances from subject site. location of all buildings within 100 feet of subject properties. a vicinity map showing major cross str~ets a summary table indicating the following information: site acreage existing zone and land use proposed land use total building coverage building sq. footage percent landscaping number of parking spaces sq. footage of open/recreational space (if applicable) cubic footage of storage space (if applicable) ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: UNLESS A TENTATIVE MAP IS SUBMITTED ALL DATA REQUIRED FOR A TENTATIVE MAP SHALL BE SUBMITTED ON THE SITE PLAN. C. Preliminary Landscape Plan (24" x 36" folded to 8 1/2" x 11") shall include the following information: 1. Landscape zones per the City of Carlsbad Landscape Guidelines Manual 2. Typical plant species and their sizes for each planting zone 3. An estimate of the yearly amount of irrigation (supplemental) water r~quired to maintain each zone. 4. Landscape maintenance responsibility (private or common) for all areas. 5. Percent of site used for landscaping D. Building Elevations and Floor Plans* (24"x36" folded to 81/2" X 11") floor plans with square footages included location and size of storage areas all buildings, structures, walls and/or fences, signs and exterior lights. NOTE: ALL PLANS AND EXHIBITS MUST BE FOLDED IN A SIZE NOT TO EXCEED 8 1/2" x 11". E. F. G. H. I. J. K •. L •. M. N. O. P. One (1) copy eac'of 8 1/2"x11" site plan an' elevations. One (1) copy of 8 1/2"x11" location map (suggested scale 200" -vicinity maps on the site plan are not acceptable) Environmental Impact Assessment Form ($175) Public Facility Agreement: 2 copies: One (1) notorized original, One (1) reproduced copy. Disclosure Statement Property Owners' List and Addressed Stamped Envelopes (Not needed for Site Development Plan, Special Use Permit, Planning Commission Determination and Minor Condominium Permit) 1} a typewritten list of the names and addresses of all property owners and occupants within a 300 foot radius of subject property (including the applicant and/or owner). The list shall include the San Diego County Assessor's parcel number from the latest assessment rolls. 2} Two separate sets of legal size (#10), addressed stamped envelopes (four sets for condominium conversions) of the property owners and occupants within a 300-foot radius of subject property. For any address other than single family residence, apartment or suite number must be included. DO NOT TYPE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ON ENVELOPES AND LEAVE RETURN OF ADDRESS BLANK. 3} For Condominium Conversions, two separate sets of addressed, stamped envelopes of all existing tenants is required. 300 Foot Radius Map (Not needed for Site Development Plan, Planning Commission Determination and Special Use Permit). A map to scale not less than 1" = 200' showing each lot within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. Each of these lots shall be consecutively numbered and correspond with the property owner's list. The scale of the map may be reduced to a scale acceptable to the Land Use Planning Manager if the required scale is impractical. For residential projects within Vista, Encinitas or San Dieguito School Districts, the applicant shall indicate whether he prefers to dedicate land for school facilities, to pay a fee in lieu thereof, or do a combination of these. If the applicant prefers to dedicate land, he shall suqgest the specific land. For.residential projects within the Carlsbad Unified School District and the San Marco Unified Scnool District, the applicant shall submit written confirmation that school facilities will be available and serve the project at time of need. Preliminary Title Report (current within the last six months) Proof of sewer availability if located in the Leucadia County Water District. Colored Site Plan and Elevation Plan (Not required with first submittal). It is the Applicant's responsibility to bring one copy of a colored site plan and one copy of a colored elevation to the Land Use Planning Office by Noon two days prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Statement of agreement to waive tentative tract map time limits. e RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND ) WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ) ) CITY OF CARLSBAD ) 1200 Elm Avenue ) Carlsbad, California 92008 ) Space above this line for Recorder's use Documentary transfer tax: $ No fee -')U!"~" "Signature of declarant determining tax-firm name City of Carlsbad Parcel No. 22-3--3~-()1 ------------~~--------------------- AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER, DEVELOPER AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this ~day of by "and between THE ANDEN Group (Name of Developer) January, 19--B.2 a California General Partnership , her e ina f t err e fer red t 0 a s (Corporation, partnership, etc.) "Developer" whose address is 6544 Corte Montecito (Street) Carlsbad, California 92008 (City, State, zip Code) and RANcno LA COSTA TRUST IN DISSOLUTION (Name of Legal Owner) a Trust , hereinafter referred to as ---r(C~o-r-p-o--r-a-t~i~o--n-,--e-t--c-.~)~----------------- "Owner" whose address is 2100 Costa Del Mar Road (Street) Carlsbad. calif~rnia 92008 " C1ty, State, Zip Code) AND the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "City", whose address 1S 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, 92008. REV 4-2-82 I RECITALS WHEREAS, Owner is the owner of the real property described on Exhibit "A", attached to and made a part of this agreement, and hereinafter referred to as "Property"; and WHEREAS, the Property lies within the boundaries of City; and WHEREAS, Deve.loper has contracted with Owner.to purchase th~.·· Property and proposes a development project as follows: Residential subdivision composed of 73 single family lots. on said Property, which development carries the proposed name of Santa Fe Knolls, Unit No. 3 and is hereinafter referred to as "Development"; and WHEREAS, Developer filed on the 23rd day 0 f .:::J-=a::.:n:..:u:.::a:.::r:..,jy~....;:.. ____ _ 1985 , 'with the City a request for a tentative sub9ivision map hereinafter referred to as "Request"; and WHEREAS, the Public Facilities Element of the City General Plan requires that the City Council find that all public facilities necessary to serve a development will be available concurrent with need or such development shall not be approved (said element is on file with the City Clerk and incorporated by this reference); and WHEREAS, Developer, Owner and City recognize the correctness of Council Policy No. 17 dated April 2, 1982, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated by this reference, and that the City's public facilities and services are at capacity and will not be available to accommodate the additional need for public facilities and services resulting from the proposed Development; and -2- REV 4-2-82 .l WHEREAS, Developer and Owner have asked the City to find that public facilities and services will be available to meet the future needs of the Development as it is presently proposed; but the Developer and Owner are aware that the City cannot and will not be able to make any such findings without financial assistance to pay for such services and facilities; and, therefore,. Developer and.- Owner propose to help satisfy the General Plan as implemented by Council Policy No. 17 by payment of a public facilities fee. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and the covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Developer and Owner shall pay to the City a public facilities fee in an amount not to exceed 2% of the building permit valuation of the building or structures to be constructed in the Development pursuant to the Request. The fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of building or other construction permits for the development and shall be based on the valuation at that time. Th is fee shall be in addition to any fees, dedications or improvements required pursuant to Titles 18, 20 or 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Developer and Owner shall pay a fee f~r convers~on of existing building or structures into condominiums in an amount not to exceed 2% of the building permit valuation at the time of conversion. The fee for a condominium conversion shall be paid prior to the issuance of a condominium conversion permit as provided in Chapter 21.47 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Condominium shall include community apartment or sto~k cooperative. The terms "other construction permits", "other construction permit" and "entitlement for use" as used in this agreement, except in reference to mobilehome sites or -3- REV 4-2-82 3 projects, shall not refer to grading permits or other permits for the construction of underground or street improvements unless no other permit is necessary prior to the use or occupancy for which the development is intended. Developer and Owner shall pay to City a public facilities fee in the sum of $1,150 for each mobilehome space to be constructed pursuant to the Request. The fee shall be pai~· prior to the issuance of building or other construction permits for the development. This fee shall be in addition to any fees, dedications or improvements required according to Titles 18, 20 or 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2. The Developer and Owner may offer to donate a site or sites for public facilitlos in lieu of all or part of the financial obligation agreed upon in Paragraph 1 above. . If Developer and Owner offers to donate a site or sites for public facilities, the City shall consider, but is not obligated to accept the offer. The time for donation and amount of credit against the fee shall be determined by City prior to the issuance of any building or other permits. Such determination, when made, shall become a part of this agreement. Sites donated under this paragraph shall not include improvements required pursuant to Titles 18 or 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 3. This agreement and the fee paid pursuant hereto are required to ensure the consistency of the Development with the City's General Plan. If the fee is not paid as provided herein, the City will not have the funds to provide public facilities and services, and the development will not be consistent with the General Plan and any approval or permit for the Development shall be void. No building or other construction permit or entitlement for use shall be issued until the public facilities fee required by this agreement is paid. -4- REV 4-2-82 4. City agrees to deposit the fees paid pursuant to this agreement in a public facilities fund for the financing of public facilities when the City Council determines the need exists to provide the facilities and ·sufficient funds from the payment of this and similar public facilities fees are available. 5. City agrees to.provide upon'reques~ reasonabl~ as~urances to enable Developer and Owner to comply with any requirements-of other public agencies as evidence of adequate public facilities and services sufficient to accommodate the needs of the Development herein described. 6. All obligations hereunder shall terminate in the event the Requests made by Developer ate not approved. 7.' 'Any notice from one party to the other shall be in writing, and shall be dated and signed by the party giving such notice or by a duly authorized representative of such party. Any such notice shall not be effective for any purpose whatsoever unless served in one of the following manners: 7.1 If notice is given to the City of personal delivery thereof to the City or by depositing same in ,the United States Mail, addressed to the City at the address set forth herein, enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to the City for attention of the City Manager, postage prepaid and certified. 7.2 If notice is given to Developer by personal delivery thereof to Developer or by depositing the same in the United States Mail, enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to Developer at the address as may have been designated, postage prepaid and certified. -5- REV 4-2-82 8. This agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of, and shall apply to, the respective successors and assigns of Developer, Owner and the City, and references to Developer, Owner or City herein shall be deemed to be reference to and include their ~espective" successors and assigns without" specific "mention of ~uch successors and assigns. If Developer should cease to hav~ any intere~t in the Property, all obligations of Developer hereunder shall terminate; provided, however," that any successor of Developer's interest in the property shall have first assumed in writing the Developer's obligations hereunder. At such time as Owner ceases to have any interest 1n the Properti," all obligations of Own~r hereunder shall terminate; provided, however, that if any successor to the Owner's interest 1n the Property is a stranger to this agreement, such successor has first assumed the obligations of owner in writing in a form acceptable to City. 9. This agreement shall be recorded but shall not create a lien or security interest on the Property. When tpe obligations of this agreement have been satisfied, City shall record a release. III III III III -6- REV 4-2-82 f IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement ~s executed ~n San Diego County, California as of the date first written above. OWNER: DEVELOPER: RANCHO LA COSTA TRUST IN DISSOLUTION (Name);?#"p::', / ,~~ , ftc (;'? u l...A v1 ?Rt!. (Signature) =- Allard Roen, Trustee (Name) (Signature) (Name) (Signature ) CALfFORNIA } _S_A_N_D_I_E_GO____ SS. State of County of OFFICIAL SEAL ~ •. BARBARA l TREMMEL • NOTARY PUBLIC • r.AlfF'O~N'A ~~. SAN DIEGO COUNTY ,., My camm. expires MAY 16, 1986 -. c-2 . BY R.W. Fish BY Mi ael H. Rabin TIT L E Sr. Vice President On this the 17th day of ___ ~J,-",a,-,--,n~u.!.!-a-'---,rYJ--__ 1985 ,before me, Barbara L. Tremmel the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared Allard Roen xXJ personally known to me o proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) _--'i--"s~_~_-subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that he executed it WITNESS my han I. GENERAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM 7110052 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION' 23012 Ventura Blvd.' Woodland Hills, CA 91364 (Corporation as a Partner of a Partnership) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEC,o On. Janmny 14, 1985 } SS. --" AND TRUST ATICOACOUMH,( before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State , personally appeared --:--M:i:QAel~rJ;~~~Cl.Ilh_~--~__:~_;"_:_:::;:_:_:_::=:__::_:_::::t:'_:_:~:::::::r personally known to me or prov~d to me on e basis of satisfactory evidence to be the pers?n who executed the within instrument as the Sr. Vice President, and Robert w. F1Sh personally known to me or proved to me oX} the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who executed the within instrument as the AsS1Stant Secretary of The Miden Corporation the corporation that executed the within instrument on behalf of The ADden Group the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as such partnet~nd that such partnership executed the same. WITNESS my' nd official s~. t······· ...... ·• .. ····· .. ····· • .... -;,..:... OFFICIAL SEAL ~ : l. ' .; JULIEANNE I{UCERA : . : '" e .. ;: Notary Publw C.,lifom:a • • '; " Pnnclpa; Office In -• • ,>'17 San D,ego Cctumv -: : '''''A'''~ My Comm. Exp. A\J~, 5, 1%8t • ••••••••••. .\ .. J..& .... ~ ••• ;. .......... .! (This area for official notarial seal) 7 -, EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 140 of Map 9959 recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California, on December 31, 1980, as File No. 80-440244. • PLANNING APPLICATION CHECKLIST ITEM REQUIRED /-. ENCLOSztS NOT ENCLOSED (WHY) Tentative Map ~ V A Site Plan B Landscape Plan C Bldg. Elevation D 8~ Site Plan / J/;/J: E 8~ Location -7 / F EIA 7~ ~ G / PFF / ~ H ~ / Disclosure StInt I / / Property CMners /~ ~ J 300' Map / / K School letter /~ RIA--Z7( / S 7/ ~T /fc;71--&-L/h ~ L PTR /~ ~ M / Sewer / / N ~ Colored Exhibit ~ A/D jYLY7 I- 0 / ~ - StInt of Ag£eet rren P f{EC~IPT NO. DATE' . ~r'~ b;;:;:;lf;:~~ .c::3~i;,. • RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY I ~~A~~11~1Lc~~~~~YrJ~ 365 SO. RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD • SUITE 100 SAN MARCOS. CALIFORNIA 92069 • 619/744-4800 TO CITY OF CARLSBAD/PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 GENTLEMEN: DATE IJ0939°4 January 23, 1985 ATTENTION Planning Department RE' SANTA FE KNOLLS, UNIT NO. 3 TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP 73D.U. WE ARE SENDING YOU Qg Attached 0 Under separate cover via~oL!u""r=---"r...,e"",p~ _____ the following items: o Shop drawings o Prints o Plans o Samples o Specifications o Copy of letter o Change order ~ Submittal Package Dated __ _ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Land Use Planning Application with Project Description 1 Letter From Leucadia County water District dated January 18 1985 1 Location Map 2 PFF Agreement (1 original & 1 copy) 1 300' Radius Map with Owners list and 2 sets of stamped self addressed envelopes 1 ~qreement to Extend Time Limit Per Resolution 7872 18 Folded prints of Tentative Map (continued on page two) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 0 For approval 0 For Checking o Resubmit ___ copies for approval 0 For your use 0 Approved as submitted o Design only, not for construction 0 As requested 0 Approved as noted o Return ___ corrected prints 0 For review and comment 0 Returned for corrections o 0 For Your Action REMARKS __________________________________________________________________________ ___ COpy TO _____________________________________ __ Pa~e One of Two DAWCO SIGNED: Doug Helming/stc If enclosures are not as noted. kindly notify us at once. ,'J' • '~~ .............. ,,--;;. RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY I ~~~~II~~Lc~~~V~Ttf~~ 365 SO. RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD • SUITE 100 SAN MARCOS, CALIFORNIA 92069 • 619/744-4800 TO CITY OF CARLSBAD/PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 GENTLEMEN: I DATE I JOB9';'94 January 23, 1985 ATiENTION Planning Department RE: SANTA FE KNOLLS, UNIT NO. 3 TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP 73 D.U. WE ARE SENDING YOU W Attached 0 Under separate cover via our rep o Shop drawings o Prints o Plans o Samples the following items: o Specifications o Copy of letter Dated o Change order ~ Submittal package COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Check No. 1628 in the amount of $940. (TM $765. and EIA $175.1 1 EIA Form .1 Preliminary Title Report THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 0 For approval 0 For Checking o Resubmit ___ copies for approval 0 For your use 0 Approved as submitted o Design only, not for construction 0 As requested 0 Approved as noted o Return ___ corrected prints 0 For review and comment 0 Returned for corrections o 0 For Your Action REMARKS ______________________________________________________________________________ _ Copy to: Iry Roston/LA COSTA HOTEL AND SpA Copy to: Paul Graham/LA COSTA HOTEL AND SPA Copy to: Burton Kramer/LA COSTA HOTEL AND SPA COPY TO Mike Roston/THE ANDEN GROUP DAWCO Page Two of Two SIGNED: Doug Helming/stc If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once.