HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 93-09; Ocean Bluff; Tentative Map (CT) (2)March 12, 1998
Ms Gail Kobetich, Field Supervisor
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
2730 Loker Avenue West
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Re: Habitat Loss Permit for CT 93-09 - Ocean Bluff Project (Catellus
Development Company)
Dear Mr. Kobetich and Mr. Tippets:
On March 10, 1998, a Habitat Loss Permit was approved by the Carlsbad City Council
for the Ocean Bluff project. The subject property is located in the Southwest Quadrant
of the City of Carlsbad, as shown on the attached location map. The project will take
3.98 acres of coastal sage scrub.
Pursuant to the 4(d) rule for the California gnatcatcher, this Habitat Loss Permit is being
transmitted to your offices for the required 30 day comment period. The comment
period will close on April IO, 1998. A copy of the staff report to the City Council is
attached. Supplemental materials will be provided by the property owner. Attached for
your reference is a tabulation of all coastal sage scrub losses authorized by the City of
Carlsbad since March 1993. If you have any questions regarding this project, ,please
feel free to contact me at 438-l 161 extension 4477.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Sincerely; &?if+--F ANNE HYSO G
Associate Planner
c: Catellus Residential Group, Inc.
Engineering Dept.
2075 Las Palmas Dr. l Carlebad, CA 8200Q-1578 l (760) 438-1161 l FAX (760) 438-0894 @