HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 93-08; Carrillo Ranch Village O; Tentative Map (CT) (10)LAND USE REVIEW DIVISION PROJECT REPORT PROJECT ID: CT 93-08/PUD 93-07 PREPARED BY: Kenneth Quon PROJECT NAME: RANCHO CARRILLO, VILLAGE '0' APPROVED BY: / :('/f LOCATION: West of Melrose Avenue, south and east of Carrillo Way, in the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan area. BRIEF DESCRIPTION: A tentative map and planned unit development consisting of 51 single family homes on 52 lots. ENGINEERING ISSUES AND DISCUSSION TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION Projected Average Daily Traffic (ADT): 10ADT/unit x 51 units = 510 ADT Traffic Study Performed by: Darnell and Associates, Inc. The circulation system for Village '0' has been laid out in accordance with the requirements of the previously approved Rancho Carrillo Master Plan. The road system consists of local through streets and local cul-de-sac streets, all of which are public. These streets have been designed to City standards and will consist of a curb-to-curb paved width of either 40' or 36', curb, gutter and a 5' wide utility easement on each side. Sidewalk will be provided on one side only for single loaded streets, and provided on both sides for double loaded streets. Access to Village '0' will be through a short 40' wide street that connects the project to Carrillo Way. A second street intersection with Carrillo Way at the south end of the project will serve as an additional access point. This project also includes a portion of the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan Trail system. This trail will be located at the northern end of the development and will terminate at the intersection of Carrillo Way and Melrose Drive. The stretch of Carrillo Way from the entrance of Village 'Q' to the southern boundary of Village '0' has also been proposed as part of this tentative map. This portion of roadway will be constructed with full width street improvements. The Rancho Carrillo Master Plan identifies several planned streets to be included in the adjacent Village 'Q' that will also serve as access to Village '0'. It is also likely that the planned street improvements for Village 'Q' will be constructed prior to the development of this project. However, as a "stand alone" project, this tentative map requires the identification of a second access point outside of the proposed access on Carrillo Way via Melrose Drive. A condition will be placed on this project to identify and delineate a second access point on the conformed tentative map exhibit. As circulation improvements have yet to be constructed for the entire Master Plan area, a condition of this project will specify that the construction of Melrose Drive, Poinsettia Lane, and El Fuerte Street be guaranteed prior to approval of the final map, and substantially completed prior to occupancy of the first unit. SEWER Sewer District: Carlsbad Municipal Water District Sewer EDU's Required: 1 EDU/unit x 51 units = 51 EDU's Sewer service to Village '0' will be provided by a public sewer line that will tie into a 12" sewer main to be installed for the entire Rancho Carrillo development. The sewer line for this project will drain by gravity flow in a westerly direction and through the northern portion of Village 'Q', where it will join the 12" sewer main. This sewer main will connect with an offsite pump station, which will pump sewage to the existing Buena/San Marcos Interceptor system presently located on El Camino Real. As sewer improvements have yet to be installed for the entire Master Plan area, a condition of this project will specify that an alignment for the sewer be established, an environmental review be completed, and a financing mechanism guaranteeing construction of the sewer facilities be provided prior to approval of any final map. WATER Water District: Carlsbad Municipal Water District EDU's Required: 220 GPD/EDU x 51 EDU's = 11,220GPD Domestic water will be provided to Village '0' from a trunk line of the 12" water main on Melrose Avenue. The trunk line will enter the development through a 15' wide easement located at the northern end of the project. The 12" water main will be installed concurrently with the construction of Melrose Avenue. An 8" reclaimed water line will also be installed on Melrose Avenue, and will be tapped for irrigation of the slope areas in Village '0'. As water improvements have yet to be installed for the entire Master Plan area, a condition of this project will specify that water line improvements be guaranteed prior to approval of the final map. GRADING Quantities: Cut: 102,600 cy Fill: 428,300 cy Export: 325,700 cy Permit Required: YES Offsite Approval required NO Hillside Grading Requirements met: YES Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Performed by: Geocon, Inc. Development of the Rancho Carrillo project includes plans for a comprehensive 7-phase grading operation. Phase 1 will complete a majority of the grading required within the entire Master Plan. This mass grading effort will include grading of the circulation element roads, partial grading of several village areas, remedial work to correct underlying geotechnical issues, and mitigation areas required by road impacts on sensitive biological areas. The remaining phases will be limited to site specific grading of the residential village areas, such as Village '0'. For this project, the grading quantities (in cubic yards) identified above will be performed in the following phases: Cut Fill Import Mass grading (Phase 1) 100,700 418,500 317,800 Site specific grading 1,900 9,800 7,900 TOTAL 102,600 428,300 325,700 The geotechnical report for Village '0' states that no soil or geologic conditions were observed or noted that would preclude the development of this project, provided the recommendations of the report are followed. The report did cite that two medium size landslides and a number of smaller slides have been mapped along the eastern portion of the Village '0' property. However, in general, these landslides are ancient landslides that have likely been dormant for some time, and can be stabilized by following the recommended operations detailed in the report. DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL Drainage Basin: San Marcos Creek Watershed Preliminary Hydrology Study Performed by: Rick Engineering Erosion Potential: Low Surface drainage will be conveyed by standard curb and gutter that drains to an underground storm drain system. The underground storm drain system will discharge into a check dam system to be located on the opposite side of Carrillo Way. In turn, this check dam system will connect to the major drainage outlet planned for the Rancho Carrillo development. As drainage improvements have yet to be installed for the entire Master Plan area, a condition of this project will specify that construction of drainage improvements be guaranteed prior to approval of the final map. LAND TITLE Conflicts with existing easement: NO Easements dedication required: YES Site boundary coincides with Land Title: YES Easements to be dedicated include a 15' wide public easement for water service, a 15' wide public easement for sewer, a 15' wide public easement to convey drainage from the slope areas, and a public drainage and access easement. The slope area facing Carrillo Way will be dedicated as a public open space easement to the City. IMPROVEMENTS Off site improvements: YES Standard Variance Required: NO Project improvements will consist of major sewer, water, drainage, and roadway facilities. Construction of these improvements will be in accordance with the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan and with the Conditions of Approval for the project. Project development cannot occur until such time as all major infrastructure is provided.