HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 93-07; Carrillo Ranch Villages F, G, & P; Tentative Map (CT) (8)3
TO: SR. PLANNER HUNTER DATE: August 31, 1993
FROM: Assistant Engineer, LUR PROJECT ID: CT 93-07
Carrillo Ranch - Village "F", "G" and "P"
The Engineering Department has completed its review of the subject project for application
completeness. The application and plans submitted for this project are incomplete and unsuitable
for further review due to the following missing or incomplete items:
1. The property boundary does not completely match the legal description as indicated
in the Preliminary Title Report.
2. Please supply profiles for streets P-B, P-E. G-A and G-B.
3. Please supply a hydrology study in accordance with the Master Plan.
4. Please supply a project Soils Report.
In addition, the Engineering Department made a preliminary review of the project for Engineering
issues. Engineering issues which need to be resolved or adequately addressed prior to conditioning
of the project are as follows:
Traffic and Circulation
1. A sight distance inadequacy exists at the intersection of G-C Street with G-A Street
The "northerly11 sight distance is shown as approximately 120' and the "southerly"
sight distance is shown as approximately 130'. In accordance with the Caltrans
Design Manual, a clear sight distance of 330' should be provided. Please revise this
intersection design to provide for adequate sight distance.
2. Why are the "northerly" right of way comers of the P-B Street/P-E Street intersection
squared off?
3. Village "G" as proposed (Phase I) will exceed the City's maximum cul-de-sac length
standard. This is a major issue and will require discussion. In regards to this item, the
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) suggested, as an alternative internal circulation
system, to delete the Village "G" to Village "P" connection so as not to disrupt the
Senior Planner Hunter
Carrillo Ranch - Villages 'P. "G" and "P"
August 31, 1993 Page: 2
riparian Open Space corridor. If this non-standard cul-de-sac is permitted, this Village
connection may be deleted.
4. Handicap access to the public trail between proposed Lots 20 and 31 and/or at the
intersection of G-C Street with G-A street must be addressed, in accordance with
Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements. (Possibly the railroad tie step
riser can be lowered substantially.)
5. What happened to the pedestrian/trail bridge as indicated on Exhibit 35 in the
Master Plan?
6. Please show all street and right of way widths on the large maps, in conformance
with the Master Plan Circulation System. (Specifically, verify and show correct Street
G-C widths).
7. The Tentative Map Village "G" roadway configuration does not conform to the
Master Plan Village "G" roadway configuration, has this alignment changed? Please
address this issue.
8. Please submit a striping plan for the intersection of P-B/P-E Streets.
9. Please label Melrose Avenue as Melrose Drive. Please label Carrillo Way as
Po/nsett/o Lane.
1. In accordance with the Master Plan (Page 118), an alignment must be fixed, a
financing mechanism guaranteed and any additional environmental work must be
complete for all proposed sewer line construction to tie into the existing Buena/San
Marcos interceptor system. At what stage of discussion are you with regards to this
2. Do the existing sewerlines shown on Page 147 of Local Facilities Management Plan
(LFMP) 18 encroach into this project? (Southerly line may need to be shown.)
1. In accordance with Page 214 of the EIR, please show the encroachment of the 12"
reclaimed waterline through the project.
2. Verify and show future 33" waterline, which replaces the existing 27" waterline, in
Palomar Airport Road in accordance with Page 170 of LFMP 18.
Senior Planner Hunter
Carrillo Ranch - Villages "F", "G" and "P"
August 31, 1993 Page: 3
Show temporary desiltation basins for the "pad" grading for Village "F".
following general note tp the ArehjtecturaLps|a plan:
X"A// singfe f&mfly \6t dfainagfshall conftffmto City Standard €S-/5.r-
Please be aware that as a Condition of Approval of the tentative map, urban
pollutant control, i.e. "Best Management Practices", will be required.
All weather access must be provided to all drainage facilities. I realize that this is still
in discussion, however, it still is an issue.
Off-site drainage facilities will be required for this project in accordance with Master
Plan Page 115.
Carry the proposed brow ditch at the southerly end of the map around the slope
to the inlet flowline.
1. Slope setback requirements have not been met at Lot 123 in regards to the
subdivision boundary. Please see City Standard GS-14 and adjust the slope
2. Please be advised that additional soils issues may arise after review of the project
Soils Report.
Land Title/Mapping
1. Please submit Melrose Drive frontage section of the tentative map.
2. Please show and label all easements, including appropriate date and file number, as
indicated in the Preliminary Title Report. Create and show a "future easement
disposition" chart on the 24" x 36" tentative map.
3. Lots 94 through 99 encroach slightly on Open Space Lot 44, please adjust the
property lines to mitigate this occurrence.
4. Please show a 12' public trail easement for trail section B-B and 8' public trail
easement for trail Section C-C. on the large tentative map.
Senior Planner Hunter
Carrillo Ranch - Villages "F", "G" and "P"
August 31. 1993 Page: 4
5. Under the General Notes on the 24" x 36" tentative map a discrepancy exits on the
gross acreage total as compared to the Master Plan.
Tentative Map • Master Plan
Village "F" - Gross = Not Shown "F" - Gross = 12.7
Net = Not Shown Net = II .9
Village "G" - Gross = Not Shown "G" - Gross = 20
Net = Not Shown Net = 18.4
Village "P" - Gross = Not Shown "P" - Gross = 25.6
Net = Not Shown Net = 23.5
Total Gross = 125.6 Total Gross = 58.3
Net = Not Shown Net = 53.8
Attached are redlined checkprints of the project. Please forward these checkprints to the applicant
for corrections and changes as noted. The applicant must return these checkprints with the
corrected plans to assist us in our continued review.
If you have questions regarding any of the comments above, please contact me at extension 4388.