HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 94-06; Poinsettia Shores PA A-3; Tentative Map (CT) (4)MAY 23,1994
This submittal is incomplete. A list of items needed to make the application complete follows:
1. It appears that two different directions of processing are being sought,.
I. Some items appear to indicate that the Master Tentative Map, CT 94-01 will
become final before this map and this map will then become a subdivision upon
Lot 3 of that final map. Examples are lack of off site streets and sewers needed
for this map to stand alone.
II. Other items appear to indicate that this map is intended to not depend on CT 94-
01 becoming final first. Examples are the legal description, the listing of all
easements over the master tentative map without an explanation which easements
apply to this map.
The applicant must choose one direction of processing and make all items consistent with
that choice. We believe that having each planning area capable of becoming a final map
on it's own merits will require a lot of duplication of requirements for the off site
improvements for Avenida Encinas, the drainage west of the railroad, grading and sewer
2. Footprints of structures are not plotted.
3. Offsite sewer and water which is needed to serve the project is not shown. We suggest
that the overall systems be shown on the "key map".
4. How this project will drain into the offsite drainage system is not shown. Same as above,
the drainage system could be shown on the "key map".
5. State the traffic generation for this map alone.
6. Sight distances for cars exiting the site onto Avenida Encinas and Windrose Circle are
not plotted.
We continued the review on the assumption that this map is not intended to stand alone but will
depend on CT 94-01 becoming final first. Under this assumption there a few issues, as follows:
i. The design has a drainage sump condition at the cul-de-sac of Street "K". Providing a
fail-safe overflow is a City requirement. It appears that the some redesign of grades in
this area and the adjacent areas in Planning Area A-4 will be needed.
ii. There may be another sump condition at the west end of Street "3". Either that or Street
"L" may be less than one percent grade in that area. Analysis of gutter line profiles may
be needed to resolve this.
iii. Verify and identify on the map that the only existing easements on this map are Items 33,
38, 39, 41, 42 and 44 on the easement list. Item 33, Windrose Circle and some of the
other easements should have been quitclaimed and vacated on CT 94-01. Call out the
disposition of easements that will not be resolved with CT 94-01
iv. The grading analysis as presented is likely to be confusing to one not familiar with the
processing of the overall project. Please clearly show the grading needed for this map
alone. A reference to the sheet grading done on the Master Tentative Map CT 94-01 may
be needed for a complete explanation. A statement such as "this map proposes minimum
grading upon the sheet grading for Master Tentative Map sufficient only to establish
streets, drainage and lot pads. State that balance onsite will be achieved or identify the
off site location and amounts needed.
v. Show location of all call boxes and gates.
vi. Cross out or remove any information not appropriate to this map alone, such as the
cross-sections for streets not in or adjacent to this subdivision.
vii. A warrant analysis for signals at the access points and Avenida Encinas is needed,
viii. Check driveway grades and need for vertical curves.
ix. A statement is made that private streets will be separate lots. Will this lot numbering be
done and maintain consecutive numbers from map to map?
x. A letter from a soils engineer will be required for drainage less than five feet from
structure to the drainage swale prior to tentative map approval.
xi. The skewed.angle and location of the intersection of Street "R" and Windrose Circle is
unacceptable. This will most likely cause a lot line change to lot 213. This issue must
be resolved with this tentative map. Street "R", in Area-2, will need to be aligned to be
opposite existing Navigator Circle. See issues for CT 94-05, Area A-2.
xii. The proposed sewer pump station will need CMWD approval prior to approval of the
tentative map.
xiii. Reciprocal access for lot to the south is required along with providing a solution to cul-
de-sac violation of that lot.
City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
May 27, 1994
Brian Murphy
Kaiza Poinsettia Corporation
7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 200
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Department
has reviewed your Tentative Tract Map/Planned Unit Development, application no. CT 94-06/PUD
94-05, as to its completeness for processing.
The application is incomplete, as submitted. Attached are two lists. The first list is information
which must be submitted to complete your application. This list of items must be submitted directly
to your staff planner by appointment. All list items must be submitted simultaneously and a copy
of this list must be included with your submittals. No processing of your application can occur until
the application is determined to be complete. The second list is a list of initial project issues of
concern to staff. More project design issues will likely be identified and require resolution after the
application is deemed complete. When all required materials are submitted the City has 30 days
to make a determination of completeness. If the application is determined to be complete,
processing for a decision on the application will be initiated. In addition, please note that you have
six months from the date the application was initially filed, April 29, 1994, to either resubmit the
application or submit the required information. Failure to resubmit the application or to submit
the materials necessary to determine your application complete shall be deemed to constitute
withdrawal of the application. If an application is withdrawn or deemed withdrawn, a new
application must be submitted.
Please contact your staff planner, Eric Munoz, at (619) 438-1161 extension 4441, if you have any
questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application.
Planning Director
c: Gary Wayne
Don Neu
Bob Wojcik
Jim Davis
File Copy -
Data Entry
2O75 Las Palmas Drive • Carlsbad, California 92OO9-1576 - (619)438-1161
No. CT 94-06/PUD 94-05 - PLANNING AREA A-3
1. A complete application for an affordable housing project Site Development Plan (SDP) is
required for either on-site or off-site affordable units; unless off-site affordable housing
units are existing in which case a draft affordable housing agreement must be submitted to
make the individual tentative map applications complete.
2. As proposed, this map requires the final map approval of the master tentative map currently
under review (CT 94-01). Otherwise, this map must be a "stand alone" map with all offsite
improvements shown, etc. On the cover sheet for this map, eliminate all lot and footprints
shown for areas outside this specific planning area. Show the lots created by the master
tentative map (CT 94-01) and label area outside this planning area as "not a part". List only
the easements relevant to this planning area. The grading summary needs to reflect minor
finished grading beyond the mass grading associated with CT 94-01. The amount of
finished grading beyond the mass grading will be the basis for determining if additional
environmental review specific to this planning area is required; or if the grading is minor
enough so that it was covered with the master tentative's mass grading.
3. Show information such as easements, lot areas and street cross sections that are relevant
to this planning area and not on a master tentative map level. Sheets cannot be missing
from exhibits packages for application completeness.
4. Plotting of units/footprints on lots and pads; and full architectural exhibits for all proposed
plan types, all elevations and all floor plans. These exhibits must reflect items a-e as shown
under #17 on the application checklist.
5. Landscape plans at 40 scale including trail and any noise wall landscaping. Provide items
a-f as shown under #16 on the application checklist.
6. Trail plans for the trail system required for this planning area consistent with the Poinsettia
Shores Master Plan.
7. Noise study with attenuation/mitigation measures to comply with City's noise policy.
8. List the Average Daily Traffic amount specific to this planning area.
9. Provide percent of landscaping for this planning area.
10. Provide number of parking spaces required/provided for this planning area. Distinguish
between resident parking and guest parking.
11. Provide location, height and materials of all walls and fences. Indicate top, bottom and
highest condition elevations at both ends and in the middle of walls/fences.
12. One copy of 8 1/2 x 11" reduced site plan and building elevations.
13. Provide an Environmental Impact Assessment form. The environmental assessment needs
to, at a minimum, address the proposed project and the environmental issues specific to this
planning area as outlined in the master plan.
14. Public Facility Fee Agreement: Two (2) copies: one (1) notarized original and one (1)
reproduced copy.
15. Three copies of the Preliminary Tide Report (current within the last six (6) months).
16. The SDP for Planning Areas E and M must be deemed complete for this application to be
deemed complete.
1. It appears that two different directions of processing are being sought.
a. Some items appear to indicate that the Master Tentative Map, CT 94-01 will become
final before this map and this map will then become a subdivision upon Lot 3 of
that final map. Examples are lack of offsite streets and sewers needed for this map
to stand alone.
b. Other items appear to indicate that this map is intended to not depend on CT 94-01
becoming final first. Examples are the legal description, the listing of all easements
over the master tentative map without an explanation which easements apply to this
The applicant must choose one direction of processing and make all items consistent with
that choice. We believe that having each planning area capable of becoming a final map
on it's own merits will require a lot of duplication of requirements for the offsite
improvements for Avenida Encinas, the drainage west of the railroad, grading and sewer
2. Footprints of structures are not plotted.
3. Offsite sewer and water which is needed to serve the project is not shown. We suggest that
the overall systems be shown on the "key map".
4. How this project will drain into the offsite drainage system is not shown. Same as above,
the drainage system could be shown on the "key map".
5. State the traffic generation for this map alone.
6. Sight distances for cars exiting the site onto Avenida Encinas and Windrose Circle are not
1. Please add the project application numbers (CT 94-06/PUD 94-05) to the upper right
comers of plans for future resubmittals.
2. Follow all development standards and design criteria for this planning area as outlined in
the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan.
1. The design has a drainage sump condition at the cul-de-sac of Street "K". Providing a fail-
safe overflow is a City requirement. It appears that the some redesign of grades in this area
and the adjacent areas in Planning Area A-4 will be needed.
2. There may be another sump condition at the west end of Street "3". Either that or Street
"L" may be less than one percent grade in that area. Analysis of gutter line profiles may be
needed to resolve this.
3. Verify and identify on the map that the only existing easements on this map are Items 33,
38, 39, 41, 42 and 44 on the easement list. Item 33, Windrose Circle and some of the other
easements should have been quitclaimed and vacated on CT 94-01. Call out the disposition
of easements that will not be resolved with CT 94-01.
4. The grading analysis as presented is likely to be confusing to one not familiar with the
processing of the overall project. Please clearly show the grading needed for this map
alone. A reference to the sheet grading done on the Master Tentative Map CT 94-01 may
be needed for a complete explanation. A statement such as "this map proposes minimum
grading upon the sheet grading for Master Tentative Map sufficient only to establish streets,
drainage and lot pads. State that balance onsite will be achieved or identify the offsite
location and amounts needed.
5. Show location of all call boxes and gates.
6. Cross out or remove any information not appropriate to this map alone, such as the cross-
sections for streets not in or adjacent to this subdivision.
7. A warrant analysis for signals at the access points and Avenida Encinas is needed.
8. Check driveway grades and need for vertical curves.
9. A statement is made that private streets will be separate lots. Will this lot numbering be
done and maintain consecutive numbers from map to map?
10. A letter from a soils engineer will be required for drainage less than five feet from structure
to the drainage swale prior to tentative map approval.
11. The skewed angle and location of the intersection of Street "R" and Windrose Circle is
unacceptable. This will most likely cause a lot line change to lot 213. This issue must be
resolved with this tentative map. Street "R", in Area-2, will need to be aligned to be
opposite existing Navigator Circle. See issues for CT 94-05, Area A-2.
12. The proposed sewer pump station will need CMWD approval prior to approval of the
tentative map.
13. Reciprocal access for lot to the south is required along with providing a solution to cul-de-
sac violation of that lot.
7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 200, Carlsbad, CA 92009
Telephone: (619) 931-9100 Fax: (619) 931-8386
October 25, 1994
Mr. Eric Munoz
City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
2075 La Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Dear Eric:
This letter represents Kaiza's waiver of any and all required timelines for the processing of
pending incomplete applications (CT 94.04, CT 94.05, CT 94.06, CT 94.07, CT 94.08, and CP
94.02) so that Planning Area D (CT 94.10) may first be deemed complete by either an on-site
or off-site project. The pending applications referenced above may be re-submitted for a new
30 day completeness review but will not be deemed complete until Planning Area D is deemed
complete. Because the re-submittals will be made under the original pending applications, no
fees will be required with the re-submittals and all fees previously paid are applicable to the re-
submittal. As we have discussed, both the City and Kaiza will work as diligently as possible
to process and approve the above referenced maps.
Please do not hesitate to call with any questions that you may have.
Noriko Saiga>'
DECEMBER 19, 1994
FROM-. Associate Engineer, Davis
We have completed our review of the re-submitted project and find that it is complete
and suitable for further engineering review. We made a preliminary review of the
project for issues and these issues follow:
1. The driveways for each unit need to be plotted.
2. All street lots need a consecutive number, if the final map for CT 94-1 will be
recorded first and this map is to be recorded separately, then the lot numbering
for this project can began with number one. we have not seen a complete plan
of recordation and lot numbering scheme for this project.
3. Typical lot drainage needs to show a five foot distance from pye^erty liner-tee/
top of stope-oi wati-to the structure, one-sido shows five- foot including a slopic.
ibe-fivo f-e-ot- minimum bcgim-at-the-too of the slope.
4. The easement item numbers do not correspond to the numbers in the latest title
5. A grade for the cul-de-sac extension of street "L" is not shown.
6. Please show a width for Lot 10, CT 94-m, and the width of the "grass-crete"
surface. The emergency access shown^t 10 may be potentially acceptable to
engineering. The status of Lot 10 as a trail may cloud this potential acceptability.
An 18 foot "grass-crete" width may also be potentially acceptable.
/? e'
City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
December 22, 1994
Brian Murphy
Kaiza Poinsettia Corporation
7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 200
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning and Engineering
Departments have reviewed your resubmitted Tentative Tract Map and Planned Development Permit,
application nos. CT 94-06/PUD 94-05, as to its completeness for processing.
The items requested from you earlier to make your application complete have been received and reviewed
by the Planning and Engineering Departments. It has been determined that the application is now
complete for processing. Although the initial processing of your application may have already begun, the
technical acceptance date is acknowledged by the date of this communication.
Please note that although the application is now considered complete, there may be issues that could be
discovered during project review and/or environmental review in addition to those already identified.
Attached is a list of additional issues identified during the resubmittal review. All issues need to be
resolved prior to work commencing on the project's staff report and scheduling for public hearing. In
addition, the City may request in the course of processing the application, that you clarify, amplify,
correct, or otherwise, supplement the basic information required for the application.
Please contact your staff planner, Eric Munoz, at (619) 438-1161 extension 4441, if you have any
questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application.
Planning Director
Gary Wayne
Don Neu
Bob Wojcik
Jim Davis
File Copy
Data Entry
2O75 Las Palmas Drive • Carlsbad, California 92OO9-1576 • (619) 438-1161
1. Please provide a legend for the floor plans explaining any symbols and abbreviations as shown
on the plans.
2. Per item #26 of the CT/PD checklists please provide a materials board with color samples that will
correspond with the colors and materials noted on the architectural/elevations exhibit (roofing,
exterior walls, pavement, glass, wood, etc.)
3. Please verify that no roof top equipment is proposed or will be required with the project;
otherwise provide roof plans that depict all roof top equipment, etc.
4. The landscape plan will be reviewed in detail by the City's landscape consultant now that a
complete application has been achieved.
5. Only provide wall and fence details that correspond and pertain to the walls and fences involved
in this project as noted on the plans. Use the same terminology between the plans and details
when referencing walls/fences. For example, "noise barrier wall" is called out on the plans but
not given a corresponding detail with the same name. All wall heights, materials and colors need
to be indicated. Noise wall details need to specify the materials and thickness proposed consistent
with the requirements of the noise study in order to achieve adequate noise attenuation. The
landscape plan and site plan must be consistent with each other including wall/fence information.
On the plans, the noise wall height appears to be called out; however, please call out all wall
heights (noise, retaining, etc.) throughout the length of the walls including endpoints, midpoints
and highest elevation. Noise wall heights must be in compliance with the project's noise study.
Where noise wall heights are required to be higher than 6', the master plan requires berming under
the wall so that no more than a 6' high wall exists above the berm. The noise wall detail should
clearly show this through details that depict noise walls up to 6' and noise walls over 6'.
6. As part of the landscape plans, please provide an exhibit clearing showing the details (materials,
copy, colors, height and length dimensions) of all proposed signage consistent with master plan
provisions. Also indicate sign illumination styles and techniques consistent with the master plan
(Exhibit 30, etc.).
7. On the project's floor plans, please indicate a minimum of 5' foot sideyard setbacks.
8. Maximum encroachment of fireplaces into sideyard setback areas is 2 feet. Please dimension this
on the plans. Also, please label all fireplaces on the project's floor plans and give a corresponding
symbol for the floor plans' legend.
9. On sheets 3-5 of the tentative map, lot numbers are in circles with the floor plan type underneath;
please use the same label on the map exhibits as the floor plan exhibits (either plan types A, B,
C or 1,2,3).
Brain Murphy
CT 94-06/PUD 94-05
December 22, 1994
Page 3
10. On the project's architectural elevation exhibits, please note the typical building materials and
colors consistent with the materials/colors board.
11. Both the tentative and landscape plan exhibits need to show the trail required with this planing
area by the master plaa Please provide typical details/cross sections of the trail and depict all
trail amenities. At the ends of the trail, indicate the trail's continue onto another planning
area/trail segment consistent with the master plan's trail system. The tentative map and landscape
plans must be consistent with each other. For A-3, the master plan requires construction and
completion of the trail prior to the issuance of building permits. Please indicate this as a note on
the trail plans or on a corresponding trail detail. In addition, also please indicate the following:
(I) that the Homeowners Association shall assume all trail maintenance and liability
responsibilities; and (2) prior to final map approval, an open space easement shall be dedicated
to the property owner/Homeowners Association for trail purposes.
12. On the cover sheet of the tentative map, under Grading Analysis, please insert the following
wording above the cut, fill and import quantities given: This site was mass graded under the
approval of Master Tentative Map, CT 94-01. Final grading for this Planning Area involves:
fill -
import —
13. On the cover sheet of the tentative map under the Parking Summary, please place in parentheses
(on-street parking) underneath visitor parking. Parking spaces for guests are allowed to be located
on both sides of the 36 foot wide private street per the PD ordinance. Please plot these onstreet
parking spaces on the tentative map exhibit to clearly show the guest spaces provided; and to
verify the number of guest spaces present.
14. A check will be made for compliance with the Small Lot Architectural Guidelines.
15. Please provide entry gate/call box details for all planning areas proposing gated entries.
16. Provide one original and one reproduced copy of a signed Public Facilities Fee agreement (PFF).
Submit a PFF agreement consistent with the comments made for the A-l and A-2 PFF agreements
that were returned to Kaiza by the City for those projects.
1. The driveways for each unit need to be plotted.
2. All street lots need a consecutive number. If the final map for CT 94-01 will be recorded first
and this map is to be recorded separately, then the lot numbering for this project can begin with
number one. We have not seen a complete plan of recordation and lot numbering scheme for this
Brain Murphy
CT 94-06/PUD 94-05
December 22, 1994
Page 4
3. Typical lot drainage needs to show a five foot distance from drainage swale to the structure.
4. The easement item numbers do not correspond to the numbers in the latest title report.
5. A grade for the cul-de-sac extension of Street "L" is not shown.
6. Please show a width for Lot 10, CT 94-01 and the width of the "grass-Crete1' surface. The
emergency access shown on Lot 10 may be potentially acceptable to engineering. The status of
Lot 10 as a trail may cloud this potential acceptability. An 18 foot "grass-crete" width may also
be potentially acceptable.
7. Wrought iron fencing deteriorates relatively quickly along the coast.
8. Remove the cross section for Navigator Circle.
Note: Please use this number on all correspondence.
PROPOSAL: Tentative Map to create 50 residential lots, one (1)
open space lot and one (1) private street lot.
Please review and submit written comments and/or conditions to:
ERIC MUNOZ the Project Planner in the Planning Dept.
2075 Las Palmas Drive, by JAN. 23, 1995 . If not received by that
date, it will be assumed that you have no comment and the proposal has your
endorsement as submitted. If you have any questions, please/contact
ERIC MUNOZ at 438-1161, ext.
Note: Please use this number on all correspondence.
PROPOSAL: Tentative Map to create 50 residential lots, one (!)
open space lot and one (1) private street lot.
Please review and submit written comments and/or conditions to:
ERIC MUNOZ the Project Planner in the Planning Dept.
2075 Las Palmas Drive, by JAN. 23, 1995 If not received by that
date, it will be assumed that you have no comment and the proposal has your
endorsement as submitted. If you have any questions, please contact
ERIC MUNOZ at 438-1161, ext.
Date: 01-19-95
To: Planning Department
From: Police Department/Crime Prevention
Subject: Plan Review CT 94-6/PUD 94-5
The area of concern to the Police Department with this plan is:
General building security.
General security for residents.
Keying- Upon occupancy by the owner or proprietor, each single
unit in a tract, or construction under the same general plan, shall have
locks using combinations which are interchange-free from locks used in
all other separate dwellings, proprietorships or similar distinct
Lighting- Aisles, passageways, and recesses related to and within
the building complex shall be illuminated with an intensity of at least
twenty-five one hundredths (.25) footcandles at the ground level during
the hours of darkness. A lamp other than Incandescent is best used in this
They shall be installed with a timer so as to go on when it starts to get
dark and go off when it starts to get light. Porch lights and balcony or
deck lights shall also be installed with timers or sensors.
Lighting devices shall be protected by weather and vandalism covers.
Walkway and entrance way lighting shall be designed with landscaping in
mind. One should not deter from he other.
Landscaping- The exterior landscaping should be kept at a
minimal height and fullness giving police, security services and the
general public surveillance capabilities of the area. There shall be vision
through trees and scrubs to buildings, walkways, carports and parking
areas from the street. Trees shall be designed as to not provide access to
the roof or balcony areas.
Walkways and entrance ways shall be keep clear and free from clutter.
Fences shall be see through to provide surveillance. It is recommended
that the perimeter of the properties be enclosed with a see through fence.
Gates shall have locking devices.
Addressing- All residential dwellings shall display a street
number in a prominent location on the street side of the residence in such
a position that the number is easily visible to approaching emergency
vehicles. The numerals shall be no less than four (4) inches in height and
shall be of a contrasting color to the background to which they are
It is recommended that house numbers be displayed in illuminated fixtures
on the front of residences, clearly visible from the street.
Entrance Ways- There shall be vision into front entrance ways
from a main street. Entrance ways with restricted or no vision provide a
security risk.
Doors-Dead-bolt locks shall be installed on all access doors of any
residential building and attached garages, including the door leading from
the garage area into the dwelling.
Dead-bolts shall have a minimum protection of one inch and be
constructed so as to repel cutting tool attacks. The dead-bolt shall have
an embedment of at least three-fourths inch into the strike plate area.
Strike Plate and dead-bolt are to be installed with wood screws that are
three inches in length. It is not recommended to install double cylinder
dead-bolt locks on a residential dwelling. The Fire Department considers
them a hazard in an emergency situation.
All entry and exit doors to dwelling units should be arranged so that the
occupant has a view of the area immediately outside the door without
opening the door. Except for doors requiring a fire protection rating which
prohibits them, such view may be provided by a door viewer having a field
of view of not less than 190 degrees. Mounting height shall not exceed
fifty-four inches from the floor. It is not recommended to place glass
panels within forty inches of a locking device..
The inactive leaf of a double door shall be equipped with metal flush bolts
have a minimum embedment of five-eights inch into the head and
threshold or the door frame.
Horizontal sliding doors shall be equipped with a metal guide track at top
and bottom. The bottom track shall be so designed that the door cannot be
lifted from the track when the door is in the locked position. Security
hardware such as a pin shall be installed on a sliding glass door.
Hinges for out-swinging doors shall be equipped with non-removable hinge
pins or a mechanical interlock to preclude removal of the door from the
exterior by removing the hinge pins.
Garage Doors-Doors that exceed sixteen feet in width shall have
two lock receiving points; or, if the door does not exceed nineteen feet, a
single bolt may be used if placed in the center of the door with the locking
point located either at the floor or door frame header; or, torsion spring
counter balance type hardware may be used.
Windows-Security hardware shall be installed in all windows to
prevent them from being lifted from their frame or forced open.
By, Jodeene R. Sasway
Crime Prevention Specialist
(619) 931-2105
»f Carl 5006
Fire Department Bureau of Prevention
Plan Review: Requirements Category: Fire Conditions
Date of Report: Tuesday, January 1 7, 1995
Contact Name Eric Munoz
Reviewed by
City, State
Bldg. Dept. No.
Job Name Poinsettia Shores-A3
Planning No. CT94-6
Job Address Ste. or Bldg. No.
E3 Approved - The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is
based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal;
therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica-
tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with
applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure
to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to
construct or install improvements.
D Disapproved - Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to
plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable
codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this
office for review.
For Fire Department Use Only
Review 1st 2nd 3rd
CFD Job# 95006 File#
Other Agency ID
2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, California 92008 (619) 931-2121
January 23, 1995
Mr. Eric Munoz
City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
2975 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Re: Poinsettia Shores Site Development Plans
LOT 3 - Poinsettia Shores - PA A-3
LOT 4 - Poinsettia Shores - PA A-4
Dear Mr. Munoz:
NCTD has reviewed the plans for the above mentioned project areas within the Poinsettia
Shores Master Plan development. We have the following comments with regard to transit
service to the area.
As stated in previous letters, NCTD requests that the residential development of Poinsettia
Shores be designed in a manner which emphasizes pedestrian and transit access to local
amenities such as the beaches, bicycle facilities, retail shopping and the Poinsettia
commuter rail station. We recommended that the street designs of the housing
developments be redesigned in grid or radial patterns which create direct access to
Avenida Encinas and help to develop a pedestrian and transit-oriented community.
According to the plans for Lot 3, there is only one entryway into the development.
Although this entry is located on Avenida Encinas, directly across from a proposed transit
stop, it is not within walking distance from many lots within the development. The six
cul-de-sacs in Lot 3 severely limit pedestrian access to Avenida Encinas. For instance, a
resident of lot 42 resides only four lots away from the development entry and yet, he/she
must walk down Street "4" to Street "K" to Street "L" and finally down Street "M' in
order to reach Avenida Encinas and the transit stop. NCTD requests that pedestrian
pathways be integrated into the development design to address this issue. Pedestrian
walkways along the east and west sides of Lot 3, coupled with gated openings in the
development wall on Avenida Encinas would improve pedestrian access to the street.
NCTD requests that these pathways be located inside the walled development so that they
are safer, more appealing to pedestrians and better used than if they were placed outside
the development wall.
311 South Tremont Street, Oceonside, CA 92054
61 9-967-2828
Similar comments apply to the development plans for Lot 4. Again, the entire
development is surrounded by a noise attenuation wall and there is only one entryway into
the development. Direct pedestrian access to Avenida Encinas through Lot 3 is blocked
by the wall separating Lot 3 and Lot 4. According to the plans, the only access to
Avenida Encinas is via Windrose Circle, nearly 1,400 feet from the entryway of the Lot 4
development. Again, NCTD requests that the street design for the development be
reviewed. At a minimum, pedestrian pathways along the east, west and south sides of the
Lot would improve access to transit on Avenida Encinas. These pathways if integrated
into the open space corridors, should-be placed inside the walled area, or the wall should
be replaced by a landscaped berm.
NCTD planning staff would be glad to answer any questions regarding our requests for
improved transit access as stated in this letter or in our letters dated December 15, January
4 or January 11.
Paul W. Price
Director Service Development
cc: Julianne Nygaard, Carlsbad City Council
George Franck, SANDAG
George O'Day, O'Day Consultants
Doug Avis, Kaiza Poinsettia Corp.
Municipa Water District
5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Engineering: (619) 438-3367
Administration: (619) 438-2722
Fax: (619) 431-1601
January 23, 1995
City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
2075 Las Pal mas Drive
Carlsbad, California 92009
Jerry Whitley
94-6/PUD 94-5 - CMWD PROJECT NO. 95-501
In response to your inquiry of January 11, 1995, the District has reviewed the entire area
to be developed. The subject project is a portion of this area and on March 21, 1994,
Carlsbad Municipal Water District set conditions for the potable water, reclaimed water
and sewer systems as follows:
POTABLE WATER SYSTEM: (See approved potable water system analysis map).
1. 12" P.V.C. class 150 water main shall be constructed from connection point #2
(westerly end of Avenida Encinas) to connection point #3 (in Windrose Drive,
approximately 100' west of west Navigator Circle).
2. 12" P.V.C. class 150 water main shall be constructed from connection point #9
(in east Navigator Circle, approximately 200' south of Windrose Drive) to
connection point #6 (located on the westerly boundary line of interstate #5
3. 8" P.V.C. class 150 water mains shall be installed in remaining streets (except for
portion of Avenida Encinas as shown on approved map).
"Serving Carlsbad for over 35 years"
Page 2
Eric Munoz, City Planning Department
January 23, 1995
4. Fire hydrants shall be installed as shown on approved map.
5. Gate valves shall be installed as shown on approved map.
6. Existing 8" and 10" service stubs in Windrose Drive shall be disconnected at the
existing main and sealed and abandoned.
7. The existing 16" A.C.P. and 8" A.C.P. and 8" "temporary" steel hi-line shall be put
out of service and removed. Arrangements shall be made to keep residences in
service. Developers Engineer shall prepare a phasing procedure for District
8. There are existing bonds and agreements on file at District between the District
and Batiquitos Pointe, C.T. 82-18 (CMWD 82-210 & 84-514 BLEP) for onsite and
offsite (San Dieguito Water District Inter-tie System) improvements. Developer will
place on hold the bonds and agreements until City resolves the Carlsbad Blvd.
and Ponto Drive intersection alignment. After the City establishes alignment, the
Developer will be required to enter into a new agreement. After its execution, the
District will exonerate bonds, void the agreement and establish financial
PUBLIC RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM: (See approved reclaimed water system
analysis map).
1. 6" P.V.C. class 200 water mains shall be installed in Windrose Drive and Avenida
Encinas from the north boundary to the west boundary.
2. Gate valves shall be installed as shown on approved plan.
3. Prepare a colored reclaimed water use map for the private reclaimed system and
submit to City Planning Department for processing. After review, possible
additional public water mains may be required.
PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM LAYOUT: (See approved sewer system layout).
1. A minimum 10" diameter sewer main shall be installed beginning at Basin No. 2
connection point to the existing manhole at Windrose Drive and west Navigator
Circle intersection.
2. The sewer mains shall be installed per the approved sewer system layout.
Eric Munoz, City Planning Department
January 23, 1995
3. A portion of the existing sewer main in Windrose Drive and its northwesterly
prolongation shall be removed. The Developers engineer will provide a "order of
work" to insure continuous service to the effected residence.
4. The Developer shall prepare a sewer study which will include size, calculations
and capacity information. The study will be based on the "Carlsbad Standard
Sewer System Design Criteria and Standard Drawings and Specifications".
The potable water system computer readouts establishing sizing and flows are on file for
review at the District Engineering Department.
Please contact the undersigned with any questions.
Very truly yours,
Associate Engineer
MARCH 30 ,1995
FROM: Associate Engineer, Davis
The Engineering Department has completed it's review of the project and recommends
approval under the attached conditions. An engineering report was prepared to assist
you in the preparation of the Staff Report to the Planning Commission as follows:
Projected ADT-. soo
Traffic and circulation were reviewed and all their issues were resolved with the Master
Cul-de-sac standards require that Avenida Encinas be extended across the railroad and
connected to Carlsbad Boulevard before any unit within the Master Plan area can be
occupied. Construction of the needed facilities was guaranteed with the final map for
CT 94-01.
projected EDITS so
Both sewer and water issues were resolved with the review of the master plan and
master tentative map CT 94-01.
District: CMWD
Projected use CPD 11,000
District: CMWD
Cut 4,300 Cubic Yards Fill 13,500 cubic yards import 9,200 cubic Yards
The grading quantities shown above are the additional grading needed to create lot
pads and streets for this project. This site was a part of the mass grading for CT 94-01
and basic sheet grading is in the process of being done as this report is being written.
The import will come from other planning areas in the Master Plan area.
Drainage Basin D, Batiquitos Lagoon.
The preliminary hydrology study was prepared by George O'Day of O'Day Consultants,
dated April 30,1993. There are no drainage issues within this Planning Area A-3. There
were major issues within the Master Plan area but these were resolved with CT 94-01.
Construction of the needed facilities were guaranteed with that final map.
The project is conditioned to meet NPDES to reduce pollutants in the runoff with best
management practices.
The parcel boundaries for this project were established by the recording of the final
map for CT 94-01. There are no major land title issues with this project. Coordinating of
utilities with the construction of the extension Avenida Encinas may necessitate certain
utility easements being removed by the final map for this project or separate quitclaim
action may be required. The project will be required to dedicate on the map water
easements and/or general utility and access easements over the private streets.
The project does not require any public improvements except the offsite completion of
Avenida Encinas in order to meet cul-de-sac standards. These improvements will consist
of the extension of Avenida Encinas to connect with Carlsbad Boulevard. The
construction of Avenida Encinas has been guaranteed with the final map for CT 94-01.
No occupancy will be granted in this project until the improvements are constructed. TO
insure that the extension of Avenida Encinas will be available prior to occupancy, the
project has a condition that these improvements be constructed to the City Engineer's
satisfaction prior to occupancy.
FOR CT 94-06
33. This project is located within the West Batiquitos Lagoon Local Coastal Plan. All
development design shall comply with the requirements of that plan.
34. Unless a standards variance has been issued, no variance from City Standards is authorized by
virtue of approval of this tentative map.
35. The applicant shall comply with all the rules, regulations and design requirements of the
respective sewer and water agencies regarding services to the project.
36. The applicant shall be responsible for coordination with S.D.G.&E., Pacific Bell Telephone,
and Cable TV authorities.
37. This project is approved specifically as 1 (single) unit for recordation.
38. If the applicant chooses to construct out of phase, the new phasing must be reviewed and
approved by the City Engineer and Planning Director.
39. The applicant shall provide an acceptable means for maintaining the private easements within
the subdivision and all the private: streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm drain facilities and
sewer facilities located therein and to distribute the costs of such maintenance in an equitable
manner among the owners of the properties within the subdivision. Adequate provision for
such maintenance shall be included with the CC&R's subject to the approval of the City
Engineer prior to approval of the final map.
< > A note to the effect of the following shall be placed on a non-mapping data sheet of the
final map:
"Improvements designated on the improvement plans for this subdivision are private and
are to be privately maintained."
A note shall be placed on the improvement plans stating which utilities are public and
which are private.
41. All concrete terrace drains shall be maintained by the homeowner's association (if on
commonly owned property) or the individual property owner (if on an individually owned
lot). An appropriately worded statement clearly identifying the responsibility shall be placed
in the CC&R's.
43. Approval of this tentative tract map shall expire twenty-four (24) months from the date of
City Council approval unless a final map is recorded. An extension may be requested by the
applicant. Said extension shall be approved or denied at the discretion of the City Council.
In approving an extension, the City Council may impose new conditions and may revise
existing conditions pursuant to Section 20.12.110(a)(2) Carlsbad Municipal Code.
44. The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents, officers, and
employees from any claim, action or proceeding against the City or its agents, officers, or
employees to attack, set aside, void or null an approval of the City, the Planning Commission
or City Engineer which has been brought against the City within the time period provided for
by Section 66499.37 of the Subdivision Map Act.
CR45A. Prior to approval of the final map, the applicant shall pay all current fees and deposits
47. Prior to approval of the final map, the owner of the subject property shall execute an
agreement holding the City harmless regarding drainage across the adjacent property.
CR54. Based upon a review of the proposed grading and the grading quantities shown on the
tentative map, a grading permit for this project is required. Prior to approval of the final map,
the applicant must submit and receive approval for grading plans in accordance with City
codes and standards.
56. No grading shall occur outside the limits of the subdivision unless a grading or slope
easement is obtained from the owners of the affected properties. If the applicant is unable to
obtain the grading or slope easement, no grading permit will be issued. In that case the
applicant must either amend the tentative map or modify the plans so grading will not occur
outside the project site in a manner which substantially conforms to the approved tentative
map as determined by the City Engineer and Planning Director.
57. Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to or from any proposed construction site within
this project, the applicant shall submit to and receive approval from the City Engineer for the
proposed haul route. The applicant shall comply with all conditions and requirements the
City Engineer may impose with regards to the hauling operation.
CR58. The developer shall exercise special care during the construction phase of this project to
prevent offsite siltation. Planting and erosion control shall be provided in accordance with the
Carlsbad Municipal Code and the City Engineer. Reference Chapter 11.06.
60. Rain gutters must be provided to convey roof drainage to an approved drainage course or
street to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
61. Additional drainage easements may be required. Drainage structures shall be provided or
installed prior to or concurrent with any grading or building permit as may be required by the
City Engineer.
63. The owner shall make an offer of dedication to the City for all public streets and easements
required by these conditions or shown on the tentative map. The offer shall be made by a
certificate on the final map. All land so offered shall be granted to the City free and clear of
all liens and encumbrances and without cost to the City. Streets that are already public are
not required to be rededicated.
65. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall underground all existing overhead
utilities within the subdivision boundary. Phasing of the undergrounding in accordance
with construction phasing may be done with the approval of the City Engineer and the
Planning Director.
66. Direct access rights for all lots abutting Avenida Encinas shall be waived on the final map.
71. The applicant shall comply with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall provide best management practices,
as refereferenced in the "California Storm Water Best Management Practices Handbook",
to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas. Plans
for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to approval of the final
map, issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first.
77. Prior to approval of the final map, the design of all private streets and drainage systems shall
be approved by the City Engineer. The structural section of all private streets shall conform to
City of Carlsbad Standards based on R-value tests. All private streets and drainage systems
shall be inspected by the City. The standard improvement plan check and inspection fees shall
be paid prior to approval of the final map for this project.
< > The improvement plans for the above private streets system shall include the public street
access on Avenida Encinas, Street "M", and the following, all to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer:
A. Remove median and replace with pavement in the public portion of Windrose
Circle between Navigator Circle and the private street entrance to this project
and Area-3, CT 94-06.
B. Restripe the above portion of Windrose Circle.
< > Prior to occupancy of any unit within this project, the public improvements of Avenida
Encinas shown on D-337-9 shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
< > Street "M" at Avenida Encinas shall be gated for egress and'emergency access only.
< > Prior to final map approval the design and functional operation of the gate in Street"
"M" shall be approved by the City Engineer. The City shall have the right but not the
obligation to enforce restriction via Street "M". Wording to this affect shall be approved
City Engineer and placed in the project CC&Rs. A note to this affect shall be placed on
the final map.
< > Prior to approval of the final map the applicant shall enter into a secured Basin
Maintenance Agreement for the existing basin adjacent to and west of the Roselina
development. The applicant shall maintain the basin, to the satisfaction of the City
Engineer, until all construction in the Master Plan area contributing drainage to the
basin is completed. The Basin Maintenance Agreement shall then turn over the
maintenance obligation to the Master Homeowners Association. Notification of this
obligation shall be included in the Master Homeowners Association CC&Rs.
City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
April 10, 1995
Brian Murphy
Kaiza Poinsettia Corporation
7220 Avenida Encinas
Suite 200
Carlsbad, CA 92009
The preliminary staff report for the above referenced project will be available for you to
pick up on Monday, April 17, 1995 after 8:00 a.m. This preliminary report will be
discussed by staff at the Development Coordinating Committee (D.C.C.) meeting which
will be held on Monday, April 24,1995. A twenty (20) minute appointment has been set
aside for you at 9:30 a.m. If you have any questions concerning your project, you
should attend the D.C.C. meeting.
It is necessary that you bring your required unmounted colored exhibits(s) with you
to this meeting in order for your project to go forward to the Planning Commission.
If you do not plan to attend this meeting, please make arrangements to have your
colored exhibit(s) here by the scheduled time above.
If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Eric Munoz, at
(619) 438-1161, extension 4441.
Planning Director
2O75 Las Palmas Drive • Carlsbad, California 92OO9-1 576 • (619)438-1161
APRIL 20, 1995
FROM: City Attorney
Following are my comments on the three items apparently
for the May 3, 1995 Planning Commission meeting which are to be
discussed at the DCC meeting on Monday, April 24, 1995. I have not
previously received responses directly from the Engineering
Department with regard to prior comments /suggest ions regarding
Engineering Findings or Conditions, so this memo is additionally
going to the City Engineer in an attempt to obtain such a response.
1. Carlsbad Raceway - COP 94-12.
I have previously directly corresponded with Mike Grim with a copy
to Gary Wayne of my comments with regard to the staff report and
resolutions for the Carlsbad Raceway item by e-mail dated 4/18/95,
copy attached for easy reference.
2. Poinsettia Shores PA "A-3" - CT 94-06 /PUD 94-05.
A)( The Tentative Subdivision Map has to be recommended to the
City Council for approval. However, the Planned Unit Development
is for 50 units and, therefore, within the Planning Commission's
authority to approve under Carlsbad Municipal Code Section
21.45.050. Why is the PUD only being recommended for approval,
rather than being approved by the Planning Commission with a
condition that it is subject to approval of the Tentative
Subdivision Map by the City Council?
B. In Resolution No. 3769, please make the following
changes :
Y\ In Finding No. 1, delete "each of" and "in this
case" for the new standard Nolan/Dolan Finding.
Finding No. 14, regarding landscape is not standard
Finding No. 53 (References to Standard Findings and/or Conditions
are to Jeff Gibson's Master List of Standard Findings and
Conditions) . Since the Landscape Manual has been adopted by
ordinance, the standard finding should be modified and inserted
here to read as follows:
"That the project is consistent with the
City's Landscape Manual adopted by the City
Council by incorporation by reference in
Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 14.28.020."
jL Finding No. 15 regarding LCP consistency, should be
entitled Local Coastal Program Consistency, state what it currently
states plus the addition of "in that..." with some reasonable
statement of aspects of the project which demonstrate its
consistency with the applicable LCP.
\£ Environmental Finding No. 18. In subsection (c),
please identify the mitigated negative declarations on which you
rely for prior compliance by number and date.
In Planning Condition No.
to "Tentative Subdivision Map".
2, please change
Planning Condition No. 10, relating to school
facilities' Should be deleted. It appears that the ordinance
requirement with regard to school fees has been satisfied (as
stated in Finding No. 11(b)), and, therefore, no condition is
necessary. f
should be modified to add a
62 with regard to Tentative
Condition No. 14 (h)
cross reference to Condition No.
Subdivision Map conditions which
8. The standard Engineering Conditions are not present
in Jeff Gibson's compilation of Standard Findings and Conditions,
yet they are clearly frequently occurring standard conditions.
Please provide boilerplate standard conditions imposed by the
Engineering Department on developers to Jeff Gibson and me so they
can be incorporated into the City of Carlsbad Planning Department
Findings and Conditions, or provide me with a separate City of
Carlsbad Engineering Department Findings and Conditions Document
setting forth standard conditions, with a courtesy copy to the
Planning Department. Please change the format of those existing
standard conditions to be consistent with the format of the
Planning Department Conditions (with which the Water District and
Fire Department are also coming into compliance). That is please
eliminate governmental passive voice; be consistent in the use of
the term "Developer" as opposed to "applicant" or "owner" or some
combination of all three; review them to determine which are true
conditions as opposed to mere reminders of existing municipal code
requirements; for those that are only reminders of municipal code
requirements, please delete them from your standard form conditions
and place them at the back of approval documents reciting findings,
conditions and code reminders, in the code reminders section.
Please discuss with the Planning Department the addition of an
introductory paragraph prior to all conditions, to the effect that
all conditions set forth in the Tentative Subdivision Map approval
must be satisfied prior to approval of the first final map unless
otherwise specifically required or allowed to be satisfied at some
other time set forth in the particular condition. Then we can
delete the introductory phrase "prior to approval of the final map"
preceding most of the conditions set forth.
9. Condition No. 34, please explain the meaning of this
10. Condition No. 35 requires approval of out-of-phase
development. However, the condition implies that there is an
existing phase plan which has been reviewed and approved and must
be followed unless out-of-phase development is approved. Is this
a standard boilerplate requirement that is inapplicable to this
project because there is no phasing plan, or have we previously
approved a development phasing plan for this project?
11. Please provide an internal heading for all Notes,
whether on the final map or elsewhere, and group them together. Is
the condition regarding the improvement plan utilities note
intended to be part of Condition No. 37 or a separate condition?
12. Please follow up with Mike Smith to see if the Fire
Conditions can be reduced or eliminated entirely and/or converted
to code reminders. If true conditions remain, please ensure that
they are in a similar format to the boilerplate findings and
conditions for the Planning Department, as requested herein for the
Engineering Department. For example, Condition No. 60, if truly a
condition, should read "Developer shall provide an all weather
access road to serve the project during construction."
13. When and by whom is the potable water system going
to be evaluated as set forth in Condition No. 65?
14. The second sentence of Condition No. 66 is not a
complete sentence.
15. What conditions, if any, set forth in the Water
District's approved analysis dated March 21, 1994 are applicable to
this project? If any, we should make a determination of what they
are and set them forth as true conditions.
16. If we are going to set forth the payment of fees as
a code reminder, why isn't it a generic provision applying to any
and all fees "including, but not limited to", the following, rather
than just the landscape plancheck and inspection fee?
17. Code Reminder No. 73 does not appear to be necessary
in light of specific conditions 18 and 19 with regard to the
Landscape Manual and Plancheck Process.
18. Code Reminder No. 74 could perhaps be combined with
Code Reminder 68 with regard to fees and be more all-inclusive.
19. Code Reminder No. 75 regarding a grading permit
appears to be unnecessary in light of Condition No. 42 which
implies that a grading permit is required. Perhaps the two could
be combined?
20. In Code Reminder No. 76, we state the cross
reference to Chapter 11.06. As a matter of form, if in the Code
Reminder section we are going to set forth the cross reference for
the user's convenience, we should do it for each and every Code
Reminder set forth in that discretionary approval, or not at all.
I don't have a preference except that it be consistent, either all
present or none present.
3. Poinsettia Shores PA "A-4" - CT 94-07/PUD 94-06.
My comments to this item are essentially the same as for PA "A-3",
above, except that this PUD is for 61 units and, therefore, must be
only recommended approval as is set forth in both the staff report
and the resolution. All other comments regarding the resolution
appear to be equally applicable to the resolution for this item.
Please provide me with responses to my questions/comments by noon
on Tuesday, April 25, 1995 so that we have time to discuss and
adjust prior to the mailing of the package to the Planning
Commissioners on Wednesday.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
Assistant City Attorney
c: Eric Munoz
Jim Davis
Ron Ball
Bobbie Hoder
MAY 3, 1995
FROM: Associate Planner
Please note the following corrections/modifications to the above referenced projects:
1. Delete Condition No. 14 from page 7 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3769.
2. Delete Condition No. 57 from page 12 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3769.
3. Delete Condition No. 57 from the listing of conditions contained within Condition No.
13 (G) on page 7 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3769.
M -/ / (^L^,T>
City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
May 11, 1995
Brian Murphy
Kaiza Poinsettia Corporation
7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 200
Carlsbad, CA 92009
At the Planning Commission meeting of May 3, 1995, your application was considered.
The Commission voted 6-1 (Monroy) to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of your request.
Some decisions are final at Planning Commission, and others automatically go forward
to City Council. If you have any questions regarding the final dispositions of your
application, please call the Planning Department at (619) 438-1161.
Planning Director
Enclosed: Planning Commission Resolution No. 3769, 3770, 3771 and 3772.
2O75 Las Palmas Drive • Carlsbad, California 92OO9-1576 • (619)438-1161
City o_f Carlsbad
Engineering Department
May 13,1998
Poinsettia Homebuilding Partners, L.P. *
Attn: Colin Seid
4141 Jutland Dr., Suite 200
San Diego, Ca 92117
SUBJECT: Placing overhead utilities under ground on Poinsettia Shore's Planning
Area's A-3 and A-4.
Based upon a recent inspection of the aforementioned project sites, we observed that the
overhead utilities which extend from the south end of Planning Area A-4 to the north end
of Planning Area A-3 have not been placed underground as of to date. It is also our
understanding that you will soon be applying for building permits. Per condition no. 42 of
Planning Commission Resolution No. 3771 (CT 94-07, Planning Area A-4) and
condition no. 41 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3769 (CT 94-06, Area A-3), all
existing overhead utility lines within these subdivisions must be placed underground
prior to issuance of building permits. This condition applies to all types of building
permits, including retaining walls and model homes. We are informing you about this
requirement merely as a courtesy to ensure that you understand the impacts that these
utilities impose upon development of these subdivisions.
If you have any questions, please call me at 438-1161 ext. 4324.
David Rick
Engineering Technician
c: Bob Wojcik
Clyde Wickham
Eric Munoz
2O75 Las Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92OO9-1576 - (76O) 438-1161 • FAX (76O) 431-5769