HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 98-14; Thompson/Tabata; Tentative Map (CT) (123)MARY & JOSEPH HULL, P. B.
November 1, 2001
Mr. Michael J. Holzmiller
Planning Director
City of Carlsbad
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314
Dear Mr. Holzmiller:
The purpose of this letter is to provide addition information regarding our letter of
October 29, 2001 and our comments on die Negative Declaration (ND) of April 4,
2001 for the proposed Standard Pacific Development Project-Thompson/Tabata
Site. Please provide this letter to City staff members and if possible add to the staff
report for the Planning Commission or provide to the Commission for the
November 7, 2001 meeting.
Our previously letters have mentioned that our main concern regarding the project
is the additional trips proposed for Daisy Avenue. We have discussed our concerns
with both City staff and the Standard Pacific to develop alternatives to either avoid
this impact altogether or at least minimize the effect of the project on the existing
Spinnaker Hill community.
Please find attached a proposed layout alternative, known as Modified Alternative 3,
for the southern portion of the project. This alternative proposes two
modifications to the current project layout. These modifications are changing the
direction of the "C" Street cul-de-sac and adding a raised median at the south end of
"B" Street. We support the modified Alternative 3 layout, as it will substantially
reduce the traffic that will use Daisy Avenue from the new development. In
addition, this alternative meets City standards and provides a development project
that is a better fit within the existing community.
We endorse the Modified Alternative 3 for the project, and request that City staff
approve this change and allow Standard Pacific to update their Tentative Map based
on this alternative. Should you have any questions regarding this letter or previous
correspondence please contact us at (760) 438-2719.
R. Hull Joseph R. Hull
Register Civil Engineer CA #45807
c: Carlsbad City Council
Carlsbad Planning Commission
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